Blogs 4 Brownback

December 26, 2007

Mitt Romney: Anchor Baby?

ProhibidoI like irony. Tom Tancredo’s endorsement of Mitt Romney took many by surprise. But the surprise became astonishment when it was revealed that Mitt Romney’s father came to America across the Mexican border. For some reason The Tanc didn’t seem to mind. Hypocritical? You be the judge.

Tom Tancredo, the only candidate for president from either party to declare himself in opposition to legal immigration, and to have a specific aversion to Mexican immigration, dropped out of the presidential race last week. Then he did something quite odd – he endorsed Mitt Romney, the only candidate whose father was born in Mexico and whose family made use of the porous border to immigrate between Mexico and the United States.

PolygamyOuch. Most people probably don’t even know about this. And why was the Romney family kicking it in Mexico? Polygamy. Nice.

Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Chihuahua, Mexico in 1907, the son of Gaskell Romney and Anna Amelia Pratt. Three generations of Romneys lived in Mexico because Miles Park Romney, a polygamist, moved the family there in 1884 as it became increasingly clear that the U.S. government would not tolerate polygamy in the Utah Territory. The 1882 Edmunds Act stripped polygamists of the basic rights of U.S. citizenship, denying them the right to vote, serve on juries or hold office. Not dissimilar to current immigration raids, U.S. federal agents hunted and arrested polygamists. Polygamists were forced to leave the country or risk jail.

Mexican Border CrossingLawbreakers. It turns out that polygamy was not legal in Mexico either, so “Miles Romney then knowingly arrived in direct violation of Mexican immigration law.”

Aren’t these the kind of people Tancredo dislikes with intensity?

Relative Junius Romney negotiated with rebel leaders to get women and children out of the colony for their safety. Anna, with Mitt’s father George in tow, fled across the U.S. border by train (with no apparent delay or search at the border). A short time later Gaskell, like many Mexican immigrants before and since, covered hundreds of miles under a hot sun, crossing by land into New Mexico.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds. The more one finds out about Mitt Romney, the less there is to like.

Update: I should have noted that the source, Think Progress, is a left slanted smear site, and although it may be accurate on occasion, it’s best to be cautious taking articles there at their word.  A grain of salt is always good to include in the mix.  That’s precisely why I said “You be the judge.”  Commenter TLB pointed out this comment over at an alternet reprint of the original article:

Per this: It is the consensus of scholars, however, that foreign born children of Americans are natural born citizens. And that would mean that [George Romney] and McCain would certainly qualify.

Thus, calling George Romney an “immigrant” is false. And, for that reason and others, most of the post has nothing to do with Mitt Romney. He’s the one who’s running for president, not his late father.

B4B always strives for accuracy, and will continue to do so.  Constructive criticism is always welcome.

— Psycheout

December 20, 2007

Tom the Tanc Thanks and Tanks Out

Tom Tancredo - No AmnestyAs B4C reported last night, the end was near. Now it’s official: Tom Tancredo has dropped out of the race. He will be remembered (or not) for bringing the issue of illegal immigration to the forefront, as far as the GOP Presidential campaign was concerned. But his single note candidacy never really caught on, since his rivals adopted his rabid anti-illegal stance, leaving little to differentiate himself from the rest of the pack.

Two months ago, on October 28, 2007, The Tanc announced that he would not be seeking re-election for his congressional seat (Colorado’s 4th District), so his failed Presidential bid is Tancredo’s swan song. His legacy will be written by, or ignored by, historians. The Tanc is, literally, history.

According to the firecracker of the web, Michelle Malkin, Tom Tancredo declared victory before ending his campaign in a blaze of irrelevance.

“The Tancredo campaign has already won.”

What else can I say, but “good.” Take Hunter (who I do respect), Cox, Keyes and Paul with you. None of you have a ghost of a chance.

Update: What else can I say? “Good riddance.” This non-entity endorsed Mittens. If you have nothing wise to say, Tommy, just shut up. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Sell out. Traitor.

Update 2: Moar reaction from Race 4 2008, the sauce for the very latest campaign news.

Update 3: Upon reflection, the Romney endorsement makes sense in perverse sort of way. Both Tancredo and Mittens hired illegals to labor at their respective mansions. Hypocritical high fives all around!

