Blogs 4 Brownback

November 21, 2007

Scott McClellan: Trying To Sell a Book

Scott McClellanIn a craven attempt to rake in a pile of cash, former Press Secretary Scott McClellan has betrayed his President and his Administration. And in doing so, he has betrayed America. Question: was Scott lying then or is he lying now? I can’t be sure, but it seems what he’s leaking now to the press will potentially make him a lot of money from BDS afflicted moonbats who reflexively grasp at any straw in a futile effort to embarrass our great President. Next he’ll be posting on Daily Kos. Just watch.

Get a load of this rubbish:

Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan names names in a caustic passage from a forthcoming memoir that accuses President Bush, Karl Rove and Vice President Cheney of being “involved” in his giving the press false information about the CIA leak case.

Simple Scotty draws out the long knives and cheerfully stabs his former friends and superiors right in the back, without hesitation.

“I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the seniormost aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby,” McClellan wrote.

“There was one problem. It was not true.”

And it’s all about money. Not truth, not honor, not principle, not loyalty. Just the visions of dollar signs that dance in his head. Shameful. Simply shameful.

McClellan then absolves himself and makes an inflammatory — and potentially lucrative for his publisher — charge.

That’s what it’s all about, covering his behind and himself in greenbacks. But who really cares about this nonsense anyway? It’s already obvious to anyone with half a brain that there was no underlying crime. So what’s the big deal? And Lewis Libby is nothing short of a hero. That’s a fact. Scott McClellan is a shamelessly disloyal sellout who’s trying desperately to sell a book that nobody wants to read.

It’s pathetic and sad. Scotty, how could you sink so low? And which Democrat are you going to endorse? The moonbat media will make a big deal out of this no doubt, sensing blood in the water, but it will be reportage full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Moonbat McClellan, your five minutes in the sun are long past. Do us all a favor and go spend some time with your family. And don’t forget to turn in your White House press pass.

The saddest part of this whole non-story is that President Bush’s steadfast loyalty to his friend from Austin was repaid with a hard slap in the face.  What an awful thing to do to such a generous and trusting man.  It makes me sick.

— Psycheout

October 24, 2007

Think Progress Attacks B4B and Bill O’Reilly

Think RegressTwo attacks in two days on B4B and yours truly by the far-left smear merchants over at Think Progress. Today they’ve foolishly upped the ante by attacking respected journalist and radio talk show host Bill O’Reilly. We’re in good company.

The O’Reilly Factor and Radio Factor are gigantic and influential media institutions. There can be no doubt that when O’Reilly talks, people listen. And, inevitably, the left is always anxious to ridicule him for his unabashed truth telling. Attacking a little website like B4B is bad enough, but when you attack Bill O’Reilly, the fearless culture warrior, you’re asking for trouble. Big trouble.

Because B4B and BO had the temerity to point out the truth, that J.K. Rowling’s revelation about the homosexuality of a character in her undeservedly popular Harry Potter series is a blatant attempt to further the homosexual agenda (and to sell more books), we are attacked and ridiculed by those who favor special rights for gays.

As usual, the gay propaganda machine mercilessly targets our children in attempt to confuse them about right and wrong. This is just another in a series of attacks on the traditional family unit, something which homosexual apologists and social engineers are so desperate to destroy. But make no mistake about it, we will prevail against this vocal and powerful minority.

I hope that if Bill O decides to defend himself against TP (the Toilet Paper of the web) that he will put in a good word for us at B4B. And it seems that even O’Reilly’s nemesis, former sportscaster and current deranged moonbat Keith Olbermann, used his ratings-free public-access cable program Countdown (To Cancellation) to attack us as well. Apparently Olby is content to let Think Regress do his “research” for him. That’s not surprising since his network, MS-DNC is watched by about a dozen people, including those intrepid truth tellers over at Olbermann watch.

Move over Donahue, and make room for another self-indulgent blowhard. Keithy will be selling pencils on the street corner with you soon enough.

Keith Olbermann: worst person in the world.

Think Progress: worst website in the world.

It’s no contest folks. When it comes to baseless smears and unhinged moonbattery, TP and KO take the cake, and eat it too.

What say you?

