Blogs 4 Brownback

October 3, 2007

Furries: A Twisted Freakshow of Utter Depravity

A Blogs 4 Brownback Special Investigation

I Love FurriesDoing research on the Internet about various general interest topics, one is bound to come across the darker side of the web, a seamy underbelly of the sick and the depraved. Thanks to the Internet, hobbies, interests and obsessions which used to be frowned upon are celebrated and encouraged. Any perversion, no matter how far out it is, has its own gathering of like-minded deviants in cyberspace.

Normally society would shame these folk and make them realize what they are doing is wrong. But on the Internet, cliques of perversion are all too easy to find. It’s easy for the most mentally ill among us to find acceptance with those of their own kind. Sad, isn’t it? Rather than getting well, these people dive deeper down into the spiritual abyss, egged on by those with similar dysfunctions.

Elfen Lied ViolenceLast week, I did an investigative report on the dangers of anime, especially of the violent variety. It was quite well received and linked approvingly by websites across the Internet all over the world. For this I am thankful. But we were also linked to by those who sought to justify the darkness inherent in their particular obsession. Those frantically discussing this exposure at other websites included, of all things, furries. More frightening even than rabid animaniacs and narutards are those clustering together in the revolting yiffy subculture of furries.

I think it’s time that we took an unflinching glimpse at what your own children or relatives may be taking part in. Pray that they are not. You may never recover.

Parental AdvisoryDue to the subject matter, this post is intended for mature audiences only. I suggest that younger folk go hang out at Rapture Ready, Kids & Teens, Christian Teens or one of the many other websites that your parents have approved for your Internet time. This topic is for the grownups only. Thanks!

Before you read on, this is your last warning. Some things are best not known. The following will disturb you. I don’t care who you are or how jaded you might be. You have been warned. Any discomfort you might experience as a result of this article is not the fault of B4B.

What Is a Furry?

A Furry FamilyA furry is a person (or furson) who has an unhealthy interest or obsession with anthropomorphic animals, ie, creatures that are a cross between a human and one or more animals. In short, human-animal hybrids. Typically they dress up in fursuits (with or without diapers), pleasure themselves (or yiff) with specially modified stuffed animals (plushies), enjoy graphic artwork of anthropomorphic animals with oversized sexual organs and desire to somehow transform to their fantasy fursona (don’t ask).

Furry ArtworkThey have their own lingo, or furspeak, draw horrible nightmare-inducing artwork of cartoon animals with large genitals engaging in fornication and sodomy with just about anything under the sun and write some of the most twisted and soul-killing fanfiction in the whole of creation. It’s best left to your imagination. Take my word for it. Just do. Really.

A Pack of FurriesA solo furry in the privacy of his room, wearing his sister’s underwear, yiffing away while posting in a furry forum or browsing his extensive furry porn collection is bad enough. But sometimes they leave the house. Sometimes they congregate in person. Sometimes the mating instinct gets too strong to ignore. That’s when things get really scary. There’s nothing more dangerous than an aroused furry. A wounded animal would be safe by comparison.

When furries get together in small groups, they engage in repulsive sexual behavior, known as fursuit sex, that makes Jesus weep:

Fursuit SexThis is an activity where two Furries (Usually both male, as the sexuality of most all Furries can be well-described by the term “Jailhouse Gay” – in other words, heterosexual by nature, but currently homosexual because women won’t touch them.) dress up in Fursuits and have sex while making sounds akin to whatever particular animal they’re dressed up as.

Furry ConventionThere are also larger groups of furries that are best avoided by those who wish to keep their sanity. Furry conventions take place across the world with suspicious names like FurFest, FurFright, Anthrocon, Morphicon, YiffCon and Califur to name a few. And local groups of furries routinely throw PlushieParties, TailWaggers and Yiff-o-ramas, typically advertized with “cum 1 cum 4ll! grrrr!”



Fortunately President Bush has recognized the danger of furries and has spoken out against them:

America Must Recognize The Value Of Every Life. The President called on Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: cloning human beings; creating or implanting embryos for experiments; creating human-animal hybrids; and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos. Human life is a gift from our Creator, and that gift should never be discarded, devalued, or put up for sale.

“And furries are completely sick and wrong,” President Bush later added, off the record. “The less said about them the better.” We couldn’t agree more. Well said, Mr. President. We salute you.

But, not surprisingly, “Great” Britain is forging ahead, blissfully unaware of the Pandora’s Box they are opening. The consequences could be dire for the entire planet. Furries around the world rejoiced at this news. Satan himself let out a hearty cheer.

More To Come?

Jesus WeptI have skimmed through a couple of furry forums, completely disturbed by what I read there, winced at some furry “art” and found a lot more frightening research material. But I just can’t take it. I’m thoroughly disgusted and soul-sick.

Perhaps there will be a Part 2, where I go more in depth. But perhaps not. I need a shower and a memory wipe. So I will simply include a couple of sources for your further perusal. It’s up to you whether you want to find out more.

It may seem like I’m joking, that this is something out of a horror movie, but it’s not. Furries are real. Real sick, that is.

Take Action!

Tanooki MarioCheck your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.

Once you have determined that this unnatural behavior taken place, be sure also to have a qualified veterinarian examine any family pets and suggest his friends’ parents do the same. Many furries have more than a platonic interest in animals and often encourage Fido or Fluffy to be a furry’s best friend, if you know what I mean.


Sam BrownbackThis country, the entire world really, is in dire need of a cultural and spiritual revival. Furries are a sure sign of a society that is sick right down to its very core. Presidential candidate Sam Brownback has repeatedly stated that “we must rebuild our families, renew our culture and revive our economy if we are to sustain and grow ourselves.…”

Part of renewing our culture is taking a close look at and eradicating the symptoms and causes of the furry problem. You can be sure that a Brownback Presidency will bring us closer to G-d and away from deviancy. The furry problem must be addressed if we are to survive as a society. Be sure to do your part as a Christian, as an American and as a parent. Support Senator Brownback’s campaign. Today. It’s the right thing to do.

Isn’t it time you got involved?

See Also

— Psycheout


  1. Eeeh, i don’t exacly know what this Furries is, but definitely don’t think I like it.. But don’t find it dangerous at all!!

    What I also don’t like is your ways to take action..

    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”

    WTF! In the murder article you had, you’re trying to make your children to keep a distance, so what message do you give your children if you abuse them like that?! Don’t think they’ll thank you if you rob their freedom away and force your opinions on them!

    Now I’m glad i don’t live in the US, ’cause if a guy with values like this is definitely not a person I would vote for

    Comment by Hege — October 3, 2007 @ 5:50 am | Reply

    • i wouldn’t like it if what he says was right…
      but the good thing is that his information is very wrong.
      and i agree, the taking action part scared me. even if furries were as he say, the method he’ll use is still all respectless and ignorant.

      let me tell you what he got wrong: furry is a fan of anthropomorphic animal characters, many furries are artists, like writers, musicians and good at crafting but the majority love to draw. “Yiff” (ment “hi” in internet roleplay in the beginning, but became the name of the fetish) is a fetish for furry fandom (not part of the fandom)

      he talke about furmeets, i’ve been to the one called furtastic and i can tell you what we did: we drew together, helped each other learning new drawing techniques and sang and played music around the campfire.

      i wont disagree that you can find quite some with the yiff fetish, but i know more clean furries than i know yiffers.

      all in all the furry fandom is a nice and tolerant place. i met new friends there.

      Comment by fosius — February 24, 2012 @ 5:30 am | Reply

    • Actually a furry is someone who has an unholy and bad and not good interest in anthropomorphic animals.

      Comment by P.C.Miller — January 5, 2016 @ 7:56 am | Reply

  2. If you understood what furries actually are, you’d agree wholeheartedly with the recommended action. It’s important to nip this behavior in the bud as early and as radically as possible. An indulged perversion learned early in life is difficult to escape once one becomes older. A person who fantasizes about having relations with animals, wears a sweaty, smelly fursuit with a holes cut out for gratification and who satisfies himself carnally with stuffed animals has no chance of a normal and happy productive procreative life.

    And marriage is between a man and a woman, not a furson and his plushie or his poodle/chimera.

    A furry is the one abusing himself. A parent who acts swiftly and forcefully to correct this deviant behavior in accordance with tough love is a wonderful parent indeed. Life as an frustrated and confused adult furry is no life for anyone to live. Loving parents would do whatever it takes to save their child from such a miserable dead-end future.

    Comment by Psycheout — October 3, 2007 @ 6:30 am | Reply

    • Well, i happen to be 14 and a half years old. i came across ‘furries’ on the internet two years ago and yes, there are a few pictures i have seen of drawings of anthropomorphic animals having sex. But hey if Furries want to be perverted then let them…

      I myself am a furry and i enjoy being a furry, i RP (Role play, for those who don’t know) as an anthropomorphic wolf and have fun with my friends and draw anthro animals and find cool pictures etc etc. there is nothing bad/unholy/disgusting/wrong about being furry, mostly all furries ARE furry because they like it and have FUN, there are a few sick people who have sex in the suits but i guess that’s not up to me to give my opinion… Not only am i offended by all of the mean comments here but i am disgusted that none of the people realise that being furry is so popular now it is almost like a religion. there IS the ‘yiffing’ side but only stupid fat perverts sitting on the other side of the computer do that. Also, the reason i came a across Furry, was anime,i was reading the article about anime and was disgusted at the person who posted them. Do you know how many people love anime for violence? not very many, and the ones that do don’t really pay attention to it for long, because they slowly turn towards the more romantic side of anime, where the man will stop at nothing to make the girl realise he is deeply in love with her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Also anime is a great way of picking up the japanese language, Furry people = mostly nice and kind (with a few exceptions to sex-loving freaks) and anime is fun to watch, it doesn’t distort the mind in any way at ALL no matter what you say.

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 1:57 am | Reply

      • didn’t get to finish… had to eat dinner 😛
        Anyway, Anime may have violence in it, but the violent anime is outranked by the ammount of comedy, romance and ‘cute’ anime. Such as Shugo Chara, an anime series about a girl who wishes to able to be herself and struggles to keep an ‘outside character’, a character she created that is quoted to be ‘Cool and spicy’, and most of you should know pokemon/digimon. That is a classic example of freindship, working together, and co-operating through the befriending of strange animals that can use special powers. Anime can teach so much more good than bad, but the other side of the coin shows a lot of ‘hentai’ a type of pornography, (Hentai is japanese for pervert, which concludes what i was about to say) the people who draw/make hentai are also disgusting perverts as well. (By the way, Yaoi is male + male love, most of it is just cuddling up to eachother and a few kisses here and there but again there is hentai… same as yuri (girl + girl love)

        Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 2:34 am

      • Ok I am just hearing and learning about this so called furrie trisexual cult and by trisexual i dodnt think they mean will tri any thing once i think it means 4 legged animals and homesexuals are engageing in intercoarse well i am praying this is not a true epidemic cuz if it is Mankind better stop this trend from growing immediatly i mean for the love of god isnt aids bad enough. Think about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aids is most commen to infect homosexual men because well the back door is dirty and bloodes involved more between two gay men having relations then found when straight people have sexual relations!!! so any furries reading this i guess are in the teens cuz any one over 18 is a pedofile who is assuadimizing young teen age boys by lurring them with this stupid furrie crap. well to the teen age boys out there who think thier furry how furrie do you think your ass will be 6 feet under from some crazy jungle bung human felian cross virus off aids. Not to cool duh!!!!!!!!!!!! i not my spellin sucks but to pissed to take time to fix

        Comment by Tisha Pollard — January 24, 2010 @ 11:55 pm

    • dude, you know what?

      It is SO fucking late. that flower has grown into Ivy. NO… not poison ivy.
      The time for the religious burn and crusade fest is over. If you want to go on a religious tyrade about a fetish that is a PERSONAL opinion, then go find a time machine and go back to when this first started. See how many people listen to you again. Or, better yet, get in that time machine and go back to the Crusades, when the Arabs were KICKING YOUR FUCKING ASSES!!!!

      a 15 year old Furry.

      Comment by Maximum333 — October 17, 2009 @ 6:01 pm | Reply

      • You go. You managed to bring down my rage. 😉

        Most furries are fun lovers. We don’t all yiff, look at yiff, or are even into porn at all. We do not marry plushes or animals either. We marry humans, whether they be accepting of the furry fandom or not, or even furries themselves. There are those who do things to plushes and many other things that are considered taboo, but look at “normal” humans. “Normal” humans (parenthesis signifying that there is no true set “normal” in the world) aren’t much better, for instance blow-up sex dolls. That’s not to say that humans are worse, but if you’re going to try to put an end to furries, you may as well put an end to the human race aswell, or at least realize that “the darker side” of humans are just as bad with things like this as “the darker side” of furries are.

        And a comment to “Just another guy..”: Lol to your ADD (you started drifting off-topic), but those who yiff aren’t “stupid fat perverts sitting on the other side of the computer” and yiffing is not internet-based.

        Go ahead and rage at my comment. I’m not afraid, and I welcome it. gamecrazed331[at]yahoo[dot]com

        Sincereally, a 16-year-old furry.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 10, 2009 @ 9:35 am

      • You go. You managed to bring down my rage. Not sure how, looking back at the post, but you did, probably because you know what you’re talking about. 😉

        Most furries are fun lovers. We don’t all yiff, look at yiff, or are even into porn at all. We do not marry plushes or animals either. We marry humans, whether they be accepting of the furry fandom or not, or even furries themselves. There are those who do things to plushes and many other things that are considered taboo, but look at “normal” humans. “Normal” humans (parenthesis signifying that there is no true set “normal” in the world) aren’t much better, for instance blow-up sex dolls. That’s not to say that humans are worse, but if you’re going to try to put an end to furries, you may as well put an end to the human race aswell, or at least realize that “the darker side” of humans are just as bad with things like this as “the darker side” of furries are.

        And a comment to “Just another guy..”: Lol to your ADD (you started drifting off-topic), but those who yiff aren’t “stupid fat perverts sitting on the other side of the computer” and yiffing is not internet-based.

        Go ahead and rage at my comment. I’m not afraid, and I welcome it. gamecrazed331[at]yahoo[dot]com

        Sincereally, a 16-year-old furry.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 10, 2009 @ 10:04 am

      • My computer has issues, please ignore the first comment. 😡

        Comment by Rorroh — November 10, 2009 @ 10:06 am

      • Maximum333 your right I,am a 15 year old Furry. His a prick in my opinion

        Comment by damion3333 — November 12, 2009 @ 9:21 am


      Comment by Vicente — November 13, 2009 @ 1:24 pm | Reply

      • I just saw this comment .Humans are a type of animal. The non human animals don’t care for our traditions.

        You are right Furries are humans,and to harm them is to harm humans,and whoever harms a human is a hypocrite because the human hurting wants to be loved, but is not loving hurting destroying others.All loving all, and have no hypocrites anywhere.

        Comment by artiewhitefox — May 4, 2011 @ 2:14 pm

    • It really is their choice of what to do with their time. They can abuse themselves all they want. its their life.

      Comment by Annoyed — December 12, 2009 @ 9:39 pm | Reply

  3. “Doing research on the Internet about various general interest topics, one is bound to come across the darker side of the web, a seamy underbelly of the sick and the depraved.”

    Well this certainly describes your site real well. It’s good for a laugh though. Not that Brownback would ever get elected but you are doing a real good job of sabotaging his campaign.

    Comment by Reader — October 3, 2007 @ 6:40 am | Reply

  4. STFU you stupid furrfag.

    Comment by Oleg — October 3, 2007 @ 8:41 am | Reply

  5. A teddy bear in the crib is a greater danger to a child than lead paint on a toy train.

    Comment by Enola Tibbets — October 3, 2007 @ 9:09 am | Reply

    • considering a teddy gives the child something to have fun with and amuse themselves with, while lead paint destroys the childs brain wouldn’t you think the lead paint is more dangerous? i doubt a baby would know anything about anthropomorphism… maybe you played with your toy train too much 🙂 (just teasing you :D)

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 2:37 am | Reply

  6. We have a teenage girl at my church is a furry. She thinks she is some kind dragon. The pastors have counseled this girl and prayed over her but the furry demon still persists in her. The girl’s parents even sent her off a to special camp for furry reclamation last summer and even that didn’t work. While no one wants to give up on the girl we are all at a loss as what to do.

    No one can tell me furry is a harmless thing after the pain I have seen that family go threw.

    Comment by BJ Tabor — October 3, 2007 @ 9:27 am | Reply

    • furries ARE A HARMLESS THING, the girls parents are just over reacting and the girl is probably stupid by ‘thinking she IS a dragon’ i mean, in RP maybe but in real life no… but hey i’m only a wolf, Scalies (furries have fur, scalies have scales) generally tend to bit a bit more…. “Oh look at me I’m a lizard look at my shiny scales and my dragon wings” so maybe she likes to show off a bit -.-;

      there is no furry demon in her (cause she aint furry, she is a scaly) but nonetheless she has no demon, she is just obsessed with this awesome thing she found and hey, she thinks it is cool to be a dragon well why shouldn’t it be? dragons are a mythological creature, the stories about them are incredible, how seeing one grants you eternal luck, how they breath fire to light the way of lost travellers and eat wicked people who have done terrible things in life. people… stop over reacting about furries and scalies, they like to dress up, RP, have fun, and some strange and disgusting adults like to be kinky and dress up as them then have smex. i think the sex part is WRONG

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 2:46 am | Reply

      • Yay, you know what you’re talking about too! ^^ Even some furries don’t know all of what they’re talking about. 😮 Maybe.. maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about. o.o OHMYGOOOOOOD :O

        Comment by Rorroh — November 12, 2009 @ 9:50 am

      • I am a wolf. A real live wolf. I came out of the forest today to get on a computer and google furry to see how my fanbase was doing. I am shocked. I am just completely shocked. Sex? No.. Food? Yes 🙂

        I created the furry fandom many many MANY years ago. Manly to stop the hunt of my kind. (You don’t know how many furries will stop the hunt of wolves like me.)

        Plus when one unwittingly comes into the forest thinking he/she can become a part of my pack; Well, that’s exactly what I want. A source of food for my hungry pack.

        The problem we wolves are having are the Skinnies. Young pups these days dressing up as humans and walking with them and dating them. Even going as far as having Sexual relations with them. For a wolf and a human to be together, well its perfectly natural, since the beginning of time. But for a wolf to dress up as a human to have sexual relations with a human is just in my eyes a horrendous sight. These “Skinfans” need to know that this sort of deception should not be tolerated.

        Stop the animals from dressing up like humans please!

        Comment by Noobis — February 4, 2010 @ 9:08 am

    • hold on…. back up…
      furry DEMON???

      For your information, that is a contradiction in terms. A furry is furry. A demon is Scaly…
      How does that make sense?

      Comment by Maximum333 — October 17, 2009 @ 6:10 pm | Reply

  7. “Furries” sound like the most disgusting perverts on the face of the Earth. It wouldn’t surprise me if their ranks included many Islamists, as Muslims tend to grow bushy beards and resemble bears.

    It is worth noting that Satanists often dress as goats, and that feminists frequently resemble them. The furry tree drops many an evil fruit.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 3, 2007 @ 9:56 am | Reply

    • not all furries. again for the millionth time on this site. i am a 14 year old, and i am a furry wolf. no pervertedness involved what so ever. there are quite a few pervy ones but there are also quite a few non-pervy ones like me. and i will reply to all comments about this subject that have missed the tiny but important details this guy has “accidentally” (typed with sarcasm) left out.

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 2:49 am | Reply

      • Even the perverted ones often keep it to themselves (Or their mates/people who WANT to hear about it), so why give a damn at all?

        Comment by Get Off My Lawn — January 17, 2010 @ 5:55 am

    • oh hey….im a hypocrit too! Lets all judge people even though my “god” is the only one who actually can judge! Oh, even better, lets go against my “god’s” word, and not respect and love thy neighbor!

      Thats all ypou guys are really…a bunch of idiot hypocrits. Religion makes me so mad sometimes. But i guess thats what you get for not being ignorant.
      And fuck all of you who are saying shit about my grammer and typing. I may not be the best at typing, but at least i use logic, and my brain, during arguments…and not my “soul”…..

      Comment by Aaron — October 20, 2009 @ 1:34 am | Reply

  8. We don’t agree on much, but I’ll happily agree with you folks that ‘furries’ are, at best, sadly misguided people who need serious professional help.

    Comment by indyandy — October 3, 2007 @ 11:15 am | Reply

    • I would say the same for you. Furries have a lot of pros and cons but at least we’re open minded enough to see it; we’re not close-minded and believe we have the right to fix anything we’re not happy with.

      Comment by Hannah — January 21, 2010 @ 10:50 pm | Reply

  9. @Blogowner:
    What a lunatic you are. What you’re describing is just another way to have sexual intercourse, I don’t like Furry, but some do. The same as some like to have anal sex, some like to give blowjobs, some just like ordinary sex. Personally, I couldn’t for the life of me understand how someone could put their penis in someone elses a-hole. But, that’s not to say anal sex is a bad thing, if both partners enjoy it, let them. They’re not outcasts or deviants cause they like having a different kind of sex.

    I’ll admit, this furry stuff, it’s veeery weird, but they’re not deviants for it, they can’t help that stuff turns them on, just like you can’t help or change what turns you on. You’re the bad person here, you’re the one who needs help and guidance, judging people like this. Let people like whatever the hell they want to like, as long as it’s not hurting anyone.

    What’s so misguided about furry-sex? I say you’re the one who’s misguided, judging people based on something like this. What if I judged you based on your avatar?
    I’d say you like having sex with animals, you sick fu*k!

    Does that sound right? No, of course it doesn’t, that’s why you don’t judge people. Let them have furry sex, if they like it, what’s the harm? They may be judged by shallow people like yourself, but at least they’re honest with themselves. As long as it doesn’t hurt any one, they should be free to do what ever they want with their life, including liking furry sex. So should you, but you should really seek guidance, being this shallow and judgmental will only bring you bad things.

    Clarification: I don’t like furry sex, but I don’t see the harm in people liking it as long as it doesn’t hurt any one. You however, are hurting people by writing what you write.

    Comment by Bkabka — October 3, 2007 @ 12:16 pm | Reply

    • and you… are awesome because you see the real truth about this and told everyone the fact that furries that accidentally come across this site DO feel sad and offended by the horrible things people are saying, everyone here is so anti-furry it is unbelievable

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 2:51 am | Reply

      • I dont think baby jesus really cares, and what does that have to do with hating yourself? Now, sometimes i wish i had a tail and ears, but i like who i am!

        Comment by Maximum333 — October 17, 2009 @ 6:14 pm

  10. I think that anyone who pretends to be an animal is someone who does NOT want to be human. They are filled with hate for themselves and for everyone else, especially the baby Jesus.

    I think these people should be kept in pens and be used as a food source for Ethiopians, Zimbabweans and other dammed peoples, in the hopes that if they are kept alive a bit longer maybe some of them would convert.

    Comment by Happy Clam — October 3, 2007 @ 12:19 pm | Reply

    • I think you should probably spend a little more time focusing on the whole ‘loving thy neighbor’ aspect of the bible, instead of hating everyone who refuses to uphold the exact same beliefs as you. I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t say “Love thy neighbor… but only if he’s Christian.”


      Comment by Apple — May 31, 2009 @ 9:45 pm | Reply

    • Seriously…my boyfriend’s a furry and he has mentioned plenty of times that furries are not all about sex. He just likes dressing up like a dog for FUN. He actually posted this to me.

      “The majority of furries report a non-judgmental attitude towards certain aspects of sexuality and a high tolerance for variety in sexual orientation and activity[citation needed]. 19-25% of the fandom members report homosexuality, 37-48% bisexuality, and 3-8% other forms of alternative sexual relationships. About 2% state an interest in zoophilia, and less than 1% an interest in plushophilia
      Tigger ClyCly: There are just as many gay/bi furries as anyother group”

      Comment by Charlie — June 21, 2009 @ 8:27 pm | Reply

    • okay… correction: again i am a 14 year old furry, sure i may be young but i’m not stupid. i know about more things than half my school because i am a fairly intelegent person, my typing may say otherwise but i can say one thing… Your being a mean, horrible, whiny, bitching bully, why? because your insulting many people about the fact that they are something you don’t like. in my personal opinion you should keep your fucking opinion to yourself 🙂

      (yea i know by saying that it makes me a hypocrite but hey i would do anything to get my point across, even burn off my tail ha ha ha!) seriously dude, “Love thy neighbour” don’t judge them, under that smelly sweaty fursuit could be the nicest person in the world.

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 2:57 am | Reply

  11. No, Happy Clam, do not defile Ethiopians. An execution of these bestiality engagers is called for. Should we execute them by stones, as written in the Bible? Burn them as we do unclean animals? Or shall we just shoot the little vermins. I would normally use animals as a floormat to wipe the mud off my feet once I come back from hunting, but not even my shoes should be contaminated by these sick bestiality engaging termites.

    Comment by Bob_Corker — October 3, 2007 @ 12:34 pm | Reply

    • Yeah, because you know, Jesus ALWAYS condones killing people who don’t conform to our beliefs and morals. I mean, it’s not like he ever hung around with and respected prostitutes, thieves and other sinners…

      Pfffft… and you call yourselves Christians

      Comment by Apple — May 31, 2009 @ 9:36 pm | Reply

      • Oooops, I just realized that this must be a joke. To be fair, I was really tired when reading this… and also, some people actually think this way, which is very scary!!

        Comment by Apple — June 2, 2009 @ 8:08 am

    • I am a 17 year old Christian, and I would like to highlight a few passages from the Bible for you, as it seems to me that you are not aware of their presence.

      Mathew 19:19-“Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
      Jesus tells us to love. Doesn’t He himself keep company with Mary Magdalene, a known whore? It says “love thy neighbor,” not “love only Christians who dress the same as you dress.”

      Exodus 20:13-“Thou shalt not kill.”
      Who are we to decide who is worthy of living?

      John 8:7
      So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
      The only ones without sin are the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Unless you are either of these two, there is no merit to your stone throwing.

      Read your Bible.

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 2:23 pm | Reply

  12. “No, Happy Clam, do not defile Ethiopians.”

    True, the Ethiopians are Christians. But on the other hand, they’re heretics. So it’s a tough call, really.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 3, 2007 @ 12:38 pm | Reply

  13. Ah, I forgot the curse of Ham. Sisyphus, what church do you attend, out of curiosity? I am confused on which churches to label heretics and which ones not to. For example, the churches that accept Galileo and Darwin (Catholicism, ‘mainline’ Protestants) seem to be heretics. But I feel that Orthodox Presbyterianism, Southern Baptism, and Pentecostals are the truest to God’s word, although the charismatics deserve praise too.

    So, were these Ethiopians predestined to be damned, or can we send some charismatics over there for them? It is true that they need to be lassoed up, for they are a people apt to sin, but their fate is cause for much discussion.

    Comment by Bob_Corker — October 3, 2007 @ 12:49 pm | Reply

  14. Psychout, Sisyphus and BJ all wear furry animal suits so don’t let them fool ya.

    And Jesus hates them.

    Comment by Spacebrother — October 3, 2007 @ 1:11 pm | Reply

    • have you met jesus? do you know he hates them? has jesus met them? have you met them? is there a fursuit in their closets? HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW?! you don’t do you? no you don’t, so shut up and keep your comment to yourself

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 3:01 am | Reply

    • Mathew 19:19-”Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
      Jesus tells us to love. Doesn’t He himself keep company with Mary Magdalene, a known whore? It says “love thy neighbor,” not “love only Christians who dress the same as you dress.”

      John 8:7
      So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
      The only ones without sin are the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Unless you are either of these two, there is no merit to your stone throwing.

      Read your Bible.

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 2:24 pm | Reply

  15. Yo bro, your still an absolute joke. You reasearch these things because it gets you off. Your a sick mofo and you will burn in hell.

    Comment by Ronald Dixon — October 3, 2007 @ 6:06 pm | Reply

    • i’m fine with burning in hell…

      “it’s coz i’m fire proof”

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 5:47 am | Reply

    • John 8:7
      “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
      The only ones without sin are the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Unless you are either of these two, there is no merit to your stone throwing.

      Read your Bible.

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 2:26 pm | Reply

  16. “Ah, I forgot the curse of Ham. Sisyphus, what church do you attend, out of curiosity?”

    I’m a Roman Catholic. But I reject many of the “reforms” promulgated by deviant Popes over the last 44 years.

    “So, were these Ethiopians predestined to be damned, or can we send some charismatics over there for them? It is true that they need to be lassoed up, for they are a people apt to sin, but their fate is cause for much discussion.”

    They’re Monophysites- God reserves a special place in Hell for those who denigrate the Divinity of His Son.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 3, 2007 @ 6:37 pm | Reply

  17. Okey, this is just sick.. You’re talking about stoning people just because people aren’t christian?! Here, I offer myself! I’m an athist! Start throwing, if it satisfy you!

    Bkabka, I totally agree with you~!

    Comment by Hege — October 4, 2007 @ 12:24 am | Reply

  18. “Okey, this is just sick.. You’re talking about stoning people just because people aren’t christian?! Here, I offer myself! I’m an athist! Start throwing, if it satisfy you!”

    We can’t throw that far. Where do you live? Find the Christians in your community, and ask them to stone you.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 4, 2007 @ 6:04 am | Reply

    • John 8:7
      So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
      The only ones without sin are the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Unless you are either of these two, there is no merit to your stone throwing.

      Read your Bible.

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 2:27 pm | Reply

  19. Do dragons have fur or scales?

    Comment by Roy Ubu — October 4, 2007 @ 6:49 am | Reply

    • it depends which dragon the girl believes she is… most only have scales but there are ancient chinese dragons that are said to reside in lakes and seeing one grants you eternal luck that have a puff of fur on ther shoulders and back legs, the rest is all scales

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 3:04 am | Reply

  20. “We can’t throw that far. Where do you live? Find the Christians in your community, and ask them to stone you.”
    I live in Norway (kinda glad for that), and think even the free churches in my country seems more pieceful here.. My mother is a strong believer, so I’ve grown up with going to church, and still does when she need someone to go with. I’m not denying God or anything, just find it too hard to believe, and don’t wanna take the shortway like a lot of my friends do, and believe no matter what. Belive it or not, but physical voilence isn’t accepted here..

    Btw.. if people wanna know, think it was yesterday, but now our bishops have finally allowed that practicing gay priests to be hired, and think we’re close to allow gay marriges (even though I think a lovely priest in my town is already doing it, and gonna continue till the law is passed) *waiting for more lovely news though the newspaper*

    Comment by Hege — October 4, 2007 @ 9:36 am | Reply

  21. Uhm, so the topic is mainly about HOW execute them, not about whether or not do it, let alone if they’re really this harmful.
    Interesting. Maybe my Bible is faulty, must be the only copy in the world in which you can read:
    “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:11)

    I don’t like furries this much, but sure their way to relieve frustration is less dangerous than yours: your only know how to hate and fear anything that’s different from you, being it an unconventional sexual behavior or a different faith, and keep on barking and insulting people.
    I only hope you only do write such delirious stuff, my dear racists, else what normal people will have to be scared of will be you and your violence.

    Comment by Lana — October 4, 2007 @ 11:49 am | Reply

  22. “Btw.. if people wanna know, think it was yesterday, but now our bishops have finally allowed that practicing gay priests to be hired, and think we’re close to allow gay marriges (even though I think a lovely priest in my town is already doing it, and gonna continue till the law is passed) *waiting for more lovely news though the newspaper*”

    We don’t need to stone you. Any day now, God will destroy you all with fire and sulfur from Heaven.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 4, 2007 @ 1:04 pm | Reply

    • It’s funny how you say god will destroy others, what about your hate and lusts for killing others, would god accept you for that? Personally I think that if god intended his followers to not hate and kill, that he would “take care” of those that claim to follow him but don’t, just like you, so watch your words, or you be the one struck down. And no I don’t believe in any particular god, I’m Atheist BUT I do have common sense, and well, obviously smarter than you to realize what your god wants when you can’t, sad little soul…I honestly take pity on you, and that’s rare for me to do.

      Comment by none of your concern — September 9, 2009 @ 8:21 am | Reply

  23. Hege @ Btw.. if people wanna know, think it was yesterday, but now our bishops have finally allowed that practicing gay priests to be hired, and think we’re close to allow gay marriges (even though I think a lovely priest in my town is already doing it, and gonna continue till the law is passed) *waiting for more lovely news though the newspaper*

    Why don’t you kill Christian babies in the street while you are at it? This is the worst bit of anti-Christian hate speech I have ever seen on the internet.

    Comment by BJ Tabor — October 4, 2007 @ 1:19 pm | Reply

  24. LOL That pic of Super Mario made my day Psycheout. I was scrolling down and just bust out laughing. Thanks

    Comment by ChenZhen — October 4, 2007 @ 7:07 pm | Reply

  25. How can you advocate this as a family-friendly site if you’ve got BLATANTLY UNCENSORED NUDITY on the front page?


    “Doing research on the Internet about various general interest topics, one is bound to come across the darker side of the web, a seamy underbelly of the sick and the depraved.

    Well this certainly describes your site real well. It’s good for a laugh though. Not that Brownback would ever get elected but you are doing a real good job of sabotaging his campaign.”

    That sums up my feelings perfectly.

    Comment by Nameless — October 4, 2007 @ 9:14 pm | Reply

  26. Religious fanatics cause most of the worlds problems.

    Comment by Jeebiz — October 4, 2007 @ 11:29 pm | Reply

  27. Yup furries are bad but they are harmless, just freaks really, nice picture of elfen lied btw. But I would love to hear this well received on websites bit.

    Comment by Superarmy — October 5, 2007 @ 5:04 am | Reply

    • your comment is just as mean and nasty as the more insulting ones. i am a furry and i am not bad, i am not a freak either, i am a nice kid and i really get offended when people generalise the furry race as freaks or bad or all of them being gay… sure i may be isexual with a pref for guys but i don’t make a scene about it, i don’t o any of that yucky fursuit sex stuff (only cause it looks wrong and disgusting….plus i’m not even old enough to have sex yet) but i AM harmless. i may sometimes get angry and swear a bit but hey… what can you do when something you enjoy doing is being insulted, shun upon and seen as ‘bad’? i like being furry because i always loved wolves, so i created a fursona… i’m sure it is not harmless in the slightest…

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 3:12 am | Reply

      • Just another Guy,
        Don’t worry about these guys. If it helps, I believe you and think you’re harmless. Who doesn’t enjoy dressing up or being someone (or something) else for a while. It’s like an extended Halloween. I don’t see how these people can be concerned with the way you dress.

        Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 2:38 pm

  28. “I don’t like furries this much, but sure their way to relieve frustration is less dangerous than yours: your only know how to hate and fear anything that’s different from you, being it an unconventional sexual behavior or a different faith, and keep on barking and insulting people.
    I only hope you only do write such delirious stuff, my dear racists, else what normal people will have to be scared of will be you and your violence.”

    A thoroughly disgusting sentiment.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 5, 2007 @ 5:12 am | Reply

  29. Did you get this idea from CSI?

    Comment by Adam Nelson — October 5, 2007 @ 6:27 am | Reply

  30. Also, isn’t it Christians who want to “wash themselves in the blood of the lamb” and eat the flesh and blood of a dead man?

    Comment by Adam Nelson — October 5, 2007 @ 6:28 am | Reply

  31. I would much rather be a furry then ever be a christian. Furries to not hurt people. We keep to ourselves. Christians have killed people because they do not believe the same as you do. You push your views as if people’s lives depended on it. Trust me it doesn’t.

    You call yourself Christians who love others and yet you host pages like these that does nothing but hurt people. I would love to see how you act in the real world.

    You will be the one in hell not me.

    Comment by Missie — October 5, 2007 @ 1:10 pm | Reply

    • I apologize for the stupidity of my fellow Christians. The Bible tells us to love, so I have no idea what they’re referring to.
      Please believe me when I say that it is not all Christians that do this. I do not condone pages such as these.

      PS I hate it when Christians try to convert people too. If people want to know about my religion, I’d be happy to tell them, but I see no reason to shove my thoughts down their throats.

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 2:47 pm | Reply

      • I’d like to apologize too. And I’m glad you mentioned everything you did in that comment.:)

        And like Elizabeth, I know you aren’t bad, I know you aren’t at all.

        Honestly… I think you right-winged, rigid-minded fucks will see eventually that there’s more to look for than what’s written in the Bible, that’s not to say it doesn’t teach, every religion has something good to offer… and if you cleared an outlet in that narrow path of yours and explored the diversity of what God/Goddess(who says God is a he or even has a gender for that matter?) lays out before you, you might find something that you never thought of before. You might even find the good and meaning in what you see as “unholy”.

        Personally, you people have no right whatsoever to put down other human beings and dehumanize them the way you do. It’s utterly unfair, and that is what’s truly disgusting. You can have your opinions in my book, I don’t care if you hate furries, but until things like this are thrown out to public and into our faces, it hurts.

        This may not make any sense to you, but by the way you treat and think of other people different from you, you might as well be locked in your church all alone with a Bible and worship tapes for the rest of your life, as you are going nowhere with them as long as you bring the whole country down based on what you think is right, which is actually devastating millions of Gods children much like yourself, but of course with way different lifestyles.

        Oh and did I mention I’m a fruit fly? Yes, I’m friends many gay people-which they are the greatest friends I’ve ever had-and I’m friends among enough furries to go around, and because of people like you, my gay friends in couples can’t get married. Thanks a lot, and I hope you find your way out of the dark. Namaste.

        Comment by BuddhaBelly — March 17, 2010 @ 3:42 pm

  32. “Last week, I did an investigative report on the dangers of anime, especially of the violent variety. It was quite well received and linked approvingly by websites across the Internet all over the world. For this I am thankful. But we were also linked to by those who sought to justify the darkness inherent in their particular obsession. Those frantically discussing this exposure at other websites included, of all things, furries. More frightening even than rabid animaniacs and narutards are those clustering together in the revolting yiffy subculture of furries.”

    The closest to furries anime gets is neko’s who simply have ears and a tail WOOT:
    Also, your judging anime off of posible one of the most twisted and violent animes on the planet, second only to Neon Genesis Evangelion. Most anime is considerably more sedate. And it is true that there are “narutards” and I don’t like them, but deal with it. There is also an extreme right wing as well.

    Comment by Link48010 — October 5, 2007 @ 5:19 pm | Reply

    • you forgot about digimon… they can turn into furry-like digimon in one of the series and that series was epic win… and a lot of the anime is leaning towards romance and comedy rather thn violence… i only remember seeing a few series with violence… Bleach, naruto and neon genesis avengelion (narutards… ugh…)

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 3:24 am | Reply

  33. funny…whats wrong with liking nekogals?

    Comment by naitosukai — October 6, 2007 @ 2:41 am | Reply

  34. To quote the most sensible post in this place:
    To all anime fans (or people who have enough clue to see when someone rants about something he knows nothing about)- why do you even bother debating with someone who:

    – Has absolutely no clue whatsoever about anime, yet feels entitled of bashing it
    – Doesn’t seem to know that there are American cartoons that are not at all aimed at kids like South Park
    – Thinks there is actually a game genre called “murder simulation”
    – Is primitive enough enough to call other religions primitive just because they are not his religion.
    – And so on, and so forth

    Comment by Alias — October 6, 2007 @ 8:26 am | Reply

  35. If you ever gain power, we’re all in trouble. You obviously know NOTHING about the subject of furries (or anime for that matter), and you are an INSULT to humans everywhere. It’s depressing, really, that you see us as a problem.

    There’s quite the difference between being furry, and having an interest in bestiality or plushophilia. Most furs are such for a spiritual purpose, similar to that of Native Americans long ago believing that they have an animal totem, of sorts. Hardly any furs actually own fursuits, and even less use their suits for sexual purposes (especially considering they can cost thousands of dollars to purchase).

    Lastly, you target Christians in your blog, but you notice that you (who I am assuming are a Christian) are the one insulting us…not the other way around, Many furries are parts of charity organizations, fursuiting to raise money for charity, visiting hospitals to cheer up the ill, and even taking part in walks for cancer. An example of such would be Florida Paw Pals (

    I’m not posting here for YOU. I’m posting here to help those who’s minds you’re dirtying with your criticism. For anyone who wants the TRUTH, I’d suggest checking out the wikipedia article on furs, which is almost entirely accurate:

    I pray for your soul to become more open, as time passes…for without acceptance, humans are no greater than…well…humans.

    [Ed Note: Plushophilia? Thanks for the new word. I’ll try using that in my next game of Scrabble!]

    Comment by Pensive Collie — October 6, 2007 @ 11:17 am | Reply

  36. I think you should be more focused on how the earth and humanity in general are doing – not on people’s hobbies. No? If you’re so concerned about something this completely superficial than you’re not a very good politician. it’s not like the furries are shoving it in your face, anyways.

    “Live and let live.”

    You have a right to your opinion but encouraging violence against such things? “…And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life”. My, my.
    It’s their choice what they wish to do with their lives. They’re not purposely hurting people, it’s not a cult, they’re not killing people. So you don’t like, or approve of what they do in their free time. Maybe they feel the same way about you.

    “America Must Recognize The Value Of Every Life.” oh yes, i think it should. But you are clearly not supporting this.
    Furries aren’t hybrids, either, so i have no clue to why you put that in italics.

    It’s sad that people involved in our government are so unaccepting and harsh. I think you should learn to be more open-minded, instead of rejecting fellow humans for things that they enjoy.

    Comment by sense. — October 6, 2007 @ 11:58 am | Reply

    • wow… probably the smartest comment here and the one that makes most sense. you are one of my many heroes now and on a note. they don’t hurt people at all you know. they go about their own business and they accept everyone no matter what/who they are. furries are non-judgemental and could not CARE if you were gay or lesbian or bi or straight or human or furry or scaly or ANYTHING. We accept all kinds of people and only judge on one thing: Personality/attitude. furries are the kindest of all. i know because i seak to thousands and they are all sweet and kind to me and have loads of freinds

      (P.S. Thoe fursuits look kind of cuddly…addicted to hugs ha ha!)

      ((P.S again) FURRIES AGAINST VORE!!! slaps on a badge that reads “no more vore”)

      Comment by Just another guy... — July 21, 2009 @ 3:34 am | Reply

    • Thank you, sense, for having sense.

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 2:53 pm | Reply

  37. another thing – it’s your religion that has the child-molesting priests. why don’t you address THAT problem instead? or other problems that are causing actual harm!?

    Comment by sense. — October 6, 2007 @ 12:04 pm | Reply

  38. This is the most pathetic attempt at altering people’s views on an innocent lifestyle. Plus, Christianity, nor does any religion, have anything to do with it. So what if the Bible for one reason or another said “Kill all furries”? You don’t have to follow everything the Bible says even if you are Christian. If you do, you’re not as badass as you think you are, if at all, and you’re too dependent on nothing but a book.

    Thanks for the laugh though.

    Comment by N/A — October 6, 2007 @ 12:35 pm | Reply

  39. meh. you sicken me. =/

    Comment by anonymous — October 6, 2007 @ 1:16 pm | Reply

  40. Well, well, well.
    I must say—- your view on this subject made me laugh.
    First off; I’ve never even heard about you. So that proves how unpopular you are.
    Filed under: Homosexuality, Idiocy, Nutjobs, Sadness, Sin, Weirdos.
    Ohoho, my dear— all of those things relate to you . Not the furries. c:

    Really, now. Go crawl back into your hole of loneliness and ritual masturbation— because, clearly, you have no life.

    [Ed Note: Your mother dresses you funny, doesn’t she?]

    Comment by Ieroism — October 6, 2007 @ 1:50 pm | Reply

  41. Actually, I dress myself.
    Jealous much?

    [Ed Note: So you dress yourself funny? Congratulations!]

    Comment by Ieroism — October 6, 2007 @ 1:57 pm | Reply

  42. first off- id like to say, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

    nice job being an open and accepting christian, by totally trying to bash on someone elses preFURed method of trying to have some fun.. people dont dress up in fur suits to engage in homosexual intercourse… maybe in your home back in alabama they do? possibly this is why your so against this?

    but this just doesnt make any logical sense at all whatsoever.. along with the rest of you christian “idiotic, sad, nutjob, weirdos.”

    oh another thing.. who are you? ive never even heard of you. and as a great woman once said–

    “Go crawl back into your hole of loneliness and ritual masturbation— because, clearly, you have no life.”


    [Ed Note: “PreFURed?” I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Any other furry-specific lingo you want to throw up at us?]

    Comment by Lucifer, prince of darkness — October 6, 2007 @ 2:08 pm | Reply

  43. Wow really you say you did your research. But your trying to ban something that can’t be banned [Ed Note: but should]. You know EVERYTHING in this world has a dark side, politics it something you have to get over.

    Sentor you are just filling parents, kids and teens head with images of something that is wrong. [Ed Note: Really, really, really wrong.] Something that should be shunned, but you have your facts all wrong. A small amount of people actully take part in the repulsive nature of furries/fursuiting. [Ed Note: Translation – too many.] But a large amount of people do not, they use it as a hobby and not all art is drawn for their ‘yiffing’ purposes. But is it ok that men are allowed to go to the store and buy porn, go online or even rape someone? [Ed Note: No.] So why aren’t you attacking that too? [Ed Note: We will and we do. But most people already know about that stuff.]

    Plus your saying they are all gay, guess what sentor your wrong again! Do your research better, look at the plus as well at the negitive. Your going to start a war, and someone is going to end up dead because your rant. If you feel alright with that then you yourself need to get checked out.

    And your making this a sin, well heck they aren’t murdering people now are they? If they did then yes they should be locked away but they aren’t. Besides not all christians are going to throw the bible at them. [Ed Note: Real Christians with a capital C will.] Because some of us actully take the time to understand stuff. But go ahead and preach something that shouldn’t be worried about. Because if you haven’t noticed our own men and women are over seas fighting and giving their lifes. People are suffering here in the states and your worried about the furry fandom. -sigh-

    So yes get your facts straight before you make yourself look stupid in public. People will thank you and won’t think your a nutjob yourself. [Ed Note: Takes one to know one.]

    Comment by Nauro — October 6, 2007 @ 8:53 pm | Reply

  44. Thanks for giving me something to laugh about. Your utter lack of factual information is only slightly less amusing than Also, where is your proof that the president said anything about Furries? That looks more like an act of ventriloquism to me. Oh, and your advocation for child abuse is truly worthy of notifying CPS.

    Anyway, congratulations on further mutilating your god’s name with bigotry. Seriously, keep it up. Conversions to Paganism are at a record high thanks to you people.

    [Ed Note: Landover Baptist is obviously a sick joke. No wonder we’re less funny. We tell the truth. And the truth hurts, doesn’t it, you furry pervert? Let me answer for you. Ahem. Yes, it does.]

    Comment by Gen, another PROUD fur — October 7, 2007 @ 2:52 am | Reply

  45. And I note you completely ignored my question. Nice job, avoiding that truth stuff. lol

    Comment by Gen, another PROUD fur — October 7, 2007 @ 1:47 pm | Reply

  46. Now i don’t like furries… And i’m not some socially recluse loner you label as an otaku… But i watch anime and i like it… Why? The same reason why certain people like rock, rap, or whatever… You’re generalizing isolated cases too much, you haven’t even answered the questions of some who posted their comments.

    And let me get this straight, the Ed Note thing is the editor’s note right? WTH you’re notes on their comments are dumber than their posts.

    Besides, what you say is the “truth” is not true for everyone. Truth is relative, only reality is absolute.

    Another thing, the solutions you’ve given… It makes me sick… BTW i’m an atheist, so stone me if you want. That only proves the type of religion you have, ethnocentric. You burn people at the stake just because they have a different belief? You label other religions as “primitive”. YOU WILL ACTUALLY GO AS FAR AS KILLING PEOPLE? YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN THOSE TERRORISTS!

    Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims


    I’m an atheist, yes, and an anime lover, but i see a lot more people around me “commiting sin” like lovers commiting premarital sex. My classmates cheat at tests. I don’t because i study. Smoking, drinking, that’s the youth of today in my country, and those “social recluses” whom you condemn are actually, in my country at least, the more polite, dignified, and most of all CIVILIZED people.

    Seriously, before you make such claims, be sure you have had in depth research and please, don’t use the internet as a tool for data gathering since the internet is a haven for misinformation. And by in depth i mean really travel and hand out surveys, and check crime records. Seriously.

    Comment by khael — October 8, 2007 @ 1:06 pm | Reply

  47. this sums up this argument very well. but anyway thanks for the laugh cause when the manbitch christians decide they want genocide you get a bunch of blind followers to jump on the bandwagon to eradicate the “threat” plus you have blown your campain to poop through this blog

    Comment by the man — October 8, 2007 @ 8:48 pm | Reply

  48. […] for more hysteria (not that I don’t believe Furries exist – it’s the apocalyptic tone of the blog that gets me). […]

    Pingback by Anime encourages murder? « Theclubabove’s Weblog — October 8, 2007 @ 9:10 pm | Reply

  49. OH GOD

    YIFF IN HELL, all you furries who replied

    Comment by Nanaya mode — October 10, 2007 @ 8:09 pm | Reply

  50. OH GOD

    YIFF IN HELL, all you furries who replied

    By Nanaya mode

    LOL, another person who makes Christianity look bad. Instead of treating the people of their mental illness, you’d much prefer to have them “yiff in hell”? What does yiff mean anyway? You uncivilized potty mouth. [Thanks to the editor for the term “potty mouth” LOLLERSKATES.]

    This topic aside, what i stated that he did wrong was that he connected “furries” to “anime lovers”. WTH i’m an anime lover but i don’t go around dressed as a kitten or something, having sex with other people with the same preference. It’s disgusting [my opinion].

    LOL and i thought God was merciful, too bad his people aren’t. Also, they’re uncivilized.

    [Ed Note: I think you’ll find that “yiff” is defined in the article. Maybe you missed that part. I’ll admit it is a pretty condensed work of investigative journalism, so it’s understandable. I wonder if they give out Pulitzer prizes for blog posts. I think this one deserves an award for excellence.]

    Comment by khael — October 11, 2007 @ 1:04 am | Reply

  51. BTW, you just sinned.

    Don’t use the name of the lord in vain.

    Comment by khael — October 11, 2007 @ 1:10 am | Reply

  52. Poor furries – everybody hates them…

    I mean – the fetish is silly and laughable, but that’s not a reason to hate anybody…

    I wonder how can you harbour so much hate towards other people? Aren’t you suppoused to love your brothers/sisters?
    I am basically an atheist, nihillist, liberal and everything you set up against, but I never in my whole life have hated somebody so much as you do. I would never wish other people harm (even though the bestiality part is a bit over the edge – pretty much clasifies as animal mistreatment)…

    I don’t get this…

    Comment by Dorota — October 15, 2007 @ 4:11 pm | Reply

  53. Admit it. The reason you found this filth is because you were looking for it. If you were really committed to a family-friendly environment for your kids, you’d invest in a Net Nanny program to make sure pornography doesn’t show up in your Google search results.

    Also, your site is officially not kid-friendly. Congratulations.

    Comment by Confused — October 20, 2007 @ 1:23 am | Reply

  54. “It is worth noting that Satanists often dress as goats, and that feminists frequently resemble them. The furry tree drops many an evil fruit.”

    Feminists resemble goats? All feminists are furry? I find that hard to believe.

    Comment by a TRUE Christian — October 21, 2007 @ 8:15 am | Reply

  55. This article is well done and probably the best on the page. I am lucky enough to have never came across a furry and had past it off as a myth untill. Furrys is nearly as bad as rape and murder.

    [Ed Note: Yep.]

    Comment by Tehau — October 21, 2007 @ 9:44 pm | Reply

  56. Dude ,
    that was sad.
    i really hope you aren’t serious, lol!
    You’d have to be really close minded to believe any of that. ““And furries are completely sick and wrong,”
    because they are living their fantasys,
    because they are doing what they want?
    they arent hurting anyone.

    [Ed Note: Only themselves and their families and friends.]

    “that makes Jesus weep”
    i dont belive that for a second.
    you know your beloved Jesus,
    the one who you think hates everything you deem “bad”,
    he was supposed to be an accepting guy.

    [Ed Note: There are definite limits to what can be acceptable. Furriness is not tolerable, period.]

    hes the guy thats supposed to love you no matter what you do and who hates you.
    in fact,
    its YOU that would probably be corrected in this matter.
    i thought christians wanted to be like Jesus.
    but they seem to go against everything he was.

    heres to hoping you were kidding.
    otherwise you need to do a bit more research.

    [Ed Note: No more research on furries. Detestable creatures.]

    Comment by loling — October 22, 2007 @ 10:59 am | Reply

  57. “We don’t need to stone you. Any day now, God will destroy you all with fire and sulfur from Heaven.”

    I thought fire and sulfur were found in Hell, not Heaven.

    Comment by a TRUE Christian — October 23, 2007 @ 8:30 am | Reply

    • i’m fire proof…

      *it’s my secret to why ninja don’t attack me*

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 5:55 am | Reply

  58. “[Ed Note: Landover Baptist is obviously a sick joke. No wonder we’re less funny. We tell the truth. And the truth hurts, doesn’t it, you furry pervert? Let me answer for you. Ahem. Yes, it does.]”

    Actually, I think you’re funnier than Landover Baptist, because you’re so good at pretending to be both serious and Christian.

    And if you enjoy looking for depraved acts on the Internet, I recommend looking up: bukkake, Dirty Sanchez, BDSM, and pegging. When I discovered these, it made me throw up a little in my mouth. But I accidentally stumbled upon them–no telling what it would do if you actually sought them out!

    Comment by a TRUE Christian — October 23, 2007 @ 8:37 am | Reply

  59. It’s kind of interesting that people forget that Jesus actually walked with all kinds and sub-cultures of people not just a select few. He wanted to show that all could be saved by acceptance and then saving by the Word not just the wrath that humans want to bring to others that are not like them. Imagine if we were all the same and saved.

    Nobody seems to mind the sports mascots in Pro Sports as long as they bring money in from the fans. Kind of funny that a furry in Pro Sports is not cast into the brimstone and sulfur when the others are. How many Furries are standing next to you in ‘church’ and you don’t even know it?

    Comment by dalkoyo — October 31, 2007 @ 11:46 am | Reply

  60. I’m undecided on whether this post is a serious and pathetic example of right-wing ignorance, or a carefully crafted parody of right wing ignorance, so I’ll leave it alone, nor will I waste my time correcting so many of the erroneous “facts” stated about furries, such as the confusing of people with the cartoon animal sexual fetish (furries/plushies) That is SOLELY a sexual fetish, and the difference of the non-fetish people who just feel more animal than human (because frankly most human are hateful ignorant hurtful wastes of flesh) which are called Anthros.

    I will however say that to all of the foaming at the mouth with hatred and judgement Christian pretenders who posted replies; You’re the reason so many young people and intelligent people discount Christianity. All they see is your hatred and bigotry and judgemental behaviour and you scare them away. None of you are true Christians, you’re loud mockeries claiming Christianity as a defense for your ignorant hatemongering. God does not hate, man does. And God himself told you to “Judge not, lest you be judged”. A true Christian, regardless of their personal feelings on a matter, will not judge a sinner. They live their own life as best they can and leave the judgements to their God. Which is why you pathetic hatebreeders will all end up in hell. Because you all seem to think you’re good enough to do God’s job for him. And as I understand it, God isn’t terribly fond of such magnificent arrogant hubris.

    Comment by Purrrple — November 7, 2007 @ 12:42 am | Reply

  61. I’d laugh so hard at you guys if you werent’ so sad.

    I don’t see why you guys have to keep on proving you don’t know a single bit about our fandom? Is that some kind of contest: Who can prove he’s more stupid then the last guy?

    Little hint for you people:

    The furry fandom is about anthropomorphic animals. That’s where it ENDS.

    The rest you described here, the oh-so-weird sexual stuff… Guess why furries like sex?

    No really, take a guess.

    Know why? Cause we’re all HUMANS who have a LIBIDO.

    Exactly. the thing that makes furries oh so weird in your eyes, is the thing they share with you: everyone likes having sex, go ahead and try to deny you do.

    “Oh but furries have all these weird fetishes that normal people like us don’t have” also cracks me up.

    As if furries invented every od fetish on the planet. Uh-huh.


    Comment by A Furry — November 7, 2007 @ 6:43 am | Reply

  62. B4B,
    The loudest ones are the ones who get the most publicity. For every sex-crazed, diaper wearing, fursuit sexing furry out there, there are thousands who lead normal lives, living quietly with their significant other, be it male or female. Also, attempting to ban something like the furry culture most definitely falls under attempting to repress that whole “freedom of speech” thing in our Constitution, not to mention these days could even be considered being racist.

    And on another note, I agree with Purrrple and the others before me. That bible you put so much faith in? That book that a group of old men most likely sat around one day copying things out of other religious texts while drinking wine? I think you should go read it again, and make sure that your political agenda doesn’t get in the way while you do so. There’s a whole lot of things in there that talk about “loving thy neighbor”, a concept that a alliterate person like yourself seems to not have grasped. No where in the Bible does Jesus go out and stone furries to death. No where does he denounce people for sexual practices. Even the tale of Sodam and Gomorrah does not focus on the sexual sins of the people, but of their lack of compassion and sense of decency for their fellows(see below for the passages in question). But no, Jesus did not denounce people for these things. During his sermons, he preached about service and humility, the forgiveness of sin, faith, turning the other cheek, love for one’s enemies as well as friends(“love thy neighbor as thyself” [Leviticus 19:18]), and the need to follow the spirit of the law in addition to the letter. The word love has so many different meanings when translated from the old texts, including a sexual one. So if you are going to attempt to denounce something like this, then why not denounce everything else that you hold to be holy at the same time? The beasts of the field are innocent in a way that humans can never be, who has the knowledge of good and evil and the choice between, and yet at times even they engage in homosexual pairings. Not often, but not unheard of either. And they do not cast from their ranks those who do. What occurs in nature, comes by the hand of nature, and if God did not approve, it would not be there.

    And on a side note, doesn’t a article like this fall under breaking one of the 10 Commandments? “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” And you call yourself a religious person.

    “Now, about this time the Sodomites, overwhelmingly proud of their numbers and the extent of their wealth, showed themselves insolent to men and impious to the divinity, insomuch that they no more remembered the benefits that they had received from him, hated foreigners and avoided any contact with others. Indignant at this conduct, God accordingly resolved to chastise them for their arrogance, and not only to uproot their city, but to blast their land so completely that it should yield neither plant nor fruit whatsoever from that time forward.”
    -Antiquities 1:194-195

    Comment by Anon — November 7, 2007 @ 9:37 am | Reply

  63. P.S.
    Jesus was a Jew. Get used to it.

    Comment by Anon — November 7, 2007 @ 11:13 am | Reply

  64. You’re demonizing tanuki Mario!?!?!?! How could you! I’m wearing a t-shirt with that very image on it right now!!! I’ve played Super Mario 3 since I was 3 years old. How dare you tarnish its image!

    Comment by Aly — November 7, 2007 @ 5:32 pm | Reply

  65. […] And wrote [this little gem]. […]

    Pingback by PN Blog » ITB Politicians vs Furfags — November 7, 2007 @ 11:49 pm | Reply

  66. […] Furries: A Twisted Freakshow of Utter Depravity […]

    Pingback by Will the Discrimination Never End? « secondlife is a poorhouse — November 10, 2007 @ 3:06 am | Reply

  67. […] would be the pro-life Faithmouse by Dan Lacey. It’s a little odd, but it might appeal to furries. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’m still evaluating […]

    Pingback by A Womb with a View « Blogs 4 Brownback — November 13, 2007 @ 11:10 am | Reply

  68. My brother was raped by a gang of furfags. Well, when I say raped, I mean everything but. They practically smashed his skull in, hospitalised him for the best part of a month, and posted the pictures over the net. This was a gang of sexual deviants (according to the witness report, on of them was in his thrities) who beat a 17 year old kid to death’s door. Why, you ask?

    He was taking an apprenticeship at an animal testing facility. Absolutely disgusting.

    You’re a saviour, Brownback. You’ve got my vote.

    Comment by John Briney — November 13, 2007 @ 2:52 pm | Reply

    • A white Christian man raped me. Does that mean that all Christians should be blamed for this?

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 3:11 pm | Reply

  69. I agree with this article. Furries should be burned to hell!

    Comment by Furry Hating Niggah — November 13, 2007 @ 10:57 pm | Reply

    • Just like Hitler did with the Jews? Because that turned out so well for him, didn’t it?

      Comment by Andryx — December 1, 2009 @ 2:37 pm | Reply

  70. […] right is a frame from one of the dress up sequences. Notice that this baby has been dressed up as a furry. In a real child this could lead to a lifetime of perversion and depravity. Furries trade pictures […]

    Pingback by Nintendo DS: Imagine Babies « Blogs 4 Brownback — November 14, 2007 @ 2:47 pm | Reply

  71. There is no such thing as being normal. Normal has no meaning.

    Comment by Hellion the Anarchist — November 15, 2007 @ 8:00 pm | Reply

  72. There will be an uprising and Revolt by Furries. We will make a stand. We will be seen, heard, and never forgotten. We need to make a differnece. We need to start a Revolution.

    Revolt! Resist! Rebel! Start a Revolution!

    Overthrow the government!

    We need a Coup D’Etat!

    Comment by Hellion the Anarchist — November 15, 2007 @ 8:12 pm | Reply

  73. “And furries are completely sick and wrong,” President Bush later added, off the record. “The less said about them the better.”

    Show me proof of this statement. Of course you can’t, you’re lying about it. But you folks do have a gift for coming up with the stupidiest things to bitch about, and you lie about each and every one of them.

    see you later you furry little motherf****rs.

    Comment by Arn Lewis — November 15, 2007 @ 8:27 pm | Reply

  74. please tell me if this is satirical. Cause us internet denizens have had plenty fun making fun of furries for years now all in good fun, but if you right-wingers decide to make a real crusade out of it, then thanks…you just took all the fun out of making fun of furries. Now when we post satirical articles making fun of furries, we won’t be able to help but not mock furries, we’ll be mocking you and your hair-brained crusade. And let me tell you, mocking right wing ding bats hasn’t been fun since 1999. You guys risk turning a good-natured source of hilarity into another sad prosecution of a minority group by a bunch of angry wasps…Leave it to republicans to suck all the enjoyment out of the internets’s tubes and life in general….

    [Ed Note: Hey Patty, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. So frag on. The fact that furries are repulsive creatures is a bipartisan issue. I hope that helps. If you choose the side of the furry perverts who have sex with animals, you have lost. Don’t worry about us.]

    Comment by patrick — November 15, 2007 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

    • Umm, Zoophiliacs have sex with animals. Not furries. If you’re gonna say stupid things, at least say things that are correct.

      Comment by Andryx — December 1, 2009 @ 2:40 pm | Reply

  75. Oh man, this furry stuff sounds hot!
    Thx for all the great furry P0rn links.
    I’d never considered this b4, but now
    I think I’m gonna convert! I’m pricing
    suits on e-bay rite now. What fursona
    do you think I should pick? I think
    maybe I’ll go with a hermaphrodite koala.
    Cause koala’s r soooo cute and with a koala
    with a penis and a vagina and some big
    breasts….oh man it’s gettin me so horny
    I gotta go yiff myself right now!

    [Ed Note: You should choose an amoeba or a gecko for your fursona. It will bring you much enlightenment and less derision from your acquaintences and family. It will bring you great karma. A kick in the eye. Good luck, pervert.]

    Comment by mr. satori — November 15, 2007 @ 11:22 pm | Reply

    • Editor: Lighten up, get a sense of humour. ;p You should’ve seen that coming.

      Comment by Rorroh — November 16, 2009 @ 12:39 am | Reply

  76. Quote: “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service”

    I’m sorry, did you just loving espouse beating your child to within and in of *their* life?

    And you are calling other people depraved?

    [Ed Note: Consult the site rules: no profanity. And yes, I think we are. Especially furry freaks. Um, what does “within and in” mean?]

    Comment by Anonymous — November 16, 2007 @ 2:44 am | Reply

    • Editor: Consult the post: what profanity? He meant “within an inch.” What he was getting at was the fact that you just said to beat their child ’til they’re almost dead. True, it’s an expression, but at least we don’t beat children.

      Comment by Rorroh — November 16, 2009 @ 12:44 am | Reply

  77. Still waiting for the proof that the president said that,,,,,, liar.

    Comment by Arn Lewis — November 16, 2007 @ 7:43 am | Reply

  78. HahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    In all seriousness, one has to love a website that uses Something Awful as a legitimate source.
    I would be offended at this article were it not that
    a. this site is entirely bollocks made as an ill humored joke
    and b. The media coverage of this subculture is often, but not always, strongly negative.
    As it stands, furries are like Earth, mostly harmless, just as any group of people.
    Among your other links is an article that is definitely not anti-furry, and then you have Crush, Yiff Destroy. CYF is a well known website made by a small group of furries that caters to more reasonable furries. It is not anti-furry in the least, but it willingly provides copies of anti-fur articles.
    I say good job, trolls. Your trolling is still failtastic.

    Comment by Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu — November 16, 2007 @ 4:24 pm | Reply

    • YES! someone who has read that book!
      I agree.
      Furries need to be recognized as people, and not be trashed by right wing nut jobs who would have rather had plague infest every soul on earth and exorcise every pleasure from the mind than allow furries to exist (quote from my friend’s (also christian and also furry) pastor in aggravation of the right wing fanatics.
      At least before it was a playful teasing rather than a full out declaration of war.
      I say let the Furries and the nutjobs go to war.
      BTW… Bush is a figurehead. Not a bad guy. It is Cheney who is the real a*hole. If you are going to go on a rampage, go after him.

      Comment by Maximum333 — November 15, 2009 @ 11:06 pm | Reply

    • it’s funny coz your saying that most groups of people AREN’T harmless i lolled

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:10 am | Reply

  79. mroe christians that have nothing better to do than interfear in the lifes of others becouse they think they are hollier then thou and follow a book written by humans and say it is the word of god (bull puky) people like this are the ones that want to run ppl’s lives and so they can gain money and power i THINK IT IS MATTHEW 6.5 THAT SAYS DONT BE ONE OF THE HIPPOCRITS THAT STAND ON THE STREET CORNERS AND PREECH. and by the way I am not a christian I am a druid the bible is a sin in it’s self it has incest rape torture murder and you follow this as the word of god I personaly am not a furry but it is thear choice to do what they want so leave them bee and dont act like you are perfect i bet you bible thumping christian types (not all christians)have worst perversions we all have them some just have enough balls to act them out and it sounds like you are just a chicken and have no life WELL GUESS WHAT STAY OUT OF LIVES THAT DONT CONCERN YOU

    Comment by THE DRUID — November 17, 2007 @ 9:52 am | Reply

  80. […] a website for every mental disorder: Adult Babies, Furries, Goths, Liberals…. If there’s an illness, there’s a website where the mentally […]

    Pingback by Adult Babies/Diaper Lovers: Alternate Lifestyle or Mental Illness? [UPDATED] « Blogs 4 Brownback — November 17, 2007 @ 7:21 pm | Reply

  81. like armand said, as soon as you pointed to SomethingAwful, i stopped taking it seriously. though i disagree with him about your trollage, i think it’s absolute genius how you’ve managed to trick so many people, myself included. bravo.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — November 18, 2007 @ 1:28 am | Reply

  82. I doubt this blog is a joke becouse so many topics and I know how the babtist think my dad is a minister he too writes poop like this and poots it in his sermins he disowned me becouse I wont follow his fake bottom religon well guess what he can burn in his own hellthe christian faith is fake and they follow a book written by a buntch drunk men and if you think a virgin had a baby you have bean smoking way too mutch crack

    [Ed Note: Please learn to spell.]

    Comment by THE DRUID — November 18, 2007 @ 10:21 am | Reply

    • each comment i read makes me more the merrier, but this was the best i felt, bravo kind sir bravo…

      my deepest sorrows for being dissowned by your own father, i that would’ve been quite sad.
      (not sarcastic comment)

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:14 am | Reply

  83. Oh man, you really don’t know, do you? You think FURRIES are the very height of depravity on the Internet? You poor innocent little lamb. I, too, had such innocence, long ago. But no more. I’ve seen things that would blow your mind. I’ve seen things on the Internet that makes the worst yiffy porn look like The O’Reilly Factor for Kids. It really is a sight to see one of the uninitiated such as yourself discover something like this, and think that you’ve really plumbed the depths when you have only scratched the surface. You want my advice? Turn back now. Quit trying to be an Internet e-reporter or whatever and go back to your safe little world of the moral majority and war on terror and blogging for a Republican candidate with a single-digit popularity rating. You’re not prepared for what comes after this. There is bliss in ignorance.

    You have no idea. And pray you never find out.

    Comment by Anonymous — November 18, 2007 @ 2:44 pm | Reply

  84. I will learn to spell when you ppl Quit trying to poosh tour fake ass religon and if this is a family friendly sight why do you seek things out like this and say it is evil and satins work to me a satinist is a pissed off christian another imagined thing from the bible you ppl need to quit reading following a book that is a work of fiction

    Comment by THE DRUID — November 19, 2007 @ 11:11 am | Reply

  85. Rule 34
    ‘nuf said

    Comment by The Rulez of the Internetz — November 28, 2007 @ 1:49 am | Reply

    • ahh the rules a mentioned, you have four aces my friend, no-one can’t deny the rules, i lost the game

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:17 am | Reply

  86. For those of us who are not aware of the Rules of the Internet, Rule 34 is as follows:
    There is porn of it, no exceptions.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — November 28, 2007 @ 7:21 am | Reply

    • Don’t forget Rule #46 when talking about Furries

      Comment by Progressive Christian Furry — January 4, 2010 @ 12:17 am | Reply

  87. Bkabka, I agree with everything you said, wholeheartedly. And also, I say the concept of religion itself is st00pid. Conservative Christians and militant Muslims deserve a special mention in the Hall of Stupidity.

    And, to the people who want to stone me, “Thou shalt not kill.” even if you think, in your twisted minds that people who do not believe in your faggot religion deserve to die, you will burn in your own Hell by doing that. Besides, I’m literally on the other side of the world.

    Comment by Amitabho Asok Kumar Ngau Seng Kheng Chattopadhyay — December 1, 2007 @ 8:28 am | Reply

  88. […] grader who’s a dyke) is seen wearing cat ears and a tail (obviously to appeal to perfurted furries) in a later episode. The subliminals are hard to […]

    Pingback by Kodomo no Jikan: Unrestrained Pedo Fantasies « Blogs 4 Brownback — December 4, 2007 @ 7:34 pm | Reply

  89. Okay, I’ll take this a point at a time.

    For those of you freaking out about furries, I simply ask where do you get your information. Every person needs to acknowledge that there are two sides to every issue, so I hope before you bash everything, you use sources from both viewpoints to form your opinion. Furries, or anthropomorphs, are simply animals with human characteristics. Think of a werewolf in most modern movies (Underworld, Van Hellsing, ect.) and expand the concept to every animal. Some people claim that those who dress up in “furry” costumes believe they are that animal. Trust me, unless it’s someone who belonged in a mental institution since before they could say “furry”, they don’t. It’s for fun, like Halloween. At conventions some people get paid. It’s just like a kid in a mascot uniform.
    Yes, there is some furry porn. I find it gross myself, but I acknowledge that on the internet you can find porn of anything, so Im not going to hold it againest all non-porn furries. Oh, and I have friends who wore cat ears and tails to school, and it had nothing to do with furries, again it was just for fun.

    As for anime, I’m a huge anime lover, but I not going to cuss you out. I’m not going to degrade myself and other anime lovers like that. I agree with at least one thing you said, parents need to take an interest in what their kids watch. As a sixteen year old girl, the reason I like anime is because whatever a person’s interest might be, there’s a story for it. Not all of it is child appropriate, people shouldn’t just assume because it’s a cartoon it is. But in this feature it has so much appeal. No, I’m not talking about hentai (perverted anime), because again I don’t like that stuff, but like any book or movie, anime can deal with serious issues or be horror stories or even something as simply complex as high school life.

    Look, I believe that everyone has a right to their opinion. All I ask is that people don’t zoom in on one stupid thing and damn an entire subject because of it. I’m a Christian, but I don’t get mad at people and insult them because they’re not. I’m straight, but I don’t damn those who aren’t. I’m a devoted anime fan who intends to write and draw her own series, but I don’t despise those like you who curse it. Parents need to take an interest in what thier kids do anyway. Raise your own kids, don’t expect the video you pulled off the rack because it had a cartoon on it or the Internet to. Elephant bones is right, as long as anything exist, there will be people who turn it vulgar.

    Comment by Wolf — December 8, 2007 @ 1:41 am | Reply

    • Thank God! Someone finally has sense. Maybe people should leave all the politics to the 16 year old girls because we seem to be the only ones with sense.

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 3:23 pm | Reply

  90. I’m enormously sad at all these Asians trying to defend their ‘right’ to have sex with animals. This isn’t given in the Constitution, which is sad for the furries, because the Constitution does not exist. It isn’t speech, since your vocal cords aren’t vibrating varying wavelenghts during the process. It isn’t religion, because it isn’t Christianity. But, since the Constitution does not exist, we can legally strip God’s people of all their ‘rights’ except those necessary to maintain a Christian society.

    Comment by Bob_Corker — December 13, 2007 @ 11:18 pm | Reply

  91. Bob, do you listen to yourself when you speak?

    Comment by Elephant Bones — December 14, 2007 @ 12:16 am | Reply

  92. Yes, Elephant Pellet. Please point to the precise point(s) in my post where I am wrong.

    Comment by Bob_Corker — December 14, 2007 @ 12:34 am | Reply

  93. Your writing is a little confusing. At first it sounds sarcastic againest furries but then it sounds like you shift to critisizing the Constitution. Intsead of being sarcastic, why don’t you just make your point? And why do you assume we’re all Asian?

    Comment by Wolf — December 15, 2007 @ 11:19 pm | Reply

  94. “Your writing is a little confusing. At first it sounds sarcastic againest furries but then it sounds like you shift to critisizing the Constitution.”

    Yes, because the Constitution myth allows this ugly practice to take place and draw innocent people into hell.

    “Intsead of being sarcastic, why don’t you just make your point?”

    I’m not being sarcastic, but the point is that furries must be stoned.

    “And why do you assume we’re all Asian?”

    Hispanics = 90% Christian Whites = 80% Christian Blacks = 50% Christian Asians = 10% Christian

    Asian religion is the only religion a weirdo or hippy will embrace. Asians created anime and pornography. Asians created communism. Asians created Islam. Asians created homosexuality. Asians created just about everything bad, in fact.

    Comment by bobcorker — December 16, 2007 @ 12:23 am | Reply

    • I am still really confused. What are you trying to say?
      PS I am a white God-fearing Christian who lives in America. Will that make you not hate me?

      Comment by Elizabeth — December 5, 2009 @ 3:26 pm | Reply

  95. While that is part of it, Wolf, I was more referring to how he rambles about things that sound absolutely insane. Constitution doesn’t exist? it’s not free speech because they’re not technically speaking? Your render your own arguments invalid because you give no way to back them up, not that you could.

    Look before you leap, Bob, else you may find yourself falling into a heap of trouble.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — December 16, 2007 @ 12:23 am | Reply

  96. okay, for one I’m a Catholic American that loves anime. Secondly anime didn’t start in Asia. It started in America with Walt Disney. Anime is short for animation, which as anyone should know, was used by Walt Disney to create the first cartoon, Steamboat Mickey, who by definition is a furry, along with Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, and just about any cartoon animal. In fact, the big eyes of anime were partially inspired by the big eyes on Walt’s characters, like Bambi.

    Homosexuality was not created by Asians either. Hell, Shakesphere had a boyfriend (while he was married). And porn was moreso created by European paintings. You hardly ever see an old Japanese painting where the people are all naked.

    Speech is the forming of words into comprehensible sentances to communicate. The First Amendment also covers freedom of religion, which is what allows you to be a Christian who insults other religions without being jailed for your ignorance.

    In any case, your not my problem. You have no control over anyone but yourself, no real influence unless others give it to you. I believe you have your right to your opinion, and while I may disagree with it, my own morals and beliefs (without even considering the Constitution)dictate that you still have the right to say whatever you wish. I feel sorry for you in that your ignorance will do you harm to some extent, but that’s your problem. I wish you well now, because I don’t plan on coming back here to waste anymore of my time on a topic that no one, including myself, will budge on.

    And to Elephant Bones, thank you for showing that not all people think like Bob.

    [Ed Note: You mean Steamboat Willie.]

    Comment by Wolf — December 16, 2007 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

    • “Anime” did start in Asia. Anime does not mean animation, it means cartoons. There is no such word as “cartoons” in Japan and therefore their word for it is Anime. Anime is also referred to as the style that most Asians use for their cartoons. No, the big eyes of Anime were inspired by Americans. They think of the eyes as a gateway to your emotions and because Asians, such as Chinese and Japanese, do not have such wide eyes, they used Americans as their basis. Also, the Disney characters are not furries, they are anthromorphic characters; they are animals given human traits and personalities, they are being personified. Now, as far as animation goes, that all started in different areas at different times.

      Homosexuality has been through every single race. From Japan, to Europe and therefore the US.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 2:41 pm | Reply

  97. Here, Bob. If you don’t like freedom of speech becuse no one’s speaking try on freedom of expression or freedom of the press.Does that fit your one-tracked, liberal little mind? ^_^ Oh, and for the record? No one ever mentioned any constitutional Rights up there. I know Wolf personally. We go to school together, and I’m one of the kids she mentioned who wears the ears for fun. She’s tan-skinned, admittedly, but her bother’s so white he could blind drivers if he walked down the street on a sunny day. They have the same parents and both of them are also Caucasian. Don’t fling your racial [bullpoop] before you know what you’re talking about, it only makes you look like a bigger pighead than we already know you are. No insult intended, of course.

    And here’s another shot: god doesn’t exist, so get off your high horse. There’s only one passage in the Constitution on religion and that is the freedom to have your own religion. No one’s throwing that around but you. In all actuality, I don’t believe that there is ANY god that would creat such a pathetically close-minded creature such as yourself. “Thou shalt not kill” is a crock, because if you kill then we will kill you back. Simple as that.

    Wolf never mentioned once that she had the right to screw animals, just for you information. For that pathertic attack on asians for supposedly having sex with animals and defending it, wasn’t it white males who spread herpies and the HIV virus by getting a boner around monkeys and sheep? I will state right now that there is still a law in effect in Montana that states that one is not allowed to have a sheep in the cab of their truck without a chaperone. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

    Now I close this little chapter of stupidity with this note, only, most likely, to re-open on the same ignorant page: it’s people like you that make people like us suffer. You sound like a terrorist (no offense intended) and your very words seem to ooz the lack of IQ you so willingly flaunt. I’d get offline if I were you, your cult is looking for you.

    Comment by Riko — December 16, 2007 @ 11:04 pm | Reply

  98. “okay, for one I’m a Catholic American that loves anime. Secondly anime didn’t start in Asia. It started in America with Walt Disney. Anime is short for animation, which as anyone should know, was used by Walt Disney to create the first cartoon, Steamboat Mickey, who by definition is a furry, along with Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, and just about any cartoon animal. In fact, the big eyes of anime were partially inspired by the big eyes on Walt’s characters, like Bambi.”

    You know what I’m talking about when I say ‘anime’, as does every other commentator on this board. We’re talking about the bug eyes and the pornography, not the innocent kids’ cartoons.

    “Homosexuality was not created by Asians either. Hell, Shakesphere had a boyfriend (while he was married). And porn was moreso created by European paintings. You hardly ever see an old Japanese painting where the people are all naked.”

    Shanshen and Tudigong of Taoism were homosexual gods. I have yet to find an earlier example. As far as porn goes, Asian religion is generally more relaxed about sex than true religion.

    “Speech is the forming of words into comprehensible sentances to communicate. The First Amendment also covers freedom of religion, which is what allows you to be a Christian who insults other religions without being jailed for your ignorance.”

    The only word that should be followed is the word of Christ, and this prohibits other religions from expressing their ‘ideas’. If the First Amendment didn’t exist, Christians would be the only people that could express their (True) religion, not Wiccans or Spinozans or whatever you are.

    “In any case, your not my problem. You have no control over anyone but yourself, no real influence unless others give it to you. I believe you have your right to your opinion, and while I may disagree with it, my own morals and beliefs (without even considering the Constitution)dictate that you still have the right to say whatever you wish. I feel sorry for you in that your ignorance will do you harm to some extent, but that’s your problem. I wish you well now, because I don’t plan on coming back here to waste anymore of my time on a topic that no one, including myself, will budge on.”

    I don’t understand why you commented then.

    “Here, Bob. If you don’t like freedom of speech becuse no one’s speaking try on freedom of expression or freedom of the press.Does that fit your one-tracked, liberal little mind? ^_^ Oh, and for the record? No one ever mentioned any constitutional Rights up there. I know Wolf personally. We go to school together, and I’m one of the kids she mentioned who wears the ears for fun. She’s tan-skinned, admittedly, but her bother’s so white he could blind drivers if he walked down the street on a sunny day. They have the same parents and both of them are also Caucasian. Don’t fling your racial [bullpoop] before you know what you’re talking about, it only makes you look like a bigger pighead than we already know you are. No insult intended, of course.”

    Great, another foot-stomping steam blowing liberal that can only cire from personal examples rather than give actual justification for their facts. One thing I may not be clear on is that there is nothing wrong with being yellow, it’s just the Asian culture (not the people) that must be exterminated. Asian people can be good just like anyone else.

    “And here’s another shot: god doesn’t exist, so get off your high horse. There’s only one passage in the Constitution on religion and that is the freedom to have your own religion. No one’s throwing that around but you. In all actuality, I don’t believe that there is ANY god that would creat such a pathetically close-minded creature such as yourself. “Thou shalt not kill” is a crock, because if you kill then we will kill you back. Simple as that.”

    Only 4% of the world believe in your first outrageous gerund, so get off YOUR high horse. Most of these people had it forced on them by communism anyways, so atheists are still looking like FILTH. Anyways, freedom of religion means that more souls will be going to hell, and I cannot in good conscience allow this. Sometimes there are sinners that can’t repent by default, and spread their sin like a disease. For that, they must be executed.

    “Wolf never mentioned once that she had the right to screw animals, just for you information. For that pathertic attack on asians for supposedly having sex with animals and defending it, wasn’t it white males who spread herpies and the HIV virus by getting a boner around monkeys and sheep? I will state right now that there is still a law in effect in Montana that states that one is not allowed to have a sheep in the cab of their truck without a chaperone. Look it up if you don’t believe me.”

    Why are you going off about Montana? I’ve never been there, and they voted for Clinton in ’92 and ’96, so it is at best a moderate state. It’s the Asian culture, once again, that produces idiots like you. And if she never mentioned her ‘right’, why comment?

    “Now I close this little chapter of stupidity with this note, only, most likely, to re-open on the same ignorant page: it’s people like you that make people like us suffer. You sound like a terrorist (no offense intended) and your very words seem to ooz the lack of IQ you so willingly flaunt. I’d get offline if I were you, your cult is looking for you”

    First, it’s ooze. Anytime people mention IQ, I know they’re trying to hide their own insecurity about their intelligence. IQ flaunters were likely shown up in everything by a sibling or peer, and take their frustration out on everyone else. It just proves your Social Darwinism and bigotry. The only people we are allowed to persecute based on intelligence are the retarded. I refuse to execute acts of violence on anyone who does not threaten me or my family, but we need Biblical Law to save more souls. BTW even the liberal media views fundamentalist Christianity more positively than your pathetic cult. I can only hope your soul will be saved.

    Comment by Bob_Corker — December 17, 2007 @ 1:46 am | Reply

    • “You know what I’m talking about when I say ‘anime’, as does every other commentator on this board. We’re talking about the bug eyes and the pornography, not the innocent kids’ cartoons.”

      Well, then that’s Hentai. That is the perverted section of Anime just as Porn is our perverted section of films.

      “Shanshen and Tudigong of Taoism were homosexual gods. I have yet to find an earlier example. As far as porn goes, Asian religion is generally more relaxed about sex than true religion.”

      Asians are not more relaxed about sex. The reason they have so many things that are perverse is because they aren’t allowed the freedom in that area. It is usually looked down upon to even hold your boyfriend/girlfriend’s hand in public; you can’t even say their first name. The Japanese are far more reserved and the perverts there are ostracized far more intensely than they would be here.

      Shinto and Buddhism are the main religions of Japan. Shinto was originally “an amorphous mix of nature worship, fertility cults, divination techniques, hero worship, and shamanism.”

      Unlike most other religions, Shinto has no real founder, no written scriptures, no body of religious law, and only a very loosely-organized priesthood. Shinto does not have as fully developed a theology as do most other religions. It does not have its own moral code. Shintoists generally follow the code of Confucianism. Their religious texts discuss the “High Plain of Heaven” and the “Dark Land” which is an unclean land of the dead, but give few details of the afterlife. Ancestors are deeply revered and worshiped.

      All of humanity is regarded as “Kami’s child.” Thus all human life and human nature is sacred.

      Believers revere “musuhi”, the Kamis’ creative and harmonizing powers. They aspire to have “makoto”, sincerity or true heart. This is regarded as the way or will of Kami. Morality is based upon that which is of benefit to the group. “Shinto emphasizes right practice, sensibility, and attitude.”

      There are “Four Affirmations”in Shinto:

      1. Tradition and the family: The family is seen as the main mechanism by which traditions are preserved. Their main celebrations relate to birth and marriage.
      2. Love of nature: Nature is sacred; to be in contact with nature is to be close to the Gods. Natural objects are worshipped as sacred spirits.
      3. Physical cleanliness: Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their hands, and rinse out their mouth often.
      4. “Matsuri”: The worship and honor given to the Kami and ancestral spirits.

      Shinto creation stories tell of the history and lives of the “Kami” (deities). Among them was a divine couple, Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto, who gave birth to the Japanese islands. Their children became the deities of the various Japanese clans. Amaterasu Omikami (Sun Goddess) was one of their daughters. She is the ancestress of the Imperial Family and is regarded as the chief deity. Her shrine is at Ise. Her descendants unified the country. Her brother, Susano came down from heaven and roamed throughout the earth. He is famous for killing a great evil serpent.

      The Kami are the Shinto deities. The word “Kami” is generally translated “god” or “gods.” However, the Kami bear little resemblance to the gods of monotheistic religions. There are no concepts which compare to the Christian beliefs in the wrath of God, his omnipotence and omni-presence, or the separation of God from humanity due to sin. There are numerous other deities who are conceptualized in many forms: Those related to natural objects and creatures, from “food to rivers to rocks.”, Guardian Kami of particular areas and clans, exceptional people, including all but the last of the emperors, and abstract creative forces. They are seen as generally benign; they sustain and protect the people.

      “The only word that should be followed is the word of Christ, and this prohibits other religions from expressing their ‘ideas’. If the First Amendment didn’t exist, Christians would be the only people that could express their (True) religion, not Wiccans or Spinozans or whatever you are.”

      Whether or not you believe in God, you shouldn’t attack people for their beliefs. If they’re such a problem, leave them alone. You’re really supposed to persuade them to become Christians, but kindly and if they don’t want to then it’s up to them to choose their path. Also, if the First Amendment wasn’t there, Christianity wouldn’t be. That was the whole reason of the pilgrims coming to America; freedom of religion. Now, if they had never come here, never colonized and never made that First Amendment, we wouldn’t be Christians; yes, we’d most likely be practicing religions pertaining to God, but it would be a different religion and any other forms would probably get you killed.

      “One thing I may not be clear on is that there is nothing wrong with being yellow, it’s just the Asian culture (not the people) that must be exterminated. Asian people can be good just like anyone else.”

      Why? They aren’t pushing their beliefs on you. They aren’t persecuting you. They actually think that you deserve to live, even if you’re different and if they don’t like you. They aren’t pushing their culture on you and they actually don’t want you to have any part of it. The old-fashioned, elder generation usually don’t want anything to do with Americans and their ways.

      “Anyways, freedom of religion means that more souls will be going to hell, and I cannot in good conscience allow this. Sometimes there are sinners that can’t repent by default, and spread their sin like a disease. For that, they must be executed.”

      How do you know where they will go? Maybe God will realize that they were good people otherwise and show them the way. You have nothing to do with other people. This is obviously not about you wanting to do good. This is about you wanting to have your way and killing off anyone who doesn’t believe in your way. Sinners will be dealt with when they die; not when they’re killed, that is the worst thing you could do. Executed? What is this, the Middle Ages? Granted there were more wholesome people and religion was more important then, there was nothing else that was good.

      “Why are you going off about Montana? I’ve never been there, and they voted for Clinton in ‘92 and ‘96, so it is at best a moderate state. It’s the Asian culture, once again, that produces idiots like you.”

      They were pointing out the fact that there are people who aren’t furries having intercourse with animals. If the Asian culture really influenced everyone as you say it does there would be kids going to school from 5am-4pm, going to cram school right after and even going on weekends. We would have far more intelligent people and we would be at the head of productivity. Did you know they give us their throwaways that can’t get into universities out there? Yeah, we’re dumb compared to Asia.

      “I refuse to execute acts of violence on anyone who does not threaten me or my family, but we need Biblical Law to save more souls.”

      You refuse to execute, but otherwise you’re okay with talking about killing people?

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 3:25 pm | Reply

  99. For one thing, Christianity is a philosophy, not a religion. Catholic, Protistant, Lutheran, etc., THOSE are religions. The philosophy of Christ is threefold. The only way to HIM is through ME. Forgive. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Anybody with an open mind should NOT be able to find fault in these simple PHILOSOPHIES. The only thing that separates Christianity from any other PHILOSOPHY is that we believe HE is the son of God. Basically all the other PHILOSOPHIES teach FORGIVENESS and KINDNESS. Now doesn’t THAT sound familiar? You had better go back and read your basic texts in the Bible because only GOD can condemn one’s soul to hell, and it says in the Bible–reguardless of your acts durring mortal life–if you ask for forgiveness in your heart, God will grant it. However, remember that God disproves of hypocrites.

    Communism doesn’t allow religion, so that tells ME that you are an angry, confused, demigogue. Go to China, or research Russia in the 1970’s and 80s before the fall of the USSR. Go to Cuba, tell me about THEIR religion. Go to Venesuela, tell me about theirs. With so many obvious examples to prove your statement wrong you are obviousely more angry than learned.

    Montana is a republican state, at least until this last election, so once again you have your facts wrong. It voted Republican for BOTH of those elections, as well as the 2000 and 2004 elections. Do your research.

    Enjoy your time in the land of Oz, because when you start spouting this angry rhetoric in the public square someone will throw water on you and take your slippers. This conversation is over because I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

    Comment by Riko — December 17, 2007 @ 10:32 pm | Reply

  100. “For one thing, Christianity is a philosophy, not a religion. Catholic, Protistant, Lutheran, etc., THOSE are religions. The philosophy of Christ is threefold. The only way to HIM is through ME. Forgive. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Anybody with an open mind should NOT be able to find fault in these simple PHILOSOPHIES. The only thing that separates Christianity from any other PHILOSOPHY is that we believe HE is the son of God. Basically all the other PHILOSOPHIES teach FORGIVENESS and KINDNESS. Now doesn’t THAT sound familiar? You had better go back and read your basic texts in the Bible because only GOD can condemn one’s soul to hell, and it says in the Bible–reguardless of your acts durring mortal life–if you ask for forgiveness in your heart, God will grant it. However, remember that God disproves of hypocrites.”

    God laid down laws that He expects his people to carry out, such as no sex beyond monogamous heterosexual relationships in the missionary position, and instructs us to stone those that disobey His laws. What Jesus did was symbolically show His compassion for humans, but he clearly said that he did not want to abolish the Law of the Prophets (Leviticus). Why are you talking about philosophies anyways? Philosophies are ideas, not instructions on how to live life. Bestiality is to be punished by fire or stoning, according to the Bible. There’s no way around it.

    “Communism doesn’t allow religion, so that tells ME that you are an angry, confused, demigogue. Go to China, or research Russia in the 1970’s and 80s before the fall of the USSR. Go to Cuba, tell me about THEIR religion. Go to Venesuela, tell me about theirs. With so many obvious examples to prove your statement wrong you are obviousely more angry than learned.”

