Blogs 4 Brownback

January 16, 2008

Mass[turbation] Effect

Filed under: Perverts,Popular Culture,Video Games — Psycheout @ 5:14 pm

Mass EffectYet more proof that video games are dangerous for children. Mass Effect is a sex simulator thinly disguised as a game for kids. There’s something horribly wrong with the sick video game industry.

It’s called “Mass Effect” and it allows its players – universally male no doubt – to engage in the most realistic sex acts ever conceived. One can custom design the shape, form, bodies, race, hair style, breast size of the images they wish to “engage” and then watch in crystal clear, LCD, 54 inch screen, HD clarity as the video game “persons” hump in every form, format, multiple, gender-oriented possibility they can think of.

The objections to such filth should be simple to understand.

This is nothing more than an updated version of Custer’s Revenge/Westward Ho. It’s all about objectifying women and making them into sex objects. That’s okay, I suppose as long as it’s within the confines of man/woman marriage. But objectification outside of wedlock is perverse and wrong.

Starting with the disgusting idea that one can “create” their own versions of what people look like, removing warts, moles, and bald spots while enhancing – shall we say – the extended features of the game’s characters tends to objectify women, sex, and human relationships. Right? We can all agree on this?

Virtual ValerieThat’s a good point. I’ve yet to see a video game with warts. But worse is how such immersive games, especially those featuring unrestricted carnal acts, including virtual sodomy, can confuse young minds about the real world.

If a pre-teen, teen, young adult, or adult male plays such a game in which the women DO submit without choice, are made to appear as Barbie streetwalkers, and perform whatever act can be imagined, what’s to stop that same male from assuming that the women in his “other world” shouldn’t be forced to do the same.

And we all know the negative effects of pornography on the male mind, but what about pornography where a youngster has the ability to control the action, limited by only his warped imagination? He will tickle his jaded senses until a fuse blows inside his mind. And then, look out.

We now know because of the lengthy track record of serial killer after another that addictive use of pornography was prevalent in case after case – long before the switch got flipped and what their masturbatory imaginations have given into became what they were forcing real live human beings to do.

Virtual ValerieThis kind of filth, marketed to teen boys needs to be stamped out. What’s the solution? Is there something a President could do? Why yes, there is.

Yes there will be many snickers that I decided to bring this issue up in the Presidential cycle of 2008 but how refreshing would it be for a President to prove to the nation that his own manhood was not in question and put his pen and signature to a bill that dealt with such simulated sex excess in a way that was punitive to its creators to such a degree that they would never recover from it?

Therein lies a solution. Vote smart. Would a President Obama do anything about this? No. Would a President Huckabee do what needs to be done? Yes. Vote Republican and flush this kind of filth into the sewer where it belongs.

— Psycheout

December 25, 2007

Christmas Alert: Touch Dic

Filed under: Christmas,Family,Video Games — Psycheout @ 8:52 am
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Touch DicIt’s not too late to snap that Nintendo DS in half. I have just been made aware of another inappropriate game being marketed towards children: Touch Dic. If that doesn’t convince you that video games are dangerous in the hands of little children, nothing will.

I’m sorry that I don’t have time to go into detail about this “game” right now, but it is Christmas morning. I need to go and get the coal out of my stocking so I can warm it up in here. It’s cold! Brrrrr.

Sing along with me: Touch Dic roasting on an open fire.  Jack Frost’s nipping at your nose….

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. And don’t forget to give thanks to the Lord. He is the reason for the season, after all. Don’t forget to thank the big man upstairs.

More on the Nintendo DS: Early Christmas Alert, Nintendo DS Followup, Imagine Babies.

See also: Inspirational Christmas imagery over at B4C and B4H. Praise Him!

— Psycheout

November 14, 2007

Nintendo DS: Imagine Babies

Filed under: Investigation,Perverts,Video Games — Psycheout @ 2:42 pm
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Imagine BabiesAnd yet another pedo game for the “touching is good” pedochat Nintendo DS. It’s shocking that filth like this is sold right out in the open. In this “game” the player is given total control over six virtual babies. The player can withhold food from them, force them to dance to Satanic techno and heavy metal music, play dress up with them and even exchange pedo photography with other “gamers” over Wi-fi. Collect them all! Sickening.

