Blogs 4 Brownback

May 2, 2008

Faithmouse Friday

Filed under: Christianity,Faith,Faithmouse Friday — Psycheout @ 10:06 pm
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Dan Lacey’s Faithmouse has a positive message for us all going into the weekend.

Faithmouse - Sinners Aren't Winners

If Dan hasn’t put this on a T-Shirt yet, he certainly should.  It would be fun for the kids while also delivering a lesson for the wearer as well as those who see it.

Have a good weekend, everybody!

— Psycheout

April 29, 2008

The War on Christianity Goes On And On And On

Filed under: Defending America,Faith,Family Values,War on Christianity — Psycheout @ 12:47 am

Jesus with ChildrenWhat liberal media? Oh, that one.

Family and friends had urged Dale and Leilani Neumann to get help for their daughter, but the father considered the illness “a test of faith” and the mother never considered taking the girl to the doctor because she thought her daughter was under a “spiritual attack,” the criminal complaint said.

Darn those parents who would not give into secular humanism! They must be scapegoated! NOW! Call in the feminazi atheist squad, stat!

“It is very surprising, shocking that she wasn’t allowed medical intervention,” Marathon County District Attorney and proud atheist Christian hating feminazi Jill Falstad said. “Her death could have been prevented if only she’d been brainwashed into secular progressivism.” She later added “being a lesbian is great!”

But these folk must be evil, right? They’re Christians, so they must be criminals!

Falstad said the Neumanns have cooperated with investigators and are not under arrest.

Oh, oops. But they’re still evil.

Randall Wormgoor, a friend of the Neumanns, told police that Dale Neumann led Bible studies at his business, Monkey Mo Coffee Shop, and believed physical illness was due to sin, curable by prayer and by asking for forgiveness from God, the complaint said.

And what’s wrong with that? Uh, nothing. Let the persecution begin!

Wormgoor said he and his wife, Althea, were at the Neumann home when Madeline — _ called Kara by her parents — met Jesus. Wormgoor said he had urged the father to seek medical help and was told the illness “was a test of faith for the Neumann family and asked the Wormgoors to join them in praying for Kara to get well,” the complaint said.

And did the Wormgoors join the Neumann family and pray for Madeline? No. Why? Because they hated Jesus with all their hearts. And they likely worshipped Satan too and were probably mostly responsible for the poor child’s death. But she is in a much better place now, Heaven. G-d bless her.

Leilani Neumann, 40, told the AP previously she never expected her daughter to die. The family believes in the Bible, which says healing comes from God, but they have nothing against doctors, she said.

Nothing against doctors? Huh? But I thought they were evil Christians who are obviously crazy? No? Oops. Oh well.

Dale Neumann, 46, a former police officer, has said he has friends who are doctors and started CPR “as soon as the breath of life left” his daughter’s body.

And where were the Wormgooers at the time? I think they need to be investigated. Maybe they’re voodoo practitioners and Obama supporters. You never know.

One relative told police that the girl’s mother believed she “died because the devil is trying to stop Leilani from starting her own ministry,” the complaint said.

This should also be investigated. But will the liberal media follow up? Doubtful. Why? Well, because Christianity is stupid! Communism is good! Madness reigns on this sinful planet, doesn’t it?

B4B plans to set up a defense fund for the Neumanns. They do not deserve the anti-religion persecution they are facing. They did what they thought was right for their daughter who smiles on them from Heaven.

Religious freedom is what made America great. Freedom from persecution is what will continue to keep the U.S.A. great (sorry foreigners, but you know this instinctively, even if you refuse to admit it). And secular humanism is a cul-de-sac, a dead end of evil and perversion. We all know this to be true.

Prayer is what is needed at this time. Not persecution. What say you, America?

— Psycheout

April 9, 2008

Teens Against Porn: Smut Out!

Howdy, ya’ll! Tyler’s in the house! You know, there are a lot of great resources out there on the net battling against the evils of pornography, but it’s an uphill battle. There are thousands of so-called “adult” sites out there trying to lure your children into the downward spiral of porn addiction, the porn industry and prostitution. Thankfully there are good sites out there too, like Teens Against Pornography.

Teens Against Pornography

Be warned that the site contains mature content that should not be viewed by teens under 14 without parental guidance. This is the real deal, kids. The truth about porn, its dangers, and why you shouldn’t ever fall under its evil spell, even after you’re 21. The toll caused by addiction to porn just isn’t worth it.

You are not alone! You have questions. You have fears. We know, we’ve been where you are. We are right here with you. All you have to do, is join the community. We will pray for you. We will hold you accountable. We will offer advice and techniques for claiming victory over the area of sexual purity in your life.

Speaking of sexual purity, it’s never too late to get your life on the right track. Just because you may have slipped up and given it up before, doesn’t mean that your body is an all-they-can-eat buffet. The power to reclaim your chastity and become a born-again virgin is within you, with the help of Jesus and his anti-porn posse. You can find other nice people like yourself, chaste and unsoiled, over at Purity Partners who agree that giving it up before sealing the bond of Holy Matrimony just isn’t cool. Just say no. You ain’t no ho.

Another great resource that will never steer you wrong is Porn Busters. You won’t find popup ads with beckoning harlots and pictures of midgets fornicating with farm animals or urinating on each other over there. Oh no! Just God’s honest truth about the evils of porn and how to fight against it in your own life.

Also praiseworthy is the fine work done by the XXXChurch to help educate porn addicts and those who love (but are disgusted by) them about the insidious nature of the sex industry and how to stamp it out with a righteous vengeance. They distribute King James Bibles at porn centers and conventions and help to save young porny girls who are begging for help to escape the bondage that they find themselves in.

You see, porn doesn’t just damage consumers of filth, but also those who are forced to engage in its production. They all deserve our sympathy and prayers of course. But if they don’t abandon their sinful ways, they deserve the eternal damnation they shall receive as a painful reward for a lifetime of debauchery.

These are just a few resources to help those fighting the porn demons in their own lives. Pass them along to friends, especially those loners you know. And remember that in God’s eyes, lusting after a voluptuous harlot is exactly the same as (if not worse than) adultery.

Can you imagine what He thinks of masturbation? Think about it, and just don’t do it. If your hand offends thee…do what thy must. What is more important? Giving into Satan for an empty and sinful reward or a blissful afterlife in Heaven? Choose.


April 3, 2008

Atheist Anti-Christian Teacher May Be History

Filed under: Education,Faith,Family Values,Justice/Law,Satanism,War on Christianity — Psycheout @ 7:15 pm

AtheistsA public school teacher who instructed his impressionable classroom of children that “Christians are more likely than other people to commit rape and murder” is being sued for his anti-Christian remarks which have left a young student emotionally traumatized and literally scarred for life.  This is the price of allowing atheism to infest and infect our schools, a gradual process which has been causing widespread social decay ever since an activist Supreme Court kicked G-d out of the classroom against His wishes.

“It was very hard for me because it’s like basically telling me all this stuff that I’ve believed my whole entire life — it’s just basically trying to throw it out the window,” Farnan told FOX News.

But this revisionist history teacher may find himself thrown out the window, on the outside looking in, if Justice prevails.

Farnan’s family has filed a federal lawsuit against the Capistrano Unified School District, claiming Corbett’s remarks violated the First Amendment, which prohibits laws “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” They are demanding that Corbett be fired.

The “defense” is rather weak, although just the kind of nonsense that secular progressive groups like the ACLU are likely to back.

“The purpose is not to indoctrinate, but simply to provide a basic starting point to provoke discussion,” Spradlin said.

Encouraging a rousing discussion about the Glory of G-d and His rightful place at the head of our society does not require the belittlement and persecution of Christians everywhere.  And it is neither a school’s nor a teacher’s place to confuse and warp young minds by attacking their personal faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

This teacher should clearly be history.  Maybe living in a cardboard box and panhandling for a living will teach him some religious tolerance and respect for people of faith.

