Blogs 4 Brownback

April 7, 2008

4chan: Just How Ghey Are They?

4chan is totally gay4chan retards are flocking to the site once again for a post that appeared months ago. Just how stupid are these retards? Apparently they never forget, but 4channers are obviously dumber than a sack of doorknobs.

Not much more needs to be said, but go ahead and discuss.

NOTE: “NIGGER” and “DESU” x 9000 comments will be deleted as will weak attempts at rickrolling (don’t ask). That means the majority of the comments will never appear since 4channers never have an original thought or an active synapse between them. It’s like a hive mind of stupid over in that latrine.

NOTE 2: ts;cr (too stupid; can’t read) is apparently a popular “meme” with these worthless trolls, so expect to see some variant of this brainless unfunny reply before I have a chance to hit the delete key.

Update: The 4chan Manifesto:

We are Anonymous, and we are totally gay.
We are void of human decency, such as pity and mercy.
Those who perform reckless actions or wish to harm the Anonymous will be forced to have gay sex without hesitation.
Enemies of the Anonymous include anyone who is not totally gay.
Our enemies are to be violated swiftly and without incident.
Anonymous must work as one gay whole. No Anonymous knows anything.
Betrayal of Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted because we are totally gay.
No man-made or natural occurrence can harm the Anonymous (ow, don’t slap me, silly goose).
Under no circumstances are Anonymous human or straight. We are above heteros and morality.
We are legion, for we are many and totally gay.
Anonymous is everywhere at all times.  Especially up your backside because we love buttsecks.
All have the potential to be Anonymous until they choose not to be gay.
Anonymous has no redeeming value.
Laws of Nature and Man cannot restrain the gaity of teh Anonymous.
Anonymous is one. Anonymous is gay. Feuding and argument amongst the Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted. Especially when wearing the holy assles chaps.
Anonymous is in control of all other faggorz at all times.
Anonymous has no identity or brains.
Anonymous cannot be contained by mere restraints. Anonymous prefers whips and chains like all gaywads.
Anonymous are all equal. Butt some are more equal than others. Tee hee.
Anonymous is the virus; Christians are the cure.
We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive.
We are dumber than a sack of hammers.

Thanks to 4chan insider, Anonymous.

— Psycheout

April 2, 2008

“I’d Like a Cheeseburger with a Side of Gay”

Gay CheeseburgerComing soon to your local McDonald’s: the gay agenda.  Please take note — this is no longer April Fool’s Day.  This is deadly serious.  As in the AIDS and your kids.  Want condoms and spanish fly with a side of butyl nitrate in your kids’ Happy Meal?  Your wish may soon come true.

Why?  Because!

McDonald’s has signed on to a nationwide effort to promote “gay” and “lesbian” business ventures.

Did you catch that?  No, Toto, you’re not in San Fransicko anymore.  This is a nationwide campaign to spread the ghey.

According to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner, McDonald’s will aggressively promote the homosexual agenda.

Got it, parents?  This is no longer about tolerance, it’s about indoctrination, pure and simple.  McDonald’s Playland takes on a whole new meaning.  Gloryholes for all.  Even your son!  Slippery lubricants in a rainbow of flavors available at the condom, I mean condiment, counter at no extra charge.

We have an obligation to use our size and resources to make a difference in the world…[to make the world gayer, like a giant roller disco party]…and we do.

Hold onto your stomachs, dear parents, this only gets worse.

The company gave an undisclosed amount of money to the NGLCC in return for being recognized as a major promoter of the homosexual agenda.

And where do you think that money’s going?  Don’t ask, they won’t tell.

“I’m thrilled to join the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce team and ready to get to work [on the children]. I share the NGLCC’s passion for [children,] business growth and development within the LGBT community, and I look forward to playing a role in moving these important initiatives forward [and perverting young minds into celebrating the gay lifestyle].”

Got that?

Please help the American Family Association.  And no more drive throughs at McDonald’s unless you celebrate the homosexual lifestyle and hate children.  You don’t hate children, do you?

— Psycheout

March 29, 2008

The Gay Agenda Part I: An In-depth Report

Assless ChapsThis is a B4B exclusive.  All rights belong exclusively to B4B.  Must credit B4B for any excerpts.

