Blogs 4 Brownback

June 22, 2007

Lebanon-1, Bad Guys-0

Filed under: Breaking News,Defending America,Terrorism — Sisyphus @ 5:32 am

Looks like the terrorists lost big time in Lebanon:

Lebanon’s defense minister declared victory Thursday over the Fatah Islam militant group, saying it had been crushed after a month-long military assault on its stronghold in a northern refugee camp and only mopping up remained.

A Muslim cleric who has been acting as a mediator said later that Fatah Islam agreed to stop firing, and calm descended over the Nahr el-Bared camp outside the port of Tripoli

The battle, Lebanon’s worst internal violence since the 1975-90 civil war, killed 76 soldiers, at least 60 militants and more than 20 civilians. It came amid a fierce political power struggle between the Western-backed government and an opposition led by the militant Hezbollah.

“The Lebanese army has destroyed all Fatah Islam positions,” Defense Minister Elias Murr said on the private Lebanese Broadcasting Television. “The army is combing the area. This terrorist organization has been uprooted.”

Looks like those Islamist crazies will think twice before they show their ugly faces in Beirut again! Kudos to the American spooks for covertly funding this operation! (I know, I know, they’ll publicly deny it… But that’s part of their job, right?)

Now if Israel would just go in and wipe out the crazies in Gaza, these loonies in Iraq would stop receiving as much foreign support, and we could clean that place up in no time.

June 21, 2007

Angels and Atoms

Filed under: Faith,Science — Sisyphus @ 9:36 am

I had an interesting thought this week while in church.  It’s common knowledge that God controls all things.  It’s also common knowledge that science is inadequate to explain this Truth.  But how does one reconcile faith with the factually accurate aspects of modern science?

I’m thinking, specifically, of atoms.  Presumably, atoms exist.  The theory of them has existed since Democritus. Moreover, the Bible speaks of them as well, although it refers to them as “motes.” That’s an old word meaning something very small, like an atom. So Jesus specifically mentions atoms when he says in Matthew 7:3, “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” Clearly, atoms exist in the Bible.  (Their existence in nuclear weaponry was a matter of heated debate in my household and religious community, but this post will hopefully reconcile and dispel such dissensions as previously existed to mar our brotherhood in Christ.)

Science, being a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, tells us that atoms are composed of positive parts, called protons, negative parts, called electrons, and neutral parts that are incapable of moral decision, called neutrons. As usual, when scientists tell you something, you can usually find the truth if you look in the opposite direction. What scientists label “positive”, the protons, actually- by their own theories- huddle in the center of the atom, slothful and lazy, sheltering the morally timid neutrons. The ones who go about, energizing things and spreading the Gospel, are the electrons. This leads me to believe that electrons are actually the positive moral force here, not the lazy, good-for-nothing neutrons and certainly not the vile, wicked, electron-counteracting, equivocation-enabling protons.

Electrons are the positive force in the atomic world. They are God’s servants. What, then, could they be, if not angels? Doesn’t this explain how the Lord is at work in every piece of technology we currently operate? Electrons power them all; ergo, the Lord, through the direct intercession of His servants, the angels, powers it all. It also explains smiting; thousands of angels come down from the Heavens and enter the skulls of the evildoers.

I realize this explanation is somewhat unorthodox. But once I realized that atoms are in the Bible, and that DNA therefore probably exists despite the frequent and oft-noted inefficiencies and deceptions of microscopes, I felt that my ongoing feud with the witch-doctors and snake-oil salesmen who comprise the modern scientific community would be resolved if I could explain to them how the Lord operates in their precious pseudoscientific endeavors. If it is sinful for me to aspire for and attain these conclusions, I confess my sins and repent in sackcloth and ashes.

Yet, somehow, I feel that God is pleased. Now that scientists have no recourse to their theories in their evasions of Him, they stand at a crossroads- either they can serve God, or they can serve Satan. They can no longer pretend that this moral choice does not exist. They can no longer be the neutron in the atom of the World. If they choose to join God’s electrons, they can merrily spread the Gospels of Christ like the rest of us. If they choose to remain in the perceived “nuclei” of activity, the research centers and major cities, they can idly putter about, doing their research and working as minions of Satan. But one day, the atom may be split at the kindled wrath of the Almighty. In that day, only the electrons shall survive.