— Psycheout

March 31, 2008

Dating Dos and Do Not Dos: Don’t Date a Liberal

Filed under: Democratic Idiocy,Faith,Family,Family Values,Popular Culture,Republicans — Psycheout @ 5:48 pm

Sharon Soon of Conservatives with AttitudeThis is for the young readers out there. I know that a lot of the stuff written here is about politics and current events that might be too difficult for you to understand or too dry to catch your interest. One young person wrote, “Dear Mr. Psycheout, what about something for us conservative kids?” Well, Billy. This one’s for you.

A lot of young folk out there are looking for a life partner. A woman to bear his children or a man to tell her what to do. But finding that special someone who holds the right views is a sometimes difficult task. The most important thing, however, should be obvious: don’t date a liberal or an atheist, even if you are chaperoned by your loving parents.

Right Wing News has an article of interest for those of you still seeking that good Christian young man or young lady to share your life with. It’s all about dating from six smart and attractive conservative bloggers. And they all seem to have the same advice on dating a liberal: don’t do it!

Cassy Fiano of WizbangAccording to Wizbanger Cassy Fiano,

I tend not to date liberals, for a reason. Politics is so important to what I do and I follow it so much. I can’t respect a guy who’s liberal all that much because it makes me question his intelligence. So, that’s a big minus because I’m thinking how smart can this guy be if he thinks John Kerry is a great politician? (Laughs) If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be?

And sassy Cassy also highlights the differences, the important ones:

They [liberals] don’t have the manners that conservatives do. I think that’s because conservative men buy into this feminist orthodoxy less. They don’t have a thing about paying for you on a date, holding a door open, being a gentleman. Conservatives do that more than liberals do. …just the old fashioned gentleman type that women really want, but there aren’t that many of them out there any more.

Karol Sheinin has some advice if one finds oneself accidentally dating a libbie: change him. She proudly boasts “Some of the guys I have dated started out liberal, but they didn’t stay that way.” You go girl!

It’s a slow process, but not impossible and I’ve done it. But, I sort of prefer to just date someone who’s conservative right off the bat because the conversion thing, you never really know if they are doing it just to keep you happy or what. …I definitely have strong convictions and politics is important to me. It’s an essential part of my life. …It seems like it’s just political beliefs but those things extend into other facets of your life — how you raise children, and what kind of marriage you’re going to have…

Sharon Soon of Conservatives with AttitudeSharon Soon has similar thoughts on dating liberals. It’s just not worth it!

It’s kind of like night and day. I have always had a policy of not dating liberals, but once, after a bad break-up, I dated a couple of liberal guys…

First of all, they don’t have the same values and I find that to be a fundamental problem. I know a lot of people are willing to accept that, but I’m not. Their whole world view is different from someone who has conservative values and traditional values as a way of life.

And Sharon understands the misguided liberal mindset and lifestyle as well as any political scientist.

Being focused on yourself, and your rights, and materialism, and no ultimate sense of morality — because I guess when you believe in a more secular way of life, a more liberal viewpoint, it’s all about what you can do for yourself and how you can be happy…and you don’t have any belief in absolute truth or religious principles to guide how you live. You get guys who are selfish and into themselves and don’t care so much about humanity, other people, or me — that just leads to a lot of problems. I also have a problem with guys who are into things like getting completely trashed and doing drugs…

In other words, liberals are dirty hedonistic hippies, sociopaths with no moral compass. Well said, Miss Soon!

Michelle Oddis of Human EventsPlucky Michelle Oddis of Human Events concurs:

Yeah, in the past year, I think I’ve dated one or two of them [dirty G-dless liberals]. There is usually an issue there with religion, which is kind of frustrating, because you’re not necessarily going to go out on one or two dates with someone and think that you’re going to marry them. But, with long term goals, how you’re going to raise your kids, whether you’re going to bring them to church or not, you wonder if that person is going to show the same values — there tends to be a difference there with liberal guys.

Another turn-off with liberal guys, at least for me, tends to be 2nd Amendment stuff. Gun rights? I think it’s kind of wimpy when guys don’t think people should be able to protect themselves.

Michelle obviously has the right idea. Way to go, girl!

Dawn Eden, author of the fantastic book The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On, is able to see right through to the inner core of your average liberal. There’s nothing there. It’s all empty and fake.

…My experience with liberals is that superficially, they may be more fun to be around. They’re a bit looser and more relaxed. They make an effort to be more sensitive, but the sensitivity only goes so far. It’s easy for a man to keep this illusion of being a great, sensitive romantic if he knows he’s just going to sleep with you and then say good-bye. Anybody can be Mr. Love God for one night or one week or one month.

When I became conservative, which coincided with my becoming a Christian, I realized that even though there were things I liked sentimentally about liberal men, I wanted somebody who shared my values. Conservatives might not always be so easy to get along with at first, but I thought it was worth my time to get to know men who were compatible with me and would eventually warm up.

It should be pretty clear by now that dating a liberal is a big mistake. Ask your prospective dates if they support the President, support the troops and who they will be voting for this November. If they say Osama or Hitlery, put a big red X next to their name and add their number to the block list. Why waste time with losers who have no values?

Update: There’s some great commentary over at Michelle’s crib as usual.  Like this great poem that says it all:

Would I? Could I? Date a liberal?

I would not date one, I would not!
I don’t like their values, I don’t smoke their pot.

I would not have one in my house, I would not have one for my spouse.

When they talk of peace and war, they scream and shout … it’s such a bore.


— Psycheout

March 14, 2008

A Death in the Family

Filed under: Christianity,Faith,Family,Health Care,Sadness — Psycheout @ 6:44 pm
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A Death in the FamilyAfter a brief yet profound illness, a family member has passed on to eternity. What with things picking up at work and dealing with the family crisis, I haven’t had either the time or the enthusiasm to fulfill my important role as a committed new media journalism professional and truth teller. For that I apologize for letting our readers down. But beyond the confines of this important and influential blog and critical political resource for good Christian Americans, life does indeed go on. Or not, as it were.

Last month, my close family member, who I’ll refer to as Mr. S, had a stroke or a seizure or something. Since he was a bit of a slacker, he didn’t have health insurance, and, frankly, after losing the ability to see, hear (or comprehend words and sounds) and being unable to speak (or even think clearly), he wouldn’t have known how to get to a doctor anyway or be able to pay for it even if he could. That’s the price one pays for ignoring the personal responsibility inherent in modern life. You either work for an employer who provides health insurance or buy your own. You don’t slack and roll the dice hoping not to get stricken down by a catastrophic illness without exposing yourself to the risk of being without health care when you need it. Mr. S was unprepared, and it was his own fault. So it goes.

S didn’t seem to comprehend where he was, who he was or anything that a normal healthy person would be expected to know by default. The stroke killed off his higher self and left him more animal (or vegetable) than human. The part of him that could possibly have made him a great conservative political thinker was gone, that potential was gone, and he was reduced to the braindead level and personal hygiene of your average liberal hippie emptyheaded “no blood for oil” drooling twitching moonbat loser. And that was a tragedy. The ultimate end was inevitable, and last night at 11:12 pm local time, he took his last breath, still unsure of who he was, where he was, and why he was. The end had come. Time to pay the piper.

What finally happens to his eternal soul is up to G-d now, and Mr. S did himself no favors. As far as I know he never accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, so he is lost. While he never wronged anyone and was a nice enough fellow, although a bit on the apathetic and uninformed side, that’s not enough for G-d. Being amicable is not enough. Doing good deeds and living a saintly life is not enough.

