Blogs 4 Brownback

November 21, 2007

Scott McClellan: Trying To Sell a Book

Scott McClellanIn a craven attempt to rake in a pile of cash, former Press Secretary Scott McClellan has betrayed his President and his Administration. And in doing so, he has betrayed America. Question: was Scott lying then or is he lying now? I can’t be sure, but it seems what he’s leaking now to the press will potentially make him a lot of money from BDS afflicted moonbats who reflexively grasp at any straw in a futile effort to embarrass our great President. Next he’ll be posting on Daily Kos. Just watch.

Get a load of this rubbish:

Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan names names in a caustic passage from a forthcoming memoir that accuses President Bush, Karl Rove and Vice President Cheney of being “involved” in his giving the press false information about the CIA leak case.

Simple Scotty draws out the long knives and cheerfully stabs his former friends and superiors right in the back, without hesitation.

“I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the seniormost aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby,” McClellan wrote.

“There was one problem. It was not true.”

And it’s all about money. Not truth, not honor, not principle, not loyalty. Just the visions of dollar signs that dance in his head. Shameful. Simply shameful.

McClellan then absolves himself and makes an inflammatory — and potentially lucrative for his publisher — charge.

That’s what it’s all about, covering his behind and himself in greenbacks. But who really cares about this nonsense anyway? It’s already obvious to anyone with half a brain that there was no underlying crime. So what’s the big deal? And Lewis Libby is nothing short of a hero. That’s a fact. Scott McClellan is a shamelessly disloyal sellout who’s trying desperately to sell a book that nobody wants to read.

It’s pathetic and sad. Scotty, how could you sink so low? And which Democrat are you going to endorse? The moonbat media will make a big deal out of this no doubt, sensing blood in the water, but it will be reportage full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Moonbat McClellan, your five minutes in the sun are long past. Do us all a favor and go spend some time with your family. And don’t forget to turn in your White House press pass.

The saddest part of this whole non-story is that President Bush’s steadfast loyalty to his friend from Austin was repaid with a hard slap in the face.  What an awful thing to do to such a generous and trusting man.  It makes me sick.

— Psycheout

November 20, 2007

The Hysteria Factor

Filed under: Idiocy,Media,Nanny State — Psycheout @ 11:16 am
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HysteriaThe WHO has finally admitted to what many of us have known or suspected for years: that they have been exaggerating the AIDS numbers. Why? It’s simple: to scare us into supporting condoms for children and “sex education” at younger and younger ages. It’s for the children, that we must corrupt them, it’s for their own good that we give them a pack of condoms in their homework. And it’s all been due to a big lie, just one of many.

As a matter of fact, the WHO will be revising the numbers down some 40%. That’s quite a readjustment. Oops, we were off by millions, maybe uh er, 7 million or so, but who knows? It’s not an accident, no way. It was done accidentally on purpose. There’s a lot of money to made and a lot of social engineering to be done when liberals whip up the good old reliable hysteria.

No ThoughtThis same “chicken little” strategy is being pimped by Al Gore (the Goracle) and his mindless panicky followers who emotionally and tearfully claim that manbearpig, er, global warming, is coming to kill us all, so we have to do something really stupid right now. There’s no time to think. It’s stupidity or death.

But that’s a false choice, right out of the leftist playbook. Actually it’s stupidity or common sense, that’s why they try to rush us to judgement without any actual, you know, evidence. Panic! Hurry! Do something stupid! Ban cars! Redefine marriage! Fornicate with animals! Vote for Clinton! And on and on it goes.

I’ll bet if you put your mind to it, you will find other examples where the hysteria pimps on the left try to scare Americans and rational thinking conservatives into stupid solutions for non-existent problems. I’ll give you a couple of more examples, and then you can add your own in the comment thread.

Smoking and the Secondhand Smoke Boogieman

No Smoking

Oh noes! The second hand smoke fairy is going to KILL YOU DEAD! We better ban all smoking in bars and restaurants and private residences or we’re all going to die! It’s for the children!

Meanwhile smoking rates goes down while asthma rates go up.

But if only all teh awful, nasty, smelly, MURDEROUS smokers were sent to the moon it would all be betterz!one!!

Guns and Crazy People

No GunsOh noes! Some crazy person killed someone with a handgun! Ban all gunz or we’re all dead!

Some kid just shot himself with a gun his stupid dad left on the coffee table!

Quick! Do something stupid! Don’t think! Hurry! BAN ALL GUNS!!!eleven! Repeal the Second Amendment or we’s all DOOOMED!