Think on THAT, you fragments! Embrace the Lord, or face the final reckoning!

Brownback Speaks About Conservative Principles

Filed under: Republicans,Sam Brownback,Taxes,YouTube — Sisyphus @ 5:27 am

 It’s been a while since I posted any Youtube videos, so now I’ll put up two in a row.  In this one, Brownback shows why he’s the greatest candidate for President in living memory.

Brownback to Romney: Bring It On!

Filed under: Election 2008,Mitt Romney,Republicans,RINOs,Sam Brownback,YouTube — Sisyphus @ 5:25 am

Now we get to see what happens when an American goes hunting after RINOs!

Welcome, New Bloggers!

I’d like to extend a hearty welcome to our newest bloggers, Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett and Mr. Everett Volk!  These patriotic Americans will be taking up some of the slack while the rest of us cope with various extrinsic personal stresses.  The important thing is that the Samuel Brownback Presidential campaign continues to acquire steam and momentum.  This juggernaut is becoming unstoppable.  The moonbat media know it, they fear it, and they try their best to talk it to a stop; but with dedicated Brownbackers like the folks writing this site here, I know Brownback’s White House win is a foregone conclusion!

Welcome, new bloggers!  God bless America, and God bless Sam Brownback!  Everyone be sure to vote for him!

June 20, 2007

Some thoughts

Filed under: Abortion — Lyssie @ 5:30 pm

It’s good to be back after my hiatus. Now that the wee one is sleeping the entire night through, I’m actually rested enough to write a coherent blog post. It’s wonderful to see so many new people here!

Watching the peanut as he takes in all that is new around him, I am struck with sadness that so many women and babies will not get to experience this joy, due to the appalling number of abortions that are performed every day.

I realize that I am fortunate to have the financial, familial and emotional stability to raise a child, and that not all women have this. So I’d like to broaden the discussion a bit beyond the usual pro-choice vs. pro-life stalemate, and ask a question: WHY do so many women not have the financial, familial and emotional stability to raise a child? We concentrate so much on what happens post-conception, but when it comes to post-birth, you can practically see the dust clouds as the politicians take to their heels.

I am therefore heartened by Brownback’s candidacy, as he is the first politician in a very long time who has struck me as being sincere in his wish to improve living conditions for ALL families. Many pro-choicers with whom I’ve had discussions have indicated that most women do not WANT to terminate their pregnancies, but that their life situation simply prohibits raising a child. Statistics back this up. So maybe, just maybe…if we find the right person who will work on improving the life situation of these young women, and who will inspire and enable all young women to respect their bodies, reject promiscuity, educate themselves, take care of their health and be fiscally prudent, we’ll see less unwanted pregnancies, and out of those, fewer women who choose to terminate. All women would win.

It’s certainly worth a try, is it not?

Wednesday Open Thread

Filed under: Housekeeping & Maintenance,Open Thread,Snark — Sisyphus @ 5:11 am

Do bloggers like to have open threads because they care what their readers think, or do they do it when they don’t have enough time to write an actual post?  Discuss.

On a completely unrelated note, my work schedule will be increasing substantially next week.  Daily morning posting may become difficult, if not impossible.  I don’t know where Psycheout went, but this can’t wait for him.  We need someone to take on the slack for the Brownback campaign.  This blog is an integral cog in the Brownback Presidential machine.  It can’t go to waste, or the repercussions to the campaign could be severe. 

Anyone who wants a chance to become a blogger here, please send me an email at the address provided you-know-where.  Please list your screen name, why you hate liberals, and why you want to blog for Senator Brownback. 


Surprise, Surprise

Filed under: Breaking News,Election 2008,RINOs,Rudy Giuliani — Sisyphus @ 4:58 am

Looks like Giuliani’s RINO values have trickled down to his campaign staffers:

South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel, a former real estate developer who became a rising political star after his election last year, was indicted Tuesday on federal cocaine charges.

Ravenel is also the state chairman for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign.

Ravenel has stepped down from his volunteer responsibilities with the campaign, according to a statement released by Mark Campbell, Giuliani’s political director.