The sum of a life does not matter whether the balance sheet trends towards good or evil. If one does not humble himself before G-d and accept Jesus Christ into their soul, that soul is damned everlastingly to the lake of fire. I hope that Mr. S took that required leap of faith, but I doubt it. And that’s too bad, but, as with health insurance, he should have known better. There’s also soul insurance. Where’s your policy?

G-d tried to warn freethinker Mr. S, but did he listen? When you boil it all down to the essentials, life is about one thing: being a good conservative Christian and a loyal Republican. Beyond that it’s all window dressing and trivia. Any less than that is an epic fail. Game over. You lose.

Being stuck with the no longer animated corpse of Mr. S, now a shell of his former self, destitute and devoid of life, I did what any good self-reliant pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps can-do American would. I took matters into my own hands. Both of them. I took the initiative. I took personal responsibility where Mr. S could not and would not evermore. Now, some people would feel shamed into parting with their hard earned after-tax income and delegate the responsibility of ridding oneself of such mortal remains. But not me. As a rugged individualist I handled it myself, as we all should when faced with a monumental duty such as this. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, but an exquisite and grotesque corpse persists in the meantime. What to do until then?

There have been scandals in the past about cemeteries that stack, misplace or otherwise mishandle the bodies of the departed. I didn’t want that for Mr. S. And the sinful act of cremation was absolutely out of the question. It’s a detestable practice engaged in by Atheists and Wiccans who, most of all, despise G-d’s handiwork. The body is a temple, created by G-d Himself. Do we burn down G-d’s temples? Of course not. Not unless we’re leftist Christianity haters and secular humanist scum. Besides, how do I know that handful of ashes those charlatans give you in a metal vase or burlap baggie are what’s left of Mr. S? I don’t, and it probably isn’t. Not acceptable.

So I did the right thing under the circumstances. I located a nice enough (and private enough) spot, not far away from my home, borrowed a shovel, rolled up my sleeves, and commenced digging. Wow, do gravediggers have it tough! It’s tough work, if you can get it. After the first few inches of topsoil the ground gets awfully hard. But I persisted, and not surprisingly, I found no “fossils” or dinosaur bones or “proof” of evilution or the lie of the millions of years old earth. Just more and harder dirt in Mr. S’s grave as G-d Himself had created some 6,000 years ago. After the hard work was done, I wrapped Mr. S in an appropriate shroud and placed him respectfully into his tomb, said a prayer for his lost soul, and then covered him up.

Goodbye, Mr. S. You will be missed. But all of us must die eventually, as you yourself discovered.

For our readers, this simple question: is your soul prepared for the end that you will ultimately face? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Do you love G-d and appreciate the wonderful gift of life He has chosen to bestow upon your worthless self? Is the Lord building you a mansion in Heaven for your soul to dwell in during the eternal afterlife that follows our brief time here among the sinful here on Earth? If not, you better get right with G-d before it’s too late. Or you will be kicking yourself for eternity.

Also, this might be a good time to get behind health savings accounts. Socialized medicine isn’t the answer. The answer lies in taking responsibility for your own health as well as for your own soul. It’s part of G-d’s plan. Go against it at your peril.

Sidenote: B4B had it’s first anniversary last month. Happy birthday, B4B! Thanks for reading and making this one of the most important sources of conservative news and views on the entire Internet. And here’s to another successful and productive year of the same.

— Psycheout

A Grim Confession

It is with heavy heart that I must confess a hidden sin.  A depravity lingers in my soul, and threatens to disbar me from Heaven forever.  It is only through fervency of prayer and steadiness of resolution that I may yet prevail in this trial, and return once again to the blessing and favor of the Lord. 


The harlot, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, is indeed a foul, disgusting, and loathsome wench. Her fundamental evil is manifest; she destroyed a marriage sacred to God, even if it was a marriage between leftist traitor Democrats scarcely a notch above Pagan orgying. Ashley Dupre is a deviant prostitute of French extraction. Yet, I find that I cannot stop thinking about her.


Her Hippie pacifism notwithstanding, this siren has caused flickerings and stirrings within me. Those powerful sensations are sinful in nature. I am well aware of this fact, yet I seem powerless to do anything about them.

I have spent the past day in pious, devoted prayer. When reading the Bible did not purge this strumpet from my mind, I began beating myself about the head and shoulders with the Holy Book, trusting in the Word of God to drive this Gallic succubus from my heart.

My wife has been very understanding of my toils and travails. I told her about the damnation I face, and we prayed together for hours. My wife pointed out that this is the exact reason why decent women strap their chest down in public, and why indecent women are fit only to be pilloried and pelted with rotten vegetables, ridiculed, scorned, and mocked by decent society. The very mangy dogs of the streets, byways, alleys and hamlets are fitter instruments of God’s beneficence than is a shameless hussy like Ashley Alexandra Dupre.


Go ahead, Ashley. Suckle your fingers. Ogle me with lust in your heart and Satan in your loins. Sidle up to your equally-attractive friend in a ridiculously unwholesome outfit, alcoholic beverage in your hand and Spitzer stains on your conscience. With the help of God and my devout, pious, saintly wife, I shall destroy you. I will purge you from my soul, and I shall not rest until America sends you to Guantanamo along with the other women of impure mind and unsalvageable spirit.

God is with me, and with all Americans who resist the wiles of harlotry!

March 13, 2008

Portrait of the Harlot Who Destroyed Eliot Spitzer


This is the temptress who drives Democrats mad, and makes them choose to sell their souls to Satan rather than effectively govern as state Executives:

The New York Times said that Ashley Youmans — now known as Ashley Alexandra Dupre — was identified in court documents as Kristen, the high-priced prostitute who met with Spitzer at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington on February 13.

Dupre has not been charged with any crime.

She made a brief appearance Monday in U.S. Magistrate Court as a witness against four people charged with operating Emperor’s Club VIP, the prostitution ring, the Times said.

Her conduct is shameless. She dresses immodestly. She clearly does not strap down her chest in public, thereby driving men mad with her alluring physical temptations. And, she fornicates with powerful Democrats for money.

I very seriously doubt that she ever attends church to beg God for forgiveness for her sins. We should all pray for her, though. Deviant, wicked sinner though she is, some good has come of her conduct. A man who might otherwise have hoodwinked the American people into electing him President, is now out of the picture. The Lord moves in mysterious ways.


Dupre writes that she left home and “a broken family” at 17.

“Left and learned what it was like to have everything, and lose it, again and again,” Dupre says.

“Learned what it was like to wake up one day and have the people you care about most gone. I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music.”

In her profile, Dupre says she moved to Manhattan to pursue her music career.

“I am all about my music, and my music is all about me,” she writes on her MySpace page. “It flows from what I’ve been through, what I’ve seen and how I feel.”

The page includes a picture of Dupre with the slogan “what destroys me, strengthens me.” It also features a song titled “What we want” recorded by Dupre, with lyrics including “I know what you want, you got what I want, I know what you need, can you handle me?”

She may be a pacifist and/or lesbian as well as a deviant harlot and a Nietzsche-quoting Communist, and she may place tattoos on her flesh in emulation of the Pagan Celts and Assyrians, and she may leer at us all with lust in her eyes and Satan in her heart, driving the weak among us to distraction and the gaping maw of Hell itself; but when it comes to destroying the political career of Elliott Spitzer, she is the greatest worker of God’s will on Earth. And for that, I salute you, Ashley Alexandra Dupre! Never before has someone of French heritage accomplished so much for securing the continued liberty and Christianity of these United States!

March 4, 2008

Vermont Women Unite to Repeal Womens’ Suffrage!