It’s distressing that babies are objectified and turned into slaves for the player’s carnal imagination, but it’s all here in one sick “game.” It’s more like a pedo simulator for pervs. The gamer is encouraged to rock the cradle or spin the crib mobile to hypnotize the helpless victim into a submissive state. And that’s where the “fun” begins. (more…)

November 10, 2007

Nintendo DS Followup

Nintendo DSI cannot believe the incredible positive response to our investigative report on the sinful “touching is goodNintendo DS. The torrent of parents who sent us email has demonstrated that, like with the Aqua Dots toy, many good, decent parents were hoodwinked. For that I cannot fault them. They are trying to do a difficult job in a sinful world.

Here’s an excerpt from one parent’s email:

Susie’s mother was an inspiration to me. I snapped our Nintendo DS in half too. Now it’s garbage as well. Billy won’t be a target of pedophiles anymore. I feel so liberated!

Thank you B4B, for exposing the truth!

Touching Is GoodAnd another:

I saw some kid in the mall the other day playing one of these games. I ripped it from his hands and broke it in two. Before he could start crying, I made for the exit. It was exhilarating! That was my good deed for the day!

And there are many other such testimonials. It warms my heart that we at B4B were able to do such a good thing as to expose this perversion to the general public and parents everywhere. Snaps are being heard across the nation, thanks to concerned parents everywhere and our diligent readers.

Nintendo DS - Pedo GamesAs a follow up to the initial article that exposed the DS menace, I wanted to alert still skeptical parents to the real purpose of this device: pedo games.

The question that skeptical parents must be asking themselves right now is: is this the type of “game” I want my Jimmy or Janie to be playing?

The answer is obvious: a resounding no! The other question is: why is Japan trying to pervert our children into believing that “loli sex” is a good thing? Good question. Perhaps they are still bitter about losing World War II. Or perhaps they are simply perverts. They export dangerous anime to the United States as well as perverted games. Why is this?

Nintendo DS - Touching Is BadAnd here’s one final image of a typical DS game. It cannot be shown here without being censored. This is a family friendly site after all. So, parents, it’s time you took this into your own hands. Do like Susie’s mother did. Snap that offending device in two. You’ll be glad you did.

Thanks, as always, for your attention to this important issue. G-d bless you all.

Related: See also this post on Video Game Perversion. It will shock you.

Update: Nintendo DS: Imagine Babies. Imagine sickness.

Update 2: Proof of pedochat in action:

My friend and I once drew a guy getting impaled through the face with a penis over pictochat, if that counts.

Hmmm thats a good point. Depends on how old your friend is.


He about two years younger than I, but his little sister came on while we were doing so and started screaming and crying.

What do you have to say now, naysayers?

Update 3: It’s never too late to say no.  Would you buy your child a game called Touch Dic?  Me neither!

— Psycheout

October 12, 2007

Early Christmas Alert: Nintendo DS

Nintendo DSThe B4B tipline recently received information about this gaming device and its devious and virtually unknown (by parents) backdoor giving child predators access to millions of children. Don’t let your child be a victim. Slam the backdoor shut by refusing to put this dangerous device on your Christmas list this year. And if you already purchased one, get out your hammer. You’re going to need it.

Introduced in 2004, the Nintendo DS (for Dual Screen or Devil Screen), this game machine has sold some 700 million or so units. That’s an epidemic. It’s undeniable that it has been a “success” for its Japanese manufacturer, Nintendo (makers of Donkey Kong aka Monkey Donkey, a game in which a monkey kidnaps a young girl to satisfy his bestial desires). It’s also been a tremendous success for pedophiles everywhere.

And get this (brace yourselves): the slogan for this evil piece of “hardware” is “Touching is good.” How’s that for hiding the truth in plain sight? In fact, all marketing slogans around the world for this product aimed at young children revolved around the word “touch.” There’s something seriously wrong here.