    I thought atheists hated being called religious. Communism forces atheism on the people (if religions are allowed, they are controlled by the government i.e. China). USSR had off/on periods of ‘tolerance’ for other religions, Cuba is basically the same way as the USSR, and Venezuela was socialist, the stepping stone before communist. Chavez said he was a Christian, but he was likely a closet Unitarian.

    “Montana is a republican state, at least until this last election, so once again you have your facts wrong. It voted Republican for BOTH of those elections, as well as the 2000 and 2004 elections. Do your research.”

    I didn’t say it didn’t vote for Bush, you moonbatty pig hustler. What I did say was that it voted for Clinton in ’92 and ’96, and the Democrats also picked up some seats there, so it is a swing (moderate) state.

    “Enjoy your time in the land of Oz, because when you start spouting this angry rhetoric in the public square someone will throw water on you and take your slippers. This conversation is over because I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.”

    Not really, I said stuff like this in Orange County all the time, and I can say stuff like this anywhere other than New England and the hippy parts of the west coast. You sound like a scared pig fresh off the teat!

    Comment by bobcorker — December 17, 2007 @ 10:47 pm | Reply

    • “God laid down laws that He expects his people to carry out, such as no sex beyond monogamous heterosexual relationships in the missionary position, and instructs us to stone those that disobey His laws.”

      I’ve read the Ten Commandments; which came directly from God, and there’s nothing about “no sex beyond monogamous heterosexual relationships in the missionary position..” or anything about us stoning people for us not obeying His laws. There are, however, plenty of entries from humans that think that.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 3:31 pm | Reply

  101. All this being disgusted and outraged by mucky pictures and demons etc. Hmm, a quote comes to mind from Shakespeare “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Rather like the senator (name unremembered, unremarkable insignificant) and who was caught with his trousers down in some lavatory or other. Need any more be said? 😉 I shall leave the amateur dramatic society now to their witch (fur) finding, ducking stools and assorted flammable crosses. ^^

    Comment by Mako — December 19, 2007 @ 1:35 pm | Reply

    • Oh, this made me laugh so much and I don’t know why xD

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 20, 2010 @ 9:50 pm | Reply

  102. furries rule you sad [sa]cks

    [Ed Note: No cursing.]

    Comment by anon — December 21, 2007 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

  103. WTF what is wrong with you man

    yes i am a furry what otheres do in life is up to them
    just get on with your own sad little life
    we have fun and it’s not all about sex
    yes we have alot of art on the net but hay your probable just jelous cause your not as good as art as some of the frs that draw and hey i bet you didnt know but most of the artists that do the animal disney art hey there furs too

    and just to let you know not all furs are gay lol i know alot of stright furs

    heres some furry facts

    Furry Facts v2 (YouTube, 3:22)

    well * hugs to any one who wants them *

    oh and i’m a polar bear cub 😛

    Comment by Noah — December 22, 2007 @ 5:16 am | Reply

    • I’m a cat 😀

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 3:32 pm | Reply

    • Dog all the way!
      Shiro Chan!

      Comment by Maximum333 — November 15, 2009 @ 11:18 pm | Reply

      • Fox

        Comment by Progressive Christian Furry — January 4, 2010 @ 12:46 am

      • Kitsune. 😀

        Comment by rorroh — February 4, 2010 @ 5:51 pm

  104. actually i don’t find this funny at all. do you kno whow many [poop]heads out there will take this seriously?

    i hope they don’t come for you!

    Comment by fyphfoko — December 22, 2007 @ 10:34 am | Reply

  105. Your articles are all full of prejustice and I would even call your actions racist! If someone likes to have sex in some animal costume let him do it, it doesn’t hurt you that he enjoys sex in this kind of way. It’s not some kind of illness but the way they choose to live.

    Unfortunately a lot of Americans are like you, narrowminded and uneasy about everything. When Clinton had sex with his secretary nobody in Europe cared (its just sex!) but of course America had to raise hell about it. Sex is for pleasure and its a lot of fun too! Some people do it the “normal” way, others choose to do it with men and others choose to do it in a costume. You shouldn’t care about their sexual life.

    Comment by some random German dude — December 28, 2007 @ 4:45 pm | Reply

  106. […] Much like an Islamic jihadi site, 4chan should be shut down. It is blocked in many countries who recognize that it is a terrorist front for idiocy. B4B has been targeted for attack by these repulsive creatures many times, especially when I dared to point out that Anime Encourages Murder and that the furry subculture is disgusting. […]

    Pingback by 4chan: Totally Gay « Blogs 4 Brownback — January 1, 2008 @ 7:22 pm | Reply

  107. Most REAL 4chonnars hate them furfags, but that damn furvirus has invaded our 4chons.

    See? We have things in common.

    Comment by Anonymous (from /b/ lol) — January 3, 2008 @ 5:20 pm | Reply

  108. i love how Christians hate, when Jesus said to love your fellow man.

    an atheist knows your own scripture better than you do.


    Comment by YOU SIR ARE A FAILGET — January 3, 2008 @ 8:28 pm | Reply

  109. I’m appalled at furries. how sick are you that you create such smut?! animals should be left alone. i mean, i have nothing against dressing up in costumes, but furries take it too far! by the way, chirstians don’t hate as much atheists hate any religion. but i don’t think anime evokes any violent behavior. if you’re unstable, ou’re unstable. nothing can change that.

    Comment by noizifan — January 8, 2008 @ 5:26 pm | Reply

    • Saying furries; meaning all of them, create this smut then that mean humans; all of us, create the smut of porn.

      As you said, you have no problems with dressing up in costumes and that’s exactly what the a lot of furries do. There is just a minority group of furries that do those depraved things. I myself am a furry, however I don’t dress up, and I have never done such a thing to an animal. I am, in fact, a huge supporter of animals right; I believe in the “Fur is Murder” type of thing.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

  110. “I’m appalled at furries. how sick are you that you create such smut?! animals should be left alone. i mean, i have nothing against dressing up in costumes, but furries take it too far! by the way, chirstians don’t hate as much atheists hate any religion. but i don’t think anime evokes any violent behavior. if you’re unstable, ou’re unstable. nothing can change that.”

    Spoken like a true American until the anime bit. Anime persuades people to become mentally insane by attempting to make heroes out of insane people. As for the rest of your post, I’d like to see the rest of the Helioleftists debunk it, it was excellent!

    Comment by bobcorker — January 8, 2008 @ 6:07 pm | Reply

    • xD lolwut? Anime doesn’t do that. If you go on about how Anime can alter a mind so can any “normal” American television.

      People who blame others and other things for their problems or other people’s problems are very sad. They don’t know how to take responsibility for anything and won’t let anyone else do take responsibility for themselves.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 3:35 pm | Reply

  111. “Anime persuades people to become mentally insane by attempting to make heroes out of insane people.”
    Moses was a murderer with a lisp
    Jacob backstabbed his own brother
    Jonas ran from God’s word.
    King Saul had a brain tumor that caused him to have fits
    King David was adulterous

    God makes heroes out of crazy people. Why are you faulting anime for doing the same?

    Comment by Elephant Bones — January 8, 2008 @ 9:49 pm | Reply

  112. Anime persuades people to become insane…

    Hmm, how does it do this? To persuade someone, is to talk them into something. Anime talks us into becoming insane? Ever heard it ask someone to go insane? Do you perhaps have a link to support the idea that it has made anyone insane?

    Of course not,, because it’s you who is insane.

    As for debunking the rest of his comment, there is nothing to debunk, he made no claims of anything, he merely gave his opinion, you can’t debunk an opinion, everyone has one. You are the ones that claim your opinions to be absolute fact. That’s where the debunking begins.

    Besides, it’s obvious from the tone of his comment that his only knowledge of the subject came from this site, and that’s not knowledge at all, you can’t learn from idiots.

    Comment by Arn — January 8, 2008 @ 10:04 pm | Reply

  113. “God makes heroes out of crazy people. Why are you faulting anime for doing the same?”

    That’s God’s job, not some fat slobbering comic book geek with a soda hat’s job.

    “chirstians don’t hate as much atheists hate any religion”

    Sounds like a statement, Arn, not an opinion. Care to debunk this? He seems much smarter than you, so let’s hear it.

    Comment by Bob_Corker — January 10, 2008 @ 10:48 pm | Reply

  114. Soda hat? What the heck is a soda hat?

    Comment by Elephant Bones — January 11, 2008 @ 1:31 am | Reply

  115. I admit these people are slightly wierd, but that is no excuss to label them as sub-human and it is no excuss to stone them…you sick, american, christain bastards. You pass judgmnet without even knowing them

    Comment by Jecht — January 20, 2008 @ 3:52 pm | Reply

  116. hahahahaha… HAHAHAHAHA… that is all

    Comment by a dragon — January 27, 2008 @ 5:12 pm | Reply

  117. I’m glad I’m an American. We have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to pursue happiness. Which means that so long as someone isn’t hurting anyone else it is okay.
    I personally don’t understand Furries, but I do enjoy some of the art. So why can’t we all try and be nice to one another? Some people enjoy this some people don’t. End of story.
    And please don’t use the bible as a source of hate. Hatred is the Devil’s work not God’s. God loves all his children whether they believe or not. So everyone give everyone else a hug and let’s all be friends.

    Comment by James — January 27, 2008 @ 6:27 pm | Reply

    • *hug*
      I’m glad that, even though you don’t understand furries, you aren’t hateful towards them.

      I think that would be the same as hating someone because of their race or religion.

      Hatred is the Devil’s work. I know, I was stuck in such a pit of hate it would ruin my life.

      You may have heard of the little girl, Jada “JJ” Justice who was murdered, that was my niece…I’ve been through so much in the past two weeks and I have to say, even though it was horrible, I don’t hate anybody.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 3:44 pm | Reply

  118. I love this site, it’s hilarious. I was having a miserable day before now but you’ve really cheered me up.

    Comment by streetwritingman — January 30, 2008 @ 6:17 am | Reply

  119. Dude, tl;dr,
    but what I did read was hilarious. The pictures you used along the side to accompany this were so awesome. However, that led to the realization of something awful (<– see wut i did thar?), which is: how in the hell did a b-tard manage to troll a site so thoroughly without being b& yet?

    That’s my only explanation for this articles existence. I can’t think of anyone else who would put so much effort into misguidance on this topic, and then to have gone lurking through furry websites until you find the right articles to post.

    Meh, bored now.

    Isn’t it time you got involved?

    (in the furry fandom? lol wut? hellz no, you christian closet-furfag. Go back to 4chan and claim ownership of this epic troll; whether its epic WIN or FAIL I can’t tell yet…)

    Comment by Zangy — January 30, 2008 @ 2:43 pm | Reply

  120. You Can’t Stop Us!

    Comment by Furry — February 5, 2008 @ 3:46 pm | Reply

  121. Nothing you say or do will ever make the Furry Fandom go away , you like to talk [poopie] and produce lies about Furries, trying to make us think other wise and stop what we are doing.

    Granted many people have problems and or affection twards many things , but thats no reason to start shit like this .

    Comment by Furry — February 5, 2008 @ 3:48 pm | Reply

  122. We Shall never leave.

    Your site will havever , just as God hates Furries will, This is not a threat this is a promise that all sites related to this one and in relation to Furry hate sites will be removed from the interwebs .

    Comment by Furry — February 5, 2008 @ 3:49 pm | Reply

  123. ^_^

    Don’t hate on something that can make things worse.

    Comment by Furry — February 5, 2008 @ 3:50 pm | Reply

  124. Wow, this is pretty funny. Someone who was probably scared of the easter bunny at the mall decides to be ignorant and bash anyone that doesn’t agree with him. Try acting your age before you complain about something that doesn’t even affect you.

    Comment by Isaac — February 8, 2008 @ 5:26 pm | Reply

  125. Wow, you guys must be really bored.

    Comment by Mildly Amused — February 16, 2008 @ 12:23 pm | Reply

  126. “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life”

    Very nice! I’m glad you support child abuse!

    Comment by Paul Masterson — February 18, 2008 @ 12:33 pm | Reply

  127. wow… it always surprises me how truly asinine people are. Why can’t people just leave people alone. I’ll never understand how the ignorant rule the world. but hey I’m pagan at least I know my karma’s clean…. …and just so it’s clear I support my local furries… they’re just so cute!

    Comment by Squee — February 25, 2008 @ 12:56 am | Reply

  128. I’m a furry and I find this article completely hilarious. Anyone who takes this seriously deserves to be ignorant and gullible.

    Comment by AngelheadedHipster — March 3, 2008 @ 5:36 pm | Reply

  129. I have one word for you.


    Comment by Shafrika Lawson — March 6, 2008 @ 6:37 pm | Reply

  130. Ok. I can understand not liking the idea of furries ,but this site and the ones related to it state that people interested in anthromorphic pornography are also gay, interested in tranvestites, interested in bestiality or wear diapers. these may be traits more commonly found together but just because someone is interested in anthros does not mean they are a sexualy depraved individual which is what these sites are making them out to be. I’m younger than most who probly comment on this site and the people who run this site are simply out to hate and make more people hate furries. This childish behavior has to stop and I shouldn’t have to be the one to say it. Plainly the stupidity of this site infuriates me. Seriously. Mental help for an interest in a character who has all the traits that make men attracted to women in the first place? these traits often blown out of perportions to be more attractive?

    I agree that if a person has gone to the degree that some have and actually are interested in all of those things they should maybe seek some help if its causing problems in their life but this site condones violence against minors cruel and unusual punishment. I understand that they are not being serious but in legal terms it could be considered as such. Taking so severe an action against this would only prove to make the larger situation much worse. The perents would look at their child as a depraved spawn of satan for looking at a little unusual porn, the child would hate his/her perents and gain support from his fellow furries if his/her computer was not taken and friends/siblings would never let him/her alone for it.

    Now this pervertism should not leave the bedroom but I am not against it. I’m not interested in it but this site blows everything out of perportion. even by christian standards and I’m very religious the only thing wrong with being interested in anthros as long as it’s not with the other stuff is that pornography is wrong. there not changing human structure or messing with genes or paticipating in gay activities. In fact most sites on that are probly streight. K i’m done Goodbye

    Comment by anom — March 10, 2008 @ 10:38 am | Reply

  131. ok im not a furry but a freind of mine is how dare you say that he is something less then a person i thought we had freedom in this contry and how dare you say that good hate anyone rember wen juses died he thought of everone that incured killer rapes and yes furrys you religous fantic are crazy you guy are just gonna make fun of me for this so here some more ammo im a 14 year old new age hippy i do drug weed acid mushrooms win my furry friend show me this i got scik how could there be so much hatered in this wourld and explecty from curtistan you are suspost to be tolerent of everone so sence your not that must mean that you guys arnt real beliver. i belive in a god and that juses died from my sin. and im tolernet of everone so is my furrie friend and he belive in god two we are better beilver that you guys are

    Comment by hippy — March 12, 2008 @ 6:08 pm | Reply

  132. ummmm dude are you one these psycho christain fanatics? If you are i find you much more dangerous(“And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life”). That would cause more trouble than solutions because personally myself if i was involved in furries and my parents disapproved that much to do that. I would probably then either beat the crap out of them or run away. By the way, i am a christain myself and in the Bible it says to love thy neighbor and it doesn’t have an asterisk beside saying to don’t care for them if there gay, lesbian, a furry, or anything. They are a person and have the rights as you no matter what. You act as if these people tortured and murdered people. That’s why i find most other christains to be total hippocrits.

    Comment by Bob — March 14, 2008 @ 6:49 pm | Reply

  133. Okay, first of all: I am a Christian. Take it or leave it. Second of all: I intend to make my argument with proper English language, vocabulary, and literacy.

    Third of all: WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU BASTARDS ARE!? Where do YOU get off judging other people for their actions, hm? God has more anger at people who judge others and treat them like filth than he does a man who sins but loves his neighbors and detractors. You who are speaking about beating the children and stoning and shooting these people, you make me sick! Why don’t you line yourselves up and count yourselves among the extremist Jihads?!

    You racist, arrogant, self-serving pigs! NOWHERE in my Bible has it said for human beings to treat each other like you want to treat these people. SURE, they’re different. NO, I don’t agree with all their actions, but you know what, if you are examples of what ‘Christians’ are, I’d rather be a Yiffer! At least they seem to be people who give a damn. You all are psychotic, heartless fools who take no greater joy in life than demeaning, criticizing, and cruelly insulting ANYONE even remotely different from yourselves!

    I remember distinctly in Sunday School lessons that “He who is WITHOUT sin is to cast the first stone”. Well only one man on this rock was sinless, and he died for all of ours. SO SHUT THE F**** UP!!! I’m sinning right now by using this language, but you are even worse by casting your aspersions and judgments on people who are not even present to defend themselves.

    I have a question. Have you ever heard in the news “And today, five furries went out and raped and murdered a college girl.” NO! Are there some who could? Sure. Physically, I could kill someone. Will I? NO! This just pisses me off to the point that I can’t think straight how you have acted towards this situation.

    You judgmental, racist, bigoted morons infuriate me, and I can only say that if the furries and everyone else who doesn’t believe in everything you believe is going to hell, well, they’ll be saving you a seat BECAUSE YOU’RE JOINING THEM! I LOVE God. I think he’s great, I think he has a sense of humor just as much as he has a great and terrible wrath, and if he visits i down on anyone, it will be you!

    As for the hate speech by the person who says that they are having homosexual marriage legalized in their home town, what a load of absolute horsecrap!! That isn’t hate speech, you hypocritical stick-up the ass fruitcakes! YOUR SPEECH IS HATE SPEECH! They weren’t talking about killing anyone, YOU WERE! You want to kill people for what reason? For the way they live, their beliefs? Hm, let’s look at this. What do the Jihad do? THEY KILL EVERYONE WHO DOESN’T BELIEVE WHAT THEY BELIEVE! Can you see the similarity? I can.

    And I’m not done yet, when I rant I rant. Are you stupid fools members of the KKK or something? Perhaps you’re Nazi’s. After all, apparently everyone who isn’t your kind are lesser beings, not fit to be with God, when in the Bible itself it says WE ARE ALL (please notice, he says ALL) his children. Not ‘some of us’ not ‘only this part here’. ALL of us are his children, and he loves us no matter what! He might not like what we do, he might punish us when we die, but he will ALWAYS LOVE US! Otherwise, why the hell would he send Christ our Savior down to die on the cross for us? Hm? Why would God do that for us, if in the end he’s just going to damn us all to hell anyways for our sins? HE WOULDN’T and it says it in the scriptures, ladies and gentlemen!

    Anom said this in their responce: “Now this pervertism should not leave the bedroom but I am not against it. I’m not interested in it but this site blows everything out of perportion. even by christian standards and I’m very religious the only thing wrong with being interested in anthros as long as it’s not with the other stuff is that pornography is wrong. there not changing human structure or messing with genes or paticipating in gay activities. In fact most sites on that are probly streight. K i’m done Goodbye”

    AND I SOUNDLY AGREE! I have struggled myself in the mires of the sin of pornography. It is a sinister trap set by Satan in my opinion. Do some of my friends like porn? Yes. Do I say they are going to hell for it? No. Do I hate them, want to kill them or beat them? No. Have my parents beaten me? No. They’ve guided me, counseled me, comforted me. They have been great foundations in a stormy sea! Didn’t God do the same, didn’t Jesus and the Holy Spirit do the same? Don’t they still? If you haven’t noticed, Sodom and Gomorrah happened thousands of years ago. Anything like that in the modern days? Not that I recall, sorry. Are there problems with Yiff and homosexuality and everything, yes. Do I believe it is against God’s own teachings, yes.

    But do I sit here and tell the world how evil and wrong and sick these people are? No. Because I know a homosexual man who would die for me and the rest of my friends, and is one of the best men I know. Meanwhile, I’ve met some straight men who are absolute crap and I wouldn’t shout a warning if they were about to be hit by a truck. Personally, a lot of you fit that bill. I’d smile and wave as you went out. Would I actively seek to kill anyone like that? NO! Do I outright say they should die? NO! Because I am not the Alpha and Omega. I am not the Supreme Judge, nor am I the Councilor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

    Oh oh, lookie there. The PRINCE OF PEACE. All this talk of murdering people for their actions… that doesn’t sound much like peace to me. I’m wrapping up now. I’ll come back in a while to see if anything has happened here, though I seriously doubt it. Just know that to you people who firmly believe in the following things, I salute you, I send my heart and prayers to you, and thank you for your humanity, love, and understanding. And for those of you who will label me as just as full of sin as the furries and the rest of the world, I say unto you: I’m saving you a seat. You’re no better and far worse than me.

    I leave you with these statements: “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” and finally:

    In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn in Jericho and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

    “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

    The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

    Comment by A TRUE Christian — March 18, 2008 @ 8:12 am | Reply

    • Thank you. Finally someone who has good Christian Values. You’re a rare sort.
      I apologize to you personally about my posts. I only argue with those who are hypocritical with their beliefs, and those who insult others.

      Comment by Aaron — October 20, 2009 @ 1:37 am | Reply

  134. You seem like a nice person but you have a great ignorance about God, Jesus and the Bible.

    God wants all True Christians to judge other people, in fact, he requires us to do so. These deviant Furries have turned their tails on the Lord and deserve to be punished and God has told us that WE have to do it.

    Why is it so hard for you to read ALL of the Bible and not just the feel-good parts that you like?

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 18, 2008 @ 12:09 pm | Reply


    Comment by FURFAGS MUST BURN — March 21, 2008 @ 11:08 pm | Reply

  136. Hahaha. I’m not a furry but I know people who are, and I don’t see the problem, it’s just a fetish (Or lifestyle of some sort I guess). They should be allowed to do what they please as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Now if Pedophile furries run up and down the streets raping kids through their fursuits, that’s a problem. And stop pushing your shitty religion, Christianity is all bullshit anyways. I hate to break it to you, but you’ve been brainwashed.

    Comment by bfk — March 21, 2008 @ 11:19 pm | Reply

  137. A TRUE Christian, I just have to say that was an awesome rant. Nice mix of fury (anger, not furry) and facts. I’m in awe.

    Comment by Anime fan — March 24, 2008 @ 5:36 pm | Reply

  138. “Why is it so hard for you to read ALL of the Bible and not just the feel-good parts that you like?”
    Why is it so hard for you to read ALL of the Bible and not just the kill-everyone parts that you like?

    Comment by Elephant Bones — March 24, 2008 @ 10:55 pm | Reply

  139. Why is it so hard for you to read ALL of the Bible and not just the kill-everyone parts that you like?

    Are you kidding, EB? It’s only by Satan’s grace that Marty can even read!

    Comment by Dio Brando — March 25, 2008 @ 1:03 pm | Reply

  140. This is some damn good tongue in cheek humor, congrats!
    At-least, I hope to my god (who according to you is gray and has a tail) that’s what it is.

    Comment by Conoko — March 27, 2008 @ 7:25 pm | Reply

  141. …….No.

    Comment by No. — March 29, 2008 @ 1:05 am | Reply

  142. Do keep in mind that a lot of things used to be considered sick.

    Despite the fact that I’m sure you’re a troll, my own values tell me to listen to your side of the story.
    Hopefully you have not completely closed your mind.

    Comment by Silkeyn — April 1, 2008 @ 5:20 pm | Reply

  143. you are all bible carrying zealots furrys are normal people who like different things i know because i’m a furry

    Comment by matt — April 2, 2008 @ 1:38 am | Reply

  144. Most of the things you described their don’t accurately portray the Furry community. Sure what you described in itself is gross in itself, but it’s just not what a furry is. I’m a furry myself, and I have been for a long time. I’m also a married woman too, and I don’t dress in a fursuit. Most furs don’t actually. And only a small percentage of those who want to fursuit actually can because they are very very expensive. For me, I like to draw cute animals look at animal art, watch movies like bambi, but I don’t like any of the sexual things you described there. Sure a few people who take it too far do some of this stuff, but you make the whole fandom sound sick. Although it was amusing to read your article, and even if perhaps you meant it in good humor, your giving Furs a bad rap.
    To ‘more’ accurately learn what a fur is, look it up on wikipedia.

    Comment by Leigh Rune — April 6, 2008 @ 12:58 am | Reply

  145. “There are definite limits to what can be acceptable. Furriness is not tolerable, period.”

    Tell me this. Who in the HELL are you to tell us what God sees as acceptable or not? Honestly, I believe people like you and those that share your views are the people making this world the way it is today. Take a tiny little glance at our history and you’ll soon be quite ashamed at the things people have done over the centuries “In God’s Name”

    I’ve got news for you sir, “God told me to do it.” won’t save your arse when you finally do meet the Maker.

    And there are far more of us out there than your research shows. Your political partners could be involved. *GASP* maybe even your children. *GASPS AGAIN* perhaps even you yourself might be…. *insert dramatic music here*….a FURSON!!!!

    LIFE would be so much simpler if people would just get over it already.

    P.S. Long live the furry

    Comment by Dark/Imp Nightshade — April 10, 2008 @ 2:41 pm | Reply

  146. Nightshade, stop feeding the trolls and gb2Fchan

    Comment by Elephant Bones — April 10, 2008 @ 6:01 pm | Reply

  147. God, let them do whatever the hell they want to do. Everyone has their fetishes, let them do as they please. You don’t see me getting into your kinky lifestyle and pointing out your desires now do you?

    Comment by FierceDeity2 — April 10, 2008 @ 10:08 pm | Reply

  148. for all i care, Christians can suck my dick…so can religion…it holds people back. There is no truth theres just life and living. People try to fix people to their liking trying to get them to believe in what they believe in. furries are their own and should be. Religion conditions people to think inside the box. miracles are coincidence. Miracles contradict that which religion states, reason. A miracle is simply something good happening for no reason at all. The only logical thing for anyone who believes in god to come up with is that god himself did it. I’m sorry but if you need solid proof about anything outside religion and then tell everyone that gods work needs no explanation your wrong. And being a furry does NOT mean you think your an animal you dip [stick]. it just means you find something along the lines of this attractive on some way. Personally i believe we came from the Pleiadian race long long ago. Research it although I’m not saying it is absolutely true.

    Comment by Ninja — April 10, 2008 @ 11:06 pm | Reply

  149. OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG post 135…OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG he lit the [lov]ing kitten on fire…..what a fuxckicnksdmkla;fnmkl;vnds,mvl;dssmkl [m]UCK YOU [m]UCKING BASTARDS TRYING TO SET LIFE STRAIGHT [m]UCK YOU [m]UCK YOU [m]UCK YOU [m]UCK YOU [m]UCK YOU [m]UCK YOU [m]UCK YOU UP THE [m]UCKING [thinggy] I HOPE YOU ALL [m]UCKING DROP DEAD [m]UCKING DIE………[m]ucking….die. You really don’t understand you really don’t…this [m]ucking entire forum shouldn’t exist…you call yourself a Christian look what you’re doing…what you’re promoting…we are one race…the human race. If aliens invaded the Earth tomorrow, I’m sorry to say but we are so busy fighting each other we would be obliterated. There is really no such thing as wrong. wrong is just an opinion. The bible may state whatever it states but humans wrote the [m]ucking thing. and if this forum is going to cause people to light kittens on fire…well then [m]uck…

    Comment by Ninja — April 11, 2008 @ 12:32 am | Reply

  150. American cartoons are just as bad if not worse. Futrama, Family guy, ROBOT CHICKEN, aqua teen hunger force, Simpsons, SOUTH PARK, etc…i could go on and on and on. Its sad really…your probably just some older guy who thinks he knows right from wrong…your human and i doubt you understand what “god” (if there is a god) really wants you to do. This world is not young but not old and times change. Weather you like it or not the world is NOT and i repeat NOT going to give in to the whip AKA listen to the bible. Earth is a dot in the middle of a vast ocean of stars and planets. There are now many people (mostly teenagers) who believe in bizarre theories that barely make any sense and its still better than anything you’ve come up with. To condition kids like you say you should do is just as insane as you say the heroes in anime are. Each anime has its own story and purpose and teaches people to be strong and stand up for what they believe in. In Full metal alchemist, 2 young men Ed and Alfonse come across a fake priest who is fooling his people to believe that his FAKE alchemy is the work of miracles. The people believed the priest and trusted him…and in the end were deceived by him once again. It goes to show how gullible miracle believers are. You’ve come upon the theory that the furries must be stoned. You say god told you but you have no proof. You and i both know that you found out about them on your own…and decided to hate them ON YOUR OWN. If you think for one second these people yes, including me to some extent are going to hand you our freedom to believe and love what it is that we do, then you my friend really are the insane one. These people have done no wrong. I could understand forcing an animal to have sex or hurting animals in some way but we don’t even harm animals…hell we love animals! The only thing I’ve seen out of religion is killing animals as a sacrifice like they are less than us just because we have the ability to think and comprehend things far more than them. Your scared…and if you aren’t you should be because from all this “research” you’ve done you should know by now we DON’T back down, we WON’T back down and we will win in the end.

    Furries are an indestructible force.

    Comment by Ninja — April 11, 2008 @ 3:01 pm | Reply

  151. Who among you is without sin? How many commandments have YOU broken? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    Comment by A Christian — April 16, 2008 @ 6:38 pm | Reply

  152. there is something to be said about this report, its correct and its not correct at all. when rock was frist out, people believed it was the devils work. people still think that way no dought buuut, after years of it comeing out, we consider rock one of the worlds greatest idea.

    Sure furry have sex and what not but that would go the same for a porn convention.

    People you must understand that furrys are still human. the thought is just different tho but not that all different. If we can not handle the thought of other people and there ideas then what are we any different from those in the past where we reject blacks, rock, and other things cause we said it was the devils work.

    I believe in god, and in jesus, I pray to god all the time. I believe that i have him near me alwaysbut but if god was my savor and lover, then why would he hate me for what i am and what i think? was i not made in his image and his image alone?

    Comment by Aiden — April 17, 2008 @ 1:45 pm | Reply

  153. Bambi is a furry!

    Comment by Waterflower Meadowbrook — April 18, 2008 @ 8:53 pm | Reply

  154. Dude seriously what the fuck is your problem just because you don’t really like the fact that people of all ages are looking at furries around the clock doesnt mean that they are nesecarily messed up in the head. I think they just see a pic of lets say a pokemon and start thinking of having sex with one that looked kinda like a person but stiull a pokemon. its just their sexual fascination. Let them enjoy it and dont go around saying oh my god there is peoples looking at anime furries the whole world is going to die! we must stop this at all costs. So it might be alittle creepy but oweel its really not that big of a deal. you dont like it and you cant change it so get over it. let people fantasize whatever they want. Its their mind not yours.

    [Admin: It sounds like we agree — furries are mentally ill. Thanks for commenting.]

    Comment by Alex thom — April 19, 2008 @ 6:28 pm | Reply

  155. Lovely bit of comic writing here. Really funny. I burst out laughing at the bit about curing your children’s furriness. Good luck getting that reasoning to fly in court…

    Comment by Lobo Sabio — April 21, 2008 @ 2:47 pm | Reply

  156. This is too damn funny…

    Comment by Mr. Bob — April 22, 2008 @ 1:00 pm | Reply

  157. Hi,im your friendly neighborhood furry saying, WHO THE [heck] ARE YOU TO SAY ANYTHING? you people, who spend most of your lives like cockroaches, rutting in ignorance of your short pathetic lives. you think religion is a reason to blow the skin off of people and make people think the way you do. And if we don’t think or act like you, YOU MAKE US OUT TO BE THE BAD GUYS! so im a furry, no matter what you say, i am the way i am because i want to be, not because someone forced me.

    “We have a teenage girl at my church is a furry. She thinks she is some kind dragon. The pastors have counseled this girl and prayed over her but the furry demon still persists in her. The girl’s parents even sent her off a to special camp for furry reclamation last summer and even that didn’t work. While no one wants to give up on the girl we are all at a loss as what to do.”

    You want to know who was at fault here? the parents! they were probably the only ones miserable! the girl was probably happier as a furry! who are you to screw up a persons life for your own sick gains? what if someone tossed you into a prison for liking tit [lov]ing or anal sex or some other [stuff]? wouldn’t you be [ticked]? what if someone threw you into an insane assylum for dressing up as your favorite anime character or tv show persona? pretty damn wrong, right? same here. if any ofyou had the least bit of respect for anyon, you would pull your head out of your [backsides] and start doing something productive! THIS is the black phoenix, and this ones been burned!

    [Admin: Please try to control your potty mouth, you foul and disgusting furry pervert animal fornicator. Think of the children. Thank you.]

    Comment by Black Phoenix — April 22, 2008 @ 6:57 pm | Reply

  158. You know whats sad about this site? the admin is so twisted that he tries to make us out as the bad guys when we even try to post. every person who can even claim to be a furry, has gone through far worse than you can imagine. if i’m such a BAD person for being the way i am, then cry me a river, build a bridge over that rive, and get the HECK over it. If you don’t like who we are and what we do, then its not your lives to mess with now is it? find some sence of decency and stop disrespecting people for THEIR LIKE CHOICES! we chose our way of life, you didn’t. We have the right to be the way we are, and no man, woman, or child is so innocent that they have the right to judge anyone for their choices. So we’re different, but at least we made the choice to BE different instead of following the ignorant masses of this world in trying to be “normal.”

    Hey, im not judging you. so you hate furries, thats not a big deal, but when you start trying to force those people who made that choice to turn around to your lifestyle, i have to stop you. People like you are part of the reason america is so screwed up, because you guys don’t understand a single thing. so satanists dress up like goats? are you affiliating their devil with us? ignorance is one thing but you’re stretching for some way to blame us for your idiocy. their devil has goat LEGS and HORNS not WHOLE BODY. Hes a DEMON our pictures are ANTHROMORPHIC!

    Oooo your so scary meester admin, so you can post on mine to make it look like im a bad person, but if a kid comes to a site like this on a daily basis, he was LOOKING for something he shouldn’t have, like “Stupid People Ranting About Something They Don’t Understand” (same search i used, unsurprisingly this site was the first on the list) or Furry or Anime Pics, again, you have more furry pics on this site than a Furry would have on his! I’m questioning your intelligence if this is the best argument you can come up with against us. Because the dogs who yelp the loudest are the ones who start it and can’t cut it anymore.

    This is the Black Phoenix, and you’ve been burned. x2

    Comment by Black Phoenix — April 23, 2008 @ 6:22 am | Reply

  159. BP, don’t bother trying to beat sense into them. Logic is as foreign to their minds as trees are to the surface of the moon. They just can’t cope with the idea of thinking for themselves.

    Also, do some research on the origins of the Christian devil, who was created entirely as anti-pagan propaganda. In fact, everyone should read this webpage, if only to make it perfectly clear that WICCANS DO NOT WORSHIP SATAN. We don’t even believe that a living manifestation of evil EXISTS. We believe that all humans have the capacity to do good or evil, and should try to do as much good and as little evil as possible. We also believe that people should take personal responsibility for their actions, instead of blaming all their faults on an imp in red tights.

    Comment by L — April 23, 2008 @ 7:06 am | Reply

  160. Sorry L, but this is the last time i cut this wide open:

    “I have skimmed through a couple of furry forums, completely disturbed by what I read there, winced at some furry “art” and found a lot more frightening research material. But I just can’t take it. I’m thoroughly disgusted and soul-sick.

    Perhaps there will be a Part 2, where I go more in depth. But perhaps not. I need a shower and a memory wipe. So I will simply include a couple of sources for your further perusal. It’s up to you whether you want to find out more.

    It may seem like I’m joking, that this is something out of a horror movie, but it’s not. Furries are real. Real sick, that is.”

    Is this some kind of wierd masichism? do you get some sick happiness out of it? seriously, if we discust you SO much, then stop looking at it! god, damn! don’t even try to say its “so sick i can’t look away!” because i’ll say, “really? so you just walked in to your computer room, accidently turned on your modem, started up your computer and, OOPS, Tripped over a banana peel and Downloaded a ton of furry porn?” Yeah that’ll fly! why do you even try to act remotely intelligent? the image of you i get is some skinhead retard with a nazi flag on your wall trying to reincarnate the “aryan race”! If your life is so miserable that you have to try to make others feel bad, then i feel sorry, for YOU! you are the typical high school bully type, and thats one low rank. especially for a 40 year old virgin who’s living in his grandmothers basement, mooching off mommy’s pension, like YOU! get a life and leave the rest of humanity alone.

    This is the Black Phoenix, and im done with this! (for now)

    Comment by Black Phoenix — April 23, 2008 @ 7:31 am | Reply

  161. Phoenix, you’re wasting your time. This is a parody site.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — April 23, 2008 @ 8:04 am | Reply

  162. And having read your website, you look like a kid who’s taken a few political science classes and now thinks he knows everything. Your analysis of the US economy is vague and inaccurate, and your solutions even more so. There are no quick fixes, everything takes time.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — April 23, 2008 @ 8:09 am | Reply

  163. and if you really read what i wrote, i said it would take time, 15 years or so. so don’t comment unless you read it all the way through.

    Comment by Black Phoenix — April 23, 2008 @ 8:26 am | Reply

  164. “and if you really read what i wrote, i said it would take time, 15 years or so”
    That’s still relatively fast.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — April 23, 2008 @ 11:44 am | Reply

  165. you know, Hitler used to say the same thing!!! [freak] you! you are a low-life piece of [poopie] you neo-nazi [freak]! who the [heck] do you think you are?!?!?!

    [Admin: If you have a link demonstrating that Adolph Hitler disapproved of furries, please share it with the class.]

    Comment by thomas — April 23, 2008 @ 12:49 pm | Reply

  166. Ohmigawd, Children Children please..Even If he’s a 40 year old virgin…And the only time he talks to women…Is on-line…Or Phone sex…At 1-800-h*t-t*ts. Doesn’t mean you should tear down this Wannabe Know-it-all.. Plaese Sir..DONT [bleep]ING TALK…UNLESS YOU KNOW…And From what I see…You don’t know [bleep]..Mister I wanna bring back the ware-wolf Women of the S.s. Shut the [bleep] up…and F33r my n33kid skill5 [Bleep]….Cause You..My dear sir..Just…Got…[Bleep]ed in the [bleep]…Or server… What ever you wanna talk about..Make sure you know what your talking about before you do…Meet a really one..Not just look up Furry Porn… You sicko..What..Hentia And Yoia…Got you down…Really chicks wont talk to you…Why not try…Bashing..Make your self feel big by bringing other people down…YOU [bleep] LOSER [bleep]! Dont start no [bleep]..Won’t be no [bleep]..And so forth..Cuse there will be more people on here…Just yelling at you..Your just some lonely guy who wants friends…And think acting all High and [bleep]ing mighty..Might get you some….So you know what..GET THOSE DRUM STICKS OUT YOUR [bleep] Slutmuffin….. Anything else…? You can contact me on this e-mail. My website…Hell..You wnat my celly.. Cause it will yet again be your first time talking to a female…Thats not a sex line…[bleep]!

    [Admin: Very eloquent, Bunny. Have you ever considered learning English?]

    Comment by Bunny — April 23, 2008 @ 12:57 pm | Reply

  167. Jesus told me to btell you to [love] yorself!!

    [Admin: Why thank you!]

    Comment by thomas — April 23, 2008 @ 1:12 pm | Reply

  168. Comment by Anonymous — April 23, 2008 @ 4:56 pm | Reply

  169. hey oh so powerful admin guy, you deleted a post that truly said what we need to hear. i think it was made by my sister, BUTTERFLY! Woops! you forgot something, witnesses are the best thing in the world these days, i think she said something along the lines that your an ignorant bastard that never talked to a girl outside of a sex hot line. i bet you feel smart don’t ya? deleting peoples posts as if they never existed? yeah your smart! all it takes is one witness to put a person away for murder (or child abuse in your case). so i think I’ll be that witness when the time comes.

    Comment by Black Phoenix — April 24, 2008 @ 7:37 am | Reply

  170. i have a link that tells you to blow it out your mother [lov]ing [bottom]!

    Comment by thomas — April 24, 2008 @ 1:15 pm | Reply

  171. You’re an evil ignerant demon! I think you need glasses because you can’t read (Love one another, even your enimes) read it in the bible! I’m a furry, and I look at them differently then what you think most furries think, I’m clean I don’t smoke pot nor do I do any drugs, I built my own fursuiter, I’m a multi-talented artist who seeks to be a famous artist, oh! have you notice that most favomous people have something weird about them? well… hey guess what, furry’s gunna be one of them! you stupid racist tiny brain ass f##ker! open up! but please, take another look around the world, furries are sprital people, they care about each other, heck, most furries are trying to save endangered species! I mean come on! most people here don’t even agree with you, bashing kids to the edge of their life, OH MY GOD! what kind of devil are you?

    I’m open to about anyone, and I’ve seen weirder things then furries, and I’m ain’t telling you, becasue WE ARE WHO WE ARE, WE CHOSE WHO WE WANT!

    but guess what? you’re not even 10% christain! because you’re not fallowing one of God’s son, Jeasus’ most important word of the his GODLY WORLD that it dosn’t matter who you are or what you are, love one another, and respect your enimies. but I shall not respect those who judge so harshly on others. period! (gosh, what did you do to your bible? write shit all over and correct his words??!?!)

    “I’m not religious, I’m spirital, I’m observant, I shall create, give, love everyone I know, even you, because thats what god want”

    “souls have many worlds, worlds that are both dark and light, but with out darkness, light would not exist, nor would god”

    “heaven is a place, a magical place, whare everyone is invited, even those who judge so harshly, but they shall be corrected”

    “all those words are created by me, head them, or ignore them. love me or hate me, I do not care, kill me or save me, I do not care, as I’m as I am, I shall be what god or goddess created me as I am, and no mere souls can change my worlds nor soul”

    if I find this deleted, I shall repost!

    [Admin: We’re so scared that we just had to let this eloquent comment through. Well done! We shall all become furries in your honor! NOT.]

    Comment by Unknown Furry — April 24, 2008 @ 7:09 pm | Reply

  172. wow, I hope kids don’t visit this site, their minds would be warped

    Comment by Anime fan — April 24, 2008 @ 8:45 pm | Reply

  173. I’m not asking you to be a furry, I’m asking YOU to open your mind, and if you don’t, who knows, you’re not going to have a bright future and no one’s going to respect you for what you are. You just need to stop your Ranting and just let life as it is! and besides, once you die, you’ll have your own world to live it, not having to worrry about furries or any of what god knows [poopie] you have in your little mind!

    just please, FURRIES in one case, are not as bad as they seem, you’re looking at a very small part of the furry fandom, and VERY PERSONAL PART OF THE FURRY FANDOM is private, like your life, you have your own things keep, don’t go digging in peoples life style and start ranting bull[poo] about THEIR LIFE.

    its their life, you have your own, we all have our own, I’m not allowed to dig in to your personal life, why should you?!? besides, whats the point in doing such things? some furries are bad, thats true, but that dosn’t mean the whole furry fandom should go away just because of one little thing. of course some people had really bad experience from them, but thats just people, people are the same, furries are the same, we’re humans, no more, no less.

    you must understand that you have to respect that, we are what we want to be, if a child chose to be who she/he wants, then let it be!

    but if its drug, violence, or even physical abuse, then that must be stoped, promptly. but if she/he wants to be a furry, leave at it, because they’ll learn to like it or not like it!

    “god gave us free will, so that we can be who we are”

    “without a free will, there will be no life, no characters, no future, no culture, and nor religion, no love no hate”

    Open your eyes, listin to god, who you love, and change this subject around, Jesus may be asking you to do so as well, and Jesus love who we are, even as if a furry. because Jesus will not judge, nor punish or parish another soul.

    God loves us, who we are, because we have free will.

    my words may be powerful, but I cannot change who you are, but I can stop you from judging so harshly.

    [Admin: So do you have sex with animals, or just other perverts in full body plushie suits?]

    Comment by Unknown Furry — April 24, 2008 @ 11:00 pm | Reply

  174. I LIKE GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by 56488646 — April 24, 2008 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

  175. that is obvioulsy something I don’t do, I just wear my fursuit for fun events. I design costumes, I’m a professional artist, and I’m no pervert alright? and dude, let me ask someting personal do you masterbate in frount of naked female pictures? well thats the same thing as asking do you have sex with animals. but keep your questions to yourself, but why do you even ask? when you’re so disgusted by furries? maybe thats why you hate so much furries, and you keep comming back for more? why?!?!

    adult furry stuff is personal, period! I would recomend upgrading your site becuase there’s some weird duplicated glitch. :/

    let me ask you, why do you hate furries so much, has any of them ruined your life? why do you keep researching while you fill your mind with hate as you pervertedly look at furry art and try to make the fandom 100 more worse then it seems? I think thats what I see in your corrupted mind.

    Comment by Unknown Furry — April 24, 2008 @ 11:23 pm | Reply

  176. question about video games….

    how do I get past level 100 in morrowind on the XBox?

    Please respond, its extreamly important, it’ll save my life!

    Comment by 56488646 — April 24, 2008 @ 11:25 pm | Reply

  177. “how do I get past level 100 in morrowind on the XBox?”
    Go to the Vivec sewers and use the ‘barrel roll’ spell.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — April 25, 2008 @ 12:13 am | Reply

  178. uhh… (talking to 56488646) this isn’t a game site! but obviously you’re making a big joke out of it, but I’ve played that game. it is possible to be over level one hundred. I could tell you how, but I don’t think the admin of this page would like that I’m telling you all that game hints and secrets, unles… he plays the Elder’s Scrolls Morrowind IV

    Comment by Unknown Furry — April 25, 2008 @ 8:53 pm | Reply

  179. HAHAHAHAHAHA, This is a joke? Right? I know these furry freaks exist, but this whole page is a joke, it’s got to be! It’s too hilarious not to be!

    I might be wrong, but perwsonally, im 100% certain this was all mocking the government for taking it so seriously.

    Comment by SxSnipeR — April 27, 2008 @ 7:37 am | Reply

  180. I just want to say That I fear for the world. That all of you will spend that much time going back and forth about an issue that in all reality is much more complex then you all are making it seem. Are you aware that America is in a War with a group of people who don’t follow what we feel is right. In the history of the world There was someone who did just what you people are asking for. His name was Adolf Hittler. He Murdered thousands of Jews just because he didn’t like them. The world was up in arms to stop him, what makes all of you so different?

    You are going to push hate crimes and violence, but what makes it end at furries, what about the disabled, they take up space that white arian blue eyed and blond haired children could have. Better yet why not just Nuke Switzerland, they are neautral, they never help in world afairs. I don’t want to stop you from having your oppinions, just get all the facts before you judge.

    Not only that, but the standard Bible that the Vatacan agreed on says that God loves Everyone, not just the Fur-less

    Comment by A Concirned Fur — April 27, 2008 @ 11:22 pm | Reply


    Comment by SenorConservative — April 28, 2008 @ 3:00 pm | Reply

  182. 1.) Why are you using a picture of Mario (from the game Super Mario) in the tanuki suit? That has nothing to do with furry.

    2.) Why are you directing people to Rapture Ready? What a horrible biased site. Way to pollute children’s minds.

    3.) Your report is biased- your looking at the smaller and darker side of the fandom. Yes, it isn’t the best, but this isn’t the whole thing. No, I’m not in this fandom, I’m not into it either- but I think everybody has there own opinion. However, when it comes to hurting others and hurt other living beings, then there should be a word for concern. Again, you looked at the darkest side of this whole thing.

    4.) I agree with comment #180, there are more important things to talk about. Unless somebody is on the loose raping the neighbor hood pets or local zoo or whatever- then I don’t want to hear it because it isn’t a major concern. What people do with other people in there own private time is up to them. If they want to look at some furry porn together (or alone) or if they want to dress up like rabbits and screw each other- that’s their thing. Why should you care?

    And again, don’t ever associate anything with Super Mario and furry EVER again! None of the characters are fur related. So just don’t.

    Comment by Tonya S. — April 28, 2008 @ 3:01 pm | Reply

  183. Unless somebody is on the loose raping the neighbor hood pets or local zoo or whatever- then I don’t want to hear it


    Comment by Psycheout — April 28, 2008 @ 3:21 pm | Reply

  184. *sigh* A.You on a daily basis seem to post pornographic pics on this site like seen above.B.Like Tonya S. said why in the holy hell would you put a link to an awful brainwashing site like “Rapture Ready”?And why the [heck] is there a pic of Mario in a tanooki suit thats not furry. God you must be retarded please go hang yourself Psychecunt.

    Comment by CammanFia — April 28, 2008 @ 5:08 pm | Reply

  185. “YIFF YIFF YIFF O I want to have secks with socks”


    [Admin: Anything to avoid having relations with Hitlery, huh? She may have been the First Lady but certainly not your last!]

    Comment by YIFF YIFF — April 28, 2008 @ 7:01 pm | Reply

  186. You may have come across a little thing called “4Chan” in your “investigation”. if you did not for either the furry, or anime “investigation”, then you certainly did not do your homework! anyway, off of the digression, here at 4Chan, in a little section we like to call b/, we have a saying that applies immensly to this situation. The saying goes a little like this “Epic troll=Fail” You are what is known as a troll, weather you knwo it or not. You troll through the internets trying to find some way to be an asshole. But you seem to be a fairly sophisticated, newly evolved form of troll, whereby you actually make your victims come to you!

    [Admin: Yes we’ve heard of the 4chan retards, pea brain. Thanks for reading.]

    Comment by chris — April 30, 2008 @ 1:46 pm | Reply

  187. I couldn’t help but laugh at the whole article. Does everything different than what people are used to have to equate to demons? Honestly, I think you’re a disgrace to the whole humankind. If you did any REAL research and not just what you’ve heard from the voices in your head who you think is some sort of “Creator,” you’d realize there’s a difference between bestiality and being a furfan. I don’t care if it’s been said before. You’re the worst kind of human out there, and ignorant one. Why don’t you open your eyes and realize that you’re not the only one in the world who has an idea of what is right. Until you can understand that, I think you should just put your computer away, the internet, is obviously not for you.

    Comment by AKA — May 10, 2008 @ 2:06 pm | Reply

  188. If I may quote the Wikipedia page for Furry Fandom:

    “Furry fandom is a fandom devoted to anthropomorphic animal characters. Since the 1980s, the term furries has come to refer to such characters.

    Fictional work celebrated by furry fandom typically attributes high-level intelligence, human facial expressions and anatomy, speech, bipedalism, clothing, or other attributes to otherwise animal characters. Work in any medium that includes such characters may be considered part of the furry genre, although they are most often seen in comics, cartoons, animated films, allegorical novels, and video games.”

    Now that we know (roughly) what the definition of the Furry Fandom is, I wish to ask readers to completely ignore its portrayal in the article on this page.
    I am not here to yell and scream and push my views and beliefs on others, but to better inform people who may have read this blog so that they may make a decision for themselves in this matter. Just because you may or may not like something doesn’t mean others must share that same opinion or belief. I myself hate people who are extremely judgmental of others, especially when they are misinformed. the majority of the Furry community is warm, welcoming, and polite. Furs enjoy the same things any of us do. Sure they’re different, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to hurt them. Yes, there is a part of the community that dresses up in fursuits, a minority, I might add, and even less actually have sex in them. Most Furs (as described before) are spiritual Furs, people who feel a deep fascination and/or bond with a particular animal. A Fur may make a “Fursona” (sorta self-explanatory) to make him/her feel closer to his/her animal. Many use these Fursonas to role-play in chat rooms, forums, and MUCKs. These people cause no harm to anyone, the only ones harmed are those too close-minded to accept someone or something different. It is that type of close-mindedness that makes the world such a bad place. This same reasoning can also be applied to Satanists, Pagans, and other oppressed, hated, and misunderstood groups. Sometimes I think that the world would be better without religion (this is not to say that I am atheist). I know this to be quite impossible and pretty much pointless, instead we should have a healthy balance of religion, philosophy, and science. I submit this with the hope that someone may leave this page without only negative thoughts and feelings.

    I also implore the admin not to change or delete this post.

    Comment by Richard Lazarus — May 10, 2008 @ 6:10 pm | Reply

  189. I’m having trouble deciding whether this article is cleverly disguised comedy or not. If it is, it’s a good job..

    If it isn’t, I hope that every ounce of the hate that you preach is returned to you threefold.

    Anyone who advocates that you should “beat [a child] to within an inch of his life” may wish to take a look back at thier basic human relations.

    Comment by Jz — May 11, 2008 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

  190. wow… this articles comments is a pit of ignorant christians, and the few people who realize we’re not freaks are drowned out by the constant thumping of bibles… heh.. but that’s why i’m a buddhist, my fellow monks don’t judge me, while christians have burned people who have wondered things. and with that, i truly pity how absolutely sad whoever wrote this is… may buddha smile upon you in the afterlife, cause i won’t.

    Comment by Derucc Mechanicus — May 14, 2008 @ 7:48 pm | Reply

  191. haha this is some stupid ass shit you have take the worst of a population and blow it out of proportion so let me just give you and exaple of what I mean…

    all religious leaders are child rapeing perverts who enjoy stuffing there microscopic penises down childern’s throats while giveing the sermans…

    the funnest part of this waste of space website is that you quoted george bush our all mighty president…. he has also said rediculus things like:

    “Oftentimes people ask me, ‘Why is it that you’re so focused on helping the hungry and diseased in strange parts of the world?'” –George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 18, 2008

    “Removing Saddam Hussein was the right decision early in my presidency, it is the right decision now, and it will be the right decision ever.” –George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 12, 2008

    “I don’t particularly like it when people put words in my mouth, either, by the way, unless I say it.” –George W. Bush, Crawford, Texas, Nov. 10, 2007

    and that is his own lingo, or Bushspeak and it draw horrible nightmares and the bs you say

    Comment by GAWD the GREY WOLF — May 18, 2008 @ 12:15 am | Reply

  192. haha no way this is so awesome. i mean this is hilarious i couldnt stop laughing it just so funny i love close minded Christian speak. what ever the christians believe must be true. seriously the person or people who did this must be a huge fan of furry art or why would he/she/they keep looking up “yiff” and gay fur porn. just wondering why would you keep looking at art that makes you wince, is that some code word for splooged all over your screen…

    seriously though the real danger is well, Christians, they do nothing but kill people in there holy exersisms and rape children on there free time. isn’t it great when your own logic gets used against you. all you did was use the worst of a community to support you facts so that means all blacks have guns all Asians are small dicked, all Muslims are terrorists, every single priest rapes a young boy, and finally all Christians need to be shot hanged sodimised and finally quartered

    Comment by Gawd the Greywolf — May 18, 2008 @ 4:27 pm | Reply

  193. … you disgust me O.o not all furries are like that. and I don’t beleive jesus or president bush really care. If people want to have sex in animal suits let them. There not hurting you. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. Your one sorry errogant little mother fucker 😀 Just to piss on your parade, YIFF YIFF YIFF! xD

    Seriously though I have a fursuit and I don’t go around having sex with people in it. Never went to a furry con, but I’m going to on this summer. People like you really do give furries a bad name. Labels and sterotypes suck ass. Our goverment and the whole world is so messed up today with all you slime. To me your not more then the gum I get stuck at the bottom of my shoe. Severly annoying, yes, but not a major threat.

    Karama has a way of commign around ;D hope your prepared when you get gang banged Hahaha

    *mews softly and wanders away before throwing a rock at your head*

    Comment by Kristerina — May 18, 2008 @ 5:12 pm | Reply

  194. I agree that furries are misguided, but until they don’t do anything illegal or dangerous to other people – they’re fine with me. You, dear sir on the other hand really do concern me. Encouraging people to “beat their kids to within an inch of their life” is really, really wrong. And you try to convince them that anime is bad because of the violence… Where’s the logic?
    You, dear sir are a whole lot more misguided than all the things you write about. You remind me of The Paedofinder General from “Monkey Dust”, who was accusing a life guard of paedophilia because he was covering the S in Speedo on his bathing slips.

    Comment by hoob — May 20, 2008 @ 11:58 am | Reply

  195. furry– its a person who has a fetish for, you guessed it, furry-ness. its no more dangerous than having a scat or foot fetish. i dont know why people are freaking out over this. and what is this fixation on human “Souls” … … … just a thought, but, maybe, they dont mind losing their fictatious souls. i will reguritate christian mumbo-jumbo for you to better understand: you cannot lose nor sell your soul because it doesnt belong to you it belongs to “God.” with that said, i bid you adieu

    i didnt really care much for syntax, however, im sure my spelling was right.

    Comment by smart guy — May 22, 2008 @ 10:25 pm | Reply

  196. Who are You to Judge? “Judge not lest yourself be judged” because arent’ there fans of football who are called “Hooligans” who will actually riot.

    And to that many fans of football paint themselves the team colors and say the name of their team,and almost forgot about the John 3:16 guy at some football games that appears in a rainbow wig, how weird is that?

    Comment by Werewolffan98 — May 27, 2008 @ 10:15 pm | Reply

  197. huh, I really love this. This is probably the best bit of comedy I have read in ages. Especially with the so called “research” I’m sure it’s a term that’s used very loosely on the internet. Honestly, the best part of this entire read is just how you take a small percentage of a group and lump the entire thing together.

    For example, by your same exact form of “research” I could say that all Christians are of the devil and are war mongering monsters. Let’s look at the past. During the middle ages, what happened to non-believers? They either turned or died. What happened in American during the colonial era to “witches” With very little poof, those “witches” were condemned to death. Look at the world’s history, Christian, no matter how big or small of a population, has had their hands covered in blood. Tell me all you “Christians” out there. Where in the bible does God or Jesus tell you to go out and torture, persecute and kill all who do not believe? Hmm… I believe the term was Do as Jesus does? Where in the bible does it show Jesus going after non-believers and giving them two choices, convert or die?

    So based upon your own reasoning, this can let me assume correctly that all Christians are evil sinners that are not doing what Jesus does? Oh wait that doesn’t count? that was a small percentage of the whole? Well then, how about you tell the whole story in your article then? Let’s see where to start?

    To lump all of the furry culture together as a sexual culture is a rather huge misconcepion. They are probably an extremely small amount of the whole. And on that course, it’s a more radical view of the fandom in itself. I would estimate around less then 4% of the whole if that much. Where does that put the rest of the fandom? Mostly it is full of people who are interested in a genre or a style of art that gives animals humanistic qualities.

    But I hold off from a further rant. I am not here to prove my beliefs as you are here to prove yours to be true. So I have a few questions.

    “A furry is a person (or furson) who has an unhealthy interest or obsession with anthropomorphic animals”
    -this is a rather broad term to use for a definition. I could take that same definition switch a few words around and make anything look like a cult or along those lines. Lets see……. Christianity – Any person who has an unhealthy interest or obsession with mythical beings and zombies. … since we want to use factual terms here. And since Christianity is a belief and not a fact. “God” a being that has always existed and lives forever and ever and knows all would be classified as a mythical being. Jesus. Someone that died then rose again. sounds like a zombie to me. Sorry dude, just like you I am just stating the facts, not the beliefs. Since you did want to post this article as if it’s a fact. But I’m sure i proved my point.

    “And furries are completely sick and wrong,” President Bush later added, off the record. “The less said about them the better.” We couldn’t agree more. Well said, Mr. President. We salute you.
    -This seems to be a rather strong statement to be said from a leader of a nation. Could you tell me where you got this from? show me a news article, a website and where that website got it’s sources from? Hmm? Not that I’m calling you a liar, but I can’t take a stranger’s word for it. But here is something I found interesting… I’ll let yall judge your opinions on this yourself. But for a president that said that he doesn’t care about how he does in the popular opinion I’d find it odd for him to say one thing then do another just to suck up hmm? Someone’s clearly lying here.

    They have their own lingo, or furspeak. – Really now? and this proves them to be evil? Would this then prove slang or various other forms of communication that isn’t on the norm enough to condemn those cultures as well? For example, someone who speaks russian? Or someone who has a southern drawl in their speach? I fail to see what point you were trying to prove with this.

    Really I could go on and on and pick apart your entire article and how you were far too biased to try and prove any one thing across, but alas, i do have a life. But I will close with a small summary.

    The sexual interest with Furries is a very small percentage of the whole, it’s like me focusing upon the small bad of Christians that could give the Christians as a whole a bad name. It’s just being ignorant. If you really feel so strongly about something, don’t take some blog’s word for it, go out and do your own research before you speak. And no, I don’t mean that you should read some heavily biased article and go from there. Go to the source, find some forums that have furries in it and ask them directly. I’m sure to you that most will reply rather openly and politely.

    To the auther, please do a better job with your research. as I’ve repeatedly stated and I’m sure will be ignored. Furries are not solely about sex, nor is a majority of it about sex. And learn to open your minds and expand your knowledge. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t lable it as evil.

    and I will end with this to all of you condemning furries and shouting about them burning in hell.

    “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

    Think about that while you all post with blind rage in your words.

    Comment by Amused — May 30, 2008 @ 10:18 am | Reply

  198. How dare you. You do not know what a furry is, and you do not have the right to go about deciding what YOU think a furry is. You want to know what a furry is?Visit this link: Great video by Kurrel the Raven. Hey I bet you still think that schools should be segregated. Its people like you that have oppressed everyone different, in any way, for thousands of years. Guess what? I abhor ANY form of discrimination. It was the way I was brought up, and it is the way I live. ALso, censorship is wrong, any kind of censorship is wrong. You want censorship? Go live in a communist country, and take your prejudice views with you. You’re racist and prejudice views make me sick to my stomach. Buddy, if you have a problem with any form of expression, YOU’VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH ME. Y’know what? I should just walk away from your stupid post. I cant win by telling you facts. You dont listen to anyone but yourself. Oh, and you forgot to add a website to your list of “approved” sites, here Ill add it for you:

    Again, Ill say, I am 16 years old, my name is Milandon Foley, I live at 12 Cobblestone RD, North Easton, MA 02356. And I go to Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical School.
    My Email is and my AIM(Aol Instant Messenger) address is: TasslehoffGold
    I belive in everything that I said here, Ill stand by it till the day I die.
    Im not a Fanatic, Im just trying to help make the world a better place by accepting all people regardless of who they are, where they come from, what they like, and how they live.

    Comment by Milandon Foley — June 3, 2008 @ 6:29 pm | Reply

  199. WOW… I’m completely thrown off by the blatant ignorance of the person who wrote this article and many of the posters. First I must say to Bkabka (post number 9), I couldn’t agree more with your point. I am not a furry but I know many of them and I cannot say that they are any less human then any of you. In fact I may say that they are more human than the writer of this article for the simple fact that they have emotions. This person showed no humanly emotions in this article, they just flat out condemned people because of a sexual interest. Who is next? Those who enjoy other fetishes such as masochists and sadists, how about those who enjoy domination? Oh here’s a good one for you to look up, the fetish of vampirism. I find it sick how ignorant christians like you represent all of America. You are intolerant and unaccepting of other cultures. I see people like you everyday staring as I walk through grocery stores and malls. I dress in what the mainstream likes to describe as “goth” though I am nothing like the stereotype. I am an optimistic young gentleman that likes to have fun, and this may rattle your cage a bit, I’m agnostic and completely disregard the bible as the truth. I find that it is a great story with excellent morals, but there is no way that it is 100% true. I celebrate my freedoms by accepting others into my circle, not by condemning them. I am truly embarrassed by people like you and only hope that other countries can understand that your not a representative for our nation.

    Comment by Shinaniganz — June 5, 2008 @ 9:14 pm | Reply

  200. “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

    Comment by Anonymous — June 11, 2008 @ 1:56 am | Reply

  201. Either this is complete BS or mediocre satire.

    Comment by NCHammer326 — June 13, 2008 @ 8:33 pm | Reply

  202. Ok….I get what your saying about how the stuff is i.e. ‘disgusting’ but you have no right to judge. People are people and they always will do what they want no matter what. And I mean seriously come on ‘Jesus weeps’? I’m sorry but I think you take your faith a little tinsy winsy far. Just because they arn’t like you or me dosen’t mean anything. Their still people weather you like to except that or not. Personally I got annoyed by how you kept dipicting them as evil, foul, things that need to be killed on the spot. They are HUMAN and so what if they have a problem. People all over the world have problems. Depression, mental illness, disease. At least be glad their not doing it to REAL animals.

    Comment by Lottie — June 20, 2008 @ 11:39 am | Reply

  203. “Christian”? Listen up!Christian means “little Christ”, but you make it sound like “little Hitler”!Seriously,grow up! It sounds like you want billions of people dead because you hate them. I wonder where I heard that before…But you call yourself a Christian! You little liar! “Thou shalt not kill”?”Thou shalt not judge, lest you be judged”? I have met several furries, and they are the nicest people I’ve met in my life. Also, what have they done to you?It is people like you that give my religion a bad name

    Comment by A Christian — June 23, 2008 @ 2:30 am | Reply

  204. This is stupid. You idiots don’t even know what a furry fucking is. Yes, SOME people have strange fetishes and all that shit, BUT NOT JUST FURRIES. Are you serious? Are you that fucking inbred that you don’t understand the difference between a PERVERT and a FURRY?

    Not everything with them is SEX. SEX is just something that happens between EVERYBODY. Shit doesn’t just happen between certain stereotypical groups of people. Unless you know EVERYONE, shut the fuck up, go home, and masturbate to you own stash of diaper-porn.

    If you hate anything related to furry, you hate about 7% of the worlds population, cartoons, comics, and even most of our fucking Cereal Mascots. and you know what? Fuck you people, furry art is beautiful, and not as yiff-ridden as you think. God damn you ignorant sons-a-bitches.

    And you know what? I AM ONE. I am nothing more or less than you. And you know, our group consists of the coolest people that I know, one who are so easy to get along with. They critique stuff for you and are, for the most part, impartial to people. So FUCK OFF until you KNOW SOMETHING.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — June 23, 2008 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

  205. Yes, I am a Furry(I posted the above comment) and I actually hate the “sex”. It’s not too realistic and, and most of the time, disgusting. You’re just pulling a Hitler, most of these humans are the nicest people around.

    Comment by A Christian Furry — June 24, 2008 @ 12:36 am | Reply

  206. No kidding. Get your facts right, Mr. Author. You need some major fucking classes. We should put his ass in a room just absolutely full of furries. We’ll see how he manages. =D

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — June 28, 2008 @ 3:40 pm | Reply

  207. And no, you education-deprived little nazis, it’s not a “demon” or a “curse”. It’s a choice. Seriously, what kind of crack are you huffing? Must be shit, because you fucktards seem to be full of it.

    I don’t gives a human’s ass about your opinion, but reading through it boiled my furry-loving blood.

    It includes a lot of AMERICANS and EUROPEANS. Not ISLAMICS and TERRORISTS. We wouldn’t dream of it! We are NO DIFFERENT than ANY OF YOU.

    I choose to be a furry, and you know what? I have been that way for years. Not for porn. Not for roleplaying. Not for sex or anything remotely affiliated with it. Why does a title so insignificant somehow separate us from your world? Well? Why? you have little logic, like that of a four year old. You are no better than a racist. You lump EVERYONE into the same damn steriotype.

    And what is this “God Hates Furries” shit? Last I recall, God doesn’t hate anybody. Not terrorists, not blacks, not rapists, not athiests, none of that stupid lumping shit. God loves us, no matter who and how we are.

    I love what I am, regardless of what your face-cave emits from it’s depths. I will never change for you.

    I am fucking PROUD of being a furry! You will NEVER change us!

    Comment by Xenistine Amara - Proud to be a Furry — June 28, 2008 @ 4:02 pm | Reply

  208. I myself am both Catholic and Furry. I used to consider myself a bad Christian because I didn’t go to church every Sunday. But you people who call yourselves Christian while talking about stoning, killing, murdering people who are different, you are the bad Christians. Christianity is about love, not hate. If we furries are truly evil beings, then why are we still here? God is the almighty being, who could remove us from the face of the world if we truly offended him. But we’re still here. We still exist because God says it’s fine. Who knows? Maybe God isn’t fine with us. Maybe when the Day of Judgement comes, he shall say unto we furries, “You guys are sinners, so I’m sending you to Hell.” But who are you to pass judgement on us? You aren’t God. You are simply another hate-spewer who hides behind the Bible because you think it gives you the right to say whatever you want. It doesn’t, by the way.

    Like Xenistine said, to hate furries is to hate 7% of the world. And I’m to be condemned by a Bible banger because I imagine what it would be like to be a different order of being?

    Unlike certain hate-mongers I could name, like those bastards who picket at military funerals (and I’m sure you’re one of them, Psycheout), we furries tend to be accepting of people, if they’re willing to accept us back. I don’t hide what I am, because that would imply that I’m ashamed to myself. I’m a bi-curious wolf-fur, and now you have another reason to hate me, because I might be bisexual. Go ahead, fling some more hate. All it does is make me laugh at your ignorance. People say furries are corrupting society, but in the end the true infection comes from those who believe that everyone who doesn’t conform to their narrow-minded points of view are evil, heathens, devil-worshippers. And yet, you so-called ‘normal’ people are the true minority on God’s green Earth. You are slowly but surely losing ground to the new age of acceptance. Slowly but surely, your narrow-minded views of what is acceptable (and I’m sure you believe black slavery should still exist) shall die out with you. And I wait with bated breath for when that day comes…

    Comment by Project_Demise — June 28, 2008 @ 4:44 pm | Reply

  209. “An indulged perversion learned early in life is difficult to escape once on becomes older”…

    that’s apparent, I mean look at Christianity,..that is an indulged perversion!

    You seriously think that because someone is different than you, and in some way goes against you’re so-called god, that they should be excuted for it!?

    You’re pathetic,…I’m sure next you’ll be saying that having Gay marriage legal in all of America will cause everyone to be gay and the world will end, because there will be no reproduction!

    Some how your stupid Christian Ideals and Morals are more logical than the way these people wish to live their lives!!?

    THEY aren’t hurting anyone, THEY don’t tear families apart,…it’s stupid people like you that force your Ideas on others, and step in,when not needed, that tear people apart!

    Fuck your God!
    Fuck your Religion!
    Fuck the Baby Jesus!!
    No, Yiff the baby jesus!!

    I hate people like you, I hate you’re kind, but I still don’t think it’d be fair to have some kind of law that prevented pathetic people like your self from speaking your “mind” ,…I’m not as bad as you.

    Isn’t it going to be fun seeing this comment “[M]ucking” torn apart by the Editor? Maybe if I’m a good little boy and say my prayers, I might even get a Oh-so Original and quirky comment about what typo’s I made!!

    -It’s your god, it’s your religion, you burn in fucking Hell!!

    Comment by A bitch, spelled backwards is Dog — June 30, 2008 @ 4:55 am | Reply

  210. I can’t believe this stuff is real, “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately.” Are we in America or Nazi Germany!? I don’t really understand the whole being a furry thing but I have met people who are and they are some of the nicest people around. They are WAY more “Christian” than you are. All people like you are pseudo-Christians at best and don’t understand Jesus’s message of love and forgiveness. In my opinion just being a furry is not a sin in its self, but being a perverted sicko is, and so is blasphemy, which people like you seem to have no trouble with committing. People who are in need of help should be treated with compassion and mercy, not wrath and intolerance, and being “deprogrammed”. If anyone has been programmed it’s “Christians” like you. Hopefully you will one day see that you’re going in the wrong direction and change your ways, because you may shout Jesus’s name but your hearts are farm from him.

    Comment by Amused — June 30, 2008 @ 7:44 am | Reply

  211. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAA u are a Fuck whoever made this site

    Comment by THISSITESUCKS — July 3, 2008 @ 12:55 am | Reply

  212. These furries are as bad as Paultards, and that’s saying something. Please, Lord, don’t let there be any Paultard furries out there.

    Actually, on reflection, they’re probably exactly the same people.

    Comment by DPS — July 5, 2008 @ 1:03 am | Reply

    yeah this is SOO sick i mean it s so awfull. GET FUCKING REAL!!! ever play star fox? its loaded with furries and its a damn good game. i hate you ignorant pricks that lump all of the people in the fandom together. its basically the same as saying all black people are involved in gun crimes and shit like that. yeah there are a few “fur’s” out there that like to look at the porn but that does not mean they all do. and even if they did so fucking what its there thing. as long as they aren’t shoving it in your face let them be.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 5, 2008 @ 2:33 am | Reply

  214. “We have a teenage girl at my church is a furry. She thinks she is some kind dragon. The pastors have counseled this girl and prayed over her but the furry demon still persists in her. The girl’s parents even sent her off a to special camp for furry reclamation last summer and even that didn’t work. While no one wants to give up on the girl we are all at a loss as what to do.

    No one can tell me furry is a harmless thing after the pain I have seen that family go threw.”

    yet again omfg. look into it its called a fursona. i have one. its a dog. does it mean i think im a dog… not at all i chose the dog as my fersona because i feel that i relate closest to dogs. unless this girl was running around trying to eat cattle and burn down cities screaming “im a dragon, im a dragon” i see no problem. i do however see a problem with her family. a family is supposed to love yo and accept you for who you are.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 5, 2008 @ 2:50 am | Reply

  215. As it was and ever shall be: Only idiots hate furries.

    Comment by Quoted For Truth — July 6, 2008 @ 2:01 am | Reply

  216. “yet again omfg. look into it its called a fursona. i have one. its a dog.”

    And why should we listen to commenters who admit to being possessed? If you’re truly possessed, all we can do is pray for you. You should look for a priest who performs exorcisms. Remember: God loves you.

    Comment by DPS — July 7, 2008 @ 12:18 am | Reply

    • Oh, don’t even start. These so-called possessions are actually people who have mental breakdowns. It’s called psychology. Read up on it. And I know you’re going to say something like “Then furries are those who have lost their sanity,” because if this is true, who’s to say that people like you haven’t?

      Comment by Rorroh — November 13, 2009 @ 9:20 pm | Reply

  217. “Remember: God loves you”
    Your God doesn’t seem to, the way you talk about him.

    “Only idiots hate furries.”
    Tru dat. As long as they don’t cause drama and don’t push their fetish onto me, I can live and let be.

    “unless this girl was running around trying to eat cattle and burn down cities screaming “im a dragon, im a dragon” i see no problem.”
    That mental image makes me giggle.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — July 7, 2008 @ 1:47 am | Reply

  218. wow you didn’t read my whole comment did you. either that or you did and your just an idiot dps…

    Comment by ravenfox — July 7, 2008 @ 10:00 am | Reply

  219. this is all i have to say right now. before you judge it look it up×600

    Comment by ravenfox — July 7, 2008 @ 10:05 am | Reply

  220. oh hoho i just found a long list of furry related things that were ALL noted on a furry site that i bet you never would have guessed furries joined the fandom because of. * From classic comic strips:

    Snoopy & Woodstock, Garfield, Rupert Bear, Krazy Kat, Pogo, Fix & Foxi.

    * From classic cartoons:

    Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Felix the Cat, Mighty Mouse, Andy Panda, Woody Woodpecker, Baby Huey, Donald Duck, Porky Pig, Wile E. Coyote, Tom & Jerry, Super Snooper & Blabber Mouse, Yogi Bear.

    * From television animation: see category: Television series

    My Little Pony, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Monchichis, The Get Along Gang, Care Bears, Shirt Tails, The Puppy’s Great Adventures, Family Guy, Popples, Sylvanian Families, Pound Puppies, Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers, Father Of The Pride, The Angry Beavers, Rocko’s Modern Life, SWAT Kats, Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats.

    * From commercials:

    Tony the Tiger, The Trix Rabbit, The Exxon Tiger, The Geico Gecko, The Taco Bell Dog, Chuck E. Cheese, Charlie Tuna.

    * From feature animation: see category: Movies

    Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, Charlotte’s Web, Watership Down, The Secret of NIMH, The Plague Dogs, The Last Unicorn, The Flight of Dragons, Disney’s Robin Hood, The Fox and the Hound, The Lion King, Madagascar, The Wild, Over The Hedge, Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

    * From novels: see category: Novels

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Little Prince, Redwall, Spellsinger, The Apprentice Adept, Xanth, Alice In Wonderland, The Wizard Of Oz, The Jungle Book, The Chronicles Of Narnia, The Island Of Dr. Moreau, Animal Farm, Sirius, Miss Bianca, Tailchaser’s Song, Breed to Come, The Moreau series.

    * From anime: see category: Anime

    Luna & Artimas from Sailor Moon, Ryo-okki from Tenchi Muyo!, Unico, Hello Kitty, Amazing 3, Kimba The White Lion, Dragon Half, Slayers, Sherlock Hound, Bagi, Pokemon, Digimon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Samurai Pizza Cats, Angel’s Tail, Ko Century Beastketteers, Di Gi Charat, Super Pig, Ranma ½, Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Yu Yu Hakusho, My Neighbor Totoro, Omnyou Taisenki.

    * From video games: see category: Video games

    Darkstalkers, Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy X, Star Fox, RuneQuest, EverQuest, Jazz Jackrabbit, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Animal Crossing, Ōkami, StarFox.

    * From old time radio:

    The Cinnamon Bear, Smiling Ed’s Buster Brown Gang.

    * From gothic horror:

    Dracula, The Wolfman, Cat People.

    * From live action television:

    Dark Shadows, Doctor Who, ALF, Mr. Ed, Muppets.

    * From live action films:

    Star Wars, Planet Of The Apes, Ladyhawke.

    * From the stage: see category: Theatrical productions

    Cats, The Cunning Little Vixen, Swan Lake.

    * From classic comic books:

    Atomic Mouse, Atomic Rabbit, Fawcetts Funny Animals, Frisky Fables, Cerebus.

    * From modern age comics: see category: Comics

    Albedo, Batman, Buster the Amazing Bear, Cutey Bunny, Critters, Elfquest, Fritz the Cat, Furrlough, Genus, Gold Digger, Hepcats, Howard the Duck, Maus, Ninja High School, Omaha The Cat Dancer, Rat Bastard, Shanda The Panda, Spiderman, Tank Vixens, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Usagi Yojimbo.

    * From flash animation:

    Foamy the Squirrel, Bonzai Bunny, Happy Tree Friends.

    * From net comic strips:

    Newshounds, Boomer Express, The Suburban Jungle, Kevin and Kell, Faux Pas, Namir Deiter, Last Resort, Sabrina Online, Dan and Mab’s Furry Adventures, VG Cats, Better Days, Ozy and Millie, Tales of the Questor, Umlaut House, Freefall, Supermegatopia, Las Lindas, A Doemain Of Their Own.
    WHAT NOW!?!?!?!?!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 7, 2008 @ 10:22 am | Reply

  221. Well, I’m certainly not going to take Elephant Bones seriously about this, since his name suggests that he himself is a s3xually perverted furry (Elephant?!?!? Bones?!?!?!? Need I say more?!?!?!?).

    ravenfox, I don’t follow links from people who are possessed by demons and don’t use commas. If you can find me a pertinent entry on Conservapedia, with commas, I will read that. Until then, Psycheout has told me all I needed—and, to be frank, far more than I wanted—to know about the reeking stew of sin and fur in which you ferment.

    Please, please find a priest who can exorcise your dog-demon.

    Comment by DPS — July 7, 2008 @ 2:17 pm | Reply

  222. Your biased, close-minded, thoughtless, rude, crude, despical, and without moral conscience. Stating such things openly only goes to show that you, such a low-brow person of the tactless variety, are only up for generalizing topics of which you can only give your one-sided view of. Thusly, your manner comes off pompous, malignant, malicious, and without solid footing. And so, in a manner less respectful, shut the fuck up you mannerless piece of shit before a pack of fur-lovers hunts you down and beats some sense into your empty skull, since obviously God or whatever have you never decided to put grey matter in that ugly crevice you call a cranium. Now go cry in your corner you pedantic little dweeb.

    Comment by Nekko — July 7, 2008 @ 7:45 pm | Reply

  223. well i tried…. dps you are obveosley a hopeless cause believe what you want but i know i am not possessed because you see if you understood what i was saying… I DONT THINK I AM A FUCKING DOG MY CHARACHTER IN ROLE PLAY IS. role play = fake, not real, just for kicks ok!?!? if i was possessed id be all trying to convince people to do evil things i don’t i try to lead a good prosperous life and help others in need i don’t try to hurt others or anything like that. i actually feel sorry for for you. some one needs to liberate your mind and show you how to accept others the way they are. im not trying to force my lifestyle onto anyone else im just trying to educate others on acceptance i know its fake never thought it was real i am human and always will be. sorry you can’t get past your inflated hi and mighty ego. i really do feel bad for you.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 7, 2008 @ 8:03 pm | Reply

  224. lol and btw using commas has nothing to to with being a good person….

    Comment by ravenfox — July 7, 2008 @ 9:10 pm | Reply

  225. its funny how to republicans, psuedocristians, and psuedocatholics everything that is different that you understand, or don’t like is evil and/ or possesed. d&d went through it, A FUCKING GAME WAS CALLED DEMONIC. all because some bible thumping jesus freaks who think they are gods right hand didn’t like the a fantasy based roleplaying game yet again may i emphisise A GAME!!!!! YEAH THE CHARACTERS USE MAGIC … SO WHAT same issue here.yeah we read comics and role play about anthromorphs. SO WHAT WHAT THE FUCKS IT TO YOU?!?!?! we don’t go telling the trekies that they are possessed by space devils so what right do you have to tell us we are???? (this is not derected twords those who accept others for ewho they are and know what the religion is about)

    Comment by ravenfox — July 7, 2008 @ 10:31 pm | Reply

  226. republicans, psuedocristians and psuedocatholics DON’T understand. lol missed a word.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 7, 2008 @ 10:34 pm | Reply

  227. What does this furry behavior have to do with Christians? Does it only personally offend them? I don’t see what the big deal with furries are, i mean these people are just looking for something different to be. Satan does indeed laugh when he sees what the label “Christian” has become. Anyone can say they are Christian in these days. All it is is just another something for people to call themselves. I love how about 80% of Christians pick out of the bible what they want to be. You cannot be Christian if you are gay, sorry but it says it right in the bible. Gay ministers…what are people thinking. I love how above these “Christians” want to exterminate a group of people because they find them sickening when all they are is different. Does this remind you of another group? May i jog your memory? NAZIS. Being Christian means acceptance of those who have chosen there path, loving all around you, and taking care of all you love. This website shows once again how Christian these Christians are.

    Comment by Reaper — July 7, 2008 @ 10:42 pm | Reply

  228. @ravenperson

    Conservapedia link, please…

    I am praying for you, just so you know. I pray that someday you will be released from your enslavement to the dog-demon and permitted to join the rest of us. Don’t be afraid, ravenperson.

    Comment by DPS — July 8, 2008 @ 2:49 pm | Reply

  229. @personperson

    Actually, I suppose if I want to defeat your various animal demons, I shouldn’t refer to you as “r@v3nperson” either. You are not an animal, but a person, and therefore we should all call you “personperson.”

    Comment by DPS — July 8, 2008 @ 2:56 pm | Reply

  230. You’re right, DPS. The demon has left me for the moment. I am so glad that you and everyone at B4B are rooting for me to defeat this demon once and for all. I know that with Christ I can do it. Even if later that horrible dog-bird-demon comes back and posts under its awful name, everyone should know that I am truly grateful for their support, and that I truly want to escape from the terrible swamp of sin that has enveloped me. No matter what the demon may post as “r@v3nfox.” Whatever it says, just ignore it.

    Comment by personperson — July 8, 2008 @ 3:02 pm | Reply

  231. Ah. Very good. Sleep well tonight, child, and I will ignore the demonic ravings of r@v3nfox, no matter what the monster says. But do not lose hope: omorrow the Lord may banish the furry demon.

    Comment by DPS — July 8, 2008 @ 3:06 pm | Reply

  232. My name is a reference to the song “Elephant Bones,” it has nothing to do with furries; that’s just your dark, twisted, perverted mind coming up with such an idea.

    Comment by Elephant Bones — July 9, 2008 @ 12:45 pm | Reply

  233. “it has nothing to do with furries; that’s just your dark, twisted, perverted mind coming up with such an idea.”

    So you’re saying that being a furry is “dark, twisted” and “perverted,” are you? I couldn’t agree more. Person Bones, I think you may not be completely lost to us. Come back. Come to the light. Run away from personperson.

    Comment by DPS — July 9, 2008 @ 2:29 pm | Reply

  234. well i guess he will never accept that he doesn’t understand i tried to get through to him but oh well sorry that you don’t understand that this isn’t what god wants I’m not saying don’t try to save people from eternal damnation. just that you should know for a fact that the person needs saving or not. i know i flew off the handle earlier Im just tired of all this stuff about the Fandom I’m in being persecuted. we just like to read books, watch movies, play video games and do other things that have to do with our Fandom. we are no different thant the trekkies and otaku other than that wich our fandom consists of. so go ahead call me possessed i don’t care anymore because you obveously know nothing about furries. i hope someday you learn the truth and stop messing with people who have done nothing wrong. i don’t worship satan I live my life as best i can so i have nothing to fear. I’m done bye.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 11, 2008 @ 4:09 pm | Reply

  235. hey leave elfin lied outa this btw the thinks out of the chicks head are horns not ears so get over it

    Comment by Alex — July 12, 2008 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  236. personperson sounds pretty unbalanced to me. I wonder if it would be better for all concerned if we started committing all of these furbies to insane asylums. They are easy to spot, they gather in groups, and they can’t run very fast in those mascot outfits, so we could get them rounded up pretty fast using nets, lassos, and (only when absolutely necessary) cattle prods. Then they wouldn’t be out on the street trying to corrupt our children, and they would be somewhere where they could get the help they need and be protected from themselves.

    Comment by DPS — July 13, 2008 @ 11:40 am | Reply

  237. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. Only idiots hate furries.

    Comment by Cool Furries — July 13, 2008 @ 5:52 pm | Reply

  238. someone sounds a lil like adolf hitler. lmao

    Comment by ravenfox — July 13, 2008 @ 6:53 pm | Reply

  239. you know dps alot of these people if you didnt know they were furries you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them and anyone else.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 13, 2008 @ 6:58 pm | Reply

  240. now i know this isn’t about you trying to save peoples souls this is about a sick fuck just trying to piss people off. thank you for showing your true colors.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 13, 2008 @ 7:00 pm | Reply

  241. hello i am a furry and i am damn proud of it before i became one i felt my life was missing somthing after i became one i found the missing peice and my whole life made all the sense in the world and it has gotten better after the discovery of the fandom i have made more friends i am well loved my attitude on life has gotten better and for sexuality im bi and im proud of that as well and when i sleep with my ex i didnt make these “animal sounds” that is for the furries who are into that stuff like that is a sexual fetish not a reguler thing with furries and as for bush saying that about furries who the fuck cares about what he says he is an idiot and about 70% of the intelligence of america will agree with me on this and better yet why the fuck do you care about us that makes no sense your using hate on somthing that dosent need hate at cons we raise over 100 thousand dollars and it all goes to charity like orphans and sucj if you say that we are evil think again when was the last time you ever put money towards somthing like that huh? thank you for reading and to those who hate what i just said you can kiss my fluffy tail hole you fuckers!

    -Jynx Darkitten

    Comment by jynx darkitten — July 14, 2008 @ 12:12 am | Reply

  242. “someone sounds a lil like adolf hitler. lmao”

    Hitler was a notorious furby. And my name is “DPS,” not “lmao.” Or were you trying to call me a “lame-o”? Because that’s borderline profanity, young lady, and it has never been tolerated on B4B.

    “you know dps alot of these people if you didnt know they were furries you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them and anyone else.”

    I don’t know, the big rodent suit is a pretty good clue. It might be a sports mascot, sure, or a Disney World employee, but it’s almost certainly a furby. You know what they say: “If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be … a perverted human dressed up as a duck, walking around and quacking!”

    Comment by DPS — July 14, 2008 @ 2:57 pm | Reply

  243. lol point proven… once a dumbass always a dumbass. oh and lmao is an acronym for laughing my ass off. oh and in case you didnt know lol means laughing out loud.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 14, 2008 @ 3:15 pm | Reply

  244. oh and so you call me possessed but i cant call you hitler….. well aint that the kettle calling the pot black….

    Comment by ravenfox — July 14, 2008 @ 3:17 pm | Reply

  245. im waiting for the day you mess with one irl (oh wait you wouldnt understand that that means in real life) and get your ass handed to you.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 14, 2008 @ 3:21 pm | Reply

  246. We mock what we don’t understand.

    Comment by Chris Yost — July 14, 2008 @ 3:40 pm | Reply

  247. lol i hope one day you get a fursuit superglued to your body

    Comment by ravenfox — July 14, 2008 @ 11:42 pm | Reply

  248. and oh yeah im suprised this whole thing hasent been deleted. because i wouldnt exactly call this topic “cordial and respectfull”

    Comment by ravenfox — July 14, 2008 @ 11:44 pm | Reply

  249. its messing with people who have done nothing wrong just to be a holes.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 14, 2008 @ 11:45 pm | Reply

  250. “laughing my @ss off”

    “get your @ss handed to you”

    Please, no profanity.

    “calling the pot bl@ck”

    There is no place for your racial slurs on this site. I see that wearing animal suits is not the only enthusiasm you other furbies share with Hitler.

    “i wouldnt exactly call this topic “cordial and respectfull””

    Wouldn’t it be wrong to treat foul perversion and vice with respect?

    “just to be a holes”

    Not at all, personperson. B4B is trying to create a more Godly society, and to protect our children. When you think about it, all of the sodomites and the furbies and the aromatherapists and the organic farmers and the other assorted sinners and freaks and perverts are the ones “messing” with *us*. Sad, but true. And yet we continue to try to help all of you, because that is what Jesus commands.

    Comment by DPS — July 15, 2008 @ 1:22 am | Reply

    • Just a quick thing I wanted to point out, you do know where “calling the pot black” comes from, right? It’s actually supposed to be kettle though, but a pot, sitting on an open fire, gets burnt black while a kettle, being placed on only coals, stays nice and clean. *Ahem*

      “Oho!’ said the pot to the kettle;
      “You are dirty and ugly and black!
      Sure no one would think you were metal,
      Except when you’re given a crack.”

      “Not so! not so! kettle said to the pot;
      “‘Tis your own dirty image you see;
      For I am so clean -without blemish or blot-
      That your blackness is mirrored in me”

      – Maxwell’s Elementary Grammar, 1904

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 9:29 pm | Reply

  251. Who ever wrote this is overly conservative.
    Honestly, not all furries are sick and twisted as described here, judging and entire subculture on some aspects is wrong and unfair, for example, its like saying ALL whites are stupid and selfish and lazy because a few of them in history enslaved entire races so they wouldnt have to do any work. Think I’m exaggerating with my example? SO ARE YOU!
    And colonists from England engaged in sex with farm animals, believe it or not! Watch the History Channel and see what your ancestors did for fun!

    Comment by Luna — July 15, 2008 @ 4:19 pm | Reply

  252. wow man you really are an idiot “pot calling the kettle black” has nothing to do with race you really are retarded i always thought you were but even this suprises me!!!! it means your being a hypocrit like i said nothing to do with race… one of my best friends is mexican so if im a racist im a pretty crapy example of one. basically i was saying you can call people freaks and stuff but the minute they start on you is when you draw the line. you know what us “Furbies” are more human than you will ever be no matter what you say.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 15, 2008 @ 6:58 pm | Reply

  253. the only “foul perversian” here is what you are doing to gods teachings. god teaches people to be accepting and understanding. all i see in you is “if its different kill it” you know nothing of the lords teachings your just useing it as an excuse to attack us…. you say we are the one’s messing with you??? we aren’t shoveing our lifestyle in your face. if you don’t like furries don’t visit there sites … don’t talk to them. then your problem will be solved… another flaw in your whole “jesus commands me” thing is that the bible says “judge not lest ye be judged” what are you doing…. oh thats right JUDGEING. so don’t tell me your doing what god tells you. if any one is like hitler its you. your basically trying to do to furs what was done to black people back in the depression. you know nothing about furs and never will because you to stuck up with your “im a saint” ego to think of the possibility your wrong. like i said furries are more human than you will ever be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 15, 2008 @ 7:13 pm | Reply

  254. if i do happen to go to hell dps im saveing the hottest seat for you.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 15, 2008 @ 7:14 pm | Reply

  255. and don’t try to use this as “he admits he possessed blah blah blah”
    im just saying that if im so evil
    you are no different.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 15, 2008 @ 7:18 pm | Reply

  256. i can’t wait to lol at the next untruth you try to make out of what i said to make me look bad….

