Blogs 4 Brownback

February 9, 2008

Campaign 2008 Update

Campaign 2008Just a quick update on Campaign 2008 to keep you up to speed with what’s going down.

Governor of Texas Rick Perry asked Mike Huckabee to drop out. Huck refused. Perry had originally endorsed Giuliani (who won only a single delegate) and has since hopped onboard the Straight Talk Express, so his judgement is questionable to say the least.

Fred Thompson also chose to jump on the bandwagon, endorsing his friend John McCain. Way to sell out, Fred! We knew you had it in you after you woke up from your nap.

Mike Huckabee easily won the state of Kansas today, adding to his own delegate count. The conservative alternative to the “maverick” Senator from Arizona pledged to stay in the race until one of the remaining candidates gets the required 1,191 delegates. Good for you, Huck.

Meanwhile, the kooky Dr. Ron Paul has all but dropped out of the race. His long shot campaign never really had a chance, but his crazy rants have kept the debates interesting in a train wreck sort of way. Paul has ruled out a third party run, preferring to concentrate on keeping his Congressional seat to suffering an embarrassing third party defeat.

Barry Obama, it would seem, appears to be the eventual Democrat party nominee. He will probably mop up the floor with McCain in a debate. Huckabee would at least hold his own. So we should all be glad that he’s going to keep battling for the remaining states and for conservatism.

Hillary Clinton is steaming mad over David Shuster’s comment about Chelsea Clinton being “sort of pimped out” by her campaign. She “found the remarks incredibly offensive.” Not enough drama, Hilldog. Maybe you need to shed some crocodile tears again so people will pay attention. Naturally, NBC wimped out and suspended Shuster for making the un-PC comment. Cowards.

That’s where things stand as of now. Have a great weekend, B4Bers! And have a wonderful day at church tomorrow.

Update: Huckabee wins Louisiana and is within a couple of points of McCain in Washington state. How embarrassing for the presumptive front-runner Johnny Mac. Barry Obama sweeps Super Saturday.

Update 2: With the vote count stuck at 87% and JMac ahead of Huck by just over 200 votes (after trailing most of the night), the Washington state GOP has called it for McCain without counting the rest of the votes.  Huckabee’s campaign is calling for an investigation.  Something smells rotten in the state of Washington.  Thanks to Sam Brown at B4H for bringing this to my attention.

— Psycheout

January 22, 2008

Adios, Fred

Grandpa FredFred Thompson’s campaign has gone the way of Goliath:

Republican Fred Thompson, the actor-politician who attracted more attention as a potential presidential candidate than as a real one, quit the race for the White House on Tuesday after a string of poor finishes in early primary and caucus states.

“Today, I have withdrawn my candidacy for president of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort,” the former Tennessee senator said in a brief statement.

Thompson’s fate was sealed last Saturday in the South Carolina primary, when he finished third in a state that he had said he needed to win.

One less contender for the GOP. One less RINO in the way of the Huckabee/Brownback Presidency.

And as an added benefit, I never have to hear another word about that shameless harlot, Jeri Thompson. Her sluttish strumpetry threatened to derail our nation itself. God has mercifully placed her out of the public concern henceforth.

December 17, 2007

Dewey Defeats Truman!

Dewey Defeats TrumanYesterday there was a lot of buzz about who Congressman Steve King (R-IA) was going to endorse. Up until the last moment, Romney supporters were crowing about how their man was going to get it and that the endorsement was going to help push him over the top to win Iowa.

Here’s how MSNBC’s coverage played out as the story broke:

And the endorsements keep coming… Congressman Steve King (R), one of Iowa’s most strident critics of illegal immigration and a champion of the state’s rural conservatives, has endorsed Romney.

King’s endorsement of Romney could serve to further the Massachusetts governor’s case against Huckabee, whom Team Romney hopes to paint as weak on immigration.

And Romney supporters cheered. But wait….

*** UPDATE *** King just announced that he’s supporting Thompson.

Then Thompson’s supporter cheered. Good for him.

What was particularly funny was this:

Team Romney is in the back of the room looking bewildered. They were all here, leading all the press to conclude that it was an endorsement for Romney.