Now the problem with this abomination is not simply that it is a gaming machine which introduces and encourages our children to engage in violence for fun. No, it’s much worse than that, as if that wasn’t enough in itself. I shall elaborate on the evil that lurks within video games in general in a future Investigative Report, so stay tuned. No, the problem with this contraption is that it can easily be used by child predators and molesters to get access to your children.

Nintendo DSI have been notified by one parent whose child was solicited to “come to the mall and we can go shopping and do other fun stuff. Don’t tell your mom because she might spoil our fun. Parents are such a drag. LOL.” Fortunately her parent was watching Susie (a pseudonym) that day, as all parents should, and reacted the way any good, loving, responsible parent would. She deftly ripped the offending device out of her hands, sent the reply “stay away from my baby, you psycho” and triumphantly snapped the unit in half. Nintendo TP (two pieces). It’s garbage now.

Don’t take my word for it about the dangers of this thing. Watch an informative report that presents the objective facts, then you decide. Roll the clip, please.

Now I know that most good parents out there are aware of the danger of video games in general and would be loathe to have them in their homes. But many have probably been convinced (pestered) by their children, acting as a proxy for the video game companies (pushers), to buy an X(rated)-Box or a PPS or NES or some other newfangled video gaming gadget. I understand what can happen in a moment of weakness. I’ll give you all the reasons you need to unplug and throw out these devices at a later date. I promise.

Nintendo PervertBut if you already have a Japanese Nintendo DS in your home, the time to act is now. Snap it in half like Jill (not her real name) did and excise it from your child’s life. Your child might cry or complain or even throw a temper tantrum, but that’s far better than him or her becoming a just another statistic. Once your child has been violated or, worse, ends up on a slab at the morgue, it’s too late. Don’t wait. The time for parenting is now. Your child will thank you, eventually. So be strong. It’s the right thing to do.

Rest assured that we will have some helpful gift hints as Christmas approaches. So keep your eye on B4B. And be sure to visit our store. There’s some great gifts for the adults on your list right there, as long as they aren’t helioleftists.

Update: This is an older news item from last year, but it will shock you. Hold onto your hats and find out about the PlayStation (what a sick innuendo of a name) Portable, also known as the PlayStation Pornable.

In the comments for that video was this:

lol im 15 and no one can stop kids seeing porn, porn is a good thing, kids are sexually curious and need to learn about these things

Right (maybe), wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. Let me reiterate: video games should not be on your Christmas list this year, or any year. Parents need to be aware of this and other dangers and need to just say no.

Update 2: Semi-related: video game expert Jack Thompson explains the danger of games like Grand Theft Auto, while a game industry shill tries to justify this unacceptable garbage, a carjack cop-killing hooker-loving simulator. Nice try, but no cigar.

Update 3: Apparently gaming insiders refer to the chat feature as “pedochat.”

Pac ManUpdate 4: Another popular game that coincided with a dramatic rise in the use of illicit drugs such as “acid” and “extasy” (by design) was Pac Man. The player’s character, “Pac” races around a carnival funhouse maze gobbling psychedelics. In the corners of the maze are “power pills” which pack a punch. The enemy ghosts, including Clyde, “trip out” when Pac downs a super pill, allowing Pac to eat his enemies alive.

Pac Man is DeadAn interesting side note is that the game was originally going to be called “Puck Man,” but knowing how foul the youth of the day were, they changed the “Puck” to “Pac.” You see, by etching away part of the “P” in “Puck,” vandals could easily spell out a profane word. The youth of the day, as in this day, loved curse words almost as much as drugs. “Pac” is probably a reference to foul-mouthed rap artist “Tu-Pac.” (Translated it means “you pack” as in packing heat.) Pac Man is not played much today. Not enough kicks.

Update 5: Here is a typical DS “game.” It will shock you.

The problem with witches is that they look like ordinary 13 year olds, which gives Japanese men no choice but to corner and feel up every young girl they come across.

Ugh. It will sicken your soul.

Update 6: See also: Video Game Perversion, by yours truly. More quality information for concerned parents about the vileness of video games.

Update 7: There is now a brief follow up to this post.  Thanks for all the positive emails.  We really appreciate it.  Thanks to all the wonderful parents who are making those snaps heard around the world!

— Psycheout