    Comment by ravenfox — July 15, 2008 @ 9:54 pm | Reply

  257. I find you completely and utterly intolerable. Your views are completely one sided and lack any truth or fairness to a completely honest following. Next im sure you will be saying that masturbating will give me cancer because it makes god angry?

    Your views reflect those of a religious neanderthal.

    You know what? I’m not going to waste my time defending the furry fandom, because anyone with a brain inbetween their ears will think exactly the same and pity you, for not being able to understand anything that you dont like.

    Please, please, please never post anything ever again. If not to save the rest of the world from your one sided, horrific summing up of things, then for yourself. To stop everyone from thinking you are more of an imbecile than most, if not all people should.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — July 16, 2008 @ 7:03 am | Reply

  258. That was to Psycheout and DPS, the two hatemongers who shall make Satan cry when they go to their hell. I hope you both get horribly raped by “evil” furries when you begin your torment in one of the lower (we can all hope. It puts us further away from them if they do!) circles of hell.

    Why not check out my website Psycheout and DPS im sure you’ll love it.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — July 16, 2008 @ 7:13 am | Reply

  259. “he admits he possessed”

    Don’t tell me you’re male. I had inferred that you were a young woman. Your problem is even more serious than I had realized. It is bad enough when a woman goes around naming herself after effeminate animals like ravens and foxes; it is far worse when a young man does so. If you insist on dressing up like animals and participating in your Satanic rituals, at least you should select a gender-appropriate creature. What about a bull? Or a shark? You could dress up in the humorous costume that that comedian fellow used to wear on that “Live on Saturday Night” television show. At least that would be appropriate for a young man, even if you would put it to disgusting (and, as we have recently learned, possibly racist) purposes.

    Comment by DPS — July 16, 2008 @ 10:29 am | Reply

  260. lol you know dps. i’ve realized you don’t even pay attention to the posts. you just go “blah blah blah oh i can use that nope nope nope oh hey i can use that.” and what the hell for all you know i could be black like i said…. more human than you could ever be EVER!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 16, 2008 @ 2:23 pm | Reply

  261. im starting to think you may be furry. because if you weren’t how would you know which animals guys and girls should make there fursona after. lol a fur that hates furs. never though id see the day . oh and btw way i have mexican and black friends so how could i be racist.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 16, 2008 @ 2:30 pm | Reply

  262. oh i’m loling so much right now. XD.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 16, 2008 @ 2:33 pm | Reply

  263. i bet you are one of those furs in denial that visit anti furry sites like crush yiff destroy to try to make people think you aren’t furry

    Comment by ravenfox — July 16, 2008 @ 10:26 pm | Reply

  264. lol i believe sevendust wrote a song about you…. its called the rim… ROFLMFAO!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 16, 2008 @ 11:41 pm | Reply

  265. BTW WOOT OBAMA!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 16, 2008 @ 11:50 pm | Reply

  266. hit me up on msn my furry friends. lol go ahead and try to use this against me dps i dont give a damn.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 17, 2008 @ 12:29 am | Reply

  267. oh by the way dps im also bi. SUCK ON THAT!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 17, 2008 @ 12:32 am | Reply

  268. It is truly sad that some one could be so one sided and hateful toward something he knows so little about. i have never herd of a presidential candidate Brownback but i will never vote for him. I hope some one will tell Mr.brownback that someone is claiming to be working for him but is in fact trying to put him to an end.

    I for one know that the furry fandom is a place of acceptance and love for every one, we would never judge some one.

    I am a furry and there isn’t a damn thing that any one AND I MEAN NO ONE can do about it i will be a furry till the day i die.

    Comment by Bluedrag — July 18, 2008 @ 10:28 pm | Reply

  269. personperson,

    Look at what you said back on July 8th at 3:02 PM. Now do you see why we have a hard time taking the ravings of your dog-demon seriously, and why we’re all so worried about the real personperson? Please, I beg you, if the real personperson is in there, go see a priest, who can help you.

    As for the gender-appropriateness of different animals, it’s obvious that some are masculine and some feminine. Rabbits, cats, and hippopotamuses are feminine. Bears, lions, and rhinoceroses are masculine.

    “anti furry sites like crush yiff destroy”

    It is a relief to me to know that there are other sites out there fighting against the furry menace.

    “hit me up on msn my furry friends”

    This is not an appropriate site for “cruising.” Please take your filthy desires elsewhere, dog-demon.


    Yes, it is a real shock that no one had snapped up *that* address before you did.

    “im also bi.”

    That fits in with the general pattern of your perversion, yes.

    “SUCK ON THAT!!!!”

    Please try to be civil. I am afraid that the administrators will ban you if your behavior doesn’t improve, and I don’t want to leave you to battle the dog-demon all by yourself.

    Comment by DPS — July 18, 2008 @ 11:46 pm | Reply

  270. lol better to be a “dog demon” then to be a wannabe christian or catholic who knows less about his own religion then atheists and useses it as a crutch to try to “save” people who don’t need to be to try to feel like i am something special. you aren’t a saint or some devine being. you are a human. god wants you to preach his word. NOT shove it down peoples throats. but you wouldn’t know that would you? god hates no one. he even loves murderers and sociopaths. every one can be saved. not by people like you but by people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 18, 2008 @ 11:59 pm | Reply

  271. To be honest DPS. I’m surprised at tha ‘administrators’ for not banning you or Psycheout as your views are obviously one sided and completely unfair. They lack depth or insight. All they show is the poor moral standards of other members of the human race, if that is what imbeciles like you are classed under.
    Maybe the administrators havent bothered paying attention to you. You know, beings as your thoughts are completely worthless and have no impact on the views of society other than the view of the general intelligence of the populous.

    BTW: I’ve added you ravenfox. Will be happy to chat with someone who has a few brain cells! ^-^

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — July 19, 2008 @ 6:39 am | Reply

  272. Oh, and here’s a little quote from the urban dictionary for you that i think fits you like a glove DPS

    One who takes it upon themselves to be prejudice against the noun form of ‘furries’, usually assuming that all ‘furries’ are ‘stereotypical furries’, needlessly persuing some sort of apparent need to let everyone know that they hate ‘furries’ ”

    and this is obviously how you see us all
    Derogatory generalization of how many ‘furry-haters’ see the noun form of ‘furries’ as, usually portrayed as pitiful homosexual men who dress up as the animal they like or ‘want to fuck’ the most, and have sex with their animals. This is in fact not what 99% of ‘furries’ are like, however, being the most widely publicized, it is also the most widely criticized.”

    but here’s a slice of the truthful pie
    “99% of all furries:
    Some draw, some write, some read, some listen to stories, most keep to themselves because of ‘furry-haters’
    Just like everyone else, some are male, some are female, and just like everyone else, some are gay, some are straight, and just like everyone else, most go to school or have a job.
    Personally I consider myself a furry, I have an online persona of myself with ears and a fox tail, I am male, I’m straight, I don’t draw a lot of furry art because I’m not that good at it, I don’t write stories for the same reason. I do read other peoples’ stories and look at their art, I have no sexual interest in actual animals (see zoophiles and bestiality folks)
    I go to college, and have a job, I’m not fat either.
    I’m just a furry
    *wags his tail happily*
    And any furry-hater who doesn’t like me because of it, too bad, it’s who I am. ”

    All I shall say now is…


    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — July 19, 2008 @ 10:12 am | Reply

  273. Well, to be honest. Im appauled at the admins of this stie now as well. They, (along with Psycho i presume) have resorted to altering peoples posts to try and make it seem as if their completely aimless fight against so called ‘evil’ is winning.

    I’m not going to bother checking here again for a fair while. There’s no point. You were defeated before you began Pscycho, Admins and I guess Brownback too if this is how mentally unsound his followers are.

    Also, to all of the (unkind)religious extremeists posting here. Haven’t you got anything better to complain to your gods about?
    BTW: I hold nothing against any religion if it is based on a good and honest principle. You know, like kindness, fair treatment. You know, the stuff most religions are based upon. It’s such a shame that those who do ‘follow a god’ don’t seem to take their teachings or their own common sense into account when thrusting their unjust views upon the few who actually bother to read and reply to this kind of junk.

    And in case no-one wanted to know, I am a furry, proud of it. As are my family and friends who have all figured out or I have told. They feel no shame knowing i have chosen to ‘prefer’ a different choice from most. They see it as a new interest that keeps me happy. It has not made me ‘corrupt’ or ‘evil’. It has made me a better person. I shall hopefully own my own fursuit (of a Snow Leopard, as is my fursona).

    So leaving on a happy note, please go spin on something large, pointy and sharp all you haters and trolls, whether forementioned or not. Furries For The Win!
    (See, I even asked nice!)

    See y’all around the interwebs folks! ^-^

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — July 22, 2008 @ 8:52 am | Reply

  274. PWND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — July 22, 2008 @ 1:22 pm | Reply

  275. After two tours of Iraq and one of Afghanistan, I defy anyone to tell me what I can and cannot do in my own spare time. I’m not into this furry stuff, but there are two things that make America great: 1) Freedom of speech. 2) Persuit of happiness. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who stands in the way of a US citizen trying to express themselves is going to end up on the recieving end of a very angry Infantry veteran. I really don’t agree with racists, religious zealots or so called “furry perverts” – or whatever brush you may paint them with…but they have a right to say what they want, just as you do here. Nothing made my blood boil more than reading “you must beat him to within and inch of his life”, not in my country asshole. I’ve seen some other blogs similar to this one, they also supported child abuse and imposing strict moral codes on the people. Funny though, they happened to be from Al Quaeda.

    Comment by I defend liberty — July 26, 2008 @ 3:18 pm | Reply

  276. Oh dear, so the choice in this war is either people who want to whack off to pictures of half-animal half people things, or people who suggest that the best way to bring up children is with fear and beatings?

    Well, I’d rather not take sides given those beliefs.

    Comment by Toaster — July 26, 2008 @ 11:42 pm | Reply

  277. You know what I find funny? When I came out as a furry in my hometown, one of the more religious people who heard me said, “You are offensive to the baby Jesus.” So I said back to her, “Ma’am, Jesus was middle-aged when he was crucified, not a baby. At least read up on the Bible before you start casting stones.” She was so pissed.

    Lots of the hate-spewers use ‘the baby Jesus’ as a way to try to make people like me feel bad about the way I am. I don’t feel bad, because one of the things God gave we poor pitiful humans in the beginning was the power of Choice. We choose to be who and what we are, and I swear there isn’t a commandment that says ‘Thou shalt not imagine thyself as an animal’.

    Comment by Project_Demise — July 28, 2008 @ 1:23 pm | Reply

  278. Satan has cursed my computer. You perverts try to keep yourselves under control until I am back at the helm. Pray for me and my machine, Brownbackbackers!!!

    Comment by DPS — July 29, 2008 @ 2:50 pm | Reply

  279. Honestly, DPS sounds like a lonely 50 yr old virgin who lives in his parents basement and is angry at the world ‘cuz he can’t get any and is taking out his anger of furries.

    Comment by Luna — July 29, 2008 @ 9:36 pm | Reply

  280. Harsh, but has the ring of truth to it.

    Comment by Project_Demise — July 29, 2008 @ 10:39 pm | Reply

  281. Honestybythebarrel:
    I just read your post-#272
    Made my day! And its a long day-its 12am

    By The Way-
    I added you too, ravenfox

    Comment by Luna — July 30, 2008 @ 1:11 am | Reply

  282. I came across this and though that the conservatives should read this.

    Comment by Luna — July 30, 2008 @ 10:14 am | Reply

  283. Can you give me an honest answer whoever wrote this article?
    What in heaven,hell or the universe gives you the right to say who is mentally ill and who is deserving of God’s love, Buddha’s guidance or any other deity’s privilage?
    I am not really a member of the furry culture, but my roomates and fiance are. I admit there are some disgusting anthromorphic artists out there, but alot of them arent all that graphic. Theres a hell of a lot more nudity,sex and pervision in a basic hentai than there is in furry fandom. And yes, I am an anime fan, so dont think I havent read your anti-anime article.

    You need to start worrying about yourself before worry about other’s likes and dislikes honey.
    Hope you kicked in the ass by a fursuiter, then kicked in the face by an anime fan.

    Comment by orochi — July 31, 2008 @ 4:03 pm | Reply

  284. Let me start off by stating what I am, A Conservative Republican NRA member and a Furry. To just slam a group because of a few freaks is not fair to the rest of us normal people out there. Reading this blog has made lose some faith in the people of my party and in my own country. I used to think we lived in land where a person was free to do as they wished without fear of being attacked or forced to change because someone in power didn’t like it. Mr Brownback I respect your views but at the same time I have to disagree with the way you have presented this issue. You have attacked all of us good, Bad or just sick the same way Hitler attacked the jews, All I ask is next time do the christan thing and think before you speak. Signed a disheartened Rual American.

    Comment by Caleb "Jager" Kinkade — July 31, 2008 @ 6:25 pm | Reply

  285. “Judge not, lest thee be judged.”

    Seems someone forgot to read their Bible, or at least skipped over the Book of Matthew.

    Comment by Someone else — July 31, 2008 @ 9:33 pm | Reply

  286. You people are the depraved ones. Regardless of what people like and dislike, the teachings of Jesus Christ were to love everyone unconditionally as a brother or sister (the exception being of course husband/wife/children). Sitting there, judging everyone else because they are just that little bit different from you, or don’t believe *exactly* what you do. You are an appalling example of Christianity, and have fallen far from the teachings of God and Jesus. Besides which, you people shouldn’t even call yourselves Christians that believe in this drivel of a post. Let people be what they will, do your own thing, and stop this childish behavior. It’s not the “deviants” as you call them who are making Jesus weep, it’s you.

    Comment by Stormy — August 1, 2008 @ 6:58 am | Reply

  287. What a wonderful clash of sentiments.
    Who here is fighting with their ability to analyze and reason instead of their predetermined dispositions?

    As for deprogrammers- All religious fundamentalists need them- not just furries.

    And BJ Tabor-

    The family’s suffering comes from the Child’s strong will and desire for freedom in conflict with her parent’s strong will and desire to dominate.

    Fur and Religion have NOTHING to do with it other than pretext.


    Comment by Runeix — August 1, 2008 @ 4:02 pm | Reply

  288. I ran into this by accident, but couldn’t help reading it. I’m incredibly surprised by how perversed and twisted is the mind of whoever wrote this, and by many of the comments, too. Clearly, there was near-zero research done about the matter. I’m not a furry, but I’ve heard about them and you simply can’t throw them all in the same group. Of course there are some mentally ill people there who have unhealthy sexual behaviors, just like in any other group of people. You can’t just make generalizations and start discriminating people who don’t think like you.

    I’m a Christian, and I’m quite shocked to see how many people say they’re Christians themselves, and are this close-minded. We’re all humans, you know. I really, really hope that some of that comments were made as jokes and those people don’t actually think like that. I still have hopes for the USA.

    Over the course of my life, I’ve seen many times how twisted Americans are. And that is quite sad, being that they control all of the world. I still have faith in that there are some good people over there, and they would never vote for someone like this guy.

    Comment by LW — August 2, 2008 @ 8:20 pm | Reply

  289. lol seems dps’s computer is tired of his shit as well lol.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 7, 2008 @ 8:21 pm | Reply

  290. ok so what i read is that u completely hate furs…
    besides being a fur is wat a person chooses to be in life just like the gays and lesbians
    and besides being a fur is a way to live your life its not completely dominated by sex either
    so i think u need to do some more research than scroll through a few forums and Gif files
    if u think being a fur is so sexually based i ask u to find someone who is a fur and have a nice long chat with them and actually discover that they are normal people with different prefrences like ur mom when she decided to have a retarded child, oh wait that was u. oops.
    so dont say that furries are disgusting cause if there was only you and a fur left on this earth i think the fur would kill u if they had read this page and knew who u were cause gays and lesbians are also a completely sex based thing either they have deep relationships like ur mother had when she…
    so comeover to my house u faggot fearing communist bastard and suk my balls bitch

    Comment by Squirrel — August 8, 2008 @ 12:22 am | Reply

  291. WHAT THE HELL IS THE WRONG WITH SOME OF YOU PEOPLE!!! Furries are very creative people, you can’t change people for who they are, furries are not demons, it’s a fandom of people who share an interest, some of the art is really detailed and are amazing. Am I the only one with there head on straight. I have to say I’m proud to be a furry and I don’t want to have sex in a fursuit, it’s gross. Please go to to see the true side of the furry fandom.

    Wolfegang FOX. (Yeah I’m a fox, bite me)

    Comment by wolfegang — August 8, 2008 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  292. to whoever wrote this piece of sickening filth, u have no fucking clue what a furry is, im not one myself but i know many, and unlike how u characterize them u jesus freak fuckface most furrs are happy normal people, sure there are some wierd ones that are into diapers n stuff but what right do we have to deprive them of what makes them happy? I hate to break it to you but guess what bitch satan doesnt exsist, god doesnt exsist, and even if he did he would smite u for being so god damn narrow minded, if god loves all his creations then he would have wanted them to be happy, so what fucking right do u have to tell other people how to live their lives, i hope u never have children because quite honestly i would fear for their mental well being, and im not some nerd btw im a normal person i play football for my highschool and i do judo as well, so please do the rest of the sane world a favor, and find a nice corner, load a shotgun, and pull the trigger while aiming the gun at your face.

    Comment by The only sane person here — August 12, 2008 @ 7:29 pm | Reply

  293. Massive Troll?

    Comment by ? — August 13, 2008 @ 4:03 am | Reply

  294. I stumbled across this site… read it, and laughed xD I also cried inside a little. Whoever wrote this page, and many of the commentors, are unthinking and closed-minded idiots. I can’t believe (and at the same time am not shocked) many of them call themselves Christians. (Catholics are the original Christians BTW; I was raised Roman Catholic, but would now consider myself Agnostic. To the best of my knowledge, all other Christian churches can trace their roots back to Catholocism, whether they like it or not.)

    The reason this world is in such a rutt is because of 2 kinds of people: The selfish people who will do anything and harm anyone to get ahead personally; and the ignorant unintelligent fools who make other pplz’ lives miserable because some book told them to and they can’t think for themselves. The page writer and many of the posters fall into the second group.

    I agree that certain actions must be regulated or stopped, but these decisions must be made carefully. The world is so very massive and heavily populated that it is foolish to think that one strict set of views will work. The truly Christian thing to do is live a good life trying to carry your own weight, adding what you are capable of to society, and accepting peoples’ difference. Quite like what Jesus did, for all you Bible-bashers. Judge individuals for how they act, not by what deity they follow or their ethnicity.

    As a final note @ LW: I wouldn’t say Americans are twisted in general. Nor that they run the world… The world may be getting swept up in American ideas, but America certainly doesn’t run the world (although we may like to think we do 😀 Yes, I am born and raised in California, USA).

    Comment by Bio — August 16, 2008 @ 2:19 am | Reply

  295. im 15 and a furry but im not a sex orientated demon, and even after your personal attacks i carry on with the upmost respect. i have always believed in god until I read this article. you go on about it being unnatural when you worship a man who walks on water. don’t make the ‘all mighty’ “son of God” thing it says in your precious bible that we are ALL gods children. using rounded figures (7% of planetary total is hard) there are over 640mil fursons on the planet. please send corrections.

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — August 16, 2008 @ 5:53 pm | Reply

  296. oh yeah i forgot to mention thats around 3 quarters of the population of Europe. and after doing research across blogs, chat, wikipedia, google,, yahoo and my local library have found that less than 0.5% of all furries over 16 engage in any form of the fetishes you describe. but let me give you some insight from a straight furry. i like wolves, the places they survive in from the equator to the poles of the earth they there if one of the pack falls behind the rest slow down for them

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — August 16, 2008 @ 6:17 pm | Reply

  297. and if just one tries in any way to destroy the others
    we are furries. we have voices we number in the millions and WE SHALL MAKE OUR STAND RIGHT NOW! anyone who wants to talk in greater detail send me an e-mail or add me.

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — August 16, 2008 @ 6:55 pm | Reply

  298. The most impressive thing about this is the comments – it always, always makes me laugh when furries demonstrate their total inability to distinguish satire or humor.

    Also many many lols at the “Conservative Republican” furry – two great flavors of dumbassity in one crispy coating!

    Comment by MG — August 17, 2008 @ 9:48 am | Reply

  299. Allow me to point out a few blatant errors within said argument. Right at the start you mention “animaniacs” and “Narutards”, neither have a relation to furries in anyway. Animaniacs is, as most should know, a cartoon produced in the mid to late ninties by Warner Bros, AN AMERICAN COMPANY. A Nartard is a name certain die hard fans has taken in relation to the show Naruto, which although it features animals that have the ability to converse with humans they remain in animal form and no human has any overtly animalistic traits in appearance.

    You also feature an image of the widely popular Nintendo creation of Mario, wearing a Raccoon suit, this once again has no relevance to the argument, of which i am seeing a lot of may I add.

    You failed to mention that America has had Furries played as cartoon, one famous example is the show Sonic The Hedgehog, another being the Disney adaption of Robin Hood, where as we all know the titular character is a fox.

    The way you talk of Furries is as if the entire fandom partake in such acts, the reality is only about 2% state an interest in zoophilia, and less than 1% an interest in plushophilia.

    to put that in context; if you filled a room with ten furries, only two would state an interest in zoophilia and not even enough for a full person, but that wouldn’t hold true, this is an average.

    I am not trying to say that there are not people out there that enjoy the furry fandoms sexualized side, there is such a thing in all aspects of life.

    I do suggest that the next time you enter an argument, you actually think of what you enter, and drop both the bias and religious view point. you need to be objective in an argument, not subjective.

    I could argue that by stating your viewpoint in such a way, you are going against your very christian dogma, one of the ten commandments are to love thy neighbor, it seems you take it in the literal sense and hate all those who have more open minds.

    I find it despicable how you degrade Furries with certain comments, such as their interest makes them so undesirable to women that they have to resort to being “prison bent”. it makes the uninformed reader think that only males are of this fandom and misleads them, the point of an argument is to inform people of the FACTS and try and lean them towards your view, not to talk through your anus and fool people.

    Finally, allow me to point out that Furries are fully integrated within the American society, American Football mascots are running around in fur suits, not all Furries own a fur suit, they are hardly a Dime a dozen, they are all hand made and rather time consuming, nor do they all own plushies which is just another name for teddy bears.

    I respect that you have your own viewpoint on this subject, but I do wish you put up more of an argument that an nineteen year old has some degree of difficulty deconstructing it.

    Comment by Mark — August 18, 2008 @ 5:44 pm | Reply

  300. Well, at least the furries have finally gone away.

    Comment by DPS — August 18, 2008 @ 7:21 pm | Reply

  301. Furries are the reason why chimpanzee DNA appears so similar to human DNA. Angels seem to have fled from furry DNA even faster then they did other DNA, thanks to the miracle of electricity. Protons make up a larger percentage of furry DNA than they do of any other human being. I say we execute them, so that the protons can be cast into a lake of fire all the faster.

    Comment by Ixion — August 18, 2008 @ 8:22 pm | Reply

  302. Wow..Your a fucking dumbass

    And furries are completely sick and wrong, President Bush later added, off the record. The less said about them the better. We couldnt agree more. Well said, Mr. President. We salute you.

    Yeah i bet thats true!! OFF THE RECORD>…Before you start jabbing your mouth about furries and god and the “Darker side of the internet” how about this…get into a car and drive it off a cliff… K!!!?!?!? The USA Doesn’t need ppl like you preaching to everyone about GODS WORK and GODS THIS and GODS THAT..FOR all you know..he doesn’t exist…PROVE IT..PROVE TO ME that he exists so i can change my “wicked ways” … JEsus fucking ignorant son of a bitch. I hope a furry ravages you :D.

    Once you have determined that this unnatural behavior taken place, be sure also to have a qualified veterinarian examine any family pets and suggest his friends parents do the same. Many furries have more than a platonic interest in animals and often encourage Fido or Fluffy to be a furrys best friend, if you know what I mean.

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL..Thats bestiality..Get it straight dumb ass. Furry is pure cartoon.

    Comment by Steve — August 19, 2008 @ 1:13 pm | Reply

  303. Funny thing, Steve. This IS the darker side of the internet. Uninformed hate-spewers trying to piss people off in an effort to make themselves feel important. I don’t hate you,Bible-bangers. I feel sorry for you. My devoutly Catholic family accepts me as a furry. They see nothing wrong with it, as long as I don’t purposely spread it to my brothers and sisters. If, when they get older, they choose to be furries, then my parents will, again, accept them. I don’t have to closet myself anymore.

    I’m sorry you can’t accept what is right in front of you, has been in front of you since you were small. No doubt you probably grew up with the Looney Toons, most of whom were furries, or Tom & Jerry, also furries. As has been stated previously, furries are already well-established in our culture.

    The very idea of furries has been around even before the birth of Christ! Walking, talking animal-people are all over the place in religious texts and such. The pantheons of Greece and Egypt both had furries among them. Two places that gave us many laws and culture. Again, before the birth of Christ.

    You who hide behind the Bible because you are too close-minded to accept that which you do not understand, I pity you. I pity you and I pray that your ignorance will one day be abolished. That’s right. I’ll pray. I’m still a good Catholic boy. My pastor doesn’t think I’m a freak, even though he knows I’m a furry. God hasn’t forsaken me. I know this because I still feel that same inner peace I’ve always felt before while at church.

    Jesus loves us all.

    Peace be with you, my brothers and sisters.

    Comment by Project_Demise — August 21, 2008 @ 8:18 am | Reply

  304. *whispering* I got really bored so im back. ^^
    @ Luna: Glad to have made your day!

    Its noce to see that a few more well minded people have decided to back the cause since i posted. However, its a shame i have to say this but.

    W T F IXION! Now we arent just evil but now we are potentially unstable at an atomic level? I dont know wether or not its because im tired but that made me laugh so. Damn. Hard.

    Seriously though you anti-peoples. Keep up the good work. If this keeps up I wont have to insult you back! ^^

    anyone want to chat just add me!

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — August 22, 2008 @ 2:57 pm | Reply

  305. Just to correct myself, (I had been awake for 34 hours and counting folks!). It wouldn’t necessarily make us unstable, just different at an atomic level. We still might be! Make us too angry and we turn into suicide bombers! >:¬|

    Eitherhoo, it seems that this place has slow days. Noone posts for aages and then there are loads to read through! Meh. I shall return! *dashes off into the distance, his tail weaving through the air behind him*
    And technically i’d be a cat demon, because my fursona is a snow leopard. And no, noone minds. Not even my local church seems to care because the vicar had heard the ‘rumours’ and asked me if it was true. I told him they were and he couldnt have cared less. all he said was “well good for you!”, smiled and then caried on with whatever he was doing. (BTW that was when i was 15, so he wasnt being prissy with me, and secretly all “ohdearohdearohdear!”. He’s nice. I like him. Maybe he’s gay, and furry! That would be so fun. A gay furry vicar. DPS & co. would be so annoyed with that. Ahh… Good times.

    Anyways. Bye for now!

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — August 25, 2008 @ 1:24 am | Reply

  306. Furries are sick people who should be sewn into their outfits and then placed in a zoo!

    And it should be a hunting zoo where people could pay to shoot them and get their heads mounted above fireplaces and suchwhat.

    This would be a good idea because it would help defray the expense of rounding them up. We would need to spy into peoples’ bedrooms so we could identify the loonie Furries…

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 25, 2008 @ 9:58 am | Reply

  307. Fuck you Marty, like you fuck your mother!

    Comment by MoxoM — August 25, 2008 @ 11:59 am | Reply

  308. What. The. Hell? O.o’

    I think this is kinda proving you are certifiably insane… and you have the nerve to call us sick?

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — August 25, 2008 @ 1:33 pm | Reply

  309. lol we haven’t left yet dps.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 25, 2008 @ 7:26 pm | Reply

  310. i dont think we ever will im telling every furry i know to come on and help the assault along as much as possible.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 25, 2008 @ 7:34 pm | Reply

  311. Furries are a small minority (Thank God!) and will be dealt with when the new police powers are enacted in the next few months before the proposed date of the next election. (I don’t think we can allow that to go on)

    The problem is that there are many minority groups that need to be controlled and, er, need population management. Catolicks, Jews, Darwinists, messicuns and all those weird eastern european people: They all need a stong hand.

    Maybe we can start with the furries and make an example of them….

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 26, 2008 @ 7:48 am | Reply

  312. Lol. A new furry religios division! Catolics. XD
    Awesome. 10/10 Pope approved goodness! (he’s a catolic too. ^^)

    This means that the pope is a furry. Also that the largest (or was it second, i dont bother remembering) religion in the world is led by a furry, and that the followers are also furries themselves. ^^

    and @ Marty McPain
    WTF? Police powers against minority groups? Yeah, sure. That’ll win over voters. The whole public opinion thing never seemed to clever to you did it? I think you’d make a fine Russian.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — August 31, 2008 @ 2:37 pm | Reply

  313. Don’t worry, be furry.

    Comment by Xydexx — August 31, 2008 @ 10:08 pm | Reply

  314. “This means that the pope is a furry”

    Well, as Satan’s emmisary on Earth its not a suprise that he indulges in his preverted child sex while dressed up in a pink rabbit suit or something…

    you are all disgusting!

    and the problem is not ENOUGH police powers and too MANY minorities, remember that.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 2, 2008 @ 12:03 pm | Reply

  315. Shut the fuck up im 18 and grown you mutha fucker and a true anime and furry/yiffy fan I also enjoy FUCKIN my girlfriend(NOT MARRIED!!!) and I will continue to enjot my life styles until I die so for you liberal assholes and you conservatave pricks yall can shut the hell up and fuck off its OUR world NOT YOURS and we as a people make it so dont fuckin tell other how to live!
    oh alittle btw(By the way for you old dum fucks)

    Comment by Demon Tate — September 2, 2008 @ 3:40 pm | Reply

  316. Alright, I’m not a furry, but my question is, why hate somthing that dosn’t affect you? If someone wanted to be themselves, then just let them. You’re sounding like a communist, or worse, a dictator. Why back bush anyway? He brought the US into a state of declination. Being a Homosexual, I have to put up with ignorance on a daily basis, if the quote, “Human life is a gift from our Creator, and that gift should never be discarded, devalued, or put up for sale.” as quote from above, is true, then why hate someone for being who they are? First off, furries are normal, civilized people, they’ve never done a thing to you, I have a few friends who are furries, never even once attempted to try to “change” me in any way, shape or form. And they’re really cool people. Being 18, people would think that “I’m just another teen who dosn’t know what he’s talking about.” But really, I do know what I’m talking about, it’s Freedom that I’m talking about, you all call freedom what you want, but did those soldiers who fought for indipendance, those soldiers who defend our country, did they die in vein? If you think that ignorance is a way to rule, then you’re saying yes. The stars and stripes should be free, free to live the way we choose to live, being a furry is not a crime, so live your own lives, and not have your head up someone else’s ass, ‘scuze the lingo. Wake up amd smell the flowers, the new generations are more welcoming to difference then you are, and if you don’t like it, then go to China, where your communist brothers are welcoming you with open arms.

    Comment by Michael O'Brien — September 2, 2008 @ 9:29 pm | Reply

  317. Mike, we really don’t need to hear about your preverted habits along with the horrible cross-species-dressing wierdos already on this site.

    Your problem: “Being a Homosexual, I have to put up with coke bottles and small mammanls being shoved up my ass on a daily basis” can be easily solved if you just KEPT YOUR PANTS ON.

    on second thought who cares about you; why don’t you try a 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew and see how that feels!

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 4, 2008 @ 8:57 am | Reply

  318. Why is everyone attacking the minorities. How about we look at one guy in history that a lot of people in this forum seem to put some trust in: Jesus. Did he go around with the socially acceptable popular people? Did he hunt down and kill those of different faiths or views?

    Why? Because He loved his neighbor. He forgave the sinners, He ate with the tax collectors, He touched and healed the unclean on multiple occasions. He took the message of love to those outcast by the society; religious sects, prostitutes and those condemned for their actions.

    Is hating furrys / gays / etc not the exact opposite of this? I would challenge every single one of you who chooses to persecute others to try and love them. And I dont mean begrudgingly I mean truly love them. Find out that they are real people that need the love and direction of God as much as you and I.

    Just for the record: Im not furry, im not gay. I am engaged to be married and I live a normal life. I stumbled across this article and felt so outraged by what I can only presume is the arrogance of some people who believe that their viewpoint is the only right one and everyone else is wrong and should be shunned / rounded up / shot. Anyone heard of Genocide? Nazi Germany? Rwanda? Sudan? Is this behavior really where society is today? If anyone is wrong then lets let the one person who is without sin pass judgement when they get to Him.

    Comment by Anonymoose — September 4, 2008 @ 5:19 pm | Reply

  319. Oh your God.

    This entire page makes me laugh.

    Furries = The Devil?

    Yeah, okay then.

    At least furries are actually real, unlike the crap you worship. ;D

    Comment by Amused-by-this — September 5, 2008 @ 10:23 am | Reply

  320. “I gotta go yiff myself right now!”

    “[Ed Note: You should choose an amoeba or a gecko for your fursona. It will bring you much enlightenment and less derision from your acquaintences and family. It will bring you great karma. A kick in the eye. Good luck, pervert.]”

    It’s called sarcasm, dumbshit. Also, please correct your spelling mistake and strange grammar mistake. It helps your case if you don’t look like you skipped a few grades.

    As for the actual topic at hand… you guys are better than TV. I’d like to thank every one of you. Now I’m off to find some more Christian-related controversy. Don’t expect me to reply to anything you guys have to say to me.

    Comment by Joe — September 6, 2008 @ 5:49 am | Reply

  321. Ugh. I thought they had sprayed for furbies in here, but they’re back. They’re worse than cockroaches. *Perverted* cockroaches.

    Comment by DPS — September 6, 2008 @ 11:52 pm | Reply

  322. Ha! What a joke! Please, try and understand something before you go ranting and raving about it. I could pick out the very worst in each of your values or interests and go on for pages, too, but I like to think balanced viewpoints are the most intelligent.

    Keep your social reform out of other people’s societies, and stick to fixing what you know. I can hardly believe this is serious, and the simple fact that I can’t be certain honestly terrifies me so much more than people who wank it to catgirls.

    You know, I’m not even asking that you change your opinions, just that you know your stuff before making a fool of yourself. And for goodness sake, your definition of morality is not everyone’s – it’s a fluid topic and changes frequently. Keep that in mind, please, before arrogantly assuming you are the law. Since when are interests and beliefs outlawed…oh wait, isn’t that…oh I think it’s…


    Comment by You — September 7, 2008 @ 7:02 pm | Reply

  323. Look AnyMoose

    “Why is everyone attacking the minorities”

    who the heck would we attack? We’re the majority! We are not going to attack ourselves dummy.

    and its the minorities that are gnawing away at the heart of truth and justice in this country. In their pointy eyes and gnarly teeth we see hate and evil calling for the destruction of all that is pure and good.

    get it now? get on board and help us defeat these invaders!

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 8, 2008 @ 7:53 am | Reply

  324. *show tune intro music*
    Hello everyone. Well. It seems we have a new troll everyone! Welcome Marty McPain! *canned audience applause*
    Well now Marty. Its nice to have you here on the boards. Hopefully you’ll be supplying us with moronic and to be honest, ludicrous comments just as our patrons DPS and Psycho have done for so long? If not, who will we laugh at? Oh, thats right. We’ laugh at the rest of the biased majority. And in reply to this “who the heck would we attack? We’re the majority! We are not going to attack ourselves dummy.” You do attack yourselves. By posting on these boards and showing what complete imbeciles make up part of your population.

    Hey DPS. I found something else you could condemn! Comic-Con! ^^

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 8, 2008 @ 12:15 pm | Reply

  325. “Welcome Marty McPain!”

    ?? you really are a fool. Go back and read ALL the comments to ALL the posts. Then come back and I’ll give you a test.

    I was commenting here way before Psychy was taken up into heaven…

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 8, 2008 @ 1:53 pm | Reply

  326. Oh, i knew you were here before, but then you were just a random poster. you weren’t coming back often enough to be classed as a regular. Now you keep posting i think you can be classed as troll, so i decided to introduce you to anyone who cares about your biased and politically incorrect views.

    Psycho is dead? Oh, didnt notice. Don’t really care either…

    Meh. I’m no fool anyways. The only fool is the one who makes an ill informed decision and then decides to force it upon others. Namingly Psycho, you, DPS, etc.
    You get the drift. Well, you should, otherwise you are definitely a fool indeed.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 10, 2008 @ 9:52 am | Reply

  327. “then decides to force it upon others”

    and you are insane as well as a fool. The good masters of this forum, now departed, gave voice to all our hopes, and I know they will return when McCain is appointed by God to be president and then gives the position to Sam Brownback, the most decent and honest man in the world.

    YOU didn’t have to come here and poop all over the comments. Reading your depraved scrawlings is like whipping my flesh with barbed wire soaked in hot sauce. Searing pain. Burning straws poked into my eyeballs.

    My do you torment these pages?

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 10, 2008 @ 1:21 pm | Reply

  328. what the hell is going on here?
    let me sum it up for you.

    you have got the furries and the fur-porters (supporters) trying to defend themselves from people who think they can run the world.

    oh, and by the way,DPS, i believe you asked for statistics from people who can use commas; well here i am! statisic is there have been a of 7:1 ratio of arguments in favour of the furry fandom.

    in the bible isn’t 7 the perfect number.

    what does DPS stand for? it seems that you; aswell it seems! is trying to hide.

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — September 10, 2008 @ 3:37 pm | Reply

  329. “oh, and by the way,DPS, i believe you asked for statistics from people who can use commas; well here i am!”

    It should be “well, here I am”. You should try harder.

    Comment by Anonymous Commenter — September 10, 2008 @ 3:52 pm | Reply

  330. I do find it amusing that these furbies show up and expect to be taken seriously despite the fact that they dress up in mascot outfits. I look forward to future contributions to this important discussion by the Wheedle and the <a href=”Racing Sausages. If they’re not too busy fending off the s3xual advances of our resident perverts, that is.

    Comment by DPS — September 10, 2008 @ 10:57 pm | Reply

    • I find it amusing that you expect to be taken seriously despite the fact that you have terribly flawed logic, cannot keep a story straight, cannot grasp what’s being said in it’s entirety, and are inconsistent in your own faith. 🙂

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 7:19 pm | Reply

  331. Sorry about the HTML. These perverts just make me so angry that sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing.

    Comment by DPS — September 10, 2008 @ 10:59 pm | Reply

  332. @ Marty
    Well then. Guess its a good job that McCain has a decent mind. Plus, i doubt even brownback is this morally unsound. My’ scawlings’ are kept to a decent standard of politeness and i avoid using profanities unless completely necessary. So the whole whipping and hotsauce thing is a) unneeded and b) kind of sick.
    It takes someone of a certain, erm. ‘State’ (referring to mental state, not a USA state) to use such visual horrors as you have. Please try and retain yourself when posting in future and save us all the trouble of finding out what a strange minded person you truly are.

    @ DPS
    Give it up already! It has been proven to you multiple times that we are not ‘perverts’ or any other kind of unkempt sexual deviant. You have become quite repetetive recently so unless you have anything better then calling us all ‘perverts’, I think your part of this discussion is over.
    And by the way. Have you started scorning Comic-Con yet? Its full of people dressing up as anime characters! I’m sure you find this most enraging.

    Well then. Back to my perfectly happy day of scrolling through the art on FA ( You ought to check it out. ^^

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 11, 2008 @ 9:21 am | Reply

  333. Lies by the ton you are a disgusting perverted falsehood pusher.

    How dare you mock Saint McCain? Your snarling blood-lust insults make you absolutely SICK. Don’t attack me for your own failings. I bet you secretly wish to be whipped with a leather belt and then tied up and shoved under a bed, while above you two large fur clad Satan-worshippers perform their sinfull fornications.

    Oh my head! I am ready to smash my head into a wall to remove the vile images of your spawlings and crustications from my eyes.

    God please smite LBT the evil loathsome sinner with your large justice stick. Thank you. Amen.


    Comment by Marty McPain — September 11, 2008 @ 11:08 am | Reply

  334. …? umm. My vile images? No, yours. I am not spreading corrupt sexual thoughts, you are. Where in any of my post then did i mention anything to do with the ‘scene’ you just described. I think you’ll find I didn’t.

    Also, I mock him because with supporters like you who needs political adversaries. He’d lose if he was on his own with people like you backing him!

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 11, 2008 @ 11:54 am | Reply

  335. What I don’t get is how these furries type with their big fluffy paws. Do they have giant keyboards and mash the individual keys with their paws, or do they have a special furry typing wand that they stick in their snouts and poke the keys with? Hilarious. Or perhaps it is some kind of diabolical sorcery that empowers them to type, which would not be hilarious at all, but very sinister.

    Comment by DPS — September 11, 2008 @ 1:52 pm | Reply

  336. A very valid question DPS. You are obviously intelligent and yet I think you may not have considered the real sinister and evil solution these fur-balls have devised.

    Human slaves. Yes I hear that these malignant miscreants have used some of their dirty money raised by producing fur-porn to purchase young white female slaves from Russia.

    Then they prode and poke and nibble on these poor abused nubiles to get them to type the foul spewl these hairy smelly deviant fools yell at them all hours of the day and night.

    I shudder to think this will be the future of the human race! I will not permit it! We need to use our contacts in the FBI, CIA and expecially the air-force to deal with these satan-lovers!

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 12, 2008 @ 7:57 am | Reply

  337. OK. Now I really know you are taking the pee.
    Ha de bloomin ha.

    @DPS Yes, we have sinister typing skills. Mwhahahahaha *clicketyclickety clunk clicketyclickety* (keyboard noises!)

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 12, 2008 @ 11:39 am | Reply

  338. Are furries as bad as illegal substances?
    Seriously, what the hell were you smoking when you wrote this?

    Comment by Mandi — September 13, 2008 @ 8:46 am | Reply

  339. You anti-furries should get sodomized with a big red iron

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 13, 2008 @ 11:20 am | Reply

  340. I dont care you flame me, every time you flame me you will demonstrate me you “Christian shits” have shit instead of gray matter

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 13, 2008 @ 11:27 am | Reply

  341. Fuck you stupid christian fanatic
    the religion is a bullshit!!!
    Death to Jesus!!!

    Comment by Luis Weinstein — September 13, 2008 @ 10:03 pm | Reply

  342. Hahaha this campaign is useless, no thoughts why Brownback is a fucker.
    By the way, who are you to tell what “god” hates or loves? and also, the ones that are perverts are your fucking priests, pedofile and rape children and rape women “in the name of God”.
    Also… Jesus Christ died without knowing most of the people would become “christian” and kill in his name.

    FURRY owns you all, at least we don’t kill animals like the government does, with all the war at iraq. And we dont send soldiers over a place and keep them even when the war is over… we dont kill inocent children, nor rape em.
    You think you’re god.

    “The Key to joy is disobedience” Aleister Crowley, Hymn to Lucifer

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 13, 2008 @ 10:20 pm | Reply

  343. By the way, i would rather go to hell as your religion says, than living in a life of unhappyness.
    And if you hide all this from your children, he will always try to rebel you and find a way to hate you, stupid shitminded people

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 13, 2008 @ 10:25 pm | Reply

  344. Wow, I can’t beleive the coments I am seeint here. People Who claim to love Jesus and worship God and read the bible, yet you are all judging These people based on one aspect of thier life.
    I am not a christian, nor do I claim to belong to any other religous group.
    They way I see it, most of you posting here in the name of christianity have quite th superiority complex, and from that comes much hate, witch results in sadnes and suffering througout the world.
    Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against you believing in god and jesus and heaven, if it makes your life a happier one. But beleive on your own and/or with those who choose to believe with you. Don’t try to force your beleaifs on others.
    If I am not mistaken, is it not for GOD to judge all who walk this earth?? Do you presume to be able to do gods juding for him?? Just think about that.

    Now as far as furries go, I don’t see a problem with people doing what makes them happy.

    Yes anything can be taken to far, including christianity(Holy Wars?????).

    If something someone is doing ofends you, turn your attention towards something else.

    There is no need for condemnation if they aren’t shoving thier lifstyle in your face.

    I can also understand you that some of you think this is wrong “in the eyes of god” and are trying to express concern for these people, but there is a difference between helping someone, and forcing your beleifs on them.

    If you beilieve what the bible says, than consider this, God must have intende fo some people to be like thisand not be able to be “saved” or he would not have created a place for them(hell).

    If you want to try to “save beple and bring them into christianity or any other religion for that matter, do it through respectfull discussion. Not condemming, forcefull or hatefull discussion. let every man and woman make his and her own choice, and exept that wichever god you worship, has a plan for all of us.

    BTW, you should all realize this came fromsomeone who fears no god. If one exists and he/she created me, why should I have fear.

    Comment by JohnD — September 14, 2008 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

  345. *sigh*

    This is really tryhard. I mean, seriously. My opinion on the matter is that not all furries are that sick and twisted. For every furry who is, there are a thousand who aren’t. I have a ‘fursona’ but I’m not a furry, it’s just the Internet ‘me’.

    It’s just sick when people try to demonise and demoralise something just because they don’t understand it. It’s not fair on the rest of us, we who are shunned because of something we can’t help. I’m talking about people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (like me) and other disabilities, as well as homosexual people and those of us with ‘anger management problems’ which are more often than not caused by people not knowing when to let up.

    And looking at the comments on here, at the people who claim to be Christian! Can they GET more racist? I think people like you are the reason our world is so unhealthy. Doing nothing about saving the environment, doing nothing about helping those who need to be helped. You need to concentrate on those issues, as well as crime, not a fandom that has been infiltrated by disgusting people who don’t care about anything. I’m inclined to ask if you are a furry yourself.

    You and all your ‘Christian’ followers make me sick.

    And I was born Christian, but I don’t believe anything your religion says happened. My opinion is that there were some serious errors in translation, and besides, a ‘virgin’ two thousand years ago was just a woman who had never had a child.

    What’s crazy is I’m a 14 year old Australian and I’m making more sense than most of you. That’s just sad. I’m sorry, but you need to start acting your age.

    Comment by ImmortalShande — September 14, 2008 @ 6:52 pm | Reply

  346. YAY! Finally people with sense post here! Thank you Mandi #338, Corpsegrinder #339, 340, 342 and 343 (lovin that quote “The Key to joy is disobedience” Aleister Crowley, Hymn to Lucifer), Luis Weinstein#341, and JohnD #344 You all at least seem to have a modicome of sense. Thank you for showing im not the only one.

    Also: TRY ME!!! —>

    P.S (I’ve been blocked? Yay! This is a major victory! ^^)

    Comment by Honesty's Barel — September 15, 2008 @ 10:05 am | Reply

  347. “FURRY owns you all, at least we don’t kill animals like the government does”

    Bull-poopy! I’ve heard what happens to the poor puppies that fall into your clutches. Your sick desires force you to abuse the cute little darlings for your preverted fun, and then you wolf-furries rip them apart with your fake fangs and drink their warm puppy blood.

    I pray that the Lord sees fit to teach you a lesson with similar treatment..

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 15, 2008 @ 10:52 am | Reply

  348. Dear Marty Mc. Pain:
    that last comment you left me, lets me know how stupid you are…
    1st- “I’ve heard what happens to the poor puppies that fall into your clutches. Your sick desires force you to abuse the cute little darlings for your preverted fun, and then you wolf-furries rip them apart with your fake fangs and drink their warm puppy blood.”
    Once again, stupid christian impotence, stereotyping and judging. To give you a kick in the balls: first I don’t own a fur-suit and I won’t have one. Second, i have always been nice to animals and i can prove it to you, Third i’m not a wolf furry, im a deer-furry. Fourth: Fake fangs??? come on! you make me laugh. Those things aren’t even sharp. Fifth: what piece of cock is your mind made of? you saying All of furries make zoofilia, pedofile and stuff? try to fucking prove it, you fucking piece of SHIT!! yes SHIT! and i dont say poopy… Plus your fucking christian priests in your religion (I wont also stereotype, but the most of em) are Pedofile, rape children and you say we are evil? don’t quit your day-job Loser. Look, i wont argue anymore cause debating with fanatic religious bullshits is like arguing with caca dookie, useless… I pray for my pagan god to sodom you with a big oxided nail gun.

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 16, 2008 @ 12:07 am | Reply

  349. Yeah, umm. Marty, give it up. You are making yourself out to be more of an ass than you truly are. I mean, noone can be that thick so cut the act and either post seriously or just keep acting like a complete fool and I’ll keep laughing.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 16, 2008 @ 9:44 am | Reply

  350. So, Lies by the Ton, you don’t deny the truth of what furries do with puppies? Good. Maybe there is some hope that we can get you out of your bunny-suit and get you right with God.

    As a good Christian, I will pray for your salvation, in this world, so you are not tormented by Satan in the next.

    (and what are noones?)

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 16, 2008 @ 11:26 am | Reply

  351. A) Barrels don’t all weigh that much. There are a variety of barrels. But thanks for saying I tell so much truth! I must be hitting home there.
    B) I didn’t deny it because it was utterly rediculous.
    C) Its a snow leopard, when i get a suit.
    D) You are still a moron.

    So, for the above reasons i shall lol until I can lol no more. Then, whence i have recovered. I shall lol further. Until a new morn dost breaketh. For it is thee, that has caused me such mirth with thy assuredly questionable mind.

    The Cats Pjamas (A.K.A Honestybythebarrel)

    P.S. “Noones” are people who have no life and therefore seem not to exist. Or there is no record of them existing. Many people believe there to be a secret branch beyond the FBI comprised completely of noones who are the ‘elite of the elite’ to coin a phrase. Also, it is gramatically correct when used in context.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 17, 2008 @ 9:14 am | Reply

  352. Well okay “Piss in a Bucket”. There’s your new name!

    and forget anything I said about trying to save you. You are surely going to hell and will be ravaged by Satan over and over. I will thank the Lord and laugh and Laugh…what do you say? LOL LOL LOL

    When you are screaming in pain with blood spurting from your eyes, it will be too late to ask for His forgiveness.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 17, 2008 @ 12:23 pm | Reply

  353. lol there is no heaven or hell. and yes, how can you spurt blood if you’re dead? haha moron I recomend you to hear some Deicide and clear your mind.

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 17, 2008 @ 5:20 pm | Reply

  354. Well yet again I stumble upon another website where someone is saying they are a christian and yet they only have time to post HATE SPEECH and show that they are not a true christian! I wonder if any christian on here has read the bible since it does state in it that You shall not judge others and that it is GODS job to decide where we shall go in the end times!!! I am not even a christian and I know that! Come on give the computer a break and go actually do something good like volunteering in a soup kitchen or helping out at your community center!!!

    Comment by See you in hell "D — September 17, 2008 @ 5:45 pm | Reply

  355. Oh you sinners will learn the truth! Satan will teach you a stern lesson. You will beg for mercy but God will spurn your pleas, and He will laugh at your suffering. and the torment will continue for all eternity, and your flesh will burn and your eyes will burst from their sockets only to be stuffed back in.

    I wonder if you are getting ready for hell by practicing with your butt-buddies…

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 18, 2008 @ 10:01 am | Reply

  356. hahaha im just discussing with caca-dookie, so ill stop… keep praying to your god, and sexually satisfying your pedophile priests. While we enjoy being cool. Chrisitian homofobic anti-furries, these are my last words to you… flame me, i don’t care… as i said, The more you tell me that we furries are going to burn in hell the more you demonstrate the non-retarded people how fucking stupid you are. So:
    “Ram your religion so far up your ass, there are those who wish you’d leave them the fuck alone, What you have to say about your lord don’t mean a thing to me, You will succumb as did Adam and Eve , Bible basher, I destroy your belief”
    -Deicide- bible basher

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 18, 2008 @ 10:39 am | Reply

  357. Yeah, you are a child. There is no way you could be so immature and not be under the age of 16. Either that or you actually are retarded. If you are over 16 you have my pity. If not, GTFO of this so called ‘blog’ ang get your ass back in school so you grow up some.

    As for the whole ‘trying to save you’ thing. Try saving yourself first. It may not be the bible mut it may as well be. It means the same and suits you perfectly.

    “Judge not, lest you be not judged. For with the judgment that you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, “Let me take the speck out of your eye,” when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

    We are all one and the same. Solve your own problems and then come back and talk politely.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 18, 2008 @ 12:45 pm | Reply

  358. Correction: It damn well IS the bible.

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 18, 2008 @ 12:46 pm | Reply

  359. 1) a lot of people seem to be saying that all christians are evil because of the Inquisition, thats just dumb, it was over and done a long time ago, (christians have moved on from the torture stage)
    2) such annoying, hate spewing propaganda is exactly like what America did to African Americans

    BTW I don’t care if he’s right or not, anyone so incapable of concedeing that there is a counter-arguement, needs to put their feelings in a more private form so they didn’t get 354 comments, mostly about how wrong he is.

    Nothing wrong with liking to draw animals, or do… other, things

    Comment by Findsthishumorous — September 18, 2008 @ 5:42 pm | Reply

  360. Nice try but God commands us to judge.

    John 7:24 (King James Version)

    24Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

    It is the responsiblity of a Christian to judge the behavior of those who would turn the world into a cesspool of Satan worship, such as yourself. and I judge thee unfit!

    And you should remember that Satan will repay your loyalty to him with suffering and pain. He may ram an iron spit up you and roast you over a fire; he may attach rodents to all your protuberances and have them gnaw on you for enternity.

    And God listens and laughs.

    you should study Romans 1:18-32.

    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19

    Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24

    and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28

    YUP that’s you all right. and the DUE PENALTY is gonna be charged and you are gonna be sorry.

    HA HA

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 19, 2008 @ 11:14 am | Reply

    • lol uhhh that last part about animal images replaceing god is silly most of us draw as a hobby not because we wish to show off some nonexistant god XD

      Comment by ravenfox — July 25, 2010 @ 10:56 pm | Reply

  361. You missed two fatal points there my seemingly better educated-than-I-thought-but-still-quite-thick arch-poster.
    1) “24Judge not according to the appearance, but judge RIGHTEOUS judgment.” It means fair/correct. Not completely biased and unfair.
    2) “Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24” That means that they worshipped other gods. Just because you are furry doesnt mean that suddenly we worship some skeletal raven as the god of death or something.

    Your completely incorrect and to be honest, rather appauling views on life lead me to only believe that you are mentally disturbed or are agoraphobic and therefore never leave the house, causing you to have a twisted view on the ‘evil and dangerous’ world outside. Seek psychiatric help.

    Oh, and another pointer about your quotes. make sure they are relevant to the question at hand. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19” Why refer to the punishment Sam Brownback and many other politicians shall recieve if said ‘God’ actualy exists?

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 20, 2008 @ 3:01 am | Reply

  362. I see no further value in commenting here. This blog is a joke. whether it was meant to be or not. I can only hope it is but if not it is so idiotic it darn well should be.

    Enjoy your futile arguments while they make no difference. So that should be what, forever?

    Check out if you ever have any free time. You’d enjoy it.

    Sees yall.
    Honestybythebarrel checking out *mock salute followed by Alt + F4*

    Comment by Honestybythebarrel — September 20, 2008 @ 3:06 am | Reply

  363. heh heh . . another loser checks out. His dishonest claims refuted. His whining condemned. His nasty perversions revealed.

    Watch your puppies! Never know when his kind will return….

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 20, 2008 @ 12:27 pm | Reply

  364. ok, so i missed one freaking comma!

    either way no body answer which by the words of “saint” McPain (which, seeing as he’s Catholic, should be McKind) means that everything I said is fully correct!

    Fandom 1

    B4B 2
    @DPS you still havent answered my question. what does DPS stand for? hiding something from us or yourself or the lord himself? from which there is no hiding; for he hath the knowledge of the greatest beings. only rivaled by the life he hath promised our houses ETERNAL!!!!!

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — September 20, 2008 @ 5:03 pm | Reply

  365. Marty McRetarded idiot: No, where not checking out fucker, we are just leaving you retards to continue showing the world how stupid you are, and as honesty said… this is a joke.

    See you in Hell

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — September 20, 2008 @ 9:06 pm | Reply

  366. *sigh*

    I’m probably just annoying myself by getting in to a thing like this but I don’t have much else to do seeing as my good computer broke last week.

    Furry’s are not as bad as they are shown to be in this article.

    This article dismisses them as sexual devients and homosexuals which is far from true. Several surveys have shown that most furries are in fact Heterosexual.

    Very few furries actually Fursuit or go to conventions. The number of furs that engage in sexual activity in said suits is much lower. That alone disregards most of your idiotic rambling you call an article.

    You are a disgrace to Christians like me. You are nothing but a fool, and a loud one at that.

    Wake up. What gives you, or anyone else, the right to insult other people. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. You sit here and say these people are evil and horrid yet you yourself are truely the one who is being evil.

    Spreading lies to make other’s hate is wrong.

    Damning others to hell is wrong. Only God is the judge of that.

    Hating others in itself is wrong.

    Face it. This entire thing is either a joke or you need help. So do all the people who support you.

    Comment by Drake — September 20, 2008 @ 11:32 pm | Reply

  367. Wolfie, your words are confused.

    No one here cares about Senator McCain or the fact that he is a mary-worshipping idolater. That papist fool is not long for this world, and Sam Brownback will be asked to step in as God’s annointed President.

    Sure we love the strict Christian upbringing of Sarah Palin, but even we think she needs some more experience. Killing wolves, moose and mean inlaws is all well and good but she needs some work on the finer points of back-stabbing and self-dealing. She is off to a good start though.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 22, 2008 @ 7:47 am | Reply

  368. GOD HAS NO PLACE IN POLOTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — September 22, 2008 @ 6:42 pm | Reply

  369. id rather die on furry paws than live on human feet.

    Comment by ravenfox — September 22, 2008 @ 6:44 pm | Reply

  370. GOD HAS NO PLACE IN POLOTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Comment by ravenfox — September 22, 2008 @ 6:42 pm


    furries can’t spell.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 22, 2008 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  371. but they know how to treat people with respect and dignity unlike SOME people 🙂

    Comment by ravenfox — September 23, 2008 @ 12:32 am | Reply

  372. and no he does not… he could give a fuck less about who runs the country. all he truly wants is for people to follow his teachings and worship him.

    Comment by ravenfox — September 23, 2008 @ 12:36 am | Reply

  373. have a nice day

    Comment by ravenfox — September 23, 2008 @ 12:36 am | Reply

  374. Lol you fuckin fail, marty, you ate “poopy” as you say jajaja… drake: applause to your wise words

    Comment by christians to the lions — September 23, 2008 @ 6:31 pm | Reply

  375. Well, I guess we can’t count on the furries developing a social life and losing interest in trolling this blog, can we?

    Oh, well. If they’re typing, they’re probably taking a break from molesting their pets, so that’s all for the best.

    Comment by DPS — September 23, 2008 @ 10:19 pm | Reply

  376. So true DPS, so true.

    Its a sad state of affairs when we have to stand guard at animal shelters so that perverts dressed in animal suits can’t enter and sodomise the poor kittens and puppies.

    Yours in Christ (who was not a furry)


    Comment by Marty McPain — September 24, 2008 @ 7:00 am | Reply

  377. “Before you read on, this is your last warning. Some things are best not known. The following will disturb you. I don’t care who you are or how jaded you might be. You have been warned. Any discomfort you might experience as a result of this article is not the fault of B4B.”

    Might i add you where right it disturbs me that you have such close minded pervese views. you really need help dude. god your one sick fuck.

    Comment by A sexxy Dragonwolf — September 25, 2008 @ 5:24 pm | Reply

  378. They don’t have sex with animals. Get it through your heads. That’s a completely different fetish that is generally looked down on by most furs.

    Also, as it has been explained. Only a small percent of furrys actually have or wear fursuits at all. Not to mention that hardly any at all do it for a sexual experience.

    Comment by Drake — September 25, 2008 @ 6:37 pm | Reply

  379. “completely different fetish that is generally looked down on”

    So you agree that some furries like to have sex with animals. sick. and you seem to know a lot about this. are you willing to admit you have a problem and seek Jesus?

    You first have to admit you are wrong, sick, perverted and in need of help; then you have to get on your knees and open up your mouth and ask Jesus to fill you with His love.

    He will do it for you! Praise the Lord!

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 25, 2008 @ 8:04 pm | Reply

  380. You completely disregarded what I said. Your blinded in your beleif that what you are doing is right. It’s not. You are doing exactly what satan wants.

    Blind faith is worse than no faith.

    Comment by Drake — September 26, 2008 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

  381. beat him to within an inch of his life (followed by destroying his hobbies without even talking about it)

    Yeah, of course. If you nearly kill your children, that’s good parenting!

    If you even consider this piece of writing while raising children, you should seek medical attention immediatly.

    The problem with religious people is that they hate everyone so much. Very christian indeed.

    Comment by Samuel — September 27, 2008 @ 5:02 pm | Reply

  382. I hope you enjoyed your internet research, you sick bastard. 😀

    Comment by Me — September 27, 2008 @ 5:12 pm | Reply

  383. Calm the fuck down. If anyone needs to be silenced, it’s you, not furries. Even if I don’t agree with their views, that doesn’t mean they’re all damned for their beliefs. If Jesus would cry about anything, it’d be that his children aren’t perceptive enough to love one another, even furries.
    Also, I’m pretty sure the president didn’t mention shit about furries.

    Comment by Common Sense — September 27, 2008 @ 5:17 pm | Reply

  384. Wow, I can’t believe someone actually took the time to write a blog about this. Talk about a sad waste of life.

    Comment by bbl — September 27, 2008 @ 10:18 pm | Reply

  385. “beat him to within an inch of his life”

    I would much rather know a child is a furry than being abused. Furries are silly, but children of abuse can need years of therapy and drugs just to function like normal people.

    You’re the monster here.

    Comment by Stevie — September 27, 2008 @ 11:56 pm | Reply

  386. nice troll. burn in hell for advocating child abuse, and burn in hell for just being a general moron

    Comment by jon — September 28, 2008 @ 1:31 am | Reply

  387. Truth – You cannot make someone believe as you.
    Truth – You who yells the loudest is the least heard.
    Truth – You who is pigheaded is also at loss.
    Truth – All religions are right and wrong, all you have to do is believe or not believe.
    Truth – The world is a lot bigger place.
    Truth – Ignorance will only seek to help itself and ignore the truth for the power of certain words and contexts.
    Truth – Sexual Fetish is not a way of life, but a section of it.
    Truth – Everything is creepy if it isn’t your fetish or you are closed to freedom of will.
    Truth – Too much Believe in something and not enough Faith in yourself and in freedom and fairness makes for blindness.
    Truth – There is more then one truth when people are added to the equation, so be fair and open so you are not burned by your sharp tongue and enclosed wit.

    Both sides put up their points and arguments. One side was fair and just, the other was a bunch of dirty little kids playing word games. And so you know, I am not on either side, but religion is losing this as the crusaders are kids armed with ignorance and the Furries are winning for they are righteous and just for being fair and honest. I am not one for their life style, I like normal sex with my girlfriend, thank you very much. But, to each his own.

    Comment by Truth — September 28, 2008 @ 4:43 am | Reply

    • I agree with you. Though, the lies they are feeding about furries being perverted and sick have persuaded your views a bit. I am a furry and I too enjoy normal sex with my boyfriend.

      Oh, and all you people angry about homosexual relationship related(or not) to furries, I’m a girl and I enjoy missionary with my BOYfriend and I’m a furry :O

      You know nothing of this fandom.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 3:57 pm | Reply

  388. Oh I’m sorry. Please explain how you know so much about furry activities and sexual practices.

    Leave out no detail. You will most likely have a good argument on why such people need not be rounded up and ground into dogfood.

    I will pray to the Lord to direct you to the Truth of the Word.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 28, 2008 @ 7:44 pm | Reply

  389. Don’t believe Marty’s posturing. He actually likes the hawt fursuit yiff, but will deny it at every turn. We have photos of him humping a jellyfish.

    Marty McPain will end up embarrassed and disgraced like the former Rev. Ted Haggard.

    Comment by I Saw Marty McPain Yiffing In Fursuit — September 29, 2008 @ 9:14 am | Reply

  390. “You first have to admit you are wrong, sick, perverted and in need of help; then you have to get on your knees and open up your mouth and ask Jesus to fill you with His love.” so Marty your saying drake has to blow Jesus? and you are calling us sick Satan worshipers?

    Comment by ravenfox — September 29, 2008 @ 4:42 pm | Reply

  391. WHAT!? you perverted sick demented demon!

    I should have known you know nothing of PRAYING.

    1 Kings 8:54 (New King James Version)
    54 And so it was, when Solomon had finished praying all this prayer and supplication to the LORD, that he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.

    What is your problem? must have something to do with being mixed up. How can you be both a raven and a fox in your demented cult? You’ll have to eat yourself!

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 29, 2008 @ 4:52 pm | Reply

  392. mcpain you are retarded i was refering to the where YOU were refered to as a saint. the other clue was me tracking back to your previous comments. who the fuck is Palin or senator mccain anyway?

    (tauntingly) @ DPS still no reply

    i think that evens the score to 4-1 in favour of the furries haha!

    i think i’ll end with a sig’ from now on.


    “everything made by the lowest bidder.”

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — September 29, 2008 @ 4:55 pm | Reply

    And beastiality is nowhere near furry sex… If it’s anythig bad… (Which I don’t think it is)It’s Evolutionist Sex… But it’s not like you’re doing anything about evolution in school’s… No you’re to busy bad mouthing other peoples free wills.

    Comment by Omaiwa Baka Des — September 30, 2008 @ 5:48 am | Reply

  394. And as for Marty… How is it you know so much about sexual practices? And you know Solomon was an evil man? He was a peligamist… Maybe the wrong person to referance? That and where in the Bible does it say attack your fellow man? I know 2000+ verses where it says not to.

    Comment by Omaiwa Baka Des — September 30, 2008 @ 5:55 am | Reply

  395. OMFG, I’m, liek, prowd to bee uh furreh!

    Fuck you. My hobbies are NOBODIES business.

    You stupid fucking life nazis…furries are going to rape your ass. I’ll go first.

    Wait…I don’t have a dick…I’LL JUST DRAW ONE ON!!!

    Get real.

    I haz a fursona. Look it up. Spam me. Hate mail me…or just hate me. I’ll laugh.

    or, even better:

    Sex in Hell, skinfags!

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — September 30, 2008 @ 12:00 pm | Reply

  396. oh marty no likey when what he loves is poked at ???? oh but when he does it to others its fine and dandy. whatever you take from what we ay is what you want it to be no if ans or buts. but when we do the SAME EXACT THING YOU ARE DOING TO US. is *Ohhh Im gonna get all offended now.” deal bitch you push my buttons im gonna push back and twice as hard. i bet you sodomize yourself with a crucifix every night trying to get “closer” to god with the sick twisted vision of him you share with dps.

    Comment by ravenfox — October 1, 2008 @ 12:15 am | Reply

    • AAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDD WERE BACK!!!! You know it’s really sad that because you have such a lack of belief in god that you have to make things up like; musics the devil or that others who don’t believe in your book are all satan worshipers cus they don’t share your screwed up version of god, and maybe if you actually read the book in stead of taking a few bits and pieces out of it, just so you can feel you have secured your place up there, you have actually just pissed the rest of the world off and him too. You people remind me of some one; oh what was his name Hitler that’s right how about you do us all a favor and please shut up cus you don’t know the first thing about souls, or how to save them and pushing your self fear of going to hell on the rest of us. If your so close to him, then Why do you have to judge every one else? Whats that i hear oh yeah, self doubt. So the next time you want to bible thump, please do it to some one who is not seeing through your bullshit. Oh and by the way if I’m going to hell I’m sure I’ll see you all there too. So first class seats for everyone. Hooray. I will even be kind enough to save you and all your type a seat. 🙂

      Comment by ravenfox — July 20, 2010 @ 11:20 pm | Reply

  397. poked? what are you talking about? It was your ignorance about prayer that caused you to think that I was encouraging Drake to “blow” Jesus, whatever that means. (some sick furry practice I assume)

    I am not offended but rather saddened by your childish behavior. You too should read the bible and hear God’s Word. You must have heard that He will torment you for all eternity if you don’t do what He says. The Bible is the checklist!

    and back to your confusion: are you a bird or a mammal?

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 1, 2008 @ 11:22 am | Reply

  398. I wish you furbies would please stop using profane language. This is a family site that I used to enjoy reading with my wife and children before you showed up and started in with your disgusting language. If you have anything worthwhile to say, surely it can be said in a civil and decent manner. It would also not be out of line for each of you to offer an apology for your unpleasant conduct.

    Comment by DPS — October 2, 2008 @ 9:57 am | Reply

  399. “I wish you furbies would please stop using profane language. This is a family site that I used to enjoy reading with my wife and children before you showed up and started in with your disgusting language. If you have anything worthwhile to say, surely it can be said in a civil and decent manner. It would also not be out of line for each of you to offer an apology for your unpleasant conduct.”

    – DPS

    Well…let’s see what I should say…hm…oh, I got it.

    Fuck you. We HAVE a reason to say what we’re saying, and to feel how we feel. I don’t recall anyone bitching about how much humanfucking is and all that jazz. You idiots are complaining about nothing! You ain’t any better than that fuckass Jack Thompson. Have you ever heard what he says about gamers? He believes that if you play video games, you’ll adapt to it too well and start commiting the acts seen in Vice City, and burn in hell for eternity. That’s right. He says that all gamers will burn in hell.

    How is that any different from the common and overused phrase “Yiff in hell, Furfags” bullshit.

    While I do not particularily take offense to these nonsensical and just downright bullshit comments, it is still fursecution.

    It is no different than the shit that spewed out of Jack Thompson’s mouth, and no different than the guidelines Hitler had. I have seen some nasty shit about what we are and what we follow, but why are we denied the ability to fight back?

    So fuck you, your mom, your son, your dog and even fuck your Removable Drives E,F, and the occasional G,H,I,K, and L.

    So, DPS, if you’ve noticed anything remotely interesting, it would be that:

    For one, it’s not only the Furries using “profane language”. It’s damn near everyone here.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with us, and not to mention that Beastiality and Furry Sex (or Yiff) are two completely different things.

    If you hate the furry fandom and all its awesomeness, you guys must even go so far as to hate on the fucking Easter Bunny.

    I AM a Christian. I’m fine with it and what it stands for. God does not hate anyone, that includes fuckasses like Jack Thompson and Hitler.

    We have done nothing to your fucking cookie-cutter community, but you assgoblins really make me want to do so.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 2, 2008 @ 11:53 am | Reply

  400. DPS doesn’t even do any thing anything anymore lol

    but seriously do start saying we’re wrong because we swear when the 3rd image down is of a butt naked woman decapitating some-one

    think it through

    “it’s my birthday…
    …what’s your excuse”

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — October 2, 2008 @ 3:29 pm | Reply

  401. Raknoth the Wolf, I already said I’m a Christian so it’s more 4-1 in Furry favor over Christian Extremists, trust me, we’re not all like this by a long shot. Saying that is like assuming that all furry’s have sex with animals which I also disagree strongly with.

    Also, McCain and Palin are currently running for presidency and vice-presidency for the Republican party.

    “Blowing” someone is a practice in which a female or male puts a male sex organ into their mouth and then blows it until climax. Hence the name. It is really popular for college and highschool students. It has nothing to do with furries. (to be fair to the person who accused you of hinting at this, I had to do a double take to make sure you didn’t really mean it.)

    Also, God doesn’t do the tormenting part of hell. He just sends you there.

    “Are you (the poster getting responded to) a bird or a mammel” Most likely both, an anthro fox with wings most likely.

    Your on the internet. If you want child safety look to some other form of media, such as tv or books. Ask your local library for books written by Christain authors to. A lot of them are actually pretty good reads.

    Also, you promoted the guy who tossed the first blow so that really makes you on the offending side. I try to refrain from using fowl language, occasionally letting my tongue, er, fingers slip (and I am very sorry if I do).

    Comment by Drake — October 2, 2008 @ 4:27 pm | Reply

  402. Drake,

    I am carefully considering your words, as you say that you are a believer in Christ. Then I take it that you believe that the Bible is the inerrant Work Of God. Is this correct?

    So good, maybe you can further explain what the heck is going on here.

    “Saying that is like assuming that all furry’s have sex with animals which I also disagree strongly with.” So then we can assume that SOME furries have sex with animals? And do you agree that this is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord and such people should be serverely chastised in this life and are destined for torment in the next? I expect you will agree.

    next your description of “Blowing” is confusing “someone is a practice in which a female or male puts a male sex organ into their mouth and then blows it” because you use the same word to explain what the word is. very odd. Do you mean like a musical instrument? I can imagine you would get any sound out of it.

    “Also, God doesn’t do the tormenting part of hell. He just sends you there.”

    Hmmm, that’s not a very Christian thought. Are you claiming that God is not responsible for everything that happens in the next world as well as this one?

    That would be heresy my friend and I caution you to retract such distorted thinking before you get in trouble.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 2, 2008 @ 6:37 pm | Reply

  403. so if we talk crap about some thing we don’t know anything about its not alright. but when you talk shit about furries WHICH YOU KNOW NOTHING about its just hunky dory. oh and btw i know you know this site is far from family oriented dps so stfu and deal. i’ve noticed that you complain about what we say but when your “friends” say somthing just as bad its fine so quit your bitching.

    Comment by ravenfox — October 2, 2008 @ 7:45 pm | Reply

  404. Well okay “Piss in a Bucket”. There’s your new name!

    and forget anything I said about trying to save you. You are surely going to hell and will be ravaged by Satan over and over. I will thank the Lord and laugh and Laugh…what do you say? LOL LOL LOL

    When you are screaming in pain with blood spurting from your eyes, it will be too late to ask for His forgiveness.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 17, 2008 @ 12:23 pm and theres your proof dps so as i said before SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by ravenfox — October 2, 2008 @ 7:58 pm | Reply

  405. Cool hate blog bro. Want to go play Sonic or something? I don’t have to worry about you masturbating to a pixelated running hedgehog, do I? Or, if you want, we could go look at some vore. Which brings a serious question up here.

    What about vore? Isn’t that in a sense worse than furry? It’s porn that involves eating your spouse or someone. Or, you know, there’s always guro, porn that involves castration, decapitation, mutilation… Furries can be pretty bad but there are worse things out there. And they say those who hate furries most generally are closet furries themselves. So… Hey, whatever, I really don’t care. This isn’t my problem nor will it ever be, but next time try not to be such a /b/tard, that place is the butthole of 4chan.

    Comment by Appleseed — October 3, 2008 @ 11:18 am | Reply

  406. I’ve never heard of anyone in my fandom to have committed beastialy/zoophilia. The fact that people conclude it as so really gets me pissed.

    And the fact that the way you think (depending on if it is extremist or violent) gets you in trouble with shit like that is just plain retarded.

    Try actually looking up on Wikifur to see what a furry really is. They’re some of the nicest and well-balanced people I know. Everyone has their flaws, but being a furry isn’t one of them.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 3, 2008 @ 11:50 am | Reply

  407. I’ve never heard your running for president, now i can see why.
    You’re dangerous and full of hate, adressing the 7-10% of the fandom that may or may not have different intrests then the rest.
    Obviously you have seen a very small view of the fandom, the small dangerous part, that was put on C.S.I. or some such.

    Bearing false witness against the fandom and insinuating to kill your fellow neighbor for being in the fandom?
    You are breakigng one of the Comandments if you ask me, and you will never get elected. period.

    Your editor seems to be a 10 year old kid with a keyboard, snapping at everyone with his tainted veiws.

    Comment by anon — October 4, 2008 @ 11:09 am | Reply

  408. Marty McPain,
    I do agree that sex with animals is a grave sin. However as I have stated, it has little to do with being a furry. Therefore bringing it up doesn’t really constitute an actual point. As I have said before. Even furry’s look down on said practice.

    Yes, but more like a trumpet though. The only other word to describe it well would be exhaling. Also, it doesn’t make much of a sound at all. Though that’s not the reason people do it.

    Are you therefore claiming that god frequently goes to hell and torture’s people then? I suppose you could see it as him doing the torturing since he created it to torture Satin. However it was Satin’s fault in the first place so therefore the pain felt by others in hell is technically done by Satin seeing as he also introduced sin to humanity.

    Comment by Drake — October 4, 2008 @ 11:42 am | Reply

  409. lol this trolling blog has been completely taken by furries, see ya in hell.

    Long live the furries

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — October 4, 2008 @ 5:19 pm | Reply

  410. I don’t understand why you furries get even more worked up than the regular type sodomites do. We don’t approve of them, but you don’t see them all running over here to complain about it. Can’t you just leave us normal Christians alone and stop persecuting us?

    Comment by DPS — October 4, 2008 @ 10:02 pm | Reply

  411. By the way, I’m still waiting for even one of you furries to apologize for your uncivil behavior.

    Comment by DPS — October 4, 2008 @ 10:04 pm | Reply

  412. Only after you apologize first. The blog post was the first punch thrown. Not to mention that people on both sides of the equation are being profane and uncivil.

    On another note, this is hardly a family friendly site. Comments asside, I think the fully nude woman getting her head cut off in the original blog post disregards that point completely.

    Comment by Drake — October 4, 2008 @ 11:05 pm | Reply

  413. “Only after you apologize first. The blog post was the first punch thrown.”


    I’m not Psycheout, and I don’t post here. I just come here to be educated and to engage in civil discussion. This becomes increasingly difficult as the site is overrun by deranged and frantic furries.

    Comment by DPS — October 5, 2008 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  414. By agreeing with him it’s no different than actually writing it.

    Comment by Drake — October 5, 2008 @ 3:01 pm | Reply

  415. Drake, I found out what you meant!

    “On NBC’s Meet The Press today, debate moderator Gwen Ifill said that Palin “more than ignored” her questions. “Blew me off I think is the technical term,” said Ifill”

    Is that what you were taling about? Like what our incredibly smart next VP did to that skanky moderator?

    I see that you do have some sense, because you agree with me.

    “Are you therefore claiming that god frequently goes to hell and torture’s people then? I suppose you could see it as him doing the torturing since he created it to torture Satin. ”

    But you are an odd Christian that does not capitalise God. and of course you should capitalise “He”. Also maybe you are not one of God’s chosen Americans becuase you have some odd ways about you. “torture’s” should be tortures, and “Satin” should of course be Satan.

    I would think that you are some sort of devil worshipper since you made his name capital, but then you can’t even spell it so maybe not.

    Just remember that God is responsible for everything that happens. So when Piss in a Bucket is getting rammed by Satan’s barbed butt-schredder, you can be sure God is behind him.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 5, 2008 @ 8:00 pm | Reply

  416. “I suppose you could see it as him doing the torturing since he created it to torture Satin. However it was Satin’s fault in the first place so therefore the pain felt by others in hell is technically done by Satin seeing as he also introduced sin to humanity.”

    I do not see what a lustrous and sinfully smooth fabric has to do with any of this, nor why you capitalize its name. I agree that Christians should not wear satin, but I doubt that we can attribute so many of our problems directly to a single kind of fabric.

    “By agreeing with him it’s no different than actually writing it.”

    So, by analogy, do you therefore agree with the many furries in this thread who have advocated necrophilia, coprophilia, incest, metempsychosis, and bestiality?

    Comment by DPS — October 5, 2008 @ 9:06 pm | Reply

  417. I don’t understand why you furries get even more worked up than the regular type sodomites do. We don’t approve of them, but you don’t see them all running over here to complain about it. Can’t you just leave us normal Christians alone and stop persecuting us? WOAH WOAH WOAH… so you have the right to persecute us but the second we try to do the same to you its not ok? we have every right you have.

    Comment by ravenfox — October 5, 2008 @ 10:42 pm | Reply

  418. dps you are stupid as are you marty… your rants arent even making sense anymore.

    Comment by ravenfox — October 5, 2008 @ 10:45 pm | Reply

  419. I’m not Psycheout, and I don’t post here. I just come here to be educated and to engage in civil discussion. This becomes increasingly difficult as the site is overrun by deranged and frantic furries.

    Comment by DPS — October 5, 2008 @ 9:06 am if this is civil your saying racists are civil. that prejudice in general is civil. your no better than the kkk.

    Comment by ravenfox — October 5, 2008 @ 10:50 pm | Reply

  420. GODS RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT. you therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. you told us to study Romans Marty seems you missed one of the first things said and made yourself out to be an ass.

    Comment by true christians my ass — October 5, 2008 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

  421. I think these people should be kept in pens and be used as a food source for Ethiopians, Zimbabweans and other dammed peoples, in the hopes that if they are kept alive a bit longer maybe some of them would convert.—
    —No, Happy Clam, do not defile Ethiopians. An execution of these bestiality engagers is called for. Should we execute them by stones, as written in the Bible? Burn them as we do unclean animals? Or shall we just shoot the little vermins. I would normally use animals as a floormat to wipe the mud off my feet once I come back from hunting, but not even my shoes should be contaminated by these sick bestiality engaging termites.

    And you call furries sick hmmmm, reminds me of hitler and the jews lol i’m sorry isn’t there a comandment agaist this? (ex: DO NOT MURRDER) by the way if that was a joke that is a form of lieing. (sorry for the name it’s what i use alot so, f.. have a nice furry friendly day mr.Anti furry cult

    Comment by Apocolypse — October 6, 2008 @ 3:31 pm | Reply

  422. Why is this bird mammal thingy attacking us?

    Dear Lord if I have offended you some way, please send rats to gnaw off my toes and camels to spit in my eyes! Anything but this moron posting on Your holy board.

    Please oh Lord I pray.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 6, 2008 @ 8:02 pm | Reply

  423. DPS…

    Don’t you think we have a reason to be ass P.O’ed as we are? We get persecuted by the millions by the second, so shut the fuck up.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 7, 2008 @ 6:55 am | Reply

  424. As I said before, the way you skinfags act is just like Hitler.

    Did you know that President Bush is fur-curious? Now, let’s settle this already.

    You stupid fucks who do not know, understand, or comprehend (sp?) what a furry is, go back to your mom’s basement and cry like the tormented e-whiner you are.

    Furries, let’s celebrate. We won. This blog is full of shit. Nothing in this blog is correct, and we know it. You stupid skinfags know it.

    And fuck you, I’m a Christian furry.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 7, 2008 @ 11:56 am | Reply

  425. this “bird mammal thingy is attacking you because you are a dumbshit who listens to rumors and dosen’t get both sides of the story before making assumptions about things such as oh i dunno FURRIES. get the facts straight and mabey I’ll be nicer but untill you do im gonna come back again and again and again.

    Comment by ravenfox — October 7, 2008 @ 4:05 pm | Reply

  426. “bird mammal thingy”

    Comment by ravenfox — October 7, 2008 @ 4:23 pm | Reply

  427. “Bird mammal thingy with an oversized thingy”…

    That’s what people imagine when they hear “furry”.

    Fourchan is full of shit.
    Encyclopedia Dramatica is full of shit.
    God Hates Furries os full of shit.
    This site is full of shit.
    DPS and Marty are full of shit.
    CSI is full of shit.

    Only Wikifur will really tell you anything about us.

    A little reminder: not all furries are gay, so why call us “sodomites”, DPS?

    It’s rather pathetic how far you “normal people” have gone to piss us off.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 8, 2008 @ 10:36 am | Reply

  428. lol how is a HATE BLOG with blatant NUDITY and DECAPITION, CIVIL?!?!

    oh, ithink you just proved my last 3 comments nicely.Think it through please!

    “another fool bites the dust!

    it’s all up to marty to protect an object thats already been stolen!


    “Americans think they have the best country in the world. if thats true, then why does the presedint have to wear the flag on his lapel?

    to remember which country he’s running”-Me

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — October 8, 2008 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

  429. Aww, I’m American. =-.-=

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 9, 2008 @ 6:53 am | Reply

  430. This is the most disturbing demonstration I have seen yet of the depths of moral corruption to which this furry madness can lead. Do not follow the link unless you have a strong stomach, and it is certainly not appropriate for women and children. It remains a mystery to me how you furries can find this kind of thing arousing.

    Comment by DPS — October 9, 2008 @ 11:52 am | Reply

  431. Definately furry and hatefull. I had to take a knife and trim my fingers, fingernails. GROSS

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 9, 2008 @ 7:32 pm | Reply

  432. “not appropriate for women and children”

    Um, excuse me?

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 10, 2008 @ 12:00 pm | Reply

  433. “Um, excuse me?”

    It is too disturbing for the delicate sensibilities and limited mental capacities of women and children. If you are a woman or a child, I dissuade you in the strongest possible terms from following the link. In fact, I regret having linked to it at all.

    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2008 @ 6:55 pm | Reply

  434. lol off you go again DPS proviong our points for us lol how can it be heresy if you say jesus wouldnt touch it with a 250 foot pole then you as the so called “devout christian” you put yourself to be put a link to god knows what foul filth on your segment lol

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — October 12, 2008 @ 5:18 pm | Reply

  435. wow dps you real mature. and you have the audacity to say we are immature? This is the most disturbing demonstration I have seen yet of the depths of moral corruption to which this furry madness can lead. Do not follow the link unless you have a strong stomach, and it is certainly not appropriate for women and children. It remains a mystery to me how you furries can find this kind of thing arousing.

    Comment by DPS — October 9, 2008 @ 11:52 am

    Comment by ravenfox — October 12, 2008 @ 9:52 pm | Reply

  436. Dude until you hang out with a furry don’t fucken say we are demons Not all Act like that. and you are trying to take away out Freedom of Expression Dumbfuck.
    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”
    Is not how to deal with it also, you’ll just make him want to be in more so Why don’t you just Fuck off and Learn something you stupid Dipshit

    Comment by Myst — October 13, 2008 @ 10:06 am | Reply

  437. These are a bunch of lies. Whoever actually agrees with this stuff should be hung and quartered for their stupidity. As for the author, he should be tossed into the deepest pits of Hell for all eternity. Furries are not like this. You’ve only been showing the corrupt side of things, not the side that is right and true. May God have mercy on you for your blasphemy

    Comment by Pissedoff — October 13, 2008 @ 10:12 am | Reply

  438. “My brother was raped by a gang of furfags. Well, when I say raped, I mean everything but. They practically smashed his skull in, hospitalised him for the best part of a month, and posted the pictures over the net. This was a gang of sexual deviants (according to the witness report, on of them was in his thrities) who beat a 17 year old kid to death’s door. Why, you ask?

    He was taking an apprenticeship at an animal testing facility. Absolutely disgusting.

    You’re a saviour, Brownback. You’ve got my vote.”

    I got bottled by a black guy, does that mean i should be racist too?

    Comment by Jonat — October 13, 2008 @ 11:36 am | Reply

  439. Dear Lord

    Why do you aflict me with such turmoil?

    I would burn Your crucifix into my arm with a hot poker from the fire if You please just stop sending these hairy bags of puss to insult You by posting their filth on this board.

    I take nails red and hot from the burner and pound them into my hands and arms for YOU LORD. Oh please hear my prayer.

    Your servant,


    Comment by Marty McPain — October 13, 2008 @ 9:52 pm | Reply

  440. “…limited mental capacities of women and children…”

    Quite the little sexist, eh?

    It’s been proven that women are smarter than men, you little closet case.

    Regardless, your e-insults are nothing to out REAL lives. Go get one, and maybe you faggot fucks won’t look like such such douchebags.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 14, 2008 @ 6:52 am | Reply

  441. Quite proud to be a woman, thank you. DPS, you might want to study the Scientific Method before you assume something completely false, and in this case, downright illogical.

    As for if you’re a Christian, Athiest or Agnostic, it matters not.

    It seems you have a difficult time with us that have “limited mental capacities” doing things like running for president and vice president, being a governor, and more.

    Think before you say something, especially on a public board.

    Highest grades in my class, number 12 out of 150 students. Don’t tell me I have not the same amount of intelligence as a person that can only think with the brain between their legs.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 14, 2008 @ 11:36 am | Reply

  442. “Quite proud to be a woman, thank you. DPS, you might want to study the Scientific Method before you assume something completely false, and in this case, downright illogical.”


    “As for if you’re a Christian, Athiest or Agnostic, it matters not.”

    Nothing could be further from the truth. Being a Christian means you are saved, which I would say kind of matters.

    “It seems you have a difficult time with us that have “limited mental capacities” doing things like running for president and vice president, being a governor, and more.”

    Not at all. I am a great admirer of future President Palin.

    “Think before you say something, especially on a public board.”

    Ah, but I did. I did.

    “Highest grades in my class, number 12 out of 150 students.”

    This is very perplexing. Don’t you mean “number 1 out of 150 students”? Gosh, math is hard, isn’t it? Especially for girls.

    “Don’t tell me I have not the same amount of intelligence as a person that can only think with the brain between their legs.”

    Um. Apparently anatomy is hard too, huh? People have one brain, and it is in their head. Of course, some people don’t have any brain at all.

    Comment by DPS — October 14, 2008 @ 11:07 pm | Reply

  443. “People have one brain, and it is in their head. Of course, some people don’t have any brain at all.”

    It seems o me that you are the one without a brain.

    I am in a small school, so there are only a few of us. That was me compared to the entire school, not just my grade.

    My math skills are some of the highest in the state, so shut the fuck up.

    Not to mention that you have a difficult time studying your own anatomy,for men can only think with their dicks. They do not have a brain in their heads, and they become stupid little sexists like yourself. You’re no better than my father.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 15, 2008 @ 6:48 am | Reply

  444. Prove to me your sexist beliefs. If you cannot, shut up and take off your fake dick, DPS.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 15, 2008 @ 11:57 am | Reply

  445. “Of course, some people don’t have any brain at all.”

    So true DPS, so true.What is hard to understand is why they all show up here.

    Maybe they want to learn how Sam Bownback will take over from an ailing McCain and become our next president. I doubt their tiny/non-existent brains can fathom that.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 15, 2008 @ 12:49 pm | Reply

  446. Christine,

    did you post: “Don’t you think we have a reason to be ass P.O’ed as we are?” ? Please keep your sex life OFF our boards.

    (I don’t even want to know what ass-P.O’ed is. It sounds disgusting)

    I also think you posted: “And fuck you, I’m a Christian furry.”

    Now PLEASE stop your vile language; it makes the baby Jesus cry. and you would know that if you were really a Christian, but you’re not so you don’t.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 15, 2008 @ 12:57 pm | Reply

  447. Hey, I thought this blog was dead!

    Comment by Adam — October 15, 2008 @ 7:35 pm | Reply

  448. this “dps is probably a furry too.
    posting all these links, lol.
    show up at a furry convention and see what happens.

    -christian furry-

    Comment by anon — October 15, 2008 @ 9:25 pm | Reply

  449. “this dps is probably a furry too.”

    Not me. I’m all man.

    “posting all these links, lol.”

    I posted one link, as a demonstration of the dangers to which furrying leads. And who is lol?

    “show up at a furry convention and see what happens.”

    Well, since I’m not a parrot or a cat, I probably wouldn’t get molested, but I’m sure that I would be nauseated.

    “-christian furry-”

    You may be one or the other, but not both, my friend. Unless by some freak coincidence “Christian Furry” is your actual name, which I find highly improbable. Unless you are so devoted to your perversion that you have had your name legally changed from “Ed Johnson” or whatever to “Christian Furry.” And if that’s the case, I fear that you may be too far gone.

    Comment by DPS — October 18, 2008 @ 11:20 am | Reply

  450. Those who commit outcry and rage often fail to look within themselves,those who scream “evil evil it must not be!” are often those who do not look inside themselves,they allow fear confusion and misunderstanding to run rampant within themselves,this changes them,makes them paranoid..and the they point to others proclaiming thier depravity wrong,they say it is to stop the devil from coming into play,those people need only look in a mirror and then look inside themselves.

    On another note,taking everything away from you child and forcing them into counseling is nothing short of brainwashing.