Dateline: San Francisco, CA, headquarters of the gay agenda.  I am granted an exclusive interview with one of the shadowy leaders of a group that vows to destroy America from within and reshape her in its graven image.  Unless something is done to stop these foul creatures, America the Beautiful will no longer be made up of Red and Blue states, but will be one disgusting swath of pink, united under a pink triangle, a satanic symbol of universal fruitiness.

Kenny G (not his real name) takes his seat, dressed in “assless chaps” and a fuchsia feather boa, a mischievous glint in his eye.  World domination is his goal, warping your child’s mind is his aim, the literal destruction of America is on his mind.  And he’s not afraid to admit it.  In fact, he’s downright proud and smug about it.  Shocking is the word to describe this sinful cretin.

PO: Hi, Kenny G.  Thank you for granting us this interview.

KG: You’re welcome, sweetie.  I was hoping to get you back to my place for a bit of fun, if you know what I mean.  *winks*

PO: Yeah, right.  Great.  So what is it that your group, The Gay Mafia, wants to achieve?

KG: Equality for all, silly goose.  There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?

PO: But everyone is equal already, aren’t they?  Women are allowed to drive and work, racial discrimination is a thing of the past, read only about in history books, there are laws that forbid discrimination.  In fact, now there’s reverse discrimination.  What more do you want?  What you actually want are special rights, isn’t that correct?

KG: Oh, just get off your soapbox, won’t you, sugar?  Of course we want “special” rights.  We’re special people, therefore we deserve to have it all.  Get this: I have to watch television shows about straight couples all the time, you see them everywhere, flaunting their heterosexuality.  It’s disgusting.  What we need are more gays on the “boob tube.”  We need more openly gay couples, threesomes and foursomes, showing their pride on the streets and in the seedy back alleys of America.  People must be forced to call us normal, not weird, not sick.  Do you like my chaps?

PO: Let’s stay on the subject, Kenny.  This is very interesting.  What about people who realize that the gay lifestyle choice is sinful?  What about them?

KG: Those homophobes should be locked up and forced to watch gay porn 24/7.  No question about it.

PO: Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme?

KG: No I don’t.  If being forced to watch hot guys in the act of blissful unrestrained sodomy is what it takes to open some eyes and change some minds then so be it.  And another thing: homosexuality is not a sin.  It’s hot all right, but it’s not sinful, sister.
PO: But what about the King James Bible?  It clearly states that gaiety is a sin, forbidden by the Lord.  You can’t argue that.

KG: F**k the Bible.  King James was a big fairy.  And so was Jesus.  I hate God and I hate the Bible.  All that junk.  Religion should be banned and Christians thrown to the lions, again.  If I ever became king, it’s off with their heads.  Fundies make me sick.  What a bunch of drama queens!

PO: You would ban the free exercise of religion?

KG: You bet your ass I would.

PO: But what about the children?

KG: What about them?  I love children.  Especially little boys.  There’s nothing I would like better than twisting their minds into accepting my homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle choice.  Then I’ll make them my love slaves.  Oooh, that’s hot.  Girls are much easier to turn, most are closet lesbos anyway, but you gotta get the little boys early, before they become masculine.

Later in the interview, Kenny G goes on about abortion on demand, or rather, forced abortions for all “straights” and other repulsive ideas behind the gay lifestyle.  I also asked who Kenny supports for President.  The answer was no surprise.  “Obama’s smoking hot,” he gushed as he touched himself in an impure manner.

Further excerpts from this shocking interview will be posted at a later date.

Reject the gay agenda for the sake of America.  If not, she and you, unless you’re an unrepentant gay homosexual who doesn’t deserve to live on G-d’s green Earth, will be destroyed.  You wouldn’t want that to happen, would you?

— Psycheout

March 3, 2008

Deviant Counterattack

Apparently, our moonbat trolls have grown weary of constantly having their comments shut down on a Christian, family-friendly blog.  Instead, they’ve chosen to start a counter-blog, Blogs Not 4 Brownback.

It’s difficult to see what they hope to accomplish by all this. Real Americans visit patriotic websites like B4B for their news and informed commentary. Traitors, anti-American foreigners, and deviants of all stripes will naturally flock to such blogs as well, hoping to corrupt the incorruptible Christian American spirit with their constant haranguing, underhanded deceptions, incessant distortions, and outright hackery. No one listens to them but they themselves, of course. Decent people read the Bible and say the Pledge of Allegiance. Decent people are unlikely to eschew decent activities in order to heed the Satanic influences of a medley assortment of anonymous Internet trolls.