Update: Why not toss out that Harry Potter garbage and get a good book that will build your child up rather than tearing them down? Bill O’Reilly’s Kids Are Americans Too is a great place to start. You’ll be glad you did.

Update 2: Blogs 4 Brownback is mentioned at the beginning of this segment of Countdown.

— Psycheout

August 14, 2007

Silly Sully Sullies Again

Filed under: Media Bias,Muckraking,Sam Brownback,War on Christianity — Psycheout @ 4:32 pm

Mother TeresaThe Daily Dish just loves to dish it out against social conservatives. It seems like when Sully Putty has nothing else to write about, he either attacks Brownbackers or even Sam Brownback himself.

When all else fails, take it out of context:

“All for Jesus. All for Jesus. All for Jesus. All for Jesus,” – Sam Brownback’s stump speech in Iowa. And some say I exaggerate the sectarian nature of the GOP base.

[Ed Note: Some say you do, Andy, because it’s true.]

Until you’re caught quoting someone quoting someone else without making it clear. And then you just pretend it didn’t really happen and spin it into another attack on Christians. All in a day’s work for Silly Sully.

I suppose it is worth noting that Sam Brownback’s recitation of the “All for Jesus” line is a quote from Mother Teresa that he apparently deploys in his stump speech regularly.

Oh, now you tell us. “Worth noting?” No kidding. How very honest and principled of you to have left out that tiny little detail yesterday.

It isn’t his original formulation but he uses it to describe his political motivation. It is the core of his political message. In a religious context, it is a vulgar but completely legitimate expression of faith.

Uh huh. So Mother Teresa was vulgar, in a religious context of course. I guess that makes it somehow better. Blah blah blah, Christians bad, Christians dangerous, Christians toxic, etc….

In a political context in a secular society, it is a toxin that will eventually corrode civil discourse into sectarian warfare. Which is, of course, what the Christianists want. They have the biggest sect, after all.

Why does Sullivan hate Mother Teresa?

The full context of the quote, as given by Byron York, is as follows:

In the portion of the speech that Sager cited, Brownback explained that he met Mother Teresa once, when she came to Congress, and he was given the assignment of accompanying her to her car: “As I put her in the car, she grabbed my hand, she looked me in the eyes and said three words four times: ‘All for Jesus. All for Jesus. All for Jesus. All for Jesus.’ It was her faith that powered her to help millions. Faith is a good thing, not a bad thing.”

Sully Pooh would likely argue the opposite, that faith is a bad thing, not a good thing.

Conclusion: The Daily Dish is a meal not fit for human consumption.

Update: Here’s a video of the section of Sam’s Ames speech containing the words that got Sully and Ryan Sager all excited.

Thanks, Ace of Spades!

See also: Hot Air’s take: Ryan Sager: Misreporting from Iowa.
Riehl World View’s reaction: Sullivan Picks Up Where Sager Left Off.

— Psycheout

August 11, 2007

Turmoil in the Toybox, Part III

Turmoil in the ToyboxI have to write this one quickly, because Jack’s up and he wants to write something too. On pages 62-63, the book excerpts a true paean to American eloquence:

If you have been listening to this commentary over the last five years, then you know that I have touched on almost every subject imaginable that is of interest to those of us who are conservatives. You may say, there’s nothing new he could talk about. There isn’t an outrage I haven’t heard. Well listen to this and see if this doesn’t top the list.

The Los Angeles-based Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Artists in the Entertainment Industry has called on those who make the Saturday morning cartoons, which our children watch, to begin depicting homosexual couples in cartoons.

According to a report in Electronic Media magazine, Charles Uszler, a spokesman for the Alliance, says he is not calling for homosexuals to be in the forefront of the cartoons, nor is he calling for discussions of sexuality. He thinks, though, that children need to know that same-sex couples exist and can live together in a domestic environment.

With the homosexuals already represented on television, certainly a lot more than, say, Christians and Jews, the battle for gay legitimacy now may be extending to our childen via the Saturday morning cartoons.

If I did not need a television set for the news and public affairs I must watch as a journalist, I would seriously consider getting rid of the box altogether. I already control my children’s access to it and want to know the content of a show before they watch it.

