Blogs 4 Brownback

January 7, 2008

Duncan Hunter Announcement Imminent; Update: Staying in To Win!

Filed under: Campaign 2008,Duncan Hunter,Republicans — Psycheout @ 12:58 pm
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Duncan HunterWithin minutes, Duncan Hunter will be making an important announcement in New Hampshire regarding his campaign.

Presidential Candidate and California Congressman Duncan Hunter will be making a major announcement today at 2:00 p.m. (EST), regarding the future of his Presidential bid.

He will probably be ending it. Who will he endorse? McCain?

Stay tuned.

Update: Duncan complaining about being shut out of ABC and Fox debates even though he has one delegate (from Wyoming) while Giuliani and McCain have no delegates.

HUNTER’S NOT GOING TO QUIT! Of course CNN cut away as soon as he said that. Is that the “important” announcement? Way to get news coverage, Duncan!

Update 2: Meanwhile Drudge is suggesting that Clinton will drop out.  Yeah, right.

— Psycheout

Moving To the Left

No Left TurnWhen I was driving my SUV the other day, I noticed something rather odd.  When I let go of the steering wheel, my vehicle began veering to the right.  “That’s annoying,” I thought.  “This could kill me if I’m not careful.  I better get this fixed.”

Then it dawned on me.  If I were to fall asleep at the wheel, the worst that would happen is that I’d end up in the ditch or on the shoulder.  If my car, like Barack Osama, steered hard to the left, I’d end up in the oncoming traffic lane and probably die, horribly, mangled by his leftist socialist policies and left open to attack by the terrorists who want to kill us.

I’m an American.  My SUV is America.  Who do you want behind the wheel?  Barack Hussein Osama or Rudy Ghouliani, who’d surely drive us leftward into oncoming traffic?  Or perhaps someone like Mike Huckabee or Duncan Hunter who would drive conservatively, observe the traffic laws and get us home safely?

I think I know the answer to that.  So do you.  Vote smart in 2008.  Vote right.

— Psycheout

August 10, 2007




July 17, 2007

Duncan Hunter: GOP Candidate

Filed under: Duncan Hunter,Election 2008 — Psycheout @ 6:08 am

We’ve gotten a few complaints about bias. Some have complained that we haven’t given reasonable coverage to all the GOP candidates. Naturally we scoffed at this notion, laughed, and then scoffed again.  Then we took an early lunch.

But it seems our critics were not entirely mistaken. I’d read on various websites that some were hoping for a Hunter/Thompson candidacy. I skipped past such notions because I’d heard that Hunter Thompson had committed suicide a couple of years ago, so the idea of Hunter Thompson running for anything seemed absurd.

Well, it turns out that those people were talking about a Duncan Hunter/Tommy Thompson ticket. But that seems almost as absurd as a Hunter Thompson candidacy. Again. Or even a Kook-Spinach/Gravel (D-Crazy) ticket. But I digress.

I apologize to those who tried to point out that we hadn’t yet posted anything about Duncan Hunter. I shouldn’t have brushed them off.

Well, it turns out that Duncan Hunter is indeed running for President.

I hope this satisfies the critics. Thus ends my Duncan Hunter post.

— Psycheout