I’m putting their blog in our blogroll, because I think older site viewers need to know what kinds of unspeakably libelous filth leftards will post in their unending efforts to destroy America. Younger readers are strongly cautioned, however, not to peruse the site. Parents should bear in mind that left-wing sites often make hysterical, emotional appeals designed to reach out to the more impressionable minds of the young, in an effort to convert them away from strong Christian habits and into a lifestyle of homosexual debauchery and atheistic nihilism. Due caution should be used when viewing such websites.

I, myself, will not be commenting on such a site. I find it dangerous to award these people with my IP address, alternate email information*, or any other data they might use to hack into this site and make more fake posts about how we’re a hoax. These people are completely shameless, completely ruthless, and they stand in direct, treasonous opposition to all things American, good, and pure. I feel no need to help them, when even my rebuttals would assist them.

* My Blogs 4 Brownback email address is publicly accessible information: Write to me with any concerns or questions. If I don’t get back to you, I apologize. My spam filter catches a great deal, and I use that account exclusively for this blog, so I don’t always have time to check it.

February 22, 2008

Barack Obama is a Homosexual Crackhead

Looks like the Democrats are nominating only their finest representative, as usual.

The meteoric rise of US Presidential candidate Barack Obama may be headed for a crash landing, if charges of a homosexual tryst and crack-cocaine drug binge are proven to be true.

The shocking allegations, made by a Mr. Larry Sinclair, first appeared on a self-made YouTube video several weeks ago, shortly before the hotly-contested South Carolina primary. In the video, Mr. Sinclair alleges that back in 1999, when Mr. Obama was still a state representative, he smoked crack cocaine while receiving oral sex from Mr. Sinclair.

In an interview with talk radio show The Right Perspective, Mr. Sinclair says he was running drugs back in 1999, and was in Chicago “doing business”. “I wanted to meet someone who knew the city,” he said. Mr. Sinclair’s limo driver introduced the two, who hit it off immediately. After Mr. Obama scored cocaine for him, Mr. Sinclair’s “gaydar” went off and made a pass at Mr. Obama, who did not refuse. It was then when Mr. Sinclair allegedly performed oral sex on Mr. Obama. Mr. Sinclair also alleges that Mr. Obama smoked crack cocaine while receiving oral favors from Mr. Sinclair.

The following day, Mr. Sincalir alleges that Mr. Obama visited him at his hotel room for a “quickie,” where they did more cociaine and Mr. Sinclair performed oral sex on Mr. Obama for a second time.

Mr. Sinclair told The Right Perspective that he can prove his allegations, providing hotel receipts and the limousine driver who introduced him to Mr. Obama and whose limo the alleged scandal occurred. Mr. Sinclair can also provide details on Mr. Obama’s genitals, too. Mr. Sinclair believes Mr. Obama is an “on-the-down-low” closet case and is likely bisexual.

Mr. Sinclair believes that Mr. Obama’s honesty over the drug issue is the more important issue at stake, maintaining Mr. Obama’s revelation of drug use being firmly in the past is not true and that Mr. Obama has not stopped using cocaine.

Mr. Sinclair asserts that he has been trying to get word of his alleged tryst with Mr. Obama out since last Fall, and YouTube was a “last resort” after both MSNBC and The New York Post buried a story based on his claims, despite having verified them. “It’s like, anything [negative] you have on Obama is untouchable, it’s forbidden” and blames Obama campaign manager David Axelrod for engineering a media blackout on the story. Mr. Sinclair has threatened to sue David Axelrod, for running a “smear campaign” that attempts to tie Mr. Sinclair with a rival political campaign.

Heh heh heh. THIS is the man the Democrats want to send to the White House, a sodomite drug addict with little experience and a penchant for lying. Why is the MSM ignoring this story? Where is the Communist News Network’s reporting? Oh, wait.

But maybe it’s not so simple. Obama and I are roughly the same age. I grew up in liberal circles in New York City — a place to which people who wished to rebel against their upbringings had gravitated for generations. And yet, all of my mixed race, black/white classmates throughout my youth, some of whom I am still in contact with, were the product of very culturally specific unions. They were always the offspring of a white mother, (in my circles, she was usually Jewish, but elsewhere not necessarily) and usually a highly educated black father. And how had these two come together at a time when it was neither natural nor easy for such relationships to flourish? Always through politics. No, not the young Republicans. Usually the Communist Youth League. Or maybe a different arm of the CPUSA. But, for a white woman to marry a black man in 1958, or 60, there was almost inevitably a connection to explicit Communist politics. (During the Clinton Administration we were all introduced to then U. of Pennsylvania Professor Lani Guinier — also a half black/half Jewish, red diaper baby.)