Looks like some women have finally caught on to the horror of womens’ suffrage. I smell the beginnings of a Christian movement, here. If so many college-educated women in the most depraved and liberal state this side of California can see the light about the horrendous nature of allowing women to vote, there’s still hope that America can repeal that Amendment, save women from the nightmare of enfranchisement, and restore them to the freedom of the domestic roles for which God intended them.

God bless America, and free our women from the onerous burdens Satanist secularists have imposed on them.

February 26, 2008

Profiles in Courage: Clarence Thomas

While some prominent black people prefer to engage in criminal behavior like crack cocaine-smoking sodomy, others show themselves to be true American patriots. A prime example of this is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Ever since his contentious 1991 confirmation hearing, he’s had to endure the slings and arrows of outraged racist moonbat media people. Case in point:

Two years and 144 cases have passed since Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas last spoke up at oral arguments. It is a period of unbroken silence that contrasts with the rest of the court’s unceasing inquiries.

Hardly a case goes by, including two appeals that were argued Monday, without eight justices peppering lawyers with questions. Oral arguments offer justices the chance to resolve nagging doubts about a case, probe its weaknesses or make a point to their colleagues.

Left, right and center, the justices ask and they ask and they ask. Sometimes they debate each other, leaving the lawyer at the podium helpless to jump in. “I think you’re handling these questions very well,” Chief Justice John Roberts quipped to a lawyer recently in the midst of one such exchange.

Leaning back in his leather chair, often looking up at the ceiling, Thomas takes it all in, but he never joins in.

Monday was no different. Thomas said nothing.

He occasionally leans to his right to share a comment or a laugh with Justice Stephen Breyer. Less often, he talks to Justice Anthony Kennedy, to his immediate left.

Thomas, characteristically, declined to comment for this article. But in the course of his publicity tour for his autobiography, “My Grandfather’s Son,” the 59-year-old justice discussed his reticence on the bench on several occasions.

The questions may be helpful to the others, Thomas said, but not to him.

“One thing I’ve demonstrated often in 16 years is you can do this job without asking a single question,” he told an adoring crowd at the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group.

The book tour showed that the topic comes up even among friendly audiences.

Indeed, Thomas’ comment was provoked by this question: Why do your colleagues ask so many questions?

His response: “I did not plant that question. That’s a fine question. When you figure out the answer, you let me know,” he said.

Thomas understands the nature of his work. He knows full well that the Supreme Court overreached its Constitutional authority back when it was run by Communists like Earl Warren and Thurgood Marshall, its overreach gaining unprecedented levels of anti-American totalitarianism at the ideological behest of worthless Trotskyite Micks like Brennan. Thomas, and Chief Justice Roberts, are doing their part to limit the Court’s role to its historic function: settling Constitutional disputes between the Legislature and the Executive, and correcting the overreach of lower Court that overlook the original intent of the Framers of the Constitution.

You know what makes anti-Thomas smear jobs like this one evern more ridiculous? Thomas has friends on the Left side of the Court who agree with him.

The typical hourlong argument session can sometimes be difficult, even for a practiced questioner.

“I really would like to hear what those reasons are without interruption from all of my colleagues,” Justice John Paul Stevens said at an argument in the fall.

Even a treefrog like Stevens wishes the Court would shut up and get to work. Why doesn’t he get a nasty article about him? Because the media agrees with his politics, that’s why.

In the past, the Georgia-born Thomas has chalked up his silence to his struggle as a teenager to master standard English after having grown up speaking Geechee, a kind of dialect that thrived among former slaves on the islands off the South Carolina, Georgia and Florida coasts.

He also has said he will ask a pertinent question if his colleagues don’t but sees no need to engage in the back-and-forth just to hear his own voice.

Lately, he has focused on the latter reason.

“If I think a question will help me decide a case, then I’ll ask that question,” he told C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb in October. “Otherwise, it’s not worth asking because it detracts from my job.”

He talked in that same interview about descriptions of him as the silent justice.

The racists are giving Thomas trouble because, despite the fact that he didn’t grow up in an English-speaking household, he’s trying to master English as a second language. I’ll take that over your English-refusing illegal alien any day; but to some in this country, foreigners who refuse to speak any language but the hodge-podge gobbledygook Satan taught their ancestors should receive more rights in this country than a hero like Thomas. Liberals are kooks; what do you expect?

Suppose surgeons started discussing the merits of removing a gallbladder while in the operating room, Thomas said, as quoted by U.S. News & World Report. “You really didn’t go in there to have a debate about gallbladder surgery,” he said. Similarly, “we are there to decide cases, not to engage in seminar discussions.”

Exactly. Shut up and do your job, Court. Nobody’s paying you to gesture emptily and hear yourselves think. We want speedy opinions pulling the law back in line with the Original intent, not a bunch of talky-talky Communists spewing Marxist vomit all over our hallowed documents and traditions. Thomas, like Scalia, Alito, and Roberts, is a true American hero for understanding all this. The media can crucify him for it, but he’ll continue to endure for many a year yet.

Please keep our America-loving Justices hale and healthy, Lord, and smite our infanticide-loving enemies with plagues during Republican Administrations.

February 20, 2008

Snowboarding is the Capering of Demons

SnowboardingHere in the Hellish region known as New England, hard rains have begun wiping the snows away. The streets are paved in ice, cracking the asphalt beneath the tires of the Volvos and Priuses driven by the local Hippies. My wife slipped and fell on the ice yesterday, severely injuring her leg.

None of this bothers me too much, though. The important thing is that a thaw is occurring. I very much enjoy the departure of the snow. Not that spring is coming, mind you: I’m well aware that we face another two or three months of frigid, bone-chilling unpleasantness. But the absence of snow means the absence of Satan’s sport, snowboarding.

I was never too familiar with snowboarding where I grew up. Decent folk didn’t engage in such activities, and the indecent folk didn’t have enough snow or enough elevation to partake in the shame. However, I had heard of the “sport” from growing up in this country, and by all accounts it is the exclusive purview of deviant Hippies, disgruntled grunge-sters, and marijuana users frustrated by supply shortages. The sport enjoys a very, very poor reputation among Christians for a reason, after all; allegations of its ties to Satanism are nothing new.

In fact, there is substantial evidence that snowboarding is, in fact, the frolic of choice among demons seeking escape from the rigors of damnation. Such demons would likely use the excuse of corrupting the souls of snowboarding teens as a means of gaining access to the chilly pastime for themselves. It is no coincidence that the sport was invented in California, and is widely practiced in Vermont, the most moonbatty states in America, both states well known for bat-ridden mountains containing secret passageways to the netherworld. Demons use California and Vermont as conduits between Hell and the good God-fearing folk who can be found in the 48 American states NOT considered Satan’s domain.

SatanSome snowboarders resist Satan, and attempt to bring purity and faith to the activity. But the overwhelming majority choose to wallow in their iniquities. Backlash has arisen, of course, but what can a few concerned citizens do in the face of Satan’s hordes and willing minions?

Here is a website an astute reader alerted me to a while back, “VTDeathrider.” This is a Vermont-based group of useless hooligans and reprobates, careening down mountain slopes at top speed instead of praying or serving their country in Iraq. Just look at these louts; many of them are too drunk to even continue serving the bidding of their Dark Master, and continue snowboarding with him. I am ashamed to share a nation with these madmen.

I have repeatedly implored the proprietors of that blog to turn aside from Satan and his wicked ways, and to embrace the ways and doings of Christ. My entreaties have been met with a stony silence as these foolish dunderheads continue to post footage of themselves skirting dark, forested, demon-infested mountains; interviews with bikini-clad snowboard enthusiasts; and an overall flagrant disregard for the safety and property rights of others. I include the link that you, my Christian brothers and sisters, may also enjoin these foolish young deviants not to cast aside their immortal souls for a few seconds’ thrill riding a plastic board into a tree or off a cliff, or falling and becoming devoured by wolves and demons. Perhaps our combined efforts may have some effect on them; perhaps not. In any event, God will likely reward you twice as much for saving the soul of a Vermonter as He will for saving the soul of a person who wasn’t born in the realm of Satan.

