Blogs 4 Brownback

April 21, 2008

Hilldog Vows To Obliterate Iran

Teh Hilldog SaluteAlthough she is a serial liar like her philandering husband, at least she seems to have a firm grasp on foreign policy in the abstract. But would she have the balls to follow through or would she get all weepy like she did in New Hampshire? Well here’s the quote:

“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president we will attack Iran,” Clinton said.

And she elaborated further, adding that “we would be able to totally obliterate them.” Her campaign also put out an ad that included her pal, Osama bin Laden, stating “if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

I might add, if you can take the heat, ma’am, then, with all due respect (none), bake me some cookies. I don’t think someone with the mood swings and hormonal instability that an obvious barking mad moonbat loon like Hillary has belongs in the Ovum Office. The office goes to someone based on merit, not gender or skin color. The Democrat party still hasn’t figured that out.

Hillary with Osama and SaddamBut at least she who must not be named has the right idea about Iran. Too bad for her McCain already beat her to it with his “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” song.

The Clintons become more irrelevant every day. But if she somehow worms her way back into the White House, we can all pray that she has the courage to say “I’ve just signed legislation outlawing Iran forever. The bombing begins in 5 minutes.”

Meanwhile Barry Osama sobs, “Why can’t I just eat my waffle?” He further elaborated under his breath, “Leggo my Eggo.” Note to the crybaby: real Americans eat pancakes, not waffles, you elitist snob.

Democraps: can’t live with them, can live without them. Useless, the whole rancid, festering nest of them.

What say you?

Hat Tip: Hot Air.

— Psycheout

April 7, 2008

Move Over Obama, Make Way for a Side of Rice

Condi in ChargeThe GOP has a wildcard in its pants that may just kick the Democrat party right in the junk.  Condi Rice, probably the best Secretary of State ever, is seriously considering injecting new life into the McCain candidacy by becoming the old guy’s VEEP.  And she’s a black (obama) woman (clinton).  So much for the defeatocrats.  And Condi knows how to win the War on Terror — she’s foreign policy expert, unlike either of the Dems.

If the choice is between an inexperienced hope monger and a smart woman with real experience, blacks will flock to the Republican party in droves.  The Democrats might as well give up now.


March 29, 2008

Faithmouse Friday (Saturday Edition)

Filed under: Art,Faithmouse Friday,John McCain — Psycheout @ 6:46 pm
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Dan Lacey paints a frightening picture.

John McCain McMuppet

When your choices are a crazed woman, a black man (both socialists to the core) and a “straight talking” muppet (who should probably be in a strait jacket), what do you do? The Brownback write-in option looks better and better, doesn’t it?

— Psycheout

March 20, 2008

File This One Under, “Who Cares?”

Still recuperating, but I just saw this:

The Democratic presidential race has tightened even more, with Hillary Clinton gaining an edge over Barack Obama among Democratic voters, according to a new Gallup poll.

The March 14-18 national survey of 1,209 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters gave Clinton lead of 49 percent to 42 percent over Obama. The poll has an error margin of 3 percentage points.

So, amongst traitors that hate America, the traitors who like the black Muslim who attends sermons by a race-baiter are being edged out by the traitors who like the gay woman whose Vince Foster-murdering, Communist husband fornicated with a harlot in the Oval Office when he wasn’t abetting Osama Bin Laden or wrecking the US economy. Booor-ing!

The less said about those RINO McCainiacs, the better. He makes Communism look good, that phony.

On the other hand, real Americans are divided between praying for the Rapture to take them now, and rolling up their sleeves to continue to do God’s will here on Earth. Real Americans know that the only true candidate, Sam Brownback, will win in 2008. All we have to do is put God in our hearts, and Sam Brownback’s name on our write-in ballot slots. The Lord will watch out for his flock; He Is the Good Shepherd Who will not allow harm to befall them.

Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, so long as God and His Anointed Christian Patriot acolytes are there to guide me. Amen! HIS WILL BE DONE!

February 14, 2008

RINO McRomney

John McCain - Crazy Old ManIt looks like the Republican party is becoming just a centrist wing of the Democrat party.  Mitt Romney, the transparent flip flopper who attacked McCain all through the GOP nomination race, has flipped again.  Now he’s endorsing “maverick” RINO John “insane” McCain and ordering his delegates (all 280 of them) to fall in line behind (or under) the “Straight Talk Express.”  That’s funny, wasn’t Mittens calling McCain a liberal up until this point?  Perhaps this just proves that Mitt is liberal too, as he embraces what he once attacked.  What’s also telling is that on the day of the endorsement, stocks plunged.  What does that tell you?