I take the trash out twice a week to be collected by the garbage man. But with television, it is increasingly a case of bringing the trash into the house seven days and nights a week. It has so much garbage on it that it might violate clean air standards of the Environmental Protection Agency.

There have been numerous stories of families who have tried doing without television for varying periods of time. I have never read a report that shows they regretted their decision. After an initial withdrawal period, most of them report improved communication, improved grades and improved reading skills.

It won’t be much longer, given the current trend, when television is as constantly ditry as a sewer or septic tank. You wouldn’t want you children playing in those places either, would you?

I’m Cal Thomas.

Anything I could add would only be redundant. That’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve read outside of Scripture. It holds as true today as it did in 1986. It’s wondreful.

See also: Turmoil in the Toybox, Part I and Part II.

Turmoil in the Toybox, Part II

Turmoil in the ToyboxThis book is a blessing from the Lord to all who read it. I have a few more passages I’d like to share with you, but there’s too much to discuss in one thread. I’ve divided them into two separate posts. The first one deals with pages 48-50:

Television does not present a “real” picture of the world. In fact, much of what is shown on television is in direct conflict with the values we try to instill in our children. As an example, less than five percent of all sexual scenes shown on television are scenes between married couples. That means that 95 percent of all sexual scenes presented are comprised of adultery, homosexuality, fornication, etc. Is this what we want our children to believe as reality? This is what our children are being programmed to believe…

Christian parents, especially, are concerned about the effects of television on their children. Christians are generally not represented in television in a real manner. Christians generally are not depicted on television as intelligent. In fact, by exluding an accurate representation of Christians, television is not very representative of the vast majority of people in the world.

Television generally does not give much credence to Christian beliefs or concepts. As you know, television gives credence to the occult and psychic power by presenting it and not trying to disprove it. Many shows, especially cartoons, are “saturated” with the occult. Children see the occult as being “all-powerful” and real. Thus, because most characters use the occult to get out of difficult situations, children see this as a real solution.

Salient points, all. Christianity is portrayed as dumb and evil by the cartoonists on television, while the occult and Satanism are portrayed as all-powerful. The insidious nature of the cartoonist-Satanist-Helioleftist-Darwinist-Marxist network begins to coalesce for the reader.

The book becomes more and more interesting as it goes on, as hard as it is to believe that possible. On pages 58-60, Mr. Phillips continues:

Occult symbolisms in cartoons are estremely prevalent. Many of the characters’ names are linked to the occult; there is a significant amount of witchcraft, magic, sorcery, and other occult practices being performed; and many of the objects used by the characters, such as breastplates or staff, have occult symbols on them. But, the use of occult symbolisms does not end there. In fact, many of the messages spoken on the shows have their origins in Humanism and Eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. There are thousands of examples of each of these, which can be gathered from watching any of the shows…

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

This cartoon series is based on the occult game Dungeons and Dragons. This fantasy role-playing game involves characters who use magic and sorcery to obtain treasures. The cartoon series, like the game, emphasizes white and black witchcraft. This cartoon averages 67 acts of violence every half-hour…

Care Bears

The occult images found in the Care Bear series are extremely subtle. On the surface, the Care Bears teach the children to express their feelings, especially those of love, to others. At first, these sound like very good ideas, but, they are Humanistic principles, which are in contradiction to God’s teachings. Magic and Eastern religious ideals also are prevalent in this series.

The Care Bears are the source of all evil. Beneath the guise of love and brotherhood, they actually convey secularism, Atheism, Pacifism, and other values in direct contradiction to the Will of God as laid forth in His Holy Bible.

This book has much to teach America. I only wish I could write such insightful analysis! Failing that, I strongly urge you all to purchase copies of your own.

God bless Phil Phillips!

See also: Turmoil in the Toybox, Part I.

August 10, 2007




August 2, 2007

How Low Will They Go?

Filed under: Breaking News,Muckraking — Lyssie @ 1:41 pm

MuckrakingAndrew Sullivan has recently developed an interest in the web site of our guest contributor, Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett. Unfortunately, it appears that his interest has been taken advantage of by someone who is rather desperately trying to discredit a fervent Brownback supporter.