Campbell said the campaign has no information about the accusations pending against Ravenel.

The millionaire is accused of buying less than 500 grams of the drug to share with other people in late 2005, U.S. Attorney Reggie Lloyd said.

Ravenel, 44, is charged with distribution of cocaine, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

It seems to me that the underlings in an organization receive their values from the man on top. If he’s a thrice-divorced adultering cross-dresser, they’re unlikely to have a problem with being the same. Also, people with loose morals, like Mr. Ravenel, will tend to gravitate toward campaigns that offer the same sort of atmosphere. Giuliani’s campaign certainly seems like one where cocaine usage would be tolerated, far more so than even the campaign of a Huckabee or a Hunter, much less Brownback.

Anyway, kudos to South Carolina law enforcement for nabbing this crook! The great State of South Carolina deserves better than to be represented by Giuliani scumbags like this one.

June 19, 2007

Compelling Analysis

Newsbusters points out the real problem with “global” warming theorists (besides the fact they believe in a globe): weather station accuracy is unquestioned by the Mainstream Moonbats.

To get an idea of the measurement environment that exists today at stations used to gather climate data, I visited the Chico State University Fram on Hegan Lane, south of the city, to do a site survey in the format done by Dr. Roger Pielke of Colorado State University. This station is part of the US Historical Climate Network of weather stations that have been used as the source for surface temperature data in many climate models and studies. There were some interesting discoveries…
Curator notes:

1. There has been encroachment by Oleander bushes onto the site in recent times, about 2 years ago, a prominent Oleander bush that was blocking the pyranometer view was removed, see before (sketch) and after photos below.
2. The curator notes that there was a complaint from a meteorologist from WeatherNews about a change in temperature data that coincided with a repainting of the CRS’s a few years ago, but cannot recall the date exactly.

Site surveyor notes:

1. There are missing louvers on the north side of the CRS containing the automated data logger and temp/dp sensor
2. There is clear evidence that both shelters have been repainted with latex paint, including brush marks and drip marks.
3. There is an asphalt road that curves around the site, from the southwest to the southeast
4. The surface at the site is mixture of gravel, soil, and debris. There is no grass.
5. There is a water filled evapo-transpiration pan within 10 feet of each CRS, its lineage seems to indicate it goes back to the establishment of the site in 1963
6. The fiberglass composite NEMA electronics enclosure containing the data logger, radio modem, and solar battery charger are placed inside the CRS within 6-8 inches of the temperature/dp sensor. The 12 volt gel cel battery is also inside the CRS. These items may introduce a heat bias from the operating electronics.

Read the whole Newsbusters article, and kiss your precious “‘global’ warming” theory goodbye!

So much for your precious, priceless, flawless scientific method, treefrogs! Stick to Scripture, it’s eternal and immutable. Science is a transient fad, as easily falsified as the alchemy and Paganism from whence it arose.

Lo and Behold, Democrats Are Still Crooks

Filed under: Breaking News,Democratic Idiocy,Sam Brownback,Taxes — Sisyphus @ 4:55 am

Fancy that:

Despite the new Democratic congressional leadership’s promise of “openness and transparency” in the budget process, a CNN survey of the House found it nearly impossible to get information on lawmakers’ pet projects.

Staffers for only 31 of the 435 members of the House contacted by CNN between Wednesday and Friday of last week supplied a list of their earmark requests for Fiscal Year 2008, which begins on October 1, or pointed callers to Web sites where those earmark requests were posted.

Of the remainder, 68 declined to provide CNN with a list, and 329 either didn’t respond to requests or said they would get back to us, and didn’t.

So, it turns out that Democrats aren’t really reformers after all. They’re a cabal of corrupt crony crooks, just as they’ve always been ever since they oozed onto America’s shores. These clowns have been dirty since Aaron Burr, yet they still think they can point their fingers at the rest of us and sanctimoniously harp on and on about how we should do more to help the poor (read: lazy), the foreigners (read: terrorists), and the criminals (read: criminals). They never shut up about how everyone else should be nice to those trying to kill them or rob them; meanwhile, they line THEIR pockets with OUR money, and walk away chuckling.

When Senator Brownback becomes President, one of his first official acts will be to flush this scum down the toilet where it belongs. That is a promise, America.