I don’t know how Barak Obama’s parents met. But the Kincaid article referenced above makes a very convincing case that Obama’s family, later, (mid 1970s) in Hawaii, had close relations with a known black Communist intellectual. And, according to what Obama wrote in his first autobiography, the man in question — Frank Marshall Davis — appears to have been Barack’s own mentor, and even a father figure. Of course, since the Soviet Union itself no longer exists, it’s an open question what it means practically to have been politically mentored by an official Communist. Ideologically, the implications are clearer.

Political correctness was invented precisely to prevent the mainstream liberal media from persuing the questions which might arise about how Senator Obama’s mother, from Kansas, came to marry an African graduate student. Love? Sure, why not? But what else was going on around them that made it feasible? Before readers level cheap accusations of racism — let’s recall that the very question of interracial marriage only became a big issue later in the 1960s. The notion of a large group of mixed race Americans became an issue during and after the Vietnam War. Even the civil-rights movement kept this culturally explosive matter at arm’s distance.

It was, of course, an explicit tactic of the Communist party to stir up discontent among American blacks, with an eye toward using them as the leading edge of the revolution. To be sure, there was much to be discontented about, for black Americans, prior to the civil-rights revolution. To their credit, of course, most black Americans didn’t buy the commie line — and showed more faith in the possibilities of democratic change than in radical politics, and the results on display in Moscow.

Time for some investigative journalism about the Obama family’s background, now that his chances of being president have increased so much.

Nevermind, they’d never turn on a fellow traveler. Like father, like son.

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, if you don’t see Obama as a national disgrace, you’re probably one yourself. All Americans must do everything in their power to keep this man as far away from the White House as humanly possible. The FBI shouldn’t even allow him to visit there as a tourist. He’d probably end up getting arrested in the restroom for lewd conduct and drug abuse.

UPDATE: Looks like others are covering this, too. You can lie about it but you can’t hide it, Crack Cocaine Hussein Osama!

February 12, 2008

Islamists Hate Love

Hate LoveThey admit as much themselves:

Saudi Arabia has asked florists and gift shops to remove all red items until after Valentine’s Day, calling the celebration of such a holiday a sin, local media reported Monday.

“As Muslims we shouldn’t celebrate a non-Muslim celebration, especially this one that encourages immoral relations between unmarried men and women, ” Sheikh Khaled Al-Dossari, a scholar in Islamic studies, told the Saudi Gazette, an English-language newspaper.

Every year, officials with the conservative Muslim kingdom’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice clamp down on shops a few days before February 14, instructing them to remove red roses, red wrapping paper, gift boxes and teddy bears. On the eve of the holiday, they raid stores and seize symbols of love.

The virtue and vice squad is a police force of several thousand charged with, among other things, enforcing dress codes and segregating the sexes. Saudi Arabia, which follows a strict interpretation of Islam called Wahhabism, punishes unrelated women and men who mingle in public.

These deviants despise all human emotion, and don’t mind telling you so. I can understand having a problem with fornication and homosexuality, as such behavior is genuinely sinful against the True Faith of Christianity. But to besmirch a Christian like Saint Valentine in the name of “religion” is an occult practice, quite predictable when one is talking about a moon god idolatry like Islam but completely inappropriate in light of the revealed truths of Christianity.

Saudi Arabia is our enemy, just as surely as Syria, Iran, and Iraq prior to our recent missionary efforts. None of these nations are inhabited by people who share our values, our beliefs, or our basic human emotions. All they know are hatred and fear for God and God’s works. Like our own liberals, they despise humanity and the better angels of humanity’s nature. They’d rather beat a child for praying to Jesus than hug that child. They’d rather behead a woman for showing her hair than gently chide her for failing to strap her chest down. Their values are consistent with their ancient Persian overlords, whereas ours hail from Christ, and from the noble Greek tradition of freedom typified by the Greek resistance to Persia (as recently shown in the priceless national treasure of a film, “300”).