Here’s the official statement from the Brownback for President campaign:

“Baptists for Brownback is clearly a parody. Frankly, our campaign is flattered that an individual would take hours out of their day and sit behind a computer anonymously to make a parody of Senator Brownback and his consistent, conservative positions on the issues. It certainly is one of the weirder hobbies out there.”

I smell a rat. A big, sneaky rat.

Andrew Sullivan is no fool, but I fear that he has been taken in by a rather clever bit of sabotage. Does anybody think for even a second that someone charged with the great authority to speak on behalf of a presidential campaign would be so unprofessional as to dismiss a supporter with insults, without even having attempted to have contacted the supporter in question to verify the legitimacy of the site?

Come on! There is no way that someone in that position of authority would be that careless, reckless and unprofessional.

So, from where did the message come, then?

I can only voice suspicions, but it seems to me to be a rather obvious attempt to drive a wedge between Senator Brownback and his supporters, by feigning betrayal on the part of Senator Brownback. It’s ugly, it’s mean, and it really seems rather pathetic. To whoever did this, I hope you are proud of yourself for stooping to such levels. It says much more about you than it says about Mrs. Gaines-Crockett or Senator Brownback.

July 25, 2007

No Comment Is Necessary

Filed under: Media Bias,Muckraking — Psycheout @ 2:06 pm

Another day, another stupid MSM attack on Blogs 4 Brownback. Salon couldn’t find anything newsworthy to write about so they decided to attack Baptists for Brownback‘s “USE” concept and do a quick hit and run on B4B at the same time.

Except, yeah, this is satire. (So, it seems, is this.)

Did you see that: “So, it seems, is this?” Nice driveby Salon. Link to obvious satire and then claim B4B is just like the nonsense they cite. What on G-d’s green earth is that?

Just as before, this is a fact free smear in which the author didn’t bother to contact us, and used an anonymous commenter’s prank in an attempt to discredit us.

Well done, Salon. You should be proud of yourselves. I can’t believe anyone reads that junk. Oh. They don’t. Never mind.

See also: Check our Muckraking file for other baseless attacks on B4B and general lies and distortion. It’s pathetic.

See also: Baptist for Brownback’s response. They can take care of themselves.

— Psycheout

July 11, 2007

Leftist Weirdos Sling Mud and Miss, Badly

If this is the best the left can do, we’re going to have no problem getting Sam Brownback to the White House. Some weirdo going by the pseudonym “plover” came up with this rather weak hit piece: Brownback May Be Pro-Spider, also Pregnant. It seems that the head propagandist, Pinko Punko, who I’ve crossed swords with on occasion, was too scared to pen the piece himself.

They begin innocently enough, pointing out the good work Senator Brownback has done in helping to eradicate malaria-causing mosquitos in Africa, and then segue to what they apparently consider the big question: Is Senator Brownback Pro-Spider?

Asked whether the Senator favored the pro-spider agenda, a Brownback staffer replied, “What are you talking about?” Given Brownback’s prior efforts on behalf of pro-spider principles, it seems necessary to get to the bottom of this. When solicited for comment, a spider outside my window said, “…”

It goes on for awhile with several words separated by punctuation and linebreaks and other such things, when finally, from out of nowhere, the big handful of mud is thrown:

In other news, it is going to have been reported next April that Senator Brownback seems to be pregnant. In a quite literal display of embryophilia, Senator Brownback’s own body appears to be going to demonstrate his devotion to embryos by actually producing one.

Notice the sly use of the uncommon future perfect tense. It hasn’t happened yet, but it will have happened at some theoretical point in the future. Nice rhetorical trap. I can’t disprove a negative can I? And I’m not even going near a future negative.

This attempted attack is similar to the slimy tactics used by Democrat party favorite LBJ who accused an opponent of getting too friendly with farm animals. Although he couldn’t prove it, he really wanted to fool his opponent into denying it. Nice attempt at trapping us in a spider web of your own, plover, but I will already have addressed and dismissed it before you would have thought to have alleged it.

I suspect this is an elaborate gag by a spoof blog simply looking for attention, but they’d probably have taunted me and hurled insults unless and until I responded. So go read the whole thing (blah, blah, blah) and they won’t feel so ignored and cranky. Now, with the 3 Bulls weirdos sated, we can move along to more serious topics.