Aww, look at all those sad little faces. They marched into the room triumphantly, like Hitler marching into Paris, leading the press to believe Romney had it. The truth of the matter is that Romney’s got more money to hire brownshirts, er supporters. (Sorry, the metaphor tried to run away with this paragraph.)

Those poor little guys. Politics ain’t beanbag, boys.

— Psycheout

October 8, 2007

Don’t Drool, Fred!

Filed under: Debate,Fred Thompson,RINOs — Psycheout @ 10:05 pm

Ol' Fred ThompsonRoger Simon sets the expectations high for Fred Thompson in tomorrow’s debate.

All he has to do is not fall asleep.

All he has to do is not throw up.

All he has to do is not drool.

Ha ha ha! But can Fred! do it? It will be interesting to see how the man once touted to be the conservative savior fares in the debate. He recently picked up the endorsement of George “Macaca” Allen and wowed fairgoers by riding around in a golf cart.

Here’s a preview of tomorrow night’s debate:

Matthews: So, Sen. Thompson, tell us where you stand on SCHIP.

Thompson: I don’t really know about SCHIP, Chris. I am more of a Chips Ahoy! man. They are some kind of delicious.

Matthews: SCHIP is the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. It is not a cookie.

Thompson: Well, Chris, Chips Ahoy! is not just a cookie. It is the chocolate chunks everybody wants.

Ron Paul will blame neocon zionists for the lack of chunks in his cookie. And the audience will blow chunks, or toss cookies if you prefer. And as to Fred!‘s debate preparation:

“I’ll have to do a few things to get ready for that, that’s for sure,” he told me. “I am probably a little rusty on my sound-bite delivery. Unfortunately, that is kind of what it boils down to. But hopefully I will be able to hang with them.”

And that’s all he has to do. Hang with them. Or else he will surely hang alone.

Either Fred Thompson will fall asleep or he will put us to sleep. Either way, it will be an interesting debate. Or not. Fortunately there will be at least one real conservative on the stage: Sam Brownback. He’s the one to watch, no question about it.

— Psycheout

September 11, 2007

Fred Thompson: Terrorist Lawyer

Filed under: Fred Thompson,Idiocy,Terrorism — Psycheout @ 6:39 pm

Fraud ThompsonThis should disqualify Fraud Thompson from running for the Presidency. He worked on behalf of the Libyan terrorists who blew Pan Am flight 103 out of the sky over Lockerbie Scotland. Lobbying on behalf of abortion on demand is one thing – advocating for terrorists is another. It is completely unacceptable.

That American law firms would represent two men indicted for killing 270 people in one of the most horrible terrorist attacks of all time–an attack, essentially, on America–was a scandal even at the time. Jay Leno expressed his disgust on the Tonight Show. A family member of one of the victims, Susan Cohen, said of a former State Department lawyer who accepted work from the Libyans (though subsequently withdrew in the furor), “I think this is treason…. [he] is going to work for a terrorist country that has American blood on its hands. It’s disgusting.”

Indeed it is. So much for law and order.

Several prominent lobbyists, including Tommy Boggs, turned down overtures to work for Libya on the case, despite offers of a reported $1.5 million retainer. Vicki Reggie Kennedy, wife of Ted, actually resigned a partnership in her law firm over its decision to represent Libya, even though–as far as I can tell–she was never asked to do any work on the case.

But not good ol’ Fred. Not go along to get along, take a dollar where you find it Fred. A couple dozen hours lobbying for abortion rights? Why not? A few more spent helping defend two men accused of a heinous act of terrorism? Heck, if it wasn’t Fred, it’d just be someone else, right?

In a political era in which the cost of a man’s haircut can be treated as though it were a window into his soul, you’d think people would be a little more curious what it says about Fred Thompson that he’d do work…for indicted terrorists.

Could I possibly vote for Fraud Thompson? Not in this lifetime.  Considering that he has actually worked for terrorists can he be trusted to fight the war on terror against them?  Can you say conflict of interest?  It seems he would be willing to sell out our nation for a few dollars.  It’s a question of character.  Does Fred! have any?  Sadly, no.

— Psycheout

August 30, 2007

Fred! Announces He Will Announce

Filed under: Election 2008,Fred Thompson — Psycheout @ 7:04 pm

Fred ThompsonThe buzz earlier today was that Fred Thompson would soon announce that he was going to announce his intention to announce his candidacy. But that title was too long. How many announcements have there been about an impending announcement? I don’t know. I’ve lost count.