We are at war with Islam. We have always been at war with Islam, even before the Muslim charlatans took on that name with their pretence of monotheism. We will always be at war with Islam, until God triumphs and Satan is cast into a lake of fiery perdition along with all his works and his followers. Muslims have two choices before them: the path of Christianity, or the path of damnation. By turning their backs on Saint Valentine, they turn their back on Christ Himself, and choose the latter course.

(BTW, it’s fitting that the Communist News Network is griping about the loss of the color red. For dissimilar reasons, they too have rejected Christianity and chosen the pathways of damnation. They shall suffer in accordance with their crimes.)

Praise God, and cast aside Satan and all his wickedness!

February 8, 2008

A Liberal Twofer

PinheadI’m afraid, dear friends, that our society is sliding down the slippery slope of liberalism, ever closer to the pit of total depravity.  I present two news stories that demonstrate that American society is being torn apart by leftist ideology piece by bloody piece.

First up, the acceptance and promotion of the homosexual agenda in our schools.  A second grade boy is being allowed to play dress up, wearing a dress and being referred to by his new girly name.  I suspect any normal child questioning this behavior will be charged with a hate crime and will be whisked off to a “tolerance” re-education camp.  Jesus wept.

The issue of being transgender usually pops up with students in high school. However, a 2nd grade boy wants to dress as a girl and be addressed with a girl’s name.

“As a public school system, our calling is to educate all kids no matter where they come from, what their background is, beliefs, values, it doesn’t matter,” said Whei Wong, Douglas County Schools spokesperson.

Boy in a dressI’ll resist the temptation to poke fun at the ridiculous name and get to the point.  Beliefs are one thing, perverted actions are another.  Johnny can believe whatever he likes, but if he is allowed to dress up as Jane, confusing and frightening the other young and impressionable students, he has crossed the line.  This normalizing of perversion is quite dangerous indeed.

“I see this as being a very difficult situation to explain to my daughter to explain why someone would not want to be the gender they were born with,” said Dave M.

His daughter will be in the same class as the student.

It would be wise to yank her out of that school rather than risk your daughter deciding to be a boy or a lesbian.  The homo lifestyle is a choice, so why confront her with it?  Why put up with this nonsense?

Electric ChairNext up, an activist liberal Supreme Court in Nebraska has outlawed the use of the electric chair.  Rather than punish vile criminals, we are now supposed to coddle them and worry about their feelings.  What about the real victims?  What about their feelings?

The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled Friday that electrocution is cruel and unusual punishment, outlawing the electric chair in the only state that still used it as its sole means of execution.

And who did the court rule in favor of?  Pond scum.

The high court made the ruling in the case of Raymond Mata Jr., convicted for the 1999 kidnapping and killing of 3-year-old Adam Gomez of Scottsbluff.

If this guy doesn’t deserve a ride in old sparky, I can’t imagine who would.  Hanging would be too good for him.  A firing squad, too noble.  Lethal injection, too kind.  The electric chair was made for just this kind of degenerate.  I say use it.  But the court cries “no” for no good reason.

Frankenstein's LabIn its 6-1 ruling, the high court said the evidence shows that electrocution inflicts “intense pain and agonizing suffering” and that “(electrocution) has proven itself to be a dinosaur more befitting the laboratory of Baron Frankenstein than the death chamber” of state prisons.

Oh, boo hoo.  Cry me a river.  The court apparently cares more about guilty criminals than the innocent victims of their heinous crimes.  Besides, Dr. Frankenstein’s lab looked more like a lethal injection chamber.  What a stupid argument.  And even lethal injection is being challenged as being too mean to the poor victimized criminals.

Bleeding heart liberals need to be rooted out of our schools and kicked off the courts of this great land.  Otherwise the transformation to a socialist paradise and hell on earth will be complete.  Pray for America, folks.  Before the liberals ban that too.

— Psycheout

January 15, 2008

Demonwatch: Madonna

I feel the time is ripe to discuss the deviant and anti-Christian practices of the harlot known as the artist known as Madonna. Her real name is Mrs. Ritchie, but no one will know whom you’re talking about if you refer to her that way. “The Harlot” will likely earn you some topic recognition, though.

This degenerate video is fairly innocent, for Mrs. Ritchie’s typical fare. The worst is her film “Body of Evidence,” in which the harlot displays flagrant nudity; also, the unspeakably depraved “Justify My Love,” a video which single-handedly created hundreds of sexually-confused Sodomites when MTV foolishly aired it in 1992. Hermaphrodism, bestiality, sado-masochism, and fornication are typical day’s work for this unspeakably, insufferably deranged strumpet.