In all seriousness, it was a pretty funny post. I give them several points for creativity and one point for irony, points which I must take away since they are a bunch of leftist chunderloaves who are objectively pro-sink lettuce. See? Brownback supporters do have a sense of humor. And I have it on good authority that Sam Brownback himself is a very funny person who would probably have enjoyed this.

Belated Update: The rebuttal is in and it burns: B4B makes their position clear as mud while impugning the “Culture of Life”.

— Psycheout

July 9, 2007

Last Word on the Denver Post Smear

Filed under: Idiocy,Muckraking — Psycheout @ 3:39 pm

The infuriating Denver comPost editorial, Online Spoofs Cloud Political Stances, has already been addressed a couple of times. The shameless fact-free hit piece contains weasel words galore:

And if you peruse some of the blogs supposedly authored by his supporters, such as baptistsforbrownback (, you’ll see that he believes in lots of other things too.

If Crummy bothered to read our About page she’d have discovered that this is Blogs 4 Brownback, not Blogs of Brownback. We have our own opinions and we share them with our readers. And “supposedly?” Give me a break. There’s nothing I want more than for Sam Brownback to get the GOP nomination. That’s why I do political research and post blog entries here, Karen E. Dummy.

It appears these so-called supporters – who also run the site Blogs 4 Brownback (….

“So-called?” I guess the author is clairvoyant and just knows that Blogs 4 Brownback and Baptists for Brownback are run by the same “so-called supporters.” She’s dead wrong.  And thanks for the links, Karen.  HTML is not that hard.  Learn to use it.

The sites look official….

Because they are, pinhead.

…bloggers with names such as Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett and Sisyphus provide just enough accuracy, and religious scripture, to appear oddly legitimate – even to other conservatives who comment on the musings.

“Just enough?”  “Oddly legitimate?”  See above, pinhead. This slanderous opinion piece goes on and on, sliming us without any objective facts, just baseless assertions. A professional slime job. But why? What is the motivation for singling out two blogs that support Senator Brownback?  Why didn’t you shine a spotlight on some of the other “spoof” blogs, if it’s such a widespread problem that deserves valuable page space in your leftist rag?  Unfortunately, unlike the article’s author, I am not gifted with the ability to read minds. But I doubt it was a mistake.

Let me try to wrap my head around your premise: two blogs in support of Brownback somehow prove some conspiracy of spoof blogs clouding political stances. Uh huh.  Yep.  Got it.  It boggles the mind how our blogs prove anything other than that people support Sam Brownback.

Perhaps the motivation is that the old MSM empire is losing influence. I have seen a number of MSM articles criticizing the blogosphere. Old media does not like nor appreciate the existence of citizen journalists and online advocates. The more people read the real free press on the internet, the less they waste their time on the liberal propagenda (ie, propaganda with an agenda) machine.

Fortunately a commenter nailed a point I have already made. It’s worth stressing:

Wait, so let me get this straight. You wrote this entire speculative article, and never even contacted the two websites in question? You don’t know who runs them? You don’t actually know if they’re run by the same people? You don’t know whether or not they’re actually serious? Why did The Denver Post print this at all–or did they? Is this just yet another one of those “online spoofs” out there to “cloud political stances”? Or is research only for scientists these days?

Indeed. The crummy author, one Karen E. Crummy, contacted a couple of people who know nothing about this website and never bothered to attempt to contact us for comment. Is this responsible journalism? No it is not.

See also: Proof that the Liberal Media Hates Us and My Personal Retort to the Denver Post.

— Psycheout

July 6, 2007

My Personal Retort to the Denver Post

(Addressed to the author of this nonsense.)

I’m not a spoof. That’s the standard leftist talking point- anyone who disagrees with them must be doing so in bad faith. The liberal religion brooks no heresy. Either one is with them, or one is only pretending to oppose them.

Their dishonesty knows no bounds. They want to force our children to embrace Copernicanism, Darwinism, and covert forms of Marxism; yet anyone who points out that these ideologies are in direct contrast to Christianity and the American experiment is a liar or a spoofer by simple virtue of their opposition to liberalism. The mendacity of these loons is matched only by their anti-Americanism.

