Blogs 4 Brownback

June 15, 2007

Act Now to Defend Religious Liberty!

Congress wants to make it illegal to criticize sodomy!

A bill now before Congress (H.R. 1592 / S. 1105) would criminalize negative comments concerning homosexuality, such as calling the practice of homosexuality a sin from the pulpit, a hate crime punishable by a hefty fine and time in prison. This dangerous legislation would take away our freedom of speech and our freedom of religion.

If this bill became law, our cherished freedoms and way of life would perish overnight. Sodomy would become the law of the land, and Christianity would revert to an underground religion. Please sign the petition, if you value civil liberty. Sign the petition, or religious and political freedom will be the first casualties of a power-hungry Democrat bureaucratic behemoth.

Open Thread

Filed under: Democratic Idiocy,Election 2008,Open Thread — Sisyphus @ 5:04 am

Thank God it’s Friday!  And for everything else.

Which Democrat will have the honor of losing to Brownback in a face-to-face match-up?  My money’s on Billary, but I suppose some think it will be Obama bin Laden.  Discuss that, or, not.

UPDATE: A reader sent me this piece of idiocy, from those Krazy Kossack Klowns.

I’ve heard “lazy” accusations toward the poor throughout my life, I’m sure you have too. No one ever says “that rich person is lazy.” I believe laziness comes in all forms of income categories. There are no statistics to back up “lazy” accusations toward the poor. In my opinion, accusing the poor in general of being lazy is asinine and the only conclusion I can come to is that the accuser is an elitist.

My previous experiences when defending the poor, or the middle class for that matter, are accusations of class warfare. The definition of “class warefare” is; The conflict between social or economic classes. What this means to me is that class warfare is happening now. According to a Bloomberg-Los Angeles Times poll, the majority of Americans believe that the gap between the rich and poor is widening. With the income gap widening and the tension that seems to be rising amongst the Americans people, I’ve come to the conclusion that the accusation of class warfare must be true.

Discussing the situation of class warfare seems to be considered a taboo subject in the United States. The only time I hear the phrase is when a person is accused of trying to create classfare. When will it be ok to openly discuss the disparity between the rich and the poor? I predict never.

If anyone ever doubted that the Democrats were closet Communists, hopefully this has now disillusioned you.

June 14, 2007

The dangers of a Mormon presidency

Filed under: Blogging,Mitt Romney,Mormonism,RINOs — relee @ 10:44 pm

We already know that Mitt Romney named his dog after a pot-smoking America hating radical. Now we learn that his religion’s polygamist ways present real dangers:

In a dusty neighborhood under sheer sandstone cliffs studded with juniper on the Arizona-Utah border, a rare genetic disorder is spreading through polygamous families on a wave of inbreeding.


The community of about 10,000 people, who shun outsiders and are taught to avoid newspapers, television and the Internet, is home to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), a sect that broke from the mainstream Mormon church 72 years ago over polygamy.

The group, who wear conservative 19th-century clothing, is led by Warren Jeffs, who was arrested in August and charged as an accomplice to rape for using his authority to order a 14-year-old girl against her wishes to marry and have sex with her 19-year-old cousin.

And you thought Lewinskygate was bad! A Romney presidency would be ten times as bad.

A Funny Joke Website I Found

Filed under: Entertainment,Science,Snark — Sisyphus @ 5:21 am

If you need a few laughs today, you should definitely check out this website.  It purports to explain how refirgerators work!

The compressor compresses the refrigerant gas. This raises the refrigerant’s pressure and temperature (orange), so the heat-exchanging coils outside the refrigerator allow the refrigerant to dissipate the heat of pressurization.

As it cools, the refrigerant condenses into liquid form (purple) and flows through the expansion valve.

When it flows through the expansion valve, the liquid refrigerant is allowed to move from a high-pressure zone to a low-pressure zone, so it expands and evaporates (light blue). In evaporating, it absorbs heat, making it cold.

The coils inside the refrigerator allow the refrigerant to absorb heat, making the inside of the refrigerator cold. The cycle then repeats.