June 18, 2007

Liberal Atheism is to Blame for All the Problems

Filed under: Defending America,Democratic Idiocy,Faith — Sisyphus @ 4:39 pm

An observant reader sent me this article from 2002:

An important aspect of Americans’ religious beliefs changed dramatically in the 1990s. The proportion of Americans reporting “no religious preference” doubled from 7 percent to an unprecedented level of 14 percent between 1991 and 2000, and this increase is attributable to changes in both population characteristics and the politicization of religion, according to research by University of California-Berkeley sociologists published in the current issue of the American Sociological Review.
In their April article, “Why More Americans Have No Religious Preference: Politics and Generations,” co-authors Michael Hout and Claude Fischer* report that the decline had little to do with religious skepticism, since most respondents continue to hold conventional religious beliefs. Factors that appear to be responsible for the escalation in alienation from organized religion instead include demographic shifts (e.g., age group membership, delayed marriage and parenthood) and political beliefs.

Finally, some clear-cut evidence that American atheism was on the rise just before Hurricane Katrina! If reading the Bible teaches us nothing else, it teaches us that God punishes the unrepentant sinner more harshly for his very stiff-neckedness. It was this same quality which has led God to punish us over and over again this decade, for despite our pious President, our nation wallows in iniquity. Do you think the Almighty wouldn’t notice? He has, and has punished us accordingly. Hurricane Katrina is but one of many examples. Who knows, but that worse may yet come, unless we turn away from this secularist flirtation with perdition. Therein lies madness, my friends. Therein lies madness.

Okay, Who’s the Wise Guy?

I’m not sure what this means:

With regard to recent press reports about WordPress hosting a blog entitled “Blogs 4 Brownback”.

WordPress has received some worrying comments with regard to this blog through our admin site. The “Blogs 4 Brownback” site is a parody. Please do not forward any comments with regard to racist language, personal abuse or civil action suits to WordPress as we are not responsible for the content on the blog, merely as a host for the site.

Please use the “Blogs 4 Brownback” blog as it was intented: for entertainment purposes only.

Thank you,
The WordPress Team.

But it’s not very funny. It’s also not true. This is not a parody site. This is a site dedicated to the election of Senator Sam Brownback to the Presidency of the United States. Any complaints or comments you have, you can make to me directly. My email address is posted in the “Team” thread. You all know this, so why is one of you joking around by posting this nonsense in every thread?

Those who hate and fear what is said on this blog, hate and fear America itself. Senator Brownback is the greatest living American, and the finest President our nation can hope for. Complaining to WordPress will not change this fact, and writing spoof posts pretending to be WordPress will not change it, either. Ultimately, with faith in our hearts and God on our side, decent Americans will prevail over you moonbat scumbags. That is a promise, and that is the legacy of our ongoing experiment in American democracy.

May God be with you all.

UPDATE: I come back from a hard day’s work, and some other joker has used my posted email address and my name to post fake comments on the blog. It’s my fault for making that my official wordpress email address as well. Don’t worry, though, I’ve changed it. The new controlling email address is a secret. Now I just have to go through the comments and eliminate the ones written by the moonbat. Also, I have to IP-ban the offender. Please excuse me if I don’t get back to your comments for a little while.

UPDATE II: My original thought was that these jokers were responsible for the WordPress prank. I’m beginning to have my doubts, though. Certainly, they could get away with it; we all know that IP addresses practically grow on trees.

This site is now officially infested with moonbats.

Update III (by Psycheout): Welcome, Salon readers.  You are being lied to by Salon, as usual.  Please see our brief response to the slander that brought you here.

Democrats Make Too Much Money

Filed under: Defending America,Democratic Idiocy,Taxes — Sisyphus @ 4:43 am

Via Copious Dissent, we learn the reason why Democrat politicians hate honest, hard-working Americans and their values: Democrats have too much money to care.

Recently I read an article out of Washington about Millionaire Congressmen. From the article I learned that Nancy Pelosi holds stocks and property worth well into the millions. Harry Reid reported property around his hometown, as well as investments valued at several million dollars. Ted Kennedy reported four Kennedy family trust funds worth $20 million to $100 million. Mrs. Bill Clinton’s husband, Bill Clinton, made more than $10 million for giving speeches (they presumably hold joint bank accounts). Then in an effort to keep the story balanced, we hear that Mitch McConnel, the only Republican listed, had property worth between 1 and $5 million, along with retirement accounts worth close to $1 million.