Moar Examples of The Hysteria Factor

Now it’s your turn. Liberal nanny state know-it-alls use this tactic all the time. I bet you’ve got some examples that others haven’t even thought of. Go for it, B4B readers!

— Psycheout

November 19, 2007

Dumbing It Down

The Average B4B Critic - A MoronThe quality of the writing skills of our commenters, especially the liberal and perverted critics who come here to rant, utilizing incomprehensible spelling and atrocious grammar, is dragging our blog down. At right is what we consider to be the median (average Joe) in the vast pool (or toilet bowl) of our dissenting commenters.

To put it kindly, they’re dribbling morons. Just read a few of their incomprehensible and horribly misspelled rants and try to find the coherent thought. It’s harder than solving a trick puzzle in an advanced copy of Where’s Waldo in which the striped-shirted, hat-wearing fellow is completely absent. One simply cannot find it.

When I read some of the comments from those who rail against us, I just shake my head. Do these people stand upright? Do they have opposable thumbs? Do their brains somehow detach and wander off on their own? Are their remaining brains stored in jars? I don’t know how Sam (our moderator) can deal with you folk. Honestly. You guys belong in a zoo. Do you sleep on straw and roll around in your own filth? Do you stand on four legs or two? Seriously.

DunceWe would appreciate very much if commenters would at least familiarize themselves with basic middle school (junior high) vocabulary and grammatical skills. It’s not asking that much, is it? If you were born in a barn, have no teeth, never read an entire book (esp The King James Bible), can’t think of anything to write but leftist talking points, please don’t bother.


Open Immigration Thread

ProhibidoLong-time commenter Marcia P. recently sent me this email:

Dear Sisyphus,

As you know, I very much enjoy reading your blog. I don’t get to comment on there very often, as my arthritis makes typing difficult. But I think it’s high time you addressed the immigration issue.

The other day, Ralph and I were in Sam’s Club, and it seemed like half the people working there were Hispanic. Most of them didn’t speak English, and more than one of them was incredibly rude. We left without making a purchase, and will not be returning. We will not pay the annual fee to enter a store that lets foreigners make fun of us.

I disagree with Senator Brownback on this point. He wants to let the illegals come in and take our jobs. I want to kill these people, chop their hands off, and send them home to their families as a warning to the rest of them. Our country is under attack by these people, and it needs to respond in kind.

I recently read that the Democrat candidates all oppose giving driver licenses to illegals. That makes sense to me, as far as it goes. But like most Democrat measures, it doesn’t go far enough. I agree with the Democrats on this one, but I don’t think Sam Brownback does.

Brownback doesn’t understand that this is a good way to kill the thieves off peacefully. Illegals mostly drive around other illegals anyway. They can’t afford to live around real Americans, not for the pennies they make stealing our jobs. Let them kill one another. What do I care if some Latinos die? At least my tax dollars didn’t go toward financing their illicit driving on roads my tax dollars also paid for.

We should build a wall with painted-on gates at the border, then let the Mexicans crash into it when they try to leave America with the money they stole from hard-working Americans. I think not letting them have drivers’ licenses would facilitate this endeavour. Most of them are too stupid and ignorant to notice a painted fence; as for the ones that outsmart the fence, that’s what the dogs are for.

Please let me know your thoughts on this matter. I remain your faithful reader and sister in Christ,

Marcia P.

Marcia, President Brownback will not coddle illegals as much as you seem to think he will. Check out his position on the issue. But there’s a difference between not coddling people and not killing them. Remember, most of the Hispanics are decent Catholic conservatives. As such, we should treat them like human beings. They’re not dogs for you to shoot in the street, you know.

I usually agree with you on the issues, Marcia, but in my opinion you’re being a little unreasonable here. Killing millions of illegal immigrants will not make our country any better off. Far from it. In fact, your letter struck me as somewhat (and I hope I’m being off-base, here) racist. Just because someone has brown skin doesn’t mean we should kill them. I got the impression from your letter that maybe you don’t agree with me here. I should point out to you, though, that the only support you’re likely to get for that position around here is from Spacebrother’s candidate, Ron Paul.

What did everybody else think of this letter? Discuss.