Ridiculous. Everyone knows that appliances work because God allows them to work. The article even admits it, winking at the audience and letting them know it’s all a joke instead of some whacked-out moonbat insanity, by stating at a different point,

The refrigerator is one of those miracles of modern living that totally changes life. Prior to refrigeration, the only way to preserve meat was to salt it, and iced beverages in the summer were a real luxury.

That’s exactly right. Refrigerators, like all appliances, are miracles. Their functioning and mechanics are a matter of divinely-inspired guesswork. Scientists and other know-it-all treefrog types can bluster and pretend to understand the processes involved, but the bottom line is, they’re miraculous. Only God can understand such a thing.

Don’t believe me? Go look up the word “miracle.”

A miracle is defined by Merriam-Webster (1997) as “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.”

Though the term “miracle” can often be heard from Christians and non-Christians alike, the entire Bible only contains one genuine reference to “miracle” and that was a quote of a non-believer (the Pharaoh) in Exodus 7:9 (RSV): “When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Prove yourselves by working a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your rod and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.'”

Under Christianity and Judaism, God is truth and a miracle is nothing more than a “sign” of the truth. “Miracle” is the non-believer’s term for what believers properly describe as a “sign”, a term that does appear repeatedly in the Bible.

A purely scientific definition of a miracle is this: a net decrease in entropy. It follows from this definition that the greatest miracle would be the conversion of decaying matter to human life, as in the Resurrection.

There you have it. Your refrigerator is a miracle. God makes our modern appliances work in order to direct us to His truth. But, blinded as we are by Helioleftism, Darwinism, and the repairman industry, most of us refuse to turn our wills over to His direction. As such, He must periodically cause our appliances to fail, in order to test our faith. We are weighed in the balance, and sadly, all too often we are found lacking.

Now I’m getting down. Anyway, you should read that article. It’s a hilarious example of a conservative pretending to be an idiot moonbat trying to explain how things work that he can never hope to understand. I can’t stop cracking up every time I read it!

Iran Takes a Step in the Right Direction

Filed under: Breaking News,Faith,Family,Internet — Sisyphus @ 5:09 am

I do have to give those mullahs credit for this one:

Iran’s parliament on Wednesday voted in favor of a bill that could lead to the death penalty for persons convicted of working in the production of pornographic movies.

With a 148-5 vote in favor and four abstentions, lawmakers present at the Wednesday session of the 290-seat parliament approved that “producers of pornographic works and main elements in their production are considered corrupter of the world and could be sentenced to punishment as corrupter of the world.”

The term, “corrupter of the world” is taken from the Quran, the Muslims’ holy book, and ranks among the highest on the scale of an individual’s criminal offenses. Under Iran’s Islamic Penal Code, it carries a death penalty.

The “main elements” referred to in the draft include producers, directors, cameramen and actors involved in making a pornographic video.

The bill also envisages convictions ranging from one year imprisonment to a death sentence for the main distributors of the movies and also producers of Web sites in which the pornographic works appear.

Besides videos, the bill covers all electronic visual material, such as DVDs and CDs. Other material, such as porn magazines and books, are already banned under Iranian law.

To become law, the bill requires an approval by the Guardian Council, a constitutional watchdog in Iran.

It is widely believed that the drafting of the bill came about as a reaction to a scandal last year, when a private videotape, apparently belonging to Iranian actress Zahra Amir Ebrahimi and allegedly showing her having intercourse with a man, became available across Iran.

The videotape was leaked to the Internet and released on a black market DVD, becoming a full-blown Iranian sex tape scandal. Ebrahimi later came under an official investigation, which is still ongoing. She faces fines, whip lashing or worse for her violation of Iran’s morality laws.

The unnamed man on the tape, who is suspected of releasing it, reportedly fled to Armenia but was subsequently returned to Iran and charged with breach of public morality laws. He remains in jail.