This woman’s antics have long grated against the American Christian conscience. The fact that she’s chosen to call herself “Madonna” only adds blasphemy to her long list of iniquities.

Luckily for “Madonna”, she lives in Europe now. Her fellow Atheist moonbats will shield her from retribution after the Christian victory in 2008, but not for long. God will not suffer His authority to be flaunted forever, and one who sullies the name of the Virgin Mary by associating it with prostitution is begging Heaven to destroy them.

I pray that Britain will relinquish “Madonna” (Mrs. Ritchie)to the proper authorities when the time is ripe. Failure to do so could justify stern countermeasures, up to and including the use of military force to take this woman by force to her native land for criminal prosecution. Crimes against Christianity are not to be tolerated, even if the abettors seek sanctuary amongst our friends and allies.

January 9, 2008

Drown the Ingrates!

New Orleans BussesThieving scumbags:

Hurricane Katrina’s victims have put a price tag on their suffering and it is staggering — including one plaintiff seeking the unlikely sum of $3 quadrillion.

A whopping $3,014,170,389,176,410 is the dollar figure so far sought from some of the largest claims filed against the federal government over damage from the failure of levees and flood walls following the Aug. 29, 2005, hurricane.

Of roughly 489,000 total claims, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it has received 247 for at least $1 billion apiece, including the one for $3 quadrillion.

“That’s the mother of all high numbers,” said Loren Scott, a Baton Rouge-based economist.

For the sake of perspective: A mere $1 quadrillion would dwarf the U.S. gross domestic product, which Scott said was $13.2 trillion in 2007. A stack of one quadrillion pennies would reach Saturn.

Some residents may have grossly exaggerated their claims to send a message to the corps, which has accepted blame for poorly designing the failed levees.

“I understand the anger,” Scott said. “I also understand it’s a negotiating tactic: Aim high and negotiate down.”

I have a counter-offer for these ingrates: if this is the thanks we get from you people for hauling you out of your worthless Sodom of a bathtub by the beach, next time you get flooded we should knock out a couple dams upstream. Maybe when you’re suffering Biblical flooding, you’ll wish you’d been prayiing and building Arks instead of sinning and stealing from your fellow citizens.

I’m serious. These swine had decades to leave New Orleans. They chose to remain in a den of sin, living in sin. The federal government would’ve been well within its rights to let them pay the penalty for their iniquities after God smote them with Hurricane Katrina, but in his mercy, George Bush chose to rescue these worthless sinners. THAT was a mistake he won’t make twice, and neither will the next Republican President.

December 11, 2007

Vampires are Pure Evil

NosferatuOne thing that all right-thinking can agree upon is that vampirism is a grievous sin. The act of undeath may, or may not, be valid in reality. However, the concept of vampirism, and of related practices of blood-sucking, Satanism, depravity, and murder, is alive and well, and its address is in the Democrat Party.

Vampirism has been with us since time immemorial. It, and its related sin, liberalism, latch onto the body (individual’s, or politic’s) neck, siphon the life force from them, and corrupt the remainder into a willing acolyte. Whether one is talking about a Bram Stoker character or a nation like Sweden, the effects of vampirism are the same: a corrupt, degraded addiction to social welfare programs, the tax dollars of others, and the life force of whatever society of individuals one happens upon.

VampyreIt is no coincidence that vampire expert Ann Rice endorsed John Kerry in 2004. It is no coincidence that she endorses Hillary Clinton today. Nor is it a coincidence that John Kerry is directly descended from Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Count Dracula.

Yes, the Democrat Party’s record is rife with links and connections to vampires and vampirism. And these are the moonbats running Congress today. It’s no wonder that John Gibson was able to pinpoint the link between vampirism and the decision to cut and run in Iraq:

What should we say about politicians who actually fear a good report on the surge? Whose nightly prayers are evidently that their county lose a war because otherwise they might lose an election? Oh the panic, oh the terror! Win the war?

Believe it or not there are Americans for whom that is very, very bad news. You wonder how they sleep, unless it’s upside down in a cave. Vampires don’t have trouble sleeping.

That’s My Word.