November 17, 2007

Adult Babies/Diaper Lovers: Alternate Lifestyle or Mental Illness? [UPDATED]

An Adult Baby - A Mentally Ill PersonThere’s an interesting discussion going on over at The Christian View – British Baptists. It’s for adults only, so you kids might want to skip this post. Adult babies who refer to their “alternate lifestyle” as ABDL are actively trying to recruit children into their sickness in order to justify what they do. So don’t go there. I mean it. Really. I’m serious. So scoot. This is adult stuff.


November 16, 2007

Bye, Bye Bible

Filed under: Faith,War on Christianity — Psycheout @ 4:16 pm
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Gideon's BibleI’ve occasionally heard jokes about Gideon Bibles found in hotels. Wow, that Gideon guy really gets around, placing a Bible in all of my hotel rooms. Ha ha. Well, those days may be coming to an end. Instead of a Gideon’s Bible you will find worthless nick knacks — disposable items of our throwaway culture. Instead of a drawer of inspiration and a path to being born again and saved by Jesus Christ, you will be faced with a junk drawer and a void in your heart.

The latest fad with some hotels is to replace their Bibles with “intimacy kits.” For instance, at New York City’s trendy Soho Grand Hotel guests can enjoy a gourmet mini-bar, an iPod, a flat-screen TV and even the company of a complimentary pet goldfish. But no Bible.

What’s next? A package of sex toys and condoms? Think I’m kidding. Sadly not.

Parent company Accor Hotels decided to replace the Gideon Bibles with “intimacy kits.” For Accor, providing travelers with sexual paraphernalia is more important than the Bible. Accor Hotels owns several chains including: Motel 6, Sofitel, Pullman, Novotel, Mercure, Suitehotel, Ibis, All Seasons, Etap, Formule 1.

It’s yet another sign that our culture is falling apart and slouching towards Sodom. Let hotel chains know you want them to keep stocking a Gideon’s bible. Weary travellers need inspiration and the Word of G-d, not useless junk and depravity. Save Gideon’s Bible. He’ll keep the light on for you.

— Psycheout

November 15, 2007

Barry Bonds: Jailbird

Barry 'Juice' BondsAnother drug addict bites the dust. All drug users should be locked up, so this is good news. Professional sports are really boring and a total waste of time in my opinion. Watching rich athletes spit and grab their crotches or seeing Janet Jackson expose herself on live TV takes away valuable time that could be better spent studying scripture.

Former Giants slugger Barry Bonds was indicted today for perjury and obstruction of justice, all connected to allegedly false statements baseball’s all-time home run leader made to a federal grand jury investigating the Balco steroids scandal.

So bye bye, Barry. Hope you enjoy your 30 years in the pokey. He set some kind of meaningless record, that should be completely ignored and erased since he was hopped up on goofballs. He shot sin into his veins and now he must pay the penalty. If nothing else he has shown children the wrong way to get ahead. Dope is for dopes. It’s time that American drug users realized that America has zero tolerance for casual drug use.

Do the crime serve the time. A bondsman won’t do you any good now Barry. Buh bye. LOL.

Update: Maybe I misheard Fox News in the other room. I heard he faces 30 years hard time, but I can only find 5 years for perjury plus 10 years for obstruction of justice. The other 15 (at a minimum) should be tacked on for the use of illegal drugs. In reality drug users should be locked up for life. They are irredeemable. It’s the only way to be sure.

— Psycheout

How Liberals Want to Destroy Christmas

No ChristmasThis is an outrage!

Santas in Australia’s largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas’s traditional “ho ho ho” greeting because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday.

Sydney’s Santa Clauses have instead been instructed to say “ha ha ha” instead, the Daily Telegraph reported.

One disgruntled Santa told the newspaper a recruitment firm warned him not to use “ho ho ho” because it could frighten children and was too close to “ho”, a US slang term for prostitute.

“Gimme a break,” said Julie Gale, who runs the campaign against sexualising children called Kids Free 2B Kids.

“We are talking about little kids who do not understand that “ho, ho, ho” has any other connotation and nor should they,” she told the Telegraph.

Thank the Lord it hasn’t happened here. Yet. But it very easily could. We’re already reaching the point where forbidding Santa to wish people a merry “C——-s” is realistic. How long until Santa can’t even use the very words by which he’s always defined himself, merely because those words have been co-opted by a cadre of ignorant rapping thugs?

Political correctness is secularism’s tyranny. It will lead this nation straight into the arms of Atheism, Satanism, and Islamism. Look what it’s done to Australia, a formerly Christian and mighty nation now trembling in fright at Indonesian Muslims and Turkish riff-raff.