    On the note of hybrids,i would feel sorry for it,especialy if he/she is sentient and intelligent because people like you would shun,swear or even commit genocide upon them for being born.

    carry on…

    Comment by Mr.Reeh — October 18, 2008 @ 6:08 pm | Reply

  451. DPS has no points to prove anymore, he just puts posts as cameo.
    mcpain is typing violent prayers think it through
    just for the record neither men nor women are smarter. but it has been proven that men are GENERALLY better at maths, science puzzle solving and believe it or not ladies sense of direction because we have a thicker membrane on the half that corrolates to it and the same implies that women have a thicker membrane on the other half which controls languages, peoples faces and 2 you

    Comment by raknoth the Wolf — October 19, 2008 @ 3:54 pm | Reply

  452. Actually people have found women to be smarter than men due to that women understand things more, as in men cannot usually comprehend some speech because it is picked up in the brain as “music” and men usually do not listen to a songs lyrics.
    Regardless, I will not be called stupid just because I lack a dick. I have excellent grades and I’m not the idiot valley-girl steriotype. It seems that girls have lost their want to be intelligent, but that is a category I do not fit in. I love science, especially biology, and I am better at it than most of my grade, and I still have some of the highest grades in my class, so there…=^.^=

    Marty, I had a typo. I’m not perfect.
    Not to mention that Jesus was not a baby when he died, and people that have seen Heaven say that he is still 33 years old.

    My name is not Christine, either. Xenistine Amara is one of my Fursona’s names, though I prefer Kirai. Xenistine, however, fits this type of argument, so I use her name.

    =^.^= Kittyface

    How can you not be a Christian Furry? Who are you to tell me or any other person what they are or are not? I am a Christian, too, but I am still a furry. There is nothing wrong with either one.

    (Though I never understood how someone could be an agnostic athiest)

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 21, 2008 @ 8:15 am | Reply

  453. Chrissy,

    Don’t you know that Jesus exists as a baby, God, man and the resurrected Christ all at the same time?

    You don’t sound very Christian to me. What bible do you read? what is your favorite passage?

    Please don’t use bad words anymore.

    thx, your friend,


    Comment by Marty McPain — October 21, 2008 @ 9:11 am | Reply

  454. This place needs better furry trolls. The current crop is sub-standard. Half the time I don’t even really believe they’re furries.

    Comment by DPS — October 21, 2008 @ 11:57 pm | Reply

  455. It is not your place to judge, for you will be judged in return.

    Ain’t that written in the Bible somewhere? Of course, not in that kind of phrase.

    Now what is wrong with my picture? Nothing. No nudity, no sex, no violence, nothing. Just a kitty wearing a white dress against a sunset background.

    Once again, nothing wrong. Just a request I did for a friend of mine.

    It’s all a conspiracy theory.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 22, 2008 @ 11:57 am | Reply

  456. So this is where the Republicans come when they accidentally bump the power switch on their computer… Interesting.

    Question: If the American way is to accept people of any sex, orientation, race, orientation, or cultural background, does your prejudice make you Unamerican?

    Answer: Hellz Yeah!!!

    Comment by Author — October 22, 2008 @ 6:59 pm | Reply

  457. They let a priest who raped small children come back to the congregation last Sunday…

    Priests having sex with children are allowed to be Christian, but not harmless fetishists?

    Why in the heck would a furry want to be part of your congregation? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Comment by whoareyouwhowho — October 22, 2008 @ 7:05 pm | Reply

  458. “this dps is probably a furry too.”

    Not me. I’m all man.

    “posting all these links, lol.”

    I posted one link, as a demonstration of the dangers to which furrying leads. And who is lol?

    “show up at a furry convention and see what happens.”

    Well, since I’m not a parrot or a cat, I probably wouldn’t get molested, but I’m sure that I would be nauseated.

    “-christian furry-”

    You may be one or the other, but not both, my friend. Unless by some freak coincidence “Christian Furry” is your actual name, which I find highly improbable. Unless you are so devoted to your perversion that you have had your name legally changed from “Ed Johnson” or whatever to “Christian Furry.” And if that’s the case, I fear that you may be too far gone.

    nope, i follo the christan religion and i am furry.
    go ahead and tell me i can’t, and i’ll tell you to stop me.

    Comment by anon — October 22, 2008 @ 8:36 pm | Reply

  459. Oh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I am Christian too!

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 23, 2008 @ 11:44 am | Reply

  460. You can’t tell anyone what they are and why, for that is their choice and theirs, alone.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 23, 2008 @ 11:46 am | Reply

  461. I repeat:

    You don’t sound very Christian to me. What bible do you read? what is your favorite passage?

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 24, 2008 @ 2:52 pm | Reply

  462. Well as I suspected. The mention of the Good Book, The BIBLE, has driven away the demon furries and has left this board in a pristine, clean, state.

    Just like your soul would be if you accepted Jesus, instead of the filthy black sickness that covers it now as you wallow in your perverted desires!

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 27, 2008 @ 11:31 am | Reply

  463. Nah, I’m still here.

    Guess God loves me too, just like he loves everybody else. Sorry, Marty. =^.^=

    And I’ve seen some perverted things, but it is not in anyone’s position to judge. You don’t like it, walk away, for you cannot change them, and you should not judge, for you shall be judged in return.

    I am not a demon, I am a human. I make mistakes, and I ask for forgivness, and, like everyone else, I receive it.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 27, 2008 @ 11:44 am | Reply

  464. so it’s impossible to be a christian and just happen to enjoy designing mascot costumes and anthropomorphic characters that people can relate to in the same vein as mickey mouse, scooby doo, peter rabbit, and bugs bunny?

    note that while somethingawful does find the best material, it’s a comedy site and their material doesn’t speak for the actual group. from the research ive done, any sexual aspects are dissipating over time (believe it or not, i believe it’s actually JAPAN’s anime influence that is causing the change.)

    Comment by robotsuiter — October 27, 2008 @ 12:07 pm | Reply

  465. “I am a human”

    well at least there is some shred of humanity in your furry brain. I will ponder your plea for assistance and see how I can help you”

    but remember, not everyone is saved or forgiven….

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 27, 2008 @ 2:58 pm | Reply

  466. Everyone is forgiven if they ask for it, Marty. Everybody knows that rule.

    Just because I am a furry does not mean I am less than you.

    I gave my heart to God when I was a little kid, and I don’t resent it. I sin just like everybody else, I make mistakes just like everybody else, and I am forgiven just like everybody else.

    The only assistance I need is from God, because my own life is dificult at the moment. Mortals leading mortals invites chaos.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 28, 2008 @ 11:40 am | Reply

  467. “The only assistance I need is from God”

    Well that is good child. Do you read the King James Version? I hope you do. Do you believe the bible is the true word of God? all of it?

    I will pray for you to turn away from your perversions and really accept God.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 28, 2008 @ 9:37 pm | Reply

  468. You know for all of you who were throwing God into the equation He said and I quote, “Don’t judge less ye be judged.” So go freaking screw yourselves you closed minded dillweeds.

    Honestly, the world has more freaking crap to worry about than people getting in touched with their primitive sides. Jeez, it’s not a demonic force at work, it’s just regular people who like being something they feel as though they are. Native Americans had animal spirit guides and such, does that make them less of a human? NO. Some believe their souls were animals. Does that make them less of a human? NO. Hinduism believes if you do not do good in this life, you will return in the next as an animal. Does that make then less of a human? NO.

    Get bent man. Jesus was referred as “LAMB” of God and “LION” of Judah. As far as I’m concerned, He’s a furre for God. Leave them alone. Ignorance is not bless. Go read a freaking book if you don’t like it. It’s America dammit. If the gays can get married then let these people have their fandom. Honestly you guys who call yourselves Christians give Christ a bad name.

    Comment by Jo Brash — October 28, 2008 @ 10:04 pm | Reply

  469. I don’t need to turn away from what I like to truly accept God.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 29, 2008 @ 6:55 am | Reply

  470. And I believe the Bible is the word of God to one degree, which is that it depends what Bible you read.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 29, 2008 @ 11:22 am | Reply

  471. Child, the only authorised version of the Bible is the King James Version written in God’s own language. Don’t let those pagan catolicks fool you into accepting an adulterated version.

    and you should believe that the Bible is the word of God to the Nth degree,or you are destined to go to the bad place.

    With that as a start, I think you will stop this foolishness with the animania and get married and have kids so that you can teach them to praise God. That is what He wants.

    good luck!

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 29, 2008 @ 8:03 pm | Reply

  472. […] public links >> furries Comment on Furries: A Twisted Freakshow of Utter Depravity by Runeix Saved by fabalv on Wed 29-10-2008 Here is the News Saved by lrabbit on Wed 29-10-2008 Furries. […]

    Pingback by Recent Links Tagged With "furries" - JabberTags — October 30, 2008 @ 3:35 am | Reply

  473. I really don’t want kids…

    And I’m not Catholic. I almost was, not by choice, but I’m not.

    That was the only thing about it, which was that only one kind hasn’t been tweaked or changed in some way.

    I don’t like what I am, who I am, or my social status, but I have a few friends here and there, and I am still a virgin. I haven’t had sex with animals or anything like it, I just enjoy drawing furry art, and people seem to like what I make.

    I do not like things about myself, but I like how what I make can make people happy.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 30, 2008 @ 6:53 am | Reply

  474. I don’t think it matters if you want kids or not. Its the Lord’s WIll dear. Oh the other hand you have to like yourself before you can love HIM and do whatever He says…

    so you just don’t worry about what other people think and do exactly what it says to do in a book written by King James.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 30, 2008 @ 8:54 pm | Reply

  475. I hate kids. I will never have them.

    And how could I love myself? How do you people do it?

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 31, 2008 @ 6:49 am | Reply

  476. One way is to stand in front of a mirror and hug yourself and say: “God loves me and I love God and I love myself”

    say that 2 or 3 times every morning and every night for a month or so and see if it helps.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 31, 2008 @ 12:54 pm | Reply

  477. I might just do that.

    I never thought there would be an educated and understandable conversation on here.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — October 31, 2008 @ 2:19 pm | Reply

  478. Yes well, don’t get too carried away. You still have to actually READ the Bible and you have to get a man to tell you what to do. Sez it right in there.

    But getting strong and healthy for the Lord is a good thing so go at it!

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 3, 2008 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  479. All the furries in the house say yea!!! (yea!!!)

    Ok, yes, im a fur, and yes, im sticking up for furs.
    I am open to any discussion you may have, any questions, as long as we agree to keep it CIVIL.
    This means no derrogitory terms or rants. I am a really nice guy, and believe in informing the mis-iformed public. ANYONE open to discussion, hit me up at

    Comment by L_T_DUB — November 4, 2008 @ 12:21 am | Reply

  480. this blog is a load of bollocks =]
    be honest with yourselves, why are furries so wrong? is it because theyre just not “normal”, then again, wat is normal? and why is it normal?
    question urselves instead of living in ignorance, that leads to more shallow minded fools and living a life of lies, it gets u nowhere
    everyone is different, i fail to realise why people cant understand that. Some people may be VERY different, why is that bad? just because you cant understand it, doesnt mean its a bad thing and this furry fandom makes people happy, as long as they are not hurting anyone why are they being judged? is it because it doesnt fit to your small perfect world you have built in your head, its just too strange or the fact you fail to realise everyone is a “furvert” because its human nature?
    yes you get your bad furries like you get your bad “normal” people, rapists, pedophiles and wife and husband beaters. but theres ALWAYS gonna be a handful of people that commit offences, it aint no perfect world and sometimes that can be too hard for a feeble mind to take, but they got to get used to it. People are misguided about furies, go to a fur con an see for yourself, they’re fun loving accepting people

    theres always a few bad ones, everywhere, just because furries dont seem normal you exaggerate how bad it is because you dont agree with it. fuck off i say, who are you to judge what makes people happy?

    also i have something else to say, why can a bunch of people believe there is a man in the sky watching voer us all and will save s from a so called heaven and then as soon as someone sees a UFO or claims they saw a ghost theyre crazy?
    and i do love myslef thankyou so dont try and say any of that bullshit
    im angry with you guys ¬¬

    Comment by tyler — November 4, 2008 @ 10:23 am | Reply

  481. I don’t need a man to run my life when I am perfectly capable of choosing for myself.

    That law I could care less about. If marriage means to give up my thoughts, intelligence, and body, I will stay far from it.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — November 6, 2008 @ 7:49 am | Reply

  482. women are now equal to men, it’s how society is changed.

    why do you think women should be told what to do by men?

    Comment by patty — November 6, 2008 @ 7:20 pm | Reply

  483. congratulations on your victory OH WAIT…. OBAMA WON!!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Ravenfox — November 9, 2008 @ 11:59 am | Reply

  484. And don’t listen to Marty if he really knew what god wanted he wouldn’t talk about killing people. if people are to be punished god will do it in the afterlife. I’ve never read any place in the bible that it says “go forth and kill those who worship me differently than you.”

    Comment by Ravenfox — November 9, 2008 @ 12:06 pm | Reply

  485. And don’t listen to Marty if he really knew what god wanted he wouldn’t talk about killing people. if people are to be punished god will do it in the afterlife. I’ve never read any place in the bible that it says “go forth and kill those who worship me differently than you.” I have however read a little commandment called “THOU SHALT NOT KILL” and Marty that does not mean not to kill Christians or people you like or think god likes it means to not kill ANY ONE. not even furries.

    Comment by Ravenfox — November 9, 2008 @ 12:09 pm | Reply

  486. While googling my favorite handle, I rediscovered this site. Imagine my surprise at finding this utterly useless banter had continued for so long. Especially after McCain lost the election to Barack Obama. I rejoiced with the rest of the world that we finally are moving forward. No longer are we stuck in the past, chained by old hates and pure racism. A minority has gained the great seat of power, and all those who claimed McCain was God’s Chosen One now sit in their hate-filled pits and weep bitter tears. I must say, though it be rather un-Christian of me, I find it extremely satisfying to see such people. I shall have to pray tonight and beg forgiveness.

    To bring harm (or even speak of bringing harm) to another being simply because he is different is possibly the most un-Christian thing someone claiming to be such. After all, once upon a time, Christians were the minority. We were persecuted and executed. We, as a whole, have no right to call for such things against others. ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. Do you want to be tortured or killed? Persecuted for being different? Forced to live a lie, pretending to be someone you aren’t? That truly would be Hell. I accepted what I am, I live my life as I choose, and that means I am true to my furry side.

    I do not partake of bestiality or plushophilia (though I do know what the terms mean), I don’t ‘fursuit’. I don’t approve or enjoy pedophilia. I am not gay. I am simply a blonde-haired blue-eyed young man of German descent who believes people should be accepted for who they are. I accept you who truly believe in what you say. If you want to continue spewing your hate because you truly, in your heart of hearts, believe it, then nothing I can ever say will change your mind. I bear no ill will to any of you trolls. Please, continue to enjoy what must be your favorite hobby as you continue to attempt to incite the fury of those who don’t believe the same as you.

    To Ravenfox: I am on your side in this, my friend. Simply do the Christian thing, turn the other cheek, and walk away. They use only words. They have no real power. The end of this farce has come. Let us go together.

    Comment by Project_Demise — November 9, 2008 @ 4:08 pm | Reply

  487. obamma 4 furries yea!!!

    Comment by L_T_DUB — November 9, 2008 @ 7:52 pm | Reply

  488. ps religion is just a coverup 4 the unknown

    Comment by L_T_DUB — November 9, 2008 @ 7:54 pm | Reply

  489. I actually can’t stand Obama. If you actually take a full census on EVERYBODY in America, whites are the real minority. I’m not a racist, a bigot, or a white supremecist, I just think that some people need to get their facts straight.

    If I could move somewhere else, I would, because Obama is going to turn this place inside-out and backwards, if what I was hearing is correct.

    But now we got to wait, and it’ll be a long 4 years.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — November 11, 2008 @ 7:51 am | Reply

  490. Okay, I never comment in these sites, but I had to say something here. Some of the things written above are the most revolting things I have ever heard of in my life. After reading this I want to scream, throw up, rip my eyes out, I don’t know what!!!! I can’t f***king stand it!!!

    and I have no problem WHATSOEVER with furries. I’m not one, it’s not my thing, but I’m content to let them do whatever makes them happy.


    I can’t even believe that some of what I’ve read is true! Some of you would have someone killed for satisfying themselves! What kind of sick and twisted sh*t is that???

    I have to say, I find fantasies of killing people who are different than you are MUCH more twisted and f**cked up than fantasies about screwing a stuffed animal. Who’s the real wackos here, huh?

    I was pretty anti-chr**tian before I visited this page, but this is it for me. After reading this crazy sh*t, I’m turning my back on all of it. F*ck all you crazy chr**tians! I’m not even going to treat chr**tians with tolerance anymore!!! next time i see one I’m going to walk right up to them and tell them the truth: YOU RELIGION IS COMPLETE BULLSH*T!!!!!!!

    I’m not worried about satan, either, because i know he’s just like god, and j*sus-BULLSH*T.


    Comment by REVOLTED — November 14, 2008 @ 3:42 am | Reply

  491. I’ll just leave this here…

    Comment by нет фотографий — November 14, 2008 @ 10:36 pm | Reply

  492. I will just leave this here…

    Comment by erwbgtves — November 14, 2008 @ 10:38 pm | Reply

    • heh… I know that dingo 😉

      Comment by crimson — April 23, 2009 @ 7:51 pm | Reply

  493. The only Christians that I can’t stand are the racist and sexist little closet-case preachers that ironically preach everything incorrect.

    For example, the common fallacies of:

    God Hating Furries
    God Hating Fags
    God Hating Murderers
    God Hating n00bs

    And God hating anything else.

    THAT IS BULLSHIT. You are saying lies about what you were taught to respect, and that God (supposedly) can’t hate anyone, anything, or any group.

    God can dislike the actions of something or someone, but HE CAN’T HATE YOU.

    Read the bible, preachers, and you might actually learn something from it.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — November 17, 2008 @ 1:43 pm | Reply

  494. *chest pounds twice with a big furry paw* diddo to REVOLTED only in a nicer way of saying it.

    Comment by L_T_DUB — November 18, 2008 @ 5:51 pm | Reply

  495. Look, I have nothing against Christianity, and I have nothing against furries; lets just stop the hating. Okay, what some people may or may not find arousing is completely irrelevant to whatever religion you may or may not have. Even if it did, that would still be NO excuse to be so unaccepting of other people. Furries (as in, the hybrids), do not and CAN not exist; genetically, it is an impossibility. Due to this fact, Furries are not going to act out such fantasies, except on each other. If they’re keeping to themselves, then what gives you the right to tell them that what they are doing is necessarily wrong? I find it atrocious that some people think so highly of themselves as to imagine that they can send people to hell (or whatever else you believe in). Sorry to break it to you, but you are no god, and I doubt highly that whatever book you worship (I.E. Bible, Koran etc.) has furries specified ANYWHERE. I’d like you all to stop twisting words in your favour, step back and breath deeply. Think this whole thing through logically before replying.

    Comment by anon — November 18, 2008 @ 11:03 pm | Reply

  496. Excuse me, but I need to go get into a gay plushie orgy with a hint of watersports and zoophilia =3

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — November 19, 2008 @ 1:34 pm | Reply

  497. The Lord brings you here so you can truly understand the depravity of your ways. Worshipping animals and having sex outside of marriage for procreation purposes only is a sin that will send you to hell. There you will be tortured and raped by Satan, with God’s approval.

    I have never said I would kill anyone. I would rather have my tounge ripped out and have the bloody hunk waved in front of myself than harm another human. What I have done is prayed to the Lord to take you foul creatures from this place and send you to the bad place so the stench of your vile loathsomeness no longer pollutes the world.

    For this I pray.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 20, 2008 @ 11:43 am | Reply

  498. Well at one time people believed that if you sailed too far you’d fall off the face of the earth,and columbus was thought to be a freak for saying he would sail around the world,so i think the definition of “normal” has to do with our cultural standards.

    Heck it was considered in the 1800’s that if a woman bore her ankle,it was considered obscene,so times change and you can’t stop progress,because eventually progress will stop you!

    Comment by Werewolffan — November 20, 2008 @ 1:53 pm | Reply

  499. Who the hell ever said anything about boinking animals?

    Maybe 1/10th of a percent of furries actually do that, and no furries are in the fandom only for yiff (or sex/porn, for you retards out there).

    SOME are in it for the yiff, but mostly for the people and the art, itself.

    Collect realiable data from a reliable source before you go off and sound like an absolute moron.

    Don’t judge me, or you shall be judged in return.

    Not to mention the “He who is without sin, cast the first stone” story, too.

    Try me.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — November 20, 2008 @ 2:34 pm | Reply

  500. No matter what you are “in to” child, the longer you follow this furry perversion, the quicker you will descend into madness and wanton hussyness.

    How much of the Bbible have you read since we last talked?

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 20, 2008 @ 9:18 pm | Reply

  501. How many cold hard facts have you read since last we talked?

    I don’t need any mortal being telling me what is right and what is wrong.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — November 21, 2008 @ 7:53 am | Reply

  502. The Bible was written by the Lord and the Lord is not mortal my child.

    Therefor the Bible tells you what is right and wrong.

    Leviticus 18:23 “Do not have sex with any kind of animal. You would become unclean by doing so.’

    Leviticus 18:23 ‘Neither should a woman present herself to an animal for sex. It is a perversion.’

    Leviticus 20:16 ‘If a woman approaches an animal to have sex with it, kill the woman and the animal. They are certainly to be put to death. Their blood is on their own heads.’

    Exodus 22:18 ‘Any man who has sex with an animal, is certainly to be put to death.’

    Leviticus 20:15 ‘Put the animal to death as well.

    here is a helpfull overview:

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 23, 2008 @ 9:26 am | Reply

  503. The bible was written by a man.

    And like I said, a fraction of a 1% margin was/is a zoophiliac.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — November 25, 2008 @ 7:43 am | Reply

  504. I will have to devote several hours of Thankgiving Penance on the concrete floor to properly thank Him.
    yeah cause god showed you the other site cuntface

    thanx for making me a god, now kiss my ass

    Comment by MoxoM — November 25, 2008 @ 5:43 pm | Reply

  505. Oh yea, obama won, wonder why…?
    This site here should give you a clue.
    I don’t like Obama, but I cannot stand you guys.

    Comment by patty — November 25, 2008 @ 9:05 pm | Reply

  506. What is wrong with you guys? Can’t you just accept other people? This is why I hate religious radicals: you assume that anyone who isn’t the same as you must be sick or “possessed by the devil” or some shit like that. That we need “God’s Intervention To Find Our True Selves and Give Up Our Perverted Ways.” Well, personally, I like furries. There’s nothing wrong with thinking about something that makes you feel good! I don’t need some invisible WHITE MAN in the sky to tell me what to do and what not to do.

    Call me what you will, I will not change.
    Say you will pray to your sorry little white man in the sky for me, I will not change.
    That is all.

    Comment by Furry Fan — November 26, 2008 @ 12:31 pm | Reply

  507. marty you fool you the point again…

    XA was refering to you as a mortal not god.

    think it through all your doing is making yourself stupid.

    name a commandment that we’ve broken. because if you read the book carefully, all other “instructions” are given by mortals only the 10 we’re given by God


    Right … thats the 14 commandments! Now…can you remember all those?

    your hopes are lost Obama’s won! haha! haha! you lost! …by atleast 3 states!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — November 27, 2008 @ 5:17 pm | Reply

  508. The very first thing that I see from this blog is hate. I am aware that there are many weird stuffs that people do and this whole furry culture is one of it. This entry is very one sided, the blog focuses more on the dark side of the culture and none of the lighter side of it. I know that these furries have some unusual lifestyle but I don’t see anything wrong with it. I’m sure everybody has their own preference of sex, fetish in this case, what is wrong with it? Does one thing has to be right and normal one, other than that will be considered as a wrong, deviant act. It’s not your problem and it doesn’t have anything to do with anyone’s life.

    Quote: [“And furries are completely sick and wrong,” President Bush later added], this is just one of the points mentioned in the blog that I’m having trouble finding the truth about it. This is why I often don’t take blogs seriosuly, most of them have problems with their sourcing.

    Lastly, why does it have to be connected with homosexuality. I believe that most of the people in furry culture may be interested in same sex but that doesn’t mean furry culture is the same as homosexuality. There are homosexuals in the society, there are homosexuals in your school, there are homosexuals in the army, there are homosexuals in the furry culture. I am a Christian and I don’t agree with same sex relationship but that doesn’t mean I have to condemn every gay that I find. If they are will go to hell, just be it, I have nothing to do with it and that is their decision. But furries going to hell is not my decision, only God can decide that.

    Comment by Andy — November 27, 2008 @ 10:09 pm | Reply

  509. Every time I try to leave this site, I am swiftly drawn back into it. I tried to remain silent, but it looks like I speak out once again.

    Marty McPain: you obviously do not know the meaning of the word ‘procreation’. Procreation is to breed, to create children. One of the finest acts God granted us mortal beings. Sex outside of marriage simply for pleasure is the truer sin, for giving in to the temptation of the flesh and laying with a woman for no other reason than to bring pleasure to yourself constitutes the sin of Lust.

    For those of you playing the home game but aren’t Christian (and no I don’t look down on you non-Christians): In Christianity there are these things known as the Capital Vices or, more commonly, the Seven Deadly Sins. Those are Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, Greed, Pride, Lust, and Envy. Each one plays a part in our daily lives and, should we give in to them and die without confession or perfect contrition, we will be subjected to eternal damnation.

    Personally, I believe that to be a lie. For no sin is unforgivable in the eyes of God if you are truly repentant. I also do not believe much of what is printed into the Bible these days. For though the original Bible was God’s Word written with the hand of Man, subsequent copies of the original most assuredly have had certain…additions…put into them by their scribe. With each re-printing of the Good Book, some additions were made, and later subtractions were had as well. The current Holy Bible is nothing more than a bastardized, hand-me-down, patchwork monstrosity that misses the very essence of Christianity. To love others, to help others, to have perfect belief in God and to spread his word.

    And Marty, don’t forget the commandments: Thou shall not kill. Why put in the Bible that someone must be killed when it’s against God’s commandments to kill someone?

    Comment by Project_Demise — November 28, 2008 @ 12:29 am | Reply

  510. My well intentioned friend. Perhaps I could have put some puctuation that would have helped you in your reading comprehension. Most likely not.

    “having sex outside of (marriage for procreation purposes only) is a sin that will send you to hell.”

    Within a marriage, for procreation, sex is ok. Within a marriage outside of a fertile period or without copulation, its vile nasty and disgusting. Having sex OUTSIDE of marriage is an obamanation.

    you say “I also do not believe much of what is printed into the Bible these days” and if you are talking about the dammned pagan catolicks or new agers then you are correct. Get yourself a King James Version 1611 and get the true word printed in God’s own language. Forget all that homosexual greek or that joo stuff.

    and don’t forget that sometimes God knows that you are not really repentant and just because you say you are does not mean that God won’t send you to hell and have Satan rape you and torture you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 29, 2008 @ 10:24 am | Reply

  511. When I was young I was told about this guy from a long long time ago who said something like “Judge not lest ye be judged and cast the first stone.” His name was like Jesus or something, and I’m sure if he were around today and could read what some of you people who “claim” to kiss his ass are writing on here about others he’d probably be a little pissed off.

    There are certain rules that have been applied by MAN over the past couple thousand years and that’s cool but as we all know it’s in human nature to break the rules. In my opinion and perhaps which ever god you may believe in may see it the same way. It is these peoples decision to do whatever they please and it is in no way your responsibility to punish them for it.

    I myself do not condone these actions of bestiality or whatever. But if someone wants to dress as a raccoon and fuck another dressed as a cat, I say why not? I know A LOT of religious people who spend their time in the bedroom with their spouse or the person they happen to be cheating on their spouse with(trust me most innocent religious house wives love to fool around with me behind their husbands back)use toys and lingerie and perhaps maybe wonder woman and batman costumes (I’ve done it).

    Now I know a lot of you who are reading this (if you haven’t stopped already) are thinking to yourself that I am a disgusting pig/whore and will be punished in the end. I want you to realize that my life style happens to be my own decision as well as these “furries” and and guess what YOURS TO!! The only person allowed to punish me as well as them AND ALSO YOU for it are ourselves and soon there after god. I hope you find a bit of clarity after reading this and if you don’t I hope you get a nice long lecture when you hit the afterlife.

    Oh yeah and BJ Tabor your comment is horrifically disgusting and if I were to know you in person I would squeeze your balls until they popped you Nazi fucking asshole! I’m sure Hitler is super proud of you!

    Comment by concerned about humanity — November 29, 2008 @ 10:32 am | Reply

  512. I am at the utmost of apologies BJ Tabor I read the order of posts wrong. I am SO SO SO sorry. I meant to say that Sisyphus is a Nazi. I really am sorry and please don’t take it personal.

    However Sisyphus I really hope you do take it personal. You’re a bad person.

    Comment by concerned about humanity — November 29, 2008 @ 10:40 am | Reply

  513. Im not a furry but i find it ironice you dont like furries. Christianity is based on the histories and myths in Sumerian tradition and they held a good few animal human crosses.

    How can so many people thrive on so much hate and preach about a man of love. Do you actually have any joy in your life other than the fierce energy of rage? I was always taught by my (christian) church that hate is a sin. Evil can only be defeated with love, not more evil/

    Comment by spider jerusalem — November 29, 2008 @ 4:21 pm | Reply

  514. Hmm. Furry sex actually sounds like fun. Thanks for letting me know about it. I was none the wiser. I’ll have to check it out.

    Comment by Keef — November 29, 2008 @ 6:25 pm | Reply

  515. you all don’t know much about the Bible do you?

    God instructs His followers to kill all sorts of people in the Bible, and He Himself kills lots of people for various reasons. The commandment is “do not murder” not “do not kill”

    and Jesus instructs us to judge and punish other people. When we wash in His Holy Blood, we are free of sin, so when He says those without sin cast the first stone, He is DIRECTLY telling us to stone that damned sinner dead.

    And He wants us to judge with a pure heart. “Matt 7:2-5 “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged.” And since we are saved, we are called to judge. and.. guess what..

    all you sinners, fornicators and idolaters are going right to the big H.

    Enjoy your torment!

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 29, 2008 @ 9:19 pm | Reply

  516. ok i’m a furry and i don’t do this stuff… i just like those kind of things… i am no pervert… i am no psycho… i don’t yiff… you can’t tag all furries as being like that… i would never do that… i’m Christian… i go to church… i read the bible… we make our own choices in life… our life isn’t something for the government to control… we are in charge of your life of our decisions…. if the government wants to do that and tag people for other peoples thoughts and feelings then so be it… i will still be a furry for life… i will still be a furry until i die!!!! the government can’t stop me… not even death… i will always be what i choose to be and that goes for everyone else to… just be who or what you want to be…. there is no shame in it… just make your own decisions and don’t let anyone nor the government control you… i am a furry for life… that is all

    Comment by Kadziet — November 30, 2008 @ 12:13 am | Reply

  517. ok i’m a furry and i don’t do this stuff… i just like those kind of things… i am no pervert… i am no psycho… i don’t yiff… you can’t tag all furries as being like that… i would never do that… i’m Christian… i go to church… i read the bible… we make our own choices in life… our life isn’t something for the government to control… we are in charge of your life of our decisions…. if the government wants to do that and tag people for other peoples thoughts and feelings then so be it… i will still be a furry for life… i will still be a furry until i die!!!! the government can’t stop me… not even death… i will always be what i choose to be and that goes for everyone else to… just be who or what you want to be…. there is no shame in it… just make your own decisions and don’t let anyone nor the government control you… i am a furry for life… that is all

    Comment by Kadziet — November 30, 2008 @ 12:15 am | Reply

  518. hey marty mcpain, i just want to say sumthing to u,
    the bible says not to judge others, because u have no right, because no man is higher than the other, and when it says, “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged.” its saying that you will be judged just as harshly! and for the “thou shalt not ‘murder'” shit, do u honestly think its not murder to kill someone because of what they like? thats rediculous! thats exactly what started the spanish inquisition! since your “saved” doesnt mean god wants you to go around killing people, you dumbass! if thats how christians think, theyre more twisted then furries! i mean, good god man! are you even a christian, because you obviously know nothing of the bible, god your stupid! just reading your naive little message pisses me off in two ways. one- your saying ‘christians’ should go kill furries, because ‘christians’ are exalted obove all the rest. two- because real christians arent narcissistic bastards, who think its gods will for them to kill the sinners! its you poser christians that give the faith a bad fuckin name! i was raised in a christian home and ive never heard the bible be translated in such a twisted way as you said it! god, i just cant get over how fucking stupid you are, its almost sad how dumb you are. im thinking your the whole reason they started the short bus, what a moron!
    you know what, email me, k? do that for me and we’ll have a nice little ‘chat’ on what the bible does and doesn’t say alright?

    im looking forward to this

    Comment by Rosco — December 1, 2008 @ 1:18 pm | Reply

  519. They should rot in hell? they should be stoned burned etc etc. WHY? they have done nothing to you, this is there beleave & you have no right to tell them that it is wrong! why are you condeming these people of whom you dont even know? I am an artist & draw anthros, so you draw a leopard(or whatever animal)in a human figure, so what! if you wanted to draw a silly meaningless comic about a at gettin in the fridge & eating the food they would need fingers no? I dont know about you but i never saw a dog or cat open a fridge they would need posable finger. Why are you all anti-furries being so hatful? i may not do furry suits of anything else on here, i am but a humble artist who draws what i IMAGINE. Have you ever seen pictures of santa clause? fairese dragons or so forht(i hope the answer is yes exspecially for all you christians you should have atleast said yes to one) well most if not all of those things were IMAGINED. so whats wrong with imagining. & if your stuck in a “sweaty stinky suit” i would like to know how would you have sex?! exactly you couldn’t. & You know what bitch at me & all of us who are fine with it, but i dont care one way or another about furrys or anthing you psted on here for a matter of fact. & go ahead & prove me right condem me for something you dont know & or dont understan I AM PAGAN!! yes a witch. if any of you”good christians” or any chrsitians condem me on this, my religion of wich you would not condem if you knew a good two sense about, you would only be proving me & everyone elese with me her eright! & if you are a “good christian” you would not care or anyhting because as i was raised”wich was christian by the way” christians except & love each other for who they are not what the look like or beleave. Actually i dont beleave in “good christians” i only beleave in GOOD PEOPLE! “IN______WE TRUST”(god, goddes, etc, etc,) I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU ALL PROVE ME WRONG THAT THERE ACTUALLY ARE SOME NICE CHRISTIANS. & reading all this, quite frankley its all bull shit. In reading all this bullshit i have become sickend of your attemps & comments of “Stone you” & shit from”heaven”(wich by the way i beleave in reincarnation) Be nice to one another of we might as all go to hell or better yet here enjoy^^:

    FYI If it would save me from you people(WITCH lol it will)i would gladly stand at a stake! & “Marty Mcpain”i dont know what crazy bible your reading but its not one i ever heard of is it called “The evil bible for DUMMIES”? cuz thats the only one i EVER heard of like that & we used to read the bible all the time & you know whats really ironic. All you judgmental & hateful(& in marty mcpains case idiotic)christian people you mean hatful ones are the whole reason I TURNED PAGAN! wich fyi is a earth based religion so prasie it & save it boys prasie it & save it. Oh & thank god that guy didnt win with a president so bilittled about stupied shit like this we would have gottan no were & fast! Thank god the Mixed guy(barak obam. who is NOT the first black president) WON! i voted for change you obviously voted for Damage & pain. have a wonderful day.

    Comment by Wishes people would change for the better — December 2, 2008 @ 12:20 am | Reply

  520. Wow. This is just an embarrassment to the Human Race. Religion is more disgusting than 10,000 Furries. It seems people who think like the Author of this article, are more mentally infected than any furry could be. People like Furry, let them like furry, you Imbecilic Moron.

    Comment by TheSaneOne — December 2, 2008 @ 4:09 am | Reply

  521. And, I’m a Proud Atheist, because I actually have a mind not to follow the words of Idiots such as this man, who have ruined the world we live in.

    Call me a sinner, or whatever you want, but I can live my life uninfluenced by mentally Handicapped men of this stature.

    Or a Mythical Harry Potter Wizard in the Sky.

    Comment by TheSaneOne — December 2, 2008 @ 4:12 am | Reply

  522. obviously neither do you.

    i am catholic, im not sure of your denomination, anyway my point is that years ago the vatican council re-interpreted the commandment “do not murder” to “do not kill” sooo… yeah.

    look i aint gonna lie, this blog has me pissed off but can we not have a proper adult debate instead of a school shout match… no wonder no- cares, if its said hastily no listens tn you.


    “the cake is a lie” UNKNOWN ,scribbled on the walls in the game portal.

    “but pie is good” me!!!!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 2, 2008 @ 1:13 pm | Reply

  523. “i am catholic”

    well there’s your problem right there! If you worship a pagan fish god and are led by a devil worshiping child molester, what do you expect?

    Go back and read Exodus in the KJV1611.

    32:27 And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.”

    and they deserved it because they worshiped idols, just like you!

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 2, 2008 @ 4:29 pm | Reply

  524. Fail.

    Comment by XD — December 2, 2008 @ 7:35 pm | Reply

  525. This blog is the epitome of fail.

    Do some research before you bash people, that goes for EVERY CULTURE, whether it be a fandom, or a real ethnic culture in the world. Letting someone’s biased and half-assed explanation of something that the obviously clouded author has spawned upon your site.

    Truly revolting.

    NOBODY deserves to die with regard to the shit you spew on this blog. It is NEVER alright to kill, unless it is absolutely for defense.

    Marty, I find your text-noise you rape peoples’ mind with on here nothing more than amusing. Not only are you wrong, but you’re wrong on levels that are conflicting with other peoples’ beliefs. That ain’t ok. Let people belive or disbelieve what they feel is necessary or correct. By trying to change them, you are no better than the “depraved deviants” you try so hard to prove not be with.

    Catholicsm is part of Christianity, and was the founding religion of it as well. Just because you can’t accept that fact doesn’t mean it’s not true. Deal with it.
    Ironically, I’m a quarter Jewish, God’s chosen people. If you are too blind to realize that, don’t move when you’re surrounded by mines.

    It seems the circumstances applied to the “stone casting” was completely misunderstood.

    Killing is murder, no matter how you twist it. It is what it is, just like the rest of life.

    I find it hilarious…the personal add-ons you place on God. Whether or not he truly appreciates the blasphemist comments and overall bullshit you attach to Him…well, we’ll have to wait, won’t we?

    Don’t make assumptions, don’t be led by bias, don’t believe what you think is false, and belive what you want.

    I like furries, I like gays, I like anyone. That doesn’t make me a deviant, an idiot, or the next on God falsified X-list. It means I don’t judge.

    It’s quite a simple concept, try it sometime. Others will appreciate it greatly.

    Comment by Xenistine amara — December 2, 2008 @ 7:54 pm | Reply

  526. do you honestly think, that someone who doesnt have god should be killed? just so they can go to hell faster?
    didnt jesus hang out with prostitutes and all the wicked people? when god to jonah to go to Nineveh, dont you think it would’ve just been easier to kill them all? and the Ninevites did a hell of a lot worse things than sex outside of marriage. if you actually study them youll see that they tortured people they conquered just for fun, they raped the women and childeren, making the men watch, they cut out the mens tongues and staked them to the ground, they tied mens legs to different horses and ripped them apart… idk about u guys, but i think thats way WAY worse, and god still wanted to save them, rather then just kill them, and u think that someone who could get saved should be killed because they sin… everyone sins, if they deserve to die so do you
    sorry, but thats the truth

    Comment by Rosco — December 2, 2008 @ 8:05 pm | Reply

  527. Furries are still the best.

    Comment by Xydexx — December 2, 2008 @ 8:29 pm | Reply

  528. Ha, I see my post was deleted…probably for being right.

    The pathetic attempts of these people to do a proper investigation is terribly sad, given that you surely can’t call this an investigation.

    Let people believe what they want, and don’t try to convert them. It’s their choice, not yours.

    Furries are awesome, live with it.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 4, 2008 @ 7:47 am | Reply

  529. Wow, browser fail.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 4, 2008 @ 7:48 am | Reply

  530. Marty Mcpain your an idiot there not idols there gods We have water gods sky gods tree gods pony gods sun gods moon gods dog gods few dog gods wich ironicly enough dog backwards is god so there, a rune god YES a fish god actually we have from an angel fish god all the way through to a guppy fish god! Why? because we celebrate, prasie & LOVE everything pure. what your saying isnot pure what your making up is not pure furries dont do any of this shit! I have seen people dressed in coustoms yes but do you know what they were doing?! going to hospitals to cheer up ill dieing children! i have never seen someone in a costom do anything but nice things so screw you! & i hope that atempted president guy dies! you guys are twisted freaks Thank every god for decent minded people & diffrent religons & FURRIES! screw all you other haters! & we are not LED BY ANY DEVIL CHILD MOLESTER i wish all the evil mean people would go away like childmolesters kidnappers murders I dont even like SUICIDE! & Mr. unkown cuz you didnt bother puting a name cuz your a lazy bum “vatican council re-interpreted the commandment “do not murder” to “do not kill” sooo… yeah.” DO NOT KILL CONSISTS OF MURDER & suicide but thats actually kinda strechin it. & if this blog pisses you of like it does me than why are you trying to make me someone whos on the same side as you sound stupied & bad?!

    Ok scratch everything i said before all i have to say is SCREW ALL OF YOU IDIOT WHO THINK THIS FURRIE SHIT IS TRUE!

    Comment by Wishes people would change for the better — December 4, 2008 @ 12:00 pm | Reply

  531. lol catholics are a THE STRICTEST denomination of christianity, if i worshipped anything other than god i’d be excommunicated.

    learn your own religion dumb-ass!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 4, 2008 @ 4:08 pm | Reply

  532. “lol catholics are a THE STRICTEST denomination of christianity”

    my poor foolish wolf-boy. Cat-o-licks are not EVEN Christians. They are an offshoot of pagan rituals and fish-head gods.

    “So much for Peter’s chair and Peter’s keys. Now Janus, whose key the Pope usurped with that of his wife or mother Cybele, was also Dagon. Janus, the two-headed god, “who had lived in two worlds,” was the Babylonian divinity as in incarnation of Noah. Dagon, the fish-god, represented that deity as a manifestation of the same patriarch who had lived so long in the waters of the deluge. As the Pope bears the key of Janus, so he wears the mitre of Dagon. The excavations of Nineveh have put this beyond all possibility of doubt. The Papal mitre is entirely different from the mitre of Aaron and the Jewish high priests. That mitre was a turban. The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears, when he sits on the high altar at Rome and receives the adoration of the Cardinals, is the very mitre worn by Dagon, the fish-god of the Philistines and Babylonians”

    read, repent and go to a Baptist Church. preferrably Landover Baptist!

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 4, 2008 @ 9:02 pm | Reply

  533. you think your even remotely intelligent you’d know that the only part you got right was the part where you corrected my spelling. any 5 year old can tell you that ‘cat-o-lcs’ as you put it are the orignal christianity. Or is england the only country that cares any more? (honest question!)

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 6, 2008 @ 4:28 pm | Reply

  534. Can this blog even withstand the ungodly amount of fail that Marty spawns on it?

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 6, 2008 @ 4:32 pm | Reply

  535. Can the sinners this blog withstand the godly amount of rightousness that Marty bestows on it?

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 6, 2008 @ 4:32 pm

    There, corrected your grammar….

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 6, 2008 @ 6:45 pm | Reply

  536. “i am a retard, and have always known i’d lose since around about … erm, last year”

    comment by Marty McPain – december 6, 2008 6:45pm

    there, corrected your grammar…

    lol! hurt much?

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 7, 2008 @ 3:59 pm | Reply

  537. No, my grammar was correct. Don’t rape my posts with your arrogant bullshit.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 8, 2008 @ 7:49 am | Reply

  538. Wolfie! you’re back…

    have you forsaken that pagan religion yet?

    Comment by Joe Blow — December 8, 2008 @ 4:01 pm | Reply

  539. ?? 1. not pagan
    2. who the fuck are you??
    3. who you calling wolfie?!?!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 8, 2008 @ 6:17 pm | Reply

  540. Marty, I’ll warn you now that the task force sent after you is zeroing in. You have no chance to survive– make your time. I suggest no longer having sex with your daughter, since we’d rather not have to catch you in that moment.

    Comment by Dio Brando — December 8, 2008 @ 6:21 pm | Reply

  541. bah! you know nothing and have more “ass force” than task force.

    I will pray that the Lord holds you in the palm of His hand…and squishes you! ha ha

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 8, 2008 @ 9:15 pm | Reply

  542. lolz you just proved us right!


    you promoted violence! one of THE most heretical thing a christian can do!

    lolz 2 U!

    “BOOM… HeadShot”

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 9, 2008 @ 7:29 pm | Reply

  543. Wow, praying for someone’s demise.

    What a devout Christian!

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 10, 2008 @ 7:42 am | Reply

  544. If its the Lord’s will, the Lord’s will will be done.

    I don’t have the final say, and I am not going to attack you. Your foul sins will condem you in the eyes of God. I’m just praying He does it sooner rather than later…

    Comment by Joe Blow — December 10, 2008 @ 12:29 pm | Reply

  545. That doesn’t make you any better.

    And the whole thing is the “if”.

    According to Christianity, God loves everybody. I’m getting tired of repeating this.You don’t know whether or not these are sins, crimes, or perversions…and honestly, why would you give a shit?

    You have no reason to tell me that what I do is wrong; you are
    NOT God.

    While you say that you won’t attack anyone, what you said can be taken as an attack, since attacks are referred to as anything that causes offense.

    This blog = fail.

    The idiots that say just how Christian they are = fail.

    Put them together.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 10, 2008 @ 1:47 pm | Reply

  546. 1)
    are us so called ‘sinners’ the only ones who answer questions anymore?

    how can you say you wont attack us, then say you want god to kill us?

    this ones free:

    you need to say what makes f-ing sense rather than what makes you look a stupid twat!

    think it through!


    “call me an asshole…one more time…” – Hancock.

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 10, 2008 @ 4:29 pm | Reply

  547. I have read all your stupid arguments… and laughed at both sides. I agree that it is NOT okay to pretty much chain a child down… HOWEVER there must be SOME kind of boundaries and rules. You also need to not just ” beat the child within an inch of his/her life. Here is a thought ” EXPLAIN WHY you do not want you child to like furry things…. and to the people who have a daughter who thinks she’s a dragon there is no “furry demon” she could have a legitimate mental problem like schizophrenia… DO NOT RELAY ON THE OLD EXCUSE OF ” the devil made me do it”. Also I DO happen to agree with the point that some furry aspects are odd.. and veerry strange, but you need to THINK before you act people, and act like you got some god damn sense.

    Comment by Xronous — December 10, 2008 @ 10:55 pm | Reply

  548. oh and this may seem spammy but all you so-called christian fools… who celebrate christmas easter and even pray on sunday…. EASTER is a pagan holiday of fertility (the eggs) Christmas was the day in rome where men would have ritualistic sex beat their wives THEN give each other gifts… and SUNDAY isn’t paying homage to god on the calendar its for the SUN GOD! so before you call other people pagans read a little history you ignorant fools…

    Comment by Xronous — December 10, 2008 @ 10:59 pm | Reply

  549. Well being a former anime fan myself i can agree that i have seen the inside and out of the world of people who obsess over it. Usual introduced when we’re younger japanese have a very very strong influence on the cartoon world. and a lot of their culture (which is very contrary to ours) is reflected strongly in it. some grow out of it and some don’t. i am happy to have a found several christian based animes, and secular ones that don’t trump into absolute sin (surprisingly more american adult cartoons actually mock christianity that foreign). but as for furries, i think that is much deeper psychological dysfunction that truly grows with a person. i personally know some and find that they are not as sick as the ones i usually see but at a 95% the darker ones are a good branch off of bestiality, a fetish that is insanely dangerous to the soul. wrong and sick nonetheless its a psychological and sociological defect that should be examined by a professional….. or a priest. but it is somewhat effective to post the truth and have them respond with things negatives and downers trying to justify their actions. which is a normal human response. what they don’t know is they have been sucked into a vacuum of their own lament and eternal damnation. as in the evil that don’t know they are that evil until it’s too late. my point being i myself am proof that one can enjoi anime and scifi and other things that have a dark and sinister path, without loosing faith in the lord jesus christ. POINT BEING people should learn when to cut off the dark side and even things out. you can be a cool christian geek……it is possible

    oh and yea it’s also possible to NOT be a total freak since they’re insist on using childish insults then dammit i will too
    hard ball sucks
    get used to it

    or is that too scary for you?

    Comment by Mell — December 11, 2008 @ 12:13 pm | Reply

  550. i’ve just noticed a link on this page called


    move america forward”

    you americans… to borrow yet another movie line, “your always running… but never in the right direction!”

    the way your acting FORWARD will mean the 1640’s for fuck sake!!!!!


    “your head is going up his ass. his head is going up his ass and you drew the short straw, ‘cos your head is going up MY ass!” – Hancock

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 11, 2008 @ 5:00 pm | Reply

  551. My silly fake christians who have never read the Bible. Don’t you understand that God does NOT love everyone? In Fact, God often is quite angry with certain people, and, as a result, He kills them. Quick!

    Read your Bible: Deuteronomy 32

    some informative parts:

    32:21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.

    32:41 If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.
    32:42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy

    or Joshua 8

    8:1 And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear not, neither be thou dismayed: take all the people of war with thee, and arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land:

    8:24 And it came to pass, when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness wherein they chased them, and when they were all fallen on the edge of the sword, until they were consumed, that all the Israelites returned unto Ai, and smote it with the edge of the sword.

    8:25 And so it was, that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.

    8:26 For Joshua drew not his hand back, wherewith he stretched out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.

    and many more people died in God ordered genocide. This was the Lord’s will.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 11, 2008 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  552. k dude, ur like, really stupid. if God hated certain people, why would he create them in the first place? if he knew they would do all of these terrible sins, and didnt want them alive, why not just leave them the way the were and not even let them be born? Answer; because God DOES love everyone, unconditionally, just cuz he gets mad and punishes people doesnt mean he doesnt love them. thats about the dumbest thing ive ever heard, dude. if your wife, im guessing you dig chix because being gay is a “sin”, if she does something that pisses you off, are you going to divorce her and say, “fuck you bitch!” and kill her? i dont think so, you’ll still love her, same with your kids, if you have kids, your not going to kill your kids and stop loving them for doing something wrong.
    just admit it, everyone knows your wrong, you know your wrong, God knows your wrong… actually, what your doing is a sin, your being a false prophet, your telling people stuff about God that isnt true. dude… Gods pissed at you too…
    sucks to be you…

    Comment by Rosco — December 12, 2008 @ 12:39 am | Reply

  553. That’s the problem. You aren’t reading what counts. Those parts of the bible are as reliable as new History text books.

    Your conclusions are not true conclusions.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 12, 2008 @ 1:35 pm | Reply

  554. still it is pretty funny to see these fake christians running around…i mean hell IM a christian and think god gets REALLY pissed off at the stupid idiots who throw his name around in their useless causes…

    Comment by Xronous — December 12, 2008 @ 2:59 pm | Reply

  555. and marty has a point… “the flood” and sodom and Gomorra were GOOD examples of what heppens when you piss god off

    Comment by Xronous — December 12, 2008 @ 3:00 pm | Reply

  556. My dear misguided child.

    All the Bible is God’s word. You don’t get to choose the good parts or the bad parts.

    “parts of the bible are as reliable as new History text books.”

    All of man’s history is written in sand, vague and tempoary. The Bible was handed down directly from God to a bunch of English dudes working for King James I. This Bible is God’s word and as clear as the sky.

    See this site for answers:

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 12, 2008 @ 10:08 pm | Reply

  557. Furries are AWESOME!
    your just a close minded idiot.

    Comment by G — December 13, 2008 @ 4:48 am | Reply

  558. i have found the ULTIMATE flaw in your agument marty!

    your bring all your examples from the OLD testament!



    you dolt!

    [sarcasticly] : now who aint reading there bible?

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 13, 2008 @ 3:21 pm | Reply

  559. Poor foolish canine.

    “Matt 5:18 “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.” ”

    “The meaning of the passage is very clear. Not even the smallest letter or even its decorative spur will ever disappear from the “God Breathed” Word until all is fulfilled. In fact when heaven and earth are replaced by a new heaven and earth, the Word of the Lord will have accomplished its purpose and will be fulfilled in every detail even to the very letter. ”

    Seems like that same God is in control

    Matthew 10:34 – “I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword”

    Seems like Christ is not above a bit of wacking either.

    Are you saying that the Christian God is not the Jewish God? Are you saying that you only read the New Testament? What kind of half-bible false christians are you?

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 13, 2008 @ 10:20 pm | Reply

  560. lol, good point^^

    Comment by Rosco — December 14, 2008 @ 11:15 pm | Reply

  561. you want to know what i think is so funny, that your accusing him of only reading half the bible, when your using only part of verses that go together.
    your obviously a hypocrite who tries to make himself look right and then tries to pull a fast one on everyone else.
    heres a little more light on that verse where jesus is supposedly going to hack away at people
    Matthew 10:28-40

    28And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    29Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

    30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

    31Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

    32Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

    33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

    34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

    35For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    36And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

    37He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

    38And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

    39He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

    40He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

    this verse obviously means that God loves everyone more than they can imagine, and it also means that not everyone go to hell because they sin, if people choose to accept jesus, they go to heaven, if they choose to not accept him, hell. ive met christian furries, and for the ones that arent christians, you want dead, so they dont have a chance to accept jesus, what kind of twisted freak are you?

    Comment by Rosco — December 15, 2008 @ 1:26 pm | Reply

  562. One of the best points I’ve seen on here. I saw that verse correlation, too.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 15, 2008 @ 1:39 pm | Reply

  563. what?

    “35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household”

    and what is the point of that unless those that are not saved must be attacked?

    “33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”

    sounds like someones in trouble! What would Jesus do about all these sick puppies worshipping animal idols and stuff? Why I suppose He would tell His Father…”Oh its OK.. its just a phase…they’ll grow out of it…”

    I don’t think so…

    and what about the first half of the Bible? Did you bother reading it?


    Wolfie didn’t read any of it. Christ committed suicide for us to wash away our ORIGINAL SIN with His blood. Not all your sins dummy. (True if you are saved then your sins don’t count, but that’s different) And when did we get this original sin? In the Old Testament you fools! In the parts you didn’t read.

    Don’t you understand that God made us to be flawed, and then had His minion tempt us to test us, and when we failed He got all pissed at us, threw us out of the Garden of Eden and gave all women pain in childbirth as a mark of our sin. Oh and He wondered why we were ashamed of being naked. (Clearly being naked was a large part of man’s life before sin)

    I just don’t understand kids today….

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 15, 2008 @ 9:44 pm | Reply

  564. your getting sloppy marty

    1. we in fact get BAPTISTED to wash away original sin.

    2. you yourself admitted that life is a test, could it not be that God in his wisdom left more than a test of the body (life), but also a test of your MIND and therefore you live in balance heart and mind, bodx and soul, heaven bnd earth, 40 days 4O nights, life and death.

    everything in pairs so that we have BALANCE.

    the concepts of murder and suicide have NO opposites, no balance! they just exist…

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 16, 2008 @ 6:48 pm | Reply

  565. oh yeah i forgot to add…

    3)Jesus didnt kill himself on the cross he just “turned the other cheek.” He didnt try to stop the Romans killing him, two totally different concepts.

    4) at no point did i say i didnt read genisis i simply made the point that in the new testament god wiped the slate clean and stopped directly punishing us, which renders atleast half of it useless!

    nice pick up on Wolves being the original canine though, its just ashame you dont put as much brain power into your argument! lol!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 16, 2008 @ 7:08 pm | Reply

  566. *hugs raknoth* glad theres someone sticking up for us furs ^^

    Comment by L_T_DUB — December 17, 2008 @ 12:01 am | Reply

  567. ok, marty, dude, i knew u were stupid, but i didnt think you were that stupid!
    o my god! k the kids turning against their parent is a metaphor saying that God wants you to love him more than anything, including your parents, just like he loves you. and just because you deny jesus dosent mean its game over for you and you cant get forgiven by God, if God says he can do anything, then he can, and he’ll forgive you if you seriously mean it. i mean, just look at Peter, one of the disciples, he denied jesus 3 freakin times! then jesus asked for him personally when he rose from the dead! im pretty sure jesus was able to forgive him. and that reminds me, the thief that was dying next to jesus. he was sorry and meant it and jesus allowed him to go to heaven, which proves that if you are sincerely sorry for sin, neither God, nor Jesus will hold it against you. know why? because they’re forgiving and love everyone, just the same. God loves a satanist just as much as he loves you, you can deny it, but its true no matter what. and the raknoth dude is right, jesus didnt commit suicide. thats just stupid to even say or think that. he came and willingly gave of himself as the ultimate sacrifice, so we dont have to sacrifice animals to get our sins forgiven. all we have to do is merely ask for it and mean it.

    Comment by Rosco — December 17, 2008 @ 1:49 am | Reply

  568. Such pretty thoughts. Such false Bible reading.

    Christ deliberately had himself killed because if he didn’t we would not be able to wash ourselves in his blood. He wanted to be kllled because that is how he saved all those who the Lord has chosen to save. Seems like a good suicide to me.

    I am 110% sure that God loves me more than a satanist. If you don’t worship God as the only God, the Right God, the Republican God, then you are going to the bad place. By definition a satanist worships satan and God hates him.

    Comment by Joe Blow — December 17, 2008 @ 10:02 am | Reply

  569. no, jesus didnt commit suicide! suicide is a sin and if jesus had ever sinned, it would defeat the whole purpose of him ever even being born! and you are so very very wrong about jesus wanting to be killed. he didnt want to be killed, God wanted him to be, and jesus agreed, theres a big difference between wanting to do something and agreeing to do something. heres a little insight for you.
    Luke 22:39-44

    39Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 41He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42″Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 43An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

    now, if he wanted to be killed, i dont think he wouldve asked God to let him not do it, and if he was sweating blood… thats not really a sign of being excited to go do something.

    and God does love everyone the same, and so should you…
    but you probably dont and marty mcpain probably doesnt either…
    so, who here hates furries, idol worshippers, godless people, pagans, satanists,etc. the like. if you hate them and believe God hates them go ahead and post a comment on here saying so, mmkay? mmkay.

    Comment by Rosco — December 17, 2008 @ 11:43 am | Reply

  570. “he didnt want to be killed, God wanted him to be, and jesus agreed, ”

    so you deny the divinity of Christ? Are you an Adoptionist?

    You really must WANT to go to hell and service Satan and his large barbed instrument of God’s displeasure.

    Why do you want to make the baby Jesus cry? and why don’t you capitalise His name? Oh, we know why, because you are an atheist and hate Jesus.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 17, 2008 @ 1:41 pm | Reply

  571. Wolfie, you are so not a Christian.

    “1. we in fact get BAPTISTED to wash away original sin.”

    NO NO NO! Once you are saved by the blood of Christ your sin is washed away. The ceremony of baptism is just an outward sign of an already existing condition. It DOES NOT actually do anything.

    Oh Jesus please immerse Wolfie in a large container of water and keep him there for as long as it takes to teach him a lesson Oh Lord for this I pray..

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 17, 2008 @ 1:49 pm | Reply

  572. what “condition”?

    if I were you, i’d double check your religous facts.

    my local priest agrees that baptism removes original sin.

    thanks for the positive feedback everyone!

    *thumbs up*

    *victory dance*

    keep it up everyone we might save him yet. Marty’s only human, even the messiah let his anger get the better of him in the temple!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 17, 2008 @ 3:30 pm | Reply

  573. first off, i never denied jesus’ divinity, i simply said he didnt want to be brutally mutilated and killed. that verse i put up there proves it.

    second, i dont capitalize his name because i hardly capitalize anything when i type, including names, didnt you notice how i dont capitalize the beginnings of my sentences? and im definitely not an athiest, if i was i wouldnt care about this whole stupid blog, or marty mcpain, or anything else to do with his idiocy.
    and if i hated jesus, believe me, id sit back and let you drive everyone away from him, no one in their right mind wants to serve a god who wants certain people to go to hell and get raped.

    third, jesus isnt a baby anymore, k? he grew up, preached, got MURDERED, and rose again. get over it.

    and fourth, you never answered my question, do you hate satanists, pagans, athiests and the like? and do you think god hates them?

    Comment by Rosco — December 18, 2008 @ 2:24 am | Reply

  574. Mhh lets see i read this whole article and i got about half way through the comments,way too many.I dont care about gay people or furries or different colored people.If they dont bother me then all is good.But i did read alot of this killing people cuz they are different aned asian people and all none christian.(I am christian by the way)that doesnt sound llike gods plan that sounds more like the devils plan.Its fanatics like these people who are gona try to turn people against god.”Everyone not a cristian should get there heads chopped off”Thats exactly wat they say will happen only that the people who get there heads choped off will go to heaven and those who take the devils side will an eternity in fire and brimstone.Isnt in the states a monument that of some granite stones that have 10 commandments written on it in 8 languages? In georgia i believe,on the first line it says keep the population under 500million.Thats exactly wat the devil wants its easier to keep them under control this way.God didnt create just christians god created evrything,from smaller gods to angels to demons to saints the devil, aliens watever you want to call them.The bible is similar to he sumerian tablets an the vedas.Its fanatics like these that will lead people against god.Judgementady isnt for another 1000years but doomsday is near.Im glad that i have a mind of my own and choose wats wrong and wats right for myself.Furries arent the sickest thing on the net there are people who eat shit necrophiliacs and stuff like that.Maybe you should leave the furrys alone just cuz you want votes you shouldnt dramatize everything like mainstream media does and all of the religions through out time just to scare people into believe in them.Hate is a sin and all the people you corrupt by getting them to hate someone or something will go to hell with you and you will be punished for every single person you corrupted.

    I got kinda furstrated im hopping that there arent alot mistakes or words that i dint type.

    Comment by The Enlightened One — December 18, 2008 @ 10:43 pm | Reply

  575. my poor dumb puppy…

    “my local priest agrees that baptism removes original sin.”

    Well OF COURSE your pagan idolator would claim that his magic water would wipe away your sins! He’s a charlatan and voodoo mumbo-jumboer.

    You cat-o-licks are so immersed in your false rituals that you can’t see the grace of God!

    Again, Baptism is JUST a ceremony that does nothing. It is when you accept Christ into your heart as your Savior that your sins are washed away by His BLOOD. Later on, after you are SAVED, then you get baptised.

    You should really learn about Christianity instead of that fish-head worhsip you believe in…

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 19, 2008 @ 10:03 am | Reply

  576. Rosco (that’s a dog’s name)

    you must not read what you type.

    ““he didnt want to be killed, God wanted him to be, and jesus agreed, ”

    so you deny the divinity of Christ? Are you an Adoptionist?

    You are here claiming that Christ is not God. That’s clear.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 19, 2008 @ 10:05 am | Reply

  577. “I got kinda fur -strated im hopping (i.e. jumping) that there arent alot mistakes or words that i dint type.

    you must be a sick rabbit or bunny furry.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 19, 2008 @ 11:24 am | Reply

  578. o…k… admitance i think that marty is EITHER insane OR a secret furry.

    1) when will you stop condradicting yourself are you telling me that an alcoholic beverage can turn into the blood of christ, but that water from which all life NEEDS cannot?

    are you doubting gods will? or even his powers?

    tut-tut Marty im so dissapointed in you!

    2) i would like answers to my previous questions/points before the mass of Christ!

    the trinity hears all Marty, so i’d watch yourself!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 19, 2008 @ 3:16 pm | Reply

  579. “when will you stop condradicting yourself are you telling me that an alcoholic beverage can turn into the blood of christ”

    you are a fool and a cat-o-lick pagan. I never said anything about wine you foolish child! I have to smash my head into a wall to remove the pain of reading your idiotic words. Christ’s blood washing through your SOUL not your mouth! gaaaa! please Lord make a big rock fall on my head while I pray on broken glass.

    why are people begging to go to hell?

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 19, 2008 @ 7:18 pm | Reply

  580. MARTY!! i never freakin said i doubted his divinity! you obviously dont read what i write! hes obviously divine because hes part of the trinity! duhhh!!!!! but god still sent jesus and jesus still didnt really want to be tortured! he even asked god to reconsider, read the F-ing verse i put up there! and you still wont answer my question, which means your probably afraid of being proven that what you think is wrong, but if you really believe youre right, then why wont you answer my question?!

    and rosco isnt necessarily a dogs name, i just like it, are you going to tell me thats a sin too?

    Comment by Rosco — December 19, 2008 @ 10:12 pm | Reply


    Comment by holly — December 20, 2008 @ 8:40 am | Reply

  582. riddle me this then Marty Boy

    when did i say you said wine i was using it as an example of God’s power. you said blood, and in Christianity, the wine becomes blood. am i correct so far?

    so why can wine turn into christs blood during the Eucharist, but not water during Baptism?

    do you understand me now, My Fuzzy Little Sloth?

    hehehehe the look on your face Gwahahahaha!!!

    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 20, 2008 @ 2:33 pm | Reply

  583. gwahahahahaha

    the silence speaks louder and truer than any of your kind it seems

    your kind meaning Nazi Hypocrits!



    Comment by raknoth the wolf — December 21, 2008 @ 3:23 pm | Reply

  584. “in Christianity, the wine becomes blood. am i correct so far?”

    NO you stupid pagan! only that Dagon cult you belong to think that it’s blood. Christ said to do “this in remembrance of Me” He didn’t say “watch this cool magic trick” like your fake priests do…

    and, my hairy infidel, some of us have better things to do than prowl the internets constantly, unlike you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 21, 2008 @ 4:53 pm | Reply

  585. marty, im sure you know that he meant “becomes” as a symbol or metaphore. i mean, its really obvious thats what he meant, and if you coudlnt figure that out for real, then you dont know what your talking about the rest of the time either. =P
    and god DOES LOVE EVERYONE! and he want you to love everyone too. dont even try to argue with it

    Comment by Rosco — December 21, 2008 @ 11:42 pm | Reply

  586. !! “marty, im sure you know that he meant “becomes” as a symbol or metaphore”

    again you fail. fail fail fail.. your voodoo priests and the Whore of Babylon who leads them have declared it is actually blood!

    “Lateran IV defined transubstantiaion thusly in Canon I:

    There is indeed one universal church of the faithful, outside of which nobody at all is saved, in which Jesus Christ is both priest and sacrifice. His body and blood are truly contained in the sacrament of the altar under the forms of bread and wine, the bread and wine having been changed in substance, by God’s power, into his body and blood”

    you worship with a bunch of cannibals!

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 22, 2008 @ 11:07 am | Reply

  587. Um…it’s like that in every church.

    What is in the bible is hardly believable. Not only do I not give a flying fuck if you disagree, but you know damn well it’s been tweaked beyond all repair.

    By the way, Marty, your lack of proper English skills dissappoints me. Go back to school, you uneducated zealot.

    …Anyway, learn some facts before you spew your brain-child text all over something that everyone can see. It makes you look like an idiot.

    Not to mention that you come and “prowl” this site just as much as Wolfie, little hypocrite.

    Your sheer intolerance and arrogance still make you loved by God, and there are no sins that could make him think any less of us. Shit, you really need to review some things.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 22, 2008 @ 7:02 pm | Reply

  588. your so freakin weird…
    i have a hard time beleiving your really even a christian…=/

    Comment by Rosco — December 23, 2008 @ 2:26 am | Reply

  589. I smell more fail.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 23, 2008 @ 7:48 am | Reply

  590. No wonder why this jackass isn’t president.

    Nothing but hate, intolerance, and bigotry.

    Where do I resign my membership for humanity?

    Comment by lifemakesmesad — December 23, 2008 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  591. So you can’t dispute any facts I’ve stated about your beliefs and sinfullness? You can only attack and call me names?

    I will pray for your education by the Lord.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 23, 2008 @ 9:35 pm | Reply

  592. There are no facts in what you claim; only harsh opinions that need not be shared. You cannot claim facts onto one’s beliefs…it’s like dividing by zero. It is logically impossible to claim facts on beliefs when you, yourself, know nothing, and the fact that you are not the person that you are “condemning” plays a role in it. You can’t make descisions for people, and you can’t decide what of them were correct or incorrect, for there is a lot more to it than that. YOU CANNOT PUT FACTS INTO AN OPINION-BASED MATTER.

    Get you bloody facts straight; there are no facts, just hard-headed and long-believed opinions.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 24, 2008 @ 10:31 am | Reply

  593. You see this is the problem. You have no understanding of history or your own religious origins and beliefs. gah! Its like arguing with a chicken!

    The Bible says that the earth revolves around the sun. I believe that because the Bible is the word of God. Heliocentrism, like evolution, is a corrupting satanic influence that must be repudiated. The Bible says that man and dinosaurs lived together in harmony 6,000 years ago, before the fall.

    I believe that because God told me that. What do you belive?

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 24, 2008 @ 5:22 pm | Reply

  594. May the Baby Jesus come and bring you the joy of everlasting life instead of cold rotting bones in the ground…

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 24, 2008 @ 7:54 pm | Reply

  595. Hey, i’m a furry. I’ll admit it. This go is so full of shit he has no idea what he’s talking about. We dont give a shit what all yall haters think. We’re proud to be furry. And anyone who has something to say about it can kiss my furry ass!

    Comment by Blackstripes — December 26, 2008 @ 12:28 am | Reply

  596. The Earth revolving around the Sun and Heliocentrism are the same thing.

    None of that was put in there until the scientists, Galileo and Copernicus, published said facts…but they were still heresy crimes, and thus Galileo was burned at the stake for defending Heliocentrism (Copernicus died a while back, but he made the theory, Galileo added to it and defended it).

    Heliocentrism, therefore, was a sin to believe. However, the “Earth revolving around the Sun” is the same theory, which was added later by other people into your bible.

    It has been known that microevolution might exist, due to your body and medications being unable to ward off certain strains of bacterial diseases, but it’s still just a theory…though the studies and published results show great evidence.

    Human traces and dinosaur traces were found on very different rock levels, and radiometric dating concluded that people have only been around for a few thousand years, while dinosaurs died out roughly 65 million years ago. Even if these dates are incorrect, the fact that they are on rock levels different–and I mean WAY different–from each other, this means the two could not coexist, because one was absent at the time.

    So is the bible really “the word of God”, or is it some bastardized replications, thoughts, feelings or beliefs that was added by yet another mortal being?

    While I know I cannot convince you, maybe you should look up some facts about what you want to say, rather than just type without thinking.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 26, 2008 @ 11:06 am | Reply

  597. hehehe… looks like some-one has been prowling alot more than i have, eh Marty?

    and it looks to me like xenistine has had my back covered while i was playing GOW2. back to the point

    you really are a dumb ass i’d be surprised if you can make any comeback know.

    looks like science, logic, the law and 2 thirds of the planet are on the furry side and there’s … well… bad grammar, total misconception and … well… you on yours.

    your fucked!!!
    my fur reeks…
    of VICTORY!!!!! gwahahaha!!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — December 27, 2008 @ 7:36 pm | Reply

  598. “The Earth revolving around the Sun and Heliocentrism are the same thing.”


    Satan must have messed with my keyboard to make me type that….

    The Bible says that the Sun revolves around the Earth. That’s what I meant. Bad human subject to original sin!

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 28, 2008 @ 12:09 am | Reply

  599. “bad human subject to original sin.”

    *tilts head and raises one ear*

    translation, please? and maybe some rudimentry use of punctuation, such as commas?

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — December 28, 2008 @ 4:17 pm | Reply

  600. where does it say that the sun revolves around the earth?

    Comment by Rosco — December 28, 2008 @ 9:37 pm | Reply

  601. It comes from Malachi 4 the last chapter of the Old Testament. It would be about 400 years before God spoke to Israel through John the Baptist. Malachi 4:2

    “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness ARISE with healing in his wings…”

    Look at this again. Notice how “Sun” has a capital “S”. This obviously refers to Jesus. He did ARISE with healing in his wings. Notice how it does not say “Son”, it says, “Sun”. If the “sun” DOES NOT rise, does this mean that THE SON did not rise? Is all of it an illusion? Of course, not.

    and there is a lot of science to prove it

    Here is an excellent peer reviewed article:

    If you can ge this book you will understand

    and this site has a walth of information:

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 29, 2008 @ 8:31 am | Reply

  602. The Earth revolves around the sun. Stars are stationary.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 29, 2008 @ 11:10 am | Reply

  603. well, the stars are little points of light put stationary in the heavens by God for our amusement.

    But the Sun rises and sets. THe sun moves. The earth does not. Its not that hard people!

    go out and look at the sun setting. stare at it hard for a while and let me know how that works out for you…

    (okay don’t stare at the sun bad idea..) but seriously, its obvious that the sun is moving and not the earth.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 29, 2008 @ 4:28 pm | Reply

  604. The so called ‘SUN’ as you put it does not move, by your own logic you once again proved our points instead of yours!

    evidence 1

    ‘the stars are little points of light put stationary in the heavens’ if that is true then how can the sun move seeing as it is a star?

    reason 2

    it’s made of gas. gas disperses but because of gravity, uhey are kept in place, so what moves it.

    reason 3

    our star ‘the sun’ is a second star which is created when a sun hits critical mass, rare elements like metals are proof.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — December 29, 2008 @ 6:53 pm | Reply

  605. for you science geeks… a second star not twin star thats a different thing, caused when a star hits peek density, hits critical mass and implodes, i think, causing a massive output of energy, i dont know much about what happens next, but it’s how there’s metals and various other rare elements, on our little rock that we call home. suck on that marty!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — December 29, 2008 @ 7:05 pm | Reply

  606. Uh, dude…the Sun is a star, therefore it does not move.

    Not to mention that stars are too massive to revolve around smaller extra-terrestrial bodies, even through they are only made of gas.

    This would mean that the Earth revolves, not the Sun.

    Also, the solar wind of it would have fried the other planets and our own ozone layer, which would have caused our death in an instant due to UV/IR light radiation, and would have either made everyone sterile, get cancer, die from extreme heat, or all of the above.

    Stars don’t move for a reason. The only times they move is during expansion from burning hydrogen and helium, implosion (novas or supernovas), and shrinkage (after implosion where a star becomes a dwarf star). There is nothing with enough mass to stimulate orbits of stars, even around each other. Not to mention that the smaller the star, the more dense it is, the hotter it is…but the bigger stars take up too much space, so orbit cannot and will not be created of stars to each other, and stars revolving around planets.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 30, 2008 @ 11:59 am | Reply

  607. and God says “this man…he failed so terribly…I have no word for how terrible he failed”

    Comment by Crysiscorps — December 30, 2008 @ 12:23 pm | Reply

  608. Child, have you never even opened a Bible?

    Genesis 1:14-19 (King James Version)

    14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night
    God put little lights in the sky so we could tell when it was night. and actually they move with the firmament, but they don’t move by themselves.

    16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
    see. The sun is not a star. it says “also” so we have the sun and then we have stars.

    So they are fixed in the firmament of heaven and move as the heavens move.

    “Not to mention that stars are too massive to revolve around smaller extra-terrestrial bodies, even through they are only made of gas.”

    please don’t try and sell that false “science” fakery here. Stars are tiny points of light and are NOT made of gas. (what is that like indigestion)

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 30, 2008 @ 3:48 pm | Reply

  609. Yeah, this site really reflects the classic Conservitive views: racism, homphobia, discrimination and hate towards minority groups and cultures, etc.

    lol, Conservatives. Always the first ones to bring up God in any political conversation.

    Comment by Anonymous — December 30, 2008 @ 4:20 pm | Reply

  610. This is funny shit. Let’s take god and jesus out of the equation. And for that matter, let’s take out all of the irrelevant bullshit that you’ve been bickering about and failing to defend for the last 500 posts. This is not a debate about who is right and who isn’t about how we should worship the lord.. This is a debate about whether or not Furries are acceptable in society. I say, why not? They aren’t hurting anyone. They are not rebels against god, merely normal people, like you and I, well maybe not you. They do what it is that makes them happy. Last time I looked, dressing up in costume and follicking about wasn’t frowned upon in the bible. If so, nearly every child in america is going to hell for halloween. It is overzealous biblethumpers like you that drive the wedge between the people of our world. We will never have peace with our fellow man because people like you are so adamant with your refusal to accept others for who they are, or who they’d like to be, but can’t because your oppression won’t allow them to be. I might add that the bible is HIGHLY untrustworthy, being that it’s been tampered with severely due to corruption in the great church waaay back when it was written and translated, so nobody alive today really knows god’s original intent and message, if in fact, it contains his will at all. Not only was the bible written by MAN, but it was corrupt, and bastardised by him as well. When you read the bible, you aren’t putting your faith in God’s word. You’re putting your faith in the hands of a corrupt church, that may or may not have relayed the full message over hundreds of years ago. This is basic High School Sophomore world history here, folks. This shit ACTUALLY happened. It’s a good thing that religion is separate from schools, it really is, so that our classrooms are free from the bias that is symbolized in Marty’s misplaced fervor. It’s why I don’t read the bible. I don’t trust in the words of man. I trust in the word of god. The only truths of god are that god is good. God is love. And if you believe in him, and you keep him close to your heart, and you return his love, then that’s all he’ll ever ask of you. Things are not so simple as the milk and cheerios in your spoon, Mr. McPain. And maybe one day when you find yourself in times of trouble, Mother Mary will come to you, speaking words of wisdom: “Let it Be.”

    Comment by Storm — December 31, 2008 @ 4:16 am | Reply

  611. Ok first let me say I am furry, second I will tell you all that if you believe everything you read on the net then hey great Obama is the devil, UFO’s are real, and Bigfoot is outside your house and the Freemason rule the world. Here is the reality furry life style is quiet fun yes it can be perverted, so can a church. Why don’t people talk to there kids and here’s a thought LISTEN TO THEM!!! You would be amazed at what you will learn. As far as what adults do with the furry life style all I can say is this if you complain about this then complain about it all. BDSM, GAY, anything that is not missionary and between a man and woman for the soul propose of procreation. By the way here’s you white pointy KKK hat enjoy!!! To the rest of the world that is understanding and tolerant thank you and please don’t be discouraged there are normal people out here just because we do things different doesn’t mean its bad what is fun for some isn’t fun for all and don’t let the few bad apples spoil the whole basket. Learn to love each other and be kind and besides you have more to worry about than your kids being furies my son is a furry and I am very proud of him he does his best on school he has good friends and is normal in everyway but hey if you cant handle this then what are you going to do when you find drugs or your daughter in pregnant at age 14. like I said TALK TO THEM

    Comment by Tau — December 31, 2008 @ 11:52 am | Reply

  612. you gais are some weird ass bastards to think that if your kid a a furry you should beat them untill they die honestly my father tau is a furry and so is my mom and they love the fact that i am

    Comment by Jynx — December 31, 2008 @ 12:02 pm | Reply

  613. There is more research in how to use shampoo than this crackpot article.

    Comment by Kate — December 31, 2008 @ 10:36 pm | Reply

  614. I came back to see how this board is doing and I walk straight into an idiot. Most of you probably don’t remember me and my post, it was a long time ago. Still, I can deal with people and their ridiculous opinions, but when someone completely disregards absolute scientific fact, I get sorta pissed. I don’t care why you abandon the five fundamental forces of the universe and why everything is the way it is, if the idea has been proven, it is fact! I’m not the most religious type, and I don’t condemn those who follow religion, but to follow something blindly, with no absolute fact behind it, is incomprehensible to me.
    Now on to the stars argument; stars do move, they usually orbit around the center of the galaxy they are in. If a star is alone in deep space, it still moves due to the movement/expansion of the universe. Stars can also be moved by supermassive objects such as Black Holes. Here >><><&gt; irc:// << My Name will be LAZARUS_GUY, feel free to join in and converse. The room will be open until around 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you wish to discuss this another time,or any subject for that matter, my email is or (This is an invitation for everyone to discuss any topic, Religion, Science, Theology, or anything else you can think of, I’m a pretty open person and will be happy to discuss or debate any topic.)

    Yours Truly, LAZARUS_GUY a.k.a Richard Lazarus

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 1, 2009 @ 1:43 pm | Reply

  615. I came back to see how this board is doing and I walk straight into an idiot. Most of you probably don’t remember me and my post, it was a long time ago. Still, I can deal with people and their ridiculous opinions, but when someone completely disregards absolute scientific fact, I get sorta pissed. I don’t care why you abandon the five fundamental forces of the universe and why everything is the way it is, if the idea has been proven, it is fact! I’m not the most religious type, and I don’t condemn those who follow religion, but to follow something blindly, with no absolute fact behind it, is incomprehensible to me.
    Now on to the stars argument; stars do move, they usually orbit around the center of the galaxy they are in. If a star is alone in deep space, it still moves due to the movement/expansion of the universe. Stars can also be moved by supermassive objects such as Black Holes. Here is a link to Conservapedia with sound scientific facts and mathematical equations. For more information about stars, please visit a more astronomically geared site, such as
    For those who would refute this claim, please cite and display legitimate FACTS from reliable sources (not the Bible) that support your argument. The only reason I ask that you not quote the Bible is that it is a several-thousand-year-old book with no true insight into today’s scientific community, not because I do not believe in it.

    The Bible is a translation of a translation of a translation. I don’t trust any word in there to be precise.
    — Stef Jones (

    For a separate point, our sun is a star, officially named Sol. Hence why the name of this system is the Sol System.

    If you choose to refute science as a whole, I would ask you to explain the workings of Gravity, Electromagnetic Waves, Electricity, the fundamentals of the computer you are working on currently, the internet, and exactly why you can see this web page, all without “Divine Intervention.”

    Please excuse me if I ranted completely off topic, but I would like this conversation to continue, therefore I will be hosting an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) room on solely for the purpose of this argument. The address of the chatroom will be irc:// My Name will be LAZARUS_GUY, feel free to join in and converse. The room will be open until around 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you wish to discuss this another time,or any subject for that matter, my email is or (This is an invitation for everyone to discuss any topic, Religion, Science, Theology, or anything else you can think of, I’m a pretty open person and will be happy to discuss or debate any topic.)

    Yours Truly, LAZARUS_GUY a.k.a Richard Lazarus

    P.S. Sorry for the double-post, my formatting was incorrect.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 1, 2009 @ 1:44 pm | Reply

  616. next you’ll tell me gravity is just super glue!

    the Sun IS a star.

    WE (humans) gave our local star a name, that name was Sun.

    In the Bible it say ‘Lesser Light’ guess what you call that!


    Sun and Moon are just nouns, names, labels whatever you wish to call them!

    in our opinion it is you who should not be using your ‘Bible bullshit’ here!


    threw that one back in your face, didn’t I?


    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 1, 2009 @ 5:18 pm | Reply

  617. My “stationary” comment was intended for orbit, not drift, people.

    Sun = Star

    The sun is closer to us than other stars, which is why it is so large.

    Stars seem to “move” in the sky because of the Earth’s rotation and revolution.

    Stars are a lot larger than planets, and yes, are made of gases such as helium and hydrogen, and I think may contain some metals…I reall don’t remember about the metals.

    But yes, stars are enormous, massive firey balls of gas that expand suddenly when they burn a new gas, and when they get too big, they implode, becoming a dwarf, a dead star, or a supernova, which are quite pretty.

    I like nebulas more, myself.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 2, 2009 @ 12:29 pm | Reply

  618. Yes, some stars late in their life-cycle do contain metals (some as heavy as lead).

    Stars begin to expand when they start fusing heavier elements later in their life-cycle, growing into red giants, which either explode or collapse.

    I actually prefer quasars and neutron stars, due to their mystery.

    Please, someone put us back on topic before we begin to lecture on more astronomical phenomena.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 2, 2009 @ 1:30 pm | Reply

  619. AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, its pretty obvious this is a joke, no one could ever be this retarded, but hey, this is America so, ya never know.

    Comment by RX — January 2, 2009 @ 2:21 pm | Reply

  620. Storm: out of your entire hatefull screed there is one thing you got right: “nearly every child in america is going to hell for halloween.”

    you are so right about that! Too bad everything else you typed was false.

    Fake Lazarus: You just go try and sell your “science” lies somewhere else! “Please, someone put us back on topic ”

    well the topic is:

    “Will the idol worshipping furries give up their foolishness and read the Bible and follow the word of God before they are all condemned by God to hell for torment by Satan and his minions?

    I have to take the “NO!” bet on this one…

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 2, 2009 @ 4:39 pm | Reply

  621. Storm, this has to be the worst ignorant thing that you wrote: “It’s why I don’t read the bible. I don’t trust in the words of man. I trust in the word of god”

    First of all, learn to capitalize His Name! Second, do you think you are God and you know everything (that’s blasphemy)? Well neither are you an expert chef…and if you were going to try and bake a special salvation cake, would you just make up the ingredients? No of course not you would use a cookbook. Well, son, the Bible is that cookbook.

    And don’t worry about mistranslation. God had King James re-write the Bible in His favorite language (and also He got rid of the fake bits the cat-o-licks put in)

    If you don’t read the Bible you will not be eating salvation cake I can assure you that!! You’ll be eating something else and it won’t be pleasant down there in hell!

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 2, 2009 @ 4:46 pm | Reply

  622. and last (always last) Wolfie:

    “i dont know much about what happens ”

    finally we agree on something.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 2, 2009 @ 4:55 pm | Reply

  623. fragment please consider revising

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 2, 2009 @ 5:41 pm | Reply

  624. First, I would implore you not to deface the namesake that my family has given me, if you must call me something please use my first name, Richard, Rich or Ricky will suffice.

    Secondly, I asked that if you were to refute science as a whole that you “explain the workings of Gravity, Electromagnetic Waves, Electricity, the fundamentals of the computer you are working on currently, the internet, and exactly why you can see this web page, all without “Divine Intervention.”” I will reduce this to only one point to prove, so that it may be easier for you to compile your argument. Feel free to pick any of the topics provided above and send me an email of your views, I will be happy to discuss it further.

    I also ask you (and everyone else for that matter) to please keep a cool head and answer without any slander or degradation to anyone else’s groups and/or affiliations. Furs, I know this article and some of the other poser’s views are infuriating to you, but please take a step back and calm down. Marty, and any other like-minded posters, please do the same. This argument would continue much smoother if we all approach this with level minds and cool logic.

    ““Will the idol worshipping furries give up their foolishness and read the Bible and follow the word of God before they are all condemned by God to hell for torment by Satan and his minions?

    I have to take the “NO!” bet on this one…”

    I believe the actual topic is whether or not furs (or any other group) should be discriminated against.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 2, 2009 @ 7:42 pm | Reply

  625. “And maybe one day when you find yourself in times of trouble, Mother Mary will come to you, speaking words of wisdom: “Let it Be.””

    Oh, and Storm, nice choice of music!

    (Sorry for double posting again.)

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 2, 2009 @ 7:48 pm | Reply

  626. Well Lazy,

    then you would be wrong! just like almost everything else it seems.

    I will study your “science” and get back to you after the weekend. I have to pray for many hours and go to service, and I also teach Sunday School. and I have to push crippled old ladies in their wheelchairs around the nursing home on Saturday night so I don’t know when I can get back to you.

    But I will, and I hope that the Bible will lead me to teach you about the Truth in this world.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 2, 2009 @ 7:49 pm | Reply

  627. Ummmm… Furries isn’t all about “Yiffing”. It’s about having fun. It’s about a group of people getting together and roleplaying a silly situation. It’s about taking a break from the most mundane things in life: work, your boss, cleaning your room, the news on TV, whatever. Sure, some people get into the “yiffing”, but most furries don’t even like the “yiffy” part. If someone who participates in Furries is wrong, then maybe most amateur actors are too. Heck, maybe most hobbies are wrong as well.

    Comment by FurFan — January 2, 2009 @ 8:15 pm | Reply

  628. Just one thing if you don’t mind me asking, Marty, approximately how old are you, just to get a feel for who I am speaking to. If do not wish to answer, feel free not to, but please don’t hold this against me. I would also ask the same of Raknoth the Wolf, Xenistine Amara, and Storm, for the same reason. Mind you I ask for an approximate age only, and please don’t lie, as this would be detrimental to my arguments and points. If you do not want to share this information, no harm nor foul, I understand completely.

    On a different note, if you wish to ask me any personal questions of this nature, I will not hesitate to answer, but please don’t judge me on the answers you receive.

    Marty, if you would like some recommended reading material, I will be happy to accommodate you, just tell me the depth at which you wish to read into the subject and I will find suitable, reliable sources for you. If you wish for hard reading material, like a book, I will research some and suggest you look them up in your local library. Do not forget to include the subject and the depth of the explanation in your request though. If it would please you to do so, leave the request in my mail box at

    Thank you all for your cooperation, Richard Lazarus

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 2, 2009 @ 8:24 pm | Reply

  629. @ Ricky
    16, yay another intelectual (i can’t spell very well.) please don’t treat me like those stupid “happy slappy, hoodies with ASBO’s and ringtones!”- the doctor [david tennant] that go out and shoot, stab and generally stink up the universe!

    @ Marty

    i know the military formulae for targeting missles lol!

    “pushing old ladies”
    you mean old man!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 3, 2009 @ 6:27 pm | Reply

  630. No problem, Raknoth. I have no intentions of doing so. As for your spelling trouble, I suggest you type out your post in MS Word (or an equivalent)and copy/paste. That or you can get Mozilla Firefox, a browser which has a built-in spellchecker. I myself have some spelling trouble and I use the latter option, you can see the results.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 4, 2009 @ 11:28 am | Reply

  631. over the past hundred posts the debate has deteriated into ‘when will Marty realise he’s making himself look an over-rightous old fool?’ For the record if you want us to take your “holy-than-thou” bull-crap we want hard evidence, not hard-back cover bible references!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 4, 2009 @ 11:47 am | Reply

  632. Wolfie you want proof? Well here is proof of the evil of furries:

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 4, 2009 @ 6:39 pm | Reply

  633. Lazarus: I took a half hour and read all available secular rantings about the origin of the world and compared it to the Bible and the work of our Creation Scientists. The odd people who wrote these fictions cannot be called scientists because that would be an insult to true scientists that study the Bible, I will therefor refer to them as “God-hating idiot Liars” instead.

    First they imagine the ludicrous idea of Heliocentrism, which I debunked above, and then they go on to say that our Sun is just one of billions in a “galaxy” and that there are billions of galaxies and that God does not think we are special.

    Well I know God thinks I’m special; I don’t know about you. I do know that He hates furries at and I know that He made the Sun special for us and that there is only one. The Sun is a large chunk of burning coal approximately 500 miles away and has been burning for about 6,000 years. This has been clearly shown by real scientists. end part one.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 4, 2009 @ 6:51 pm | Reply

  634. part two

    “Marty, if you would like some recommended reading material,” Mr. Lazarus, I have all the reading material I need thank you! Most important of all is the Bible! You should open one sometime.

    You can also find good information here: especially at You have to take him a bit guardedly because he also seems to accept the “Many Suns” fiction that is so common today.

    I will pray that the Lord lifts the scales from your eyes.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 4, 2009 @ 6:52 pm | Reply

  635. This is what my pastor calculated:

    Praise the Lord! He has shown me how to prove scientifically that the sun is no more than 500 miles overhead.

    Here is the proof:

    To start off with, the sun is hot enough to glow yellow, so we can use Wein’s Displacement Law to determine the temperature.

    Wein’s Displacement Law:
    Peak Wavelength in meters = displacement constant / temperature in Kelvin

    Yellow light has a wavelength between 570nm and 580nm, so we’ll solve for 575nm. Since we are working with nanometers rather than meters, we’ll simplify the math by multiplying the displacement constant by 10^9.

    575 = 2897768.5/T
    575 * T = 2897768.5
    T = 2897768.5/575
    T = 5039.6° K (8611.6° F)

    So the sun is about 5039.6° Kelvin.

    Now, the average temperature of the earth is 59° F, or about 288° K. The mean temperature gradient of the troposphere is 6° K/km, so let’s solve for the distance.

    d = (5039.6 – 288)/6
    d = 791.9 km (491.1 miles)

    There you have it. The sun is roughly 491.1 miles overhead. Depending on the exact shade of yellow (whether it’s closer to 570nm or 580nm), this figure could be off by as much as 5 miles. However, I don’t have a spectrometer handy, and I’m willing to live with an uncertainty of ±5 miles. It’s not like I’m planning to visit anytime soon — my shoes would melt .