Now that the announcement of the future announcement has taken place, the title for this blog post is somewhat more manageable. What’s interesting about this current announcement of the upcoming September 6th announcement is that it falls one day after the September 5th New Hampshire debate. Fred! will be skipping the debate, naturally. They should probably set up an empty podium for Fred! next to a golf cart. It’s hard to take Hollywood Fred seriously at this point.

At least Fred State is exited about it. Although it certainly seems like I’ve read similar pre-announcements before. Actually I’m not even sure I linked to the most recent one!

My reaction: zzzzzz.

People are tired of this game already. Either crap or get off the pot, Fred!

Update: Fred’s slogan: “Security, Unity, and Prosperity.”  And the crowd smirked.  You’ll have to do better than that, Fred.

— Psycheout

August 21, 2007

Fred Thompson Campaign in a Nutshell

Filed under: Fred Thompson,YouTube — Psycheout @ 2:59 pm

See Fred! ride around the Iowa fair in a golf cart! Thrill to Fred!’s exciting visit to a cow sculpted entirely out of butter! Feel the suspense as Fred! still won’t declare himself a GOP candidate!

I can’t seem to put my finger on what Fred! riding around in a motorized cart reminds me of. Hmmm.

Michael Dukakis in Tank

Oh yeah. That’s it. President Dukakis as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

Get out of the golf cart and give it up, Fred Thompson.

Update: For those of you who don’t get the reference, a little background:

Michael Dukakis, 1988 – Another Landmark Image

After Gary Hart was photographed with a model (no, not his wife) in 1988 on a boat dubbed Monkey Business, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis became the Democrat’s choice to run for President against George Bush. At a General Dynamics plant in Michigan, the Duke wanted to show he was no softie on defense, so took a spin in a tank. Compared with the dashing WWII pilot Bush, the little Dukakis came off a clown, and the photo op blew up in his face.

And Wikipedia notes that “‘Dukakis in the tank’ remains shorthand for backfired public relations outings.”  Now you know.

— Psycheout

August 10, 2007




August 1, 2007

Fred Thompson Courts the Witch Vote

Filed under: Fred Thompson,Humor,Idiocy — Psycheout @ 6:32 pm

Fred!I thought this was a little odd, even for Fred Thompson:

You’ve probably never heard of Rebecca Nurse, but bear with me for a moment. Nurse arrived in Salem, Massachusetts in 1640. There, despite being known as a woman of virtue and piety, she was accused of being a witch. On July 19, 1692, she was hanged.

Of course, because witches were known to be virtuous and pious. My ability to bear with you, Fred!, is waning fast. Cut to the chase.

Now almost 315 years to the day later, one of Nurse’s ancestors is suffering through a witch hunt of a more modern variety. I’m talking about Judge Leslie Southwick, whose nomination to the long-standing vacancy on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit is being thwarted by Senate Democrats.

Hmmm, don’t you mean “descendants?” Or is this an audition for a time travel movie? The Terminator vs Salem. I suppose the DemoRATs are threatening to burn her at the stake? No? Cheap theatrics, Fred.

Politics and witchcraft. What would Harry Potter do?

NOTE: You must be a Friend of Fred to view or post comments on the I’mWithFred website. How stupid is that?

— Psycheout

July 31, 2007

Flipper 2: Electric Boogaloo

Filed under: Fred Thompson,Taxes — Psycheout @ 9:18 pm

FlipperYes, folks, Freddy’s flipped:

Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., appears to have flip flopped on his pledge to sign federal legislation replacing all federal taxes with a 23 percent sales tax, according to an unedited video reviewed by ABC News.

“He has not taken this pledge,” Thompson spokesperson Linda Rozett told ABC News.

Flip Fred!, flip!

The Thompson camp’s denial appears to be contradicted, however, by an unedited video in which Thompson is asked, “Senator, if the House and Senate pass the ‘Fair Tax’ bill do you feel right now that you would sign it?”

Thompson replies to the question by saying, “Yeah, absolutely.”

“Fred Thompson may have spoken without thinking. But the tape is accurate,” said spokesman Ken Hoagland.