VampPresident Brownback should use his mandate to begin the destruction of all vampires in America. Some of those vampires may be the ones spoken of in the Bible. Some of them may be the ones wearing suits and peace symbols in Washington, DC. All of them must be destroyed if they threaten our lives, or the life force of our society. President Brownback should send Ann Rice to Guantanamo, as well, if she won’t stop spouting this leftist nonsense and endorsing vampire candidates for office.

Vampirism is no laughing matter. We patriots, Christians, and Republicans must do all in our power to stand against vampirism, Satanism, Sodomism, Marxism, Heliocentrism, atheism, secularism, Islamism, Paganism, liberalism, anti-Triclavianism, and any other anti-American dunderheaded evil nonsense -ism you can think of.

May God bless these United States!

December 8, 2007

Huckabee: Looking Out for All Americans

Filed under: Health Care,Homosexuality,Mike Huckabee — Psycheout @ 6:11 pm

I Like MikeMike Huckabee has been on the rise lately, in case y’all hadn’t noticed the Huckaboom.  And why not?  He’s a good man: a former Baptist preacher.  A true Christian leader.  Heck, even “roundhouse kick” Chuck Norris endorsed him.  And Huck’s just full of good ideas for America.  Like this one:

Mike Huckabee once advocated isolating AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased federal funding in the search for a cure and said homosexuality could “pose a dangerous public health risk.”

Now that makes a lot of sense.  Homosexuals do indeed oppose a risk to the normal population and they are often, liberals claim, targets of violence by “intolerant” folks.  So isolating them from the general population keeps them safe as well as the rest of us.

Huck also has some interesting and innovative ideas on how to fund AIDS research without reaching his hand into your wallet (the Democrat party answer to everything).

Besides a quarantine, Huckabee suggested that Hollywood celebrities fund AIDS research from their own pockets, rather than federal health agencies.

They’ve got lots of money don’t they?  Probably money that they’d otherwise blow on fornication parties and, well, blow.

In 1992, Huckabee wrote, “If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague.”

I’m not sure if this is still Huck’s current position, but he certainly was forward thinking to come up with such final solutions back in 1992.  I’m sure he’s come up with lots of great ideas since then.  A vote for Huck just might be a vote to end the AIDS menace once and for all.  And that’s a good thing that we can all agree on.

— Psycheout

December 6, 2007

Take THAT, Ford Drivers!

No FordGod has only begun to requite you:

Ford Motor Co. said Thursday it is recalling 1.17 million trucks, sport utility vehicles and vans to fix an engine sensor that could lead to engine stalling.

The recalled vehicles are all from the 1997-2003 model years with 7.3 liter diesel engines, including the Ford E-Series van, Excursion full-size sport utility vehicle, and F-450 Super Duty and F-550 Super Duty trucks.

That’s what you get for driving a vehicle from a treefrog trade unionist company that cavorts with sodomites. You will die, you will burn in Hell, and decent Americans driving decent Christian-made cars will speed past your final resting place on their way to church every day, not even noticing.

Good riddance to those enabling the homosexual/trade unionist agenda. Good riddance to them all. The sooner Ford joins its Nazi trade unionist founder in Hell, the better for all of us.

God be praised!

November 13, 2007

America’s Musicians Are Not Dying Quickly Enough

American Musician's GraveI am forced to listen to a great deal of radio music in my workplaces. One common element throughout the modern music I hear, apart from its appalling themes and utter lack of quality, is the dearth of death among its degenerate composers and performers.

This lack of demise troubles me immensely. I’m subjected to endless songs about fornication, drug addiction, atheism, and alcohol abuse. Yet those who perpetrate these crimes against humanity do not suffer for their actions. Many of them have even lived into their thirties.

At least in the 1960s, the deviants who destroyed our nation’s moral fibre largely had the decency to allow themselves to be consumed in their own maelstrom. Jim Morrison, Jim Hendrix, Janice Joplin, John Lennon, Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain– the list of sinful musicians answering for their sins in their youths goes on and on. Some died from their drugs, some from suicide or Divine Vengeance. The point is, they died, most of them in well-deserved agony, cursing their own sinful lives as God sent them to their eternal reward for their misdeeds.