— Psycheout

December 1, 2007

Tancredo’s Tanc Runs on Hot Air?

The TancWell this comes from Max Blumenthal, so I’m not sure if it’s for real, but if true, it’s pretty darn shocking. But before we get to the bombshell, how about a little background?

Congressman Tom Tancredo from Colorado is largely responsible for bringing “illegal immigration” to the forefront. It’s long been candidate Tancredo’s signature issue. In the recent CNN/YouTube debate, The Tanc, as his admirers call him, bragged that the other candidates were trying to out-Tancredo Tancredo, since they too were talking tough about those evil wetbacks. Considering that he had the least amount of time to speak in the debate, his bragging was a little out of place. Stick a fork in Tom, because he’s done. Actually, he’s over done.

In the climate created by Tancredo, G-d’s own candidate Sam Brownback was widely mocked as “Senator Switchback” for voting in favor of the comprehensive immigration bill supported by President Bush and then changing his yea vote to nay. It was Sam’s clever way of making the nuanced statement that, yes, we do need immigration reform, but not the incarnation that was being voted on that day. And it was obvious to anyone who was paying attention that the bill would have failed anyway.

But the reality didn’t matter. The braindead knuckle-dragging slogan chanters, unable to understand Sam’s symbolic move, idiotically screamed “Shamnesty, Shamnesty” and the damage was done. The only true principled, conservative Republican running for President was savagely stabbed in the back by those within his own party. Eventually Senator Brownback was forced to concede defeat, nobly, and drop out of the race. It had all the makings of a Shakespearean tragedy.

Fast forward to the present and dial H for hypocrisy. It turns out the man who yelled the loudest for closing the borders, rejecting all future immigration, and in favor of the massive deportation of millions of undocumented workers…wait for it…employed dirty, smelly, dangerous, American job stealing illegals himself! Can you taste the hypocrisy? I can. I’m literally choking on it.


August 10, 2007




July 31, 2007

Tancredo: Bribery Will Get You Anywhere

Filed under: Election 2008,Tom Tancredo — Psycheout @ 3:52 pm

The Capitol BuildingThe single-issue candidate, Tom Tancredo, has apparently taken to bribing his own supporters to get votes at the upcoming Ames straw poll.

Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo promised a package of gifts, including an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington and a tour of the Capitol, to anyone who brought 25 people to the GOP straw poll in Iowa on Aug. 11.

This isn’t t-shirts, bumper stickers, books or steak knives, but an all expenses paid trip to D.C. I wonder who’s going to pay for it. But there’s nothing wrong with this, right? Heh.

There was one problem with the pitch — a tour of the Capitol could be a violation of House ethics rules which prohibit the use of any buildings on the Capitol grounds for campaign purposes.

Uh oh.

Scrambling to explain, the Colorado lawmaker’s campaign said it was just a spelling error.

Yeah, right. So what’s the damage control spin. We want details. A spelling error, you say?

Bay Buchanan, Tancredo’s national chairwoman, said Tuesday she meant supporters would get a tour of the capital city — spelled with an ‘a’ — which could also include a “public tour” of the Capitol building — spelled with an ‘o’ — in which Tancredo would go along and point out some highlights.

Worst spin ever. Besides, Capitol is capitalized, capital is not.

Mystery BoxOther fabulous prizes include a set of patio furniture, an easy chair, a used paper towel and a broken jack-in-the box. Or you can trade in your prize for whatever’s in the box of mystery.

Bribing his way to the Presidency. It kinda cheapens the dignity of the office, wouldn’t you say?

— Psycheout

July 30, 2007

Tom Tancredo: No “War on Terror”

Filed under: Nutjobs,Tom Tancredo,War on Terror — Psycheout @ 11:38 pm

The Tom Tancredo Show!Tom Tancredo, the single-issue candidate who hates anyone who might come to America from south of the border and who happily takes money from John Tanton, a freaky population-control weirdo affiliated with abortion mill Planned Parenthood, is at it again:

Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo says the U.S. isn’t waging a “war on terror.”

Thank you, nutball. Oh, there’s more? How about a side order of Democrat party talking points, please?

“Terrorism is a tactic. It is not the thing with which we are at war.”

His staff of handlers and psychiatrists then helpfully emptied Tommy’s overflowing drool bucket. It was described as “wet and foamy.” Tom’s diaper, however, appeared to be dry, said one observer who wished to remain anonymous.