Speaking without thinking is the last thing we need in a President. Not much else to say, except Fred! is no Ronald Reagan. He’s certainly not the conservative savior that his rabid fans seem to think.

Bonus StoryFred Thompson: The Lazy Man’s Candidate.

Extra Bonus: Actor’s presidential ambitions are put on hold.

— Psycheout

July 30, 2007

Fred Thompson: Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

Filed under: Election 2008,Fred Thompson — Psycheout @ 7:20 pm

DimeIt looks like the unstoppable Fred!mentum isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

According to many right wing pundits Thompson would raise boatloads and take over the Republican race. In the light of Thompson’s anemic fundraising efforts (apparently he doesn’t like to actually do the work), some are ‘re-evaluating’ their opinion:

Some are already saying a prospective Thompson run is a flop. “I just don’t see it anymore,” said a key Republican who had been extremely enthusiastic about a Thompson candidacy. “That number is really underwhelming. There were indications it could be double that. They’ve been saying that people were waiting for Fred, and the money was going to pour in. He looks like he’s already losing momentum.”

A phoney like Fred! needs a lot of money to fool voters into supporting him. And it isn’t pouring in as thick and as fast as Fred!Heads were expecting.

His strategy of sitting on the sidelines (being the lazy man that he obviously is) isn’t exactly paying off. Either declare or get out. Preferably the latter. We need a President who is committed to the cause of taking on the terrorists and renewing American values. I don’t think ol’ Fred! has the energy or inclination to do either.

Stay in Hollywierd Fred!, we don’t need you.

Update: Hot Air has more, as always.

Update 2: Race 4 2008 has this:

Though the figure was widely reported Monday, the narrative following the amount seems to be one of a struggling would-be campaign.

Not so, say campaign officials.

Oh, well that takes care of that.  Fred!‘s campaign officials said so.

— Psycheout

Sadly No on Fred Thompson

Filed under: Fred Thompson,Weirdos and Hippies — Psycheout @ 2:05 am

Sadly, No! LogoThe weirdos and hippies at Sadly, No!, scratch that, a weirdo named D. Aristophanes has a post up about Fred Thompson. I can’t make head nor tail of it. So go read it for yourself. Maybe.

I usually prefer the rattlings of hippie outcast HTML Mencken (aka Retardo Montalban), if I have to choose (although he “rips” on the brilliant journalist Mark Steyn way too much), but a post from the stoned parrot will have to do.

Polly wanna cracker? Sadly, no.

I couldn’t find anything to quote because it’s all such stream of consciousness psychobabble, but the kids seem to like it. Well, the leftist kids. Well, the slow ones. You know the sign “Slow Children at Play?” That’s the Sadly, No! crew. And by that I mean the dunder twins, Brad and Gavin. I think they were on the Love Boat.

Anyway, go on over there and laugh and point. This post is a perfect example of why one should not post stoned. It’s as if our very own Cookie Monster wrote it.

Weirdos and hippies. We’re surrounded by them, folks.

NOTE: I can’t tell whether it’s pro- or anti- Fred! It’s that nutty. Maybe someone can explain it for me.

After reading this nonsense, you’ll learn to appreciate B4B’s objective and sensible reporting all the more.

NOTE 2: I only link to this post because it is ostensibly about Fred Thompson and thus is newsworthy, sort of. It also demonstrates the leftist male’s fetish for makeup, which in itself is a bit queer. And also I hope that some of our far-left dhimmi-crat commenters, including the Cookie Monster, will feel right at home over there and will go away. Shoo!

Update: Oh, I get it.  Teh parr0t is calling Fred gay.  Apparently Sadly No is not a serious news site.

— Psycheout

July 26, 2007

Right said Fred-heads

Filed under: Fred Thompson — relee @ 5:20 pm

This is the kind of article that makes me sad…and at the same time makes me realize that what we’re doing here is important:

Fred Thompson is flooding a network of conservative web sites with op-eds in an attempt to soothe the right about his past support for campaign finance reform and his opposition to malpractice lawsuit limits.

As he prepares to launch a bid for the GOP presidential nomination, Thompson has penned articles on a broad swath of conservative touchstones, everything from illegal immigration to global warming to gun control.

I wonder if he’s penned any articles about pimping himself out to pro-abortion extremists.