Fortunately, Satan does not keep his promises. The thrill is fleeting, and death is eternal. As more and more snowboarders find themselves dragged down to Hell by the lies and distortions of the Dark One, America may yet see an end to this fad. America will prevail. America must prevail.

February 18, 2008

Womens’ Suffrage: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone

When women vote...The real problem with American elections isn’t just that we don’t have adequate voter verification procedures to keep our leaders from being chosen by illegal aliens and terrorists with blood on their hands and axes to grind. The problem goes much further than that. Clearly, as the results of the past 90 years have tended to show, granting women the right to vote was a serious mistake.

Women have always found their proper role tending the hearth and home, as well as breeding future generations of decent Christians and proud warriors. God Himself speaks of such matters in the Bible. A society that allows women to usurp the roles of men is a society that will exchange slavery for freedom. In other words, a liberal society.

Back in 1911, California was still a decent, freedom-loving, Christian state. During the debate on whether or not to listen to the harlots and allow them to corrupt decent God-fearing women by granting them the right to vote, Democratic Caucus head J.D. Sanford made the following points:

Votes for WomenSuffrage is not a right. It is a privilege that may or may not be granted. Politics is no place for a women consequently the privilege should not be granted to her.

The mother’s influence is needed in the home. She can do little good by gadding the streets and neglecting her children. Let her teach her daughters that modesty, patience, and gentleness are the charms of a women. Let her teach her sons that an honest conscience is every man’s first political law; that no splendor can rob him nor no force justify the surrender of the simplest right of a free and independent citizen. The mothers of this country can shape the destinies of the nation by keeping in their places and attending to those duties that God Almighty intended for them. The kindly, gentle influence of the mother in the home and the dignified influence of the teacher in the school will far outweigh all the influence of all the mannish female politicians on earth.

The courageous, chivalrous, and manly men and the womanly women, the real mothers and home builders of the country, are opposed to this innovation in American political life. There was a bill (the Sanford bill) before the last legislature which proposed to leave the equal suffrage question to women to decide first before the men should vote on it. This bill was defeated by the suffragettes because they knew that the women would vote down the amendment by a vote of ten to one.

The men are able to run the government and take care of the women. Do women have to vote in order to receive the protection of man? Why, men have gone to war, endured every privation and death itself in defense of woman. To man, woman is the dearest creature on earth, and there is no extreme to which he would not go for his mother or sister. By keeping woman in her exalted position man can be induced to do more for her than he could by having her mix up in affairs that will cause him to lose respect and regard for her. Woman does not have to vote to secure her rights. Man will go to any extreme to protect and elevate her now. As long as woman is woman and keeps her place she will get more protection and more consideration than man gets. When she abdicates her throne she throws down the scepter of her power and loses her influence.

Woman suffrage has been proven a failure in states that have tried it. It is wrong. California should profit by the mistakes of other states. Not one reform has equal suffrage effected. On the contrary, statistics go to show that in most equal suffrage states, Colorado particularly, that divorces have greatly increased since the adoption of the equal suffrage amendment, showing that it has been a home destroyer. Crime has also increased due to lack of the mothers in the home.

Woman is woman. She can not unsex herself or change her sphere. Let her be content with her lot and perform those high duties intended for her by the Great Creator, and she will accomplish far more in governmental affairs that she can ever accomplish by mixing up in the dirty pool of politics. Keep the home pure and all will be well with the Republic. Let not the sanctity of the home be invaded by every little politician that may be running up and down the highway for office. Let the manly men and the womanly women defeat this amendment and keep woman where she belongs in order that she may retain the respect of all mankind.

Back then, Democrats were still Americans, not harlots and those who lust after harlots. Hillary Clinton buttresses every statement Sanford made, and her own utterances provide further support for the repeal of the 19th Amendment.

Hillary ClintonTake, for example, this insanity, uttered by Hillary Clinton on the very subject at hand, taken from her own blog:

I could say that it’s a pleasure being up here with all of the women running for President in 2008. But I’d like to make a prediction: that while there may be plenty of room on this stage tonight — some day, there will be enough of us to transform this event from a lecture into a debate.

I hope so. Because women have no place in politics, and the American people deserve to see that Truth and not have a female Fascist president shoved down their throats.


Yeah, right.

Finally, I want to thank the members of Mary Louise Smith’s family who have joined us tonight. Talk about a trailblazing woman in public life. Mary Louise Smith started at the grassroots right here in Iowa, working her way up to become the first woman Chair of the Republican National Committee. This was not an easy feat for a woman in 1974. But with her signature poise, and her intelligence and integrity, Mary Louise Smith proved to be more than up to the challenge.

RINO harlots, an inspiration to the Socialists among us. Proof positive that allowing these closet leftists in the GOP is the worst decision Reagan ever made. The Eleventh Commandment was the great error that gave the Democrat Party its 2006 electoral victory.

In addition to being an accomplished organizer and leader, she was also a passionate advocate for women’s rights, reproductive choice, and many other important causes. She was a role model and an inspiration for many, and I am honored by this chair that bears her name.

Naming a chair after her is appropriate. Woman is man’s footstool, just as Man is God’s.

And of course, there is this Center’s namesake, the great Carrie Chapman Catt. I and every other woman who holds this chair does so in part because of her life’s work. Raised right here in Iowa, a graduate of this university, she served as a teacher, a school principal, a superintendent, and a reporter before joining the women’s suffrage movement and realizing her talents as a gifted organizer and dynamic orator.

Banter banter banter. Boring platitudes. Yada yada yada. How can you people support this woman?

She did two stints as President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and she helped to found the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to reach out to women across the world. In the end, it was Catt who devised the “Winning Plan” for the suffrage movement — a plan to campaign simultaneously for suffrage at both the state and national levels. The rest, as they say, is history.

If we’d had a real President instead of Woodrow Wilson, she’d have been arrested and shot as a traitor.

And it really is quite a history, isn’t it? There has never been a better time to be a woman in America. It’s almost hard to explain to young women today how much things have changed — even just during the course of my lifetime.

Women were better off when they enjoyed the liberty of keeping a decent home, raising decent Americans, and not having to go out and toil in the world of men and harlots. Anyone who’s read the Bible cover to cover knows this, Hillary. What are you really saying, here?

Growing up, there were sports we couldn’t play, schools we couldn’t attend, and jobs that essentially had a “men only” sign on them.

Well, we can’t go into the “women’s only” restroom, but you don’t hear us complaining, do you?

As an eighth grader I was captivated by space-travel. I wrote to NASA asking how to apply to be an astronaut — they wrote back explaining that these positions weren’t open to women.

Hillary ClintonQuite right. NASA is a hoax. The astronauts fly the shuttle into the desert, then spend the time in “space” gambling and patronizing brothels at taxpayer expense. Even those degenerate perverts and inveterate liars wouldn’t want Hillary Clinton tagging along. She’d spoil all their fornications.

Well today, Iowa’s own Peggy Whitson has been appointed the first female Commander of the International Space Station.


Yes, lemmings. Applaud the shameless lies. It’s the best you deserve.

Years later, when I was deciding where I wanted to attend law school, I was coolly informed by a Harvard Law professor, and I quote, “We don’t need any more women at Harvard.” So I went to Yale. [laughter] And my entering class at Yale Law School — where I decided to go instead — had 235 students, of whom just 27 were women.

This may be the first time I’ve ever agreed with a decision of Harvard Law School.

Today, women are the majority of students in law schools.

Everything you ever needed to know about what’s wrong with the legal profession today.