Don’t let the liberals turn America into another Australia. These seemingly minor battles are the thin end of the wedge. Give a moonbat an inch, he’ll take a mile. We’d be better off tossing these loons into the sea than let them harm a single hair on Santa’s head.

The Rules

Filed under: Housekeeping & Maintenance — Sam Brown @ 6:19 am
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The RulesFar too many commenters here at B4B have been ignoring the rules hinted at in our About and Mission pages. So for the benefit of those of you who are still unclear, I present the B4B Rules. Here is the Cliff’s Notes version for the short of attention span:

  1. No profanity
    This is a family-friendly site.
  2. No spam
    including “Vote for Ron Paul!”
  3. No filibustering
    “DESU” x 9000, for example.
  4. No links to adult sites or images
    goatse or tubgirl, for example.
  5. No posting of other people’s private information
    real name, email/snail mail and ip addresses, for example.

Offenders will have their comments edited or deleted.

Repeat offenders will be banned.

Moderator decisions are final. (So no whining.)

Keep disagreements cordial and respectful.

Clear? As a bonus, those who read the B4B Rules page in its entirety will learn how to embed links and to format their comments like an expert. Thanks for adhering to our rules and for making your comments productive and useful to read.

B4B loves all of its readers, each and every one of you. Honest! And we enjoy most of our commenters. We’ll enjoy more of you if you simply follow the rules. Thanks in advance.

Update: I have been informed that Housekeeping & Maintenance posts are supposed to have a link to housekeeping hints. There. Now this post is complete. Whew!

Sam Brown
B4B Admin

November 14, 2007

Editorial By a Dear Friend

Filed under: Sam Brownback — Psycheout @ 6:00 pm

Sam Brownback Is My HomeboyI miss the day to day news of Senator Brownback’s campaign for the Presidency. I understand his decision to end his race for 2008 much better now. He decided that he has plenty of time and that a good step for him and his great state of Kansas is to become it’s next Governor. He’ll easily win that and he can use it as a stepping stone to his destiny as President, Commander-in-Chief and the renewer of our culture. I still strongly recommend that those who do not wish to support a RINO, a gesture that will largely ensure destruction of the Republican party as we know it, should write in Sam Brownback on their ballots in 2008.

But all that is an aside to the main feature. Sam Brownback penned an editorial, Faith in a Winning Message, that appeared in Monday’s Washington Post. As always, his words are powerful and significant. B4B readers should read the whole thing, of course. You will be inspired. It will bring you hope for the future and the courage to go on and do what is right for America. It’s an amazing piece.


Nintendo DS: Imagine Babies

Filed under: Investigation,Perverts,Video Games — Psycheout @ 2:42 pm
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Imagine BabiesAnd yet another pedo game for the “touching is good” pedochat Nintendo DS. It’s shocking that filth like this is sold right out in the open. In this “game” the player is given total control over six virtual babies. The player can withhold food from them, force them to dance to Satanic techno and heavy metal music, play dress up with them and even exchange pedo photography with other “gamers” over Wi-fi. Collect them all! Sickening.

It’s distressing that babies are objectified and turned into slaves for the player’s carnal imagination, but it’s all here in one sick “game.” It’s more like a pedo simulator for pervs. The gamer is encouraged to rock the cradle or spin the crib mobile to hypnotize the helpless victim into a submissive state. And that’s where the “fun” begins. (more…)

Open Movie Thread

Filed under: Debate,Defending America,Family Values,Media,Media Bias,Open Thread — Sisyphus @ 11:56 am

Movie Slate BoardWhich movie is more harmful to American culture, your average pornographic film or “Fahrenheit 9/11”? My vote is on the latter, as more people will see it. Also, treason is a far worse sin than lust. But others may disagree. Discuss.

November 13, 2007

Ron Paul Gets It Right For Once

Ron Paul (Committed)He may be a lunatic Nazi and a crypto-leftist America-hating loon, but when the subject is Christmas Ron Paul is right on the money:

As we celebrate another Yuletide season, it’s hard not to notice that Christmas in America simply doesn’t feel the same anymore. Although an overwhelming majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, and those who don’t celebrate it overwhelmingly accept and respect our nation’s Christmas traditions, a certain shared public sentiment slowly has disappeared. The Christmas spirit, marked by a wonderful feeling of goodwill among men, is in danger of being lost in the ongoing war against religion.