Should their candidates succeed, America will be left to the tender mercies of the terrorists. Osama Bin Laden will extract a humiliating peace treaty granting him sultanship. Ahmedinajabad will drive the Kurds into the Caspian Sea. Sarkozy will dine in the White House. Countless thousands of American troops will perish in costly, humiliating, and unnecessary retreats. And our global reputation will be in tatters as every ragtag band of malcontents across the globe realizes they can take us on, and win.

Senator Brownback understands all this. He also understands that the weakening of our childrens’ minds in school is the first step in fomenting the defeatism that makes America’s destruction possible. Senator Brownback understands that many of his views on this subject are not fit for exposure to the liberal media. After all, one does not cast pearls before swine. After his electoral victory, he will make good on them. Until then, stealth and subtlety are in order. We, his followers, are the propogators of his views. We are not bound by the necessity of discretion; nor are we obligated to bow and scrape before the leftist journalists controlling the American media establishment despite the obvious conservative bent of the nation. We are the vanguard of the Brownback campaign. We clear the path on which he shall tread to triumph.

I thank you for your time.

Sisy Phus

July 5, 2007

Proof that the Liberal Media Hates Us

Filed under: Breaking News,Election 2008,Media,Media Bias,Muckraking,Republicans,RINOs,Sam Brownback — Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett @ 1:26 pm

The uber-LIEberal Denver Post has run a character assasination piece about Sisyphus and myself. Please start praying right now that Rubert Murdoch will buy that rag and fire every one of those hippie-commies.

Online spoofs cloud political stances

June 29, 2007

Cheap Shot Friday

Filed under: Election 2008,Idiocy,Immigration,Muckraking,Sam Brownback — Psycheout @ 1:26 pm

Submitted for your review. What’s wrong with this smear?

I don’t expect people who understand how the Senate works or people that can think beyond soundbites to get it. For simpletons like these I ask this simple question: how do you keep an idiot in suspense?

[The answer will be posted later in an update.]

For some rational perspective, see Brownback’s Vote on Cloture Today.

— Psycheout

June 18, 2007

Okay, Who’s the Wise Guy?

I’m not sure what this means:

With regard to recent press reports about WordPress hosting a blog entitled “Blogs 4 Brownback”.

WordPress has received some worrying comments with regard to this blog through our admin site. The “Blogs 4 Brownback” site is a parody. Please do not forward any comments with regard to racist language, personal abuse or civil action suits to WordPress as we are not responsible for the content on the blog, merely as a host for the site.

Please use the “Blogs 4 Brownback” blog as it was intented: for entertainment purposes only.

Thank you,
The WordPress Team.

But it’s not very funny. It’s also not true. This is not a parody site. This is a site dedicated to the election of Senator Sam Brownback to the Presidency of the United States. Any complaints or comments you have, you can make to me directly. My email address is posted in the “Team” thread. You all know this, so why is one of you joking around by posting this nonsense in every thread?

Those who hate and fear what is said on this blog, hate and fear America itself. Senator Brownback is the greatest living American, and the finest President our nation can hope for. Complaining to WordPress will not change this fact, and writing spoof posts pretending to be WordPress will not change it, either. Ultimately, with faith in our hearts and God on our side, decent Americans will prevail over you moonbat scumbags. That is a promise, and that is the legacy of our ongoing experiment in American democracy.

May God be with you all.

UPDATE: I come back from a hard day’s work, and some other joker has used my posted email address and my name to post fake comments on the blog. It’s my fault for making that my official wordpress email address as well. Don’t worry, though, I’ve changed it. The new controlling email address is a secret. Now I just have to go through the comments and eliminate the ones written by the moonbat. Also, I have to IP-ban the offender. Please excuse me if I don’t get back to your comments for a little while.

UPDATE II: My original thought was that these jokers were responsible for the WordPress prank. I’m beginning to have my doubts, though. Certainly, they could get away with it; we all know that IP addresses practically grow on trees.

This site is now officially infested with moonbats.

Update III (by Psycheout): Welcome, Salon readers.  You are being lied to by Salon, as usual.  Please see our brief response to the slander that brought you here.