I agree with his analysis of this, too:

Before I address two quick points, I must clarify that I am not against making obscene profits; we live in a free country and everyone has a right to their own pursuit of happiness. With that being said, it is pretty obnoxious that the people who want to tax the crap out of the economy, attack businesses that produce goods that people voluntarily purchase, and pretend to support the middleclass, are the ones who make the most money doing absolutely nothing.

I think the obvious solution would be some form of patriotism tax or war tax. We all know that freedom isn’t free, and neither is free speech. So why not tax people every time they say something unpatriotic in wartime? Say whatever you want, but pay for it. Questioning the President? Fork over $1,000. Saying the war in Iraq is lost? $5,000. Supporting Islamism? Sure, but pay $10,000 so we can buy some more guns to kill Islamists with.

I’m pro-tax, too, Dems, but only if the tax is narrowly tailored to helping America win this war, both at home AND abroad. And I suspect this particular tax will fall squarely on the people who deserve to pay it the most- the moonbat politicians who enable the terrorists with their defeatist remarks. Either they’ll suddenly become much more pro-American, or they’ll find themselves poor and then they’ll wind up living in pro-American neighborhoods anyway.

June 16, 2007

A Powerful, Thought-Provoking Essay From Red State

Filed under: Blogging,Defending America,Terrorism — Sisyphus @ 5:35 am

Submitted without comment. Wordless salute is comment enough.

It is the classic dilemma posed in law of land warfare classes in the Army.

You are an isolated patrol (in the Special Forces Course the example was a deep penetration raid) and you have a close encounter of the worst kind and are discovered by civilians, invariably women, children or old folks. You know that if you let the civilians go they will tell someone and things will get really ugly really fast for your unit. You can always tie them up and leave them as you move smartly out of the area but eventually they will be found. The last option is fraught with moral and legal difficulties and unpalatable to anyone who isn’t inclined to view war at the small unit level as a Hobbesian race to the bottom.

It isn’t an academic exercise. It happens. And the men who deal with it have to live with the consequences… if they are lucky.

Read the whole thing. You won’t regret it.

The World is Flat

Filed under: Sam Brownback,Science — Sisyphus @ 5:21 am

I’ve learned a lot working on this blog.  Certain realities which I used to take for granted, which “science” had handed down to me from time immemorial, I have conclusively determined as fraudulent. Modern pseudoscience is an imposing edifice, but once you examine it closely, small cracks in the structure are readily observable. These cracks are in the very foundations of the structure. Pry at them too thoroughly, and you will soon discover that what once seemed to you a solid castle of facts was little more than a house of cards, cards that are now tumbling down to reveal the Truth they previously obscured.

In an earlier post in which I categorically disproved the time-honored distortion of Heliocentrism, astute readers informed me of the Scriptural evidence that the world is, in fact, not round. Naturally, this piqued my interest, since a strict and literal reading of the Holy Bible is the only correct and proper method of doing so. If one is not prepared to accept the entirety of the Word of God as Truth, one should prepare for damnation. Not only is that good moral advice, that is good science.

A ready perusal of the Bible uncovers numerous quotes like the following:

“Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble;” [Job 9:6]

“And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.” [Revelation 7:1]

Clearly, the Bible states that the world has corners. But how can a sphere have corners?

How could a flat Earth exist? Too many people have gone around the world for it to be dismissed as a government hoax. Fortunately, when my research uncovered the Flat Earth Society website, the question was resolved. Their logo is a chart of our planet. The world is circular, not spherical. The circumference of this circle runs along the Antarctic continent, roughly a million miles long. The center of this circle is the North Pole.

The depth of this circle is unclear to me, as is the cause of earthquakes. Perhaps those are, indeed, caused by some form of plate tectonics (assuming the Earth is 20 miles or so deep before Hell begins); perhaps the tumult and riot of the Inferno causes them, as souls in pain howl and bang and try to escape to the land of the living.