Worse, there is serious speculation that this means that Mittens might be a shoe in for the Veep choice.  And I wouldn’t be surprised to see Rudy Giuliani get a cabinet position in a McLame Administration.  That brings all three parts of the “Rudy McRomney” triumvirate together.  And that spells disaster for conservatism, the Republican party and America in both the short and long term.

John McCain and Mitt RomneySo the two RINOs are burying the hatchet on Valentine’s Day and expressing their manly fondness for one another.  Considering that Governor Romney presided over the destruction of marriage, supporting the “right” of homosexuals to get married in Taxachussets, and had promised to be more supportive of the gay agenda than Ted Kennedy (when he ran against Teddy for the Senate), there may well be wedding bells in the near future.  John’s dropped an inconvenient wife before, and for Romney, there’s probably nothing fundamentally wrong with polygamy.

Who’s going to wear the dress though?  It would be easy to guess if one half of the happy couple was Rudy.  Wouldn’t that just turn your stomach?

Mitt RomneySo what does this mean for the general election?  Romney would do little to help McCain in the southern states, which Republican candidates desperately need to win the White House.  Perhaps an embarrassing loss to Clinbama will discredit the two RINOs and keep them from attempting future Presidential runs.  That would at least ensure that the next nominee is a real conservative, and not someone who is more than happy to stab Republicans in the back.

It’s time for prayers and reflection, folks.  Could you vote for a Rudy RINO McRomney ticket?  Could you live with yourself after casting such a vile and disheartening vote against all that you hold dear?

— Psycheout

February 11, 2008

Joe Lieberman: Democrat Apostate

Joe LiebermanThe Democrat party proves once again that it has more in common with Mao than Jefferson. For thinking for himself and putting America first, he has been stripped of his power to cast a vote for the Democrat nominee at the DNC convention this year.

The Democratic National Committee stripped Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman ’64 LAW ’67 of his “superdelegate” status following his December endorsement of fellow senator John McCain of Arizona, a Republican, in this year’s presidential race. The move means that Lieberman — who has been persona non grata in the Democratic Party since losing renomination in the 2006 Democratic primary and subsequently winning re-election to the Senate as an independent — will be unable to cast a vote for the party’s nominee at the Democratic National Convention in August.

Democratic leaders at both the state and local levels said they are baffled at Lieberman’s decision to support a Republican but are unsurprised that the DNC has decided to deny him a vote at the convention.

Joe Lieberman is the coolest Dem since Zell Miller, but the party apparatus cannot stand it when its own dare to step off the liberal plantation. For supporting The United States in the global war on terror, he has become a pariah among his own.

Come on over to the big tent party, Joe. You’d be welcome in the Republican party, even with some of your more moderate stances. Join us. We’ll set you straight.

Update: Jomentum just may attend the Republican convention instead of the DemocRat convention.  Ha ha, libs!

— Psycheout

February 9, 2008

Campaign 2008 Update

Campaign 2008Just a quick update on Campaign 2008 to keep you up to speed with what’s going down.

Governor of Texas Rick Perry asked Mike Huckabee to drop out. Huck refused. Perry had originally endorsed Giuliani (who won only a single delegate) and has since hopped onboard the Straight Talk Express, so his judgement is questionable to say the least.

Fred Thompson also chose to jump on the bandwagon, endorsing his friend John McCain. Way to sell out, Fred! We knew you had it in you after you woke up from your nap.

Mike Huckabee easily won the state of Kansas today, adding to his own delegate count. The conservative alternative to the “maverick” Senator from Arizona pledged to stay in the race until one of the remaining candidates gets the required 1,191 delegates. Good for you, Huck.

Meanwhile, the kooky Dr. Ron Paul has all but dropped out of the race. His long shot campaign never really had a chance, but his crazy rants have kept the debates interesting in a train wreck sort of way. Paul has ruled out a third party run, preferring to concentrate on keeping his Congressional seat to suffering an embarrassing third party defeat.

Barry Obama, it would seem, appears to be the eventual Democrat party nominee. He will probably mop up the floor with McCain in a debate. Huckabee would at least hold his own. So we should all be glad that he’s going to keep battling for the remaining states and for conservatism.

Hillary Clinton is steaming mad over David Shuster’s comment about Chelsea Clinton being “sort of pimped out” by her campaign. She “found the remarks incredibly offensive.” Not enough drama, Hilldog. Maybe you need to shed some crocodile tears again so people will pay attention. Naturally, NBC wimped out and suspended Shuster for making the un-PC comment. Cowards.

That’s where things stand as of now. Have a great weekend, B4Bers! And have a wonderful day at church tomorrow.

Update: Huckabee wins Louisiana and is within a couple of points of McCain in Washington state. How embarrassing for the presumptive front-runner Johnny Mac. Barry Obama sweeps Super Saturday.