In addition to differing with President Bush over the “war on terror” label, Tancredo labeled the immigration reform bill Bush tried to rally through congress as “amnesty” for illegals.

An anonymous source described it as an “it ain’t right if you ain’t white” speech. “He sure hates him those brown skinned folks,” he or she added. “It’s like night and day when y’all compare him to Brownback. Now that’s a real conservative.”

“I like mavericks.”

You like John McCain? I like pudding. Apparently the drool bucket needed emptying again, according to an on-the-scene observer.

Tancredo campaigned today in Grinnell, speaking with a crowd of about 30 people in the West Side Family Diner.

Nobody knew who the raving lunatic was, but they did have a good meal. And the price was reasonable. And entertainment of any kind in Grinnell was most welcome. Even a crazy soliloquy from a “The End Is Nigh” guy.

“I’m not going to say I’m going to win it.”

Most in attendance seemed to agree with this statement made in a rare moment of candor. Onlookers nodded sagely.

“I don’t have to win.”

According to witnesses, the crowd cheered and gave the unknown diner a standing ovation at this point. “It really brought the house down,” recalled one diner who left a three dollar tip.

Tom Tancredo. What more can be said? Less is more, as the saying goes.

— Psycheout

Heads Up on The Tanc

Filed under: Tom Tancredo,Weirdos — Psycheout @ 1:03 am

America Is FullEver since our most recent post on the seedy Tancredo-Tanton connection, the anonymous tips have been flying into our email address. It turns out that Tanton (syn: weirdo) may be more repulsive than we had at first thought. His tendrils seem to touch every part of the pro-abortion, population-control, anti-immigration axis, if our sources are correct. It’s really quite shocking.

Our research staff has been working diligently on verifying and collating these mountains of tips, and if they prove to be true, Tom Tancredo may very well be dropping out of the 2008 campaign soon.

If the explosive information we have received to date is half as important as our lead research staffer thinks it is, Thomas Gerard Tancredo may even resign from his House seat.

Stay tuned. This just might be the most explosive week yet in B4B’s history. You won’t want to miss it.

This could well be a story you recount to your grandchildren. Be sure to remember that you first heard it right here at B4B.

While I’m sure that Tancredo supporters agree with the message “America Is Full,” I wonder if they’ve taken a moment to realize that Tom Tancredo and John Tanton are empty.  Somehow I doubt it.

— Psycheout

July 24, 2007

Tancredo Refuses To Donate To Pro-Life Causes

Filed under: Idiocy,Pro-Life,Tom Tancredo — Psycheout @ 5:17 pm

Tom Tancredo received campaign donations from a Planned Parenthood network founder, John Tanton, who has some interesting ideas on population control:

In 2003, The Washington Post quoted a memo by Tanton:

“‘In this society, will the present majority peaceably hand over its political power to a group that is simply more fertile,’ Tanton wrote in his 1988 memo. ‘Can homo contraceptives compete with horno progenitivo if our borders aren’t controlled. … Perhaps this is the first instance in which those with their pants up are going to get caught by those with their pants down. As whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night? Or will there be an explosion.’”

And more recently:

In 2006, the Washington Post reported that Tanton “once marched beside a Planned Parenthood float that declared: Whatever your cause, it’s lost without population control.”

Now, Tancredo can claim all he wants that this sick individual donated to him, not based on his sick views, but based on his good views (those he shares with Tom), but one is not required to accept donations from a freak like John Tanton. In fact, such an action reflects poorly on the candidate. Not to mention the fact that said individual co-founded the Northern Michigan Planned Parenthood Association which provides abortion services.

Tancredo can obfuscate all he likes and pretend that this is about questioning his pro-life credentials. But that’s just silly. It’s about personal honor and public perception. Cheerfully accepting campaign donations from a monster like Tanton demonstrates questionable judgement.

The Brownback campaign helpfully suggested a face-saving way out of this perception problem:

“Conservatives and liberals alike have abandoned Tanton once they learn about his bizarre obsession with population control,” John Rankin, Brownback’s Iowa communications director said in a statement last week. “Tom Tancredo’s ties to Tanton are an embarrassment to his campaign and he should donate the funds to an Iowa crisis pregnancy center.”