    The LORD is so good to me. Praise the sweet name of Jesus.

    Pastor Billy-Reuben

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 4, 2009 @ 6:53 pm | Reply

  636. That, my dear sir, is just proof that SOME people do indeed like to have sex in a fursuit, this does not represent the mentality of the whole fandom. Just as SOME gamers prefer one gaming system over another, or SOME people like gospel music over rock, it does not represent the community as a whole, it’s just a matter of preference.

    As for being evil, I cannot say that any personal preference that does not explicitly harm others is evil. That term is reserved for those who would go out into the world and harm others for no reason other than that they do not like whom they are hurting. Good examples of evil (an amusing oxymoron) are murderers, Hitler, and slavery.

    Two definitions of evil that I find most accurate;
    Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful
    Characterized by anger or spite; malicious

    True, fursuit sex may seem strange to some of us, but there is no reason to hate people because they find it arousing.
    It is human nature to be afraid of what we do not understand, and if we are scared enough, to hate it. This kind of hate is a well-developed primal defense mechanism, one that our current society could do without. The most famous documented cases of this are usually associated with childhood trauma, for example, a fear of clowns. A child goes to a circus, where, after seeing a clown, a traumatic event occurs. The child then grows up, afraid of clowns. When the child becomes strong enough to defend himself, he begins to hate clowns, fighting them away because of the trauma and pain associated with their image.

    Anyway, enough with the psychology lesson, to hate someone for their beliefs, preferences, or choices, nay, for their free will, THAT is evil.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 4, 2009 @ 7:25 pm | Reply

  637. @post 362-364

    I would ask you not to degrade any person, no matter their beliefs (refer to above post).

    Next, while the mathematics are sound, you have committed an error in your calculation.

    I quote directly from the Wikipedia article accessed on Sunday, January 4th, 2009 @8:38 PM EST

    Wien’s displacement law is a law of physics that states that there is an inverse relationship between the wavelength of the peak of the emission of a black body and its temperature.

    \lambda_{max} = \frac{b}{T}


    \lambda_{max} \, is the peak wavelength in meters,
    T \, is the temperature of the blackbody in kelvins (K), and
    b is a constant of proportionality, called Wien’s displacement constant and equals 2.8977685(51) × 10^–3 m K (2002 CODATA recommended value)

    The two digits between the parentheses denotes the uncertainty (the standard deviation at 68.27% confidence level) in the two least significant digits of the mantissa.

    For optical wavelengths, it is often more convenient to use the nanometer in place of the meter as the unit of measure. In this case,
    b = 2.8977685(51) × 10^6 nm K.

    Be advised that I am using significant figures

    I will be replacing lambda with W (wavelength in angstroms) for simplicity of typing, therefore multiply all lengths in nm by 10.

    Peak Emission Wavelength of the Sun= 504nm = 5040 angstroms
    Multiply Wien’s displacement constant by 10 to get the right unit 2.8977685E6*10 = 2.8977685E7

    T = Constant/W
    T = 2.898 × 10^7 / 5040 angstroms
    T = 5750 K

    In your original calculation, Marty, you used temperature to calculate distance. I am not familiar with the equation you used, but since the temperature calculation was flawed, so is your distance.

    Since I am not familiar with your equation, and wish to switch to more understandable math, I will use the simplest way to determine distance indirectly using trigonometry. While I cannot perform the calculations myself, due to lack of information, the actual mathematics are sound. Instead, I will refer you to a website that describes, in simple terms, how to get the calculations yourself. (I apologize for not being able to devote more time to this, but my biochemistry work is giving me a hard time.) The site is There is more technical data through the link at the top of the page.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 4, 2009 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  638. Please forgive me if some of my information turns out incorrect, I have been distracted of late, and haven’t gotten much sleep in the last few days.

    Again, I will be happy to discuss any questions, just leave them in my email, as I may not be able to visit this site for the next week. Hopefully, I will find some time to return before then.

    Until we speak again, I bid you all adieu, and wish for happiness to find you, wherever you may be.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 4, 2009 @ 8:53 pm | Reply

  639. “I would ask you not to degrade any person, no matter their beliefs (refer to above post).”

    well that is a most un-Christian idea! What do you think that sinners and atheists are to be treated nicely? That’s not what God demands.

    You must be an atheist and God-hater yourself…

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 4, 2009 @ 9:24 pm | Reply

  640. I agree whole heartedly with this comment. Isnt God supposed to love us all? and if we truly want forgiveness then he will grant it? If they dont want to be saved that is their business but I just think most of these other comments are very closed minded. Im not suggesting that you accept the way these people act in anyway but as my teacher said you cant control anyone else but yourself. So stop trying ^_^

    Comment by Katie — January 5, 2009 @ 1:25 am | Reply

  641. Something I forgot to add yes they are supposed to be treated nicely. What god “demands” is love thy neighbor as thyself or have you all forgotten that? He didn’t say only if they were christian or white or love only the opposite sex. We are all his children every single one of us and he loves us all equally! It doesn’t get more christian then the 10 commandments!!!! If anything all this hate in everyone’s hearts is closer to the devil wouldn’t you agree?

    Comment by Katie — January 5, 2009 @ 4:26 pm | Reply

  642. First things first, I am happy I found some time to return here today, but not at what I have found.

    “well that is a most un-Christian idea! What do you think that sinners and atheists are to be treated nicely? That’s not what God demands.

    You must be an atheist and God-hater yourself…”

    So this is what I get for trying to be nice and civilized, a nice verbal slap. Someone making blind assumptions about me, and insulting others for no other fact than that they are different.

    Marty, you assume that you know God’s will? It certainly sounds that way to me. “That’s not what God demands.” Unless God came to you and specifically told you to hate “sinners and atheists” (which I doubt), you commit blasphemy, claiming to know the will of God.

    Furthermore, all people, no matter who they are or what they have done, deserve forgiveness as stated in the Bible. All sinners are to be forgiven, and as for atheists, I personally see no problem with someone believing differently than I, as long as no harm comes of it. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to hate those of a different religion. (Atheism still counts as a religion, although it truly is lack thereof.)

    Next, I ask you to keep this conversation on a factual level, and on topic (Should furs or any other group be discriminated against). No more mud-slinging, attacking or making assumptions about the poster, just cool logic stating the facts of the argument.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 5, 2009 @ 7:30 pm | Reply

  643. “Should furs or any other group be discriminated against). ”

    That is certainly NOT the topic. The topic is that all parents must be on the lookout and not let this furry perversion take hold in their children.

    Just look at the title:

    “Furries: A Twisted Freakshow of Utter Depravity”

    really please stop with your foolish talk “Nowhere in the Bible does it say to hate those of a different religion” are you insane, deluded or just ignorant?

    Exodus 20:4-5 says, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God…”

    so you have a lot to learn

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 5, 2009 @ 7:34 pm | Reply

  644. Lazarus guy you’re my hero! ^_^ more power to you!! I think I can sleep well tonight without being so upset, thank you.

    Comment by Katie — January 5, 2009 @ 9:11 pm | Reply

  645. “are you insane, deluded or just ignorant?”
    Must I ask again for the slander to stop? So far, I cannot recall ever subjecting you to this kind of treatment.

    No matter how you look at it, hate has always been pointless and bloody. So no matter what text you may quote, or words you might say, I will always know that the greatest threat to our survival is hate. Take a look at any place where hate resides, you will always find bloodshed. Is it not written in the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not kill?” The only solution to killing, murder, and other hate crimes is to stop hating. When man learns to stop hating and love his fellow man, no matter what, then, and only then, will we all truly be saved.

    “so you have a lot to learn”
    Indeed, I am not a scholar of religion, so that is true. But realize that you too have much to learn, maby not in religion, but in the many other fields of study that exist.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 5, 2009 @ 10:01 pm | Reply

  646. Either way, both sides here are getting a bit worked up, so what do you say Marty? Take a break from this draining battle of words and have a friendly chat for a while? Just relax and have a bit of small-talk, try to understand each other’s points of view?

    Come, take a step back, let’s cool down a bit and make peace for a time.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 5, 2009 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  647. The only stars to ever orbit each other, I think, is a Binary Star System.

    If earth was at the center of our system, the sun would have to be really, really far and revolve unnaturally fast. Out Earth does not have that kind of gravitational pull to have such a large mass revolve around us. Not to mention that everything would get fried from the intense solar winds.

    Also, where the hell have you seen furries worshipping idols? Furries are people, human, the same as everyone else. I’m certain that furries aren’t the only beings on Earth that do bad things…look at murders in God’s name? Crusades?


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 6, 2009 @ 1:47 pm | Reply

  648. well, i took a break to cool off my noggin!

    but Rick is right which i’ve pointed out twice before…







    even jesus didnt fully understand God, as proven when he was praying shortly before his capture, when he asked god if he HAD TO DIE!

    stop purely qouting old testament, as jesus re-told atleast half of it!

    was it also not a sinner He let into Heaven in His final hours?

    you simply half qoute His book to suit your own needs!


    i’m bored of winning.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 6, 2009 @ 6:51 pm | Reply

  649. I must be as neutral as possible to attempt to moderate this argument, which means criticizing both sides on their actions.

    Rankoth, you may have cooled your head, but your emotions are still burning strong. The whole point of taking a step back was to come back calm and collected, namely calm. Letting anger have free reign only makes more hate and hate only causes more pain for everyone. Please take these words to heart, and say what you mean without the anger. I know this is hard to do, but you must stay at least in a neutral emotional state when having discussions of this matter, otherwise it turns into a pointless shouting match.

    I am sorry if I seem to be lecturing, but this is for the good of the debate.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 6, 2009 @ 8:19 pm | Reply

  650. Debate? what debate? The Bible tells us that perversions such as furry worship will damm you to hell. What are you arguing about?

    Are you saying that the Bible is false? That you don’t believe what is written in it? Well fine then. Just don’t pretend to be a Christian.

    And enjoy your sick antics in this life because you sure won’t enjoy the next!

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 6, 2009 @ 9:29 pm | Reply

  651. Well, I can tell when my efforts aren’t appreciated.

    “Just don’t pretend to be a Christian.”
    I never did, and by the way, I’m Jewish. I’m not as religious as you, but I do take pride in my faith.

    Marty, I have a quote that I would like to share with you.

    “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”
    — Winston Churchill

    I believe it fits you well.

    The Bible was written by man, and translated and re-written innumerable times, I trust nary a word in there to be precise.

    I have tried to treat you as a civilized person, but apparently you do not deserve such treatment, as you only scorn others. As stated above, I can tell when my efforts aren’t appreciated. So I will depart this board, leaving you to your delusions and hate.

    This is Thunder Claw, the Anthro Electric Dragon, signing off.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 6, 2009 @ 10:22 pm | Reply

  652. i was nuetral, i just emphasised parts.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 7, 2009 @ 12:51 pm | Reply

  653. “The Bible was written by man, and translated and re-written innumerable times, I trust nary a word in there to be precise.”

    This, a million times over.

    What the hell is this “furry worship” you speak of, Marty? Furries weren’t furries until around…the 80’s, I think. The ancient things were just that: ancient. They have no real part of present things in the furry fandom.

    Please get facts straight.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 7, 2009 @ 2:12 pm | Reply

  654. Well well, so sad, too bad. Another unbeliever checks out.

    So let’s discuss:

    “Will God punish furries in this life or in the next?”

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 7, 2009 @ 2:54 pm | Reply

  655. “The key ov joy is disobedience” aleister Krowley…

    Missed me, bitches?

    Im just here laughing my ass off about all the stupidity DPS and Marty McPain are typing, and how they defend . They must be 40 year old people still living with their mother.

    “The Bible was written by man, and translated and re-written innumerable times, I trust nary a word in there to be precise.”– EPIC WIN, Lazarus.

    so, for this marty mc retard:
    What you have to say about your lord don’t mean a thing to me bash your fucking head in with the book of his insanity… Bible basher

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — January 9, 2009 @ 1:15 am | Reply

  656. “Will God punish furries in this life or in the next?”

    There is nothing to punish. Plain and simple.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 10, 2009 @ 11:53 am | Reply

  657. “are you saying the bible is false?”

    do you read comments all the way through? he’s jewish of course he thinks that.

    i just think some parts have been exaggerated (i’ll explain it if we get there.) but what i am saying is that you are not reading gods book but A book. the bible is a book of teachings and philoshophy, you’ve misread it as a list of facts. when you read the bible you should see God!
    when you read it all you see is a weapon, a card to play whenever you feel the whim.

    you disgust me!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 10, 2009 @ 7:47 pm | Reply

  658. Marty, i have seen the light and renounced my old faith!

    I >WAS< a christian, but if your a “true christian” then i wish to be in no relation to you in any way, even if it means i have to dance with your devil, to do the True Lords work; i will gladly do so! even you aren’t as blind to realise evil you’ve done. be prepared Marty. Now you will see my true might, the might of peaceful, reliable, debate backedup by universal sources, which i’ll be guided by God!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 11, 2009 @ 7:05 pm | Reply

  659. Hummph…. another wacko who thinks he talks to God….

    spare us…

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 12, 2009 @ 11:40 am | Reply

  660. Hummph…. another wacko who thinks he talks to God….

    spare us…

    Quoted for irony.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 12, 2009 @ 12:46 pm | Reply

  661. coming from a man who regularly claims to know the workings of Gods mind.
    Besides, nowhere did i say God spoke to me, simply that he would show me how to help you.

    “spare us”

    by your own evidence, God punishes those who sin. you even blessed us with many Bible quotes to prove so!

    are you telling me that you make these up and are praying on peoples trust?

    watch for angels as you already said, they are Gods weapon whom he weilds against sinners!

    I would like to see you argue your own logic AND evidence.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 12, 2009 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

  662. “which i’ll be guided by God!”

    except, Wolfie, you refuse to read the Bible. That’s where I get my information about God.

    and “spare us” was a short plea to the Lord to have you see the light…

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 12, 2009 @ 5:40 pm | Reply

  663. OK I will turn my cheek and try to explain why the bible is so important.

    If you don’t believe the claims of a talking snake, a burning bush or the story of genesis..then why believe any of it? Why believe that this “Christ” figure even existed no less rose from the dead or “conquered sin” (whatever that means?).

    There would be no reason to think that God even exists if everything can be explained from physical principals. Science now gives answers from 10 milliseconds after the big bang to the creation of the earth and the evoution of man.

    Why believe in fairies and unicorns, or in life after death or salvation? if you don’t believe the bible…

    IF Jesus did not turn water into wine with a wave of His hand…then we are the product of natural processes and there is no God and no higher power that cares about us or that we can pray to…

    There would be no point to existance, except maybe to replicate your genes…there would be no “good” or “evil”, just social mores and conventions.

    Now don’t you see why its important to believe the wild and crazy stories found in the bible?

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 13, 2009 @ 12:48 pm | Reply

  664. “wild and crazy stories in the Bible”?

    you dug deeper!

    I never said i Don’t believe in the God or the Bible, just that I believe you are living by the stories and not by the meanings behind them.

    “you don’t read the Bible”

    ofcourse i do but i just interpret it differently.

    If God is real there would not be belief, but knowledge therefore He cannot, but that won’t stop me living my life on the bases made to teach how to better people. Or believing in something after death who may aswell be God.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 13, 2009 @ 4:44 pm | Reply

  665. You don’t need a book to tell you about common courtesy, or any other kind act. While belief would be lost, normal morals would not. You can’t disprove that fact.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 13, 2009 @ 8:29 pm | Reply

  666. So you think God is talking to you? That is wierd. If you don’t believe that the Bible is the word of God then what can you possibly believe?

    That your own hormone ridden, chemicaly active, evolutionary driven brain actually hears God talking to you? You out of all the billions of people on the Earth and other sentient beings on billions of other planets?

    Only by believing that every word of the Bible is true can you hope to survive. Why if you don’t think that God chose you special you might as well think that you are a just a collegen covered bag of water for the benefit of the billions of bacteria that live inside you! no free will, no hope, no “better place” you go to after your rotting corpse is thrown into a hole in the ground and covered.

    I will pray for you..

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 13, 2009 @ 8:32 pm | Reply

  667. “While belief would be lost, normal morals would not. You can’t disprove that fact.”

    Child, I’ve seen in my lifetime societies whose social order has decayed to the point where killing, raping and burning men, women and children was not only tolerated but expected.

    What would be normal? Some people think that eating the brains of their parents helps them live a good and just life. Others sell their children as a matter of course, because its better than watching them starve to death. Only a firm belief in the Bible can save them.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 13, 2009 @ 8:39 pm | Reply

  668. Actually, a decent society and a quick realization would suffice.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 13, 2009 @ 8:44 pm | Reply

  669. but society is NOT decent without strict obedience to the word of God. The vicious scientists will drag us all down into the muck of evolution and plastic coatings!

    and what is a “quick realization?” is that a sex thing?

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 13, 2009 @ 9:12 pm | Reply

  670. “but society is NOT decent without strict obedience to the word of God”

    It can be if you are open to the overwhelming possibilty…or the fact that it’s entirely possible.

    and what is a “quick realization?” is that a sex thing?


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 14, 2009 @ 1:31 pm | Reply

  671. 1. i dont hear God.
    show me where I said that!
    ‘strict obedience to the word of God’

    do you live in a cave?
    it is obedience to the !LAW! that keeps Modern society not a book of Morals and Values!

    A “quick realisation” is literal it is where you realise something quickly! think with common sense not innuendos

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 15, 2009 @ 4:49 pm | Reply

  672. “do you live in a cave?
    it is obedience to the !LAW! that keeps Modern society not a book of Morals and Values!

    A “quick realisation” is literal it is where you realise something quickly! think with common sense not innuendos”

    THANK YOU. At least someone here can understand common sense.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 15, 2009 @ 8:13 pm | Reply

  673. So you both want to live in a society without morals where raping and killing is like buying a loaf of bread? What is wrong with you people?

    Our laws are directly promoted from the Biblical Law. And if you believe the Bible is the word of God some of those laws may not apply to you. Its all in the reading of both.

    So let’s talk about why you don’t believe in God. Are you atheists or just agnostics?

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 15, 2009 @ 8:38 pm | Reply

  674. My hairy friend, you said: “which i’ll be guided by God!”

    since you don’t believe the Bible is the word of God then I assume you in your phycotic delusions believe that you are talking to Him. What other explaination do you offer?

    That your pagan “priest” hears the words and repeats them to you?

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 15, 2009 @ 8:41 pm | Reply

  675. How can Catholics be pagan when THEY FOUNDED CHRISTIANITY.

    I sense some major logical errors.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 16, 2009 @ 2:42 pm | Reply

  676. Okay, I’m not a furry, but you’re just being ignorant and bigoted, as most/all religious people are. Just because they follow a different lifestyle doesn’t mean that they deserve to die. You are just being an ass. Mabye I think your cult morals are wrong. Does that mean I force my logical Athiestic, well, logic, onto you? I fucking feel like it, but that doesn’t mean I DO. Leave them alone; they never did you ANY harm.

    Comment by Sebas — January 17, 2009 @ 2:21 am | Reply

  677. “phycotic”?

    Cant you spell?
    Were did you learn to twist the words of others?

    The truth is often the most painful, for those who have placed their faith in a lie.

    -something I found on a nice little forum (don’t know how to hyper link)

    Comment by MattR. — January 17, 2009 @ 4:57 am | Reply

  678. I’m liking that little color dohickythinggy next to my post. ^_^

    Comment by MattR. — January 17, 2009 @ 5:11 am | Reply

  679. “phycotic”?

    Cant you spell?
    Where did you learn to twist the words of others?

    -The truth is often the most painful, for those who
    have placed their faith in a lie.

    Comment by MattR. — January 17, 2009 @ 2:57 pm | Reply

  680. most of you are some sick fucks. i dont mean the “furies” (even though i dont support that at all), but the people who are writing the severe hate comments like all you so called catholics. fuck, your nazis. you are going on about stoning, killing, caging and various other things to furies as well as to the people posting comments. thats sick. i don’t believe in in god or any other thing so i guess im aetheist. i used to be christian until i realized how messed up everything was in it. but in the time i was and looking at it now, that is no way for people with morals let alone religion to act. i support people having beliefs, until the fanatics (that means you, people) take it and fuck it up. force it on everyone. say the people who don’t conform will rot in hell. enforce extreme regulations on people. where is the love in that? just watch. people are going to severly judge my comment, saying “well you judged everyone else so we’re going to be assholes back” kinda deal. i just want people to stop hating, and by doing that i end up judging too. dammit, im tired and rambling again about a post thing. nevermind i’m gone.

    Comment by Torrith — January 18, 2009 @ 3:44 am | Reply

  681. Wow your all idiots and #6 whatever family did that to their daughter are mentally insane! Let me tell you all what furry is! Well there’s many different kinds of furry… straight furry lesbian furry gay furry (yiff) and many more their all based around animals wheater it be a human and an animal or 2 animals doing it. XD. It’s not like gay straight lesbian bisexual ppl looking at furry pics are gonna go out there and fuck a dog or horse! You all are just holding to close to your judgements. Open your eyes and you’ll see millions of people look at furry it’s allover the internet and it’s actually pretty interesting ;). When have you heard of any of them raping pets or animals? Furry is just a drawn cartoon thing like Anime and Hentai and the regular cartoons you see on tv. so please stop being stupid there’s a time for stupidity and there’s a time to open your eyes to the world around you and that tiume is NOW! I dare any of you thinking drawn stuff will get people to do it in real life… go to google or any search engine you use take off the filter setting and type in something like “rape” or “femdom” that’s real stuff but if you type in “furry” “Anime” “Hentai” “tenticles” all it is is Japanese drawns of cartoon sex. I’m glad I don’t live in America nor with anyone like Brownback as a president. Otherwise you may have more problems then you think for every action has another reaction 10X’s worse. So if you “Beat your son/daughter within an inch of his/her life” you may have a murderer child from anger. Or they might just come back and beat the shit out of you (check online there’s many pics where parents try to force their child to do something then the child is so mad of the abuse they nearly kill their own parents) So if any of you got a problem with Furry or Yiff please be my guest for your child to hate ya (if they do view furry)

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — January 18, 2009 @ 12:56 pm | Reply

  682. and furry is not a person it’s a series of pics if your gonna discriminate ppl to look at it at least get yo fuckin facts straight!

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — January 18, 2009 @ 1:00 pm | Reply

  683. *slaps head*

    are metaphors too complex for you i meant within the concept of common sense! As in modern life, the testaments, the gospels that sort of thing nowhere did i imply Direct Contact!

    why should we answer your questions when we have asked you atleast 20 and you havn’t answered them so take a look back and catch the fuck up!

    thank you in advance!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 18, 2009 @ 3:53 pm | Reply

  684. LOL, I can’t tell who is being serious and who is being sarcastic here…The original article is so ridonkulous that anyone can believe that this hobby is dangerous..

    about 25 years ago it was D&D, (I remember that, I’m that old) would turn the children towards Satan and all that other bull.. It did just about as much damage as Monopoly.

    So Pfft on this whole stupid argument.

    PS,I love that family photo of the naked people fursuits..

    Comment by Greg — January 19, 2009 @ 12:39 am | Reply

  685. i simply meant that as a metaphorical expression.

    besides you seem to know the most inner workings of Gods mind your even more insane than i WOULD be.

    second look a few posts back.

    i RENOUNCED christianity therefore no PAGAN PRIEST.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 21, 2009 @ 1:24 pm | Reply

  686. “i RENOUNCED christianity ”

    excellent! I must have missed that. Wonderfull news.

    Have you been saved and are now a Baptist or Calvinist? Or are did you go with the homosexual Episcopalians?

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 21, 2009 @ 3:34 pm | Reply

  687. wow fucking homo comment on here eh? If you think god says no one should be gay well your right in a way but wrong in your thinking idiot… There’s something called XX and XY hormones Girls have XX and guys have XY (usaualy) But in god’s speaking I bet you he meant XX and XY to be togeather other is wrong. Some guys are born with XX hormones and stay with them. So technically their a woman. Some girls are born with XY hormones so basically a guy… In today’s society people beleave 2 people with dicks or 2 people with pussys togeather are always homo’s but their wrong… for the 2 people have the opposite sex’s hormones thus god does not hate today’s homo’s he hates the ones not following their nature! (Check the lion kingdom all lions are “gay” except for the alpha male)

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — January 21, 2009 @ 5:52 pm | Reply

  688. Wait a minute! I thought you said you “renounced Catholickism”!

    So you really are an atheist!

    have you killed anyone or sexually assaulted someone yet?

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 22, 2009 @ 2:32 pm | Reply

  689. Wow! what I noticed in this whole thing is that some people won’t give up.. Marty is an abused pitbull who will not give up his postion under any condition. God speaks to him and him alone. Only he has the special Bible that is err-less, and he addresses most that he believes unenlightened as “Son,” or “My boy” or some other depositioning title. He quotes the bible many times over to make his argument, but rarely any other source such as the thousands of other ancient texts that exist and have been translated. He has not (unless I happened to pass over it.. understandable to the HUNDREDS of posts), once listed his references as to WHY he is an expert, what training he has had in seminary or other religious training. Someone so dedicateed to his cause might actually try looking at the argument from ALL angles to totally understand it. It seems he came to the one dimension of his position and was so awe-struck by it that he hasn’t moved or changed it one bit.

    Any argument directed towards him is lost, no matter how eloquent or practical, faith based or logic-based. He will never give in to the fact that as a human, he may err and make mistakes. The more complicated and labrythmal an argument is constructed, the weaker it is. KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid. To someone who is uneducated on a subject, it may seem weird and dangerous. So what? Don’t like? Change the channel. E-Z. Move on to make your own damn self better.

    Comment by Leigh — January 22, 2009 @ 6:44 pm | Reply

  690. Totally episcopal. Everybody is half-gay by nature.

    You trying to find a buddy so you won’t feel so alone when you rape and shank a baby, Marty?

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 22, 2009 @ 6:49 pm | Reply

    GOOD LORD!!!!
    you people are so… bigoted
    that you let a RELIGION be your EXCUSE to “beat” someone “to within an inch of their life.”
    you “people?” make me sick!
    No wonder this “Brownback” didn’t even make it to, lets see, THE NEWS!!!! much less anywhere else in the United States!
    Your all a DISGRACE to Jesus and any other religion crapped out by “Faith Mouse!”
    Thank God I’ve never heard of Brownback before hand, because if you are his fanbase….
    so help me God!

    Oh and by the by… Thank Nature I’m an Atheist! because this sort of thing makes me crap my pants with laughter

    Comment by The one true ATHEIST — January 23, 2009 @ 12:57 pm | Reply

  692. I am sickened at your butchery of American values. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people who have a preference for animals. If that’s there thing, then o.k. Just let it be. It is in the Constitution that Americans have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of nonviolent orginization. You’re representaion of anthropomorphiphiliacs (the politicly correct term for a ‘furry’) represents about one half of one percent of the population. They aren’t hurting you – why get angry at them? And going through every bit of your children’s property is just plain wrong. If you can’t trust your kids, you need to be a better parent. Throwing away their computor is just rash and wasteful. You call yourself a hero, but all that you are doing is discriminating against a population who would gladly have nothing to do with you. You’re just as bas as a person who discriminates against Blacks or Jews. And here’s a question: If God is almighty, why did he let such ‘abominations’ be created? You’ve launched yourself into a paradox of disproving yourself.

    Comment by Ray Green — January 25, 2009 @ 8:19 am | Reply

  693. all of u sock u r all a disgrace to Jesus

    Comment by u people r insane — January 26, 2009 @ 12:26 pm | Reply

  694. no i’m agnostic actually.

    i used to believe in your God. But I find no evidence of it in your behaviour. I truely hope and strongly believe that God exists but i simply beleive in non of the Major Religions.

    no i haven’t raped pillaged mentally/phisically abused nor killed anyone. If anything relinquishing all ties to people like you have made a calmer and far more productive lifestyle.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 26, 2009 @ 2:50 pm | Reply

  695. I am glad to hear that you have not abused anyone except yourself Wolfie.

    I don’t think you can call that “more productive” though!

    But seriously, if you believe in a god, but don’t subscribe to any relgion or defining text, how do you know anything about what your god wants or did?

    you see this gets back to the “talking to god” problem we were talking about….

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 26, 2009 @ 3:10 pm | Reply

  696. *pause to contemplate*

    Aw, f–k it; let’s start the sh–slangin’!







    Ezekiel 23:20 For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.
    *Translation: guys with huge dongs came all over her like they’d been savin’ up for a solid month in a great big bukkake scene. That’s some hot horny scripture



    *This is KJV, so translate “servant” as “slave”


    And my favorite one (well, at least for this instance) is oft cherry-picked from the steaming dung heap of depravity and debauchery known as the [un]holy bible (mostly KJV) as a symbol of how moral the work of fiction in question is:


    – yet I beg to differ.

    If someone threatens you with violence, don’t offer your son for him to threaten. If a man pulls a gun on you, don’t put it in your mouth. If a co-worker blackmails you with a rape lawsuit, don’t offer her some fresh evidence, if you know what I mean.

    And if some troll decides to wag his sanctimonious, fear mongering, sycophantic, witch hunting little finger at what is still considered to be an acceptable target by the fundie dominionists (30 years ago it was the blacks, hell, they still hate the blacks), all the while implying that the very foundations of what America was founded on, freedoms such as speech and expression as stated in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which is there, by the by, to guarantee and protect the liberties of MINORITIES (psst, the majority’s freedoms don’t NEED protection; one of the benefits of being the majority, dipsh–), should be abolished in the name of “mob rule”, meaning that basic rights should be a matter of consensus, ergo if the 85% of America who are not of recent African descent wish to vote the rest into slavery it’s A-O-K by the author of this hateful drivel, well then you just shine a spotlight on his beliefs so the whole world (few who read this comment, der) can see the ginormous crapsackitude contained in his largely vestigial skull cavity.

    This little light of mine . . . .

    Comment by Beery Swine — January 27, 2009 @ 2:06 am | Reply

  697. “Child [not at all condescending] , I’ve seen in my lifetime societies whose social order has decayed to the point where killing, raping and burning men, women and children was not only tolerated but expected.”

    What, you mean like this: Joahua 6:21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.

    later that chapter

    7:24 And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had . . . the LORD shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones.

    “What would be normal? Some people think that eating the brains of their parents helps them live a good and just life. Others sell their children as a matter of course,”

    What, you mean like this: Exodus 21:7 When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are . . . I think my point is made.

    “because its better than watching them starve to death. Only a firm belief in the Bible can save them.”

    Really? Even the contradictory bits like below?

    Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, BUT THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, YOUR RELATIVES, MUST NEVER BE TREATED THIS WAY.

    . . . until I reneg . . .

    Exodus 21:2-6 NLT If you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve for only six years. Set him free in the seventh year, and he will owe you nothing for his freedom. If he was single when he became your slave and then married afterward, only he will go free in the seventh year. But if he was married before he became a slave, then his wife will be freed with him. If his master gave him a wife while he was a slave, and they had sons or daughters, then the man will be free in the seventh year, but his wife and children will still belong to his master. But the slave may plainly declare, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children. I would rather not go free.’ If he does this, his master must present him before God. Then his master must take him to the door and publicly pierce his ear with an awl. After that, the slave will belong to his master forever.

    Example 42 (if you like Adams, you’ll get that, maybe)

    John 5:31 [Jezuz talkin’] If I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is not trustworthy.

    . . . later that book . . .

    8:14 Jesus answered them, “Even though I am testifying about myself, my testimony is valid [wait, what?] because I know where I have come from and where I am going. But you do not know where I come from or where I am going. [oh, now it makes sense]

    Comment by Beery Swine — January 27, 2009 @ 2:42 am | Reply

  698. what makes you sure that the Bible is what god thinks.
    there hundreds of religous texts i simply choose to beleive that none of them can persuade me that they are the true religion therefore i have none does that answer your question, buuuuuuuuuuuuddddy?

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 27, 2009 @ 10:32 am | Reply

  699. so you DON’T believe that the god you worship and sacrifice to is the TRUE god?

    odd. why worship a god you know is false? The Bible says its the word of God, so it has to be true, so it is.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 27, 2009 @ 10:47 am | Reply

  700. Hey dammit weres my post!?!

    Comment by MattR. — January 27, 2009 @ 2:00 pm | Reply

  701. Oh found it. ^_^

    -I asked The Lord, “Why hath thou forsaken me?” And He spoke unto me saying, “j00 R n00b 4 3VR”, And I was like “stfu -_-;;”

    Comment by MattR. — January 27, 2009 @ 2:04 pm | Reply

  702. HEY! I Want to be insulted by the Babtist TOO!! jeeze! the nerve…

    163. Not allowed to try and make a dire version of any dog of the toy breeds.

    190. Dual wielding small animals is strictly forbidden.

    302. I should not refer to the paladin’s Holy Avenger sword as “The Butter Knife of Doom”.

    Comment by MattR. — January 27, 2009 @ 2:07 pm | Reply

  703. Artie the white arctic fox; God does not hate furries why do you ask I will tell you why All of them love peace. God love’s peace. they are not afraid of sex and nudity. God made sex and nudity.The opposition is against the things God has made therefor anyone that is negitive toward sex and nudity is against the one who made it. is that clear!Anthropomorphic creatures surround the throne of God as depicted in the holy bible. they praise the Lord God almighty day and night and protect the throne Of God. furries also have the fruits of the spirit. zoosexuals also have these fruits, also and they love peace too, but all they get is the opposite of what is in the heart of God. that makes the people that are against the zoosexuals furries nudists and good beastealists that do no harm are taking the name of God in vain by hurting what God calls the least of these his brethren.Obey the law of God by doing unto others as you would want others to do unto you. because when you do you are doing whatever unto Christ. if you hurt your neighbor you hurt Christ. God made nudity and that is nothing to be ashamed about.

    Comment by Artie the white arctic fox — January 27, 2009 @ 10:55 pm | Reply




    Comment by Artie the white arctic fox — January 27, 2009 @ 11:53 pm | Reply

  705. every relion says that the God or Gods is/are the only one/s therefore you’ll need to prove that God exits which would make faith and belief, knowledge; making God into a form of science, which you hate. haha you hate your own God; also by extension your own existence. which is a sin!

    DID worship/sacrifice – past tense.
    try to keep some sense of continuity.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — January 29, 2009 @ 3:15 pm | Reply

  706. Wow…what the fuck went down here?

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — January 29, 2009 @ 6:16 pm | Reply

  707. *cough* IDIOTS *cough*
    If the bible is the word of god why is it in human handwriting in English? When everyone knows English wasn’t around till British attack France in B.C and some made a new language we call English which we’re speaking right now but god was appearently dead before that so how can he speak in English dumbass

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — January 31, 2009 @ 6:22 pm | Reply

  708. so…. how did furrys pervert the superbowl?

    I heard that some wierdos dressed up as birds attacked the Men Of Steel.

    now that is sick….

    of course, they and their atheist ways did no harm to the men of God…

    Comment by Kevin — February 1, 2009 @ 11:01 pm | Reply

  709. WTF? Why’d you delet my comments/requests? All i wanted was to be insulted/mocked/made to cry/have what little faith i have condemed and belittled. But noooo you had to go and DELETE EVERYTHING I said so it was like I never existed much less made fun of STUPID/CRAZY Babtists! GOD DAMN YOU!!! Mofuckka! Man feel more abused than a Babtist altar boy.

    QUIT deliting my posts and just be mean and cold hearted to me like every one else here. PLEASE????

    Comment by MattR. — February 2, 2009 @ 8:26 pm | Reply

  710. heh my bad i really should read the darn thing first huh? well uh, yheaa…

    Comment by MattR. — February 2, 2009 @ 8:28 pm | Reply

  711. “If the bible is the word of god why is it in human handwriting in English”

    That’s easy! English is God’s chosen language! He made King James hire those people to re-write the Bible in 1611. Don’t be fooled by any of those Pagan catolick versions…

    God loves America and made sure that we would have a Bible that we could read without having to deal with the jews or those homer greeks.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 3, 2009 @ 4:40 pm | Reply

  712. “He will never give in to the fact that as a human, he may err and make mistakes.”

    See Liegh, this is where you are wrong. Everything I believe is in the Bible so I don’t have to worry about mistakes because God dosn’t make mistakes.

    If you rely on your human abilities you will most certainly fail and wind up tortured in hell by Satan and his large punishment stick..

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 3, 2009 @ 4:49 pm | Reply

  713. No, this is where I am right.. YOU are human, and humans err. To presume that you do not err is to put yourself on a plane equal to God’s, and I do believe that is a sin, according to the Christian Bible.

    You have absolutely no footing for an argument. King James commisioned that version of the bible in response to King Henry VIII, whom he detested for political reasons, not because of religious ones. Anyone who truly loves the Bible would not ignore its own story. You are the epitome of existentialism: “nothing exists unless I have experienced it”

    You fail. F

    Comment by Leigh — February 3, 2009 @ 5:40 pm | Reply

  714. You again pontificate as if you are the ruler of the world!

    Why do you hate God? Why do you hate America? Of course God loves America and wants us the read the Bible. By reading the Bible we know what is right. I didn’t say I don’t make mistakes, I said I follow the Bible and God does not make mistakes.

    Sheesshh… you would think you don’t believe that God is eternal, His Son is 2030 years old and that dissing the Holy Ghost won’t get you condemned to the fires of hell!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 3, 2009 @ 8:04 pm | Reply

  715. Blah blah blah.. you stray from the points again. F is for Fail.

    Comment by Leigh — February 3, 2009 @ 8:51 pm | Reply

  716. english didn’t exist in 1611 and neither did modern america. all
    American’s is are of English or African (discounting those the descendants of immagrants)so therefore MY conunrty England is God’s favourite.


    England went on 3 major crusades to find the Holy Grail the most holy of all objects. none of YOUR country have been inspired by christianity.

    new point

    you move forward with new points but never answer the questions of the ones from hundreds of posts ago which would have helped you!

    now you can’t move forward, because we’ve forgotton; and you can’t move forward because of your inability to answer anything, and unreliability.

    you are fucked!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 4, 2009 @ 4:08 am | Reply

  717. So…since you have no real defense of your own, you have to go and claim stupid things like this, Marty?

    You disgust me.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — February 4, 2009 @ 7:49 am | Reply

  718. do we take the year from when jesus was born or died? cause if it born jesus would only be 2008 not 2030.

    we dont say god makes mistakes but that the MEN who wrote it are wrong.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 4, 2009 @ 9:26 am | Reply

  719. So Wolfie you don’t believe that the Bible is the word of God?

    We discussed what happens if you start thinking that! Why even believe that God exists?! Why follow any laws or rules? Why not marry a dog and start eat babies?


    Comment by Marty McPain — February 4, 2009 @ 10:29 am | Reply

  720. are you reading the post or what you WANT to be in the post?
    God did not write the Bible, MAN WROTE THE BIBLE! A giant hand didn’t appear and drop millions of books for everyone to read. Scholars. HUMAN scholars wrote, copied then SOLD THE BIBLE. RELIGION AND BELIEF CANNOT BE SOLD!! SO WHY CAN THE BIBLE???

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 4, 2009 @ 10:49 am | Reply

  721. I will pray for you to see the light…..

    It says right in the Bible that its the word of God! What more proof could you want?

    and, actually, I think you wuold like to marry a dog because you could work on your wolf persona….

    but at least you can count..Christ was 30 year and 3 months old when he died but he was born in the year 0. That would make him 2008 years and a month…

    Its cool how all the Greeks and savages had B.C. years and Christ was born at just the right time….

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 4, 2009 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

  722. Furries are fun people. Furries are interesting people, and furries don’t, for the most part do their thing for any religious reasons. It’s pretend and it’s play and it’s not sinful.

    Certain Christians don’t like them, some Christians love them, and some other Christians don’t care. Point being–> doesn’t matter. Politics and Religion are to be separated, and laws made based for the Minority’s morals are unfair. The end.

    Comment by Leigh — February 4, 2009 @ 6:48 pm | Reply

  723. Mr. Swine. That’s for your interesting post: Comment by Beery Swine — January 27, 2009 @ 2:06 am

    One thing you should remember is that all those people God chose to kill (by using His chosen people as His sword of vengance on Earth), were, unfortunately, heathens and false idol worshippers.

    As such, they were (and still would be) OUTSIDE the bounds of normal society. As such any actions taken against them does not count against the mores of God and His followers.

    So that is how the Bible promotes a sound and peacefull society, where the rules apply to all.

    All believers who tithe properly that is…

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 5, 2009 @ 12:32 pm | Reply

  724. OH OH My Pastor just sent me this…. It’s GREAT!

    Who Will Jesus Damn?

    Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

    Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 5, 2009 @ 10:04 pm | Reply

  725. Are you retarded?

    Everybody does that shit.


    How the fuck would someone who is EFFEMINATE go to hell? That’s absolutely retarded.

    Quit getting brainwashed by your hack of a pastor. By condemning everyone, he too will be condemned.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — February 6, 2009 @ 7:53 am | Reply

  726. Wow.. that doesn’t leave anyone else. lol. Jesus is a dick.

    Comment by Leigh — February 6, 2009 @ 5:07 pm | Reply

  727. No I think you mean that Jesus has a dick. That’s because He is human as well as God.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 6, 2009 @ 6:48 pm | Reply

  728. No, I mean he IS a dick. In that he does really dicky things.

    Comment by Leigh — February 7, 2009 @ 3:39 pm | Reply

  729. What a mean thing to say!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 8, 2009 @ 8:06 pm | Reply

  730. Uh– He’s the one that’s doing the damning of 34 types of people, I think that type of mean-ness trumps my calling him a dick.

    Comment by Leigh — February 8, 2009 @ 9:19 pm | Reply

  731. All Jesus wants to do is fill you with His love. Why do you resist? Do you secretly want to be forced to accept Him? He will do that if you ask Him.

    I don’t think calling Him names will make Him happy though…..

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 8, 2009 @ 9:45 pm | Reply

  732. Oh and I hope you all notice that these are from the New Testament. SO much for me always quoting the Old Covenant.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 8, 2009 @ 9:46 pm | Reply

  733. Jesus has been dead for about 2000 years. I am not afraid of zombie Jesus. The only thing that keeps him “alive” is hoopla delivered by zealots like you. What, in anything I have said, makes you think for one iota that I “secretly want to be forced to accept him”? What the hell does that mean anyway? want to be forced to accept him? I am not into that kind of BDSM, thank you very much. Besides, if he were able to do all you claim he can do, After 2000 years, I think he’d have a little thicker skin than what you give him credit for.

    I don’t give two nickels for whether you got your support from the old testament or the new testament. If you can’t support your argument with other historically accurate reputable sources, you have no argument. “I can shake my tiny fist and swear I wasn’t wrong, but what the sense in arguing when you’re all alone” (quote from a song)

    Comment by Leigh — February 8, 2009 @ 11:00 pm | Reply

  734. “The Fearful (Revelation 21:8),” So he will damn people who are afraid??? XD Stupid American boy. You beleave in god so much that your proud “The Proud (Romans 1:30),” and IRROGENT. face it you can’t force people to beleave in somethiung some old hags put togeather to make in booksto sell to dimwits like you for a shit load of money… Think about it back in 1200’s if I made a book and said that whoever didn’t get one and read it and follow it will be damned to all eternity to hell making people stupid and afraid into makeing them money…

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 9, 2009 @ 5:40 am | Reply

  735. “If you can’t support your argument with other historically accurate reputable sources, you have no argument”

    ha ha ha ha and then you quote from some stupid song lyrics! priceless!

    The Bible is the ONLY historically accurate book that exists. All others were written by failable men.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 9, 2009 @ 11:35 am | Reply

  736. I don’t mean to go back on other old quotes like Marty does when he can’t come up with a defence to what is currently being said but…

    “If you rely on your human abilities you will most certainly fail and wind up tortured in hell by Satan and his large punishment stick..”- I wouldn’t mind XD appearently Satan’s a girl… so what is it a dildo she’s going fuck herself with while I’m watching XD

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 9, 2009 @ 1:34 pm | Reply

  737. wow just the thought makes me want to go to hell XP

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 9, 2009 @ 1:34 pm | Reply

  738. I mean Satan can torture me all she wants to 😛 I don’t mind being bossed around by a woman. esppecially if it’s a very hot, attractive woman which probably dosn’t have clothes onb because it burnt all of it in the fire XD

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 9, 2009 @ 1:36 pm | Reply

  739. omg Marty I give in. I don’t care about this any more. You win. Marty wins! Marty wins! Bang a gong! Marty wins the everlasting stupid argument of who can cling to a stupid belief the longest!


    Comment by Leigh — February 9, 2009 @ 4:25 pm | Reply

  740. “The Bible is the ONLY historically accurate book that exists. All others were written by failable men.”

    So was the bible. :V

    That’s why there’s 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 versions of it.

    PROTIP: Revelations really challenges the “away in a manger scene”. I think that one fuck was tripping balls when he felt likke writing a bible fanfiction.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — February 9, 2009 @ 7:50 pm | Reply

  741. No, I don’t win. As long as you hate God and your soul is condemned to eternal torment in Satan’s lair of lust and depravity, I win nothing.

    I will pray for you. When you learn your proper place and start bearing little soldiers for Christ then you will be happy.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 9, 2009 @ 9:22 pm | Reply

  742. F*** you and and the s*** you presume… You don’t know what my stance is on God or Jesus or religion. and you certainly have no bearing on whether my soul will fall to the left or the right side of the fence. If it makes you happy to say a little prayer for me, than knock yourself out…

    I am not raising my children to be Christians. nor am i raising them to be any other ist.

    I have seen this from theway your form an argument. You don’t. You spout your own belief when it benefits you, but when it doesn’t benefit you you act the martyr and the pariah. F***ing cowardly way to make an argument. I’m out of this one. Enjoy your badge.

    Comment by Leigh — February 10, 2009 @ 12:58 am | Reply

  743. hi there! furry here. it seems to me, you didn’t really go that in depth if all you found was about porn and quotes from, arguably, one of the worst presidents either. From what i have seen myself in the fandom, it is not “jailhouse gay” (your own words). no, it is just that there is a high amount of homosexuality in the forum, and those that don’t want to be gay furs but can’t find girls just stay celibut. yes, there is such thing as being furry and not having sex! i should knoW1 I haven’t had sex in close to three years, and no, not because i’m furry but because i’ve given up on the entire idea and action for further notice. now, it seems to me you pul out a lot of religous references and information out of your ass… i’d have to say you are the most polite troll i’ve encpuntered thus far. at least you didn’t just post a chain of “tubgirl” and “yiff-in-hell-furfag” images. what was my point again? oh yes, if you really want to see what being a fur is all about, think about this: modern society itself is ripe with moral corruption and idiocy, it is rotting from the insides out. now anime, i can agree with you is a terrible thing. the yiff and all the porn, fuck it. the only ones who need that are the wierdos. “plushophiles” and “zoophiles,” i think that they’re fucked up. he same goes for those who have sex in fursuits. Sex is sex, don’t turn it into a game. now i have my opinions and all i have to say is this: look deeper and oh hey.. while you’re at it check out the furry catholic movement, yeah! there are religous furs out there, there are people out there who are furry and have your societies so called “morals” Furthermore, religion sucks, so do you.

    fawksy out! GAY FUR PRIDE $ EVER!!!! ~<3 :3 🐱

    Comment by Wred Fawks — February 10, 2009 @ 10:42 pm | Reply

  744. I agree with Leigh… Why the fuck would we raise our children to be Christians. They can choose for themselves what they want to beleave… If child services cought Marty forcing his/her kids into something like that Marty wouldn’t own the kids for much longer…

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 11, 2009 @ 5:48 am | Reply

  745. Well it was nice talking to you. Hope you come back soon….

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 11, 2009 @ 1:23 pm | Reply

  746. Hope you go to hell soon… (btw Satan is still hot if it’s a girl XP)

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 11, 2009 @ 3:26 pm | Reply

  747. Okay.. so let’s change the dicussion to State’s Rights versus Federal Power.

    Should a Furry ban and removal statute be enacted at the Federal level, so the resources of the FBI and DHS are available to capture and incarcerate these demented creatures, OR, should the bans be enacted town by town and state by state so that local militias and concerned citzen groups would have the first crack at these demons?

    Let’s discuss….

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 12, 2009 @ 8:44 pm | Reply

  748. “This is a debate about whether or not Furries are acceptable in society. I say, why not? They aren’t hurting anyone. They are not rebels against god, merely normal people, like you and I, well maybe not you”

    XD didn’t you read this post by Comment 610? Haha your the only one here that’s a bad un-normal!

    And why the F*** did you switch topic again… face it you’ve lost Marty

    Also if you believe what Brownback says what furries are him and you (Marty) are delussional… Furries are animated animals having sex (sexual fantasy of some)

    Brownback’s Quotes (and my answers)

    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”

    XD wow Trying to get mothers and fathers voting AGAINST YOU (all parents care about their children) Not beat them within an inch of their lifeXD

    “A furry is a person (or furson) who has an unhealthy interest or obsession with anthropomorphic animals, ie, creatures that are a cross between a human and one or more animals. In short, human-animal hybrids. Typically they dress up in fursuits (with or without diapers), pleasure themselves (or yiff) with specially modified stuffed animals (plushies), enjoy graphic artwork of anthropomorphic animals with oversized sexual organs and desire to somehow transform to their fantasy fursona (don’t ask).”

    Ha wrong Brown again…. Furry is drawn animal sex. Yiff is two gay animals… and the lion kingdom is all gay but thew alphas you Homophobia PRICK. So homo’s is Nature!!!

    Listen I could go on and on how many ways your wromng but that’d take too long. What your thinking of is not Furries it’s Zoo sex and stuff like that. Also if gay men wanna dress up as animals and make animal noises while fucking each other that’s their choice not your. And my last fact wasteing on your idiocy is that, America and Canada are free to all types of people (blacks, whites, jewish, etc) so I’m very glad you got not enough votes cause more people hate you then George W. Bush XD

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 13, 2009 @ 5:36 pm | Reply

  749. furry isn’t just porn hillbilly635 (notice Marty that i’m using the FULL USERNAME to make contact on a more personal level.) it is like Rock music it is for the ART in this case drawing animals with human characteristics. You are thinking of “Fur Porn” which is what you described in your last post.


    human Psychie 101 if you put the effort in for them they’ll do the same for you, otherwise it akes you look like an arse. thats why you are losing Marty. WE are putting the effort to keep our argument adult; YOU on the other hand, keep dragging us down.

    i’m also finding alot of spelling errors in a few post try a bit harder plz, i’m embarressed at some of Marty’s already. he mispelled the word “yourself” as “yuosrelf”

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 15, 2009 @ 1:34 pm | Reply

  750. hmm that’s what this article is about furries and what they are… Brownback is wrong to what furries are but then we get spammers like Marty in here taking us all off topic to this Chritanity bullshit… If I burn in hell who the fuck CARES??? Satan can suck my dick for all I care (whether she’s hot or in the middle) Cause I personally beleave when you die Marty your flesh sits in a boxed off Coffin being eaten by MAGGOTS and WORMS and MICROBES that are all over your body right now!!! That’s it Marty no afterlife, no Heaven or Hell, No reincarnation, NOTHING BUT YOU ROTTING AWAY IN EARTH’S CRUST!

    Comment by Hillbilly635 — February 15, 2009 @ 5:30 pm | Reply

  751. “Okay.. so let’s change the dicussion to State’s Rights versus Federal Power.

    Should a Furry ban and removal statute be enacted at the Federal level, so the resources of the FBI and DHS are available to capture and incarcerate these demented creatures, OR, should the bans be enacted town by town and state by state so that local militias and concerned citzen groups would have the first crack at these demons?

    Let’s discuss….”

    Discrimination. Try again.

    Comment by Xen — February 16, 2009 @ 9:55 am | Reply

  752. “You are thinking of “Fur Porn””

    You are ALL thinking of Fur Porn! Admit it!

    and here is the rest of Wolfie’s argument: “hooowwwlll wooooo! bark bark ruff!”

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 17, 2009 @ 11:26 am | Reply

  753. and look… this discussion is not about “whether furries fit into society” it is about protecting America, its people and its PETS!

    “Once you have determined that this unnatural behavior taken place, be sure also to have a qualified veterinarian examine any family pets and suggest his friends’ parents do the same. Many furries have more than a platonic interest in animals and often encourage Fido or Fluffy to be a furry’s best friend, if you know what I mean.”

    which is why I now bring up the question of whether this should be done by a Federal agency or local groups of concerned citizens.

    I would go for a mix myself, where the feds provide weapons, ammo and transportation vehicles, while we here locally decide who’s a furry or not.

    what do you think?

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 17, 2009 @ 12:29 pm | Reply

  754. “hooowwwlll wooooo! bark bark ruff!”
    very mature Mature Marty, i expected an adult argument rather than an outpour of your own personal sexual fantasies.

    as for your point about the Topic. In your opinion it’s the same thing seeing as “SOCIETY” in YOUR OPINION is what you like. If we fit into your “SOCIETY” then we are deviants.

    we aren’t deviants, we have put forward evidence on a mature level; all you have done is beat the crap out your shoes and sulked in a corner.

    from your tone of context all i can say to you is “Naughty Step”

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 17, 2009 @ 12:47 pm | Reply

  755. way to not answer the question Wolf-boy.

    what if we said we would let wolf and dog fetish furries alone and just pick up cat and pig mimics?

    would you help us then? what about if we could get the bank to ease up on your mortgage?

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 17, 2009 @ 3:57 pm | Reply

  756. “what if we said we would let wolf and dog fetish furries alone and just pick up cat and pig mimics?

    would you help us then? what about if we could get the bank to ease up on your mortgage?”

    you really don’t have any range of memory do you?

    i’m 16, so i don’t have a mortgage.

    i don’t have a dog/wolf fetish so none of that question applies infact.

    “way to not answer the question Wolf-boy.”
    just taking a note from your book Marty.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 20, 2009 @ 8:53 am | Reply

  757. ” don’t have a dog/wolf fetish”

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf

    I’m sorry did you say something? I was laughing too hard to hear you….

    Do you go to school? Is it a Christian Academy? Those are the best. What subjects do you study?

    I always liked the ten week course: “The Ten Commandments”

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 20, 2009 @ 1:29 pm | Reply


    “” don’t have a dog/wolf fetish”

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf”

    by that analogy you have a pain fetish, hello Marty McSADIST

    yes i do go to a christian high school i take the core subjects such as science, maths, english, RS (religous studies), buisness and IT; aswell as my choice subjects which are music, drama and art.

    which one’s in particular do you have problems with?

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 21, 2009 @ 7:10 am | Reply

  759. oh i forgot to add; the reason why i put wolf as a “title” is because through-out history the insignia of the wolf has stood for strong values.

    man’s original “best-friend”.
    strength in battle.
    strong family connections.
    Wolves live in every continent, showing versitility and the ability to percivier through the hottest and the coldest enviroments.

    i simply believe that the wolf stands for the same things that many of the modern day great icons and pioneers share some traits with the creature.

    some people love cats and dogs, i love wolves. not for fetish or sexual deviancy, but for the reasons above. there is nothing in it’s list of traits that anyone can disagree with; they are the parts of us everyone strives to be. even christians.

    you yourself have shown strength in this “battle”, as misplaced as it is; it is strength in battle none-the-less.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 21, 2009 @ 7:18 am | Reply

  760. Please don’t make fun of my name. It was given to me by my dead parents, as it was their name. You on the other hand have chosen to be identified with a vicious beast.

    You had better talk to some of your Christian advisors because the bible (and God) don’t like wolves at all:

    Matt 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

    Matt 10:16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves.”

    Acts 20:29 “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”

    Eze 22:27 “Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy people, and to get dishonest gain.”

    as they kill and destroy all that’s good in the world.

    and what kind of “Christian” school is this anyway? Good you have RS but what about PS (prayer studies)? or MS (missionary studies) or PMS (Personal Minister Subordination) ? Hmmm?

    anyway I wish you all the best but I fear that studying your “choice subjects which are music, drama and art.” will lead you to join the Espicoplian Church instead of a good Baptist or Calvinist Church.

    You should probably read the Bible, pray, and study the business of making money so you can tithe more to your Church.

    (actually tithing is more important than the other two..)

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 23, 2009 @ 12:37 pm | Reply

  761. you would rather be a sheep than a man, a blind follower amognst the others?

    the reason that they use wolves as an idea of an enemy is because he describes his followers as sheep. wolves eat sheep. God hold nothing against wolves or He wouldn’t have created them in the first place. he uses them as examples.

    “tithe is more important than the other two”

    i thought that in the Bible it said that coveting money and possesions was bad? now your taking a step further ands saying that loving money is better than loving God?

    you’ve really got to think, and write what HELPS your argument not what hinders everyones opinion of it.

    the only thing worse than what was said would be if you said you’d killed God and then molested the baby jesus!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 24, 2009 @ 10:05 am | Reply

  762. “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” —Proverbs 12:10

    Unicorns are better than sheep because they’re made of magic and awesome.

    Comment by Xydexx — February 24, 2009 @ 2:10 pm | Reply

  763. “i thought that in the Bible it said that coveting money and possesions was bad? now your taking a step further ands saying that loving money is better than loving God”

    Now don’t go putting words in my mouth. I said that you should study hard so you could make more money so you could give it to the church. I never said you should enjoy or covet any of it! You’ll also need money to have plenty of children and to be able to send them all to Christian school.

    I was commenting that tithing MAY be more important then praying. After all, God already knows what you are going to say and you would probably just bore him anyway.

    MALACHI 3:8-9: “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.”

    and you don’t need to repeat yourself when you pray: Matthew 6:7

    “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking”

    so get back to work!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 25, 2009 @ 10:56 am | Reply

  764. Xydexx

    God clearly likes sheep better. Although he made the unicorn and likes him, they are kind of useless.

    Job 39:9-12 (King James Version)

    9 Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?

    10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

    11 Wilt thou trust him, because his strength is great? or wilt thou leave thy labour to him?

    12 Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn?

    The answers are no, no, no and no….

    now maybe on the other hand, they were good to eat..

    Isaiah 34:7 (King James Version)

    7 And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.

    like steak! I think unicorns were made of meat and fat and were good on the BBQ, not magic and other silly stuff.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 25, 2009 @ 11:05 am | Reply

  765. “the only thing worse than what was said would be if you said you’d killed God and then molested the baby jesus!”

    and stop typing your sick fantasies. It was the Cat-o-licks that molested all those children NOT the Baptists.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 25, 2009 @ 11:07 am | Reply

  766. I’m fairly certain that if, in fact, God did not like the wolf, he would not have created them, no? Just because something is based on illogical ideas, it does not mean that logic cannot be made from it.

    Wolves do not “kill and destroy all that is good”. Like every other organism on this planet, they eat to survive, and divide it amongst themselves because they need the nutrition. Lions, tigers, bears, and ALL other carnivores do the very same. And don’t forget the 10% rule of the predation pyramid. It may serve you well.

    Regardless, fruits and vegetables feel pain as well, yet we eat them. Animals are slaughtered and bludgeoned to death, but we consume their flesh. Are we any different from the wolves, when you take to a different, more efficient and open-minded perspective? Not at all.

    Every organism needs to survive. That means to eat, sleep, create waste, drink, and reproduce (my least favourite part). You need to eat and drink to keep your blood flowing, to keep your hunger suppressed, and to provide essential energy and nutrients to the body. Sleeping keeps you alert, focused, and awake. Reproduction is key to keeping the species alive.

    This is no different with any other species, genus, family, or domain. We are all the same.

    Also, Marty, if you don’t want your name or surname judged as such, don’t do it in the first place. You act like a mere child.

    Also, unicorns don’t exist and they never have.

    I’d also like to add: we are the wolves of the human world. We stay together, live together, and flourish together. We do what we can in our power to ensure the same for our future generations.

    Go ahead and try to soak that in, digest it, and criticise. You will get knocked down and proven wrong by my statements time and time again. I’ve already done so above.


    Comment by Xenistine Amara — February 25, 2009 @ 12:29 pm | Reply

  767. i would like to mention that i never mentioned catholics, nore did i mention my own life or fantasies; and you accuse ME of putting words in people mouths how about an earlier post.

    “…i don’t know much about the subject…”

    you changed into…

    “”i don’t know much”
    you can say that again”

    like a LAMB to the slaughter!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 25, 2009 @ 2:25 pm | Reply

  768. Hi Christine! nice to hear from you again!

    “Lions, tigers, bears, and ALL other carnivores do the very same” You know it was all because Eve caused Adam to sin that animals eat meat, right? Before the fall they were all plant-eaters and lived in eternal peace..

    “Also, unicorns don’t exist and they never have.”

    err.. that is clearly untrue as the Bible says they did exist.

    “I’m fairly certain that if, in fact, God did not like the wolf, he would not have created them, no?”

    Well I’m certain that God created EVERYONE in the world and I am equally certain that He is going to damm most of them to Hell. So I think it is totally normal that He both created the wolf and finds them distastefull.

    but good to see you on the board again…

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 25, 2009 @ 3:11 pm | Reply

  769. Wolfie,

    what are you yammering about? You accused me (in so many words) of molesting the baby Jesus and making Him cry.

    I pointed out that it was the Papists that assaulted all those children, not the Baptists.

    Get a grip man!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 25, 2009 @ 3:14 pm | Reply

  770. no i said your ideals were the equivalent of.

    “You cannot serve two masters, you will either love one, and dispise of the other.”

    You can either have money to spare on the Church or love God.
    I would think that God, if there IS a God would rather have me return his love, than give to a Corrupt Church.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — February 26, 2009 @ 10:11 am | Reply

  771. Show me a unicorn’s skull and I will believe you.

    Also, when a carnivore eats vegetation, it gets sick. Basic education 101. You only learn some secondhanded garbage from the Bible, especially one that was written by another religious zealot.

    God loves everything, dude, and therefore does not find the wolf distasteful. Shit, do you have any logic?

    Comment by Xen — February 26, 2009 @ 10:50 am | Reply

  772. !!

    “than give to a Corrupt Church”

    We’re not talking about the Roman “Whore of Babylon” Catolic Church or the Episcopalians here boy!

    I’m talking about you giving money to God’s own Baptist Church! God loves mega-churches with HD screens and super sound systems and that stuff aint cheap! also we have to pay for the singers and dancers.

    Don’t bother giving anything to the Calvinists. They’re fair enough believers but they don’t know how to give good worship.

    go to – 48k and hit the PayPal button!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 26, 2009 @ 2:48 pm | Reply

  773. Christine,

    I thought you were studying the bible when you were gone…

    “Show me a unicorn’s skull and I will believe you.”

    well of course they where destroyed by the flood and that’s why we can’t find them.

    “Also, when a carnivore eats vegetation, it gets sick.”

    That’s the way it is now. Before the fall of man all animals lived peacefully together and no one ate anyone else. Once man introduced sin in to the world, he introduced death and then animals began to eat meat.

    “God loves everything, dude”

    Oh now I know you weren’t reading the bible…

    He hates men with no penis:

    Deuteronomy 23:1
    “A man whose testicles have been crushed, or whose penis has been cut off, must not be admitted to the congregation of Yahweh.”

    He hates Blasphemy,

    Leviticus 24:16
    “He that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.” —

    andsometimes for no reason

    Genesis 38:6-7
    6 For his first son Er, Judah got a wife whose name was Tamar.

    7 Er’s conduct was evil, and it displeased the LORD, so the LORD killed him.

    I’m sure you can find other things that God hates.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 27, 2009 @ 2:43 pm | Reply

  774. By my understanding, Jesus told his followers to spread love and tolorance… does any of this seem loving or tolorant to you?

    Comment by Jonh Smith — March 3, 2009 @ 7:25 pm | Reply

  775. ummm. he was evil it says so on the second line you nut.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 5, 2009 @ 8:24 am | Reply

  776. err right, but I’m unclear why he was evil. Oh course if God says he’s evil then he IS evil but I was just wondering. and this is a corrupt version of the bible anyway.

    IN the KJV it reads: “7And Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him”

    but still I am a bit hazy on why God saw him as wicked.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 5, 2009 @ 12:07 pm | Reply

  777. Bones don’t get destroyed by water or floods…that’s how fossils are made.

    Comment by Xen — March 5, 2009 @ 7:42 pm | Reply

  778. xen’s gotta point.

    by the way Marty you seemed alot more calm and i felt the ability to have an adult argument in your last post, lets try to keep in those spirits.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 6, 2009 @ 4:38 am | Reply

  779. I hope this blog post is a joke. Because really, this is a little bit over the top. You have a picture os Mario in one of his supersuits. Seriously?

    Comment by Rachel — March 6, 2009 @ 4:42 am | Reply

  780. “Bones don’t get destroyed by water or floods…that’s how fossils are made.”

    How do you know? were you there?

    Only God makes fossils and maybe He didn’t feel like making any of the unicorns.

    Why do you question God? His word says that unicorns exist, that’s good enough for me.

    Maybe He decided to crush and dissolve all evidence of unicorns because He became disgusted with their behavior. He does that with people all the time.

    Christians are right to be concerned about them as they have turned away from the Lord and are now associated with Lucifer and the Antichrist.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 6, 2009 @ 1:30 pm | Reply

  781. My Lord. I can’t believe you furries are still at it. You’re as bad as Paultards.

    Comment by DPS — March 7, 2009 @ 2:46 pm | Reply

  782. DPS, that seems a bit harsh. The furries here have been learning the error of their ways and seem close to growing up, which is something the paultards will never do…

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 8, 2009 @ 7:57 pm | Reply

  783. Paultards?

    Comment by Xen — March 8, 2009 @ 8:54 pm | Reply

  784. “The furries here have been learning the error of their ways and seem close to growing up”

    we having changed anything. it is you that seems to be growing up.

    you have in fact learned that insults gets your arguments no where.

    “You’re as bad as Paultards.

    Comment by DPS — March 7, 2009 @ 2:46 pm

    DPS, that seems a bit harsh.
    Comment by Marty McPain — March 8, 2009 @ 7:57 pm ”

    on the whole fossils and science i think i can come up with somthing we can ALL agree one.

    Science tells us HOW the universe works, the Holy Book tells us why.

    i said Holy Book because i realise that not everyone reading will be christian. but i’m sure you can agree with it anyway.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 9, 2009 @ 1:29 pm | Reply

  785. A fine way of putting it, though I have heard that before. Pretty much what I believe.

    Comment by Xen — March 9, 2009 @ 2:19 pm | Reply

  786. Maybe some day i’ll find a why for myself, but until then… I guess how is good enough for me anyway.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 10, 2009 @ 10:23 am | Reply

  787. Wolfie, your tortured rantings are incoherent and childish.

    God is the why and the how of it. He is the beginning and the end.

    And our Creation Scientists and Biblical Scholars have provided a complete and accurate explaination of everthing in the universe. We don’t need Satan worshippers to spread science lies!

    Now THAT’S something we can all agree on.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 11, 2009 @ 9:35 am | Reply

  788. I sense hypocrisy.

    Also, creation science lacks in sense that is not biased by something else instead of looking at observable qualities and characteristics that need not have the “just because” answer. That’s why science exists.

    There’s never such a thing as “just because ___” in science, so religion can’t play much of a part in it.

    Comment by Xen — March 11, 2009 @ 5:37 pm | Reply

  789. Yes Yes absolutely.

    but guided by the bible, our scientists have found real physical answers to your questions. Answers that support the Truth of the Word.

    The flood and the shaking of the Earth by God…. there are so many lines of study. I am expecting a new crop of PHDs and peer reviewed science!

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 11, 2009 @ 6:42 pm | Reply

  790. Care to share?

    I know they found evidence of the parting of the Red Sea. The problem is that the wood is corroded and can’t be radio-metrically-dated.

    Comment by Xen — March 11, 2009 @ 6:45 pm | Reply

  791. There was infact a river that was half a mile from the Red Sea, which was more like a very dangerous swamp, if he Moses knew a way through, it would have been like he parted the swamp.

    how does “creationist science” say particles fuse? radio-activity? Chernobyl incedent? the Atom bomb? chlorine gas? nigtrogen composts? why alkali metals explode in water? E=Mc2? coal? limited metal supplies? red-shift(doppler effect)? the Parabolic arc? dry cleaning? enzymes? respiration? photosynthesis? the limestone cycle? the Carbon cycle? global warming? global dimming? statistics? ratio? digestion? reproduction? indicies? the large hadron collider? pendulums? virus’? pyscology? bacteria? parasites? head ache pills? deteriaton of various sections of the brain? birth complications?

    and alot of other things which i can’t think of off the top of my head.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 12, 2009 @ 1:18 pm | Reply

  792. Something like that.

    I’m not sure now, it could have been a faulty foreword.

    Comment by Xen — March 12, 2009 @ 6:18 pm | Reply

  793. Straw mans argument.

    Comment by Mr. Matt — March 12, 2009 @ 7:08 pm | Reply

  794. Now that the market has recovered I think I should take a vacation.

    where do you think I should go?

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 13, 2009 @ 7:17 pm | Reply

  795. What places do you find appealing?

    Comment by Xen — March 13, 2009 @ 7:27 pm | Reply

  796. Some Christ themed fun parks.

    Like a twelve stations of the cross interprative hike and perhaps a cross raising at a mount similar to calvary.

    of maybe a visit to a replica tomb, with a shroud. that would be good.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 13, 2009 @ 9:31 pm | Reply

  797. They have such a thing? I never heard of that.

    Comment by Xen — March 13, 2009 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  798. … crime doesn’t take a holiday virus never took a holiday in fact neither did jesus/ are you better than jesus?


    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 14, 2009 @ 9:04 am | Reply

  799. Sure Jesus did.. He took a boat trip…

    Luke 8:22 Now on one of those days Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they launched out

    See He knew how to have fun. Also I think he went on a desert excursion.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 14, 2009 @ 9:37 pm | Reply

  800. Everybody needs a vacation. It keeps us sane. :3

    Comment by Xen — March 14, 2009 @ 11:01 pm | Reply

  801. in that case go ahead, if that’ll make him sane.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 15, 2009 @ 10:22 am | Reply

  802. Oh, come now.

    Comment by Xen — March 15, 2009 @ 11:02 am | Reply

  803. Everybody needs a vacation. It keeps us sane. :3

    We don’t want perverts like you people going to America’s great family vacation destinations like Sea World and the San Diego Zoo and ruining everything for everyone by trying to molest the dolphins and sloths. Stick to the places that are already dens of iniquity, like San Francisco and Disneyland. At Disneyland you can attack the freaks in the Goofy costumes; in San Francisco, I guess you can just grope people’s house cats or chihuahuas or whatever. But stay out of the world of normal Christians, please.

    Comment by DPS — March 15, 2009 @ 12:48 pm | Reply

  804. Ha x3

    I don’t molest animals.

    Comment by Xen — March 15, 2009 @ 12:49 pm | Reply

  805. none of that is true and surely your going to hell for what you have said you try to speak for Jesus him self , you and your christian religion should not speak out to every one in the world , what you speak is not truth most furries were people who had a bad life and was always made fun of and alone you people attacking are fandom is very wrong and you people who believe this non sense are the ones who are mentally ill , acorse there are a few in the fandom that have problems but every fandom and religion has them , you god had made human beast before and we the ones who enjoy the beast in life should be respected not hated for liking gods creatures , its is false we do not try too to fuck them there are a few who do have sex in a fur suit but people be having sex in all different ways in suit and not for million years or more , and a big example of beast men that was god creature was St Christopher , and dont judge other before judging yourself , im also your god who ever you worship dont want you hating on others , now please take these words of wisdom and think them over before you post negative on us

    Comment by awolfgod — March 15, 2009 @ 8:44 pm | Reply

  806. i don’t molest animals

    i don’t live in America (Thank God!)

    San Fransisco is known for homosexuality, not molestation; even i know that!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 16, 2009 @ 2:17 pm | Reply

  807. I don’t live in California, I live in Minnesota.

    Comment by Xen — March 16, 2009 @ 10:05 pm | Reply

  808. “I don’t live in America (Thank God!)”

    WHAT!! look here wolf-boy. America is God’s favorite country and all you losers better do what we say!

    Hey is that why you are a furry, because you are a furryner?

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 17, 2009 @ 11:44 am | Reply

    • it’s funny coz your stupid

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:27 am | Reply

  809. HA! I’m British, in fact to narrow it down England. WE COLONISED AMERICA TRACE YOUR FAMILILY 200-300 YEARS AND YOU’LL FIND ENGLAND HAHAHA!

    therefore ENGLAND is “God’s favorite country”


    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 18, 2009 @ 12:19 pm | Reply

  810. Its true that England USED to be God favorite country when it was ruled by King James I. Since then God has looked with disfavour on that dreary isle and has allowed it to be populated with mosslims, hindis, heathens and some French people.

    Sad but true. The good ole USA is GOd’s favorite now! That’s why your PM was our president’s lap dog.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 18, 2009 @ 2:38 pm | Reply

  811. So how exactly would any of you know what God’s favorite country is?

    UNLESS YOU ARE GOD, shut up, for you know nothing.

    Don’t try to pretend as if any of you do.

    That includes you, Marty.

    Comment by Xen — March 18, 2009 @ 3:44 pm | Reply

  812. WHAT??!

    I don’t pretend to know anything. All I know comes from the good book.

    and the Church of England now has more in common with the pagan catolicks than true Christianity.

    “The Church of England considers itself to be both Catholic and reformed. It regards itself as in continuity with the pre-Reformation state Catholic church, but has been a distinct Anglican church since the settlement under Elizabeth I”

    “Pentecostal churches are continuing to grow and, in terms of church attendance, are now third after the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church in England.[10] ”

    and now they are turning to the snake worshippers! truely disgusting and forsaken by God. I don’t see that there are many Baptist True Christians in England…

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 18, 2009 @ 8:25 pm | Reply

    • church of england was actually founded by henry the VIII, get ur facts right

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:29 am | Reply

  813. Catholicism = Christianity

    They founded it.

    Comment by Xen — March 18, 2009 @ 8:28 pm | Reply

  814. Oh please! They corrupted it. The catolick church was created when the merged Sun worship, fish worship and a smattering of true Christian doctrine. Over the years they have absorbed other pagan rituals and have increasingly created false idols and fake ceremonies to wring more money from their damned idiot cultists.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 19, 2009 @ 8:47 am | Reply

  815. So, hey, furbies, in the spirit of inquiry, I rented a panda bear costume, and I am wearing it right now. Honestly, I don’t see how you perverts find this arousing. I feel just like I always do, except I look like a panda bear and it’s hard to type.

    You’re strange, sinful folk, you furbies are. I can’t imagine wearing this costume all day every day, like you people.

    Comment by DPS — March 19, 2009 @ 9:24 am | Reply

  816. i don’t have an animal costume.

    unlike a rented one, a fur-suit is made for the wearer. not public sales.

    i will concede the point on immagrants and the french.

    but Gordon Brown was you presd’s lapdog. he was asking him where the president was.

    besides you voted for the idiocy of GWB not us.


    maybe we can all agree on disliking the French?

    catholicism is one of the few religous practises that don’t ask for money.
    almost no-one does. they have there own farms and buisnesses that make money legitimately.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 19, 2009 @ 11:48 am | Reply

  817. Say, have any of you furbies ever had a zipper get stuck on your costume? Do you have any advice for getting it unstuck and getting out of the costume?

    Comment by DPS — March 20, 2009 @ 11:56 pm | Reply

  818. I don’t wear a fursuit.

    -1 for you, DPS.

    Comment by Xen — March 20, 2009 @ 11:59 pm | Reply

  819. Christine, why are you so mean? DPS needs your help and all you can do is make fun of him. That is not very Christian of you…

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 21, 2009 @ 8:49 am | Reply

  820. Oh, so he’s not doing the same? You’re protecting a zealous piece of trash over someone who has done nothing wrong.

    That’s not very Christian of you…

    Comment by Xen — March 21, 2009 @ 12:33 pm | Reply

  821. “over someone who has done nothing wrong”

    Nothing wrong?! You claim perfection from sin and yet you deny Christ and His word the Bible? You claim you did nothing wrong when these very pages are filled with your lies, malefections and perversions?

    Child, child. Get on your knees and pray for salvation! Beg the Lord to fill you with His love and maybe you will survive another day.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 22, 2009 @ 3:58 pm | Reply

  822. Prove this is a sin. Prove me that drawing is wrong.

    Do I draw porn? No. Do I draw fetishes? No.

    So what exactly is wrong with that? With what I personally make?

    Also, I’m still here. I survived.

    Comment by Xen — March 22, 2009 @ 4:48 pm | Reply

  823. Well, it wasn’t easy, but after having had to spend two nights in the panda suit I managed to get it off. (By the way, I don’t understand how you people sleep in those things.) Anyway, any tips for getting 3-in-1 Oil out of synthetic panda fur? It’s too big to go in the washing machine, and I don’t want to lose my deposit on the rental. Thanks in advance.

    Comment by DPS — March 22, 2009 @ 8:33 pm | Reply

  824. I wouldn’t know. I’m not a conventioneer/fursuiter.

    You do know that they’re nothing but costumes, right? Nobody sleeps in those things.

    Quit trolling or gtfo.

    Comment by Xen — March 22, 2009 @ 8:35 pm | Reply

  825. You do know that they’re nothing but costumes, right? Nobody sleeps in those things.

    Well, they do when the zipper is stuck. But like I said, I got it off now, thanks. I got to tell you, it did not smell too nice in there after a couple of days. I really don’t think I’m going to get my deposit back.

    Comment by DPS — March 23, 2009 @ 1:40 am | Reply

  826. their are various dry cleaning products on the market for clothes, maybe theres one you can use on the suit.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 23, 2009 @ 12:53 pm | Reply

  827. DPS.. did you have sex in that suit? Did you “do the furry”?

    Confess before man and God sinner!!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 23, 2009 @ 5:48 pm | Reply

  828. lol, your paranoid. he was worried about losing the deposit for the smell nevermind because of doing the…DEED; not furry


    now your resorting to proerganda, congratulations…you really are a stereotypical American.

    obsessive, war mongering, self obsessed, bible bashing, moronic, arsehole.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 24, 2009 @ 8:13 am | Reply

    • god bless england for finding my country and making it australi, i love you guys, and americans, without england you wouldnt even live in that country, so say thank you.

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:35 am | Reply

  829. Why do you think that suit is so sweaty? and smelly? and has various odd tears and holes in it?


    and why are you calling ME names?

    You seem to have anger management issues. Have you been hanging out in the buggertorium with your priests?

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 24, 2009 @ 11:14 am | Reply

  830. I have to lol at the now-trolling DPS.

    Comment by Xen — March 24, 2009 @ 4:46 pm | Reply

  831. I truely wish that this fued between people would just end. i mean im no peace lovin hippy but this s*** is mental.

    Comment by lone_wolf — March 24, 2009 @ 8:09 pm | Reply

  832. Welp, I hope all of you christfags and zealots get AIDS and die. the writer of this article should be eaten alive by squirrels, Marty McPain, listen you are funnny and all but no one wants to talk to you, except for the little voices in your head saying that god is the reason. and DPS who the hell gave birth to you? are they still alive or did they kill themselves with the horrid sight of your hate-mongering face? I am an ATHEIST FURRY COYOTE and I’m damn proud. all of my friends are Christians and good people, most of them are Furries too tho. Alright the world of god is what it is, and the word of science was MADE TO THE WORD OF GOD and if god really didn’t want something he would have ended it himself. Science does NOT try to disprove god’s all rightous existance.. but Apparently God tries to disprove his OWN creation? if he is god and all perfect then why would he mess up bad enough in the first place *facepalm* the whole arguement is stupid so Im droppong it here… but as I said… AIDS if ow you should go. *fuck your priest and get some* — Angel Of Hell

    Comment by Angelus Ex Abyssus — March 24, 2009 @ 8:58 pm | Reply

  833. err. DPS is and has been a respected member of this forum way long before you were a bloody spot on a zygote.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 24, 2009 @ 10:23 pm | Reply

  834. You’re retarded, right?

    You don’t know what “trolling” is?



    Comment by Xen — March 25, 2009 @ 2:32 pm | Reply

  835. “You’re retarded, right?

    You don’t know what “trolling” is?




    Comment by lone_wolf — March 25, 2009 @ 5:17 pm | Reply

  836. Sure I do! It’s a fishing style.

    I have done it quite often at my retreat on Medicine Stone Lake. great fun!

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 25, 2009 @ 8:21 pm | Reply

  837. Not that kind, retard.

    To troll means to deliberately instigate arguments/spamming by means of saying or doing something outlandishly off-topic, ass-backwards, or just basic troll by means of using small quips to create confusion.

    It’s just a way of being annoying.

    I do enjoy fishing (because I’m not feminine by any means), but I have no equipment. 😦

    Comment by Xen — March 25, 2009 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  838. “It’s just a way of being annoying.”

    Oh well then you qualify in spades…

    “I’m not feminine by any means), but I have no equipment. ”

    Well if you have no equipment then you are a female even if you are a bit rough around the edges.

    Its okay I’m sure one day soon you will make Christian babies to protect America from the hordes of Islamofacist-terrorists.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 26, 2009 @ 8:08 am | Reply

    • what does gender have to do with any thing? i mean both genders have equal amounts of ups and down, plus my sister loves going fishing, but that doesn’t make her more greater, man you’re being sexist.

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:40 am | Reply

  839. yepp… troll…

    Comment by lone_wolf — March 26, 2009 @ 9:53 am | Reply

  840. You misread.

    Also, you’re more of a troll than I am. You’ve proven that time and time again on this board.

    And no, I hate children. I don’t want any part in making them whatsoever.

    Comment by Xen — March 26, 2009 @ 2:48 pm | Reply

  841. yes well I do love catching the big one…

    “Lake Trout — Bullies of the Deep

    There are no easy pickings with these deep-water bandits. Mackinaws are coldwater outlaws skilled in brute-class tactics”

    yep that’s me. except I read the Bible.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 26, 2009 @ 4:59 pm | Reply

    • off topic much

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:42 am | Reply

  842. I think I need to go crush my skull with a vicegrip. This is just too much.


    Comment by Xen — March 26, 2009 @ 5:00 pm | Reply

  843. My brother committed suicide. Why do you want to hurt me? I have only even wanted to help you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 26, 2009 @ 5:11 pm | Reply

  844. I wonder if he did that for the same reason that I want to.

    Comment by Xen — March 26, 2009 @ 5:12 pm | Reply

    • ooooooh snap!

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:41 am | Reply

  845. I do enjoy fishing… but I have no equipment.

    Don’t be ridiculous. It’d be impossible to bait a hook or to reel in a fish with that absurd costume on.

    Comment by DPS — March 26, 2009 @ 5:44 pm | Reply

  846. dont you be ridiculous! he wouldent go fishing in his suite… >.>

    Comment by lone_wolf — March 26, 2009 @ 8:16 pm | Reply

  847. I don’t have a fursuit. I already said that.

    Whether your peabrains are unwilling to accept that or not is nothing I really care about.

    Try being a more open-minded person. The world will respect you more.

    Comment by Xen — March 26, 2009 @ 8:50 pm | Reply

  848. I don’t have a fursuit. I already said that.

    You’re kidding, right? You’re not even a real furry?

    Comment by DPS — March 27, 2009 @ 12:09 am | Reply

  849. I’m a hobbyist, not a lifestylist.

    Lifestyle furries are fucking creepy. Hobbyist furries just make art and such.

    Shit, all I do is draw.

    Comment by Xen — March 27, 2009 @ 11:09 am | Reply

  850. you obviously don’t know what a furry is.
    a furry draws animals with human characteristics. SOME and a stress that it’s a minority, draw it as hentai.
    fursuit is optional, think of it as an outward expression. some people get tattoos, some people get fursuits.

    “I’m not feminine by any means), but I have no equipment. ”

    Well if you have no equipment then you are a female even if you are a bit rough around the edges.”

    Marty, that is just stupid. you start claiming outright extremism everytime you THINK there is an innuendo, then you go outright and say one. you RETARD!
    feminine means to be in touch with the more womanly side of life, shopping making an effort to spend hours looking good ect. FEMALE means to be an actual woman.

    why would have went to a “bummotorium” or whatever with a priest. i’m not a baptist, nor a christian for that matter.

    and i don’t have anger management problems. if you look back everytime i’ve asked you a question to help us understand what the hell your on about you dodge it. understand? infact no thats a question you’ll probably just kick the computer till you forget it then shoot yourself for hurting your own foot.

    but seriously if you look back i’ve been very calm, but everytime a offer some kind of comprimise. instead of discussing it or trying to improve on it. you simply dismiss it and throw it back in my face for ACCTUALLY TRYING TO HELP EVERYONE!!!!!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 28, 2009 @ 7:07 am | Reply

  851. Exactly.

    What I find ironic is that here people say how everything is a sin because of it’s “perversions”, yet a certain someone here is the one thinking with innuendos.

    Not to mention that something is only as perverted as you make it, or by how much you THINK it is.

    I would post an example made by yours truly of absolutely clean furry art, but I don’t know if html or [IMG] is allowed on these boards.

    I don’t make yiff.

    Comment by Xen — March 29, 2009 @ 3:30 pm | Reply

  852. all I do is draw.

    This doesn’t make any sense. If you’re wearing a rabbit costume, it’s practically impossible to draw. So furries don’t draw. Ergo, if you draw, you are not a furry. So you’re not a furry.

    You know, after all this time, I’m actually kind of hurt that you’ve all only been pretending to be furries. I mean, I’m relieved for the sake of your eternal souls, but sad that I’ve wasted all this time trying to raise you up from the gutter of furry perversion when you were never even there in the first place.

    But at least it’s out in the open now: none of you are furries, and you categorically renounce furrydom. Thanks for admitting it, and congratulations.

    Comment by DPS — March 30, 2009 @ 7:10 pm | Reply

    • he’s stated clearly that he doesn’t own a suit, and if he did, i doubt he would raw whilst wearing a suite…

      but hey i think someones calling you cause i just head rd the word RETARDED!!

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:47 am | Reply

  853. I WISH I had a suit, but only for purposes like Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday.

    Regardless, I am what I am. Denounce it or not, accept it or not.

    I’m content with things as they are.

    Also, being a furry doesn’t mean you wear suits and fuck everything. Do some research.

    Comment by Xen — March 30, 2009 @ 7:14 pm | Reply

  854. I would like to say that unless you have dressed up, went through, and experienced all of the information you have stated above. I can’t think if you as anything more then someone who sees something they dont understand, and as such, choose to spout many incorrect facts about said “Furries”.

    Beating your child to an inch of their life, isn’t going to solve the problem. Taking away their internet, isn’t going to solve the problem. Any and all information about this subject is very easily accessed anywhere in the world. And truthfully, your children are more likely to find something worse then furries on the internet. I’m not saying that furries is necessarily good, but its not this evil epidemic you make it out to be.

    My opinion on the best course of action for dealing with any problem like this with your children, and i’m saying this as a young adult with experience from dealings with my own parents. Depriving them of information, completely sealing off the subject, is going to make it worse. Sit down and talk with them, don’t yell at them, that is a step in the completely wrong direction. At first, kids might first be hesitant to talk about it, but if you are not angry with them, they will open up and you can talk about it. If its just a faze, this could help them get over it. If its not, and its something they will end up doing again down the road, there isn’t much you can do about it. Banning anything, is the best way to make sure your child will do it. Almost everyone wants what they can’t have.

    THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO: Is make them feel like you don’t understand, or aren’t willing to. If your children are determined to learn, or experience it, they will find some other way to access the information or experience they desire.

    Let me make something else clear: Furries, and Bestiality, are two entirely different things and they should not be confused. Furries, about the worst thing you can find on the internet, are pictures of things you could see any normal person doing, only the target has an animalistic body. Off the internet, you will see almost nothing, unless you go looking for it. (Or happen to live in the areas where said Furry Conventions are held. If you don’t enjoy seeing such activities in real life, you could a) Plan a vacation every year to avoid it. Or B) Move to a different area. )

    You will find almost no news coverage on the subject, or research, which leads to this subject being turned into these blog abominations, of someone completely going overboard on the subject, and as such, leaving everyone with an entirely negative view of the subject, and general still not informed.

    Bestiality, is having sexual relations between human and animals. This is something that most people find very offensive, however, most teens have come across, if not searched for this subject. (As I am not a very religious person, I cannot make an argument against this from that standpoint.) As such, I cannot find a good argument against such actions, as long as they are kept out of the public. And by public, I mean everywhere but the internet. (Everything is on the internet, get used to it.) I have no real objection to who or what people love.

    If your children have any interest in either of these subjects, it is best to sit down and talk to them about it. Gently persuade them not to pursue such actions if you feel that is the proper choice. However, if your children have a real desire for such subjects, your not going to stop them. Your acceptance is the best thing they can hope for. All they want is to be love by you, and if your willing to give up on them so easily, I don’t feel you are responsible as parents.

    Most likely the most important thing I have to say, is these types of things are going to pop up more and more in the coming years, no matter how much anyone tries to squash them. The more you try to get rid of something, the more attention it gets, and the more people will know about it. If it remains quietly in the background of society, only those who actively search it out will come into contact with these subjects. Standards are changing, and that taboo is becoming more open. You most come to terms with this, or you could be very unprepared to deal with the subject when it presents itself.

    Finally, if your children do come into contact with such material, and you want to stop it, research the subject. I dont mean come to these blogs. Look up legitimate sources, or something a little more informed then the run of the mill website, and learn about the subject that you want to ban. Many of them are not as bad as people think, and your children could do far worse in things they could find. That way, you can have real reasons for why they should stop, and not just: “Because I said so!”

    Comment by Unknown — March 31, 2009 @ 3:15 am | Reply

  855. saying your i’m not a furry because i don’t have a fursuit; is like saying i only have half a club sandwich. IT’S JUST A SANDWICH. furry without a suit, is just a furry who doesn’t want to wear a suit. juat like some christians don’t wear a crucifix. you can’t deny that otherwise christianity is only the 5th biggest religion, not the first. lol.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — March 31, 2009 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

  856. So what you are saying is that you are naturaly hirsute instead of fursuit?


    I guess this might be a pursuit of happiness but its wrong and God hates you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 31, 2009 @ 7:56 pm | Reply

  857. no i’m not saying i’m excessivly hairy/furry. i’m saying that furry is an art form, sush as Picasso or Cubism, and a Fursuit comes under Fandom which, althou closly related. are opposite ends of the board.

    DPS you have taken the time to empathise but not the time to learn.
    you doing without thinking.

    instead of hating us, you have just confused yourself, and have lost all sense of what you were acctually trying to accomplish.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 1, 2009 @ 12:54 pm | Reply

  858. I’ve got a question for you . . . Are you the result of the Westburough Babtist church collectively taking a shit and molding it into human form? Cause that’s what you smell like. I am a christian, I am a furry, so the internet brings out the worst of furriness for curious eyes so it brings out the dregs of FALSE PROFITS and so called Christians who are careening down the broad way like rolling ball of feces you are.

    Comment by Trevor Crow — April 2, 2009 @ 8:50 am | Reply

  859. Trevor,

    why do you attack Rakky so?

    You may be a misbegotten miscreant bathed in sin and destined for hell but why should you attack a poor wolf-obsessed grammer school student?

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 3, 2009 @ 9:38 pm | Reply

  860. Wow…swing and a miss.

    Comment by Xen — April 3, 2009 @ 9:41 pm | Reply

  861. okay “grammar school”

    or “middle school student left back three times”

    but anyway I did not think the attacks on wolf-boy were fair.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 5, 2009 @ 7:36 pm | Reply

  862. Those weren’t attacks on Raknoth, they were attacks on you. If he was attacking Raknoth, his statement would not have made any sense whatsoever.

    Comment by Xen — April 5, 2009 @ 7:58 pm | Reply

  863. “his statement would not have made any sense whatsoever.”

    well they didn’t. and that’s typical of atheists, jews and catolicks.

    I don’t see why he would attack me. It was wolfie that was being offensive.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 6, 2009 @ 6:07 pm | Reply

  864. You’re just as offensive.

    Comment by Xen — April 6, 2009 @ 6:29 pm | Reply

  865. so you find Wolfie offensive?