Update 2: With the vote count stuck at 87% and JMac ahead of Huck by just over 200 votes (after trailing most of the night), the Washington state GOP has called it for McCain without counting the rest of the votes.  Huckabee’s campaign is calling for an investigation.  Something smells rotten in the state of Washington.  Thanks to Sam Brown at B4H for bringing this to my attention.

— Psycheout

February 8, 2008

Faithmouse Friday

Filed under: Art,Faithmouse Friday,John McCain — Psycheout @ 4:27 pm
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Faithmouse’s latest character is Pepe McCain.

Pepe McCain

How about a double shot?

Pepe McCain

Dan Lacey is a brilliant political cartoonist, as his latest work continues to prove. Well done, Dan!

— Psycheout

February 7, 2008

Three Little Kittens Have Lost Their Mittens

Mitt RomneyFinally something we can all agree with Mitt Romney on.  He has decided to pack it in and drop out of the race for the Republican nomination.  This may be his final flip-flop of the campaign.  Previously he had said he would stay in until the convention.  Now he’s cutting and running.  We can all be thankful about that.

The good news here is that Mike Huckabee is now the conservative alternative to John McCain.  People confused by Mitt Romney’s pseudo-conservatism shtick can now shift their support to Huck.  And if Willard had dropped out before Super Tuesday, Huckabee would have done even better than he did.

John McCain can reassure Republican voters by picking a solid conservative running mate such as Jeb Bush, who would be a shoe in for President in 2012, or earlier if JMac kicks the bucket or goes insane.  A McCain/Bush or McCain/Huckabee ticket would wipe up the floor with the Democrat nominee.  Likewise would a Huckabee/Brownback ticket.

This is a great day for the Republican party.  Mittens the spoiler is gone.  Now the race gets interesting.

— Psycheout

February 6, 2008

The Fruits of McInsane/Hitlery/Osama

Angry JesusGod is sending us some signs, folks.

Residents in five Southern states tried to salvage what they could Wednesday from homes reduced to piles of debris, a day after the deadliest cluster of tornadoes in nearly a decade tore through the region, snapping trees and crumpling homes. At least 48 people were dead.

Wall Street got the message from the Almighty, anyway. Also, they know for sure that Democrats do to the economy what holy water does to vampires. They reacted accordingly.

Stocks regained some ground Wednesday as many investors, though still uneasy about the economy, decided to buy back into a market battered a day earlier by recession worries.
Better-than-expected profit results from Walt Disney Co. handed Wall Street some good news. Disney posted a 26 percent decline in profit late Tuesday, but the results beat expectations. The company — one of the 30 companies that make up the Dow Jones industrials — reported a 9 percent rise in revenue, thanks in part to the success of brands such as ESPN, “High School Musical” and “Hannah Montana.”

Wall Street and Jesus are telling us, loud and clear, that they will not tolerate government by RINOs, Socialists, and Islamists. Are you listening, America? Take your iPods out of your ears and try to understand: if Huckabee/Brownback doesn’t win, this nation is going to die. Alongside the death of this nation, everything you personally hold dear will perish. Unless you’re a liberal Helioleftist who craves Satanism, of course. But people like that are beyond reason.

February 5, 2008

Sam Brownback Shames Mittens

Mitt RomneyIt’s always good to hear from Senator Sam, the principled, conservative Republican, especially when he’s taking the charlatan Willard Mittens Romney to task.

Bob Dole had recently asked Rush Limbaugh to lay off John McCain. And Mitt chimed in, unflatteringly, on the former Kansas Senator:

As I noted earlier, Romney said on “Fox & Friends” this morning that Dole was “probably the last person I would have wanted write a letter for me.” He added: “I think there are a lot of folks who tend to think that maybe John McCain’s race is a bit like Bob Dole’s race. That it’s the guy who’s next in line, the inevitable choice.”

Smart move, considering that Kansas is voting today. Best way to win? Attack a former and beloved Senator. Smooth with a capital smooth. Sam Brownback struck back:

“I was disappointed to see Governor Romney’s desperate attack on Senator Bob Dole, a great Kansan and an American hero,” Brownback says in a statement issued by McCain’s campaign. “Governor Romney’s campaign is fading and this outburst is the latest in a long series of contradictory statements that remind us of his confused political views. I call on Governor Romney to apologize for his disrespectful comments.”

Bob Dole - War HeroTake that, Mittens! Apologize. Stop attacking war heroes. Where were you during the war? That’s right, in France eating brie. Ha ha, Mittens! You also lost West Virginia to Huckabee. Even West Virginian John Cole is celebrating.