I admire the way they handled the initial scandal, and I also admire the way their government moved quickly to ensure that it will never happen again. I am confident that the death penalty will effectively deter all future smut production in Iran. I am equally confident that a similar measure enacted here, and pursued with equal judicial fervor, would quickly eliminate pornography from our drug stores, our video stores, our computers, and our lives. I, for one, would applaud such a measure.

It is also amusing to think that in Iran, Paris Hilton would face whipping or worse for her numerous misdeeds. In America, she earns millions of dollars by debauching herself in public; in Iran, public morality would be salvaged by her public flagellation. The Iranians are clearly astute observers of human deterrence.

It’s a shame we have to nuke a nation with such an efficient control of public decency. I would propose that we first make strenuous diplomatic efforts to convert them all to Christianity, before lobbing the bombs at them. A people who can execute pornographers surely can’t be all bad. I have hope that if we extend the offer of proseltyzation to them, God will open their hearts and free their minds.

If not, we can always bomb them.

UPDATE: Sheer idiocy.

McRomney the RINO Gores Itself

Filed under: Abortion,Election 2008,Family,John McCain,Mitt Romney,Pro-Life,RINOs — Sisyphus @ 5:00 am

Both halves secretly support infanticide, neither half wants to publicly own up to it.

Arizona Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign issued a stinging attack on GOP presidential rival Mitt Romney’s stance on abortion Wednesday.

McCain’s camp claimed a new YouTube video indicates the former Massachusetts governor supported maintaining abortion rights in his state six months after he opposed such rights.

Romney has said he started opposing abortion rights in November 2004 while he was governor of Massachusetts after a conversation with a stem-cell researcher made him feel the value of human life had been diminished.

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Does he really expect us to believe he’s become a pro-life candidate while he was governor of Massachusetts? I mean, I can understand how overexposure to scientists could make you see their reckless disregard for decency and human life, but any man who seeks the governorship of a state like Massachusetts is already corrupted to the core. He was far, far beyond conversion through a single chit-chat with a simple murderous scientist.

As for McCain, he’s had 25 years in the Senate to do something about abortion. Yet, infanticide remains the law of the land, in Arizona as much as anywhere else. I could understand it a little better if he’d only had, say, 10 or 15 years. But 25 years is a ridiculous amount of time to let this problem continue on your watch. The least he could do is try to keep it out of his own state, yet despite some empty gestures and some meaningless speeches and some random gesticulations, I’d be hard-pressed to see what, if any, contribution McCain has ever made to the pro-life movement.

The bad news for these two is, they have no hope of winning the GOP nomination. The good news is, with their credentials they could easily switch parties and wrest the Democrat nomination from Billary or Osama. Switching parties should be easy for them- they’re 60% of the way into the Democrat camp already!

June 13, 2007

The Saddest Thing I’ve Heard All Week

Filed under: Entertainment,Family,Media — Sisyphus @ 4:48 am

The lovely Kelly Clarkson is lovelorn:

Kelly Clarkson, who rails against a former flame in her new song “Never Again,” says she’s never been in love.

“I love my friends and family,” the Grammy-winning singer and original “American Idol” tells Elle magazine in its July issue. “But I have never said the words ‘I love you’ to anyone in a romantic relationship. Ever.”

Clarkson, 25, doesn’t take romance lightly.

“I am very old-school, conservative in my thinking when it comes to relationships,” she says. “Love is something you work at. It doesn’t come easily. There are going to be bad days. You are going to have to work at loving someone when they are being an idiot.”

She sounds like a decent Republican girl to me. Why hasn’t a Brownback supporter scooped her up by now? Why is she having trouble finding a decent man?

My only idea, and I mean this in the kindest possible way, is that decent patriotic American men are intimidated and repulsed by the flagrant sexuality that accompanies much of Miss Clarkson’s music. She is often seen in a state of near-undress, prancing about and singing love ballads. The music itself is excellent, but the performance and portrayal leave much to be desired.

Kelly Clarkson is a beautiful woman. We all know this. Yet, were I her husband, I would not feel comfortable leaving her alone for two seconds. I would know full well that her overt sexuality would arouse sinful passions in every man within a three mile radius. She doesn’t strap her chest down. She doesn’t cover her hair. She doesn’t cover much of anything, in fact. What man wouldn’t try to commit adultery with her, when faced with such temptations?