Through perverse court decisions and years of cultural indoctrination, the elitist, secular Left has managed to convince many in our nation that religion must be driven from public view. The justification is always that someone, somewhere, might possibly be offended or feel uncomfortable living in the midst of a largely Christian society, so all must yield to the fragile sensibilities of the few. The ultimate goal of the anti-religious elites is to transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally and culturally biased against Christianity.

Read the whole thing. It’s a priceless assessment of what is going wrong in American cultural life today, and a scathing critique of rampant secularism’s war on Jesus.

It’s good to know that Ron Paul may yet be saved.

America’s Musicians Are Not Dying Quickly Enough

American Musician's GraveI am forced to listen to a great deal of radio music in my workplaces. One common element throughout the modern music I hear, apart from its appalling themes and utter lack of quality, is the dearth of death among its degenerate composers and performers.

This lack of demise troubles me immensely. I’m subjected to endless songs about fornication, drug addiction, atheism, and alcohol abuse. Yet those who perpetrate these crimes against humanity do not suffer for their actions. Many of them have even lived into their thirties.

At least in the 1960s, the deviants who destroyed our nation’s moral fibre largely had the decency to allow themselves to be consumed in their own maelstrom. Jim Morrison, Jim Hendrix, Janice Joplin, John Lennon, Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain– the list of sinful musicians answering for their sins in their youths goes on and on. Some died from their drugs, some from suicide or Divine Vengeance. The point is, they died, most of them in well-deserved agony, cursing their own sinful lives as God sent them to their eternal reward for their misdeeds.

Today’s musicians defy Heaven for longer. By remaining alive, they set a poor example for our nation’s youth. How can one discourage one’s children from fornicating and taking drugs, when prominent examples of those doing so live on well into their fifties? These dogs haven’t the decency to pay for their crimes in their youths, when they might at least be able to plead youthful folly as an excuse; instead, they linger on, decade after decade, contributing check after check to the Democrat Party, NARAL, and NAMBLA, sowing the seeds of further sin and embelishing those already committed.

Surely none can count it a mercy to allow such filth to continue to draw breath. The real question is, what is one to do about it? Obviously, President Bush- for all his many virtues- is not the man to cope with this crisis. President Brownback will face a serious challenge culling the chaff from the wheat in the American entertainment industry. All-star performers like Ted Nugent and Toby Keith must emerge from the crucible stronger than ever; filth like Jay-Z, the Rolling Stones, and Beyonce must face serious punishments.

I wouldn’t rule out Guantanamo, if President Brownback is feeling clement; but more likely, the retribution for the “music” spawned by this filth will have to be far more severe. In any case, President Brownback will take the appropriate measures. These degenerate hedonists who masquerade themselves as “artists” are in for a rude awakening come January 2009.

A Womb with a View

Filed under: Pro-Life — Psycheout @ 8:22 am
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Umbert the UnbornWhen I noticed that a dreadful stick figure comic was winning in the Best Comic Strip category of the 2007 Weblog Awards, I decided to look into other comic strips which weren’t on the list. And I found Umbert the Unborn. It’s brilliant. Umbert is a pre-born child and the comic strip chronicles his adventures in the womb. How could any woman want to abort the cute little guy?

Predictably the militant feminists and atheists over at Feministing revealed their first impulse:

Personally, I find it hard to read that strip without wanting to see Umbert aborted.

They even fantasize about it:

Umbert: I’m so glad abortions are illegal. Now mommy will have to have me! Thank god… (coat hanger comes up from below).
Umbert: Uh-oh. (end of strip)

That’s pretty cold hearted. Among other complaints are that he is white, male and, gasp, a pre-born! And, being unborn, he is also, naturally, pro-life. Everything that feminists loathe rolled into one. The horror that the unborn they so desire to abort might be shown to be a living, feeling human being! The ghouls at feministing (reminds me of the lesbian practice of “fisting,” don’t ask) are rather afraid that this innocent cartoon character will persuade one of their feminazi sisters from aborting mission. Congratulations, Gary Cangemi! You’re a genius.

Another comic that might have been included on the list of Best Comic Strips would be the pro-life Faithmouse by Dan Lacey. It’s a little odd, but it might appeal to furries. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’m still evaluating Faithmouse. It appears to be for mature audiences, so perhaps the kiddies should stay away from this one.

But be sure to check out Umbert the Unborn. It will appeal to children and adults alike. There’s a rather funny spoof of Star Trek and Star Wars going on right now. “Vile Evil Space Alien on Board.” That cracks me up!

— Psycheout

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