Mitt Romney is unwise to burn bridges like he does. He’s got negatives as high as Hillary Clinton, so when he tries to go negative, it inevitably backfires. There’s no way that he’s the second choice of either McCain or Huckabee supporters. He’s spent a fortune attacking his rivals. If this thing goes to the convention, supporters of candidates other than Oven Mitt will rally around anyone but him. Congratulations, Willard. It couldn’t happen to a slimier guy.

Hat Tip: Billy Valentine at Race 4 2008.

— Psycheout

Super Tuesday Open Thread [Updated]

Super TuesdayWell, it’s Super Duper Tuesday. It looks to be John McCain’s big day. Sadly, Mike Huckabee will likely come in third, although he will continue to stress his urgent social conservative issues, which are very important for our nation to heed. The good news is that the phony charlatan, Willard Mittens Romney, will place second, or possibly (please, Lord) third. Ron Paul will be invisible to anyone other than unhinged loons.

My prediction in general is:

  1. John McCain
  2. Mittens Romney
  3. Mike Huckabee
  4. Ron “Dr. Who?” Paul

Who gives a hang about the DemocRats?

Put your predictions in the comment thread. If you want to be more specific or even make guesses as to how Satan’s own Democrat party fares, feel free. B4B is a free speech zone, after all.

I urge you all to pray that Zelig (Mitt Romney) has a horrible day and loses everywhere. It’s what America deserves, and it’s what G-d wants you to do.

B4B will bring you all the results later in the evening when they come in, if they aren’t too depressing. Vote smart, America. Vote smart.

Update: Mike Huckabee beats Mittens and wins in West Virginia.  Great news!

— Psycheout

January 31, 2008

All aboard the Straight Talk Express

Filed under: John McCain — relee @ 1:57 pm

We’ve been tough on McCain before but now it looks like he’s definitely going to be the nominee.  Let’s get behind him!  He’s our best chance to keep Hillary out of the White House.

All aboard the Straight Talk Express for victory in November.

January 3, 2008

Iowa Caucus Results

Iowa CaucusJust a quick post, which I will update in a bit.

I was right.

  1. Huckabee 34%
  2. Romney 25%
  3. McCain 13%
  4. Thompson 13%

And I may still be right about the party of treason:

  1. Obama 38%
  2. Clinton 29%
  3. Edwards 30%

Although Clinton and Edwards are still locked in mortal combat for second place.

Chris Dodd (DemocRAT) will drop out of the race.

Chuck Norris is a happy man tonight.

It’s been a good night for America. G-d bless Iowa. G-d bless you all.

Update: It looks like Fred Thompson may have moseyed his way into third place at the last minute. Congratulations to grandpa Fred.

Update 2: Ha ha – Kookspinach and Gravel got 0 votes! Dodd got 1, Biden got 23, Richardson got 51. Note to Kookspinach and Gravel: give it up. It’s over. Ron Paul at 10% gets 5th. Buh bye, Ronnie. It’s downhill from here. Ghouliani got a whopping 4%. So much for your winning strategy, Rudy.

Update 3: Joe Biden to drop out as well after an anemic performance. Please drop out too, Rudy Giuliani.

Update 4: Further predictions: Hunter won’t stick it out much longer, although he might well be on the short list for Secretary of Defense.  Cox will keep up his silent running candidacy, but nobody will notice.  Those who do will laugh.  Paul will stick it out to the bitter end, taking home lots of suckers’ money just like the last time he ran.  Thankfully he hasn’t got a prayer.  Let me know if I’ve missed anything.

— Psycheout

Big Scandal Coming?

New Hampshire primaryA number of blogs are buzzing about a scandal that’s going to be in the news this coming Monday, January 7, 2008, just before the New Hampshire primary. There’s a lot of speculation, but the narrative hasn’t leaked out yet. It sounds like it’s going to be a bombshell against either Mitt Romney or John McCain.

Race 4 2008 was pretty general about this yesterday. Right Wing News coverage was more speculative but interesting today, leading with the rather bold headline “Former Huckabee Staffer — Scandal Is Going To Destroy Romney.”

I don’t know what the facts are, other than that we’ll find out on Monday. Speculate and include relevant links in the comment thread.

I would guess that it would be more likely to be something about Mitt Romney, only because the research behind this alleged scandal took place while McCain was languishing in the polls. Romney has been expected to be the man to beat all along. But that’s just a guess. It could just be someone trying to sell a book.

Some speculation is that this is about the “anti-Mormon” push polling and that perhaps that the Romney campaign itself was behind it, an allegation that Team Romney vigorously denied. If you recall, the push poll was apparently critical of Romney, but friendly to McCain. Was it a dirty trick to make McCain look bad? Who knows?

We shall find out what this is all about on Monday, if not before. Speculations? Predictions? You know what to do.

— Psycheout

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