I’m sad to say that many Republican women I’ve met don’t think of these things. They often express surprise when I share the true state of affairs with them, and many reveal themselves as RINOs by their indignant responses and refusal to cast aside the path of harlotry. The other women, however, the decent ones, modify their behavior to comport with the realities of life in a decent Christian nation.  After all, their grandmothers went out in public without dressing like prostitutes, so why should they? 

Kelly Clarkson sounds like a very decent, conservative girl.  In all likelihood, she’s a Brownbacker.  Once she’s learned to dress with the same modesty she expresses in her views, I’m sure she’ll be fighting decent men off with a stick. 

 I have hope for you yet, Kelly!  My wife and I are rooting for you!

The UN Bites the Hand that Feeds It

Filed under: Defending America,Taxes,Terrorism,Weirdos and Hippies — Sisyphus @ 3:55 am

Via the Drudge Report, we learn that the UN is a selfish, ingrate child who blames its loving parent for its own ineptitude and failures:

The highest ranking UN official in Israel has warned that American pressure has “pummelled into submission” the UN’s role as an impartial Middle East negotiator in a damning confidential report.
The 53-page “End of Mission Report” by Alvaro de Soto, the UN’s Middle East envoy, obtained by the Guardian, presents a devastating account of failed diplomacy and condemns the sweeping boycott of the Palestinian government. It is dated May 5 this year, just before Mr de Soto stepped down.

This is the dividend on all that time and energy we’ve invested in this idiotic United Nations/One World Government project. Democrats from Truman to Clinton have poured tens of millions of our tax dollars down the drain, financing a hideous clique that enabled our enemies from day one. From giving Krushchev a forum in which to terroristically threaten the American people to giving Libya a seat on the same human rights panel that chastised us, the UN has been a never-ending joke.

The more research one does into the UN, the more one realizes that it’s time for this archaic relic of the Second World War to go. What else to say about a forum WE pay for that gives idiot terrorists opportunities to spew garbage like this:

“To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification.” – Brock Chisholm, while director of UN World Health Organization.

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, United Nations Head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro

“Food is Power! We use it to control behavior. Some may call it bribery. We do not apologize.” – Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, speaking at the UN World Food Summit, Nov 1996.

Anyone who ascribes to such views is beyond immoral: he’s anti-American. The good people over at Get US Out! of the United Nations have said it far more succinctly and powerfully than I can ever hope to:

World government through the United Nations is a serious threat to the freedom of all Americans. Imagine being held prisoner in a foreign land and tried in an international court with judges from such countries as Afghanistan, China, or Iraq.

The United Nations (financed by American taxpayers!) has long been a safe harbor for terrorist and oppressive regimes which target America as the enemy.

Even more alarming, the United Nations is beginning to take aim at the God-given rights enjoyed by Americans since our great nation was founded. The right to self defense, use your own property, or even the right to have children may all be trampled if the United Nations is allowed to have the power it seeks.

I, for one, will fight for the rights my forefathers have bestowed on me. UN peacekeepers seeking to forcibly repeal the Second Amendment and sterilize the American population will have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands. That is a promise.

June 12, 2007

Gallup: Republicans are Smarter

Filed under: Democratic Idiocy,Polling Data,Republicans,Science — Sisyphus @ 4:56 am

Gallup tells us what we already know:  that in general, Republicans are the Americans likely enough to question the idiotic theory of evolution:

The majority of Republicans in the United States do not believe the theory of evolution is true and do not believe that humans evolved over millions of years from less advanced forms of life. This suggests that when three Republican presidential candidates at a May debate stated they did not believe in evolution, they were generally in sync with the bulk of the rank-and-file Republicans whose nomination they are seeking to obtain.

Independents and Democrats are more likely than Republicans to believe in the theory of evolution. But even among non-Republicans there appears to be a significant minority who doubt that evolution adequately explains where humans came from.