As a young lawyer, when I told a colleague that I might want to practice courtroom law, he replied that, that was impossible, because I didn’t have a wife. He asked me, “When you’re in trial, and you’re busy, who will make sure you have clean socks for court?” [laughter] Well, I had honestly had never thought about that. I had always washed my own socks. [laughter]

And now, you could have a “wife,” since you perverts have legalized Sodomy. That’s the kind of progress that will have America legalizing human sacrifice in the next 35 years.

Today, women are serving across America as judges, partners, as law professors — and yes, even successful courtroom lawyers with clean socks.

I highly doubt their socks are as clean as they were in the days when decent Christian women tidied them for their menfolk.

The norms are changing on Capitol Hill. Back in the mid-1980s, women were not allowed to wear pantsuits on the Senate floor. Clearly, I would not have survived. [laughter]

Finally, she tells the truth about something!

And today, we’ve sworn in the first Madame Speaker of the House of Representatives.


We’ve even seen, much I’m sure to that old Harvard law professor’s chagrin, the first woman President of Harvard University.

Harvard should hang the American flag at half-mast. If they haven’t burned it yet, that is.

Women are now a majority of students in colleges — and the majority of those who voted in 2004. It is nothing short of breathtaking when you stop to think about it.

Thank God we still outnumber them. Enough decent women know to vote for the party that represents them in Christ.

But all of this progress is not a quirk of fate. It didn’t happen by accident. It is the result of the contributions of women and men from every background, serving at every level, using their diverse array of skills and talents to move our nation forward.

Moving our nation “forward” on the path to Hell is apparently not a problem to President-Never-Elect Hillary.

Contributions from national leaders like Carrie Chapman Catt and her colleagues in the suffrage movement. Trailblazers right here in Iowa like Arabella Mansfield who, in 1869, became the first woman in America formally admitted to the Bar. Women like Sojourner Truth who campaigned both against slavery and for women’s suffrage. Or Harriet Tubman who risked her life time and again so others could taste the fruits of freedom. Courageous women around the world like Aung San Suu Kyi who has been a virtual prisoner for decades in the cause of freedom for the Burmese people. Women who run for office in their own countries against some tough odds like Angela Merkel in Germany and Michelle Bachelet in Chile, and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in Liberia.

SneezeHalf those names sound like mens’ names, and the other half sound made up. “Aung San Suu Kyi”? Gesundheit!

But it is not just the women leaders in the history books who’ve made history. It is also those unsung heroes who transform lives and communities every single day.

The teachers who tell our daughters, “You are just as smart and capable as the boys, don’t you fail to live up to your potential.” I think about my 6th grade teacher Mrs. King quoting from the Bible said not to hide your light under the bushel basket.

The Bible also says, “for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but (A)woman for the man’s sake.” (1 Corinthians 11:9) I guess Hillary’d rather quote the Good Book out of context than actually read the thing. Typical Satanism.

The women on the PTA who wonder why aren’t more girls in those honors math and science classes. I remember when my daughter was in first grade joining up with a couple of other mothers to do extra science programs for our first graders. And all those mothers who work all day — sleep a few hours — do the night shift, because they want something better for their children.

Then they should work at home, tending hearth and home. The men should work outside in the world; women are far too susceptible to temptations, and children sense something is wrong now, too, which is why they now play video games all day instead of reading Scripture with their mothers.

Some women have fought lonely battles, forging ahead on their own when no one else would stand by their side. I think of Edna Griffin, called the “Rosa Parks of Iowa.” On July 7, 1948, she was refused service at a Des Moines lunch counter. But Edna Griffin responded by organizing pickets in front of the store — and when no one else joined her, she would picket alone. She took her case all the way to the Iowa Supreme Court — and she won.

Way to confuse civil rights with womens’ suffering. Typical of Democrats to ennoble their sordid struggle by fraudulent misrepresentation.

Other women have had the benefit of networks of women drawn together by shared experiences and aspirations. I’ve had the privilege of traveling to more than 80 countries. And everywhere I’ve been as First Lady and now as Senator, I have tried to find time to meet with women in the countries where I find myself- to ask them what their lives are like, what kind of opportunities and challenges they face. I remember a woman in Northern Ireland by the name of Joyce McCartan. Joyce, a Catholic, had lost more than a dozen family members during the so called “troubles” — including her own seventeen-year old son who was shot dead by Protestant gunmen. But instead of retreating into anger and grief and wanting revenge, she brought together a group of both Protestant and Catholic women to set up a safe house for women of both traditions to talk about their needs and their fears over cups of tea.

That is heroic. It also involves religion, and staying at home. Learn the right lesson here, Hillary!

I sat down with those women one day and I listened as they talked about how they had discovered that they all worried when their husbands and sons left their homes, and they were all relieved when they returned safely. And despite their differences, they wanted a better future for their country and their children. It was these women — and others like them — sitting around at kitchen tables, sharing pots of tea, who helped chart the path to peace.

Amen! (Do you know what that word means, Hillary?)

Here at home, during my time in the Senate, I have cherished the opportunity to work with my women colleagues in both Houses and on both sides of the aisle. Now we may not see eye to eye on everything, but we get together and we trade those very important bits of advice like what kind of shoes to wear on marble floors when you’re on your feet all day. And when it comes to the issues that we can agree on — whether it’s afterschool funding or healthcare and education for women here in America or for women in Afghanistan– we are a force to be reckoned with.

Shopping for shoesThe truth finally bubbles out: Women are far too busy shopping for shoes to focus on decent governance.

I’ve been honored to work throughout my career on issues like foster care and adoption, family leave, equal pay and preschool for our children. And I have always been struck when people label these as women’s issues. I disagree with that characterization. While these so-called “kitchen table” issues are certainly women’s issues — they’re also men’s issues and children’s issues. They’re issues that we all have a stake in.

Don’t muddy the waters. They’re womens’ issues, just like the economy and the military are mens’ issues. Ultimately, men should vote on womens’ issues, but decent men should heed their wives’ advice on the best stance for a Christian to take on the womens’ issues. Or, at the very least, take such advice into consideration. No loving husband could do less.

Today, too many men have to choose between health insurance for themselves or for their children, because they can’t afford both.

If they spent more time praying and housekeeping and less time stealing their husbands’ jobs, this might not be such a problem.

When women make just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns — it’s not just women who are affected, but families with less income to pay the bills.

See above.

We’re all worried about whether the next generation of children will have the tools they need to compete in the global economy.

Today, many fathers are struggling to spend more time with their families just like mothers always have. In fact, the issue of family leave provides a particularly good example. I’ll never forget a newspaper advice column that I read in the early 1980s. I was working at a law firm at the time and my daughter was about three years old. Someone had written into this column asking: “I’m about to get a big promotion and I’m going to have my own office for the first time. What kind of decorations are appropriate for my office?”

Well, the advice columnist responded that he needed to know if the writer was a man or a woman because it would affect the answer. If you’re a man, he said, and you have a family, put up lots of pictures of your family because people will think when they come into your office “this is a stable person with a good set of family values.” But if you’re a woman, don’t put any pictures of your family in your office because people will think you can’t keep your mind on your job.

If you’re a woman, let your husband have your job, and go home to be with your family. That’d be my advice, Hillary.

So, of course, I immediately filled my office with pictures of my family.

Of course you would. Degenerate atheist.

Well, a lot has changed since then. But unfortunately this attitude is still around. It kind of sums up too many people’s feelings towards women and parents in the workplace: Keep your family life to yourself, struggle on your own to meet the demands of work and family and don’t let it affect your work.

But think about this for a minute. A lot of working fathers wish they had more time with their children. All employers want employees to be focused and productive — which is hard to achieve when work and family are out of balance. And every American has a stake in how the next generation is raised — after all, we’re raising our future innovators, our college professors, our nurses, our business leaders, our farmers, teachers and so much more.