Today’s musicians defy Heaven for longer. By remaining alive, they set a poor example for our nation’s youth. How can one discourage one’s children from fornicating and taking drugs, when prominent examples of those doing so live on well into their fifties? These dogs haven’t the decency to pay for their crimes in their youths, when they might at least be able to plead youthful folly as an excuse; instead, they linger on, decade after decade, contributing check after check to the Democrat Party, NARAL, and NAMBLA, sowing the seeds of further sin and embelishing those already committed.

Surely none can count it a mercy to allow such filth to continue to draw breath. The real question is, what is one to do about it? Obviously, President Bush- for all his many virtues- is not the man to cope with this crisis. President Brownback will face a serious challenge culling the chaff from the wheat in the American entertainment industry. All-star performers like Ted Nugent and Toby Keith must emerge from the crucible stronger than ever; filth like Jay-Z, the Rolling Stones, and Beyonce must face serious punishments.

I wouldn’t rule out Guantanamo, if President Brownback is feeling clement; but more likely, the retribution for the “music” spawned by this filth will have to be far more severe. In any case, President Brownback will take the appropriate measures. These degenerate hedonists who masquerade themselves as “artists” are in for a rude awakening come January 2009.

October 26, 2007

Et Tu, Georgia?

GavelGeorgia has gone RINO on us, allowing deviants and perverts to roam its streets at will:

Georgia’s Supreme Court on Friday ordered the release of a young man who has been imprisoned for more than two years for having consensual oral sex with another teenager.

The court ruled 4-3 that Genarlow Wilson’s 10-year sentence was cruel and unusual punishment.

Wilson, 21, was convicted of aggravated child molestation following a 2003 New Year’s Eve party at a Douglas County hotel room where he was videotaped having oral sex with a 15-year-old girl. He was 17 at the time.

Georgia has gone the way of California, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, and every other state that wants to let sexual perverts and predators molest children at will. The shameless decision of the Georgia Supreme Court will haunt each and every one of its members until the day they die and face judgment for their actions.

When we said that legitimizing homosexuality would lead to legitimizing NAMBLA, the moonbats scoffed. Now we see that America is one day closer to the fulfillment of that dour prophecy. I hope you’re happy that your children can now be savagely sodomized by vicious predators, leftists. You have sown the wind by letting homosexuals off the hook; now you reap the whirlwind in the form of legalized pederasty.

God please forgive America her sins, and lead her back into Thy Light.

October 25, 2007

Homosexuals are Responsible for the Wildfires

WildfireOne thing is increasingly clear to Americans as we study the California wildfires: someone is responsible for all this. That someone is God. Networks like CNN will try to blame arson, of course, and maybe arson was a contributing factor. But our God is the God of arsonists, as well, and sometimes even criminals end up unwittingly doing the Lord’s work.

Why would God want to burn California? Well, beyond the fact that God is punishing America as a whole for turning its back on the candidate who best exemplified His will, Sam Brownback, there are sins peculiar to, or prevalent in, California. I’m talking about two evils in particular: Hollywood, and homosexuality.

Hollywood is the root of most American evil. (The remaining evil emanates from New York City, of course.) Hollywood, that den of flag-burning pornographers and sexual deviants, has learned a powerful lesson: God will not tolerate their irreligious iniquities indefinitely, and they will be held reponsible for their crimes and sins- in this life as well as the next.

Homosexuality is a sin older than Hollywood, but its recent spread in America is directly attributable to Hollywood. Without the release of pornography and films like “Brokeback Mountain,” most Americans wouldn’t even be aware that homosexuality existed. Without the deviant Supreme Court, homosexuality would still be a crime in most of the decent parts of this country, and the police would quickly incarcerate these perverts before they had a chance to teach our children that sodomy is acceptable behavior.

Sadly, homosexuality is no longer treated as criminal activity. Nor is it treated as a mental disorder. In reality, though it is both. It is also a sin against God, and as we all know, God will not stand for the world to be corrupted with sin and evil.

God has shown California that He does not countenance homosexuality, just as He showed New Orleans that He would not stand for dipsomania and fornication. The liberal media can try to spin their way out of the web of sin that liberalism has entagled this country in, but the reality is that the great spider, Satan, has us at his mercy. Only God can cut the knots of vileness that risk our lives and our souls. Only God can set us free.

Repent now, homosexuals. Repent, and devote your lives to proselytizing your repentance. The hour of your judgment is nigh. God will always have more of California to burn, and next time you may find yourselves caught in an earthquake as you await this flaming doom.

God bless these United States. And may God be praised throughout this great nation.

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