The data from several recent Gallup studies suggest that Americans’ religious behavior is highly correlated with beliefs about evolution. Those who attend church frequently are much less likely to believe in evolution than are those who seldom or never attend. That Republicans tend to be frequent churchgoers helps explain their doubts about evolution.

If “stupid” is the answer, “liberal” was probably the question. We’ve all known this for quite some time. Gallup just confirmed it.

Now, we get to see the moonbats scramble to refute these findings, and/or defend the Copernican/Darwinian/Marxist cabal of fraudulent pseudoscientific knowledge. It always amuses me when they do that. Have at it, treefrogs!

UPDATE: Sheer idiocy. This is pretty stupid, too.

Open Thread

Filed under: Open Thread,President Bush — Sisyphus @ 4:40 am

In your opinion, what has President Bush’s greatest achievement been?

For me, the answer is easy. He beat terrorism at home and abroad. But some might say his deft handling of the economy, or his commitment to moral values, or his restoration of decency to public life. There are many possible answers to this one. Have at it. Or talk about whatever.

June 11, 2007

It’s About the Baby, Stupid

Brownback clarifies what the abortion debate is all about:

“Rape is terrible. Rape is awful,” but rape victims’ rights come secondary to those of an unborn child, GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Sam Brownback said on Saturday.

Campaigning before the National Catholic Men’s Conference, Brownback questioned whether rape victims should get abortions.

“Is (rape) made any better by killing an innocent child? Does it solve the problem for the woman that’s been raped?” the Kansas Republican asked at the St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers gathering.

“We need to protect innocent life. Period,” Brownback said, bringing the crowd of about 500 to its feet.

Brownback also talked about keeping marriage between a man and a woman, saying nations that have allowed same-sex marriages were engaging in bad social experiments, with bad results.

He also encouraged married couples to stay together, saying unspecified studies have shown that if couples weather hard times for five years, their marriages tend to last. After five years, “people are happier than those who have had a divorce,” Brownback said.

There’s a good reason why this man will be our next President. He’s the only candidate who’s not afraid to utter the unpleasant truths that not everyone wants to hear. Abortion is murder. When a woman murders a baby, she should face the same punishments that society metes out to all other baby-murderers. Rape victims should get much lighter sentences, but the bottom line is that a fetus is a living baby.  To permit abortion in the case of rape makes no more sense than to permit abortion in every other circumstance. It’s really as simple as that. Americans may not like that, but they sure do love babies.

Life is a beautiful gift, no matter how horrible the circumstances in which that life began. 30 million lives have been lost to the Roe v. Wade decision. This is the greatest bloodbath in American history, and the moonbats have been behind it every step of the way. Illegalization of infanticide, followed by death sentences for abortion doctors and serial abortion-obtainers, will go a long way toward making this a decent, God-fearing, Christian nation again.

God bless America.

Fred Thompson, Shameless Fraud

Courtesy of World Net Daily, we learn that Fred Thompson is an immoral, irreligious charlatan:

Doubts continue to swirl over Fred Thompson’s faith even among members of his own church.

First, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson was reported to have said the Republican presidential hopeful is not a real Christian. Thompson shot back that he’s not only a Christian, but a member of the fundamentalist Churches of Christ.

Now a political science professor at a Church of Christ-affiliated college charges Thompson is a “lapsed member.” And he has issued a challenge on the Internet to anyone who can come up with evidence that Thompson, now an actor, is active in the Church of Christ.

Is the Hollywood star-turned-politician a true believer?

Thompson’s chances at capturing the GOP primary may rest on the answer, thanks to the growing electoral clout of Christian conservatives.

Professor Mark Elrod of Harding University said he doubts Thompson is “filling out an attendance card at a Church of Christ on Sundays.”

Pretty bad, huh? Well, it gets worse:

While Dobson has expressed a willingness to take the Thompson claim at face value, Elrod’s challenge indicates the question has not been answered satisfactorily within his denomination.