Blah blah blah, banter banter banter, gobbledygook platitudes, Hillary is struggling under the weight of her own lies and distortions.

So when we fight to strengthen family leave — that helps not just women, but all Americans who want to spend more time with the people they love and care for. That’s why I’m fighting for paid family leave — because no one should have to worry if they need a couple of hours to take their child to the doctor. And no one should be denied the chance to bond with their newborn or adopted baby or to care for an aging parent. I think we should encourage the development of families working to take care of one another. There’s so much care giving that goes on in our country, we sometimes overlook it. But if all the caregivers, people who devote most or all of their time caring for a child, caring for a parent, caring for a loved one with a disability, if all of those Americans were to decide tomorrow to stop giving that out of love, to replace that care would cost 300 billion dollars a year. People give it because they love, they have a sense of family obligation, they want to do the right thing and we make it very, very hard for families to care for one another.

Sleeping CheneyBoring! I almost fell asleep halfway through this, then skipped to the end. I bet the audience was really snoring at this point.

Instead of focusing on what is really going on in people’s lives, too often our politics is about distractions. Who’s up, who’s down. What people are wearing more than what they are saying.

Well, there will always be that kind of analysis. But in the end, none of that really matters very much.

Exactly. Which is why we can’t have women running for office. They focus far too much on fashion, and not enough on the issues. It’s as simple as that, folks.

What matters are the lives of people I meet every day who feel like they’re invisible. Like no one’s paying attention to them and their struggles.


Like the woman I met from LeClair who had to sell half her family farm to pay for her family’s medical bills. She sure feels invisible.

Maybe she is. Maybe you made her up. Who knows? Who cares?

Or the woman I met at the Maid-Rite in Toledo who was working two jobs and still struggling to get by and she wonders whether anybody really sees how hard she’s been working.

I’m sure you were shopping there, right?

The woman in Greenville whose daughter got sick, but didn’t have health insurance. She died a year later. She was just eighteen years old. Her death certificate listed the cause of death as unknown, because she was never able to afford to get a proper diagnosis.

When God calls, you come.

Well, I don’t think that any of these people should be invisible in our country. They’re certainly not invisible to me. I see them, I hear them, and I carry their stories with me where ever I go. And they shouldn’t be invisible in our political process.

Breaking news: Hillary is insane.

One of the aspects of politics that has changed dramatically with the entry of some many women is that a lot of these stories are now just out there, people are talking about them, trying to determine what to do to give someone who is struggling a better chance. When I think about the struggle that women had to even get the vote I don’t get discouraged, I get inspired.

And decent Americans get traumatized. That’s the difference between Red America and Blue anti-America, in a nutshell.

The first women’s convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. It was a hot July and a group of women decided that they wanted to meet together at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls to see if they could draft a statement claiming their rights as women. At that time of course our laws didn’t really give women rights in any aspect of life, not just at the voting booth but in inheritance and marriage and child custody and so much else. So these women and a few brave men joined together on that hot July day to begin a process that led to the Declaration of Sentiments. It was the first document that we know of anywhere in the world where a group of people had come and said women deserve their rights. Only one woman who was there are that convention lived long enough to see women get the vote in America. It took more than 70 years from the start of the movement until nineteenth amendment was passed. More than 70 years of faith and devotion, protesting and lobbying. And when I think about the challenges we face today in politics, I always am in awe of how hard these other women had to struggle to get what we take for granted.

Ultimately, they did succeed, because even in the face of the most heartbreaking set-backs, they never lost sight of what mattered and they refused to give up.

I’ve always loved the story of how, back in 1915, Catt and her colleagues believed that winning in New York was critical to winning at the federal level, so they fought their hearts out. They held 10,300 meetings. They handed out seven and a half million leaflets. And they raised nearly $100,000 — a staggering sum in those days.

But in the end, they lost by nearly 200,000 votes.

That night, Catt was asked how long this defeat would delay their fight nationally. She replied, “Only until we can get a little sleep.” And two days after that loss, they started a new campaign with a new slogan: “Victory in 1917.”

I’m grateful to her and countless others because I know that every day I walk in the paths they cleared and benefit from the victories they won.

YawnZzzzzzz…. …. whu? …Zzzzzzz……..

Now, some might say that their work is finished in America since women no longer face legal obstacles to education or employment or the right to vote. But we know that even though legal barriers have fallen away — economic and attitudinal ones still remain. And that so long as there are gaps between our aspirations and our reality, their work and ours is not finished. That more perfect union still awaits.

We Americans must do everything in our power to strengthen, thicken, and raise those barriers. It’s our duty to our God, our country, and our selves.

If we truly want to finish what Catt and her colleagues had started, then it is time we stopped paying women 77 cents on the dollar when they work 60 minutes of the hour, just like men.


Women aren’t men. Why should they be paid like men? You’re insane, Hillary. You want to treat genders like they’re the same, just like you want Sodomites to wed. If you become President, I’ll probably have to divorce my loving wife and marry one of my coworkers. (They’re all men, by the way. It’s a man’s world out there. Don’t like it? Complain to HE who made it.)

We can see that we are still not where we need to be because just this year the United States Supreme Court heard a case of a woman named Lilly Ledbetter. Lilly Ledbetter worked in a factory in Alabama. She worked there for over 20 years. She was a good worker. She became a supervisor- the only woman to become a supervisor and year after year she did the same work that all of the male supervisors did. And about 20 years into her work she learned she had never been paid the same as all of the men. Men with lesser seniority, younger men, and she wondered why. And she tried to find out and basically her employer wouldn’t answer her questions. And Lilly Ledbetter didn’t want to take that for an answer. So she started talking to people in town and somebody sent her to a lawyer and the lawyer said that’s against the Equal Pay Act, we’ve had an Equal Pay Act on the books since 1963- they can’t do that. The lawyer called the factory and the factory wouldn’t talk to the lawyer so the lawyer brought a law suit. And Lilly Ledbetter won in court and the factory appealed it. And she won in the appellate court and the factory appealed it to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has changed in composition as you know and all of a sudden after everyone thought that the cases had been settled, that if you were discriminated for doing the same job as a woman that a man is doing you are entitled to back pay for as long as you have been doing that job as a way to deter other employers from practicing discrimination and to make good on the many hours of work that were not fairly compensated. Well, the new Supreme Court found a reason to deny Lilly Ledbetter back pay for all of those years. They came up with a theory that nobody had ever heard of before. So don’t believe that the hard work is over- we still have a long way to go.

If we truly want to finish what Catt and her colleagues started, then it’s time we did more than just talking about family values — we need to adopt policies that truly value families.


YawnShut up! God, when does this nonsense end? Hillary talks for days on end! Shut up!

We stand for universal pre-kindergarten all the way through to affordable college.


From quality, affordable healthcare for every American to retirement security for every American. Paid leave. Flexible workplaces.

We need to recognize the challenges that so many people face today. You know, the economy is much more difficult. The average American family has lost a thousand dollars in income in the last six years but the costs of everything else have gone up- health care, education, energy and gas. It’s much tougher for young families to really pull together the time they need for each other.

The biggest concern that a lot of young families tell me is that they don’t have enough time. They’re working as hard as they can, they’re worried about their future, they’re anxious about everything from whether they have enough to put away to tide them over on a rainy day to what happens in the mortgage market and what’s going on if somebody in their family gets sick.

If we truly want to finish what Catt and her colleagues started, then we need to do something about our national debt — $9 trillion and counting.

That’s enough of this nonsense. It just goes on like this, for ever and ever and ever.