Clearly, my researches into the Flat Earth Society website are incomplete. Many of the questions my friends in the pseudoscientific camp will ask find ready answers there. To quote but one example:

Water. Regardless of which train of thought you follow, it covers over seventy-five percent of our planet’s surface. And the atmosphere, also a fluid, covers the entire surface. The difference is why. While flat-Earthers know that the ocean is really just a large bowl, (with great sheets of ice around the edges to hold the ocean back), and the atmosphere is contained by a large dome, the backwards “round-Earth” way of thinking would have you believe that all those trillions of gallons of water and air just “stick” to the planet’s surface.

Conventional thinking would suggest that the water would just run down the sides of the Earth (to use the analogy again, like droplets running down the sides of a beach ball) and fall into outer space, while the air would dissipate. Using the earlier mentioned idea of “gravitational charge” gives some credibility to the theory. If the fluids were static, then exposure to the gravitational field for a long enough period of time would allow their molecules to align themselves with and be pulled in by the field.

But fluids are not static, especially not in the atmosphere and oceans. Great ocean currents run both at the surface and deep below, carrying water across huge basins, keeping the solution far from stagnant. Jet streams of air travel at hundreds of miles per hour through the atmosphere. And windblown rainclouds carry vast quantities of evaporated seawater across miles of ground, releasing their load far from its starting point. Water or air that (according to “round-Earth” theory) starts on one side of the planet could end up completely on the other side in a matter of only a few days. With all this turbulence and motion, if the world were round, the oceans should all fall “down” into the sky, leaving the planet dry and barren, and the atmosphere would simply float away. Why, just look at the moon. It is round, like a ball, and yet it has no atmosphere at all.

Other evidence exists, if one looks carefully. For example, here is a website offering “satellite” imagery (in actuality, images photographed using images reflected off the watery ether that surrounds our world; or, at best, waterproof cameras inserted into the edge of that ether). Note the name of the website: “Flat Earth Images.” Clearly a believer in Truth in advertising.

Another example is Tom Friedman. Although a Leftist, he acknowledged the truth of the Flat Earth position when he published a book titled, “The World is Flat.” I have not read this book, but I understand that its main subject is how God’s gift of technology has helped Man to see the fundamental flatness of Creation; mountains and valleys exist, yes, but the world is a disk, and it, like computers and automobiles, is a gift of God. Tom Friedman is the only leftist I know of to publicly state these truths; to my way of thinking, if he could be converted, anyone could.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, and with a zealous desire to show others the correct way of thinking, I attempted to convey my doubts to others. I called the false teachings of modern pseudoscience into question at every turn.

Reaction has been mixed, ranging from widespread agreement amongst those willing to accept the Truth of Christianity to widespread disdain amongst the Atheists, Darwinists, and secularist Islamists constituting a majority of the modern Democrat party. Why these “reality-based” types are unable to question their assumptions is beyond me. None of them have ever been to Antarctica, or to outer space; none of them invented toaster ovens or refrigerators. Yet they all claim to be experts on every subject, although a closer scrutiny reveals their only true expertise to lie in the rubbish heap known as “science.” From DNA cloning to Russian space stations, science produces the worst of lies and sins. Yet these people embrace it, and try to use it as a cudgel with which to wallop the God-fearing among us.

Nothing that they say or do can change the Truth one jot or one tittle, however. The world is flat, my friends. God has made it thus, and Man cannot unmake it.

What has any of this to do with the Brownback campaign, you ask? President Brownback will control our education department. Unless Brownback wins the election, and radically alters America’s course in favor of Christianity, Justice, and Truth, millions of children will continue to learn the lies and fallacies of the left: that the world is round; that scientists invent things without God’s guiding Grace; that the Earth orbits the Sun; that their grandparents are monkeys, their great-grandparents were rats, their great-great-grandparents were fish, and their great-great-great-grandparents were pond scum. Some among us are truly bungled, botched, and bothersome; but one must have faith that Hope will see us through, and Truth will find a way. I, for one, am unshakeable in my convictions: The Bible is Truth, God has not forsaken America, and He will ensure that we remain a Christian country by choosing Brownback as His chief servant.

God bless America, and God keep the world flat, free, and beautiful.

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