But The Tanc flatly refused this suggestion, standing by his man and his decision to accept his money:

Tancredo declined to return the money, saying such a move would suggest the donations somehow influenced his anti-abortion position.

“What I do is more important than who I take money from,” Tancredo said.

I agree that what you actually do is the most important. That’s why you should refuse Tanton’s tainted money and put it to good use. Put your money where your pro-life mouth is. But The Tanc refused. Why?

The Brownback campaign stands behind its calls for Tancredo to return the money, describing Tanton’s views on population control as “racist.”

And how does The Tanc justify his acceptance of this weirdo’s cash?

Tancredo said Tanton’s support stems from their mutual interest in the immigration issue and has nothing to do with the Colorado congressman’s stance on abortion.

Well, hooray. It’s all about the money and has nothing to do with integrity and conservative values. Well played, Tom. And this does not help defuse your image as a single-issue candidate. Is immigration indeed so important to you that it trumps even the sanctity of human life? Just great.

Please take the Brownback campaign’s advice and donate that blood-soaked money to a worthy pro-life cause. This is not the time to “just say no.”

Hat Tip: The Political Pale Horse.

Update: The Denver Daily News asks the question: Is Tancredo a Hypocrite?

— Psycheout

July 3, 2007

Tancredo is an Abortionist

Filed under: Abortion,Election 2008,Pro-Life,RINOs,Tom Tancredo — Sisyphus @ 5:17 am

Turns out that Tom Tancredo has no problem accepting donations from baby-murderers.

Congressman Tom Tancredo has accepted thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Dr. John Tanton, a founder of a major Planned Parenthood network.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show that Tancredo’s presidential campaign, political action committee, and congressional re-election campaign have accepted thousands of dollars personally from Tanton, and thousands more from a political action committee connected to Tanton.

Tanton has strong ties to Planned Parenthood, the largest worldwide provider of abortion. Tanton was the founder and president of the Northern Michigan Planned Parenthood Association and was the chairman of the Great Lakes Public Affairs Committee of Planned Parenthood.

“Given Tanton’s obvious ties to Planned Parenthood, Tom Tancredo should publicly denounce his ties to Tanton and should donate all previously accepted funds to an Iowa crisis pregnancy center,” said John Rankin, Brownback for President Iowa communications director. “How can pro-life Iowans believe Tom Tancredo’s commitment to life when he has accepted money from such a prominent abortion supporter?”

The answer, of course, is they can’t. Tom Tancredo has no problem with abortion. He’s a RINO and an infanticidalist. Iowans know this, and Americans know this. Kudos to the FEC for pulling the curtains off this cheap sham of a “Republican” Presidential campaign!

Tancredo’s agenda is clear, now. He wants fewer Americans in the world. He wants to keep immigrants from coming to America and becoming Americans, but he also wants to kill our babies to keep new Americans from being born. So we gain neither immigrants nor babies, and lose population. If Tancredo were President, America would probably lose about 50 million people (mostly to emigration; some to abortion). I, for one, shudder for the day Tancredo assumes the Presidency. Not that it would ever happen, but if it did we’d all be better off living in Mexico.

June 7, 2007

Adios, Tancredo

Looks like his campaign’s dying with a whimper, not a bang:

Rep. Tom Tancredo plans to change direction in his long-shot presidential campaign so he can pressure fellow Republicans into rejecting an immigration reform plan he considers “amnesty.”
Before a debate tonight on CNN, Tancredo, R-Littleton, told reporters he soon plans to scale back his weekly visits to the early caucus and primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

He’s going ahead with previously scheduled events, including a four-day trip to Iowa starting Thursday.

Republicans who are serious about sensible policy on illegal immigration should now flock to Brownback in droves. Tancredo’s isolationism is alluring, perhaps even attractive; Brownback’s position may seem undesirable at first, but upon closer inspection one learns that he alone has the heart to carry out coherent, comprehensive reform.

Many on the Right will disagree with me there, but they should realize this- if they’re not supportive of the President and Senator Brownback on this one, they’re RINOs, for their grievances only embolden our enemies, the Democrats, by driving Hispanic voters into their arms. Think about having a Clinton in office for 8 more years before you sit this election out just because of one issue.

(Hat tip: Red State, which is calling for the end of the Ron Paul and Tommy Thompson campaigns next. I, for one, have no problem with that.)