Thompson and his first wife, Sara Lindsey, divorced in 1985. The Church of Christ frowns on divorce, and believes only “fornication,” or sexual infidelity, can be grounds for divorce and remarriage.

In 2002, Thompson and second wife, Jeri Kehn, were married in the liberal United Church of Christ, not the ultra-conservative Churches of Christ to which Thompson claims to belong.

So, now the truth finally trickles out: Thompson is a lapsed Christian who divorced his first wife, then married a temptress in a liberal church because his own religious organization wouldn’t countenance such sinful behavior.

And this is the man who thinks he should be America’s President. The very thought that one of these immoral libertines -Giuliani, Thompson- should lead this nation fills me with rage. If the Republican Party nominated such a man, Republicans would do well to vote Democrat in 2008. They might as well, since the RINO adulterers are functionally identical to Hillary Clinton anyway.

Our Gallant Ally, Albania

Filed under: Defending America,President Bush,Republicans,Terrorism — Sisyphus @ 4:55 am

The Albanians have celebrated President Bush’s arrival with a hero’s welcome:

President Bush, getting a hero’s welcome as the first American president to visit this Balkan nation, said Sunday that there cannot be endless dialogue about achieving independence for neighboring Kosovo.

“Sooner rather than later you’ve got to say ‘Enough’s enough. Kosovo’s independent,”‘ Bush said during a news conference with the prime minister of this tiny, impoverished country.

Bush’s press for statehood was aimed at Russia and others that object to Kosovo’s independence. Standing alongside Prime Minister Sali Berisha, Bush said any extension of talks on Kosovo must have “certain independence” as the goal.

I’m not the biggest fan of the Kosovo war, but if it helped make Albania a member of the Coalition of the Willing, I guess some good came from it after all. Albania is, after all, a Muslim country. Their troops could come in handy for the occupation of Syria and Iran.

Russia’s not happy, as usual:

The issue of independence for the Serbian province of Kosovo is another issue on which the U.S. and Russia disagree.

Russia, an ally of Serbia, contends independence for Kosovo would set a dangerous precedent for the world’s other breakaway regions. Serbia also opposes statehood for Kosovo, which it sees as the heart of its historic homeland.

I think we may be able to assuage Russia, though, if Kosovar troops and Albanian troops are deployed to Chechnya to help them control it. Once the Russians see the value of independent Muslim forces aiding their coalition, we can all settle down and be friends again.

Ultimately, of course, our goal must be to make Albania Christian. In the short term, having Muslim allies is useful; in the long term, having Muslims is contrary to the tenets of Christianity. We should send missionaries in to Kosovo and Albania, and help our new friends find salvation. We can hammer out the details later, though. This is a moment to savor.

June 9, 2007

CNN’s Deceitful Post, Edited for Truthfulness

Filed under: Media,Media Bias,Science — Sisyphus @ 5:19 am

(Here is the original post.  I’ve corrected it for accuracy.)

Space shuttle Atlantis blasted off from Kennedy Space Center Friday evening on an 11-day mission to the international space station an undisclosed location in the desert.

“And liftoff of space shuttle Atlantis to assemble the framework for the science laboratories of tomorrow,” said lied NASA spokesman George Diller as the orbiter raced to space Utah.

The mission was originally scheduled for mid-March but a hailstorm damaged the shuttle’s fuel tank and the launch was pushed back to June to allow time for needed repairs luggage-packing and scheduling of vacations for NASA scientists off to spend a wild 11-day vacation in Bangkok at taxpayer expense.

“We can point to a couple of little problems we had today, but gosh, we shouldn’t do that,” said equivocated Mike Leinbach, NASA launch director. “We should point to the thousands and thousands that go right to allow this masterful event to happen.”

A couple of chunks of foam did come off Atlantis during launch, but Wayne Hale, shuttle program manager, said in a post-launch news conference that it was after the critical period when serious damage can occur.

“I spent a few minutes with the imagery team reviewing the images after launch lineup of shows in Vegas this week, and the preliminary word is that we lost no foam off that tank prior to solid rocket motor separation picked a pretty good week to stage this kind of charade at the gullible American peoples’ expense,” he said.