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 7, 2009 @ 9:55 am | Reply

  866. I meant you’re just as offensive as you claim Raknoth is.

    My browser didn’t post everything I had to say.

    Comment by Xen — April 7, 2009 @ 3:31 pm | Reply

  867. Why are you so mean? You should pray more and ask God to forgive you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 7, 2009 @ 8:22 pm | Reply

    • you don’t seem to realise, that just to pray for forgivness doesn’t mean that you’ll be forgiven, you actually have to truelly feel regret and aknowledge what you did as wrong, you have to be sorry fir your sins… oh and actually figure iut what ppl are saying in their posts before replying and making yourserlf look like a complete tosser

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:53 am | Reply

  868. I’m not mean, you just take it that way.

    Comment by Xen — April 7, 2009 @ 8:59 pm | Reply

  869. No 1 your just as hitler ECept its against furry and animelovers were not insane man its what we like you cant do anything about it to its like the halocaust no killing only bieng stoned and moms n dads nearly killing their children now listen if it makes people happy (ps ima a athiest) if god allows it for long it must be okay w him BuT if god did exist why dosent he kill satin?why doesnt god heal my dying friends kid whos 5 years old an innocent CHILD thats all i need to say…

    Comment by Wtf — April 8, 2009 @ 12:22 am | Reply

  870. no-one person can cliam anything than hurtful words to be mean on a blog, you can’t hear tone in writing so half the time, we miss the point.

    thanks for sticking up for me while i was gone by the way, xen.
    I appreciate that.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 8, 2009 @ 2:19 am | Reply

  871. Wolfie she said you were offensive.

    That’s not “sticking up” as I know it.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 8, 2009 @ 9:44 am | Reply

  872. Can you read?

    Obviously not.

    While you can’t hear it, yes, you can tell when something is written in a way to be mean.

    Seriously, Marty, learn to read. It’s quite beneficial to life.

    Comment by Xen — April 8, 2009 @ 12:38 pm | Reply

  873. *face-palm*

    No, YOU said i was offensive.
    Xen said i was no where near as offensive as you make me out to be and that YOU were the one being offensive.

    for fuck sake.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 9, 2009 @ 6:44 am | Reply

  874. My dear child, praying to God for mercy is the only thing “beneficial to life”

    The only reason to read is to read the bible. Or sometimes to take sinners to task for their perversions, as I do here.

    Remember, God can strike you dead if you displease Him.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 9, 2009 @ 12:18 pm | Reply

  875. I’m pretty sure that if I have displeased God that he would have done that a long time ago.

    Comment by Xen — April 9, 2009 @ 12:31 pm | Reply

  876. Well, He is a very forgiving God.

    Just don’t diss the Holy Spirit.

    He hates that.

    “The Eternal Sin, or unpardonable sin, is a concept of sin in Christian theology, whereby salvation becomes impossible”

    “Mark 3:28-29: “Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven all their sins and all the blasphemies they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin. He said this because they [the Pharisees] were saying, ‘He has an evil spirit’.””

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 9, 2009 @ 9:28 pm | Reply

  877. you can’t threaten athiest with God.
    thats like threatening some-one who doesn’t believe in santa, with no presents on christmas.


    I’m pretty sure that if I have displeased God that he would have done that a long time ago.

    Comment by Xen — April 9, 2009 @ 12:31 pm

    Well, He is a very forgiving God.
    Comment by Marty McPain — April 9, 2009 @ 9:28 pm

    well if that isn’t just taking the (quite pathetic really) easy way out of losing.

    if you can tell me why hundreds of Christians are murdered every month WORLDWIDE occur (with a satisfactory answer) i will concede some of your ridiculous ideals.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 10, 2009 @ 12:55 pm | Reply

  878. ಠ_ಠ

    I’m not an atheist.

    Comment by Xen — April 10, 2009 @ 12:59 pm | Reply

  879. sorry, but you get the idea.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 10, 2009 @ 1:29 pm | Reply

  880. Er, I guess. :/

    Comment by Xen — April 10, 2009 @ 1:31 pm | Reply

  881. “if you can tell me why hundreds of Christians are murdered every month WORLDWIDE ”

    oh please… they were FALSE CHRISTIANS! None of the True Christians I know were murdered. God did that because they were not reading and following the ENTIRE Bible, not just the easy parts.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 10, 2009 @ 8:53 pm | Reply

  882. I don’t agree about much with fundies, but you have hit the nail right on the head. I throw my full support behind your anti-furfag crusade. Keep fighting the good fight!

    Comment by YIFF IN HELL — April 12, 2009 @ 11:03 pm | Reply

    you guys are all the same you see something you dont understand or you dont like and automatically you say “god doesnt like this” or “its a sin to do that” you autoatically think that everyone that likes furry is a creepy, nerdy man that cant get a woman. oh and that beat your kid to near death yah that is 100% christian (the sad part is that it really is) i cant stand people like you who think the only way to handle anything is by violence then you go around talking about how that guy almost beat some one to death over something stupid and you think your different than them! and you know what i believe in GOD and i believe that GOD doesnt hate ANYONE! i also believe that the bible which you so deasperatly clench to to use as your reasoning is BIASED if you actually read through the thing then you would realize that as well as that it is sexist! it was written a long ass time ago by some guy who THOUGHT he knew what GOD said! as a matter of fact it was REVIZED so that a king could divorce without religious persicution! i would really liketo hear your responce to this as well as why YOU PEOPLE think us gay men either have a mental illness or whatever

    Comment by chris — April 14, 2009 @ 1:36 am | Reply

  884. i bet without looking you couldn’ttell me the 7th word on page 765 of the New Testament.

    no-one can possibly follow the entire Bible, one Good reason is that the 4 Gospels contradict each other so much. and you can’t say one of the apostles wasn’t a true christian.

    “love every-one despite their sins.”
    “homosexuality is an abomination.”

    “every-one is equal”
    “only men can run the Church”

    which rule will you follow. you can’t say everyone BUT them, because thats not everyone is it.

    your argument jumps around more than a frog in the desert. but always lands in the fire.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 14, 2009 @ 11:46 am | Reply

  885. “I bet without looking you couldn’ttell me the 7th word on page 765 of the New Testament”

    duh.. what edition? KJV1611 I assume but which publisher? what size font?

    “Your search – bible “love every-one despite their sins” – did not match any documents”

    and where are you getting these”quotes” ?? Book and verse please

    Deuteronomy 20:

    16 But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:

    17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: ”

    sounds like NOT love everyone and that NOT everyone is equal. Those Hittites and the rest sure ain’t equal to a Christian.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 14, 2009 @ 2:44 pm | Reply

  886. Hey, I thought of a joke.

    Q: What did God say to the furry who went to Heaven when he died?

    A: Nothing, because the furry didn’t go to Heaven, because furries aren’t allowed into Heaven, because it is a sin to be a pervert and have relations with animals.

    Comment by DPS — April 15, 2009 @ 3:44 pm | Reply

  887. So it’s a sin to be a middle schooler? I find the last part funny given that only about 1-2% of the furry fandom (based on results from a sociology test) are zoophiles.

    You lack in sense. Go ahead and muster more of this zealous garbage and I’ll prove you wrong.

    Comment by Xen — April 15, 2009 @ 4:19 pm | Reply

  888. “why doesnt god heal my dying friends kid whos 5 years old an innocent CHILD thats all i need to say”


    ALL are born with the sin that must be washed away with blood and water.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 15, 2009 @ 6:48 pm | Reply

  889. who are you to say what god does and does not what. and cases of anthropomorphism are relevant in the bible. or have you forgotten about the Nephilim.

    and how dare you take god’s words into your own when you’re being judgmental and hating your neighbor. what a cunt.

    besides what should religion play in govt. or have you forgotten that church and state should be seperate.

    HEY Psycheout FUCK YOU

    Comment by lynn — April 16, 2009 @ 4:10 pm | Reply

  890. Hey, I have a serious question. Are furries currently allowed to visit zoos, or do most zoos have a “no furries” policy? I’m just wondering because I think it would be a good idea to have such a policy, so that you don’t have hordes of furries wandering zoos breaking into exhibits and molesting the penguins etc. It’s as much for the furries’ safety as for the animals’, though: if one of these perverts tried to climb up on a rhinoceros or a polar bear, they could get hurt.

    Anyway, there should probably be such policies at aquariums, pet stores, and farms, too.

    Comment by DPS — April 18, 2009 @ 8:49 am | Reply

  891. No, since we don’t do that.

    Facts, people. They’re great. Especially when it’s not twisted all to shit like the Bible has been for centuries.

    Comment by Xen — April 18, 2009 @ 2:32 pm | Reply

  892. I have to admit to you that I have been feeling guilty about my furry perversion lately, and I wonder whether I have been making a mistake by turning away from Jesus and worshipping rabbits and things like that. Can you guys recommend any good churches for helping people not be furries?

    Comment by Xen — April 18, 2009 @ 9:17 pm | Reply

  893. Ummm ami the only one here that realises, there WHOLE argument is that Furries commit bestiality.
    which 1-2% do.
    that’s LESS than “normal” people in general through-out “God’s Green Earth” (of which the deserts are yellow the mud is brown and the sea is slightly pigmented blue; all of which wouldn’t be there without the orange sun.)

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 19, 2009 @ 1:49 pm | Reply

  894. “God’s Green Earth” (of which the deserts are yellow the mud is brown and the sea is slightly pigmented blue; all of which wouldn’t be there without the orange sun.

    Young man, hallucinogenic substances are harmful and illegal, not to mention sinful. Please do not post here when you are under the influence of such substances, as I enjoy reading this blog in the company of my wife and children.

    Comment by DPS — April 19, 2009 @ 2:58 pm | Reply

  895. Deserts are a tan yellow
    Mud is a blackish brown
    The sea is pigmented blue
    All due from the white light of the Sun as it is either reflected or absorbed
    The sun is a yellow star that can look orange, depending on what you can yellow or orange

    Without light from the Sun, we wouldn’t see that. Even with light from the stars, what little is there, makes things look monochromatic and greyscale.

    Even our own fluorescent and incandescent light cannot mimic true white light from the Sun, our main source of light.

    Comment by Xen — April 19, 2009 @ 4:11 pm | Reply

  896. Great, now all the furries are high.

    I’ll be back when you come “down” from your “trip.”

    You realize that all you’re doing by engaging in this shameful behavior is proving the point Psycheout makes in the original post?

    Comment by DPS — April 20, 2009 @ 6:37 am | Reply

  897. Science is so grand that I think I’ll make biology my major.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — April 20, 2009 @ 10:45 am | Reply

  898. Jeez what ARE you colour-blind?

    now your not even arguing anything, you’ve just reduced your self to shameless slander (Sin)

    DPS unless they are colour blind you wife and child/children will AGREE that grass is green the sun is orangy-yellow and mud is brown; that’s the only reason you want to claim i’m on drugs, which quite frankly, is a generalisation, discrimination and all amounts to bullying (sin and illegal)

    try weasling out of that one.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 20, 2009 @ 1:18 pm | Reply

  899. Typical lustfull furry!

    always thinking about sex!

    I am sure you’ve already “majored” in biology…..

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 20, 2009 @ 1:40 pm | Reply

  900. Typical zealous Christian!

    Always getting your unwanted nose into other people’s private matters!

    You have no idea what biology is if you just think it’s sex, do you?

    Bio = Life
    Ology/Logy = Study of

    Biology = Study of life

    Did you even go to school? Your spelling really concerns me.

    Also, I’m a virgin. Don’t slander my name for God looks down upon it.

    I will also never bear children for this world, as I have already said before.

    There, something else to chew on for a bit.

    Comment by Xen — April 20, 2009 @ 2:22 pm | Reply

  901. Look Missy, its for God to decide whether you have children or not… NOT YOU!!!

    and if BIO = LIFE then it also = SEX because that is what GOD intended. That women create baby soldiers for Christ.

    and wolfie… “try weasling out of that one.”

    is that like “gerbilling” except bigger? That’s disgusting!!

    On a different note how many of you went to “Tax Day” protests?

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 20, 2009 @ 8:14 pm | Reply

  902. i think you should all leave christanity,spelling,grammer,bickering, etc out of it for a minute. this is horrible. you all have different views of each other, you all judge each other and for what? are you all that bored with life that you have to bash and degrade each other over a blog on the internet? leave that jazz alone. i say do what makes you happy, wether that means skiing, riding a bike, dressing up in fur, praying to your god, or reading a book. anyway… i suppose someone will have something smart and cheeky to say to cut me down. sometimes i wonder why i evan bother typing my opinion… >.>

    Comment by lone_wolf — April 20, 2009 @ 8:36 pm | Reply

  903. Hmm, nope. I’m never having kids.

    Comment by Xen — April 20, 2009 @ 8:48 pm | Reply

  904. I lol’d ^^,

    Comment by KyteTheFox — April 20, 2009 @ 9:33 pm | Reply

  905. are you all that bored with life that you have to bash and degrade each other over a blog on the internet?

    Not at all. I come here to discuss God and family with a Christian community, and am constantly being attacked by these vicious furries in their ridiculous, comical suits. Why can’t you perverts just go away to your own pervert blogs and stop bashing the God-fearing Christians who come to B4B? Just because you hate yourselves and are disgusted with your own sick lives doesn’t mean you have to ruin our lives, too.

    Comment by DPS — April 21, 2009 @ 9:44 am | Reply

  906. “sometimes i wonder why i evan bother typing my opinion… ”

    sometimes? just sometimes?

    I ALWAYS wonder why you “evan” bother typing your foolish, ignorant and wicked opinions.

    But that’s just me….

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 21, 2009 @ 9:51 am | Reply

  907. lone_wolf

    i come here to try and prove that i’m not slanderous, i will admit that in a minority of my posts i have slandered and let my temper win me over, but for the large majority i have stood by and taken ridiculous number of insults, and dealt none back to them.

    “and wolfie… “try weasling out of that one.”

    is that like “gerbilling” except bigger? That’s disgusting!!”

    1. you asked a question to which you thought you knew the answer. wtf was the point.

    2. it was the wrong answer.

    3. what is “gerbilling”

    4. to “weasel out” means to escape something that’s nigh on impossible

    5. whats with the innuendo’s

    this just gets easier

    “Why can’t you perverts just go away to your own pervert blogs and stop bashing the God-fearing Christians who come to B4B? Just because you hate yourselves and are disgusted with your own sick lives doesn’t mean you have to ruin our lives, too.”

    If you fear the christian God, then you haven’t read the Bible.
    if you are as pure as you say, then you will “sit at His right hand” (parable of the sheep and the goats) and therefore have nothing to fear of the EVERLOVING GOD!!!!!!

    are you trying to jump around until we get dizzy and lose track of you enough to claim a victory?








    oh by the way

    I lost “The Game”!!


    thought i’d end on something different.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 21, 2009 @ 12:50 pm | Reply

    • damn just lost the game

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 5:24 am | Reply

  908. Raknoth,

    thank you for your reasoned reply. I will consider your words carefully.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 21, 2009 @ 5:18 pm | Reply

  909. hmmm… i dident forsee that outcome…

    Comment by lone_wolf — April 21, 2009 @ 7:02 pm | Reply

  910. 9 Well then, should we conclude that we Jews are better than others? No, not at all, for we have already shown that all people, whether Jews or Gentiles, are under the power of sin. 10 As the scriptures say,
    “No one is righteous – not even one. 11No one is truly wise; no one is seeking god. 12 All have turned away; all have become useless. No one does good, not a single one.” 13 “Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave. Their tongues are filled with lies.” “Snake venom drips from their lips.” 14 “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.” 15 “They rush to commit murder. 16 Destruction and misery always follow them. 17 They don’t know where to find peace.” 18 “They have no fear of God at all.”
    19 Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. 20 For no one can ever be made right with god by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are.

    21 But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. 22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. 23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God, with underserved kindness, delcares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins. – Romans 3: 9-24 NLT

    I’m a Christian furry who has accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.


    Comment by KyteTheFox — April 21, 2009 @ 8:41 pm | Reply

  911. to be honest at this point he’s trying to look like he’s making an effort so at any point he can make a bullshit ” i made an effort” remark, it’s similar to what most teachers do when they lose interest in the subject and forget that thier are kids futures at stake, i should know i challanged 5 of my teachers because of that, 4 admitted it and the other left quite suddenly.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 22, 2009 @ 12:15 pm | Reply

  912. That’s because you are a closed-minded bigot loner.

    You can’t get past your own prejudices.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 22, 2009 @ 3:18 pm | Reply

  913. Speaking of furries, Christian furries are the most retarded things on earth. GOD HATES YOU FAGS.

    Comment by Placebo — April 22, 2009 @ 3:21 pm | Reply

  914. I wonder….

    Comment by Xen — April 22, 2009 @ 3:24 pm | Reply

  915. i knew someone would say something like that. it had to be you dident it McPain. you troll… always looking for the next snarkie thing to say.

    Comment by lone_wolf — April 22, 2009 @ 4:11 pm | Reply

  916. :V

    This is now a trollboard.


    Comment by Idascumon — April 22, 2009 @ 4:48 pm | Reply

  917. Troll? why are we talking about fishing again? I can tell you I can’t wait to get to my cabin on Medicine Stone Lake.

    My friend was talking about taking a helicopter to the upper lake..

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 22, 2009 @ 8:41 pm | Reply

  918. … i wat to go fishing now too… >.>

    Comment by lone_wolf — April 22, 2009 @ 8:43 pm | Reply


    Comment by Jebus — April 23, 2009 @ 12:27 am | Reply

  920. “1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
    2 Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them.
    3The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court,4they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act.
    5″Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?”
    6They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground.
    7But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”
    8Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.
    9When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court.”
    John 8:1-9

    Sound familiar?

    Comment by PlanetKiller — April 23, 2009 @ 7:30 am | Reply

  921. Hey Marty, you know what? Your a real piece of work, arguing over petty nonsense because your close minded and to far gone from the real world that you actually think your gonna end up someplace nice when you die. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Reality check. You get imbalmed, people cry, you get buried/burnt whatever happens, then thats that. You dont go to heaven, you dont go to hell. Technically, according to the bible, we are born into this world having sinned, right? So that means were all going to hell? Dont you get it, this was just somebody trying very hard to get everyone to stop questioning death. If everyone knew they just died and that was that, they wouldnt have built the pyramids and shit, there woulda been a lot more wars, and shit like that. So yea, religion did have its purpose, but now that we live in a more civil era, we do not need to have it pushed upon us. Its not real, nothing you can say will prove that it is real. It has so many hints in the bible, just look at them. It says that books are lies, whats the bible… a book. In my honest opinion, greek mythology would have been a better thing to have pushed upon us 😛 at least they have some interesting myths. By the way, here is my arguing proof against JEBUS

    Comment by crimson — April 23, 2009 @ 8:08 pm | Reply

  922. Raknoth, I have reviewed your reply and I am disgusted that you want to have sex with goats and sheep and then rip out their throats with your fake wolf fangs.

    You have some nerve to complain about insults when your whole perverted furry existence is an insult to God!

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 23, 2009 @ 8:49 pm | Reply

  923. “1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
    2 Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them.
    3The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court,4they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act.
    5″Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?”
    6They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground.
    7But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”
    8Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.
    9When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court.”
    John 8:1-9

    Sound familiar?

    Comment by PlanetKiller — April 23, 2009

    Best post yet.

    Comment by Idascumon — April 23, 2009 @ 8:51 pm | Reply

  924. This is now a trollboard.

    I agree. Would you freaks please clear out of here? This blog was much better when it was just normal Christian U.S. American patriots who didn’t dress up as sheep and hate America.

    Comment by DPS — April 24, 2009 @ 7:46 am | Reply

  925. who didn’t dress up as sheep

    Says the one who was stuck in a fursuit. :V

    Comment by Idascumon — April 24, 2009 @ 8:54 am | Reply

  926. there ya go with that christianrap again! im starting to believe your using the good book as leverage for your own hatred for those you do not understand, or some such bull…

    Comment by lone_wolf — April 24, 2009 @ 6:25 pm | Reply

  927. Comment by Idascumon — April 24, 2009 @ 6:35 pm | Reply

  928. your own hatred for those you do not understand

    Don’t talk to me about what I understand. I spent three days trapped in a panda bear suit because I was trying to understand you weirdos. You haven’t spent three days without your mascot suit in order to understand normal people, have you? Didn’t think so.

    Plus, this isn’t about what I hate. It’s about what I love: Jesus Christ and the United States of America. My question to you is, why do you hate Jesus and America?

    Comment by DPS — April 24, 2009 @ 7:29 pm | Reply

  929. Oh lol, I don’t have a fursuit and I am a normal person. I just draw things other than people. People are unimaginative beings of a boring structure.

    Does that mean that people who make art without humans depicted are going to hell? :V

    Comment by Idascumon — April 24, 2009 @ 7:32 pm | Reply

  930. thats fine and dandy. but ive never been in a fur suite. so yes i have. and do you think we dont lead normal lives? if so your ignorant. and i dont hate jesus or america. where did you evan get that idea?

    Comment by lone_wolf — April 24, 2009 @ 7:39 pm | Reply

  931. ive never been in a fur suite

    I am so sick of you people who pretend to be real furries.

    i dont hate jesus or america. where did you evan get that idea?

    I got a lot of experience with America-haters like you and so I got a real strong sense about these things. The real question is, how can you prove to us that you are really truly 100% U.S. America patriot?

    Comment by DPS — April 24, 2009 @ 9:57 pm | Reply

  932. DPS i’m sick of people like YOU who THINK they know everything but DON’T!

    FURSUIT = OPTIONAL!!!!!!!!

    “Raknoth, I have reviewed your reply and I am disgusted that you want to have sex with goats and sheep and then rip out their throats with your fake wolf fangs.

    You have some nerve to complain about insults when your whole perverted furry existence is an insult to God!

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 23, 2009 @ 8:49 pm”

    wtf is that about?

    at no point in any of my posts have i said anything about killing anything!?
    I was speaking of the parable of the sheep and the goats, essentially you’ve burned the Bible!

    lable the points in my posts where i have said i want to have sex with an animal? or where i said i even ATE MEAT???

    i have said before and i’ll say it again, i use the wolf as a metaphor, not literally.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 25, 2009 @ 2:15 pm | Reply

  933. America is about morals and good traditional Christian values. When you perverts dress up like llamas or turtles and have marital relations with puppies at the pet store, it undermines Christian values and also America. So when you really think about it you furries are the same as Osama Bin Laden. You hate American because of its values and you want to destroy it. Real U.S.A. America patriots hate furries and will defeat them if they try to perform terrorist acts in U.S.A..

    Comment by DPS — April 25, 2009 @ 8:40 pm | Reply

  934. DPS youre right out of it! who says im evan american? i told you i dident hate america but i dident say i was from there. but i still love my country. nothing you can say or do could take that from me. and that bin laden thing! that is truely disgusting, comparing anyone to that man. you obviously dont know the horrors that he has comitted. “Real U.S.A. America patriots hate furries and will defeat them if they try to perform terrorist acts in U.S.A..” wrong jack, u.s. patriots will defeat anyone who performes an act of terror… evan if its a “patriot” who does so. but furries have done no such thing, and neither do they/we want too. what im trying to say here is… your words mean nothing, your here not to raise a point but to throw random s*$# into the pot to mix things up. but its obvious you have nothing substantial to say.

    Comment by lone_wolf — April 25, 2009 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  935. Lone_Wolf
    If you look back at the previous posts ( which i have read; yes ALL of them(it took awhile)). everything you have said want to say now and what you will most likely say in the future has already been said, in one way or another.

    dps to be a patriot youmust belong to before mentioned state, country or island.
    why do think everyone is American?
    because the domain name is “.com”?
    that would be ignorant.

    “same as Osama Bin Laden” lol i bet you couldn’t pronounce it right, never mind claiming other people as imitations. your so far up your own arse i doubt you hear half things you yourself say.

    my country and yours have between us lost about 300 men and women. so quite frankly before you start screaming your own fucking arse off, you should start thinking of what the repercussions are. each step you take is a step closer to the edge of the knife, one more step or slip and you better either grow skin of steel or learn to fly cause you’ll be fucked, matey boy.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 26, 2009 @ 8:01 am | Reply

  936. furries have done no such thing, and neither do they/we want too.

    All of you are trying to undermine true American values, just like Osama Bin Laden.

    your here not to raise a point but to throw random s*$# into the pot to mix things up. but its obvious you have nothing substantial to say.

    I am saying that you and your furry co-conspirators are a threat to the freedom and the American way of life that U.S. troops fight and die to protect. If you think the sacrifices of our troops aren’t “substantial” and don’t matter, then you’re a lot more like Al Qaeda than I even realized.

    Comment by DPS — April 26, 2009 @ 11:34 am | Reply

  937. I am saying that you and your furry co-conspirators are a threat to the freedom and the American way of life that U.S. troops fight and die to protect.

    So we can’t also be free?

    What a dick. :V

    Comment by Idascumon — April 26, 2009 @ 11:36 am | Reply

  938. DPS, I usually agree with you on everything, but here I think there is room for a slight demuration.

    I don’t believe that Wolfie and his ilk are a threat to America, because they are hopelessly confused and obsessed with fake furry fornication that they are incapable of sustained thought-out action.

    They are completely amoral and sinfull, but, allthough they have a wish, a desire or an intention to harm normal heterosexual meat-eating Americans, they are completely unable.

    Hey, maybe they are like Al-queada! After the last administration tortured them into submission they’ve been completely ineffective as well…

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 26, 2009 @ 12:19 pm | Reply

  939. Actually, I AM a furry. My dog is afraid of me now because of the hard banging I give it every hour.

    Now I need to go to the Al Qaeda headquarters and shoot some more Christian zealots. It’s the only thing keeping me somewhat sane now.

    I just hope they don’t find out I’m a gay zoophile.

    Comment by DPS — April 26, 2009 @ 12:24 pm | Reply

  940. You are the most bias, dumb-founded, blunt-headed, one-sided, ignorant, stupid, moronic Christian I have ever seen. I would spend my time typing out something that disproved everything that you said here, but I just don’t seem to have the time. I’d just like to comment on one thing-

    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”

    Seriously? Aren’t Christians ‘loving people who forgive’? Why would you almost kill your child for liking something that you don’t? Don’t force your opinions on him with violence.

    Also, how are you sure that ‘God hates furries’? Does it say in the bible: “And God said ‘Anybody who is part of the furry fandom shall gain my hate and burn in hell!'”? No, I don’t think so. You can’t speak for him, don’t try to. And last time I checked, imaginary friends couldn’t talk.

    Comment by asd — April 26, 2009 @ 4:29 pm | Reply

  941. Oh, I’m not saying that they’re going to set off a suitcase nuke in Houston. I’m just saying that they are undermining the moral fabric of American values and so basically doing the terrorists’ work for them. They’re like the 9-11 hijackers who were too dumb to realize they weren’t going to get out alive. So they’re like the hippies or the vegetarians, something like that: they’re weak and stupid, but they still hate America, and they’re corrupting it by lustfully groping pigeons and wearing cow costumes. While our troops are fighting for America and real American values, the furries are tearing America down and getting filthy paw prints all over it. Just like Obama Bin Laden wishes he could do, and just like Barry HUSSEIN OSAMA is doing already.

    Comment by DPS — April 26, 2009 @ 9:38 pm | Reply

  942. DPS, I am masturbating so vigorously to this I think I might go blind.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 27, 2009 @ 10:21 am | Reply

  943. ummm… they 11/9 hijackers were SUICIDE bombers, they knew they wouldn’t make it out, hence SUICIDE!

    OBAMA is bailing your country out from the brink of the recession!
    and before you blame that on us! buying furry costumes would circulate more money and vring more taxes the income prospects… (facepalm)

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 27, 2009 @ 12:13 pm | Reply

  944. I only need to read the last 5 comments, and I’ve read enough.
    Furries are being compared with terrorists, conspiracies and other ridiculous shit only ppl from USA can think of.

    The furries described in this blog post are perhaps 5% of of all furries. He only talked about the darker side of the fandom.
    The biggest popular furry cons aren’t even about the sexual aspects. And if there are any, they are well hidden for the main audience which have a lot of children. Hidden, or even rejected.

    Fursuiting doesn’t have to be about sex. Some people just like to entertain, they can act as another character in crowds and mostly people love it.

    Having sex with real animals is a whole different thing and can’t and should not be compared with the main subject.

    I laugh about the simple people replying here, having a limited view of life due to indoctrination of their religion. Religion is free of choice. I’m not religious you could say, though part of my family follows the Bible. But in this time I think you should be more open to some things.
    Now I don’t say to just accept having sex in a fursuit, but like I said: there’s another side. It’s a brighter, more fun side which means we’re not all perverts (furverts).

    Comment by dutch furry — April 27, 2009 @ 6:05 pm | Reply

  945. buying furry costumes would circulate more money and vring more taxes

    Yeah, but by that logic you could say that, because selling lots of Nazi uniforms would stimulate the economy, we should reconstitute the Third Reich. So are you saying that you love Hitler? Because that’s pretty disgusting if that’s what you’re saying. Not that I’d be surprised. As I believe I have pointed out before, Hitler was a notorious furry.

    Comment by DPS — April 27, 2009 @ 9:45 pm | Reply

  946. By the way, whatever dimwitted pervert has been posting ridiculous comments under my name should be ashamed of himself. The comment left on April 26, 2009 @ 12:24 pm is obviously not mine, and you’re not fooling anyone. You’re not a real DPS any more than you’re a real wombat or turkey or whatever you dress up as, and that is why everyone points at you and laughs.

    As for “dutch furry”:

    Furries are being compared with terrorists, conspiracies and other ridiculous shit only ppl from USA can think of.

    More anti-American garbage from the furries. This just proves me right that hating America is an intrinsic part of being a furry, and I don’t want to hear any more apologetics out of you furries and furry-lovers about how they don’t really mean any harm. You’re either a patriot or a furry, but you can’t be both, just as you can be a Christian or a furry, but not both.

    Comment by DPS — April 28, 2009 @ 8:52 am | Reply

    • >.>

      Comment by lone-wolf — May 7, 2009 @ 9:40 am | Reply


    Comment by Marty McPain — April 28, 2009 @ 10:03 am | Reply

  948. Hmm. seems someone is about to be indicted for indentity theft.

    But I have no doubt but that you made a mess you fur obsessed idiot!

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 28, 2009 @ 12:55 pm | Reply

  949. All over your bible, Marty. ❤

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 28, 2009 @ 12:57 pm | Reply

  950. Just remember that God watches you masturbate to child porn, Marty.

    Comment by DPS — April 28, 2009 @ 1:00 pm | Reply

  951. Nice try… see that symbol? It means “I am a jerk”

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 28, 2009 @ 1:45 pm | Reply

  952. The ❤ symbol is a heart, actually.


    Just helping out here.

    Comment by idascumon — April 28, 2009 @ 1:46 pm | Reply

  953. you can’t claim an unlocked name as id theft.

    i don’t remotly like Hitler, i’m simply saying that it’s not damaging anything.

    i think Marty’s gone skitzo… because that’s just freaky and immature.

    and the symbol means “love” or “love you”

    and to be honest he never mentioned porn, never mind child porn to be honest thats a very slanderous thing to say, and if the person whoever they are could take legal action against you.

    whoever you are call a lawyer and go for gold!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 28, 2009 @ 2:08 pm | Reply

  954. Wolfie, someone is hiding behind the anon of the internets and is pretending to be DPS and myself.

    I won’t call a lawyer, GOD will take care of that worm..

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 28, 2009 @ 2:46 pm | Reply

  955. Whoa, what’s going on here?

    Comment by Idascumon — April 28, 2009 @ 2:52 pm | Reply

  956. Whatever sick freak has hijacked our identities has the same mentality as the sick freaks who hijacked our airplanes on 9/11. The parallels between the furries and the jihadis continue to multiply.

    Comment by DPS — April 28, 2009 @ 7:13 pm | Reply

  957. ummm… which ever one is the one IMITATING has grounds for a lawyer. not the real one.

    if you look back DPS and (REAL)Marty has said a great many slanderous things for which court would be too far, we would have the ability to call lawful authorities anyway.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 29, 2009 @ 12:39 pm | Reply

  958. “if you look back DPS and (REAL)Marty has said a great many slanderous things ”


    Why do you attack us for spreading Gods word? Why do you lie? and cheat? and steal?

    I would never slander anyone.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 29, 2009 @ 1:33 pm | Reply

  959. which ever one is the one IMITATING has grounds for a lawyer. not the real one.

    Wait, are you accusing me of pretending to be a lawyer? I’m confused. Just to be clear: I am not a lawyer. I am also not a furry, as I believe I have mentioned. I don’t approve of furries. I don’t really approve of lawyers, either. Although I don’t think it would be sinful to dress up as a lawyer, while it is sinful to dress up as a furry.

    Say, what do you furries do at Halloween? Do you just wear your usual furry costume, or do you wear a special costume, or do you dress like a normal person? I would think you would just wear street clothes, because furries wear a costume every day, and the only way to make Halloween seem special would be not to wear a costume.

    Comment by DPS — April 29, 2009 @ 8:18 pm | Reply

  960. If your post was serious, then you are quite possibly one of the most mentally deficient people that i have ever had the displeasure of seeing the typed word of. If not,gg.

    Comment by Vael — April 29, 2009 @ 8:26 pm | Reply

  961. i meant that whoever dps claims to be a paedophile can call a lawyer…(facepalm&sigh)

    dps = idiot

    furry costume = optional extra / not neccessary / no need / not applicable / no mention, no way, no how…

    i think i’m going to cry if these guys get any stupider.

    *falls into the faetal position, twitching*

    947. “obsessed idiot!

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 28, 2009”

    938. “They are completely amoral and sinfull, but, allthough they have a wish, a desire or an intention to harm normal heterosexual meat-eating Americans, they are completely unable.

    Hey, maybe they are like Al-queada! After the last administration tortured them into submission they’ve been completely ineffective as well…

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 26, 2009”

    932. “Raknoth, I have reviewed your reply and I am disgusted that you want to have sex with goats and sheep and then rip out their throats with your fake wolf fangs.

    You have some nerve to complain about insults when your whole perverted furry existence is an insult to God!

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 23, 2009 @ 8:49 pm”

    “women create baby soldiers for Christ.”

    isn’t that going against jesus teachings of treating everyone equally, and the part about not killing and turning the other cheek before it even gets to killing?

    that makes slander AND heresy.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — April 30, 2009 @ 1:21 pm | Reply

  962. isn’t that going against jesus teachings of treating everyone equally, and the part about not killing and turning the other cheek before it even gets to killing?

    “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” Luke 22:36

    Jesus teaches us to put the smack down on sinners, is what he teaches us.

    furry costume = optional extra / not neccessary / no need / not applicable / no mention, no way, no how…

    OK, Professor Smartypants McGenius, if you don’t wear the costume, how are we supposed to know you’re a real furry? You could just be a normal person pretending to be a furry.

    Comment by DPS — April 30, 2009 @ 4:14 pm | Reply

  963. Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes.

    oh and that’s Luke’s interpretation not Jesus’ exact words, all the Gospels say each thing happened in their own way.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 1, 2009 @ 2:40 pm | Reply

  964. Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes.

    oh and that’s Luke’s interpretation not Jesus’ exact words, all the Gospels say each thing happened in their own way.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 1, 2009 @ 2:40 pm | Reply

  965. Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes. that and the term “Normal” is a relative perspective. to you going to church everyday could be normal, to me you would be excessive.

    oh and that’s Luke’s interpretation not Jesus’ exact words, all the Gospels say each thing happened in their own way.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 1, 2009 @ 2:43 pm | Reply

  966. Why are you repeating yourself like some crazed autistic memonic “special” child?

    Oh wait, I answered my own question.

    and what do you have against women and babies? Are you some sort of hybird man-dog-chicken? I expect you have some sort of disease that will kill half of all white males over the age of 45.

    You are getting so stupid its making me wonder why I even post here….

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 1, 2009 @ 5:04 pm | Reply

  967. I congratulate you OP, for you have achieved such a thing I thought it not possible. You have trolled about 1,000 people, WITH ONE POST. I thank you for the laughter you have presented to me, with the help of the idiotic. I look forward to reading your future trolls.

    Wishing to be like you–
    Michale Oppenheimer

    Comment by Lolyourguys are retarded — May 1, 2009 @ 6:46 pm | Reply

  968. I congratulate you OP, for you have achieved such a thing I thought it not possible. You have trolled about 1,000 people, WITH ONE POST. I thank you for the laughter you have presented to me, with the help of the idiotic. I look forward to reading your future trolls.

    Wishing to be like you–
    Michale Oppenheimer

    Comment by Lolyourguys are retarded — May 1, 2009 @ 6:46 pm | Reply

  969. I congratulate you OP, for you have achieved such a thing I thought it not possible. You have trolled about 1,000 people, WITH ONE POST. I thank you for the laughter you have presented to me, with the help of the idiotic. I look forward to reading your future trolls.

    Wishing to be like you–
    Michale Oppenheimer.

    Comment by Lolyourguys are retarded — May 1, 2009 @ 6:47 pm | Reply

  970. no-one will fall “the flipper” mainly because i labelled that YOU said it and the number of the post incase some-one wants to make sure i’m not making things up.

    so basically i’m repeating what YOU’VE said.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 2, 2009 @ 4:27 am | Reply

  971. Its sad. It makes the baby Jesus cry when His creatures made in His Own image no longer want to be humand but want to be wolfs and sheep and have sex with turtles and stuff.

    I see Him weep. And I see His rightous anger! Not for much longer will the furious sin of furry fornication still exist in this world! His wrath is both just and kind. I am sure He will dispatch your soul to Hell without much fuss or pain, so that you can spend eternity in horrible evisceration by Satan.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 2, 2009 @ 5:23 pm | Reply

  972. I hate to say it, but I am afraid that my neighbors might be furries. There’s a lot of used cat litter in their trash cans, and a lot of empty cat food cans in their recycling bins, and I constantly hear a “meowing” sort of sound emanating from their house. It’s disgusting to me to think of them in there, pretending to be cats, eating cat food, using the cat litter. Ugh! They probably even urinate on their own carpets.

    I’ll keep digging through their trash to learn more, but my real concern is, if they are furries, how can I get them to move away? Should I call the police? Should I set up my speakers and blast Christian rock towards their house? What kinds of things would make you furries here want to move to a new neighborhood? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Comment by DPS — May 2, 2009 @ 5:50 pm | Reply

  973. Christian faggots.

    “If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to
    Then He is not omnipotent.

    If He is able, but not willing
    Then He is malevolent.

    If He is both able and willing
    Then whence cometh evil?

    If He is neither able nor willing
    Then why call Him God?”


    Also- you need to fucking realize not all furries are as screwed up as this article suggests. Many only simply find the art entertaining, nothing more. No furcons, no fursuits, and honestly, not all of them are gay.

    Comment by Anonymous — May 3, 2009 @ 11:09 am | Reply

  974. @DPS
    Maybe they have cats?
    Herp derp.

    Comment by Myuki-san — May 3, 2009 @ 11:10 am | Reply

  975. Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes.Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes.Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes.Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes.Furry Fandom is the love of anthropormorphic art, not hentai or costumes.

    Comment by I HAVE TOR FUCKERSSSSSSSSSSS — May 3, 2009 @ 11:13 am | Reply

  976. @DPS
    Maybe they have cats.
    Herp derp.

    Comment by Nida — May 3, 2009 @ 11:20 am | Reply

  977. lolz guise gues what!! im a kristian and i read and articl and i see thart fureis are not a good thing b-cuz they like 2 look at art!! LOL!!! i think al fureis should be sent 2 the moon so thye willnot be abel to bother us anymor with all thier stuped art and stuf. jesus seas that we must alwes look out 4 evil and i think thaet thes guys r evil enuf. peace ouwt!!! kristian rok rules!!!!!

    Comment by Internet Censorship United — May 3, 2009 @ 11:33 am | Reply

  978. More than likely they have a cat in heat or a cat that had kittens a while ago that are being weaned off of milk and onto dry cat food, and also would be learning how to use a litter box after their mom.

    Here’s a question: why are you digging in other people’s trash? You know that’s invading other people’s privacy and may also be against the law, right?

    In fact, if they were to catch you digging into their garbage, they could probably have you arrested.

    As for you, Marty, your constant repeating of slanderous things and things of no real relevance to this topic is becoming more and more annoying. Find something of use to say for once, and maybe we could get along better here.

    Comment by idascumon — May 3, 2009 @ 4:14 pm | Reply

  979. Also, do furries have unusually small bowel movements? I have been inspecting the neighbors’ cat litter, and I must admit that I’m somewhat puzzled. Do furries eat very small things? Do they attach some sort of apparatus to their anus that compresses or reshapes their bowel movements?

    The more I investigate this case, the more disturbing it becomes. I shudder at the thought of my neighbors strapped into an anal apparatus. To what perversions will you not stoop, furries?

    Comment by DPS — May 3, 2009 @ 9:43 pm | Reply

  980. It’s cat waste dude. Get out of your neighbor’s trash.

    Comment by Idascumon — May 4, 2009 @ 10:31 am | Reply

  981. Maybe they have cats?

    That is a possibility, I suppose, and that would explain the small bowel movements. I am glad that I no longer have to imagine my neighbors pretending to be cats and attaching apparatuses to their anuses.

    Here’s a question: why are you digging in other people’s trash?

    I suspected them of being furries. As you know, Title II of the USA Patriot act permits private citizens to engage in surveillance of suspected terrorist activities or terrorist sympathies, and as I established above there is indisputably a link between furryism and anti-American terrorism. Ergo it was my duty as a good American to investigate, and I am relieved to have discovered that my suspicions, while reasonable, were probably incorrect.

    In fact, just to be sure, I think I had better try to find out whether they indeed have a cat. I can see in their ground floor windows from their yard, but I’m not sure yet how I’m going to be able to inspect the upper floor. I may need a ladder.

    Comment by DPS — May 4, 2009 @ 8:38 pm | Reply

  982. Furry is nothing like terrorism.

    Comment by idascumon — May 4, 2009 @ 8:46 pm | Reply

  983. OK, I have an update. After further reconnaissance, they either have a cat or one of their very small children is a furry who dresses in a (very lifelike) cat costume. Since the latter seems unlikely, I will assume they have a cat.

    However, I am not persuaded that they are not furries simply because they have a cat. Perhaps they are furries and keep a cat so that they can sexually molest it. I mean, wouldn’t you to expect furries who dress like cats also to own and have sexual relations with cats?

    Comment by DPS — May 4, 2009 @ 11:00 pm | Reply

  984. no

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 5, 2009 @ 1:12 pm | Reply

  985. as I have pointed out in the past, furries, and wolf furries in particular, like to go to shelters to “adopt” cute puppies . . .

    which they then use for their sordid sexual antics, and whom, after they been deflowered, are ripped apart by wolf-furries’ fake fangs.

    sad but true DPS. I am glad we have people like you that CARE about America.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 5, 2009 @ 5:49 pm | Reply

  986. Prove it.

    Comment by idascumon — May 5, 2009 @ 6:44 pm | Reply

  987. Furry is nothing like terrorism.

    The fact of the matter is that furryism is exactly like terrorism. Furries are bent on undermining American moral values, which form the core of America. Therefore furries want to destroy America, just like al Qaeda.

    In fact, I would say that furryism is even worse than Islamofascism. After all, I doubt that Obama bin Laden would have sexual relations with cats, but that’s practically the only thing you furries do all day, as far as I can tell.

    Comment by DPS — May 5, 2009 @ 7:31 pm | Reply

  988. ugh you religious people are like retarded children. Living in your own worlds but should have been aborted to save everyone else for the pain of dealing with you. Your devil spawned lord tells you to judge not. that is the providence of God. However your so intolerent you constantly push your values on others and force them to do things. Your as bad as Liberals and Gays and Blacks and Women. All of whom have taken things way too far and try to force others to accept them.
    The world would be a better place if you took to heart and realised that Your not special or sacred. Your kids and family are not special or important. You could all die tomorow and the universe would carry on quite fine without you. If fact i am offering a WAy out of your twisted miserable lives. I’ll shoot you. you’ll die and goto heaven and jerk off angels or whatever. and i’ll have more air to breathe. how is that?

    Comment by anonymous — May 5, 2009 @ 10:06 pm | Reply

  989. I see how you are small minded and do not understand how a person could live like this, but it is not for you to judge or criticise how law abiding people live their lives. If everyone were to judge so the world would be anarchy.
    Besides in the bible does it not say he who is without sin may cast the first stone.
    I’m sure you have some deep dark shame that if you revealed it most people would shrug and walk on by.

    Comment by FurryFriend — May 6, 2009 @ 6:39 am | Reply

  990. i think at this point we should leave them well alone to stew and see how they fair without an audience, Satan’s greatest sin after all is vanity/pride.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 6, 2009 @ 12:23 pm | Reply

  991. It would be best if you stopped posting because I expect the Lord to take action at about post 1,000.

    You don’t want to see His Wrath.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 6, 2009 @ 12:37 pm | Reply

  992. A postcount has nothing to do with any of this.

    Comment by Idascumon — May 6, 2009 @ 1:44 pm | Reply

  993. Lol, one year later and MArty mc shit is still defending his Precious Icon… XD
    Small minded shit! XD

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — May 6, 2009 @ 4:01 pm | Reply

  994. Whoa, sounds like some of these furries have strapped on their anal apparatuses a little too tight! Seriously, you furries need to relax a little. Where’s your sense of humor?

    Hey, I’ve got a joke for you furries; maybe that’ll lighten the mood.

    A priest, a rabbi, and a furry walk into a bar. The priest says, “Hey, get out of here, you perverted furry freak.” The rabbi says, “Yeah, get out of here.” And so the furry goes home and does disgusting things to his pet hamsters.

    You furries are probably too uptight to think that’s funny.

    Comment by DPS — May 6, 2009 @ 9:33 pm | Reply

  995. Actually, your humor is just bad.

    That wasn’t even close to funny, and I usually like jokes like that.

    DPS, you are a terrible troll.

    Comment by Idascumon — May 7, 2009 @ 10:40 am | Reply

  996. honest guess is the funny part when he gets home logs onto the internet and leaves crap jokes under DPS before then pretending to be a furry so he can get away with cruelty to animals?

    this will be probably my final comment here, i got final exams for the next month or so and by then i’ll be too tired to prove ppl wrong, then i’ll forget about you most likely… no offence.

    except to DPS and Marty, who i’ve been trying to forget.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 7, 2009 @ 12:26 pm | Reply

  997. this will be probably my final comment here, i got final exams for the next month or so and by then i’ll be too tired to prove ppl wrong, then i’ll forget about you most likely… no offence.

    except to DPS and Marty, who i’ve been trying to forget.

    All I have ever asked for is for the furries to go away and leave us alone. Why do you talk about it like it’s some kind of punishment for us? We’re here to enjoy a Christian community. You’re here to ruin that, in your big, fluffy costumes.

    Furries, please go away. Please. Your sick perversions make us sad, and they make Jesus sad. Wherever Rathnor is going, follow him. Please.

    I can’t be any clearer than that.

    Comment by DPS — May 7, 2009 @ 10:48 pm | Reply

  998. no where did i say it was a punishment, but on the contrary, i just wish to aid you on your path to where ever you wish to go heaven or otherwise.
    the idea that furries are a threat to any religion, government or anything else is ridulous at best, and i just wish you’d just realise that, so that you can stop driving down the highway to hell and turn off to fuck yourself lane back to normality, thank yu and goodbye.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 8, 2009 @ 2:07 pm | Reply

  999. No,no,no,NO!You’ve got it all wrong!The furry culture is not all about sex.The illusion that furries are sex fanatics is just that:an illusion,a myth,a typo.I’m a furry myself,and I can assure you,furries are not sex monsters.They are just regular human beings that have an interest in animals with human characteristics,much the same as people have an interset in collecting coins or art.It’s true,some furry art features horrendous sex scenes,but those are made by people with sick minds,who do not represent furries everywhere.Oh,and it’s also true,some furry conventions are for sex,but most,like AnthroCon,are just made up of ordinary people who are looking for cool action figures to collect.And you know what the sad part is?Furries ar almost always persecuted.We don’t ask you to believe what we believe,nor do we put up signs saying to convert or die.But lots of people respond to us,when we have don nothing,by telling us to burn in hell,and saying how evil and cruel we are,and directly associating uswith the devil,when we don’t deserve it.You know what? I’m proud to be a furry.

    Comment by NOT insane — May 8, 2009 @ 6:25 pm | Reply

  1000. I think at least one of my co-workers is likely a furry. When he’s at work he doesn’t wear a mascot outfit, so I didn’t notice at first, but there’s just something in his eyes or something that cries out that he’s a furry. I am trying to avoid him, and when I use the restroom after him I put hand sanitizer on my hands and genitals, but that can’t go on forever. So I’m wondering how to go about getting Geoff fired. Should I follow him and take pictures when he has his costume on? Or do you think it’s enough just to share my suspicions with HR? Your advice is appreciated.

    Comment by DPS — May 10, 2009 @ 10:33 pm | Reply

  1001. I would say the best way to test if this “Geoff” is a furry is to capture him and force him to put on your test furry suit.

    Then rub his butt and privates with a large paddle. If he likes it then he is a confirmed furry.

    If he protests you’ll have to do more tests because you know they like to lie.

    Keep at it and I am sure you can get a video of him in the suit confessing to being a perverted animal sex fiend. Take that to HR and I’m sure all your problems will be solved!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 11, 2009 @ 7:57 am | Reply

  1002. lol and know for the furry to tell you what should be done!!! hahahaha

    don’t resort to Matry’s shceme because that would just prove to make you get fired. it’s slander, blackmail, discrimination, stalking, and sexual harrasment.

    if you have trouble with some-one in your work place take it up with HR if they can’t resolve the matter, request a transfer to somewhere else even if it’s just the other side of the room.

    but what you should never do, is resort to criminalising yourself, that would make you… well a criminal, and a bad christian. whether you believe your helping him, yourself or whatever, the Bible revolves around getting you to “love thy neighbour” after all, and kidnapping him, using sexual torture and various other crimes to get what you want wouldn’t resolve the matter other by removing yourself from your office and straight into life imprisonment if this Geoff guy pressed charges.

    and for that matter……….. what do you meen “something in his eyes” it could just be a stray eyelash.

    now i don’t want to point fingers but THIS is a civilised argument, and the reason i won’t point fingers is because we have ALL gotten carried away from the fact that this IS a christian blog and therefore should be family safe.

    don’t resort to trolling, slander, and swearing for F**K’s sake.

    lol but seriously … don’t.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 11, 2009 @ 11:36 am | Reply

  1003. know for the furry. lol.

    no offence meant. well…

    Marty’s idea is ridiculous, all you’ll do is get yourself fired and a life long imprisonment for the criminaly insane.

    blackmail, kidnapping, sexual harrasment, sexual torture, slander, breach of human rights, breach of company contract, oh yeah and that’s just from the company if this Geoff fella follows suit and presses charges you’ll get even worse.

    any problems go straight to HR, if they can’t resolve it, then request a transfer, even if it’s just to the other side of the room. even though i don’t like the idea of you taking a disliking for the wrong reasons, i do respect that you may still feel out of place or uncomfortable around some people. but seriously you’ll need more than “a strange look in his eye” to get away with just one of the charges listed above nevermind all of them at once.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 11, 2009 @ 11:50 am | Reply

  1004. srry for the double post it didn’t update.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 11, 2009 @ 11:51 am | Reply

  1005. Then rub his butt and privates with a large paddle. If he likes it then he is a confirmed furry.

    This is impractical, as I only have one paddle, and it is small.

    what do you meen “something in his eyes” it could just be a stray eyelash.

    It is a certain deranged glint.

    any problems go straight to HR, if they can’t resolve it, then request a transfer, even if it’s just to the other side of the room.

    I went by HR today. The woman I talked to definitely had that “furry” air about her as well, and she had a framed picture of a cat on her desk (!). I didn’t say anything about Geoff, because if they’re both furries they might be conspiring. I’m starting to get a little nervous. Am I surrounded by furries? I think I will at least have to tail Geoff to find out where he goes after work tomorrow. If he leads me to his home, at least I will be able to go through his trash. I’ll worry about Linda in HR later.

    Comment by DPS — May 11, 2009 @ 6:55 pm | Reply

  1006. Damn, missed the 1000 post. :[

    Comment by idascumon — May 11, 2009 @ 8:28 pm | Reply

  1007. she might just like cats…………….. oh maybe it’s ill, or maybe it’s her dead fathers cat or something legitimate.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 12, 2009 @ 12:47 pm | Reply

  1008. I fear the wrath of the Lord!

    Remember what happened on New Year’s Day 2000……

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 12, 2009 @ 1:08 pm | Reply

  1009. Y2K?

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 12, 2009 @ 1:20 pm | Reply

  1010. Nothing happened. :V

    Comment by idascumon — May 12, 2009 @ 2:14 pm | Reply

  1011. she might just like cats…………….. oh maybe it’s ill, or maybe it’s her dead fathers cat or something legitimate.

    That’s what I would have thought before B4B educated me about the Furry Menace. Now I know better. Now I assume that they’re furries, unless I can prove otherwise.

    Comment by DPS — May 12, 2009 @ 10:13 pm | Reply

  1012. Marti, If given the oppertunity to meet a furry, what would you say/do, realisticly, play nice 😛

    Comment by crimson — May 13, 2009 @ 12:57 am | Reply

  1013. P.S. come by my page and gimme a shoutout

    Comment by crimson — May 13, 2009 @ 1:00 am | Reply

  1014. If I met a furry, other than my friends Goofy and Donald at Disney World, I would not stand idly by I can tell you that!

    Frist I would call upon people of faith who were standing near to assist me in driving this devil’s spawn from our immediate area. I would lead a charge of rightous citizens against evil and furry fornication!!!

    Then I would use the Department of Faith to determine exactly where and how this furry was able to penetrate the security web I have around me at all times.

    That’s one hole that would be plugged darn quick!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 13, 2009 @ 12:06 pm | Reply

    • @ Pensive Collie: I agree with you completely :]

      You’re the first person; besides myself, who has had the thought that they are like Native Americans and their animal totems :]


      @Psycheout: I, myself, have dabbled in the Fur community; not the sexual side mind you, and I am part of many anime communities and I find these people very open-minded, kind, and intelligent; granted there are some people who are not, but you find those in any groups. Not only were they the previous things I mentioned, but they were also of DIFFERENT RELIGIONS. Huh. Well gosh. Who would’ve thought that there are large communities with people of different ages, sex, religion, races, etc., etc. Oddly enough, many of them get along even though they are different.

      Odd how that’s how a Christian community is SUPPOSED to be.

      @ every Christian: Open arms and open minds people. You don’t have to like it, but never hate. You claim to follow God and his ways; you claim to be good Christians, why not actually own up to those claims. Become better people, not worse. All we’ll ever do is cause more hate in a world that doesn’t need it. If they are hurting people and/or animals or if they’re hurting themselves then, by all means, HELP THEM. Otherwise, leave them alone, they’re not causing anyone any harm. Turn the other cheek if it “harms” you so much. Don’t seek these people out to say or do bad things to them either. Live and let live.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — May 15, 2009 @ 6:55 pm | Reply

  1015. I hate people like you. Why must you go bashing when others are not like you? What’s next? How Star Wars stars the devil himself? Though I am not fond of the Christian religion, I have no problem with Christians. You sir, go too far. Please go live as the Amish; you would be doing everyone a favor.

    Comment by Xiram — May 13, 2009 @ 10:51 pm | Reply

  1016. uber rofl. i take back that i’m leaving. these guys are just too funny.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 16, 2009 @ 11:31 am | Reply

  1017. Dear furries,

    We do not go to furry websites to criticize you for being perverts and hating America and God. Why do you come to this website to criticize us for being Christians and patriots? Please go back to your furry places, wherever they may be, and leave us alone.

    Comment by DPS — May 17, 2009 @ 9:37 am | Reply

  1018. No, just no. I think the fact that Marty McPain wants to barbeque a unicorn is horrible and un-American! And probably Satanic and from outer space as well. You should be ashamed.

    Comment by Xydexx — May 17, 2009 @ 2:06 pm | Reply

  1019. If you and nobody else has done that, than how would this blog have been made?

    It says in it, too, about the “dark side of the internet”, so the moron who made this must have done just that and looked at it, if he was to figure out anything.

    Then again, he was a complete idiot and just barely half-assed this crackpot article. Actually, I don’t think any effort was applied to this at all.

    So I guess it could go one of two ways (or possibly both), that the idiot that made the article is, in fact, an idiot, or that he was looking for proof to start a criticism war on here, which we are all guilty of doing.

    So tell me, do you really stick by that you and the other zealous pushovers have done nothing wrong? In order to get evidence, you go to the center of what happened, so really do consider everything stated before you senselessly reply again, you watered-down troll.

    Comment by Idascumon — May 17, 2009 @ 2:54 pm | Reply

  1020. “I take back that i’m leaving. these guys are just too smart and interesting”.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 16, 2009 @ 11:31 am

    Now you are seeing the light Wolfie!

    and it appears that the Lord has decided to spare us for the moment. Maybe when we reach 2,000 posts He will reach down and pluck us from this Earth.

    I hope that you will let me help you learn to control your sick furry desires.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 18, 2009 @ 11:04 am | Reply

  1021. wrong again marty… wrong again lolz

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 18, 2009 @ 12:29 pm | Reply

  1022. “You claim to follow God and his ways; you claim to be good Christians, why not actually own up to those claims. ”

    We wish to follow God’s way in all things but we cannot. He is above the law and we are not. If we were able to follow His Way we would smite and destroy all sinners and heathens, especially furries!

    We would drown them, burn them, infect them with deadly diseases, starve them and send wild animals to rip off their heads.

    But, alas, we cannot because we have to follow the stupid laws of the state. When the Dominion arrives then it will be our turn to make the laws and we will make righteous GODLY laws and then we will be rid of you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 19, 2009 @ 7:03 am | Reply

  1023. You would be hurting others in more ways than one, which by the Christian law, it is not permitted. I was raised that way and I know it to be true.

    I’m glad I’m never having kids. :/

    Comment by Idascumon — May 19, 2009 @ 11:48 am | Reply

  1024. modern law is just a re-worded version of the 10 commandments.

    you make about as much sense as a flaming fire engine.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 19, 2009 @ 1:44 pm | Reply

  1025. what? there are so many unGodly acts protected by our liebral government!!

    We cannot take action to punish those who offend God. This is a serious problem and your insults are not appreciated.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 20, 2009 @ 9:28 am | Reply

  1026. and yet you think that war brings peace?… interesting. but think on this:

    “Can a world of Peace, truely be built by walls of blood”?

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 20, 2009 @ 11:35 am | Reply

  1027. What ever happened to “love thy neighbor” and “turn the other cheek”?

    The internet is not making these “acts of perversion” worse. The internet is a much needed outlet! Without it, these people think they are alone and are forced to suppress their desires, which causes many problems later on. I am very familiar with the results of this type of suppression. People feel alienated and alone when they are told that the thoughts they have are “ungodly,” “perverse,” and “wrong.”

    The fact is, this kind of behavior makes them happy. America is supposed to support the pursuit of happiness, not discourage it. Try putting yourself in their position. What if everyone you knew thought that God was an evil and oppressive being and that you were “deranged” for believing in Him? You can be comfortable believing in God because you have support.

    It makes no sense to rally against behavior that doesn’t actually hurt anyone. Instead of expressing your disdain and criticism, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

    Comment by Street Saint — May 20, 2009 @ 1:55 pm | Reply

  1028. Why is it that, the more we urge you furries to leave us in peace, the more of you show up to badmouth God and undermine America? Maybe I should urge you to stay? Maybe then you would all go away, just to be perverse. You are perverts, after all.

    So: welcome furries! Please come ruin our blog! We love hearing from you twisted, nauseating deviants as you spew treasonous pro-sodomy bile! More of that, please!

    Comment by DPS — May 20, 2009 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

  1029. I do believe that most of us are not here to “bash Christians,” but to talk to the ones in here specifically.

    I’ll have you know one of my best friend’s is Christian; brought up that way and PROUD of it. I love her to death and she loves me; we’re like sisters. She loves anime/manga, as do I, and she enjoys the Furry community, but unlike you close-minded, ill-informed people, she knows there are different levels.

    We believe we have animals that define us; she is a bunny, I am a cat. No, we don’t think we are these animals, but had we been born animals, maybe that’s what we would be. Does that mean we’re having sex with animals and are involved in fur-suited orgies? F*** NO! We’re not sexually messed up; we’re not harming anyone in any way.

    I’m just wondering where, in all of this on this forum, did any one Furry mention anything about bashing all Christians and/or encouraging sex with animals and/or anything of the sort? We are not trying to single out a group, we’re just trying to point out how you really have no idea what you’re talking about.

    I don’t understand why you would cause such pointless hate. Eradicating Furries? What? Killing off a certain group because you don’t agree with them and/or like them?

    Have any of you ever heard of Adolf Hitler? He killed many groups alike and what happened? What good came of it?

    Do you really think God would want us killing one another? I don’t. I say let Him decide what happens in the end; as it should be. If you don’t believe in God, well then, just live your life as good as you can and when it’s all said and done, hopefully you’re happy.

    Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — May 21, 2009 @ 12:26 am | Reply

  1030. Oh Great!

    “I love her to death and she loves me; we’re like sisters”

    now we have lesbian inter-species sex maniacs!!!

    “Do you really think God would want us killing one another?”

    God’s word and instructions for life, direct us to kill people for various reasons.

    1) Kill those who speak rebellion against God.

    “The false prophets or visionaries who try to lead you astray must be put to death. .. Since they try to lead you astray from the way the Lord your God commanded you to live, you must put them to death.” (Deuteronomy 13:5)

    2) Kill anyone who arrogantly rejects priests. ”
    Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death.” (Deuteronomy 17:12)

    3) Kill anyone who refuses to seek God.
    “They agreed that anyone who refused to seek the LORD, the God of Israel, would be put to death” (2 Chronicles 15:13)

    4) Kill anyone who violates the covenant of God.

    “If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the LORD gives you is found doing evil . . .take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death.” (Deuteronomy 17:2,4-5)

    5) Those refusing to retain knowledge of God deserve death.

    “They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself . . . God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. ”
    (Romans 1:25,28,32)

    That last one is you right there. You worship the animals God created instead of God Himself.

    and, worse yet, you encourage others to join in your preverted lesbo sex games.!!! disgusting!

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 21, 2009 @ 7:08 am | Reply

  1031. Wow…What an enormus pile of dog shit…this information is clearly irrelavent to what the fandom stands for…you’d better get a reallity check because i think your the one who needs it more than you think furries do…

    Comment by Raz — May 21, 2009 @ 9:51 am | Reply

  1032. notice all of these death sentences are relating to things dated to the Old Testament timeframes.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 21, 2009 @ 10:51 am | Reply

  1033. your point being that you are a “half bible” christian? or a “no bible” non-christian heathen?

    I am sure God will be happy that you decided to edit the bible and remove half his words. (NOT!)

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 21, 2009 @ 11:07 am | Reply

  1034. i already told you… i am an athiest.
    and coming from the guy who only takes things dated to the old teastament AND the guy that drove me away from Christianity, that proves your insanity.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 21, 2009 @ 11:30 am | Reply

  1035. THIS is the dark side of the internet. Some guy decides to “research” furries, after which readers decide to murder them. Nice work Christians! And you wonder why you lost the culture wars. Number one problem is that the guy doesn’t understand ANYTHING about what he’s researching. These are men and women who have appearance issues, dress up in anonymous animal costumes to hide their insecurities, then maybe or maybe not have sex together. It’s about as shocking as fuzzy negligees. There is no “bestiality” involved here. There is no relation whatever to cloning, stem-cell research, medical experiments, abuse of animals, etc. Get a sense of reality and keep your nut-job religious paranoia to yourselves. Or better yet, get a freakin’ sense of humor already.

    Comment by peter harding — May 21, 2009 @ 7:28 pm | Reply

  1036. I say let Him decide what happens in the end; as it should be.

    Yes, I agree with the Japanese guy: kill ’em all, let God sort ’em out.

    Does that mean we’re… involved in fur-suited orgies? F*** NO! We’re not sexually messed up;

    I’m glad that one of you fake furries has finally admitted that real furries are perverts. I don’t understand why you fake furries are so eager to defend your hyper-perverted buddies, anyway. They probably don’t respect you because you’re insufficiently freakish and perverted.

    Comment by DPS — May 21, 2009 @ 11:03 pm | Reply

    • 1. I am not Japanese.

      2. I am not a man.

      3. I never said that they should be killed. I said that when they die, meaning of natural causes, that God will sort out who is good and who is bad.

      4. Most of you are bad.

      5. I am not a fake furry.

      6. Furries are not people who are involved in sexual actions. Depending on what definition you’re reading and where it’s from it will have different meanings. Bondage, for an example, has the same basic meaning but means different things depending on the context. Bondage means to be bound or restrained. Now are we talking about a sexual act or a prisoner in war? You don’t know.

      7. I met 5 furries in suits at ACEN ’09 and they were very normal and very nice. They were just dressed up and in character. They were by no means freakish or perverted.

      8. Do not speak of which that you don’t know.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 2:47 pm | Reply

  1037. My furry dog-like person.

    “and coming from the guy who only takes things dated to the old teastament AND the guy that drove me away from Christianity, that proves your insanity.”

    I am not insane. I just can’t believe you would want to live without belonging to a church. and I merely expressed what a True Christian believes. You really should join Landover Baptist Chruch and get with the program. You are likely a False Christian and that’s why my words shocked you.

    and it is SO not true that I only quote from the Old Testament. Here is a repost of an earlier comment.

    Who Will Jesus Damn?

    Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

    Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 22, 2009 @ 10:48 am | Reply

  1038. Ah, DPS, my friend, my companion! You know it and I know it to be true that down in your heart you would like nothing more than to see a big, hunky wolf leaning over to fuck you. Come now. Don’t deny it. You know that it’s true.

    Comment by Lobo Sabio — May 22, 2009 @ 9:40 pm | Reply

  1039. Marty i said “dated” that means that the writers are commenting on things that happened before the birth of christ therefore old testament.

    for the record, if your asking an strong atheist to go to church, that’s technically like you trying to taint the church?

    i see no evidence of a god, in my opinions the word miracle should just be another word for for the phrase “something that cannot be thoroughly explained.”

    why is it you keep telling us that we aren’t seeing the bigger picture, when most of the time you can’t look past the surface of anything. when you walk down the street you probably think that the hobo’s deserve to be there, instead of helping them, like your bible says to, when for all you know, they could have a perfectly legitimate reason.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 25, 2009 @ 4:45 pm | Reply

  1040. “if your asking an strong atheist to go to church”

    Hmmmph.. so you lied when you said I turned you away from the true faith… you were already and atheist.

    “that’s technically like you trying to taint the church?”

    not at all. The Lord will direct your steps to the right path.

    “they could have a perfectly legitimate reason.”

    of course.. sloth, stupidity, mental defect, lack of self control…

    These are all sins. Look how this miscreant is punished by the Lord!

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 26, 2009 @ 7:10 am | Reply

    • well let god prove his existence, IF god exists let him smite me down this instant………still alive and kicking, and even if god does exist, I remember Martin Luther saying that the salvation is in one’s own hands, being if one leads a good life despite religion he/she shall be rewarded in that great beyond. O and for the record none of you “supposed” christians know what you are talking about, as jesus once said “Love thy neighbor as thyself” so what good would killing your neighbor for his or her beliefs be?

      Comment by The Voice Of Reason — May 30, 2009 @ 12:50 pm | Reply

    • “of course.. sloth, stupidity, mental defect, lack of self control…”

      Fuck you, my brother has a mental defect and was born “stupid” as you basterds would call it, he can’t help it, thats just the way he is, you religious FANATICS make me sick, you have no right to insult the people who can’t help “sinning” being that way…
      And if you say that the “right is given to you by god”, then don’t you always say “GOD, will punish those who sin against him,” so why don’t you just let god do his work and you stick to yourselfs”
      And what’s the worse part, he gets so much bullshit from people any way, that when a person who lives by a book that states “help those in need.” i think to myself no wonder you dicks are getting so much bullshit on this site, because you’re making yourselves and your relidion look like fucking hypocritical fuckers who seriously need to open your eyes and see what bullshit your being taught…

      PS. i know catholics who actually live to the part of the bible that is all about helping, and that made me think, is this the true religion, but after meeting people like you in that catholic community, and reading the bull shit you write i couldn’t be more disgusted at this bullshit, do you know who is actually going to be the one tormented in hell for all eternity… yes, thats right… you…

      PPS i’m 15 and i’ve already realised that furries, like EVERY other human being has the rights to state their opinions and live by them, whether it’s a vice or not.

      Comment by James — December 4, 2009 @ 4:59 am | Reply

  1041. Having a mental defect is a sin?


    I was born with depression that keeps worsening over the years as more and more stress is needing to be dealt with. It also runs in my family, both parents to be exact.

    What about the people with autism, Asperger’s, Alzheimer’s, Down Syndrome, manic depression, psychosis, and etc?

    They were born with it (with the exception of Alzheimer’s) and thus they cannot change it. Will they go to hell over something that wasn’t their choice?

    That’s stupid.

    Comment by Idascumon — May 26, 2009 @ 2:32 pm | Reply

  1042. Leviticus 21:

    18 For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,

    19 Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,

    20 Or crookbacked, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;

    21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

    22 He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy.

    23 Only he shall not go in unto the veil, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them.

    Re-reading my bible I see I have made a mistake. Its not clear that you will be going to hell. You just can’t go into Church.

    But I guess God was mad at you or your parents or something. Why else would He do that to you?

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 27, 2009 @ 7:35 am | Reply

    • So, does that mean God hates blind, deaf and/or dumb people?

      ’cause, you know, God doesn’t hate anyone :/

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 2:30 pm | Reply

  1043. ah, but the message is cryptic, no wonder you didn’t see it.
    if you have a blemish you can’t go into church, but if you love God and understand that God loves you, then you have no blemish, for in Gods eyes you would be perfect, therefore, would it not be the man who goes against God by saying that the man is imperfect, when in genesis 1:27 “we are all made in God’s image”

    and what about corrupt politicions who take jobs and increase taxes to the point people can’t afford there homes anymore. they will live on the streets for the rest of thier short lives, and you will stand there and joke at them and shout from the rooftops at them, how they deserve to die, and how much God hates them, and laugh and jeer at them while they sleep and suffer.
    how much will you scorn the person who comes to help them? how much suffering will impart to that person?

    if you could see the world the way i see it, a brotherhood of imperfection, and misguided souls, trying to help each other find their way to the ultimate place. whether that is 6 feet under, or at “his right hand” is irrelevant. human nature, is to belong. if your athiest then you belong to nature. if your thiest you belong to god. if your agnostic, you have yet to make a decision to whether you believe in God or nature.

    but the bible is a book of law and order, or book of punishment, nor is it a book about war and terror and strife and famine and vengeance. it is about peace and how God’s own son came to show us the way to a better place.
    whether Jesus was truely the so of God was, is, in fact, ireelevent. it the message behind, his actions that will lead EVERYONE to glory.

    and THAT Marty is why you will not obtain the splenders you seek.

    and i think your right in one aspect Marty, i’m not 100% athiest, i’m more of a …….. agnostic, leaning towards athiesm, but mainly because, if you call yourself a man of God, and i worshipped the same God you do, and all you do is punish people for thier sins instead of helping them see the true meaning behind what is good, and what is evil.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — May 28, 2009 @ 5:10 am | Reply

  1044. This is why we must battle the furry menace.

    You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

    Comment by DPS — May 29, 2009 @ 3:39 pm | Reply

  1045. “and THAT Marty is why you will not obtain the splenders you seek.”

    what the heck kind of preverted fantasies do you have? what are these “splenders”???

    “and all you do is punish people for thier sins instead of helping them see the true meaning behind what is good, and what is evil.”

    first, I do not punish anyone, God does. Second, there is no “true meaning” there is either God’s word or vile stinking worm-ridden garbage.

    That’s it. Furries = Evil.. Bible = Good.

    easy enough even for a dog-brain such as yourself.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 31, 2009 @ 5:38 pm | Reply

    • Well, if Bible = Good wouldn’t that mean, those who do not follow Bible = Bad? If that is the case then You = Bad.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 2:51 pm | Reply

  1046. I see that you have nothing to say for yourselves after being confronted with incontrovertible evidence of your depravity, furries. I hope that this means that you have seen the error of your ways and that you are all out of your costumes and in church, instead of spewing hateful bile against Christians and patriots on this blog. I will look forward to hearing about what you learned in church.

    Comment by DPS — May 31, 2009 @ 11:14 pm | Reply

    • I don’t wear a costume…I also don’t go to church…often.
      I never said anything bad about Christians, I just said bad things about you close-minded people who hate anyone that is different than you :/ I also never said anything bad about patriots.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 2:53 pm | Reply

  1047. I haven’t gone to church in years, and from the bullshit I experience with typical ego-inflated and elitist Christians, I’m happy with staying far away.

    Comment by Idascumon — June 1, 2009 @ 10:33 am | Reply

  1048. actually i didn’t reply until know because i have exams, which i stated about 10 posts ago i can’t remember, and i’m to tired to check.

    what you don’t get DPS is that we know there are some freaks out there that still do illegal things, rape, murder, steal. but a higher percentage of christians do that then furries.

    thats like a murderer calling thief!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 2, 2009 @ 7:30 am | Reply

  1049. actually i didn’t reply until know because i have exams, which i stated about 10 posts ago i can’t remember, and i’m to tired to check.

    what you don’t get DPS is that we know there are some freaks out there that still do illegal things, rape, murder, steal. but a higher percentage of christians do that then furries.

    thats like a gang of murderers, being excused for anding over an unarmed burgler!!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 2, 2009 @ 7:30 am | Reply

  1050. “actually i didn’t reply until know because i have exams,”

    I am sorry to hear that….

    its terrible even for heathen scum to suffer so… but, its God’s Will so its ok….

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 3, 2009 @ 7:46 pm | Reply

  1051. Is this the true thoughts of Brownback or another sinkhole attempting to piss people off and cause another flame-war.

    Who knows.

    I wonder why furries bother to come up here to defend themselves; given the conservative nature of this post, it is unlikely that anyone here has the volition to care.

    No matter what they say, ‘normal’ people won’t listen or care. It’s best they acknowledge this and leave church-goers to their looking-glass thoughts of the furry world.

    Comment by Mask — June 4, 2009 @ 1:01 am | Reply

  1052. Do you confess, furries? Do you confess the depths of perversion to which your sick desires will sink? Do you see why we must battle your evil ways?

    Comment by DPS — June 4, 2009 @ 9:30 pm | Reply

  1053. that… story… has… nothing… to do with furries.

    and i never said i was suffering because of exams, just that i may not be on the blog as much.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 7, 2009 @ 2:05 pm | Reply

  1054. woah! oh my… you weird marty, when i said exams i clearly meant High School exams, you strange little fuck-up. that and i’ve said before that i’m a boy, wtf has anything i’m doing got to do with vaginal discharges.

    i think you need to look in the mirror before you said we’re sick and weird.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 7, 2009 @ 2:09 pm | Reply

  1055. well those exams looked painfull… or do you like pain and so they were pleasurable?

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 7, 2009 @ 7:39 pm | Reply


    Oh god.. OH GOD…


    .. Ah… My god..

    Wait… Your serious…?

    …. DAMN.

    Comment by Wolfiephrenic — June 8, 2009 @ 1:30 am | Reply

  1057. that… story… has… nothing… to do with furries

    Yes, the story about the furry who sexually assaulted his dogs and was turned in by his furry friends has “nothing to do with furries.” That’s like saying 9/11 had nothing to do with Islamofascists.

    What I was having trouble figuring out was why his friends turned him in. Don’t furries support molesting animals? But then I realized what it was: the guy with the dogs was keeping them to himself, and the other furries got jealous and turned him in to the cops.

    Comment by DPS — June 8, 2009 @ 8:36 am | Reply

  1058. Child, please tone down the violence and insults in your posts. It is almost as disturbing as your bad habits.

    I can imagine you dressed in your dog costume (because you can’t afford a wolf) banging away at the keyboard with your furry paws, drool flinging from your muzzle. barking.

    Oh Lord protect us!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 10, 2009 @ 2:15 pm | Reply

  1059. I am very upset.

    I now question my support of Sam Brownback as our President. and I question why God would lead me to follow such a flawed and idiotic person.

    I found this today.

    “U.S. Senator Sam Brownback today applauded passage of an amendment to the Indian Health Care Bill offering an official apology from the United States federal government to Native Americans. Senator Brownback has been calling for an apology since 2004.”

    That’s sick! Why should we aplogise to a bunch of heathens who stole the land that Jesus promised to us!

    Since these savages did not privatise land, and since their communities were not established by God, we had a RIGHT to take it.

    We were really very good to the indians and I don’t know why Sam B would want to apologise.

    Maybe he is a secret commie facist?

    I an very confused now.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 12, 2009 @ 7:23 am | Reply

  1060. Wait.. what? I don’t see how this blog promotes christian conservative values at all.. Oh, interesting points, wait..

    “And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately.”

    Hmm, don’t think the bible tells people to handle the situation like that.

    Seems as if President Bush didn’t speak out against furries either, simply human/animal hybrids..

    Actually, come to think of it, nothing in this article merits anyone’s attention. If you are trying to get elected for anything, why make needless enemies with things you can’t correctly rebuke?

    As a fellow geek in internet subculture with trekkies, wow nerds, general fantasy and sci-fi nerds, anonymous, 4chan, and anime otaku’s.. The reach of geekdom is great, and troll’s such as yourself and Psycheout will never earn our respect, nor would we ever want it.

    Comment by Moot Chan — June 13, 2009 @ 11:09 pm | Reply

  1061. Wait.. what? I don’t see how this blog promotes christian conservative values at all.. Oh, interesting points, wait..

    “And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately.”

    Hmm, don’t think the bible tells people to handle the situation like that.

    Seems as if President Bush didn’t speak out against furries either, simply human/animal hybrids..

    Actually, come to think of it, nothing in this article merits anyone’s attention. If you are trying to get elected for anything, why make needless enemies with things you can’t correctly rebuke?

    As a fellow geek in internet subculture with trekkies, wow nerds, general fantasy and sci-fi nerds, anonymous, 4chan, and anime otaku’s.. The reach of geekdom is great, and troll’s such as yourself and Psycheout will never earn our respect, nor would we ever want it.

    Comment by M00t Chan — June 13, 2009 @ 11:20 pm | Reply

  1062. Wait.. what? I don’t see how this blog promotes christian conservative values at all.. Oh, interesting points, wait..

    “And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately.”

    Hmm, don’t think the bible tells people to handle the situation like that.

    Seems as if President Bush didn’t speak out against furries either, simply human/animal hybrids..

    Actually, come to think of it, nothing in this article merits anyone’s attention. If you are trying to get elected for anything, why make needless enemies with things you can’t correctly rebuke?

    As a fellow geek in internet subculture with trekkies, wow nerds, general fantasy and sci-fi nerds, anonymous, 4chan, and anime otaku’s.. The reach of geekdom is great, and troll’s such as yourself and Psycheout will never earn our respect, nor would we ever want it.

    Comment by Anonymous — June 13, 2009 @ 11:27 pm | Reply

  1063. *sigh*
    splenders equal good or amazing things

    i don’t own a fur suit nor will i ever own one

    that story is about bestiality, not furries.

    furries draw animals, bestials have sex with them. they are two seperate things.

    i don’t find pain pleasurable, i find it… well… painful, i find people who find pain arousing very, very, weird.

    facts gentlmen, and ladies, they are facts… what these bible-bashers give is opinions, they believe that their bible tells them one thing. every-one else interprets it differently, they are “Argos” everyone-else is another brand of shops. they say “lets sell things this way” every-one else goes “no”

    they THINK they are right
    we KNOW we’re right.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 14, 2009 @ 7:43 am | Reply

  1064. “As a fellow geek in internet subculture ”

    psshaw… some no-name monkey-head who figure out how to type with one finger.

    are you a full-time furry or do you take your suit off when you go to the bathroom?

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 15, 2009 @ 1:19 pm | Reply

  1065. that story is about bestiality, not furries.

    furries draw animals, bestials have sex with them. they are two seperate things.

    No, that story is about bestiality AND furries. Go and read it again. All of the people involved in the story except the police are self-described furries. They are all great big fur-wearing Furry McFurrysons from Furryton. So, to review:

    dog rapist: confessed furry
    dog rapist’s friends: confessed furries
    dogs: raped by furry
    reason furry was arrested: raping dogs

    We should really have something like the Sex Offender database for all furries, so that we know when there is one living near us. Then we would know whether to put chastity belts on our cats.

    Comment by DPS — June 16, 2009 @ 11:17 am | Reply

  1066. now DPS, are we sure it was rape? THey might have been a committed loving relationship!

    maybe he was arrested because the dog was underage!

    It happens that sometimes even Christian girls have sex and even have babies at 14 without being married, but without being forcibly raped.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 16, 2009 @ 4:24 pm | Reply

  1067. Furrys are hardly bad at all. most of them are nice and very friendly and dont want to have anything to do with hardcore sex with others or with animals. Furry is about Anthro animals. and compared to the shit other people do like the Thousands of porn sites 90% made and filmed in the USA and 2 girls 1 cup. Furry is the smallest of worries.

    Comment by Ssenra — June 18, 2009 @ 11:24 am | Reply

  1068. well atleast ONE of them is starting to think a bit more openly, lol

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 21, 2009 @ 4:42 am | Reply

  1069. “It happens that sometimes even Christian girls have sex and even have babies at 14 without being married, but without being forcibly raped.”

    yes well as long as the boyfriend pays the father for her…

    Exodus 22:16 – 17, “If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, and lies with her, he must pay a dowry for her to be his wife. If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money equal to the dowry for virgins.”

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 22, 2009 @ 7:56 am | Reply

  1070. This isn’t the BC era.

    Comment by Idascumon — June 22, 2009 @ 10:16 am | Reply

  1071. Furrys are hardly bad at all. most of them are nice and very friendly

    That is how Satan seems, too. Are you saying that we shouldn’t oppose Satan? I can’t believe you think you’re doing your cause any favors when you go onto a blog and take an objectively pro-Satan position.

    Furry is about Anthro animals.

    This sounds suspicious to me. Do you mean creating human/animal hybrids? I did not realize that the furries advocated this abomination as well. Every day, new horrors of furrydom come to light. When will we stamp out this blight?!? When will we excise the rot?!?

    2 girls 1 cup

    I’m not sure what you’re referring to here, but I doubt it could be worse than furryism, whatever it is. Are the girls fighting over the cup because there is only one? I can’t say I approve of people battling each other over cups when they could be fighting Islamofascists, but still that seems pretty minor compared to the Satanic furry menace and its dream of an army of perverted hybrid man-rabbits. But maybe that’s just me.

    Comment by DPS — June 22, 2009 @ 3:18 pm | Reply

    • lol, no they don’t xD
      My word, you are all so unbelievably close-minded it’s hard to contain my laughter.

      And 2 girls 1 cup is one of the sickest videos to ever be released on the web. These are your “normal” people defecating in a cup, vomiting on it and ingesting it. Let me tell you, I’d rather be surprised by a video of a furry convention rather than 2 girls 1 cup; instead I got the latter…

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 2:26 pm | Reply

  1072. and yet your fighting furries

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 23, 2009 @ 8:43 am | Reply

  1073. “but still that seems pretty minor compared to the Satanic furry menace . .”

    and so why wouldn’t he fight furries? it is one of the great conflicts of our age. Right after the fight against Lie-brals, Demon-RATS and their Islamo-Facist allies, we are called upon to fight the furry menace.

    and, of course, there is significant overlap between the two. So I will take a furry over my knee and wack its behind with my leather-bound Hendrickson Publishers Deluxe Edition KJV1611.

    Smack! Take that you subversive Demon-RAT!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 23, 2009 @ 10:09 am | Reply

  1074. and yet your fighting furries

    Indeed I am, my demented little friend. Indeed I am. I will go to God knowing that I have done His work on Earth, and perhaps I will be remembered as “Darren Paar Shearer, Scourge of the Furry.”

    It is a good thing that you are not a real furry, by the way; otherwise, there would definitely be some scourging.

    Comment by DPS — June 23, 2009 @ 8:48 pm | Reply

  1075. All I can say to fellow furries, is “Don’t feed the trolls.” We’re better than these fools, so let us smile and wave as they fume over our existance.

    Comment by Garrett D — June 25, 2009 @ 5:30 pm | Reply

  1076. I am not a furry but the really funny thing is that all those comments that are hating on them were probably posted by either hunters(hates animals),nazis(hates anyone different from themselves),or nazi hunters(hates both). So to all you haters out there which category do you fall under? Do you even read what you have typed? A lot of it sounds so ridiculous that I find it hard to comprehend that any TRUE Christian would believe such malarky? Do you forget that Jesus said himself at the stoning “He who is without sin cast the first stone.”? Now tell me who here is without sin and should we stone you for what ever sins you have commited. NO!! Remember that how we judge people does not matter our opinion means nothing if you believe in GOD for H is the one who will be judging you. Jesus preached a message of peace for all He did not put conditions on it so why are we.

    Comment by Pog Mo Thoin — June 29, 2009 @ 5:13 am | Reply

  1077. Now tell me who here is without sin and should we stone you for what ever sins you have commited.

    No, of course you perverted freaks shouldn’t stone anyone: you aren’t without sin! Someone without sin could stone you, though. Like Jesus, for example. Jesus could stone furries.

    I am not a furry

    Why aren’t you a furry? Is there something wrong with being a furry?

    Comment by DPS — June 29, 2009 @ 9:40 am | Reply

  1078. Praise God!

    The Furries have been defeated! banished! EXTERMINATED!

    The Lord is sure and certain, but not always swift it seems, as it has taken Him 1,077 posts to deal with this infestation.

    Thanks God!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 30, 2009 @ 11:45 am | Reply

  1079. Ohi.

    Comment by Idascumon — June 30, 2009 @ 11:56 am | Reply

  1080. HOW??

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — June 30, 2009 @ 1:21 pm | Reply

  1081. because you now all deny that you are furries.

    so you are cured of that perversion and now you just have to accept Jesus into your hearts and start going to Church and giving Him money.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 30, 2009 @ 2:08 pm | Reply

    • xD
      This made me laugh so hard:

      “..accept Jesus into your hearts and start going to Church and giving Him money.”

      Yeah, ’cause that’s what church is all about, giving Jebus some monies xDDD

      Dear Lord, you go to church for God/Jesus. Besides you can’t actually pay Jesus, you’re just paying the church to, most likely, spread hate.

      Also, I’m a furry 😀
      Not a freaky furry, but a furry nonetheless.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — June 30, 2009 @ 2:23 pm | Reply

  1082. Then you don’t know what a furry is. :V

    Comment by Idascumon — June 30, 2009 @ 2:11 pm | Reply

  1083. Jesus doesn’t need money. :V

    Comment by Idascumon — June 30, 2009 @ 2:12 pm | Reply

  1084. You guys are sick and very I don’t wanna say stupid but STUPID people. I am sick and tired of seeing this crap. I am tired of the Anti Bullshit that is going on. If you don’t like what’s going on then don’t look at it! Your not gonna look up Jesus on google and get a furry picture! You have to look for it.What people do in bed is not your business. People like you have nothing to do in their life but nit pick at everything that goes on in the world. Hey about instead of worrying about furries why don’t you worry about CHILD MOLESTERS, CORRUPT POLITICIANS , GLOBAL WARMING, RACISM!!! Also quit hiding behind the bible and throwing that in everyone’s face because guess what the bible says not judge but look at all of you. Who are you to call someone a freak? Who are you to say they are disgusting? You are no one compared to god. You have no right to judge. You do have the right to be humble and follow the lords words and ignore all evils. That’s right I can throw god into this too.

    Comment by Al — June 30, 2009 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

  1085. “Jesus doesn’t need money. :V”

    Of course not, but we are His instrument.

    Psalms 50:10,11 He doesn’t need our money…He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, but He has so chosen to use our money to carry out His work on earth!

    and if we don’t tithe, we are stealing from Him.

    Proverbs 3:9,10


    and He curses those that withhold cash.

    “MALACHI 3:8-9: “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.”

    so get with it and GIVE! (PM me for my paypal account)

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 1, 2009 @ 11:57 am | Reply

  1086. Al,

    how old are you? you sound like a child.

    “Hey about instead of worrying about furries why don’t you worry about …

    CHILD MOLESTERS – why do you think we inform people about the Cat-o-lick Church and its pagan rituals?

    CORRUPT POLITICIANS – why do you think we voted against Osama Hussain and his demon-rat brownshirted thugs?

    GLOBAL WARMING – We do constantly warn people about this facist socialist hoax! It is merely a way to tax white males and give their Hummers to lazy wefare persons.

    RACISM – Thank GOD we have moderates such as Alito and Roberts on the Supreme Court to protect us against RACISTS such as that ShoddyMeyer.

    and anyway, this is a post about the terrible plague of furry freaks that want to drag our children into their basements and force their “plushy pandas” on them and chortle with glee.

    I see a dark future if we allow these wierdos to take over our government and trash the Christian Constitution of the United States.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 1, 2009 @ 12:05 pm | Reply

  1087. wow you remind me of a gig that that russell howard did on live at the apollo about upper class people and fox hunting.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — July 2, 2009 @ 12:15 am | Reply

  1088. Wow you say I sound like a child? ” and anyway, this is a post about the terrible plague of furry freaks that want to drag our children into their basements and force their “plushy pandas” on them and chortle with glee.

    I see a dark future if we allow these wierdos to take over our government and trash the Christian Constitution of the United States.”

    Don’t you think that’s over the top? Since when did being a furry mean you like little kids? That’s like saying all priest like their little alter boys.

    Look, I agree the whole furry thing is WEIRD however I don’t think it’s dangerous. It wont have people go grab your children and rape them it wont cause people to rape their dogs. The people who do that shouldn’t be roped in with the whole…erm…furry culture…

    Everyone is blowing this out of proportion. I bet if we found out what was going on behind your closed doors we would be absolutely disgusted.

    However besides all that you do have a right not expose your children to this.You do have a right not to participate in the “furry culture”. However you do not have a right to persecute these people and you do not have a right to call the disgusting or classify them as dangerous.

    Also if you have a problem with the furry stuff STOP LOOKING AT IT! As I said before it’s not constantly shoved into your face in fact you pretty much have to look it up to see all that stuff and in some cases you have to be looking for a very long time.

    I apologize if my ideas are all over the place but there is just so much I have to say.

    Comment by Al — July 2, 2009 @ 3:28 pm | Reply

  1089. Al,

    “it wont cause people to rape their dogs”

    try to keep up:

    “Washington “Furry” sentenced to 30 days in jail for having sex with his 2 dogs
    Associated Press

    CHEHALIS, Wash. – A Washington state man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for having sex with his two dogs Troy Whitson entered an Alford plea Monday in Lewis County Superior Court, meaning he admitted no wrongdoing but acknowledged he’d likely be convicted.

    Prosecutor Michael Golden said Whitson is a member of a group known as Furries who identify with animals and dress the part in makeup, ears and tail.

    Golden says Furries gather for having sex with animals as part of their normal behavior. He says two of Whitson’s Furry friends witnessed the animal sex and turned him in because they were jealous the dogs liked him better than them”

    It happens ALL THE TIME….

    and YES furries are all over the place with their disgusting antics! This guy thinks he’s a pink cow or something…

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 2, 2009 @ 7:26 pm | Reply

  1090. So by your logic.

    All black people like fried chicken and watermelon
    All white people smell like lemon pledge.
    All Mexicans are illegal
    All Asians are smart.
    All Arabic people work at gas stations.
    All Priest rape little boys.
    All Furries rape their dogs.

    Am I right?

    Comment by Al — July 4, 2009 @ 1:48 am | Reply

  1091. Also your picture comes from a new comedy movie. By the same people who made Borat. That is not real….he ordered a black baby and got it out of a box at the airport.