Anyone who thinks someone who talks like this belongs in the White House as anything other than a maid or an ornament needs to have their heads examined. God, what a crazy dullard! Only in Moonbattia could such a character avoid living under a bridge or hoarding cats or something.

No Woman SuffrageWe need to repeal womens’ suffrage posthaste. The work has already begun, but undoing the damage done in the last 90 years will be a long, hard slog. Fortunately, we have God on our side, and with the love of God in our hearts and the Fate of America in our hands, we know we shall prevail.

God bless America, and God bless each and every one of His servants!

February 12, 2008

Islamists Hate Love

Hate LoveThey admit as much themselves:

Saudi Arabia has asked florists and gift shops to remove all red items until after Valentine’s Day, calling the celebration of such a holiday a sin, local media reported Monday.

“As Muslims we shouldn’t celebrate a non-Muslim celebration, especially this one that encourages immoral relations between unmarried men and women, ” Sheikh Khaled Al-Dossari, a scholar in Islamic studies, told the Saudi Gazette, an English-language newspaper.

Every year, officials with the conservative Muslim kingdom’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice clamp down on shops a few days before February 14, instructing them to remove red roses, red wrapping paper, gift boxes and teddy bears. On the eve of the holiday, they raid stores and seize symbols of love.

The virtue and vice squad is a police force of several thousand charged with, among other things, enforcing dress codes and segregating the sexes. Saudi Arabia, which follows a strict interpretation of Islam called Wahhabism, punishes unrelated women and men who mingle in public.

These deviants despise all human emotion, and don’t mind telling you so. I can understand having a problem with fornication and homosexuality, as such behavior is genuinely sinful against the True Faith of Christianity. But to besmirch a Christian like Saint Valentine in the name of “religion” is an occult practice, quite predictable when one is talking about a moon god idolatry like Islam but completely inappropriate in light of the revealed truths of Christianity.

Saudi Arabia is our enemy, just as surely as Syria, Iran, and Iraq prior to our recent missionary efforts. None of these nations are inhabited by people who share our values, our beliefs, or our basic human emotions. All they know are hatred and fear for God and God’s works. Like our own liberals, they despise humanity and the better angels of humanity’s nature. They’d rather beat a child for praying to Jesus than hug that child. They’d rather behead a woman for showing her hair than gently chide her for failing to strap her chest down. Their values are consistent with their ancient Persian overlords, whereas ours hail from Christ, and from the noble Greek tradition of freedom typified by the Greek resistance to Persia (as recently shown in the priceless national treasure of a film, “300”).

We are at war with Islam. We have always been at war with Islam, even before the Muslim charlatans took on that name with their pretence of monotheism. We will always be at war with Islam, until God triumphs and Satan is cast into a lake of fiery perdition along with all his works and his followers. Muslims have two choices before them: the path of Christianity, or the path of damnation. By turning their backs on Saint Valentine, they turn their back on Christ Himself, and choose the latter course.

(BTW, it’s fitting that the Communist News Network is griping about the loss of the color red. For dissimilar reasons, they too have rejected Christianity and chosen the pathways of damnation. They shall suffer in accordance with their crimes.)

Praise God, and cast aside Satan and all his wickedness!

February 6, 2008

The Fruits of McInsane/Hitlery/Osama

Angry JesusGod is sending us some signs, folks.

Residents in five Southern states tried to salvage what they could Wednesday from homes reduced to piles of debris, a day after the deadliest cluster of tornadoes in nearly a decade tore through the region, snapping trees and crumpling homes. At least 48 people were dead.

Wall Street got the message from the Almighty, anyway. Also, they know for sure that Democrats do to the economy what holy water does to vampires. They reacted accordingly.

Stocks regained some ground Wednesday as many investors, though still uneasy about the economy, decided to buy back into a market battered a day earlier by recession worries.
Better-than-expected profit results from Walt Disney Co. handed Wall Street some good news. Disney posted a 26 percent decline in profit late Tuesday, but the results beat expectations. The company — one of the 30 companies that make up the Dow Jones industrials — reported a 9 percent rise in revenue, thanks in part to the success of brands such as ESPN, “High School Musical” and “Hannah Montana.”

Wall Street and Jesus are telling us, loud and clear, that they will not tolerate government by RINOs, Socialists, and Islamists. Are you listening, America? Take your iPods out of your ears and try to understand: if Huckabee/Brownback doesn’t win, this nation is going to die. Alongside the death of this nation, everything you personally hold dear will perish. Unless you’re a liberal Helioleftist who craves Satanism, of course. But people like that are beyond reason.

February 4, 2008

God’s Plan for Your Wife- Barefoot and Pregnant

Barefoot and PregnantThe problem with Hillary Clinton extends beyond the fact that she’s a Communist, or that her husband is a Communist rapist who murdered Vince Foster in the Lincoln Bedroom. It even extends beyond the fact that she intends to establish a Communist state after she’s stolen the White House and overthrown the American Christian republic.

No, the real problem with Hillary is that she’s a demon. She may not have been born one, but at some point in her life she made a compact with Satan in which she traded her immortal soul for worldly power.

Why anyone would make such a short-sighted bargain is not for us to discern. What is important, is that God has a plan for all of us, including women. Hillary stands in direct opposition to that plan.

What is that plan? Well, we do have a chance to find out. God has given us His plan in the Bible:

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is] the man; and the head of Christ [is] God. -I Corinthians 11:3

Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. -I Corinthians 11:9

Some might argue that God did not write these words, that St. Paul did. Technically speaking, that is true. However, Paul was inspired by God when he wrote them. And his words are corroborated not only in the New Testament, but also in the Old Testament, which is unequivocably written by God:

“And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.” (Leviticus 21:9)

“When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.” (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)

“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.” (Leviticus 12:2)

“But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days.” (Leviticus 12:5)

“Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” (I Timothy 2:11-14)

“If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silvers, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.” (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” (Ephesians 5:22-24)

“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” (I Corinthians 14:34-35)

Unto the woman He [God] said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” (Genesis 3:16)

“Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman.” (Eccles. 25:13)

“Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.” (Eccles. 25:22)

The whoredom of a woman may be known in her haughty looks and eyelids. If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest she abuse herself through overmuch liberty.” (Eccles. 26:9-10)

A silent and loving woman is a gift of the Lord: and there is nothing so much worth as a mind well instructed. A shamefaced and faithful woman is a double grace, and her continent mind cannot be valued.” (Eccles. 26:14-15)

“A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord.” (Eccles.26:25)

“For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach.” (Eccles. 42:13-14)

I emphasized the most important passages for our purposes. Clearly, God’s plan is for our wives and our daughters to remain our most faithful, loyal, and trusting servants. They must bear strong children as often as possible. They must remember their place, and honor their men, that they may merit the honor true men always accord women who are not harlots or Hippies or degenerate Satanist Communist beasts like Hillary and Britney Spears and Madonna. Any woman who does not follow God’s plan, is in league with Satan, the enemy of God and the enemy of America.

For women who do not choose to follow the path God has set for us all, there are ways for society to deal with them. Satanist witches would undoubtedly find those ways most unpleasant, but the Bible is quite specific:

“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Whoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.” (Exodus 22:18-20)

Any woman who dabbles in Satanism or demonism must face a harsh punishment. The men who do the same, warlocks, shall suffer a similar retribution.

We must all do our part to keep America safe from Satanism and other deviancies. The Brownback write-in campaign is God’s plan for this great nation; if we choose to follow the path of folly, God shall smite us accordingly.

Pray for America. Pray for yourselves. A time of troubles is upon us all.

 (I would like to give special thanks to my wife, who helped me find the specific Bible verses.  She’s a decent woman, who strictly follows all Biblical tenets.  Unlike some harlots I’ve met on this blog who shall remain unmentioned, she is a decent Christian who obeys the Lord.)

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