“We did see some things come off late, as we have come to expect from all our tanks,”“I enjoy speaking for entirely too long about things which are wholly untrue,” he said. “So the tank performed in a magnificent way despite having thousands of repairs done on it.” “I do this on purpose, to put the American public to sleep, so they don’t ask hard questions of me.”

In command of this mission is Rick Sturckow. Along with Sturckow are pilot Lee Archambault, mission specialists Patrick Forrester, James Reilly, Steven Swanson and John Olivas and flight engineer Clayton Anderson.

Anderson will replace Sunita Williams on the international space station Las Vegas craps table and Williams will return to Earth aboard Atlantis a rehab clinic.

Atlantis is carrying a metal cargo tag from historic Jamestown, Virginia. The tag is almost 400 years old and reads “Yames Towne.” Its space desert voyage is meant to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Jamestown settlement in 1607.

During their time at the orbiting desert outpost, the Atlantis crew will deliver a new segment to the station known as a truss and install solar panels, or arrays, that help generate power for the station head over to Las Vegas for 11 days of incognito gambling and other debauchery, all at taxpayer expense, courtesy of JFK and the other moonbat boondogglers who decided that sending our money into “space” was a good idea. The arrays are similar to those installed in September by the STS-115 Discovery crew. Gambling in Vegas is a time-honored tradition at NASA.

Each solar array is about 115 feet long, with a total wingspan of more than 240 feet. The arrays will provide power equivalent to the power used by 40 typical U.S. homes, according to NASA. A bunch of dishonest factoids about “outer space” are included, but since outer space isn’t real and we’ve never been through the ether, it’s safe to say this garbage was built to line some futurist treefrog contractor’s pocket.

Three spacewalks casino junkets are planned, with room for an additional walk junket if spacewalkers gamblers run into difficulties a hot streak.

Reilly and Olivas will perform the first Extra Vehicular Activity or EVA. Forrester and Swanson will do the second spacewalk and Reilly and Olivas will complete the third Meaningless gibberish.

STS-117 is the 118th space shuttle flight, the 21st flight to the station, the 28th flight for Atlantis and the first of four flights planned for 2007. More meaningless gibberish.

NASA plans at least 13 more missions to the space station before retiring the shuttle fleet in 2010. A mission in September 2008 is planned to repair the aging Hubble Space Telescope. The least meaningful gibberish of all. Bottom line is, NASA likes spending your money and lying to you about it. What do YOU say to all this, America?

We’ve Turned the Corner

Filed under: Defending America,Democratic Idiocy,Terrorism — Sisyphus @ 5:05 am

Progress abounds in Iraq, if you’ll just look beyond the media filter and see it. Even the Iraqi insurgents are turning against Al Qaeda:

U.S. forces have begun arming nationalist guerrillas and former Saddam Hussein loyalists — and coordinating tactics — in a marriage of convenience against al Qaeda radicals in one of Iraq’s most violent provinces, senior U.S. commanders tell CNN.

This new alliance, a result of the deepening divisions among Iraqi insurgent factions, was on display earlier this week at a highway intersection in the town of Tahrir. There, a group of some 15 insurgents publicly chanted: “Death to al Qaeda.”

“The al Qaeda organization has dominated and humiliated Sunnis, Shiites and jihadis. It has forced people from their homes. They can’t get enough blood. They killed many honest scholars, preachers and loyal mujahedeen,” one of the group’s spokesmen read from a written manifesto.

Even the insurgents have sided with us against Osama Bin Laden. Now that Saddam is out of the picture, former Saddamists are embracing America with open arms.

Meanwhile, the treefrog terrorist-enablers on the home front continue to side with Al Qaeda. Why they hate America and Iraq is beyond me. Perhaps they take their marching orders from George Soros, who takes his from Iran, which takes its from Osama. It’s hard for me to say, but someday we will learn the truth. Until then, we have to keep fighting the good fight in Iraq, with our new friends, the insurgents, ready to stand by us and help us.

God bless America.

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