    Comment by Al — July 4, 2009 @ 1:51 am | Reply

  1092. where do i begin? lets start simple not all furries wear diapers, usually its only the babyfurs abult babies or diaper loves, basics out of the way…


    why? because within our fandom (yes im a furry) only 4% have sex in suits the rest of us ignore/hate these people! and if you dont like they way some of us have sex consider this 1. if your a fan of darwinism you are a monkey, if you a fan of creationism then you have to believe that eve was a whore because there was only her and adam and they populated the entire earth!
    2. sex is sex! i dont like people that want to be chained to a bed for sex its wrong! its stupid!
    3. bush did no such thing you idiot and even if he did obama opened the medical resaeching back up and allowed stem cell research!

    seriously man… do some fucking research before you say things and the whole beat your child thing, thats illegal! if someone parents beat them the kids can sue their parents and then be done with it!

    Comment by furry — July 4, 2009 @ 6:33 am | Reply

  1093. and seriously to everyone else? stop acting like you have to obey the bible and listen to someone whose been dead for over a thousand years… you
    “christians” think your sooooo good… but consider this! every race of people has their own “god” they bow before and lose thier world into you do the most horrable things in the name of your gods! hitler slaughtered jews, you kill indians, eygyptians sactificed animals, the norse declared wars, the romans concured the world! THINK YOU FUCKING IDIOTS! THERE IS NO GOD!!!!! YOUR HIDING BEHIND THIS WORD SO YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU PLEASE!!!!!!!

    Comment by furry — July 4, 2009 @ 6:38 am | Reply

  1094. So you believe in the trafficing of human babies? Those you don’t kill through abortions you sell on the open market?! That’s digusting. and you think its funny.

    “So by your logic. ”

    so you are a racist as well. Al, you seem to have a lot of problems. Have you ever been to a True Christian church? A Baptist church? You should go sometime because I see that you are filled with hatred of you fellows and loathing for yourself.

    You can bathe in the Blood of Jesus and wash those sins away!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 5, 2009 @ 9:40 am | Reply

  1095. Are you a complete idiot or what? NO I don’t believe in trafficking human children, I WAS TELLING YOU ABOUT A MOVIE!! You got your “evidence” of a man in a pink suit from a MOVIE!!! I listed the baby thing because I would hope you would understand how unrealistic the movie it was…because it is a fictional MOVIE!!! Because you are so thick headed let me explain a fictional movie is a story with moving pictures that is NOT real.
    I am not Racist either I listed common stereotypes that were obviously not true to show you that you were doing the same thing. Since you don’t seem to understand simple logic I will break it down for you even more..

    When you say “all Furries rape their dogs”’s the same as saying “all Asians are smart”

    Just so you know my father and grandfather are reverends.

    Comment by Al — July 5, 2009 @ 4:49 pm | Reply

  1096. How is that helmet fitting? snug?

    First, I said it happens all the time. NOT that all you disgusting smelly animal wannbes rape your dogs! that’s silly. some of you don’t have dogs. (but I guess you can rent them…)

    But anyway.. you said:

    “it wont cause people to rape their dogs”

    I I showed you that these furries raped their dogs proving you wrong.

    and I did not even get a thank you!

    You father and grand’fer must be very sad.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 5, 2009 @ 7:48 pm | Reply

  1097. How did that prove being a furry made him rape his dog? What if he was into bestiality and was using a furry as a cover up.
    You never know..and your text doesn’t prove that..because it doesn’t know. Also please don’t try to say “you” to try to imply that I am a furry.

    I am not sure if I have made this clear but I do find that furry people are weird. I do not agree with what they do. However as an American I do believe that they have the right do as they please when they are not harming anyone or anything. I also believe that they should not be judged and as Christian you should remain humble and let god take care of those who commit sins and since it has been thrown around “he who is without sin may cast the first stone”

    I also don’t believe on how the article promotes beating your children..and invading their privacy.

    Comment by Al — July 7, 2009 @ 3:33 am | Reply

  1098. Shocking, child abuse promoter demonizes group of people that embrace childhood ideologies. Seriously, furries are really just very open accepting people that are willing to set aside reality for a bit to have some fun. They’re a lot of fun even just to watch, try it sometime.

    Comment by Whitek — July 7, 2009 @ 7:08 am | Reply

  1099. “I also don’t believe on how the article promotes beating your children..and invading their privacy.”

    Yes, well obviously you’ve never even read the Bilbe so you don’t know the best way to control children.

    and you don’t even capitalise God’s name.

    Are you a Satan worshipper? or a pagan? I heard they both refuse to spell God with a capital “G.”

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 7, 2009 @ 8:07 am | Reply

  1100. Please tell me this is satirical. Furry-ness can be taken to perverted levels, but so can anything else. That doesn’t make it inherently sick and wrong. Goodness gracious, calm down.

    Comment by Mary — July 7, 2009 @ 5:29 pm | Reply

  1101. I tire of this argument. Do you see what your doing? When you are backed into a wall and when you are proven wrong you try to hide behind the bible. You scream Devil worshiper. I think that deep down you know that you are wrong and I also think that you have some problems within your mind. You will always nit pick at everything and call it unholy..even at typos such as not capitalizing God’s name. In your mind if people do not agree with you then they are going to hell,in your mind you are right and you are the walking example of a perfect Christian.

    So shame on me for my hypocrisy and judging you. Shame on me for being angry and not staying humble.I am wrong for casting dirty words at a person as sick as you.I hope that God will heal you and I do hope you live a good life even though you are filled with hate and judgment.

    I shall turn the other cheek and be on my way. There is no reasoning with people like you and there is no use in ruining my day over a poor soul such as yourself.

    May God bless you and may you learn to love.

    Comment by Al — July 7, 2009 @ 6:01 pm | Reply

  1102. Al, I didn’t realise that we were arguing. I thought you were seeking some answers to your questions about the evils of furries and how to protect your family.

    I see that you are blind to this threat. At least you are ashamed of your actions so maybe there is hope for you.

    Here, take this test of your child rearing skills.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 8, 2009 @ 8:06 am | Reply

  1103. I’ll admit I’m a furry. I’ll ALSO admit I’m Catholic, you conservatives have no clue what your talking about. Everything you see that’s disgusting in your eyes is evil.

    My definition of a furry, “One who expresses themselves through art of anthropomorphic fantasy and imagination”

    And what the fuck…
    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”

    You’re talking about telling teens parents to beat their kids because they’re in the fandom? BAH. You’re a cruel person. You expect these kids to get beaten for being in the fandom and have their parents THANK them for being beaten? I’m a Catholic furry… Who gives a shit? I believe if I stay straight, follow the Bible, and keep away from the scum of the fandom (stay on the clean side of it), I’ll still meet God even though I was a furry.

    These so-called “Dog-fuckers”, “fursuit yiffers”, and “furry porn artists” that you see are just the fucking scum of our fandom. You haven’t seen the cleaner side, at all.

    On a side note:
    Take another look at Matthew

    Matthew 22.34-40
    Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
    “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[a] This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'[b] All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

    Anyone who wishes to reply to chew me out may as well not, because I’m not replying to anything ^^ Have a nice day, God bless. Please pray that God gives you conservatives the right moral later on.

    Comment by None of anyones business — July 8, 2009 @ 8:52 am | Reply

  1104. screw your god.
    genetically engineered human-animal hybrids for the fun of it.

    and for rape. and lots of it.

    also, speaking in terms of how factually accurate you are in your arguments there, sorry buddy, your article is a pile of horseshit. from where do you get your information? 4chan? Encyclopedia Dramatica? At least if you want to mock our fandom, you could bother to get the facts right.

    Comment by Alexander — July 9, 2009 @ 6:29 pm | Reply

  1105. First Of All. Who Ever Was The Author Of This Article Was, I Admire You For Causing Such A Stir, Not Only Did You Make Me Waste A Hour Of Reading Comments,But You Also Showed My Corporation On How Not To Act In Society.

    First Of All You Must Realize That Taking Prejudice Against A People( Chances Are In Your Mind You Consider Them Abominations, But Still They Band Together Under One Label And That Makes Them People) Can Influence Many Furry Fans Into Causing The Gruesome Death Of Your Very Being. Now Here At Kynetic Inc. We Do Understand Your Obsessed Passion For Our Heavenly Lord, But You Need To Realize That Your Obsessive Passion Has Actually Clouded Your Mind And Soul.Sadly, Due To These Clouded Thoughts, Youve Tricked Yourself Into Believing That Anyone Who Catagorizes Themselves As A Mammalian Or Reptilian Anthropomorphic Being Is A Sick Misguided Human Who Deserves A Painful Demise.What You Need To Realize Is That God Loves All, No Matter What They Do. If One Commits The Act Of Murder Or Theivery He Shall Still Love Them.If One Follows A Homosexual Or Bisexual Lifestyle He Shall Still Love Them. And Of Course If One Follows A Furry Lifestyle He Shall Still Love Them. Now Do As Your God Does And Follow A Lifestyle Of Love And Joy,Not Hate And Prejudice

    Comment by Kynetic Inc. — July 9, 2009 @ 10:18 pm | Reply

  1106. I think Al should be forbidden from commenting while he is menstruating. He is unclean at that time, and also very unpleasant.

    Comment by DPS — July 9, 2009 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

  1107. So should you.

    Comment by Idascumon — July 9, 2009 @ 11:15 pm | Reply

  1108. 1100th post.

    Comment by Idascumon — July 9, 2009 @ 11:19 pm | Reply

  1109. FUCK god!
    FUCK the government!
    and more importantly FUCK YOU!

    Ya know, one of my greatest fuckin’ role models of the modern age would put all of you dip shits in your place… her name is Otep Shamaya and I fuckin dare you to get in her face with your bullshit views. Fuck, even when you ass holes try to put some one like Marilyn Manson down, he points out who the real fuckin looser is.
    The only solution is REVOLUTION and I can not wait for the day when religion becomes a pathetic relic of the past.

    Comment by ximix — July 10, 2009 @ 4:22 pm | Reply

  1110. I laughed and laughed at this article. You seek the bad in things of course you’ll find it. I’m not the kind of furry this article speaks of not at all, I like animals over humans for friends because Humans judge, this article is solid proof of that. I’m sure if I said Child Bondage every last one of you who reads this automatically thinks OMG PEDO call the cops!!

    furry doesn’t have to be sexual, just like bondage doesn’t have to be as well. Learn to be a little more open minded, at least enough to where you can get to know the person before you decide they should be condemned.

    Comment by Proud Furry — July 11, 2009 @ 2:11 am | Reply

  1111. Once again furries attack!

    A poor 45 year old mother was lured into diviant sex by a “Furry”. A previously normal Christian woman was led into depravity and illegal activities by this monster!

    We should use the FEMA camps to house these cultists until we can figure out a more permanent solution.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 13, 2009 @ 9:42 am | Reply

  1112. I am so happy that Our Chosen Future President has stopped talking about kissing Indians rear-ends and has renewed his efforts to rid this world of Furries.

    The devil Obama will NOT succeed in his plan to create a mutant army of socialisitc-facist Islamic Griffen-Men.

    Praise the Lord!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 16, 2009 @ 11:18 am | Reply

    • Now hold on! Im indian and im a furry but you do not disrespect ANY OTHER RACE. Hes black okay your racist i used to be christian UNTIL
      I saw the hate in the christian religion and i am now an athiest now go die K THX BAI

      Comment by JAmes Richt Shephris — August 10, 2009 @ 2:07 am | Reply

  1113. I hate to break it to you Marty McPain, but that indicent at Fort Collins is not the fault of furries, much less the 16-year-old in question, but rather is the fault of Ms. Michels herself… What she did was to take advantage of a child (a relatively mature child, but a child none-the-less), an issue that (sadly) is rather common in our society and is nothing whatsoever to do with furries…

    Indeed, based on the infomation in the article, Ms. Michels was actually using the furry fandom in order to meet children, much in the same way that many pedophiles hang around schools, playgrounds or indeed anywhere else with relatively easy access to children… So exactly how was Ms. Michels “lured” if she was the one exploting the fandom to get access to a child in order to satisfy her own illegal urges?


    Comment by Captain Trek — July 23, 2009 @ 12:28 am | Reply

  1114. @Marty McPain
    Fuck you. Furries have been around FAR before Obama. Also, an hero. Now.

    11/10. Would rage again.

    Comment by rapaxpringer — July 25, 2009 @ 6:26 pm | Reply

  1115. Hahahaha, I can’t believe the sheer number of dim bulbs that thought the original post was for real. And what is even funnier is that most of them seem to be furries; I always thought the furry fandom was the dumbest accumulation of slack-witted mouth-breathers in the history of forever, who couldn’t identify satire or irony if it ran up and bit them on the butt, but it’s always nice to see it confirmed 🙂

    Comment by J.T. Penrod, Esq. — July 27, 2009 @ 5:11 pm | Reply

  1116. Mr. Penrod,

    The threat of the furry menace is very real I assure you. You can see how they deny the harm they cause like Capn Trek, or they become violent and irrational, like this Rapaz wierdo.

    These people will stop at nothing to brainwash young and old into their wierd cult.

    and they specifically seek out Christian women to corrupt. White Christian Women are their favorite targets! Prepare yourself and be on guard!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 28, 2009 @ 11:28 am | Reply

  1117. “Furries have been around FAR before Obama”

    well yes my frothing furry, but its Obama who is adding “islamic” to the normal socialistic-facist furry monsters.

    I think it was Hitler who started the furry craze. You are all probably acting out some of his experiments.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 29, 2009 @ 12:39 pm | Reply

  1118. Furries strike again!

    These people are preverted!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 29, 2009 @ 1:12 pm | Reply

  1119. yeah your one to talk you fucking nazi im not a furry but i can tell you what your saying is completely wrong and you should be put to death for what you just said…furries (although they may be a bit weird) Are not some sexually deprived group of men trying to finnaly lose there virginity buy having some sort of gay sex orgy. its just a bunch of people deciding that maybe they would like to try something different for once maybe they would like to socialize as something other than themselves. oh and as for your post on anime…I WATCH ANIME “OH MY GOD THERE USING MAGIC ITS SO DEMONIC!!!…hey you guys wanna go see harry potter.” and most people in asia dont beileve in god? WHAT? WHAT? i mean that is just so fucking idiotic and stupid i cant even describe it most people there are buhddist, christian , or catholic. shut up your a dumb ass i have nothing further to say to you…

    Comment by Steven Nicholson — August 1, 2009 @ 3:49 am | Reply

  1120. Wow. Gotta love when people have no tolerance for other people. You should know furries aren’t all sex-crazed morons, like most non-furries are. Deny it all you want, you know that if you’re not then at least half your friends are. The difference with furries is that we accept what we are and embrace it rather than hiding everything from everyone else. Grow up, get a life, and get your fursuit out of the closet you’re clearly in.

    Comment by Reynard Loustaunau, The Crimson Fox — August 2, 2009 @ 12:56 am | Reply


    Comment by Ahahaha — August 2, 2009 @ 4:31 am | Reply

  1122. “you should be put to death for what you just said”

    Is ANYONE still in doubt about the menace to our society and white christian women posed by these creatures?

    They will stop and nothing to achieve their goals, which apparently include forcing everyone to wear bunny costumes so the wolf furries can attack us with their fake fangs!

    Vile spawn of Hell! Go back to Satan your master and tell him you have FAILED!!!

    God will protect us! Open up the FEMA camps and start throwing in the furries!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 4, 2009 @ 1:08 pm | Reply

  1123. Gah, yet another article written by some dumbass who knows nothing about something and tries to make like he knows everything when he’s about as clueless as I sound. Why don’t you say “all furries have sex with plushies” or “all furries have sex in fursuit” or “all furries have sex, period!” Oh my God! Furries have sex??? You’re kidding me! You don’t know how acenine your “blog” sounds. Why don’t you do some real research for a change and quit judging things you only see from afar? Why don’t you come in here to the fandom then if you think you’re a hot shot, I’d love to see you here! From a family man perspective here, the furry fandom is NOT and for the final fucking time, NOT what you think it is! Yes there is sex that goes on and yes there is porn, but that is only enjoyed by those who seek it or fantasize about it. Getting all hyped up like that is almost like saying “all Star Trekkies are sickos because one die-hard trekkie fan decided to shove a plastic communicator up his ass and call it a dildo.” We don’t all engage in that type of activity, my friend, and furthermore, we do have families in here and the last thing we need is for you to come in with your slander that has no relevance or thought process whatsoever. So before you write another slanderous article, why don’t you do a little research for once in your selfish, decrepid life? Oh, that’s right, you don’t have a life, you’re too busy exploiting the lives of others. My mistake, I thought you were a “person”, not some big bag of hot gas just waiting to stink up another part of the world. Why don’t you put down your precious touch-screen phone and remove your head out of your ass and subscribe to reality for a change? End of connvo.

    Comment by stardog champion — August 4, 2009 @ 2:38 pm | Reply

  1124. firstly to all those condoning killing and such as well as religious extremism (yes it can be aplied to ANY religion) I say

    You people really make me laugh with the ripe you come out with, second, I’d like to say that even if I did live in america I proabably still wouldnt have heard of you. the Ed is proving only that he’s akin to a readolescent with no real valuable opinions and only able o make snidey half assed insults (yeah I know I’ll get mine too, but be creative this time for the love of..DOG)

    And yes I’m both a Furry, gay and a non Christian, shove therianthropy in your Biblical pipe and smoke it you nut job.

    And here I thought we’d surpassed letting hicks gain any kind of power…

    Comment by and then... I LOL'd — August 5, 2009 @ 7:45 pm | Reply

  1125. “We don’t all engage in that type of activity, my friend”

    First, unless you are right with Jesus you are no friend of mine. And you can’t be right with the Lord unless you shed yourself of this evil perversion.

    Second, – You admit that engage in fur-sex-porn and shove things up your butt. How is that acceptable in a normal society?

    Third, “and furthermore, we do have families in here ”

    what? you have whole families inside a fursuit? what like now you do horse or jackass suits with more than one person inside? and doing what?

    You make me SICK!!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 6, 2009 @ 7:57 am | Reply

  1126. interesting how no one commenting here against us Furries will or has atualy done their own research on FURRY sites, instead of all of these rediculous joke sites. hav many articles, each covering some group or other and how wacked out they are, why not try typing in christianity?

    better yet go have a look at Urban dictionary or encyclopedia dramatica on Brownback or Christianity.

    I also find it interesting how he managed to “investigate” the fact we have conventions, yet his amazing nivestigatie skills seem to have missed out the fact that each one raises thousands of dollars of money for charities and local causes,the larger gatherings such as Anthrocon as mentioned in the article have since their first event raised revenues for the host cities which always gets overlooked and its current home of Pittsburgh actually contacted the chairman in a bid to convnce him to let them host it, which has been the case since 2001

    Comment by and then... I LOL'd — August 6, 2009 @ 12:54 pm | Reply

  1127. *clears throat* Uh, did anyone notice that the site linked to as a “Guide for the Recovering Furry” is the site called Crush Yiff Destroy? It’s mostly a joke site. You know, for the lulz?

    Obviously, this article was very poorly researched.

    Comment by howodd — August 10, 2009 @ 1:43 am | Reply

  1128. Obviously, this article was very poorly READ, by you!

    This important piece of investigative journalism is a WAKE-UP call to all True Christians ™ and True Americans ™.

    Furries are secretly plotting to ally with Islamo-Facist Socialistic half-humans to take over this country. The BEST country in the world! THE USA!

    These people were not even BORN in America! We need to protect the children!

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 10, 2009 @ 12:54 pm | Reply

  1129. “Furries are secretly plotting to ally with Islamo-Facist Socialistic half-humans to take over this country. ”

    wow, congratulations on your ability to regurgitate a dictionary mid post McPain. Get thy head from up they posterior orifice and go research it yourself if you think its all true, and take a chill pill while you’re at it

    Comment by and then... I LOL'd — August 11, 2009 @ 6:33 pm | Reply

  1130. Ha!

    I see you don’t deny it. at least you are not a liar. I’ll give you credit for that.


    Comment by Marty McPain — August 12, 2009 @ 8:04 am | Reply

  1131. You Dick. The more guys that are into the “Furry” thing; the better chance normal human males, like myself, have of getting a girlfriend. Its advantageous for me, so good riddance to the lot of you.

    Comment by Jarvis — August 12, 2009 @ 10:55 pm | Reply

  1132. socialistic? possibly, but thats me personally and not a majority representation of furries. as far as I’m aware none of us are Islamo-facist and just as a suggestion, why not go to the nearest convention and see for your self what actualy happens, sit down and talk to furries in person rather than hiding behind an internet forum with all these negtive preconceptions about a group of people who have never done a thing wrong to you or the Christian way of life.

    We simply defend ourselves from false negativity being circulated and yet as in all groups the agreeably disgusting minority have the loudest voices. I agree that those who DO do the unspeakable to animals need to be locked up. those who do partake of intercourse while suited are a bit deranged and out of touch with the rest of the human race I agree, but is it any wonder when even members of prominant religions such as Christianity lower themselves to slander and finger-pointing accusations to entire groups at the drop of a hat.

    While I would never condone it myself I see no difference between those who dress up as animals while in the bedroom and those who like to tie each other to the bed or even those who like to wear a certain set of lingere reserved for such a use.

    And as a final marginally humerous closing of this post I provide two links on christianity curtesey of Urban dictionary and encyclopedia dramatica

    I will add that Encyclopedia dramatica even chooses to compare Christians to furries in their article and that some content of both of these may offend

    the purpose of these links is to demonstrate how ANY group of people can be accused of terrible, disgusting, hateful and completely un-true acts. yet there are those who would believe either of these opinionated views of christianity and take them to heart without ever actually taking time to speak to chritians or even research the religion themselves in such way as several of the Christian representatives on this blog have done to Furries.

    And now seriously with trolling and petty insults aside I ask that both sides, Christians and Furries go and research the other themelves instead of relying on the articles view which, being only one view is biased in nature because of the very fact that it IS only one persons view.

    Comment by and then... I LOL'd — August 13, 2009 @ 2:07 pm | Reply

  1133. Just as a preface, this article made my day! 😀

    “And furries are completely sick and wrong,” President Bush later added, off the record.”

    Good thing you were there, to bring this undocumented, fictitious report directly to the public 😀

    “I have skimmed through a couple of furry forums, completely disturbed by what I read there, winced at some furry ‘art’ and found a lot more frightening research material.”

    I understand what happened here. You got caught looking and to cover your tracks you wrote this article, it all makes sense.
    I am sure part 2 just had to wait until you could reload 😀

    Comment by now that's entertainment! — August 15, 2009 @ 7:45 am | Reply

  1134. Its probably not even worth it for me to post anything here because it seems sort of stupid to considering some of the intelect presented here, but I’m bored, want to post, and find this article fascinating.

    I don’t understand why anyone would even give half of a crap about what other people are doing in their own bedrooms. Seriously, this is dumb. I don’t like having people throw their sexualities in anyone’s face either, but as far as I know MOST furries don’t do that anyways. As far as all the hateful words that people are throwing back and forth to each other its a real laugh to see some of the stuff you say. All I can say is wow, some people are really that stupid in this world. I served four years in the US Air Force for the freedom of speech, yes, but sometimes its best to shut your fucking dirt traps because it reveals the ignorant basterds that you are. As for the people who actually think they are animals thats odd, but I won’t say shit to you. You do what you want because thats whatever you want to believe. You “Christians” should be ashamed of yourself for saying some of the shit you said. I’m a Catholic, and not the best one out there mind you, but God and Jesus did’nt say to persecute each other and that he is infact understanding. You’re the reasons why so many people turn from God. Since when is is good to a Christian to have people turn from God, huh? For that, you are of the worst Christians I have ever read about. You so called “Pro-American” people, for once, shut the fuck up. I love this country and fought for this myself and have a great love for this land but you’re seriously making this place look like a peice of crap with the way you talk. If you really were “Pro-American” you would not give a shit what youre neighbor does unless it brought harm to you, you’re family, or you’re land. These people are totally harmless. Let these people live whatever their American dream is. To the people who think there are real animal-hybrids, if you have any sort of education in that thick skull of yours you’d know thats not fucking possible. You guys who think all of America is like this you’re dead wrong. Its just the real sick fucks who post violent and asshole shit like some of the worst stuff is on here. Most of America does’nt give a crap in the field of the other persons sex life and God I hope it stays that way. If there was another fucking Czar in this country and it was for sex practices, I’d vomit because America is’nt supposed to be that way. For you asswhipes who think “all furries are gay” or “gay guys” or “all into sex”, you’re freaking retarded. Being Gay isnt a bad thing in my opinion. You can’t help who you fall in love with damn it. And as for I myself, I dress up as a animal for the shits and giggles of it. I don’t go to furry-cons or anything like that, I just love to see the reactions of peoples faces when I walk by because I have the guts to do a lot of shit other people would’nt do because some times I have to make life funny for me because of you serious-assed basterds. Sometimes, its freaking great to see what people do when you walk downtown with a “fursuit” on or ride on the back of a Harley Davidson. Sometimes, it makes peoples day. I don’t know even know if I would be considered a furry at this point, but because I dress up like this for pleasure I guess I am. And for the record, I’m a chick who’s with a guy I’m getting married to. Also I’ve not met a person who has the guts to come up to me and tell me I’m a sick fuck because offline, you don’t have the damn nuts/ovaries/ or anything even related to sex organs to do so. Y’all are so tough online, but honestly, if you don’t like something, go to the person themselves and say so. Go to a furry-con or furr-convention or whatever and yell it at them that you don’t like it. Then I might actually respect you in the way I respect small invertibrates that invade my outside garbage cans. Me and my boyfriend wouldnt put up with the shit either. And seriously…. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE WEARING FURSUITS OF NAKING PEOPLE WITH THEIR CHIDLREN?!?! Those are the sick fucks we should be worried about. Damn.

    I know some of you retards who religeously post here like its the only thing you do will probably post something in reply to me, but I won’t even give my time to you. You’re not worth it. I have things like watch ideots on YouTube and looking at useless crap on eBay to do rather than reply to you. Anyone else who is like minded and really doesnt give a shit about what other people do in the privacy of their own homes, aren’t Christian Haters, Hater Christians, Anti-American, Pro-Stupid American (and I told you what I ment about this one), Ignorant, and Pin Heads, you rawk.

    Comment by Ghost Hunter — August 25, 2009 @ 11:09 pm | Reply

  1135. Ghost Humper,

    “These people are totally harmless”

    you could not be more wrong. The vile nature of the furry threat is well documented. These people want to hunt down and capture pure christian women for fullfillment of their sordid desires.

    Also, I don’t think you presented a fully formed argument for your view. You should try to write more clearly.



    Comment by Marty McPain — August 29, 2009 @ 9:05 pm | Reply

  1136. Came back to take a look…more than a year has passed since I made my arguments on this very board. Meh, still the same though. Marty is still insulting and hating everyone, just about everyone else is still exchanging degrading comments with him. If you want an honest opinion, just stop arguing and wasting your time. That’s all it is after all, a waste of time. The problem of furry discrimination will not be solved over an argument in the comments section of a piece of pseudo-Christian propaganda. Think about it, this entire article is about shedding the worst possible light on the furry fandom, and furs, whether you realize it or not, YOU ARE HELPING THEM!!! By replying to all of Marty’s comments and insulting him, you are giving him (and them, whoever they may be) more dirt to spread about the fandom. You are helping him to his goal; to shed the worst possible light on furs in general. The smartest thing to do? STOP RESPONDING TO THIS!! Think of this as a “glimmer of reason.” Just stop responding, and we can leave Marty to his little hate games.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — August 29, 2009 @ 11:54 pm | Reply

  1137. wow, i live in kansas, can’t believe i’ve never seen this article before.

    However, the argument is invalid due to it’s choice of unreliable sources and lack of citations and supporting evidence.

    Comment by Casey — August 30, 2009 @ 11:04 am | Reply

  1138. I love GOD.

    I read and follow the Bible.

    I don’t hate anyone. I am commanded by God to tell people that they are offensive to Him, that they are going to hell to get raped by Satan, and that they can be saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and by giving up their perversions and living a Christian Life.

    and remember, eternal damnation to torture in Hell while the Saved ™ look on and laugh is no game.

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 30, 2009 @ 11:50 am | Reply

  1139. According to current psychological figures:

    1 in 3 serial killers are under the belief in a form of religious empowerment, either in contact with or knowing about a christian style god-like entity.
    1 in 4 rapists also have this belief.

    80% of those people who classify themselves as a strict christian upbringing have mental illness, a history of mental illness or have more than 2 family members suffering from mental illnesses.

    on average, 45% of American people classify themselves as having a fetish in some form or other, and a predicted 1 in 5 males and 1 in 3 females are attracted to the opposite sex in a sexual manner.

    I have plenty more of these type figures.

    Comment by Mellr0 — August 31, 2009 @ 10:00 am | Reply

  1140. Well here is a figure for you…

    100% of furries are going to HELL!

    because they mock God and worship graven images! because they engage in deviant non-procreative sex!

    is that clear enough for you? I have plenty more of these figures.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 3, 2009 @ 8:11 am | Reply

  1141. I wont comment on this… i don´t think its harmful when it’s not in sexual context but i am kind of tired to always write here.
    I will only post about one thing…
    How can you say your previous article about anime was well approved when i read all the comments and only like…2 were approving your words and everybody else was calling you names?
    Reflect about it.

    Comment by Manon — September 9, 2009 @ 3:24 am | Reply

  1142. I feel bad for people that believe in Hell. That’s gotta make life really suck if you ascribe a certain group’s set of beliefs regardless to those that define or would potentially define yourself to result in your immortal destruction. Seems a pretty odd thing to subject yourself to.

    Comment by Whitek — September 10, 2009 @ 5:14 am | Reply

  1143. Well I feel bad for people who are GOING to Hell. Really, I do.

    and your thinking is confused. First, by following the Bible, I KNOW I am not going to Hell, so that’s good for me. Second, its not something that you “subject” yourself to… its real and its gonna happen to sinners and unbelievers. Its not something that you can change or agree to, or opt out of.

    I will pray for all furries:

    Dear Lord, please see fit to change the hearts of all deviants especially furries so that they forgo their evil ways and return to Your good grace so that you don’t have to give them to Satan to torture and rape for all eternity.

    Please Lord for this I pray.

    there .. feel better?

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 10, 2009 @ 8:16 am | Reply

  1144. You religious zealots are all alike. Trying to scare the masses with your microscopic views in to our world. Rather than concentrate on the more sexually active furries, you could actually do some real research, not blinded by your religious preference and get the truth out there. Here’s what’s true, there are thousands upon hundreds of thousands of us furries, yes many of us do partake in the yiffing and the roleplay and all the stuff you’ve highlighted for everyone, however, there’s also many furries who enjoy being a furry just because it’s fun. I mean really, where else but the internet can you dress up like an animal and not be called a psycho? For a lot of us, it’s good clean fun. Also, I, as many other furries am a devout Christian, and if I’m not mistaken Christianity teaches tolerance for those with different beliefs than us, that tolerance is what separates us from the murderous crusaders who slaughtered hundreds of thousands in God’s name. Really you’re all the same, separating people, trying to divide us in to groups and condemn us to Hell as if you were God himself. If God sees fit to damn us then that is His concern, not yours, but I think you and I’ll be burning together if I end up in Hell, let he who is without sin cast the first stone ya know…

    Comment by One of the millions — September 10, 2009 @ 9:09 pm | Reply

  1145. Imagine a world without haters, religion, and furries…. would be a lot less people huh? Stop subjecting your religion on everyone ok? Seriously, Christianity is a dying religion, muslims will kill each other and jews.. are just there… let people be people. What do furries do thats so wrong that conflicts with YOU and YOUR family?if you want furries gone, get rid of cartoons and Disney movies too. God hates Christians not furries or gays or democrats

    Comment by Nemo Wolf — September 10, 2009 @ 9:35 pm | Reply

  1146. There’s a reason that furries don’t dress as sheep….usually 😉

    Comment by Whitek — September 13, 2009 @ 3:18 am | Reply

  1147. and what “reason” would that be?

    Wolf Furries?

    I heard of a whole Bo-Peep type thing going on with lots of fat middle age guys dressed as sheep.


    Comment by Marty McPain — September 14, 2009 @ 12:32 pm | Reply

  1148. Amazing. Evidently the Internet contains an inexhaustible supply of angry furries who will comment on this thread for as long as the Internet exists.

    As the Good Book says, “Men go and come, but enraged furries abide.”

    Comment by DPS — September 16, 2009 @ 7:44 pm | Reply

  1149. Rev 21:8

    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

    yep… that’s them furries for sure.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 21, 2009 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  1150. Your one sick puppy, er sheep, Marty. If you behave, we’ll accept you despite your Bo-Peep perversion but, really, ewww, just because we won’t burn you at the stake like many would doesn’t mean that most furries don’t think your still a sicko that creeps us out.

    Comment by Whitek — September 22, 2009 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  1151. You are incoherent. Please stop taking drugs and repent of your evil ways. Get on your knees and pray for the Lord’s forgiveness.

    If you won’t (and I bet you are filled with hate and rage and you won’t) God will certainly punish you for all times and in all ways.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 23, 2009 @ 10:00 am | Reply

  1152. I don’t hate you at all Marty. Your sometimes funny. You’re just a little creepy because you seem to spend a lot of time thinking about and dwelling upon weird sexual stuff in your posts as if we were interested in it and well, eww, your just being very bahhd.

    Comment by Whitek — September 24, 2009 @ 8:45 am | Reply

  1153. Are you a furry foreigner?

    Speak God’s American English for Pete’s sake!!

    I wasn’t thinking that you hate me directly.

    I think that you hate yourself, you hate God and you hate the world. most likely because of abuse you suffered as a child, which led to your current drug addiction and inability to type a normal sentance.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 25, 2009 @ 7:32 am | Reply

    • Wow, somebody needs a hug. I guess that one kinda went over your head.

      Comment by Whitek — September 29, 2009 @ 8:37 pm | Reply

  1154. Wow. And the United States is a free country? Bull-fucking-shit. Grow the fuck up, kids. Either open your minds or close your eyes, you can’t control everyone around you. Deal with it and shut your judgmental, Bible-humping mouths.

    Fucking asshats.

    Comment by TheREALITY — September 28, 2009 @ 12:28 am | Reply

    • This comment was written on my birthday and I am FUCKING HONORED. You, good sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I’ll be in the kitchen.

      Comment by Chelsea — October 11, 2009 @ 11:06 pm | Reply

  1155. i find it funny how this argument is still going on, if any1 here doesn’t recognise me i’m the one who still gaives furries the chance to argue if you a THOUSAND posts you’ll realize these guys aren’t listening, if you just watch how they rant without us posting anything, th might realise how stupid they afre but continually filling argument forms out for these guys isn’t going to help our argument, so please my fellow furries, just stop wait a few days then come back, you act too rashly these guys get trollish.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — September 30, 2009 @ 9:29 am | Reply

  1156. Hi Wolfie! Long time no see…and I see that your thinking has not improved..

    “recognise me i’m the one who still gaives furries the chance to argue if you a THOUSAND posts you’ll realize these guys aren’t listening”

    I have always welcomed furries who want to learn more about how sick and perverted their habits are, and who wish to beg God for forgiveness and live a normal clean life.

    I even listen to their whining and sniveling hoping to hear some small indication that they still even have any human dignity left, or wether their animal lusts now completely control them.

    If you had looked at post 1143 you would see I am still trying to help you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 30, 2009 @ 11:01 am | Reply

  1157. After hearing from so many furries here, I think I have started to develop some sense of their perspective. Of how the world looks from inside the bunny costume, if you will.

    The crucial thing to understand is that a furry is capable of having only two thoughts:

    Thought #1: “I wish I were molesting an animal right now.”

    Thought #2: “I AM VERY ANGRY!!!!!!”

    A furry cannot have any other thoughts than these, but may have one of these at a time or, as he often will, both of them simultaneously.

    Now, we’ve established why you furries are obsessed with molesting animals: it’s because you’re sick. But what I don’t understand is, why are you also so angry? I mean, if anyone should be angry, it’s animals, and pet owners. So, what is it, furries? Why so angry?

    Comment by DPS — October 1, 2009 @ 9:22 am | Reply

  1158. *pulls out bible pulls out his furry pecker and pisses on it* no feel free to not only read your shitty bible and you false beliefs . but also remember . i pissed on it.

    Comment by Guigy — October 4, 2009 @ 10:09 pm | Reply

  1159. So with your assumtions “Mr. DPS” I have also conculded and compiled a list of thoughts your culture or fan group if you will, are only capible of forming within your small frontal lobe… (I like to call your group, “Religitards” or if you perfer “Holy-mentaly-impared-zealots”.)

    Thought number one:”HOLY SHI- god is watching me masterbate! I hope i can repent”

    Thought number two:” WHAT THE FUCK?! Someone with different views and opinions that rival my own?! I MUST KILL THEM BEFORE I LOOK LIKE A FOOL!!!”

    So, on that note i would like to conclude my short yet quite factual report…
    your lord and master.

    Comment by wtf...? RELIGITARD! — October 5, 2009 @ 2:18 pm | Reply

  1160. Glad to know that the supporters of Bush are also anti-porn and underground subcultures.

    Oh, wait. I already knew that!

    Goddamn, I love bullshit statistics. Useless drivel.

    Comment by Sethron — October 6, 2009 @ 8:00 am | Reply

  1161. marty your idea of helping people seems eerily similar to hitler’s kill them all, how very christian of you do what i say or i’ll kill you.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — October 6, 2009 @ 9:21 am | Reply

    • True. There’s an old quote from Einstein: “One cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.” That is to say, you can’t try to “help” or “befriend” someone while getting ready to go against them. Somehow though, you’re going to manage to think I said something entirely different, per usual, so I don’t know why I bother mentioning this.

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 8:30 pm | Reply

      • Forgot who I was replying to for a moment there. By “you” I meant DPS or MM.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 8:31 pm

  1162. oh Wolfie don’t be so paranoid… no one is talking about killing you. I don’t want to shoot you, or trap you in a leg hold trap, or crush your head with a deadfall. No Christian wants to electrocute you, or stab you or chop off your limbs so you bleed to death.

    Where do you get these ideas? I will pray for your salvation by the blood of Christ.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 6, 2009 @ 8:45 pm | Reply

  1163. Okay I admit that at one time long ago I did pray that God treat you in the fashion that you treat puppies that you get from the Humane Society as “pets”

    “I’ve heard what happens to the poor puppies that fall into your clutches. Your sick desires force you to abuse the cute little darlings for your preverted fun, and then you wolf-furries rip them apart with your fake fangs and drink their warm puppy blood.

    I pray that the Lord sees fit to teach you a lesson with similar treatment..”

    However, God saw fit NOT to have some larger wolf furry come up and rip your throat out, and I accept His judgement, as I do in all things.

    (I guess there is still time for Him to act though…)

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 7, 2009 @ 8:47 am | Reply

  1164. I can’t beleive all the furries on this site giving these cristians a hard time. We furries shouldn’t stoop to their level. Oh, and as for “molesting animals”, a survey showed that only 2% of furries showed an intrest in zoophilia. I’m a furry, and I think the idea of molesting animals to be disgusting in every way imaginable.

    Comment by Ozymandias — October 9, 2009 @ 8:47 am | Reply

  1165. I am so ashamed.

    Aliens have taken over Sam Brownback’s brain and there was nothing I could do about it.

    ““The Senate’s action today is a big step for the relationship between the federal government and Native Americans,” said Brownback. “The resolution seeks reconciliation and offers an official apology to Native Americans for the hurtful choices the federal government made in the past. With this resolution we acknowledge previous failures and express sincere regrets.””

    failures? regrets? reconciliantion?

    what kind of MONSTER has Sam turned into? Why does he hate America?

    I bet Furries have finally inserted a worm or something in his brain and they are controlling him to make these outrageous statements!

    The furries were angered by this expose of their evi ways and now..

    now… they have exacted the most vicious form of revenge.

    I don’t know if I can go on. Maybe, maybe this post is over.

    OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 9, 2009 @ 11:42 am | Reply

    • oh no… you sinned, you believe in an animal that you clealy believe doesn’t exist.

      Comment by tim — December 5, 2009 @ 8:08 am | Reply

  1166. Hey, furries, I thought of another joke. I think you’ll like it.

    Q: What did the furry say to the normal, God-fearing Christian?


    It’s funny because it’s true. Because furries are so angry and all they think about is having marital relations with cats.

    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2009 @ 8:35 pm | Reply

    • *Monotone* Oh my. That was absolutely the most thought-out insult I’ve ever heard. I don’t think I can ever recover from that.

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 8:34 pm | Reply

  1167. Ooh, here’s another one!

    Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

    A: To get away from the furry who was trying to molest her.

    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2009 @ 8:40 pm | Reply

  1168. What about this one?

    Q: What did the sheep say to the furry?

    A: “Please stop molesting me.”

    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2009 @ 8:42 pm | Reply

  1169. So, a duck walks into a bar. When he gets in there, he sees it’s full of furries, so he turns around and runs away as fast as he can, so that they won’t molest him.

    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2009 @ 8:50 pm | Reply

  1170. Q: Why didn’t the furry laugh at the joke?

    A: Because furries don’t have a sense of humor, and are just really, really angry all the time, probably because their mascot suits are so itchy and stinky.

    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2009 @ 9:03 pm | Reply

  1171. OK, OK, one last joke.

    Are you ready?

    Here it is:


    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2009 @ 9:05 pm | Reply

    • You sir, have aspergers.

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 8:36 pm | Reply

  1172. Okay. You take the extreme one side…then I’ll take the extreme on the other.

    Fuck you and fuck baby Jesus. All you war mongering, gibberish talking, myth believing psychopaths are the same.

    By the way…it looks like you know a whole lot on this topic. Hope you didn’t get caught with your pants down, you fuck.

    Comment by Dom G Muholland — October 11, 2009 @ 1:44 am | Reply

  1173. 1166.Hey, furries, I thought of another joke. I think you’ll like it.

    Q: What did the furry say to the normal, God-fearing Christian?


    It’s funny because it’s true. Because furries are so angry and all they think about is having marital relations with cats.

    Comment by DPS — October 10, 2009 @

    Q. why do you fear God if he loves you?
    A. you don’t you love him back. fucking hell even i know that.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — October 11, 2009 @ 8:50 am | Reply

  1174. This article deserves a 2 thumbs up!

    This furry fandom must be completely exterminated and extinguished from the holy sanctity of modern civilization. Those little fagots…in their fursuits and cat-ears are the very manifestations of barbarism and the devil himself. They plot against the free world and the God-loving people of America. They threaten the very existence of humanity and are probably the doom-bringers of 2012! They are an abomination upon the Lord’s eyes! Together with the homosexuals, they must be purged or at least trolled to death(An hero).

    In fact, I propose the implementation of the Final Solution all over again, except this time, it should include Furries…together with the Jews of course.

    Be a hero today! If you see a Fur(or Jew), grab him by his horns and throw him down a well!

    Comment by Jack — October 13, 2009 @ 2:47 am | Reply

    • In the amazing and wholesome words of Eddy Izzard: You are a fucking Nazi Shithead and you should go to the ninth layer of hell. (Ok, that last part i made up)

      Comment by Maximum333 — October 17, 2009 @ 5:48 pm | Reply

  1175. Are all of you raving Christians the same the moment you get on the web??? I mean come on!

    I like furries in a certain way. I do not think that people who dress up like furries are at all good looking, but, as an artist, i like to draw them. Everyone believes that if it has to do with an anthro, it is atomatically having to do with sex. Mythology? Centaurs and sayters. Angels? Half man half bird! Do you think wings are NATURAL????!?? i know more than a few people who get off to ANGEL sex. Chistian angel sex. They are christian. If God is so powerful, then why doesn’t HE put a stop to this by getting off his fat lazy ass.
    Oh, and by the way? im 15 and my parents dont give a f***

    Comment by Maximum333 — October 17, 2009 @ 3:34 pm | Reply

  1176. Hey… as a follow up, did you notice that in the first picture, the words on the guy’s tee shirt was photo-shopped on him?

    Comment by Maximum333 — October 17, 2009 @ 5:44 pm | Reply

  1177. Well Jack you could not be more incorrect about the Jews, or more correct about the Furries.

    We love Jews, because it is when the Jews get the entire portion of Judea and Samaria under control, then we will be saved and all the rest of you .. er . people, will have seven years of torment on Earth as a warm-up for an eternity in a lake of fire in Hell!

    On the other hand, you have given good advice on what to do about Furries in the meantime. We have a big problem hereabouts with Furries adopting stray dogs and cats from pet shelters and then taking them home and doing unspeakable deviant acts on them.

    I hear they are plotting something big around their evil october holiday…

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 19, 2009 @ 12:55 pm | Reply

  1178. I got a joke for ya!

    Q: What did the furry say to the normal, God-fearing Christian?

    A: Im sorry you believe in a mythical creature that you have to fear throughout your whole life. It really must suck to devote your existence to a creature just as false as a dragon, a unicorn, a minotaur, or anyother creature found in fairytales.


    OH, and never mention the King James Bible ever again when entering an arguement. King James wrote that Bible to suit his own needs! He manipulated you just like the Catholic Church still does today. But dont think im just bashing Catholics. Mormans, Apostolics, “ormal god fearing christians”…all of them. Religion was just a means to force people into submission by those in power.

    If you dont listen to what I say, this majestical guy up here is gonna send you to a place, where you must suffer till the end of time! So listen to me, because I am related to him! (that would scare the hell outa me if i were stupid)

    Oh, dont forget to never deficate. Deficating is a sin! Youll go to hell if you do it! its dirty and nasty and the spawn of satan! its in the bible…look for it.

    Comment by Satan — October 20, 2009 @ 1:24 am | Reply

  1179. pretty much every preist will admit that if yopu everything in the bible 100% accurate then even going to the toilet, is in fact, a sin!

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — October 21, 2009 @ 1:02 pm | Reply

  1180. well your “preists” ARE servants of Dagon, a pagan god. How can you trust anything they tell you?

    The Lord gave good instructions on camp hygiene in Deuteronomy 23:12-14

    12Thou shalt have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go forth abroad:

    13And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee:

    14For the LORD thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore shall thy camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee.

    Naturally He did not want to step on poop when He came to visit His first choice for a saved people….(Good Baptist Americans are the second)

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 22, 2009 @ 12:54 pm | Reply

  1181. OK, look, people. At comment 1178, Satan himself left a pro-furry statement. Do you need any more evidence of how pro-Satanic and evil being a furry is? WAKE UP, PEOPLE: SATAN IS ON YOUR SIDE!!!

    If you want to side with Satan, be a furry. If you’re not in favor of evil and sin and wickedness, don’t be a furry. It’s as simple as that.

    I’m not a furry, and my life is just fine. I hope all of you will come join the world of normal, non-perverted people that I live in. I’m praying for you!!!

    Comment by DPS — October 22, 2009 @ 11:02 pm | Reply

  1182. just though i should point out that you obviously have not looked too deeply into the topic, because while i personally find furries a little weird (but hey, everyone has their own thing, it’s just not mine), i do know what is not furry, and your picture of the decapitated woman is not furry at all. It is from an anime called Elfen Lied (a german title), and has no furry aspects whatsoever.

    Also, as to the “no human/animal hybrids”, that has gone completely down the drain. Pig hearts are going to bee used in human transplants (already being tested), and we are genetically splicing species for all sorts of important reasons (arctic fish and potatoes, makes the spud frost resistant. odd, but awesome) and are soon going to use retrovirus’s to alter be able to alter a living humans DNA, to most likely give immunities to all sorts of diseases. How? By adding DNA segments from animals which are immune to the diseases we fear most – HIV, Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu, ect.

    And finally, so these people are living in a bit of a fantasy you say? Do you really think they believe “Hey, I’m secretly half wolf!”? Short answer, no. Long answer, they are doing what they want. It is basically Halloween everyday, and they play up their costume, VERY WELL in the case of those with a strong fetish.

    (BTW, god doesn’t exist. Couldn’t contain my atheist trolling tendencies 🙂

    Comment by jp — October 25, 2009 @ 12:03 am | Reply

  1183. facepalm

    i’ve told you alreafy marty, i’m an athiest, i don’t have any priests… i sent an e-mail to the head of the nearest BAPTIST church to make sure you couldn’t deny of the evidence……………. hehe

    and anyone who thinks that Satan would leave a bloody notice on a blog is stupid. True christians woulkd know that “His greatest power, is for you to beleive that he doesn’t exist” you fucking piss midget.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — October 25, 2009 @ 10:57 am | Reply

  1184. What they hell guys furrys are not bad. I a furry am disgusted by this article. Not all furies are homosexuals for i have a girlfriend and a child but i do dwell in the furry. I don’t think its bad at all because its another way to show one self to others. its just like Halloween parties or comicons. Some furries might be gay but i assure you not all are. I do not see anyting wrong with furries and know that many people enjoy them and to rate them as an underbelly o the internet is stupid. I for one think child pornography,sex and slave sales and even the sies that sell dugs are a bigger threat than furries and also the part about screwing plushies is wrong some may do that but not all. So i find this article just like hitlers obsesion against jews. For you have weeded all the bad and didnt once think that maybe not all furrs are gay plushie humping people. For i am a normal guy with a family and I am a furrie so to all furrie haters who read this you are jst pointing out the bad and none of the good. This is just like saying all straight couple deal in the darker sex like bondage and but fucking whiping beating. I know not all do this but im making my point. For if you say all furrs do the bad things thats just like pointing the funger at all people saying that they do evil thigs as well. Fur is not bad its just that some take it too far.

    Comment by John HH — October 25, 2009 @ 12:21 pm | Reply

  1185. First of all being a furry is no different then any other fetish: IE bondage, anal sex, toe lickin etc. Might I also remind you that several people in bed will ware butt plugs with tails on them or girls will ware cat ears. In turn you could say those people were furry too. But the thing is I do not see what is so sick about it because they would never think about doing with real animals. Its the whole human looking animals. if its on 4 feet they don’t want it. They still want that humanistic type quality. Besides- Humans are nothing but animals too. We just dont have fur anymore. And also you all make me laugh. For a second there you had me going. God doesn’t exist. He is merely just an imaginary man made up by some mad man that thought of a great way for controlling people. If you really wanna believe in something believe in people, yourself and others. People make the world turn and they make their own decisions. We have no planned out fait. It is all up to ourselves on what happnes

    Comment by Konata — October 27, 2009 @ 2:35 pm | Reply

  1186. -.o this article, is just sick, it makes me glad im not Christian , im glad to be who i am, and i am a furry, you dont see me going around the internet making fun or calling what you like, sick, wrong, and or disturbing. your the one that needs to be healed.

    Comment by Toxx — October 27, 2009 @ 4:19 pm | Reply

  1187. I think it’s all understood that you, and the majority of the God-fearing people in your religion will most likely never get why people are into furries. With that said, it’d probably useless to try and sway your rather close-minded opinion to consider otherwise.
    But the key word there is, in fact: Opinion.
    Personal opinion through any generation and religion, is just that, a PERSONAL opinion. No matter how many may crawl to your feet and praise your Lord that you have come to verbally degrade a portion of humanity itself, simply because of your ‘hunch’ that this is not right, it is still what only you think it is.
    Sure, some people will agree with you. But on the other hand, you are strictly trying to ban a person from engaging in something that makes them feel more alive than they use to. Why do they seek out such a sense of comfort? Because your religion never worked in the first place, making it completely doubted that it will work the next go-around.

    And do you know why these people stray from religion itself and seek out such a fandom? It is because the given religion, their family or their friends have put them through utter abandonment prior to finding it. Think about it, if we didn’t have this slowly growing community of furry-friendly people, how many of our nation’s people would have committed suicide because they gave up on finding somewhere they belonged or finding people that loved them for who they are? The statistics should be figured and known.

    I’d also like to point out that not all furries are into this sick, perverse activity that you claimed the community itself is plagued with. There are christians and catholics and other religious people strengthening the ranks of an ever-growing and ever-destructionless fandom. Your research may have failed you, in light of the fact that you claim it is all made up of sexually confused, beastiality-prone young people.
    The sexual part of the furry fandom is all but curiousity at first, and only the minority really get sucked into the hole of being involved in it daily.

    Half of the fandom itself is all about art; the visual aspect that keeps people interested. The few other fractions would include simple roleplay, to escape their daily lives, fursuiting (which happens to be only a SMALL percentage of the fandom), friendships and relationships.

    Do you really want to strictly ban people from what makes them happy? And do you think they’d even want to live in a country that, in all apparent aspects should be FREE? Freedom is a very strong word, and if you try to set limitations on person’s freedom, it will undoubtedly cause an outrage.

    Let’s flip this for a moment. What if someone came along and rallied up people against those who believed in Jesus? Regardless of it’s morals and the outstanding numbers behind it? You would be shut out from the world and either curse them for publicly taking away what you believe in, or pray that they somehow would sway to your beliefs. But, tell me this, you sure as hell wouldn’t give up on believing in your religion would you? Exactly. And neither would we, if you try to eliminate the furry community as a whole, simply in the name of a God that only a portion of people actually believe in.

    In all due respect, I think most of us would like you to keep your opinion to yourself, cease pushing your religion onto people that surely do not want anything to do with that, and live your own live.

    Live and let live; the only way we will all find true happiness amongst one another.

    From an adult who lives her life normally, yet respects and involves herself with the furry fandom as a whole.
    -Chels ❤

    Comment by Chelsie — October 28, 2009 @ 6:12 am | Reply

  1188. @ John HH

    its another way to show one self to others

    So, you admit that you’re a pervert who likes exposing himself.

    its just like Halloween parties or comicons.

    Exactly. Furries are the intersection between Satanism and nerdism. What could be more nauseating?

    Not all furies are homosexuals for i have a girlfriend and a child but i do dwell in the furry.

    I think you may not be a real furry. Either that or you’re making up this “girlfriend,” or the “girlfriend” is really a puppet or something.

    The real test, though, is whether you wear an animal suit. So-called “furries” who don’t wear big floppy mascot outfits aren’t even real furries. A guy named Rognar the Wolf used to come to this site, and he would always claim to be a furry, and then finally he admitted that he didn’t even have a suit and that he wasn’t a real furry and then he got super embarrassed and went away and never came back. It’s pretty embarrassing to be a failed furry.

    Comment by DPS — October 28, 2009 @ 7:29 pm | Reply

  1189. He kept on denying that he was a mary-worshipper too…

    I wonder what happened to him.. maybe the Godly Sarah Palin shot him from a plane! ha ha no he does not own a wolf-suit…

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 29, 2009 @ 10:06 am | Reply

    Wow. That is really nice trolling. I admire your comment count on this, so I’ll give you a freebie. I’m no troll but I can recognize a perfectly crafted piece of art.

    This bisexual, agnostic but leaning to a hybrid between Deism and Buddhism, ex-4chaner, furry signing off (and eliciting more comments for you with acknowledgment of my social deviance).

    Comment by Poik — October 31, 2009 @ 5:40 pm | Reply

  1191. i am a furry an i don think what oyu said is right i only have sxe wiht anymals sometimes and other times i just have sexc with other furrys and there ant even any animals tehere plus the amimals mosly like it you cna tell

    why do u haf to hate on furrus anywaty furrys rule!!!!!!! s0 sad be4 i found furry but now is my life!!!! fur4evr!!!!!!!

    Comment by Justafurry — November 4, 2009 @ 12:21 am | Reply

  1192. bisexual, agnostic but leaning to a hybrid between Deism and Buddhism, ex-4chaner, furry

    I don’t understand what half of those words mean, but I’ll assume most of them mean “sodomite,” more or less. You perverts are truly sick.

    i only have sxe wiht anymals sometimes

    Well, there you go. Honestly, furries, if you didn’t know this: it’s NEVER OK to have marital relations with animals. Not sometimes, not ever. I would say that in Hell you’ll be punished by having the flaming, spiked member of a hellhound thrust deep into your rectal area, but you twisted, pitiable freaks would probably enjoy that. Instead you’ll likely be made to have procreative relations with a normal adult female human to whom you are married, which will be torture to you.

    Comment by DPS — November 6, 2009 @ 8:42 pm | Reply

    • Riiiiiight…
      You know that there is a difference between the two and it is wrong to completely ignore that fact.
      Let me get this matter straight once and for all…
      Furry: People who have become so much of an anime freak that they dress up like anime Anthropomorphic characters and are usually perverted.
      Anthro: A person who enjoys half human half animal characters and sometimes is perverted. (But then again we all are 🙂

      Comment by Maximum333 — November 9, 2009 @ 11:42 pm | Reply

      • You lost me there.. Furries have been around without anime having anything to do with it.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 12, 2009 @ 11:55 am

      • See, even this disgusting pervert regards furries as disgusting perverts! How bad must you be, if even a freak who “enjoys half human half animal characters” looks down on you?

        And who is there for you poor furries to look down on? Is there anything below furries?

        If there is, I don’t want to know about it.

        Comment by DPS — November 14, 2009 @ 8:36 pm

      • There is, actually. Someone with the psuedoname DPS. Ever met ’em?

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 11:38 am

  1193. You know i like furry comics and art not because of the furries them self but because its an interesting way to tell a story. to me furry stuff is the same as childrens stories that feature animal characters…. so get over yourself, your just someone who likes to cause problems

    Comment by Demon — November 10, 2009 @ 10:16 pm | Reply

  1194. @DPS & McPain

    you have obviously not stopped to think that there may not be a “Heaven” Or A “Hell”.
    Even IF there is such a place….I Doubt That your god/gods would aprove of such IDIOTIC ranting in His/Their Name.

    So I Suggest that you both STFU (Shut The Fuck Up) and leave the furries Alone.

    Truthfully, I hope that you mess with some furries in real life and get your Ass Kicked, And I am sure that I am not alone in my thoughts….YAY!! FURRIES FOR THE WIN! 😀

    Not to mention that with every post you make, you are turning MORE people AWAY from your religion so in the end you are only hurting yourself and your cause.

    (I can already Predict how you will react to this post….I wonder if thats a bad thing XD)

    Comment by DragonKnight — November 11, 2009 @ 5:06 pm | Reply

    • Truthfully, I hope that you mess with some furries in real life and get your Ass Kicked

      That could never happen. First, furries are weak and morbidly obese. Second, the mascot outfits really slow them down, and once you knock a furry down they find it almost impossible to get back up again.

      I guess in theory they might overpower me with their odor, though. So maybe it’s possible. Still, I don’t think it should be a source of pride if you win a fight just by virtue of not having bathed in a long time.

      with every post you make, you are turning MORE people AWAY from your religion

      Far from it. We expose the ugly truth of furryism, driving people away from that nauseous, fetid swamp of iniquity and towards the tender mercy and stern rod of the Lord.

      I can already Predict how you will react to this post

      I love you, Dragonheart. I bet you didn’t predict that I would say that, did you? But I do love you, in Christ Jesus. “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” It is not too late for you!

      Comment by DPS — November 13, 2009 @ 8:14 pm | Reply

      • Furries are not morbidly obese. Not all furries are fursuiters, and those that are would have the common sense to take them off before doing anything strenuous. There is nothing wrong with the furry fandom. If you spent a single day with furries you’d understand that not everything we do is what people seem to have the diluted misconception of us doing. And if you think flaming a group of people based on what you think they do gets us and others to join your religion, you really need to open your eyes.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 13, 2009 @ 8:24 pm

      • Uhhh… :/
        Unfortunatly I could not predict that you would say that….

        however my predictions on everything else was right 🙂

        I Also Know a couple of people who could fight in a fursuit and win in a fair fight…
        Not because of smelling bad, Ever get in a fight with Goofy At Disneyland?.

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 13, 2009 @ 9:12 pm

      • Nice one Dragon. That made me giggle. x3

        Comment by Rorroh — November 13, 2009 @ 9:22 pm

      • Not all furries are fursuiters, and those that are would have the common sense to take them off before doing anything strenuous.

        I don’t see how getting completely naked and attacking Christians is commonsensical in the least.

        if you think flaming a group of people based on what you think they do gets us and others to join your religion, you really need to open your eyes.

        Look, you’re the one talking about getting naked and assaulting me. I don’t need to “flame” you; you guys flame yourselves, just by making crazy threats about running around nude and beating people up. Who would want to join the furry religion after they heard about that? Nobody, is who.

        Comment by DPS — November 14, 2009 @ 6:39 pm

      • Ugh, and again apparently a comment didn’t go through. Dx

        Well.. you do have a point. Most fursuiters wear very little to nothing from sheer heat inside the suits. So I say touché for pointing out that hole.

        But I never made any threats. I just meant that when threatened, by Christian or otherwise, a fursuiter would probably know to at least take his head off. Furthermore (more like a side note actually), furries aren’t a religion. I even know many furries that are Christian, and they’re some of my closest friends.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 11:36 am

      • Most fursuiters wear very little to nothing from sheer heat inside the suits.

        This is the most disturbing piece of information yet to emerge from my probing into furryism. I don’t even want to think about it.

        So I say touché for pointing out that hole.

        Please stop making sexual advances. I am definitely not interested. I’m a normal, happily-married Christian. What if my wife heard you saying things like that?

        Comment by DPS — November 15, 2009 @ 4:38 pm

      • Hole in my logic you ignorant asshole! I somehow knew you were going to take it that way. As for the suits, what would you do if you were in one? Die of dehydration? Saying “ew” to that is like saying ew to showering naked. You’re the one to bring it up, and you reap what you sow.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 6:36 pm

      • Wow…
        Ok, next time someone asks me whether there are really bad people out there? My answer will be yes, and i will point to this forum.
        It is driving people away…
        Anyone worth their salt reading this would be mortified that you guys are falling on a simple Fandom. It doesn’t rule our lives, it doesn’t tell us how to behave, unlike some (not naming any names… cough…)

        Comment by Maximum333 — December 17, 2009 @ 11:19 pm

  1195. Oh my God in Heaven…

    “to me furry stuff is the same as childrens stories that feature animal characters..”

    so your dastardly plan is exposed!! You intend to use your animal features to get close to CHILDREN!!@!

    so you can enact your perverted revenge on the world by defiling our Christian broods!

    I pray for your swift capture by the police and the confiscation and publication of your furry pedophila!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 12, 2009 @ 5:35 pm | Reply

    • Do you listen to yourself? Do you know how much of an idiot you just sounded?

      Comment by Rorroh — November 12, 2009 @ 7:50 pm | Reply

      • Why is he an idiot? For wanting to protect America’s children?

        I think that the real idiots are people like you, who don’t want to protect America’s children from furries. What would happen to our country if we were forced to hand all of our children over to the furries, like you suggest that we do? Where would our future be then?

        Comment by DPS — November 13, 2009 @ 8:26 pm

      • A much nicer future, I’m sure, but I never said we should. Let them decide, don’t force them for or against them.

        Furries are NOT pedophiles. Sure, there may be some that do have interest in pedophilia, but that’s an insignificant percentage.

        The reason I was calling Marty an idiot is the fact that he (She? Excuse me if I get your gender wrong.) completely misinterpreted what was said. What was said was that there are already many anthropomorphic characters in the world, such as, for instance, Bugs Bunny. Was the creator of Bugs Bunny, or any other character for that matter, a pedophile? Absolutely not. Did they even know about furries? Possible, but not likely.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 13, 2009 @ 8:42 pm

      • Was the creator of Bugs Bunny … a pedophile?

        Possibly. The rabbit character is an admitted transvestite and vegan, so the Lord only knows with what sicknesses his creators were afflicted.

        I am confused about how his creators ever managed to draw the character in the first place, though. I think it would be very hard to draw in one of those big fluffy costumes.

        Comment by DPS — November 14, 2009 @ 1:32 pm

      • Bleh, I guess my computer failed again. The comment didn’t go through.

        How do you suppose Bugs Bunny is a transvestite? And who are you to say something like that, basing your opinions on the creator because their character only eats vegetables? Do you even realize that rabbits don’t eat meat?

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 11:00 am

      • It is well known that that rabbit dons women’s clothing and attempts to seduce male characters. See for example here and here. Disgusting.

        As for his veganism, ordinary rabbits don’t wear women’s clothing, so why can the cartoon rabbit wear women’s clothing but not have a good old American hamburger?

        Not too sharp, are you, furries? I’m running rings around you here with my brian.

        Comment by DPS — November 15, 2009 @ 4:27 pm

      • Who’s Brian? Leave him out of this. :p

        Yeah, I pointed out the seduction in the post that didn’t get through. He seduces the other characters to catch them off-guard in an attempt to escape peril, not to seduce for the sake of seduction.

        Anthro characters of any sort have human-like characteristics but of course they’re going to keep their old diet.

        Running rings around us? Do you really want to start that?

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 6:26 pm

    • you just blasphemised 🙂

      Comment by tim — December 5, 2009 @ 7:53 am | Reply

  1196. @Rorroh

    I Am Fairly Sure He has Listened To himself….
    Then again i could be wrong XD
    Especially if he makes any more stupid comments

    Comment by Kaim Argonar — November 13, 2009 @ 4:16 pm | Reply

  1197. Marty McPain….You Are An Idiot…
    And Thats Putting it nicely

    I Agree That They Should Get Their Asses Kicked by A Furry…Either That or get Glued Into A fursuit for life XD

    Comment by Rav3nHunt3r — November 13, 2009 @ 4:59 pm | Reply

  1198. Thanks guys. 😉

    Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 11:01 am | Reply

    • In the immortal words of Red Vs Blue (slightly skewed)
      “Hey DPS, your ruining the moment. Just shut up ok?”

      i could say as much about you guys,
      ye who created angels
      the bastards!
      They should be burned as furries!
      (rofl juuuuuuuuuust kidding. Although they should have their asses kicked.)

      Comment by Maximum333 — December 17, 2009 @ 11:23 pm | Reply

  1199. Kargobar and Rainhunt, please stop flirting with Roggle. This is a family sight. If you want to get together and do sick furry things to each other please don’t talk about it here.

    Comment by DPS — November 15, 2009 @ 4:32 pm | Reply

    • What does that have to do with what they said? If this truly were a family site though, why are there pictures at the top that have apparently been deemed inappropriate?

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 6:18 pm | Reply

    • I’m a bit curious, DPS. Are you blonde by any chance?

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 7:13 pm | Reply

      • 1. Real nice. You don’t want others to make fun of you so you make fun of blonds. That makes you just as bad as Hitler.

        2. Are you a real furry, or are you another poser like most of the ones on here, like Ragbot?

        Comment by DPS — November 15, 2009 @ 9:28 pm

      • 1. Real nice. You don’t want others to think you’re cruel so you compare me to Hitler. That makes you just as bad as.. Brownback! 😀

        2. Yes, I am furry. I’m just trying to poke fun. You’re like a chatbot of sorts; I don’t know what you’re going to say next, so I say something to see how you interpret it. For a giggle or two.

        If you would like, I would be pleasured to chat with you on slow days. gamecrazed331[at]yahoo[dot]com is my Yahoo screen name, or would you prefer another service?

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 9:46 pm

      • My rage gone, I decided to take a nice relaxing shower. Naked. Does that bother you, my showering naked? It seems, based on an earlier comment, that I’d have to point out my nakedness. Tell me, for it was bothering me while I was in there, do you shower with clothes on? That seems like quite a silly thing to do.

        I smell of coconuts! 😀

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 10:32 pm

      • 1). If you were a real furry you would wear your furry costume in the shower. The only real furries are the ones who wear costumes, not like you and Rakbert the Wolf.

        2). I do not want to know what you have been doing to coconuts that would cause you to have their odor.

        3). Intending to “chat” with you I tried to dial the telephone number you gave me on my telephone and the call was answered by someone who did not speak English. Please do not play pranks here. Rest assured I will not be calling you to “chat” again.

        Comment by DPS — November 16, 2009 @ 9:35 pm

      • 1). That’s an assumption that you seem to keep getting. All fursuiters are furries, but not all furries are fursuiters. Get it? That’s like saying all Christians are Catholic.

        2). It’s the type of soap I use. Do Christians not use soap either? Do you go into the shower and just sit there, fully clothed just to feel the water run down your body? You gotta admit you fell right into that one. See how annoying it is? :p

        3). I gave you an email address. You can also use it to have one-on-one textual (text-based) conversations without having to wait for the other person to check their email messages. How are you on the internet? Better question: How did you manage to get an email address and a phone number mixed up? xP I bet you didn’t really try to contact me. All you had to do was say so; I don’t really care one way or the other.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 17, 2009 @ 11:02 am

  1200. im with Raknoth the Wolf when it comes to this little corner of the internet. if you just leave these “god faring christians” to themselves and not retaliate against there constant rambling of stupidity, they will be left here with there thumbs up there asses. perhaps its best we leave them alone to talk about there churches and there child molesting priests… oops… did i say that? ^.^

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 15, 2009 @ 7:05 pm | Reply

    • Heh heh, nice one Wolf. :3 I was thinking of just leaving Marty and DPS to complain to eachother, but I can’t seem to let it go. I’m really touchy on the subject, sadly.

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 7:21 pm | Reply

      • well honestly i believe these two retards just keep on about how “furries are bad” “furries are angry” “furries are puppy killers” etc… because there lives are inadiquate. and misery loves company.

        Comment by lone_wolf — November 15, 2009 @ 7:39 pm

      • I think they have aspergers. If you notice, DPS went on for many comments on out of place jokes. And they seem to keep bringing up the same thing as a defense. Reminds me of a child in a game that keeps saying “no u.”

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 8:38 pm

      • Heh heh. I’m actually starting to find this amusing, personally. ^^

        Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 8:40 pm

  1201. WTF?! >.<

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 15, 2009 @ 8:37 pm | Reply

  1202. well if hes the chatbox… wouldent that make him the one providing the service?

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 15, 2009 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

    • Bot programs are usually hosted on a person’s computer, programmed to access Yahoo, GTalk, et cetera, so I think I know how you thought that. There are some that are hosted on AOL’s website though, ranging from cheery messages to chatbots. By service though, I mean instant messaging service.

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 10:27 pm | Reply

  1203. and wait… so you happen t play mw2 for the ps3?

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 15, 2009 @ 10:01 pm | Reply

    • I don’t even have a PS3, unfortunately. :s

      Comment by Rorroh — November 15, 2009 @ 10:28 pm | Reply

  1204. Well now we know the evil that Rorroh represents… the evil of the occult!

    He gave himself away with his “Bugs Bunny” reference… because it is well known that Satan uses cartoons to entrap young Christian children!

    “In this tract we will look how the devil has created many fairy tales that will slowly introduce a child to the world of occult. The fairy tales are designed to look very innocent so they will have no problems passing approval from parents. In fact most people consider fairy tales “innocent” fun for their children. Other tools have been helpful as well such as occult cartoons to occult toys”

    YES! and clearly his name is supposed to be the utterences of the evil Scooby on that horrid cartoon… Ruh-ruh!…

    “Other cartoons are created and are purely occult based. Examples would be Hercules, He Man, and Scoobie Doo etc.. Themes in these cartoons are constantly based on the occult and witchcraft. ”

    you people and your perversions digust me. I feel I need to rub bleach in my eyes and bang my head against the wall because of you…

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 16, 2009 @ 3:04 pm | Reply

    • “I feel I need to rub bleach in my eyes and bang my head against the wall”

      Go ahead….
      Mabe it will allow you to make more sense….xD

      And if i remember correctly…wasn’t scooby-Doo about a bunch of kids and their dog who went
      around solving mysteries and proving that ghosts,zombies,witches, and “Monsters” were not real?
      so how could that be Based on the Occult and Witchcraft?

      Comment by DragonKnight — November 16, 2009 @ 8:32 pm | Reply

      • A). The talking dog is himself evidence of witchcraft. Dogs cannot say “Raggy” or “ruh-roh” unless they are enchanted. This is a proven fact.

        2). The show with the talking dog was also a celebration of narcotic abuse, hippyism, and the radical homosexual agenda (consider the young man with the scarf and the short-haired, masculine girl—we know what that means!).

        3). The shows have a prurient interest for furries because of all of the costumes, even if they are usually monster costumes not animal costumes. Furries probably enjoy the show in an inappropriate way.

        Comment by DPS — November 16, 2009 @ 9:42 pm

      • Q). Not so much. There actually is a dog that learned to speak. I saw it on TV once, I think on Animal Planet, but I don’t have a link to it.

        9001). The show premeired.. 1969?

        Mudkip). You two are big on assumptions, I see.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 17, 2009 @ 10:50 am

  1205. For starters, my name is pronounced like “rawr-oh.” So rawr. Fear meh. :3

    You two and your responses to everything never cease to intrigue me. Where do you pull these things from? Any good sources? Scratch that. Reliable sources? What would be “good” for a child then?

    Comment by Rorroh — November 16, 2009 @ 4:18 pm | Reply

    • I refuse to say your name. It is the kind of name that causes one to sound homosexual when one says it. Therefore I will call you Romm. That name is not homosexual-sounding.

      My “source” is the Bible. You should read it sometime, Romm.

      Comment by DPS — November 16, 2009 @ 9:47 pm | Reply

      • How do you sound homosexual when you say it? Rorroh. No pause. Ror-roh does sound a bit homosexual though. Apparently though, most people that are deathly afraid of homosexuals are actually hiding something. But in any case, using your logic, Romm sounds like rum, and alcohol isn’t a very good thing. Makes one’s mind fuzzy. Seeing as you dubbed me with a name that sounds like alcohol, you must have a liking to such, you fuzzy-minded person. Again, see how annoying that is? :p

        I have read the Bible. Says something about a coming zombie apocalypse at one point, zombie Jesus being the one to start it. But the Bible isn’t really a very reliable source. I find it does have many things that have good life lessons in it, so me, even if I’m not Christian, do have a liking to it. But it isn’t considered a reliable source.

        By reliable source I refer to an unbiased, well written, highly researched account of something, well documented and with appropriate bibliography, or several first-hand things that are still unbiased. An example of an unacceptable first-hand thing is going to a few yiff-themed sites and saying that all furries are disgusting, for the obvious reason being that they are yiff-themed, and not furry in general.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 17, 2009 @ 11:23 am

      • You are so correct DPS, as usual you hit the nail on the head…

        These dirty stinking hippies are just itching to pervert our Christian women and our offspring.

        and of course they are also itching because of the lice they have all over their hairy smelly bodies.

        I can’t tell if he is a child hippy or a homo hippy….

        Comment by Marty McPain — November 18, 2009 @ 1:22 pm

  1206. ya know… i used to get upset when marty or that other guy…dps… what does that stand for anyway?… as i was saying, i used to get angery when they spoke but now its funny and amusing… like when a dog pees on someone whos sleeping. >..< its all coming together now… he cant handle the constant humiliation of one who likes dog pee, so he tries to pin it on us furries as some twisted variation of the truth… its ok dps. look toward your friend here…marty. im sure together you and him can repent and buy your way back into your gods good grace…or some such bullshit.

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 16, 2009 @ 5:22 pm | Reply

  1207. ha ha .. what are you? 12? funny made up names…

    but your wish to be connected with “meh” is noted…“To: Merriam-Webster Inc.
    We are requesting that the word “meh” be added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The definition of meh is: used to express disgust or dislike. Meh is used as an interjection, an example being: Meh, I don’t feel good today. Another example could be: The insurance company will not pay for the totaled car, meh. Meh is already used by many people, and should be an obvious addition to the dictionary. Please consider adding meh to the next edition of the Merriam-Webster dictionary. ”

    yeah.. meh. furries… bah…

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 16, 2009 @ 8:14 pm | Reply

    • I’m 16. It’s called a pseudoname, but aren’t all names made up? I didn’t even notice the “rawr” part of it until a little after I started using it, so I’m not using it strictly because of that, if you were wondering.

      Wish to be connected with “meh”? xD I have no idea what you just said. :p “Meh” is a word that can be used interchangeably as a playful replacement for the word “me” or as an interjection to show that one is brushing the subject off and moving on, or just doesn’t really care one way or another. It can also be a form of disgust as said in the link you provided, as some do use it like that, but more often is used in the aforementioned way.

      1. “Mah wafflz ish eatin meh!”
      2. “Wanna go to the beach?” “Meh, why not.”

      Comment by Rorroh — November 17, 2009 @ 10:37 am | Reply

  1208. With my last four comments, I now say “au revoir.” It is worth noting that many furries, especially younger ones, have very short attention spans.

    I leave with an oddly fond memory, and hope to talk to you two again soon. Furries can be really nice if you get to know the right ones. Maybe if you take the time to email or instant message me at the email address I mentioned above, we could start this chat over and talk a bit more civilized. You could talk to me about Christian morals and values, and in return I could tell you what it is like to be a furry. Of course with vulgar and disgusting things omitted unless you ask about it; don’t want you freaking out, and frankly I don’t really care for that sort of thing.

    I’m sure we could become friends if we get past furry and Christian stereotypes, and I do wish to do so!

    Au revoir,

    Comment by Rorroh — November 17, 2009 @ 11:42 am | Reply

  1209. What in the hell is this jack ass smokeing, cause i want some.

    Now with that said, i feel compelled to point out the obvious fact’s that furries have been around much longer than most people, in some cases furries themselves relieze. To my current knowledge the earliest i can point out is Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse, (who i think was created in the 1950’s). Not to forget of course childrens cartoons such as Transformers, Care Bears, G.I. Joe, Duck Tales, Gummy Bears, My Little Ponies, Dark Wing Duck, Gargoyles, Talespin, The Jungle Book, The Little Mermaid movies, Beauty and the Beast, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thunder Cats, Biker Mice From Mars, Swat Cats, Samurai Pizza Cats, Felix the Cat, Eek the Cat, and who knows how many others that i would have to list. Then lets not forget that about 80% of todays video games feature at least one or more of us furries, the most widely known of which being StarFox, and then closely followed by Sonic the Hedgehog.

    As for furries being perverse, should i even bother pointing out the simple fact that humans themselves are directly responseable for creating every single type of fetish that is or will, ever be known to this planet in it’s entire history. Furries who are into the “dark side” of our nature are simply adapting what humans have been doing since the first day that they began inhabiting the planet to begin with, need proof? then why dont you sit on your couch and watch a dozen episodes of SVU an see just how perverted humanity can really be.

    I would also like to address the fact that you really need some kind of help for even thinking about beating a child within an inch of his/her life, what the hell is your problem cause you need help badly, and i sincerly hope that you get it before you end up in prison for murdering someones 2 year old kid because they were hugging thier teddy bear while they were sleeping. An you think we’re bad? might want to take a look at yourself first.

    The next thing i would expect to hear you say is that the Salem Witch Trials were justified and should have continued untill more than half of the world’s population was killed off.

    Oh and i would highly sugest that you never go to disney world, you stop watching foot ball games, and for that matter lock your door and never step outside again cause guess what Mascot’s are, yep thats right we are all around whever you go.

    Bottom line is yes we are diffrent, some of us are more so than others, but we are just like everyone else we just choose to be who we really are deep inside regardless of what others may think about us. Oh an one last point i need to make is that not all furries are males or gay as you seem to believe. I am happily mated(married), to a wonderfull and loveing wife who by the way also happens to be a furry.

    Kirin Onatashi Rotaru

    Comment by Kirin Rotaru — November 17, 2009 @ 4:26 pm | Reply

    • We’ve already tried that, but well said. I can tell they’re going to point out one of your sentences right off the bat though. What I’ve noticed with them is they’re really passive aggressive, and I’ve seen similarities between them and some other ones of “these” Christians. We’re just giving them what they want by commenting here. :p

      Comment by Rorroh — November 23, 2009 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

    • Oh wow! My comments are actually going through now! xD For the past week they haven’t. I don’t know why I’m still looking through this though, considering my farewell comment was last week. One of the ones that didn’t go through. 😡

      Comment by Rorroh — November 23, 2009 @ 1:16 pm | Reply

  1210. Child, have you asked your parents permission to be using the internets? I think you are not old enough to be on this serious blogpost.

    maybe you should just go back to playing with your animal dolls.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 17, 2009 @ 10:58 pm | Reply

    • maby you should STFU!

      Comment by lone_wolf — November 18, 2009 @ 2:03 pm | Reply

      • I won’t stand for this kind of incivility. Why do you furries think that it is acceptable to come to a Christian blog and spew all kinds of profanities and blasphemies? We do not come to your furry blogs to mock you for your sick Satanic beliefs and practices. I have never even *seen* a furry blog. I would not like to go to a furry blog because furries are so uncivil. They are always angry and yelling, and it is impossible to reason with them. All they do is yell and curse: it’s always “bottom” this, and “darn” that with you furries. Is it any wonder everyone hates you, when you’re so angry and humorless and profane?

        Comment by DPS — November 18, 2009 @ 9:06 pm

      • Wolf, that was pretty uncalled for.

        DPS, why do you think it’s acceptable to make a Christian blog spewing profanities about furries? In furry blogs we don’t say anything about Christians, unless it’s a furry Christian. But even at that, it’s just trivial information. Is it any wonder why we’ve started commenting on this blog, when you’re so passive aggressively insulting us, cannot seem to understand a joke from normal sentences from being angry? :p

        Comment by Rorroh — November 23, 2009 @ 1:23 pm

  1211. typical furry reaction – blind incoherent rage.

    You are angry because you know that your perverted deathstyle has condemned you to eternal torment in Hell. All True Christians in Heaven will laugh and point as Satan’s huge barbed tally wacker is repeatedly thrust into your poop chute.

    oh well.. you can still repent before you are killed by God and sent to Hell. Somehow I think you will miss the chance.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 18, 2009 @ 10:34 pm | Reply

    • you two are so full of shit its spuing out your ears. like i said its f@%$*&# funny. ^.^
      devil this, christian that. i have a sense of humor. try telling a real joke and ill tell you if its funny or not. not if a furry walked into a bar… non of that a real joke. lets put furry and christianity away for a little bit…

      Comment by lone_wolf — November 19, 2009 @ 9:24 pm | Reply

    • I Don’t Know If you noticed or not but we are not the ones that are constantly using innuendos
      and thinking dirty thoughts like you are…..granted there maybe a few post from us “Furries”
      That Are Like that….but most of them have been from you,DPS, and a few others on your side of the argument.

      In Conclusion i believe that you guys…ARE THE ONES THAT RAPE THOSE POOR DEFENSELESS ANIMALS!!

      Comment by DragonKnight — November 20, 2009 @ 12:24 am | Reply


        So, your thesis is that, because we are (according to you) furries, we want to rape animals?

        Ergo, being a furry means wanting to rape animals?

        Thank you for admitting, finally, what you furries have been denying all along, and what we all know to be true: furries are twisted people who want to, and do, molest animals.

        Comment by DPS — November 20, 2009 @ 5:50 am

      • Not Exactly….
        I Am Saying that you guys Secretly are part of the one to two percent of Furries that do enjoy Beastiality(Sex With Animals)…..Why else would you guys keep bringing up sick visions of sex/innuendos Whenever we say something….

        (Sorry was too tired to clarify in the previous post) 😛

        P.S. Also i wanted to see how you guys would react to totally random accusations….
        yes i did admit that SOME furries engage in that activity but NOT ALL OF THEM

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 20, 2009 @ 5:18 pm

      • Not to mention some of your christian priests have molested children and taken advantage of them….

        so using YOUR state of mind….I belive that all christians molest children and should be burned at the stake….

        Also, using you as an example I can say that all christians Hate people who don’t believe what they believe.

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 20, 2009 @ 6:21 pm

      • I’m afraid it’s too late now, furries. The horse has left the barn. (Please note that this is a purely metaphorical horse, so there is no sense in becoming sexually aroused over it). In the heat of the moment, you’ve admitted the truth about furries and their insatiable lust for America’s pets and livestock. Conversation over. We won. Please go turn yourself in to the police for your disgusting crimes. May God have mercy on your soul.

        Comment by DPS — November 21, 2009 @ 12:52 pm

      • I Say Again….

        If ALL furries molest animals….
        Then ALL Christans Molest Children and HATE those that don’t believe what they do….

        Or so your logic states. O_o

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 22, 2009 @ 11:13 pm

      • Calm down. I told you not to get all excited over the metaphorical horse, but clearly you are.

        Look, don’t fight it. It’s too late. You already admitted it, and no amount of shifty, slippery furry rhetoric can undo that.

        Also, I have decided to rename all of the furries who appear here, for reasons I explain below.

        Your name is “Gumfish.”

        Comment by DPS — November 23, 2009 @ 9:19 am

  1212. and wait… did anyone else notice that smillie face at the bottom left hand corner of this blog?! *.*

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 19, 2009 @ 9:26 pm | Reply

    • I think you are hallucinating because of your furry drugs. I don’t see any similes. Can you be more specific?

      Comment by DPS — November 19, 2009 @ 9:57 pm | Reply

      • He Said Smiley Face, Like This 🙂
        and this 😀
        Or Even this 😉
        There maybe some i have not even seen yet.

        You are the one on drugs O_o
        How else can you explain your rediculous Arguments….

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 20, 2009 @ 2:24 am

  1213. He Said Smiley Face, Like This

    I don’t see one of those, either. So I stand by my theory about you furries being on drugs.

    Comment by DPS — November 20, 2009 @ 5:53 am | Reply

    • After Taking a look myself….
      I must agree with you(Reluctantly), There are no smiley faces that i can see.

      Lone_wolf….Are you on drugs?
      If not please explain yourself.

      Comment by DragonKnight — November 20, 2009 @ 5:38 pm | Reply

      • ok scroll down to the very bottom of this page. in the very left hand corner you shall see a smillie face looking at you. i am not on drugs. thank you very much… >.>

        Comment by lone_wolf — November 21, 2009 @ 11:04 pm

      • ok scroll down to the very bottom of this page. in the very left hand corner you shall see a smillie face looking at you. i am not on drugs. thank you very much… >.>

        Ah, I see it too. And unlike this young fellow I certainly have not used any drugs. I am high on Jesus’ love, but that’s all I’m high on. I wonder why it is there. It does not seem threatening, so I doubt that it is Satanic.

        On the other hand, one cannot be too careful. From now on, at the bottom of the page I will scroll up just a little so that I cannot see this potentially pagan symbol.

        Comment by DPS — November 22, 2009 @ 12:33 am

      • It’s a WordPress thing, and has nothing to do with paganism. I am, by the way, Pagan. Just wanted to let you know. ‘Cause I’mma eat your childrens. Then put a spell on you. I’ll make you mine.

        Comment by Rorroh — November 23, 2009 @ 1:27 pm

  1214. like i said. f*@^$%# hilarious. 😛

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 22, 2009 @ 1:20 am | Reply

  1215. I fear you may be correct Brother DPS, there does seem to be a satanic influence creeping into this blog…

    Sid you know that Sam Brownback supported an apology to the heathen savages that stole the good country of the United States of America from us good Christians? by moving here from godless aisatic hellholes before we arrived? I can’t believe he would do this except that he has been corrupted by satanic witches, or perhaps by evil furries as punishment for his work in exposing them.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 22, 2009 @ 7:02 pm | Reply

    • or perhaps your full of balongna. >.<

      Comment by lone_wolf — November 22, 2009 @ 8:17 pm | Reply

    • *wiggles finger* Eh-eh-eh! Stop riiight there.

      Marty you do know that the United States of America is “not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…”

      Don’t give me that. Try getting your facts straight before you start throwing such accusations around. 😉

      Comment by Rorroh — November 23, 2009 @ 2:24 pm | Reply

      • More America-bashing from the furries. If anyone wants to see why furryism and anti-Americanism are so closely related, look no further. You won’t be surprised to learn that some of America’s greatest foes are notorious furries, such as Ahmadinejad and Chavez. It’s a proven fact.

        Comment by DPS — November 25, 2009 @ 9:52 am

      • I would Like to see where you got that fact.
        Also if it is the bible…i do not accept that as fact.
        so please….only reliable sources such as Newspaper and the News(T.V) etc.

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 25, 2009 @ 1:58 pm

  1216. Sid you know that Sam Brownback supported an apology to the heathen savages that stole the good country of the United States of America from us good Christians? by moving here from godless aisatic hellholes before we arrived?

    No harm. It’s only words. If Senator Brownback can deal smoothly with minor issues like this while keeping his eyes on the big issues of defeating Obamacare and preventing a socialist takeover of fascism, then he’ll be well placed to form a unity ticket with Governor Palin in 2012.

    or perhaps your full of balongna.

    “Bologna.” And why are all of you furries named after wolves or birds, anyway? How come you don’t name yourselves after cows and beetles. Like “Fatcow” and “Beetlepoop”? What are the chances that all of you sad little people would be wolves and hawks? Most animals are bugs that eat fecal matter and other unpleasant substances. Which, comes to think of it, describes pretty well the furries who comment here (no offense).

    From now on, I think I will begin assigning names to furries. “lone_wolf” is now officially to be called “Craprat.”

    Comment by DPS — November 22, 2009 @ 11:07 pm | Reply

    • there you go again dps. as soon as you cant fight with your “christianity” you turn to calling others names. pathetic if you ask me. and you turn your attention to me right now because ive spoken a few times, made my voice heard. so you try to supress me. now you truely do your church proud. “conform or be cast out”. isent that what you dull minded “christians” been taught since you came out the womb? ya know what im willing to bet your not evan christian. im willing to bet your using gods name in vain. he will smite you for that you know?!

      Comment by lone_wolf — November 23, 2009 @ 7:44 pm | Reply

    • Now, now. Don’t get all offended, Craprat. Relax. You furries never have a sense of humor; you just get angry about everything.

      And of courae I’m Christian. But I doubt you’re a real furry.

      Comment by DPS — November 24, 2009 @ 1:46 am | Reply

      • “Course.” :p
        You just confirmed what Wolf said. Smooooth. x3

        Comment by Rorroh — November 24, 2009 @ 8:57 am

      • Resorting to name calling….I swear your starting to sound like a fifth or sixth grader
        and less like a civil-minded adult

        “Gumfish” I was laughing my ass off….a friend I had a long time ago had that as a nickname, no he wasn’t a furry.

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 24, 2009 @ 6:00 pm

  1217. most religous people are chrsitstian and white, congratultaions, you’ve just admitted you eat shit.

    Comment by Raknoth the Wolf — November 23, 2009 @ 2:03 pm | Reply

    • It’s “congratulations”
      Sorry I can’t help it….I just can’t stand bad spelling, even minor mistakes.

      Anyway it’s better safe than sorry, especially when DPS and Marty Mcpain love to use are own words against us…..I Swear, one of them must be a Lawyer

      Comment by DragonKnight — November 24, 2009 @ 6:14 pm | Reply

      • Ooops…he..he 😛
        I mean “Our”

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 24, 2009 @ 8:40 pm

      • Don’t worry about him, Rabthoth is not even a real furry, he likes hanging around pretending to be one. Pretty pathetic, I think. He doesn’t even have a real furry suit. He can’t even blame his misspellings on the difficulty of typing while wearing a big fluffy furry costume.

        Comment by DPS — November 25, 2009 @ 1:10 am

  1218. for all of you how don’t like it fine don’t.let them be how they are they never did aneything to you did they. reamber this is a free ceontry or is it. you can not tell someone how they can be it is there shut up about it.

    19 yoji gay

    Comment by yoji — November 25, 2009 @ 1:17 am | Reply

    • well sorry to burst your bubble but it seems that SOME people think they can tell other people how to live their life,when to eat,when to pray and when to use the restroom….
      (Referring to DPS and Marty McPain)

      OH! and don’t forget, How much money you give to church…..

      So overall I don’t think this conversation will ever end. Mostly because the two people that I Previously mentioned, ARE CHILD MOLESTING CHRISTIANS WHO BELIEVE EVERYONE IN THE WORLD SHOULD CONFORM TO THEIR WAY OF THINKING OR BOW DOWN AND LICK THE DIRT AND GRIME OFF THEIR BOOTS!!

      Personally I disagree with almost everything these two have to say…
      (Note: I Don’t have any Problems with christans in general. Just these two self-proclaimed christian idiots.)

      Comment by DragonKnight — November 25, 2009 @ 2:11 pm | Reply

      • OK, settle down. There’s no need to yell and be uncivil. Isn’t it possible just to have a serious, reasonable discussion with you furries? Do you have to get hysterical and vulgar every time a Christian expresses his opinion? You won’t persuade anyone by throwing around wild accusations and profanities.