Which isn’t to say there isn’t a lot of sense in some of these Freditorials:

On concerns about global warming: “It seems scientists have noticed recently that quite a few planets in our solar system seem to be heating up a bit, including Pluto. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non-signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists who run their air-conditioning at 60 degrees and refuse to recycle.”

I keep a pretty close tab on the temperatures of other planets in our solar system as well, and Fred is right on the money here. And I’m glad that Thompson isn’t one of those astronomical relativists who wants to say Pluto isn’t really a planet.

But let’s be honest here: Fred is trying to replace real grassroots enthusiasm — the kind you see here everyday — with mass-produced (and most likely focus-grouped) boilerplate. That’s not gonna cut it.

Not with this voter.

July 25, 2007

Jeri Thompson vs Hillary Clinton for President?

Filed under: Election 2008,Fred Thompson,Hillary Clinton,Idiocy,Jeri Thompson — Psycheout @ 4:18 pm

Fred and Jeri Thompson (in a nightgown)Behind every great man is a woman. Or in Hillary’s case behind every far-left wackjob socialist woman is a disgusting womanizer. Perhaps the womanizer part is true even in Jeri Thompson’s case. John Lennon had his Yoko Ono, Samson had his Delilah, and Fred! has his Jeri. And if history is any judge, it can only end in tears.

Some sources describe the role of the presumed candidate’s wife, Jeri, as vast and powerful. Sources say “she’s integrally involved in every decision” and that Fred Thompson has “set it up so everything goes through her.” Critically, that was cast as “running it like a congressional campaign” and from the “kitchen table.”

But I thought she was just a li’l ol’ Trophy Wife…. Nope, she’s a power broker. She’s even more energetic than her tubby hubby, ol’ super-Fred!

At present, those close to the planning say Jeri is involved in hiring, salaries, schedule, office assignments at the two headquarters, and small details like the color of bumper stickers. Some sources defend her, adding that “it’s easy to say she’s controlling things.” Sources describe that she, like many in Washington, knows many people in politics. They acknowledge Jeri meets with and interviews senior staff candidates and is clearly a key adviser.

But are cute little Jeri’s efforts paying off? Hmmm.

Sources close to the presumptive campaign tell NBC News that Fred Thompson’s fundraising is down “markedly.” One claimed it has “slowed down big-time.”

Oh, but I’m sure she’s helping with her hands-on approach. Right?

[Yet] Another Staff Departure

Oh well. Race 4 2008 has more.

So if Thompson gets the lazy nod, will it be Fred! vs. Hillary or Jeri vs. Hillary? I’m so confused. But I bet Fred! and Billy Jeff go hang out at Hooters while the girls, Jeri and Hilly, have a raging catfight over who belongs in the White House.

Frankly, they should all be barred at the door. Better yet, keep them outside the gate.

— Psycheout

July 23, 2007

Fraud Thompson’s Tasty Slush Fund

Filed under: Election 2008,Fred Thompson,Idiocy — Psycheout @ 4:40 pm

Having already been established as a pro-abortion lobbyist and liar, Fred Thompson (aka Fred!) also appears to have used his own PAC as a slush fund for his family. So much for Law and Order.

WHAT did Fred Thompson’s son, Daniel, do to earn the more than $170,000 that his firm, Daniel Thompson Associates, was paid from his father’s federal political action committee, the Fred D. Thompson PAC?

The records suggest he did next to nothing.

Like father like son.

It’s perfectly legal for a former public official to roll leftover campaign funds [$378, 601] over to a PAC and use that money to support candidates. Yet very little of these funds actually went to candidates – the bulk of the money was paid to Daniel Thompson.

But sonny boy worked hard for pappy’s PAC, right? He earned that pay by helping elect Republican candidates, right? No?

Maybe Daniel Thompson wrote the 20 checks a year that the PAC mailed out. How much time or skill could that take? Not $85,000 a year worth.

The PAC appears to have had no office, no phone and no employees other than Daniel Thompson. Minor amounts went for spot telephone and Internet bills, and for an accountant.

I can’t wait for the FredHeads to defend this. You can bet they will. Cue someone referring to me as “PsychePatient” in 3, 2, 1….

See also: Previous exclusive B4B coverage of Hollywood Fred.

— Psycheout

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