        Comment by DPS — November 25, 2009 @ 7:20 pm

  1219. dps your so pathetic, have you truely run out of things to say? i mean i insinuate, no…i out right tell you that you may not be a christian and thats what your throwing back at us? that us furries are not evan furries at all. you truely have sunk. come now… say something inteligent and christian, so that i may taunt you a second time. you sorry excuse for a human. there are many christians that i know that i like, but you cant be liked. not when you fake what religion you are just to bash a group of people…and he will smite you. it may not be with a thunder bolt, you may just be sitting on your couch someday at 65 years of age. no job, no pension, no family or friends and you will think to your self “damn…that lone wolf was right, god has scorn me for what i have done” and you shall live a long life…alone, and neither god nor friend shall comfort you.

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 25, 2009 @ 6:18 pm | Reply

  1220. us furries are not evan furries at all

    There’s a very simple test for this. Do you wear a furry costume?

    you sorry excuse for a human

    There’s no call for this kind of intemperate outburst.

    you cant be liked. not when you fake what religion you are

    I have never concealed my devotion to God. You however may or may not be pretending to belong to the furry religion when you’re not even a real furry. This is why it is important to establish whether you own a furry outfit.

    you may just be sitting on your couch someday at 65 years of age. no job, no pension, no family or friends and you will think to your self “damn…that lone wolf was right, god has scorn me for what i have done” and you shall live a long life…alone, and neither god nor friend shall comfort you

    Just to clarify one thing: what kind of couch am I going to be sitting on?

    Comment by DPS — November 25, 2009 @ 7:29 pm | Reply

    • in my opinion you will not even own a couch, you will sitting on cold hard concrete. Why?
      Because you will be homless, thats why.

      as lone_wolf said neither god nor friend will comfort you.

      The only time you will get said comfort(sort of) is in the icy cold embrace of death, and death will not be kind for he will not send you to heaven nor will he send you to hell/underworld. He will damn you to an eternity wandering the world, and you will never get to know what true peace of mind,body,and soul is. Your soul will forever be lost, then only after your punishment has been given to you will you say “SHIT! I should have listened and been kinder to everyone, including my enemies.” but alas it will be too late for you.

      Comment by DragonKnight — November 25, 2009 @ 8:11 pm | Reply

      • Damn another typo….”Homeless”

        Comment by DragonKnight — November 25, 2009 @ 9:30 pm

    • pleather…

      Comment by lone_wolf — November 25, 2009 @ 8:19 pm | Reply

  1221. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

    Today is a day to give thanks for everything we have 🙂
    so i will not be visiting here for a couple of days, maybe even a week.
    (Mainly to get a break from DPS and Marty McPain and their crazy belief/arguments)

    Later ppl 😀

    Comment by DragonKnight — November 26, 2009 @ 6:11 pm | Reply

    • Happy Thanksgiving to you to! 😀

      Comment by rorroh — November 26, 2009 @ 7:48 pm | Reply

  1222. yes happy thanks giving. evan to marty and dps.

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 26, 2009 @ 11:36 pm | Reply

  1223. What a surprise. Instead of honoring an American holiday, the furries were posting their vile and profane slanders on the Internet. More proof of their anti-Americanism (as though we needed more proof of that!).

    It also shows you what a threat the furry religion is. They are fanatical and tireless. They will troll Christian blogs every day, all day, without taking a holiday, until they have taken everything over. This is why they must be stopped. Think of what would happen if we had a furry president! It’s bad enough that the current first lady is dabbling in furryism.

    Comment by DPS — November 27, 2009 @ 3:48 pm | Reply

    • For starters we’re not a religion. Second, we were saying happy Thanksgiving, not posting “vile and profane slanders.” And third, that’s called “fashion.” :\

      Comment by rorroh — November 27, 2009 @ 6:07 pm | Reply

  1224. whats that dps? i really dont understand were that came from. O.o

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 27, 2009 @ 6:02 pm | Reply

  1225. Those pics are pretty hot. You should post the links so that my gang of dangerous sexual deviants can get ideas and do deviant things to each other in our own homes and thus affect the oh so delicate balance of nature itself. Also: what will electing that moron do? Does he intend to police the internet? Good luck.

    Comment by Jon foxx — November 27, 2009 @ 8:42 pm | Reply

  1226. whats that dps? i really dont understand were that came from.

    On Thanksgiving, normal Christian patriots were celebrating the true meaning of the holiday, which is the rising of Jesus Christ from the grave and his glorious defeat of his enemies. Furries, by contrast, were on this blog, making comments and weakening America’s moral fiber. You will probably all be here on Christmas, too, to blaspheme and to corrupt young people.

    I hope Sisyphus or Psycheout bans all of you.

    PS I didn’t see any of you try to explain Michelle Hussein Osama’s furry costume. I am beginning to wonder if she’s not the only furry in that marriage. If it’s true, and the president is a furry, that would explain a lot: the socialism, the fascism, the big government, the pork, the healthcare boondoggle, the death panels, the appeasement of dictators, the support for radical Islamists and homosexuals and feminists, the plan to confiscate our firearms, the bowing to the Japanese king, the incivility, the sex orgies in the White House, etc. I would like to see more proof before I come to any definite conclusions, but it looks pretty suspicious to me.

    Comment by DPS — November 28, 2009 @ 6:06 pm | Reply

    • dps…if its not too personel may i ask were you work?

      Comment by lone_wolf — November 28, 2009 @ 6:54 pm | Reply

    • What does that have to do with anything Wolf? Lol.

      On Thanksgiving, normal people who actually know their history were celebrating the Pilgrim’s landing in the New World and having their first feast. All that we said was we wished you all a happy Thanksgiving. We didn’t say anything trying to offend you in any way. If you hadn’t noticed though, it seems that Christians are taking over all holidays and making them religious. You guys going after Home Owners Day next? Or do you find Silver Star Banner Day a little easier? :p

      PS. I did. It’s fashion. But what the heck are you talking about? What you seem to be saying is furries trying to take down the United States. That’s not even close to the truth. Paranoid much?

      Comment by rorroh — November 28, 2009 @ 8:51 pm | Reply

  1227. dps…if its not too personel may i ask were you work?

    What, so you can report me to the furry patrol? Not likely.

    It’s fashion.

    If it’s just fashion, explain the sicko in the chicken costume. She’s a furry, she’s hanging around with another furry, and her husband seems real happy to be there with both of them. If he’s not already a furry, he’ll be one soon, and then we’ve got real problems. God help the real America then.

    What you seem to be saying is furries trying to take down the United States. That’s not even close to the truth. Paranoid much?

    Paranoid? Then explain this case in England in which furries were plotting to murder their parents and to bite each other’s things off. Furryism is a terrifying menace. Imagine if the president wanted to kill your parents and bite your thing off! Who could stop him? That’s what we’re up against. But you furries probably don’t even care. It’s all part of your plan.

    Comment by DPS — November 28, 2009 @ 10:28 pm | Reply

  1228. It is clear that the hatefull furries, who hate God, Country, their parents, Christians, Christian women and Christian children, and who hate themselves most of all, ARE, in fact, leading the tide of anti-Christian HATE that is washing over this country.

    I fear for the good old USofA when these freaks are able to recruit the harlot temporary female socialist inslamofacist partner of our foreign born president and work their evil magic to destroy this country.

    You may be right DPS… who knows how far this rot goes! a fish stinks from the head! and a furry fish stinks the worst!

    (I was in Church for the last three days, praying for our salavation by the GRACE of GOD. I fear there were many unsaved heathens there just because they wanted to sleep under the pews and steal the Church food.)

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 29, 2009 @ 8:39 pm | Reply

    • lol…you retard. >.<

      Comment by lone_wolf — November 29, 2009 @ 10:35 pm | Reply

  1229. lol…you retard. >.<

    Comment by lone_wolf — November 29, 2009 @ 10:35 pm

    There’s nothing “retarded” about caring about America. Only those of you who are sworn to destroy America would think it’s “retarded.”

    So, do you love America, or not? And please tell the truth, not more of your lies.

    Comment by DPS — November 29, 2009 @ 11:02 pm | Reply

  1230. HOLY SHIT!! O_o

    I leave for a few days and look what I find, MORE stupid comments by DPS and Marty McAsshole.

    You know what? I am sick and tired of hearing you guys and your “god save us from these furries”, “god please smite these unbelievers”, and “god please keep the furries from ruining american family values”. Truthfully, if GOD truly cared about what YOU as a mere mortal thinks about his creations(the entire world as we know it) he would have contacted you himself.

    and on a more personal note, I don’t believe god truly exists at all. I believe that god is just an idea that some really smart people came up with, thousands of years ago, to make it easier to keep CONTROL over everyone else. (GOD = Invisible man, all-knowing,all-seeing;and the only people to see,hear,talk to are the priests/pope. It’s all a pile of Bullshit and you know it, you just don’t want to admit it.)

    Guess what? Before there ever was a United States of America, Guess who got to appoint the leader/King of the country(Dictatorship). for those of you who don’t know it was (most of the time) the CHURCH, more specifically the head priests, Which means that ultimately the churches had complete control over everybody and it was all thanks to “GOD”.

    While back here in present day america….We the people get to choose who leads our country, not the church and definatly not GOD. If I were you I would quit trying to slander our president (Why? because you are starting to “look” and sound alot like a terrorist “Sleeper Agent”, just like those that hijacked those planes on september 11), you are also accusing him and his family of being something* without any concrete evidence (Halloween,Thanksgiving,Easter,etc. DO NOT COUNT AS EVIDENCE). If you don’t like president Obama….PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

    I Believe that anything obama has to say or do is three times better than whatever McCain & Palin(Animal Killer) has to say or do. not to mention the stress of being president would have most likely killed McCain, Leaving us with a stupid,Incompetent bitch who can’t even lie properly(a nine year old could have listened to her and knew she was lying).

    * – Furry/Furryism

    That is my argument for the day (*Yawn* too tired to go back over it so please forgive me for any spelling errors. also i will try to predict your reaction once again, the Probability is 65% that I will accurately predict your reaction)

    Comment by DragonKnight — November 30, 2009 @ 3:28 am | Reply

  1231. As i see it American christians have no lives and are living in the dark ages, with their hate and anti-other religions crap that seems to be going on in this thing, i swear, WoW players have a better life than American Christians, lol ^ ^
    – funny

    Comment by greasedupdeafguy — November 30, 2009 @ 4:57 am | Reply

  1232. Your silence condemns you, furries. By saying nothing, you admit that you do not love America, just as you do not love the Lord and do not love not wearing animal costumes.

    I have to admit that I had some hopes that one of you furries would be stirred by patriotic feelings and remember to love his native land. But that was foolish. I was naive. Furries cannot love America, since furries reject exactly those things that are the opposite of what being an American isn’t.

    Comment by DPS — December 1, 2009 @ 11:54 pm | Reply

  1233. These “homeless” are a serious problem for all True Christians. (TM)

    They lie, cheat, steal, and smell like furries. Many of them adopt a “furry” persona and go around with long shaggy hair like a dog, and a mooslem style beard.

    They are aided in their assault on America by various sinfull false christians such as Methodists and Presbyterians.

    At least some people have some sense…

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 2, 2009 @ 2:04 pm | Reply

    • maybe they have alot of hair, because they can’t afford too by a razor?

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:20 am | Reply

  1234. i wasent calling america retarded. no there is nothing wrong with america as a people and a country. i was calling ou tetarded. ya retard!

    Comment by lone_wolf — December 2, 2009 @ 7:50 pm | Reply

    • lol, i was caling america retarded, nah, just most of you are… global statistics show, that aswell as being the most obese country, you’re also the stupidest. true fact… lol

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 5:42 am | Reply

      • soz calling* can’t b botherd speaking proper online, plus everyone, remember, just because one guy says he’s something online, doesn’t mean he is in real life… oh and i prefer masters milk drinks over brownes

        Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 7:08 am

  1235. i wasent calling america retarded. no there is nothing wrong with america as a people and a country. i was calling ou tetarded. ya retard!

    I notice that you don’t say that you love America, only that “there is nothing wrong with” it. Why? Do you not love America? Aren’t you a patriot?

    Comment by DPS — December 2, 2009 @ 10:01 pm | Reply

    • I notice that you don’t say you love America, only that we don’t love America. Do you not love America? Aren’t you a patriot?

      You keep mixing Christianity with America, saying that if we don’t follow every single little thing that you do, even small insignificant things, we aren’t Christian and furthermore aren’t American. May I remind you that while many people in America are Christian, America is /not/ a Christian country and based on Christianity?

      Comment by rorroh — December 3, 2009 @ 3:51 pm | Reply

  1236. im an American CATHOLIC/CHRISTIAN >:D watch me eat ur childrens souls and molest them whilst destroying their futurez… *nom*nom*nom*

    PEACE GUYZ ILYAs, ❤ XOXOXO *woot*woot*


    Comment by haha — December 3, 2009 @ 8:03 am | Reply

  1237. btw, i’m not going to be on this site again, but if you look at the weird DP’s in the bottom corner of every picture, you can see the hidden swastika…
    NEWAYZ GTG gudnite ILYA

    Comment by haha — December 3, 2009 @ 8:08 am | Reply

  1238. soz not picture – post, my bad lol

    Comment by haha — December 3, 2009 @ 8:18 am | Reply

  1239. Lol America.

    Comment by idascumon — December 3, 2009 @ 3:31 pm | Reply

  1240. Amurikkka

    Comment by idascumon — December 3, 2009 @ 3:52 pm | Reply

  1241. I notice that you don’t say you love America, only that we don’t love America. Do you not love America? Aren’t you a patriot?

    Stop copying me. And of course I love America. I got a “THESE COLORS DON’T RUN” bumper sticker on my truck and a flag pin on my favorite jacket. I am a true USA patriot, unlike you furries. By the way, I see you also refuse to say you love America, just like lame_wolf . Can’t you even pretend for a second you don’t hate America and just say “I love America!” Is that so hard?

    You keep mixing Christianity with America, saying that if we don’t follow every single little thing that you do, even small insignificant things, we aren’t Christian and furthermore aren’t American. May I remind you that while many people in America are Christian, America is /not/ a Christian country and based on Christianity?

    This is all wrong, but it’s also irrelevant. Right now we’re talking about how much furries hate America. Later we can discuss how much furries hate God. Don’t try to change the subject with your fast talk.

    So, what about it? Are any of you furries willing to say “I love America”? Or is your hatred for it so deep and intense that you can’t even bring yourself to type the letters and press “submit”?

    Comment by DPS — December 3, 2009 @ 8:56 pm | Reply

    • i see your americanism by the way you spell colour haha lol

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 5:26 am | Reply

    • Bit delayed.

      This is all wrong, but it’s also irrelevant.

      Is it, DPS, is it? It’s not. You’re not as smooth as you think you are.

      Comment by Rorroh — December 11, 2009 @ 10:06 pm | Reply

  1242. first of all…its lone_wolf you idiot. secondly who the hell said i was american? thirdly who the hell said you could decide the subject you pompuse f*$%@? oh and your still just a loser with an internet connection. and until i know were you work thats what you are… a loser.

    Comment by lone_wolf — December 3, 2009 @ 10:30 pm | Reply

  1243. first of all…its lone_wolf you idiot.

    You furries are impossible to deal with. No one can remember all of your ridiculous fake names. Also, please try to be more civil.

    secondly who the hell said i was american?

    I wish you weren’t, but you are. You wished your furry friends a happy Thanksgiving. Other nations should celebrate that glorious holiday, but they don’t So, do you love America? Or are you on the side of the terrorists?

    And again, please be more civil.

    thirdly who the hell said you could decide the subject you pompuse f*$%@?

    I apologize. If you prefer to talk about why furries hate God, that’s OK with me. We will just take it as given that furries hate America. OK?

    And please, let’s show some civility.

    oh and your still just a loser with an internet connection. and until i know were you work thats what you are… a loser.

    I will tell you where I work, if you will promise not to track down my address and molest my cat.

    And please, don’t be so uncivil.

    Comment by DPS — December 3, 2009 @ 10:59 pm | Reply

    • hey fuck you, your saying, just because i’m not american, i am clearly a terroist furry freak,

      well i say take a chill pill and chillax., drink some browns chill coffee or mocha or chocolate, or whatever floats your boat, because you have issues

      BTW, i’m going to bomb your house with an explosive hidden under in my tourist bag 🙂 have a good night

      Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 5:33 am | Reply

    • You are aware that Thanksgiving isn’t only practiced in the US, right? :V

      Comment by idascumon — December 4, 2009 @ 3:29 pm | Reply

  1244. question, does that make sesame street a perverted sex with animals loving, coz if so, it’s changed.

    Comment by tim — December 4, 2009 @ 6:25 am | Reply

  1245. I think the last real topic of discussion we had was whether it was better to rely on Federal power to combat the furry menace, or to depend on local citizen militia.

    I pointed out that a Federal effort made sense, because these furries are a threat to the nation as a whole and have sent out many “Easter Bunnnies and team mascots to corupt people ALL over the country.

    OTOH a local effort would be better able to identify closet furries and their ringtailed leaders.

    The conclusion was that the DHS should provide weapons and ammm, and transportation, and locals would supply the manpower and itelligence on who is a furry.

    We need to act!

    (it was either that or “why furries hate America.” I guess)

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 4, 2009 @ 12:39 pm | Reply

  1246. You are a bunch of fucks. Really… ever one of you right wing republican bastards are full of shit. Where did they drag you out of? Who picked up the rock you crawled out of?! You keep talking about American patriotism, and you are going against everything it represents!
    Where is “Right to pursue happiness?
    You are the ones burning the flags, not the furries.
    a 15 year old fox
    plus if you diss us, you diss every cartoon character (even your own faithmouse)

    Comment by Maximum333 — December 4, 2009 @ 5:09 pm | Reply

  1247. a Federal effort made sense, because these furries are a threat to the nation as a whole and have sent out many “Easter Bunnnies and team mascots to corupt people ALL over the country.

    No good, it’s too late. The furries are already potentially in control of the federal government. It’s all going to depend on local efforts by small groups of patriots. WOLVERINES!!!!

    PS not like wolverine costumes, like furries, but like we’re the Wolverines in Red Dawn, which is a great patriotic movie, plus they would have fought the furries in that movie, too, if people knew about furries back then, which they didn’t, but they’re even worse than the Russians, but they’re kind of the same, because they all hate America.

    Comment by DPS — December 4, 2009 @ 10:06 pm | Reply

  1248. I have been waiting for three days for a single one of you furries to say the words “I love America.” You all refuse to do it. So I don’t want to hear any more objections from you furries when I refer to the inherent anti-Americanism of furryism. You had a chance to disprove this, and you passed it up. You’re all as bad as Hugo Chavez and that crazy Iraq midget with the beard. So let’s move on.

    Something that I am afraid of is that the radical furry agenda is going to follow that of the other Sodomites, and that they are going to begin agitating for the right to marry animals. What I want to know is, what can an average citizen like me do to prevent this? Is it enough to press for laws defining marriage as between a human male and a human female, or do we need to start bringing furries into custody for their own protection and for the safety of our families and pets?

    Comment by DPS — December 6, 2009 @ 8:36 pm | Reply

    • For starters, why would other countries celebrate the Pilgrim’s arrival in the new world? Second, GOD AND AMERICA ARE NOT CONNECTED. Kthx.

      I personally do not love America. Yes, I /hate/ America. All because of people like you who probably think Independence Day was the day that Jesus became 18. 🙂

      Comment by rorroh — December 6, 2009 @ 10:22 pm | Reply

      • Hahaha.

        But Canada celebrates Thanksgiving, just in a different month. I’m not sure what it’s for, though, as I’m a bit further south. :p

        Also, loving your country is out of style. Anarchy and treason is the new patriotism. :V

        Comment by idascumon — December 7, 2009 @ 8:20 am

  1249. dps i say im not american because im not american. i live in canada. and im not going to molest your cat, thats disgusting and that in its self is uncivilized. and dont try and throw back that “but thats what you furries do… molest animals.” now if youll excuse me i must sleep, ive been part of a search team for the last 3 days now looking for a 7 year old autistic boy thats been lost in the woods. its storming with lots of snow now, and i fear the worst… >.>

    Comment by lone_wolf — December 6, 2009 @ 9:50 pm | Reply

    • A lost 7-year-old autistic boy? Selfish much? Trying to keep him all to yourself!

      Sorry, I just had to say that. Feeding DPS and Marty is fun! :3!

      Comment by rorroh — December 6, 2009 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  1250. I /hate/ America.

    Yes, I know, we already established that. Please try to keep up. We are now discussing the appropriate response to the anti-American, anti-family furry threat.

    im not going to molest your cat, thats disgusting and that in its self is uncivilized

    That is exactly what a sneaky furry who wanted to molest my cat would say.

    ive been part of a search team for the last 3 days now looking for a 7 year old autistic boy

    I salute you. Sometimes I doubt that you are a furry at all, lost_wolf.

    A lost 7-year-old autistic boy? Selfish much? Trying to keep him all to yourself!

    Typical furry garbage. Lost_wolf was trying to save a child for three days. You on the other hand have probably spent the last three days looking lustfully at pictures of cows and goats on the Internet.

    Comment by DPS — December 7, 2009 @ 9:05 pm | Reply

  1251. Just so you know I couldn’t reply because I was shopping for gifts for my family, for christmas.
    I am a scalie/furry as well as an american and all I have to say is, I LOVE AMERICA! and everything that it stands for. The only thing I can’t stand are the People who think that the freedom our laws give us, gives them the right to stick their noses into everyone’s private life. and Religious Idiots who PUSH their religion on others and not give a shit what those others think, just like your doing.

    A more pressing problem is that our women (America and possibly most of the world) are slowly STARVING themselves to DEATH. Just so that they can look as “Beautiful” as a Supermodel, and just to compound the problem many people are dying or are at risk of dying because they are extremely
    obese. so in conclusion if these trends continue almost all of the worlds women will be gone!

    So why don’t you “Good Christians” stop bothering the furries, and Start saving our women.

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 8, 2009 @ 3:02 pm | Reply

    • O_o thats odd…..

      it seems that it didn’t want to put extremely
      obese on one line… I wonder why?

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 8, 2009 @ 3:07 pm | Reply

    • OMG!!! it just did it again O_O

      Might as well note that I am Bisexual with a preference for women. So Please people save our women!

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 8, 2009 @ 3:11 pm | Reply

      • Women are pretty awesome.

        Comment by idascumon — December 8, 2009 @ 3:14 pm

  1252. Great, now Dragonknight is just shuffling through like an Alzheimer’s patient, muttering to no one about saving extremely obese women or whatever.

    Comment by DPS — December 8, 2009 @ 7:04 pm | Reply

    • actually I am telling you to leave the absolutly harmless furries alone, and concentrate on more pressing matters like women starving themselves to death.

      Note: the furries who aren’t harmless will usually do something stupid and end up in jail or worse.

      Note2: We are not trying to take over the world or corrupt anyone so it is usless to argue otherwise.

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 9, 2009 @ 3:27 am | Reply

      • Heh heh. Found this in my iGoogle this morning.

        Rational arguments don’t usually work on religious people. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be religious people.
        – Doris Egan

        Quite true, don’t ya think? ;p

        Comment by Rorroh — December 10, 2009 @ 9:11 am

      • Correction:

        “Furry lies don’t work on religious people. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be religious people.”
        — DPS

        Comment by DPS — December 10, 2009 @ 9:52 am

  1253. The power level of that last comment was… OVER 9000!? THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!? o_O, >_<

    Comment by tim — December 9, 2009 @ 8:05 am | Reply

  1254. I am telling you to leave the absolutly harmless furries alone

    There are no harmless furries; they are a known menace, and their numbers increase every day.

    But in any case, we ARE leaving you furries alone. You have come to our Christian site to wave your furry religion in our faces and try to ram it down our throats. So why don’t you leave us harmless Christians alone?

    the furries who aren’t harmless will usually do something stupid and end up in jail or worse.

    Wouldn’t it be better to put them in jail before they do harm, like murdering people in their sleep or turning America into a socialist dictatorship and handing it over to the Islamofascists?

    We are not trying to take over the world or corrupt anyone so it is usless to argue otherwise.

    That’s what Hitler said, too. And people believed him, for a while. We won’t believe your soothing lies, and real USA America patriots will make sure you don’t carry out the holocaust of Christians that you are plotting.

    Comment by DPS — December 9, 2009 @ 8:54 pm | Reply

    • Learn to actually befriend a furry, and you’ll know that most of us aren’t harmful at all.

      Tell me, what is this blog post about?

      Comment by Rorroh — December 10, 2009 @ 9:19 am | Reply

      • Tell me, what is this blog post about?

        A grave threat to America’s children.

        Learn to actually befriend a furry, and you’ll know that most of us aren’t harmful at all.

        That’s what Neville Chamberlain thought he could do in 1938. So he became snuggle buddies with Adolf Hitler. Next thing you know, World War II. Like the Nazis, with whom they have so many traits in common, the furries cannot be appeased; they can only be resisted.

        This blog post is a part of that noble resistance.

        Comment by DPS — December 10, 2009 @ 9:48 am

      • Okay, and what is said threat to America’s children?

        Comment by Rorroh — December 10, 2009 @ 10:15 am

      • As I have said more times that I can count:


        I don’t know how much clearer I can be about this. FURRYISM is the threat, the threat is FURRYISM, and this post is about the threat FURRYISM represents. FURRYISM = threat to America’s children. FURRYISM? It’s a threat to America’s children. What is threatening America’s children? FURRYISM.

        Please let me know if any confusion remains about the identity of the threat to America’s children. (Hint: it’s eight letters long, begins in an “F,” ends in an “M,” and between them is “URRYIS”).

        Comment by DPS — December 10, 2009 @ 11:04 am

      • And you say furries react with anger. :p

        You say that you’re leaving furries alone and we’re the ones who are attacking you, yet you understand and acknowledge the fact that you’re the ones who started the attacks, along with attacks towards others (exempli gratia, the “Anime is encouraging murder” post). There are no furry blogs about Christians being evil, and having posts such as these you should expect this.

        And again, we are not a religion, we’re a fandom; a group of people with a common interest.

        Comment by Rorroh — December 10, 2009 @ 8:47 pm

  1255. *Face-Palm*

    you sir are an idiot, and I guess that saying about idiots is true.
    “Don’t argue with an idiot. they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”.

    my intelligence is wasted on fools such as you.

    @Rorroh It seems that Doris Egan was a very smart individual. seeing as all religions happen to be two-faced hypocrits. always talking about peace and love, but yet they don’t seem to care if they coat their hands in the blood of others (every religion i have heard of has killed in the name of god at least once in their history)

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 10, 2009 @ 5:55 pm | Reply

  1256. you’re the ones who started the attacks

    Psycheout was performing an important public service, by alerting America to the terrifying peril it was in. Not to speak out would be like not calling the fire department when you saw your neighbor’s house on fire. In this analogy, the neighbor is America, the house is America’s children, the fire is furryism, and the fire department is also America, but with hoses and fire trucks.

    All we are trying to do here at B4B is to extinguish furryism with our hoses, hoses that spurt faith and godliness and patriotism instead of water.

    There are no furry blogs about Christians being evil

    I can’t see how there could be. You’re too busy bothering Christians here to establish such a blog. But more than that, it would be impossible: Christians are good, and a website devoted to a lie couldn’t last long. This website has enjoyed longevity only by virtue of its absolute commitment to the truth.

    we are not a religion

    You are right, I made a mistake. You are in fact a cult, like Islam and vegetarianism. I will be more careful how I use my words in future.

    a group of people with a common interest

    You know who else were “a group of people with a common interest”?

    The Nazis.

    Comment by DPS — December 10, 2009 @ 9:37 pm | Reply

    • You’re straying off point again. The point was that you said you were leaving furries alone, and yet you just admitted to bothering us, thus again proving inconsistency in your logic. Check? (Check referring to chess)

      I’m just here because I’m bored, actually. ^^

      Vegetarianism? xD Not a cult, smarty. :p

      You know who else attacked a group of people with a common interest?
      The Nazis.

      Now can we please get off the Nazis? Quite childish how you keep using them to describe us. How you’re using it, you may as well use Nazis to refer to clubs (book clubs, et cetera), gamers, programmers, any religion including Christianity, and many many others. They’re all groups, they have different priorities than others, and affect things in different ways. Who knows, your local music store may be plotting the Apocalypse!

      Comment by Rorroh — December 11, 2009 @ 5:18 pm | Reply

      • You’re straying off point again.

        No, you are. And it’s because you’re trying to throw us off the scent.

        you just admitted to bothering us

        I proudly proclaimed that B4B is spreading the word about the furry threat. It is providing an important informational resource to American families.

        We do not however go to your furry sites and interfere with your disgusting activities that you engage in there. You furries however are constantly here, insulting and attempting to distract good Christians and patriots.

        Vegetarianism? xD Not a cult, smarty.

        Obviously you have never seen a vegetarian.

        Now can we please get off the Nazis?

        You would like that, wouldn’t you? You want us to forget how high the stakes are. Well, I for one won’t be deterred. Wolverines!!!

        They’re all groups, they have different priorities than others, and affect things in different ways.

        Yes, but the furry cult has infiltrated the White House and the democrat party, and is plotting to murder parents in England and cut off their man parts. Once book clubs start doing that, then I’ll worry. (I’m not saying I approve of “book clubs” either—why not have a Bible study?—but they’re not currently as grave a threat as furryism.)

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 9:06 pm

      • Yes, but the furry cult has infiltrated the White House and the democrat party, and is plotting to murder parents in England and cut off their man parts.

        Ooh no. You really want to start this? Dig your hole a little deeper, you’ve almost found a rabbit. (Rabbit hole. It’s a reference, a metaphor for “a deeper meaning”, not referring to something that will turn me on. On that note, funny comic! 😀

        Comment by Rorroh — December 11, 2009 @ 9:49 pm

      • Ooh no. You really want to start this?

        I am not starting anything. The furry movement started it. And they finally got one of their own into the White House.

        You know, this is the first time I’ve been glad that the President is a Muslim. It will provide him a little resistance against his wife’s publicly declared furryism, which is even worse than Muslimism (but closely related to it).

        Comment by DPS — December 12, 2009 @ 1:36 am

  1257. *Face-Palm*

    I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Is this a perversion thing? Are you making advances on me? I will not touch your face, nor any other part of you.

    you sir are an idiot, and I guess that saying about idiots is true.
    “Don’t argue with an idiot. they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”.

    I am way smarter then you. Plus I’m not a furry. You know the saying about furries: “if you’re a cat, they will drag you down to their level and molest you.”

    my intelligence is wasted on fools such as you.

    If you’re so smart, how come you’re a furry? That doesn’t seem like a very smart idea to me. Maybe you think I’m dumb, but at least I was smart enough not to be a furry.

    always talking about peace and love, but yet they don’t seem to care if they coat their hands in the blood of others (every religion i have heard of has killed in the name of god at least once in their history)

    OK, so, you admit that the furries are murderers?

    Comment by DPS — December 10, 2009 @ 9:49 pm | Reply

    • Please…as said before Furries/furryism is not a religion it is a fandom.

      so have you taken the marine corp test (ASVAB) and gotten the one of the highest scores possible? or have you scored over 200 on an IQ test? I DID!

      judging just from your posts I would say your score on the ASVAB would be pretty low, and your IQ would border on double digits (ie: 98,99,100)

      “OK, so, you admit that the furries are murderers?”

      No, As stated above we are not a religion. Religion is the only orginization which has gotten away with murder and is not afraid to use it as a scare tactic.

      “The more Devout a follower (of any religion) the more negotiable murder is”
      – George Carlin

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 11, 2009 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

      • so have you taken the marine corp test (ASVAB) and gotten the one of the highest scores possible?

        They probably deducted points when you misspelled “Marine Corps,” though, didn’t they.

        Actual Marines know how to spell Marine Corps, so it’s clear they turned you down. I’m guessing they turned you down for reasons other than your bad spelling, though. It was probably, oh, I don’t know… the fact that you’re a perverted, America-hating furry?

        or have you scored over 200 on an IQ test? I DID!

        Yes. I was measured at 317.

        your IQ would border on double digits (ie: 98,99,100)

        100 is not a double digit number. You furries think you’re so smart, but you’re not. You don’t even know how many digits are in a double digit number.

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 8:54 pm

      • Hey, Dragonking! Guess what, I just thought of a two digit number! You want to know what it is?

        OK, I’ll tell you. Ready?

        It’s 15,863.

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 9:27 pm

      • He spelled it fine, and he said bordering.

        They must have turned you down too. They must not have wanted some passive-aggressive annoyance being with them.

        I’mma stoop to your level. ‘Cause I’m bored. And you’re fun.

        Comment by Rorroh — December 11, 2009 @ 9:40 pm

      • He spelled it fine

        As you will see from the link, he spelled it wrong.

        A Marine would never have spelled “Marine Corps” wrong.

        he said bordering

        And bordering means “up to but not including.” For example, Mexico is “bordering” the United States of America, but it does not include the United States of America.

        Of course, Mexico will include the USA if Barry Hussein Osama has his way, but that’s a different story.

        So Dragonkite is a furry, a failed Marine, and he can’t count to three.

        And yet he is also, somehow, a genius.

        I confess that this is a mystery so profound I cannot fathom it, furries. Please solve the riddle for me. How can a proven idiot also be one of history’s great intellects?

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 11:48 pm

    • oh, and Face Palming is an action in which you take your hand an smack your own face, usually the forehead.
      it is often used when a person is frustrated with something and or they come to a sudden realization of something stupid (ie: they spend an hour looking for their sunglasses when they suddenly realize that the sunglasses were hanging on the pocket of their shirt.)

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 11, 2009 @ 4:04 pm | Reply

      • Face Palming is an action in which you take your hand an smack your own face, usually the forehead.

        Sounds like it should be called Forehead Smacking. You furries can’t even make up sensible names for your strange and secretive furry rituals.

        it is often used when a person is frustrated with something

        Then I say Face Palming to all of you furries, because I am frustrated with your sinfulness. And once the Day of Judgment comes you furries will all be saying Face Palming too, because you will have “come to a sudden realization of something stupid,” i.e. that you have been stupid for sinning and hating God.

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 9:11 pm

    • brb killing babies and raping women

      like a true christian

      Comment by idascumon — December 11, 2009 @ 5:22 pm | Reply

  1258. Here’s an example of how we fight back, and why B4B matters. Today I was walking by a small park near where I live, where children and suchlike go to play. I noticed a man, bending forward, with his hand extended towards the ground. I could just sense that something wasn’t right. As I got closer, I was able to discern a single squirrel, sniffing cautiously at the man’s hand.

    I sprang into action. I took off my coat, sweater, shirt, and undershirt, and with a loud cry I raced forward towards the man: “GET AWAY FROM THAT SQUIRREL, YOU PERVERT!!!!”

    The furry knew what was good for him. As soon as he saw me, his face flashed a confused, terrified expression, and then he stood up, flung a bag of sunflower seeds at me, and ran away as fast as he could. He had a head start on me, and so I was unable to catch him, but I am happy to report that the squirrel was not harmed. It was obvious what had happened: this furry had come to the park to eat sunflower seeds and grope squirrels. But today his diabolical plan had failed. Exhilarated and proud, I made my way back to the scene of the attempted crime, collected my clothes, and continued on my way.

    The point is, before B4B, I don’t think I would even have noticed what that sick freak was plotting. Because of B4B, I can not only recognize the deviancy, but I know how to stop it as well.

    Comment by DPS — December 10, 2009 @ 11:03 pm | Reply

    • O_O

      “I took off my coat, sweater, shirt, and undershirt”

      you took off your clothes in public….Where were the police they were needed the most, you should have been put in jail for indecency. not to mention from what you say you should also be jailed for attempted assault.

      I swear if you were ever to try do that to me…I wouldn’t be running, I would stand my ground and let you run yourself right into a unbreakable headlock/armlock and then if there were no cops to put you under arrest. I would most likely tie you up to a tree and call the cops [citizens arrest (Assault)]

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 11, 2009 @ 4:15 pm | Reply

      • you should have been put in jail for indecency.

        Face Slap!!! I say Face Slap to you! How do you like a little taste of your own medicine, Dragonking?

        I kept my pants on, obviously. And honestly, what kind of an idiot leaves his shirt on when he’s chasing a furry off? I suppose you have a better furry-scaring technique?

        I would most likely tie you up to a tree and call the cops

        Although you are too weak and effeminate to do so, I believe you would like to tie me up to a tree. I do not however believe that you would call the police, if by some miracle you were able to do so. I believe that you would attempt to do sick furry things to me.

        After you had finished with the squirrel.

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 9:19 pm

    • have issues. xD

      Comment by Rorroh — December 11, 2009 @ 4:17 pm | Reply

      • See, Dragonking? Even the other furries think you’re nuts.

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 9:19 pm

      • Knew you were going to say that. >.>
        I was referring to you, DPS. Hence the close time of posting. You have terrible reasoning skills. :p

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 9:30 pm

      • Knew you were going to say that. >.>
        I was referring to you, DPS. You have terrible reasoning skills. :p

        Comment by Rorroh — December 11, 2009 @ 9:41 pm

      • Predicting what I say means a lot more when you say it before I say it. Like for example I could say “the next thing rarrar says will be really gay” and then after you’ve said it I look smart because I knew what you were going to say would sound really gay.

        But if I just say after the fact that I knew the next thing you said would be really gay, that’s not impressive.

        Of course, with rarrar it’s not very impressive either way, because he is always saying gay things.

        Comment by DPS — December 11, 2009 @ 11:55 pm

  1259. “Because of B4B, I can not only recognize the deviancy, but I know how to stop it as well.”

    DPS, you are a true moral inspiration for us all. You selfless and constant devotion to loving and protecting America makes my heart beat faster and my eyes tear up at the thought of you, you.. protecting that poor endangered squirrel.

    Of course if the man was actually hunting squirrels to kill them and eat them, then it would be ok. Americans have always shot squirrel and sucked our their delicious brains from their little heads. We are just forbidden by God to have sex with them.

    “oh, and Face Palming is an action in which I take my hand an smack my own face when I am frustrated that I can’t find a large enough cat to have sex with and have to make do with a mewling little squirrel, or I do it because I am stupid”

    Interesting lizard brains…. why do you think its ok to post this filth on our Christian Board?

    It makes me want to stab flaming needles of bamboo into my eyes so I no longer have to read your drivel.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 11, 2009 @ 7:38 pm | Reply

  1260. “If you were hairy or wearing a mascot costume I would most likely tie you up to a tree and (Assault)you.”

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 11, 2009 @ 4:15 pm | Reply

    aiiiieeeee! aaaa! my eyes!!!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 11, 2009 @ 7:40 pm | Reply

  1261. I swear that Farty McSadist and DumbPieceofShit get more and more desperate for comebacks as this abortion of a blog continues.

    Comment by idascumon — December 12, 2009 @ 1:17 pm | Reply

  1262. We are victorious over the furries!!! They dare not respond. With God’s aid, we have silenced Rippo, and Dragonsack, and the wolf one, and the other wolf one, and all the other furries!!!! They do not know how to defeat our arguments, and they are afraid to appear here again, lest with God’s grace we stick our justice so far into their faces that they cannot even speak!

    Do not suppose that this humiliating defeat has gone unnoticed, furries. All mankind was watching. They have seen the righteousness of the LORD vindicated, and they have seen the furries routed in panic and dismay before the forces of right and good. Unwittingly you have provided mankind with an indelible image of furry failure, shame, and defeat, and at the same time a grand, unforgettable tableau of triumphant Christian victory. If it were not idolatrous to do so, I would erect a mighty victory monument of marble and porphyry, decorated with bunny and kitty costumes stripped, amid the struggle and strain, from the backs of defeated furries.

    You have met your match at B4B, furries. Fly from here, and never return.

    Comment by DPS — December 12, 2009 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

    • Guess again religious freaks…..

      “Although you are too weak and effeminate to do so, I believe you would like to tie me up to a tree. I do not however believe that you would call the police, if by some miracle you were able to do so. I believe that you would attempt to do sick furry things to me.

      After you had finished with the squirrel.”

      Effeminate….Thats funny, because I could most likely grab you by the throat and break your neck WITH ONE HAND! and you are half-right about the cops I wouldn’t call them first, first I would call my Marine pals and beat you up to the point that you would be coughing up blood. Then I would call the cops [Citizens Arrest(assault,Self-Defense)]. As for the squirrel I would not have even spit on it let alone touch it, Why you ask? because who the hell knows what kind of diseases that it has.

      Finally, are you and Marty McPain both lawyers by any chance, because you are really starting to piss me off! (Either that or you are some government lackeys who steal all our money and pretend that you are actually helping the nation, both of which I Hate)

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 13, 2009 @ 1:00 am | Reply

    • Nah. I just didn’t want to get worked up over some idiot, DPS. :p

      Guess again religious freaks

      Some of my close friends are religious. 😡

      Comment by Rorroh — December 13, 2009 @ 9:39 am | Reply

      • It make angry face! :O Didn’t mean for an angry face. xD

        But as a side note, said friends aren’t as closed-minded as these two.

        Comment by Rorroh — December 13, 2009 @ 9:41 am

  1263. I concede defeat, DPS. You have vanquished us furries. Other furries (I am a furry, too), it is time that we admit that we have been defeated by logic and the word of God.

    I hereby renounce my furriness and furry things that I used to do for s3xual pleasure, and I pledge that I am now a good Christian, and I agree with everything that DPS says because he is right and smart and holy and he is not one of these gay furries that I was also one of, before I stopped being a furry, which I did right now, because DPS is a great teacher of Christianity. I encourage you other furries to follow me.

    THANKS DPS!!!!!!!!

    Comment by A Furry — December 12, 2009 @ 10:57 pm | Reply

  1264. I could most likely grab you by the throat and break your neck WITH ONE HAND!

    Laughable. For one thing, I have seen pictures of the mascot costumes you people wear. There is no way you could grip anything when wearing that, let alone the neck of a real US American patriot.

    As for the squirrel I would not have even spit on it let alone touch it, Why you ask? because who the hell knows what kind of diseases that it has.

    What if we took the squirrel to a veterinarian, and had tests done to prove it had no diseases, and gave it a bath? What would you want to do to the squirrel then, Dragonking? What would you do to a nice, clean, healthy squirrel?

    I shudder to think.

    Finally, are you and Marty McPain both lawyers

    I can’t speak for him, but I doubt it. I certainly am not. They are vile creatures. The only acceptable lawyers are Judge Roy Moore and Justices Roberts, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas. And any prosecutor who goes after furries.

    or you are some government lackeys who steal all our money and pretend that you are actually helping the nation, both of which I Hate)

    Don’t try to pretend you’re a conservative. You’re a furry, and an anti-American atheist, and you hate the troops and America’s children, and you are against all the good values that the real America stands for. I am a proud TEABAGGER and 9-12’er. You’re just looking for taxpayer handouts so you can buy more costumes and lobby Congress to legalize human-animal marriage.

    I would call my Marine pals

    Are you suggesting that members of the USMC willingly associate with a furry?!? That, sir, is outrageous. I DEMAND that you apologize to the Marines immediately. I refuse to respond to any more of your nonsense until you apologize for this disgusting lie.

    Comment by DPS — December 13, 2009 @ 11:10 am | Reply

    • I am a proud TEABAGGER and 9-12′er.

      Can I.. quote you on that? :}

      Comment by Rorroh — December 13, 2009 @ 11:28 am | Reply

      • I’m proud of it. I was teabagging way back in March. I teabagged the White House, both my senators, and my representative at least once a day for several weeks, and sporadically since. I am going to keep teabagging them until they get the message. I have been to countless Tea Parties, too. And I am a dedicated 9-12’er. I have memorized the Nine Principles and the Twelve Values. I nearly went to the March on Washington but was prevented by poor health. I did however live-blog it from home.

        So yes, quote me on that. DPS says he’s a proud teabagger and 9-12’er.

        Comment by DPS — December 13, 2009 @ 12:18 pm

  1265. “first I would call my Marine pals..” don’t worry DPS.. he is not insulting th eUSMC.

    He is talking about his faggy friends that dress up as dolphins and sea otters. He would use a conch shell or something like an old crab and make squeeking noises to call them..

    They will all have flippers and stuff…

    I am a Christian Pastor and Creation Scientist at a major educational institution.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 13, 2009 @ 11:58 am | Reply

    • Get your religion out of my science, fuckhead.

      Comment by idascumon — December 13, 2009 @ 12:38 pm | Reply

      • “Science” is ancient Hittite for “knowledge.” True knowledge comes from God. The Christian religion is the worship of God. Therefore the true science is religion.

        Comment by DPS — December 14, 2009 @ 11:15 am

    • I am a Christian and I am offended that you use that language.
      I am also curious as to why you are tormenting these people. Did our Lord God Jesus Christ not say that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Are we not to love our neighbors?

      Comment by Jacqui — December 14, 2009 @ 9:08 pm | Reply

  1266. First things first….
    Good luck catching that squirrel DPS, even if you managed to do so I would still never touch it.
    Because I know better than to mess with wild animals, and before you get started I don’t own any house pets. Also I haven’t been to any zoos, because I believe that it is wrong for us to take any wild animal out of it natural habitat and put in a “Prison” just for our own amusement.

    yes, I have quite alot of USMC buddies who would be more than willing to beat up an asshole like you. I don’t deny that I am an atheist, however as stated before I am not Anti-American I Love America and all the freedoms we are given by the government(Not God). Also note that while strangling you to death cannot be done with normal fursuit hands, I have made my own which are more like normal gloves allowing me to use all of my fingers to do normal activities.

    Rorroh – I mean no offense to any normal religious followers. DPS and Marty McPain have already proven that they are anything but normal, “Religious Fanatics” is more like it.

    Marty if that is true I have only one thing to say…. GET YOUR RELIGION OUT OF SCIENCE ASSHOLE!
    Belief and Fact are two completely different things and should never be confused or in this case combined.

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 14, 2009 @ 3:57 am | Reply

  1267. I concede defeat, DPS. You have vanquished us furries. Other furries (I am a furry, too), it is time that we admit that we have been defeated by logic and the word of God.

    I hereby renounce my furriness and furry things that I used to do for s3xual pleasure, and I pledge that I am now a good Christian, and I agree with everything that DPS says because he is right and smart and holy and he is not one of these gay furries that I was also one of, before I stopped being a furry, which I did right now, because DPS is a great teacher of Christianity. I encourage you other furries to follow me.

    THANKS DPS!!!!!!!!

    Wow, that’s great, “A Furry,” although you should probably stop calling yourself “A Furry” now that you are no longer a furry(perhaps try “Furry No More”?).

    Anyway, I hope that these other furries will admit defeat in the same way you have, and come over to God’s side. You see, furries? We are here with open arms, if only you will renounce furriness.

    “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”

    Comment by DPS — December 14, 2009 @ 11:05 am | Reply

  1268. Hmmmmm…

    furries tend to lie a lot you know…..

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 14, 2009 @ 1:38 pm | Reply

  1269. “Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning “knowledge”) is, in its broadest sense, any systematic knowledge-base or prescriptive practice that is capable of resulting in a prediction or predictable type of outcome. In this sense, science may refer to a highly skilled technique or practice.[1]

    In its more restricted contemporary sense, science is a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific method, and to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research.[2][3] This article focuses on the more restricted use of the word. Science as discussed in this article is sometimes called experimental science to differentiate it from applied science, which is the application of scientific research to specific human needs—although the two are commonly interconnected.

    Science is a continuing effort to discover and increase human knowledge and understanding through disciplined research. Using controlled methods, scientists collect observable evidence of natural or social phenomena, record measurable data relating to the observations, and analyze this information to construct theoretical explanations of how things work. The methods of scientific research include the generation of hypotheses about how phenomena work, and experimentation that tests these hypotheses under controlled conditions. Scientists are also expected to publish their information so other scientists can do similar experiments to double-check their conclusions. The results of this process enable better understanding of past events, and better ability to predict future events of the same kind as those that have been tested.

    The ability of the general population to understand the basic concepts related to science is referred to as scientific literacy.”

    Religion does not belong in my science.

    Comment by idascumon — December 14, 2009 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

  1270. I am a 17 year old Christian, and I am confused. So far I have not seen any proof against furries. I have looked and looked in my Bible and I cannot find anything that says the people whom God gave free will to are not allowed to dress up. I do see that there are a select few people who do wrong thing, like commit adultery, but I don’t see where it’s wrong to play make-believe.
    I also don’t understand the hatred that my fellow Christians are showing. It does not make sense to me.

    Comment by Elizabeth Maria — December 14, 2009 @ 8:49 pm | Reply

  1271. I am in the same boat as Elizabeth Maria. I am a Lutheran, and I cannot fathom the hatred against these people. Yes, it does seem kind of strange that some people would rather put on some faux-fur and pretend to be a bear, but I don’t see what’s wrong with that.
    Where do we draw the line? If it’s wrong to dress up like an animal, than is it wrong to be a sheep in my Christmas Pageant?

    Comment by Jacqui — December 14, 2009 @ 9:02 pm | Reply

  1272. Well, one thing I can say is that hearing from “Just a Furry” has confirmed my conviction that B4B is doing absolutely the right thing: exposing the furry threat, calling it what it is, proposing ways to fight it, and really getting down in the trenches with these poor, lost souls. You have to take these pitiable wretches like the ones named wolf and the dragon one and the other one and just smack them across the face and say, look, is this the way that a human being should be living, looking at pictures of animals and pretending to be animals and abusing themselves with the aid of animal toys?

    So, I’m re-energized and ready to kick some furry behind. The only way that these sick and twisted freaks have any hope of salvation is if we go at them full-bore, without holding back, rubbing the noses of their furriness into the reeking excrement of their sinfulness.

    So watch out, furries. I am ready to pound you cross-eyed with Scripture and pump you full of Jesus’s love. You’re on notice.

    Comment by DPS — December 15, 2009 @ 9:54 pm | Reply

  1273. I took you suggestion DPS and now I am Furry No More. I hope these furries here follow my example and see the light and admit how sick and rong it is to be a furry. I know they think its right but its not I thought a lot about it when I was a furry and I cant see how its OK. God made the man and the woman and the man put it in the woman but he dont put it in the man and he dont put it in the animal either even if the animal is so hot so the man have to put it in the woman even if he really really want to put it in the animal instead, because of Jesus said. So stop wanting to put it in the animals, furries, and instead put it in your wifes.

    Thank you I love Jesus.

    Comment by Furry No More — December 16, 2009 @ 1:40 am | Reply

  1274. Eh.. I think they are hopeless. Even if they got on their knees and begged for God’s Love to fill them, I wouldn’t believe them.

    I know the Baby Jesus has a tender heart for sinners, and likes to forgive them once they do what He wants and demands, but He is also a stern taksmaster who knows when a miscreant dog-bugggerer is lying.

    I must confess that these wierd furries make me so angry that I secretly DON’T want them to repent. Then when I am in Heaven looking down at their tormented souls in Hell, and Satan is behind them administering God’s just punishment, violiating them as they have violated so many many plush toys, then I will laugh and laugh.

    I will have to do penance because I know the Lord wants to save all souls and store them in Heaven until the end of days. I will kneel on the rough concrete of my patio for several hours and pray for guidance.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 16, 2009 @ 9:35 am | Reply

  1275. That’s it, furries. Run away. We Christians are victorious again. You are defeated and humiliated. In your pathetic defense of furrydom each of you has proven to be an embarrassment. You have let down your fellow furries. Everyone now knows how disgusting and sinful furriness is, and that not even the furries can defend it.

    It has taken years to drive you off. The helioleftists and the vegans and the regular sodomites and the diaper people and the Paultards were all defeated before you. You have proven to be a persistent foe, perhaps because of the depth of your sickness, perhaps because you are not very smart. In any event, it no longer matters. I hereby declare victory. Furrydom has lost. The Kingdom of God has triumphed.

    Comment by DPS — December 16, 2009 @ 11:46 pm | Reply

  1276. I hereby declare you and Marty are both…..IGNORANT ASSHOLES

    Just two days and you are already claiming victory? How Naive of you

    Guess what DPS, Just like common sense and logic don’t work on you….Scripture will not work on me. Why? Because ALL Holy Texts were written by MAN not god, and I don’t believe in the lies of men.

    Another problem I have is with the ten commandments, we don’t need ten…just three.

    1. You shall always be honest and faithful
    2. You shall not murder
    3. You shall keep your religion to yourself (Do Not Force Your Beliefs Upon Others)

    This is what god would have most likely given the people, also note that this list is something that even the average person can understand without going to church (Yes I did take the ten commandments and I got rid of the completely useless ones, and combined the useful ones and gave them simpler language 1 & 2. number 3 is something I added on my own). If you have any problems with my revised list….Why don’t you pray to your god to smite/enlighten me, and If I don’t reply within a week you can believe that I was/will be Smited/Enlightened by your so called “GOD”

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 17, 2009 @ 3:32 am | Reply

  1277. “scientists collect observable evidence of natural or social phenomena, blah blah blah and analyze this information to construct theoretical explanations of how things work….Religion does not belong in my science. Comment by iamscum — December 14, 2009 @ 3:56 pm | Reply

    Looky scummy, Science as you describe it is the work of Satan and you are a hell-bound Stan worshipper. Publish that! I’m sure everyone will agree.

    The only TRUE Science is that based on the Bible.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 17, 2009 @ 11:34 am | Reply

  1278. DragonPawn: “Also note that while masturbation cannot be done with normal fursuit hands, I have made my own which are more like normal gloves allowing me to use all of my fingers to abuse myself.”

    sad. very sad and a waste of God’s flesh.

    as for you Jacqui, you claim.. “I am in the same boat as Elizabeth Maria. I am a Lutheran, and I cannot fathom the hatred against these people”

    but you are certainly NOT in the same boat a a good Christian because you belong to ritualistic cult spawn from the mother of all false religions – THE CATOLICK CHURCH!!!

    Luther was an anti-Jesus, anti-GOD maniac who supped the putrid doctine of the Dagon Papists!!

    So its no surprise that you don’t know that God forbids you to worship idols and graven images. You should study Romans 1:18-32.

    “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19

    Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24

    and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28″

    that’s right…”images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles..” That’s what these evil furries are doing. (and of course the shameful acts that they BOAST of committing..)

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 17, 2009 @ 11:59 am | Reply

    • Marty please note that quote was already stated….if your going to use scripture against us at least try to use different examples than what have already been said/used.

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 17, 2009 @ 5:03 pm | Reply

      • Dolt!!!

        Of course I know it! I was the one who said it… I was doing it for the benefit of Jacky, who obviously didn’t read the thread and had questions.

        WHY are you so angry? and why do you make the Baby Jesus cry? The good book is never used up but the Word just gets harder and stronger everytime you bring it out and shout GLORY TO THE LORD!!!

        Comment by Marty McPain — December 17, 2009 @ 9:20 pm

      • The Phrase “make the Baby Jesus cry” has no effect on me. Want to know why? because jesus was Middle-aged when he died, He was “born” and then he got older. so why don’t you say that we make the middle-aged jesus cry? Because it doesn’t have the same effect thats why.

        and I know you were the one to say it…. All that I ask is that you try not to repeat yourself.

        Comment by DragonKnight — December 18, 2009 @ 2:07 pm

      • well you’re not the boss of me! The Lord God is the BOSS of me!!!!

        Romans 1:18-32.

        “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19

        Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24

        and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28″

        heh they’ll be “receiving” God’s punishment stick by the way of Satan!!!!

        and what kind of godless heathen are you DemonPawn? Don’t you know that Jesus exists as the Baby Jesus, the Dead Jesus and the Resurrected Jesus ALL at the same time?

        Comment by Marty McPain — December 18, 2009 @ 6:14 pm

    • I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

      That’s my creed. I believe in the father, son, and holy spirit.
      What’s and spawnlike about that?

      and how does attacking Christians help your crusade against furries?

      I believe that Martin Luther was against the corruption in the church, and believed in God and Jesus above all else.

      No matter how far I read in to the furry subject, and how much I ask, no one will give me a real answer. I feel like I’m arguing with a small child.

      Summarizing your argument from my view:
      “Why are furries bad?”
      “Because they’re evil”
      “But why do you think they’re evil?”
      “Because they’re evil”
      “where in the bible?”
      “They’re evil!!!”
      “Because I said so”

      I have not heard anything that says why they’re evil. Ys, I do think it is evil to subject innocent animals to cruel treatment, such as sexual abuse, but that is only a small sect of “yippers” within the furry group. we should be Against the Yippers, NOT the furries.

      Comment by Jacqui — December 27, 2009 @ 12:41 pm | Reply

      • No matter how far I read in to the furry subject, and how much I ask, no one will give me a real answer.

        Do not read about the furries! That is the road of corruption. Your furryism is already acute enough; we do not need to make it worse.

        I feel like I’m arguing with a small child.

        Matthew 21:16 “And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?”

        we should be Against the Yippers, NOT the furries.

        Oh, now, what is this? What is a Yipper? I have never even heard of these. Already you have delved too far into the dark mysteries of furryism. You must stop, and you must consult your pastor immediately. Furryism is not a joke! Do you want to become like Dragonbacon and Roger? Then turn away, and run!!! Run from the furries, the yipping ones and the ones who don’t yip and all the others.

        Comment by DPS — December 27, 2009 @ 11:18 pm

      • 1. “Do not read about furries”- I would rather not be ignorant. Especially on subjects where there is debate. Both sides should have an understanding of the others’.

        2. “Your furryism is already acute enough; we do not need to make it worse.” I am in no way, shape or form a furry. The closest I have come to being one was when I was 6 and had to be a sheep in the Church Christmas Pageant. Oh, and I think I was a cat for Halloween once. I like being human.

        3.”What is a Yipper? I have never even heard of these.”- Sorry, that is my mistake. I meant “Yiffers,” which is a term described in the article above.

        Comment by Jacqui — December 28, 2009 @ 3:16 am

      • Frankly I am sick of people like Jackie, who come on here and can’t make up their mind about whether they’re furries or not. One minute they’re praising furries and furryism and going off on anti-American rants, the next minute they’re swearing they don’t have anything to do with furries. Make up your mind. And if you’re not a furry, how come you only show sympathy for furries, and never for Christians and Christian values? Why does it seem that the “tolerance” of these liberals always requires them to burn flags and throw the Bible in the toilet to prove to the perverts and Muslims that they’re on their side? How about showing a little tolerance for traditional US American values? How about standing up to the furries for once, instead of constantly grovelling before them and trying to win their approval?

        Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 12:54 pm

      • “One minute they’re praising furries and furryism”- I am not necessarily praising furryism, just questioning whether furries deserve the hatred directed at them.

        “going off on anti-American rants”-where are my rants dissing America? They must be invisible, because I do not see them.

        “the next minute they’re swearing they don’t have anything to do with furries”-I have said multiple times that I am not a furry because others say that I am. That is false information, and I would not want false information to change people’s views of me.

        “how come you only show sympathy for furries, and never for Christians and Christian values”-I have voiced little on religious matters because it is not religious matters being debated, it is furryism.

        “burn flags and throw the Bible in the toilet”-I only burn flags to ceremoniously retire them. My Bible stays by my bedside, nowhere near the toilet.

        “How about showing a little tolerance for traditional US American values”- “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” the first words in our Declaration of Independence. I don’t see how much more traditional you can get.

        “How about standing up to the furries for once,”-Why would I stand up to something that I don’t believe is wrong?

        “instead of constantly grovelling before them and trying to win their approval”- I see no groveling. I am trying to win no one’s approval.

        Oh, and as A side note: My name is spelled Jacqui. I don’t usually mind when people spell it wrong, but here, we are on the internet. It is right there in front of you. In print. I don’t see what’s so hard about it.

        Comment by Jacqui — December 29, 2009 @ 4:31 am

      • I am not necessarily praising furryism, just questioning whether furries deserve the hatred directed at them.

        No one here hates furries. “Love the sinner, hate the sin.”

        where are my rants dissing America? They must be invisible, because I do not see them.

        We have long since established that furryism and anti-Americanism go hand in hand. To praise the one is to praise the other. Please review the discussions on this thread.

        I have said multiple times that I am not a furry because others say that I am. That is false information, and I would not want false information to change people’s views of me.

        If being a furry is such a wonderful and virtuous thing, why are you so eager to prove that you are not a furry?

        I have voiced little on religious matters because it is not religious matters being debated, it is furryism.

        Either you are with the Christians or with the furries. There is no third choice.

        I only burn flags to ceremoniously retire them. My Bible stays by my bedside, nowhere near the toilet.

        Symbolically, every time you defend the furries, you burn a thousand flags and throw a thousand Bibles into a thousand toilets.

        “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” the first words in our Declaration of Independence. I don’t see how much more traditional you can get.

        Show me where the Constitution allows furryism. Can’t find it? Wonder why that might be…

        Why would I stand up to something that I don’t believe is wrong?

        If for no other reason, because of their constant, vicious, profane attacks on Christianity and Christians.

        I see no groveling. I am trying to win no one’s approval.

        All you ever talk about is how wonderful furryism is, and you constantly make excuses for the bad behavior of furries. On the other hand, you attack the only Christians here and complain when they defend themselves against uncivil and vulgar assaults from furries. That is exactly what someone who was trying to curry favor with the furries would do.

        Oh, and as A side note: My name is spelled Jacqui. I don’t usually mind when people spell it wrong, but here, we are on the internet. It is right there in front of you. In print. I don’t see what’s so hard about it.

        I don’t have time to worry about spelling names. I’m fending off a horde of wild-eyed, angry furries here, and you’re not even trying to help, despite claiming to be a fellow Christian.

        Comment by DPS — December 29, 2009 @ 2:08 pm

      • “No one here hates furries”- from what I have read on this blog, there are many people who hate furries. There are even death threats against them. I believe that one person even stated that he couldn’t decide whether to shoot them or stone them, and their “pelts” (as I believe he put it)weren’t worthy of being his carpet. That sounds like hatred to me.

        I still have yet to see a valid argument as to why furryism is anti-American. No one seems to want to give me a strait answer.

        “why are you so eager to prove that you are not a furry?”- If I were furry, no one would take me seriously on this blog. The words I type would be dismissed as banter.

        “Either you are with the Christians or with the furries. There is no third choice.”-There obviously is a third choice. I am Christian and I accept people. Whomever they are, or what they like to do with their free time.

        “Show me where the Constitution allows furryism.”- “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” see? I did find it. Right there. “the pursuit of Happiness.” If dressing up like an animal makes someone happy, let them dress up like an animal. It’s weird, but I have nothing against it.

        “All you ever talk about is how wonderful furryism is”- I haven’t said that it is good, just that it is not bad.

        “constantly make excuses for the bad behavior of furries” I don’t see any excuses.

        “you attack the only Christians here”-I see no attacks, only questions and defenses.

        “I don’t have time to worry about spelling names. I’m fending off a horde of wild-eyed, angry furries here, and you’re not even trying to help, despite claiming to be a fellow Christian.”-By misspelling my name when it is so easy to spell correctly, you show that you do not have the respect for me to do so. It is disturbing that you feel that much higher than me. Are we not brothers and sisters?

        Comment by Jacqui — January 3, 2010 @ 1:31 am

  1279. Just to follow up on Scripture’s condemnation of furryism,

    Gen. 27:15-16:

    “15 And Rebekah took the choicest garments of Esau her elder son, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob her younger son. 16 And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck.”

    That is how Jacob deceived his father and usurped his brother’s place, and Scripture shows us that that was wrong when God attacks him and cripples him (Gen. 32:24-30).

    Another problem I have is with the ten commandments, we don’t need ten…just three.

    How convenient for you that you would leave out the Tenth Commandment: “thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s ox, or ass.” All you furries do all day is covet other people’s livestock.

    I took you suggestion DPS and now I am Furry No More. I hope these furries here follow my example and see the light and admit how sick and rong it is to be a furry. I know they think its right but its not I thought a lot about it when I was a furry and I cant see how its OK. God made the man and the woman and the man put it in the woman but he dont put it in the man and he dont put it in the animal either even if the animal is so hot so the man have to put it in the woman even if he really really want to put it in the animal instead, because of Jesus said. So stop wanting to put it in the animals, furries, and instead put it in your wifes.

    Thank you I love Jesus.

    That is just outstanding, Furry No More. I am so happy to hear that. You are a shining example to these awful furries, like Dragonking, and Jackie, and Elizabeth, and Ruhroh.

    What do you furries have to say about this? Aren’t you inspired by Furry No More? Would you like to know more about how to follow his path?

    Comment by DPS — December 17, 2009 @ 12:37 pm | Reply

    • Don’t you mean…
      “Thou Shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods”

      the reason it is gone is….because in todays society “Coveting your neighbors goods” is what keeps the economy strong.

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 17, 2009 @ 5:00 pm | Reply

    • I may be interpreting there differently than you, but what I see is that the wrongdoing of Rebekah and Jacob was that they deceived Jacob’s father. I don’t see anything in furryism that is meant to deceive people, it seems to be more of a form of entertainment. I do see that there are bad people who are furries, but mostly, they seem harmless. It seems to me like a few sick individuals who do not follow the word of God are tarnishing the name of a whole group of people.

      Comment by Elizabeth Maria — December 18, 2009 @ 5:40 pm | Reply

      • Ms. Maria,

        You furries dress up like animals in order to subvert family values.

        Jacob dressed up like a goat in order to subvert family values.

        Jacob sure sounds like a furry to me.

        And if you don’t think you furries are about deception, please inspect this thread to see the numerous instances in which your furry comrades have lied about their practices and intentions.

        Comment by DPS — December 18, 2009 @ 7:31 pm

      • Why do you use the term “you furries?”
        And what family values do the furries subvert?

        Comment by Jacqui — January 3, 2010 @ 1:33 am

  1280. Why am I not surprised that you furries persist in ignoring the dramatic development that has taken place in our midst? Furry No More has eloquently and movingly renounced furryism, exposed its corruption, and invited you to join him on the way to being a good, normal Christian.

    You cannot simply pretend that this did not happen, the way that DragonKnight has tried to pretend that he didn’t smear the US Marine Corps (no, I haven’t forgotten about that, either). To do so makes you look weak and frightened. So, what do you have to say about the spiritual awakening of Furry No More?

    Comment by DPS — December 17, 2009 @ 7:22 pm | Reply

  1281. I frequently induldge in furrie fucks. I am a furry fag, which is just a name for us gay furries! I have an obsession with swallowing furry cum and do so often at conventions.

    My blood and cum for Satan, the lord.

    Comment by avisioncame — December 17, 2009 @ 9:54 pm | Reply

  1282. Ok, here i go again with the hate and rage…
    WHAT THE BLOODY F***!!!!
    If i was christian, which i am not, i would pack up and leave with all the hate (not only to furries) out among you guys.
    Anyway, you guys are as much furries as we are. for multiple examples…
    1. Angels and demons are furries (angel wings = bird wings, get it?)
    2. The icon’s you guys use are furry (faithmouse? FURRY!)
    3. Have you ever looked at a cartoon of any kind? Have you liked it?? according to recent polls, something like 98% of any animated anything has had an anthropomorphic animal in it.
    4. Ever watch TV? Ad campaigns, football mascots, in fact the world in general is full of anthropomorphic animals.

    Basically the only way to hide from us is to go and bury yourself in a hole in the ground six feet under.

    Furry does NOT equal bestiality, homosexuality, or ANYTHING!
    We can be anyone or anything we want to very well be.
    I cannot believe the Hypocrisy you guys are spitting out.
    I got another one for you…
    The elephant and donkey for the Political campaigns?
    Mickey Mouse?
    Any video game, movie, book (even the bible cause it has angels and demons in it…) or comic?
    Furry one way or another.

    So just live with it.
    We are here to stay, and there is nothing you Trollish Cowboy Right Wings can do about it.
    Why don’t you go hate on someone worth your while?
    How about

    Comment by Maximum333 — December 17, 2009 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

  1283. Mastodon44 is being very uncivil. Typical of furries, I know, and normally I would ignore it. But I just wanted to point out an important confession he made:

    “demons are furries”

    I couldn’t agree more.

    But that’s not really in question anymore; we settled that a long time ago.

    What I am more interested in is the opinion of you cowardly furries regarding the salvation of Furry No More reported in so touching a way above. The longer you go without acknowledging this major development, the more helpless and out-of-touch you furries will appear.

    Comment by DPS — December 18, 2009 @ 2:13 am | Reply

    • NOW look who’s “Ignoring” facts, maximum333 stated that Angels are also furry

      Angels = FURRY
      Demons = FURRY

      There is no escape, anthromorphic animals are everywhere just as maximum333 said.
      and we are not going away so just forget about getting rid of us.

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 18, 2009 @ 2:18 pm | Reply

      • You are being very coy, Dragonbacon. You have refused to apologize for your disgusting smear of the United States Marine Corps, and you refuse (evidently out of fear and shame) to acknowledge the glorious conversion of Furry No More.

        It is impossible to carry on a reasoned discussion with someone who is constantly dodging the question and creating a smokescreen of distraction and lies.

        So let’s hear it. Apologize first, and then account for the miracle of Furry No More.

        Otherwise, I will just ignore you, and carry on the dialogue with a more reasonable furry, such as Elizabeth Martin above.

        Comment by DPS — December 18, 2009 @ 7:37 pm

      • Who is this “Elizabeth Martin” the Furry You are referring to?

        Comment by Elizabeth Maria — January 3, 2010 @ 1:36 am

  1284. Just checkin in wiht everybody to let you know that my life as not a furry is going good. There is a lot of little temptations during the day like today when my freind brought his dog to work. Man I wished i could of put that dog on my lap and given him a bone but Jesus says NO!!! Not even if you really want to give it to the dog or other animal is it permitted.

    Comment by Furry No More — December 18, 2009 @ 11:14 pm | Reply

  1285. That’s right, FNM. Jesus does say no to that. Be strong, and pray very hard for His help. He will relieve you of your sick desires and restore you to a normal Christian life. But you must pray! Also, are you going to church and talking with your pastor? That is very important.

    Comment by DPS — December 19, 2009 @ 2:58 pm | Reply

  1286. Wow, thanks to this site, i have fallen in love with the furry fandom!
    Thanks guys!
    Oh, BTW @furry no more?
    COOL! Looks like it wasn’t your thing!
    This is such a funny site, and sometimes i wish all of you would read what you are saying for once.
    All of my friends laughed so hard.
    Keep up the laughter!!!!

    Comment by converted Furry — December 19, 2009 @ 4:30 pm | Reply

    • I don’t believe you for a minute. I think you were already enslaved to your furry desires, and you’re only trying to deter us from reaching out to desperate, lost souls like Furry No More.

      Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:29 pm | Reply

  1287. The more I think about it, the more I am moved. This is a true triumph for B4B. So many months have we struggled, and so many mouthfuls of kibble have the furries spat back into our faces, yet finally we have an ex-furry who sees the light. As they say: this makes it all worthwhile.

    You have been stealing ours for so long, furries, and taking them away to the Devil. Here, on B4B, we have taken one from you and given him back to Jesus. Only one… but he is the first of many.

    We will not rest until we have extirpated furryism, root and branch, from the grand old U S of A.

    Our victory begins today.

    Comment by DPS — December 19, 2009 @ 11:26 pm | Reply

  1288. You should be nice to furries. ‘Tis the season and all. Besides, Santa needs help from his reindeer pals to deliver presents, and I read on the internet that people who are mean to furries get NOTHING for Xmas ‘cept maybe a bag of reindeer poo.

    Comment by Xydexx — December 20, 2009 @ 6:26 pm | Reply

  1289. Wow, you guys are so funny!
    I can’t believe i have never seen this site before!
    This would make a 10/10 on the Funniest site i have ever seen! I mean come on! Thanks to you guys, I have found my furryness! You guys are great! I showed my friends this and we were on the floor cracking up!
    I showed this to my pastor, and he said it didn’t matter. I trust him, and he is very close to god in my opinion. I trust him completely.
    Thanks and score +1 for the fandom!!!

    Comment by Furry thanks to this site. — December 20, 2009 @ 8:55 pm | Reply

    • You are obviously lying.

      You don’t have any friends.

      Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:31 pm | Reply

  1290. First off I will not apologize for anything, Because I did not do anything wrong, the USMC was not smeared by anything that I said.

    Second….You must think i was born yesterday, I think Furry No More is actually you DPS (commenting under different names) and until you can prove otherwise i have no reason to believe anything that “he” says. In fact I could Possibly be posting as several different people…..
    So in essence Furry No More is nothing more than a cheap trick to try and convert us over to your stupid, Overrated, Blood-stained, Child molesting Religion.

    Xydexx ~ I don’t think they care about that at all as they most likely don’t believe in santa and his reindeer pals. however they do believe in god and christ so they will probably be in church on christmas morning listening the “True” story and meaning of christmas. then they will probably go out and spread the word of god to anyone who will listen, and try to get as much money out them as they can as a “donation” to god. Which will then go to fund their real plan which is to start a “Holy War” against everyone who does not believe and think like them (sounds a lot like being a nazi to me….)

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 21, 2009 @ 12:14 am | Reply

  1291. Because I did not do anything wrong, the USMC was not smeared by anything that I said.

    You persist in asserting that Marines willingly associate with a furry. That is a grave insult.

    I think Furry No More is actually you DPS (commenting under different names) and until you can prove otherwise i have no reason to believe anything that “he” says. In fact I could Possibly be posting as several different people…..

    Leave it to the devious furry mind to conceive of something like this. I would not patronize Furry No More by commenting in his name. And it wouldn’t work anyway: he would say something if someone else was pretending to be him, wouldn’t he? Wouldn’t you? And yet he hasn’t complained at all. Explain that away.

    Look, I understand why you want to ignore him. But try to let his message sink into your heart, Dragongarden, the way it has sunk into all of our hearts. His story speaks to all of us. And especially to you sick furries.

    they will probably be in church on christmas morning listening the “True” story and meaning of christmas. then they will probably go out and spread the word of god to anyone who will listen

    Yes, I will, Dragonperson. And I pray I will reach out to you and touch your heart with the true meaning of Christmas.

    Comment by DPS — December 21, 2009 @ 1:43 am | Reply

  1292. It looks as though my last comment was swallowed. Or maybe the furries deleted it?

    To repeat:

    First off, Dragonbargain, the smear was when you falsely claimed that US Marines would willingly spend time with an admitted furry. You must apologize for that, and for hating America.

    Second, only a furry would think of something as cynical and devious as commenting under someone else’s name. I am DPS. And if I were falsely commenting as Furry No More, don’t you think the real Furry No More would object, and say that someone had stolen his name? Do you even think these ridiculous scenarios through before you post them?

    I do understand, though, why you don’t want to admit the possibility that a furry could see the light and come over to God’s side. It’s because you want to pretend that you don’t have a choice about your twisted, sinful furry desires. But Furry No More shows that there is in fact a way out, and that you choose to dress up as a bunny and look at pictures of sheep.

    No wonder you accuse me of putting words in Furry No More’s mouth.

    Comment by DPS — December 21, 2009 @ 5:02 pm | Reply

    • First off half of the U.S Marines that I know are furries and trust me they would be more than willing to help beat the shit out of you for what you and your pals agree to do (Beat a child within an inch of his life…sound familiar?).

      Second, yes i did think the scenario through and the reason i came to the decision that you are FNM is that “he” sounds alot more like you than Marty McInsane. Trust me real people don’t act like that, and there is no point to burning a fursuit… throwing it away/ giving it away (maybe disneyland or magic mountain would like it…) would have the same effect, not to mention the fact that by burning one you are harming the environment and it is also against the law to burn anything in a public place (anywhere outside your house).


      Comment by DragonKnight — December 23, 2009 @ 1:33 pm | Reply

      • half of the U.S Marines that I know are furries

        This is outrageous. I do not believe it. Unless you don’t know any Marines. Then 1/2 of the Marines you know would equal zero Marines. That I will believe: that you don’t know any Marines, and that there aren’t any Marines who are furries.

        “he” sounds alot more like you than Marty McInsane.

        So now you’re saying I am pretending to be Marty McPain? I swear, half of the time you don’t make any sense at all.

        Trust me real people don’t act like that

        What would a furry know about how real people act? Furries are constantly pretending that they aren’t real people, but squirrels and hedgehogs instead!


        There is no need to be uncivil. Why do you furries insist on yelling and using profanities all the time? It’s very rude, plus it must look very silly when you’re dressed up as a cat or a hamster and shrieking and cursing.

        Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:40 pm

  1293. Ok, now things are getting out of control.
    DPS (DiPShit?) you are an ass, this site is bogus, you guys can flame you’re merry way, and let me give a little secret to my furry brethren.
    There is a way we deal with flamers on my furry forum site.
    IGNORE THEM!!!!!!!!
    Go to browsing history and delete this page from it.
    they will drown themselves in their own filth.

    Comment by maximum333 — December 21, 2009 @ 10:37 pm | Reply

    • There is a way we deal with flamers on my furry forum site.
      IGNORE THEM!!!!!!!!
      Go to browsing history and delete this page from it.
      they will drown themselves in their own filth.

      Yes, please. We have been begging you furries to go away for years now, and you keep coming back and harassing us! We don’t want you here! Go back in defeat to whatever foul corner of the Internet you came from. All of you. Leave us in peace!!!

      Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:42 pm | Reply

  1294. just wanted to share a big step wtih the brownbackers here at b4b. guess what! today i burned my mascot costume, it was a fox and it costed a whole lot, but when it was bruning in the yard i felt liek i was being let oiut of jail i felt so free. it did’nt smell so good when i was burnign it and i hurt my finger a little in the fire. feels good tho.

    just want to say to dragonknight and all you otehr furries not to fight it so hard. theyre’s a way out and all you have to do is just say please jesus, let me out. otherwise your going to end up stuck as a furry. the brownbackers want to help you, just open your hart to jesus.

    Comment by Furry No More — December 22, 2009 @ 1:24 am | Reply

    • FUCK JESUS!!

      why don’t you people try to open your heart to other people and the choices that they have made instead of attacking them based on what they believe and do. ONLY after you assholes have learned what the true meaning of compassion is will i listen to what you idiots have to say about your religion.

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 23, 2009 @ 1:37 pm | Reply

    • Dragontights, Furry No More did a very brave thing, and it sounds like he did so with risk to his personal safety (hope your finger’s OK, FNM!). Why do you immediately have to criticize when someone is making a positive step for himself? Why are you furries always tearing people down instead of building them up?

      And I don’t need a lecture about “compassion” from a deranged furry who would write “f*** Jesus.” Despite your sick ways, we don’t say things like that about whatever demonic power it is that you worship in the furry religion.

      Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:46 pm | Reply

      • DPS, why do you revert to name calling? (ex: Dragontights, Dragonbargain, Dragonbacon, etc.) It reminds me of the bullies in fourth grade who called me Jack-Ass and made fun of me for going to church every Sunday instead of playing with them. I would think a full grown person would be more mature than that.

        Comment by Jacqui — January 3, 2010 @ 1:49 am

      • OK, that’s it, Jaqui, you’re obviously just a spoof. Dragonwhatsits says “F^%& JESUS,” and you attack me for not being able to remember his ridiculous made-up name?!?

        I thought maybe you were a furry who could be reasoned with, but it turns out you’re just a fake furry trying to get me confused and annoyed by pretending to be a Christian.

        You’re on notice. I’m not going to respond to any more of your distractions, whoever you are. Go troll somewhere else; there are serious matters to attend to here, and actual, menacing furries to be refuted.

        Comment by DPS — January 3, 2010 @ 10:59 am

  1295. “they most likely don’t believe in santa and his reindeer pals.”

    Well I have always known that santa is a Satan inspired trick to confused young Christian boys and girls…

    but now you reveal that the Fat Pedophile is also a Furry that has sex with reindeer!!!

    ahhhhgggrrrhhhh my eyes!!!! owwwww! I can’t stand it!


    Comment by Marty McPain — December 22, 2009 @ 11:50 am | Reply

    • you are bat-shit Insane…..

      I believe that you should join the nearest Insane Asylum so you can get the proper help you need.

      Comment by DragonKnight — December 23, 2009 @ 1:39 pm | Reply

      • Oh, that’s rich. The person who dresses up as a panda or a seal or whatever thinks that a normal Christian patriot needs to go to an Insane Asylum.

        I guess because that’s what good values and pro-Americanism looks like through furry eyes: insanity.

        And that about sums up everything you need to know about furries, and why they represent such a serious threat.

        Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:49 pm

  1296. Wow, you guys would call your own mother a pedophile if it so suited you needs to shout at anyone. Seriously, could you lay off? This site should be banned. BROWNBACK LOST!!!! HURRAH!
    Now let’s just shut up and leave this site alone!

    Comment by ShiroChan — December 23, 2009 @ 7:30 pm | Reply

    • Now let’s just shut up and leave this site alone!

      I wish you would. I wish you would just leave us alone and stop bothering us with your sick furry thoughts and angry comments.

      Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:51 pm | Reply

    • This sight shouldn’t be banned.
      It is a congregation of differing view points.
      A battle of wits.
      Everyone should be able to voice their opinion, especially on the internet.

      Comment by Jacqui — January 3, 2010 @ 1:55 am | Reply

  1297. Merry Xmas everyone on this site

    And for fuck’s sake stop deleting my posts!!!

    Comment by ShiroChan — December 25, 2009 @ 10:14 am | Reply

    • nvm, just saw my post.

      Comment by ShiroChan — December 25, 2009 @ 10:15 am | Reply

      • Lunatic.

        Comment by DPS — December 28, 2009 @ 4:51 pm

  1298. just want to say to dragonknight and all you otehr furries not to fight it so hard. theyre’s a way out and all you have to do is just say please jesus, let me out. otherwise your going to end up stuck as a furry. the brownbackers want to help you, just open your hart to jesus.

    Amazing, Furry No More. You have filled us all with the spirit of Christmas. Praise Jesus! Remember the reason for the season. 1 Cross + 3 nails = 4given!

    If only these disgusting loudmouth furries could follow your example, turn away from the wickedness and anti-Americanism of furryism, and accept Jesus’ love. Instead, they are all going to burn in the fires of H-E-double hockeysticks.

    Comment by DPS — December 27, 2009 @ 11:25 pm | Reply

    • On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ, who would commit suicide to redeem us from our fate of eternal sin because of Adam’s listening to that .. that.. person Eve and biting the Apple. Which GOD told them not to bite. but they did. and MAN was doomed to SIN and women were doomed to pain in child birth. (in earlier years, women often died during childbirth. this gave the man a chance to go out and marry a younger female. with this dammed SCIENCE we have now, death in childbirth is much reduced)

      Praise the Lord! DPS I know you, as I, spent many hours in prayerfull celebration of HIS BIRTH, and, thankfull acceptance of HIS LORD’s will, that the FURRY menace be eliminated from this Earth.


      Comment by Marty McPain — December 28, 2009 @ 9:06 pm | Reply

  1299. oh and SpiralChum IS most definately an idiot and a lunatic!

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 28, 2009 @ 9:08 pm | Reply

  1300. “Amazing, Furry No More. You have filled us all with the spirit of Christmas. Praise Jesus! Remember the reason for the season. 1 Cross + 3 nails = 4given!”

    Thanks Dps im not super sure what your talkin about but i did have a good chrismas and it was my first for a long time without my mascot outfit. my granma has a santa and raindeers display and i got to admit the raindeers looked pretty good but i thought to myself NO!! JESUS HATES FURRIES!!! and then I slaped myself in the face a couple a times and I was OK, plus the deers was plastic so it wouldnt of felt good anyway.

    it makes me sad to see all the hate of the furries that comes here to B4B like Dragonknight. why do the have to yell all the time and use bad words? Dps your right these furries are so rude and inappropriate it makes me embearised that i use to be a furrie.

    merry chrismas!!!!!!

    Comment by Furry No More — December 28, 2009 @ 11:40 pm | Reply

    • Merry Christmas, FNM, and God bless you. You inspire us all.

      Comment by DPS — December 30, 2009 @ 12:36 am | Reply

  1301. Vote for a man who wants to limit what we can do in our homes and private events? A man who would beat his children and take them to a “deprogrammer” (shudder) for being different?
    Of course there are people who are undoubtedly messed up in the furry community (by anyone’s standards, even other furries) , but how can you say they are disgusting and wrong because furry isn’t your thing? I don’t understand people with foot fetishes and don’t like looking at what turns them on, but that’s ok. Everyone has different things that appeal to them, and who cares if it doesn’t appeal to you? Besides, people who look at furry porn and decide to completely shut off from society had something wrong with them before they discovered it, and would have found something else to do the same with (hello, World of Warcraft). Finally, a woman drowns her sons in the bathtub so they will be with god and because she believes the devil is after them; do people do that because of Christianity, or was there something wrong with those people to begin with? And do all members of the Christian community agree with that behavior?

    P.S. How the f*** do you get off generalizing millions of people based on an hour of research on the internet?

    Comment by Nick Henderson — December 29, 2009 @ 3:38 am | Reply

    • Thank you, Nick, for being a reasonable person in the midst of all this.

      Comment by Jacqui — January 3, 2010 @ 2:00 am | Reply

  1302. Just one thing for me to say today and that is…..

    NO! I will not give up and “go away” you have pissed me off and I can’t let you idiots get away with that.

    Oh, DPS…just to let you know
    I know 36 different U.S Marines that I consider friends, and yes exactly half of them are furries and they don’t try to hide it.

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 29, 2009 @ 4:45 am | Reply

    • I know 36 different U.S Marines that I consider friends, and yes exactly half of them are furries and they don’t try to hide it.

      Eighteen furries in the Marine Corps! I don’t believe it for a minute. Can you imagine what Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, or Okinawa would have looked like with half the guys dressed like cats and wolves splashing through the surf under Japanese fire?!?

      There are examples of what these fierce warriors might have looked like here, here, and here.

      No, I’m afraid that, if there really were furry Marines, we’d all be subjects of the Empire of Japan.

      Comment by DPS — December 29, 2009 @ 9:54 pm | Reply

  1303. sad deluded furry. are these plastic army men you are friends with? GI Joe action figures are not “Marines.”

    “I can’t let you idiots get away with that”

    why the name-calling? you should call out to Jesus for forgiveness.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 29, 2009 @ 11:03 am | Reply

  1304. Unbelievable.
    End of the line, people are people.
    They believe what they want to believe and do what they want to do.
    You can go on being religious prick zealots, and we can go on being extremely happy with our lives.
    That is totally your choice.
    But you never get the feeling of being in a suit. Especially one who is popular. I was the Mickey mouse one time at Disney when a friend let me have a go at it, and the feeling of sheer love of the person you are supposed to be is wonderful.
    Not in a sexual way. Just the amount of love eminating off of everyone.
    It is a spectacular feeling.

    You guys can go on telling other people what they do is wrong, and unless you really sell it to them (Because frankly, you are doing an aweful job here.) they will do what they want to do.

    You can have your flames, and your trolls, but we will not give up on the fandom just because someone else thinks it’s stupid.

    Comment by ShiroChan — December 29, 2009 @ 1:33 pm | Reply

    • I apologize, i hit submit twice…

      Comment by ShiroChan — December 29, 2009 @ 1:34 pm | Reply

      • STOP posting wearing your suit!!

        you’ll double post every time!

        “Not in a sexual way.”

        right… sure (liar)

        Comment by Marty McPain — December 29, 2009 @ 2:01 pm

    • End of the line, people are people.

      Exactly. That is why they shouldn’t dress like animals and do yipping.

      I was the Mickey mouse one time at Disney when a friend let me have a go at it

      This is why I will never, ever let my family go to Disneyland. (They’re supporters of the radical sodomite agenda anyway). (Disney is, that is, not my family).

      Plus, we don’t want to read about your friend letting you “have a go at it.” This is a family site, and we don’t need graphic reports of the things that furries do to each other.

      I guess maybe we should be comforted that despite your lust for animals you haven’t lost interest in human beings? Ugh. Could you furries set the bar any lower?

      Comment by DPS — December 29, 2009 @ 10:02 pm | Reply

  1305. Unbelievable.
    End of the line, people are people.
    They believe what they want to believe and do what they want to do.
    You can go on being religious prick zealots, and we can go on being extremely happy with our lives.
    That is totally your choice.
    But you never get the feeling of being in a suit. Especially one who is popular. I was the Mickey mouse one time at Disney when a friend let me have a go at it, and the feeling of sheer love of the person you are supposed to be is wonderful.
    Not in a sexual way. Just the amount of love eminating off of everyone.
    It is a spectacular feeling.

    You guys can go on telling other people what they do is wrong, and unless you really sell it to them (Because frankly, you are doing an aweful job here.) they will do what they want to do.

    You can have your flames, and your trolls, but we will not give up on the fandom just because someone else thinks it’s stupid.

    Comment by ShiroChan — December 29, 2009 @ 1:33 pm | Reply

  1306. First things first….Marty, as I said before FUCK JESUS! I don’t believe in him (Atheist). What I do believe in is reality (things I can see,touch,smell,taste,and hear) and guess what I can’t see jesus nor can I touch or hear him. wanna know why?….BECAUSE HE DOESN’T EXIST!

    Secondly, DPS those are images of mascots…and I would like to let you know that they are being PAID to wear those suits, It does not atomatically make them furries, heck some of them are probably furry haters like you….
    also please note that Japan and china have already begun to take over the world….almost everything we buy is marked with “made in china”*. not to mention the fact that china and several other places happen to have enough people to go to war with us (the USA) and be able to beat us with sheer numbers, this is excluding the use of technological advancements (the atom bomb is one good example)

    * can also be replaced with Japan and India

    and as ShiroChan said you guys are not doing a good job of “selling” your point.

    Random furry – Whats that? I should stop being a furry, Why?
    DPS – Because in my opinion it is evil.
    Random furry – uhh huh… sorry but your not important enough to tell me what is good or evil
    DPS – that maybe true but…Jesus and GOD both say that it is evil and you shall be condemned for such an act.
    Random furry – uhh huh… once again sorry to burst your bubble but, I don’t believe in either of those “Invisible” men.
    *Awkward silence*
    Random furry – any other arguments? or can I go back to drawing my art and making money?
    DPS – *Sighs* you can go back to doing whatever you want. *turns around and leaves*

    That is how the argument SHOULD have started and ended….but no thats not what happened, because you guys are set upon proving that you are right. (In an argument with me that is….other people’s arguments will vary)

    Comment by DragonKnight — December 30, 2009 @ 3:49 am | Reply

  1307. I can’t see jesus nor can I touch or hear him. wanna know why?

    Because you’re wearing a big fluffy mascot head?

    those are images of mascots… It does not atomatically make them furries

    Well, they’re probably furries, but that’s not the point. The point is that that’s what furries would look like in combat. Just to look at the picture shows how ridiculous the idea of furry Marines is.

    china and several other places happen to have enough people to go to war with us (the USA) and be able to beat us with sheer numbers

    It’s a good thing that the USMC isn’t made up of furries, then. We’ll actually have a chance.

    By the way, I can tell how pleased you are with the idea of other countries being more powerful than the USA. Why do you like that idea so much?

    Random furry – Whats that? I should stop being a furry, Why?

    DPS – *Sighs* you can go back to doing whatever you want. *turns around and leaves*

    Oh, yeah, well, I can write a play, too:


    DPS: Please calm down and leave us alone.


    DPS: Please calm down and leave us alone.

    Seem familiar?

    Comment by DPS — December 30, 2009 @ 10:03 am | Reply

    • Ooh! Let me join in the fun!

      DPS: All furries are evil!
      random person: Why?
      DPS: Because God says so! You hate America!
      DragonKnight: I’m a furry and you’re wrong! (PS I don’t hate America: I support our troops and am personal friends with some of them)
      DPS: I don’t respect you enough to use your full name, so I’ll just repeat my vague answer while insulting you. And God doesn’t love you. And you hate America.
      DragonKnight: Fuck Jesus. Furries are good! I’m gunna diss God now.
      Jacque: Why does everyone hate furries?
      DPS: I don’t respect you enough to spell your name right. We don’t hate the furries, we just hate everything about them.
      Jacqui: But [Sites Bible quote that tells you to love everyone]
      DPS: No. [Sites slightly relevant quote that has no clear meaning and many different interpretations]
      Jacqui: That doesn’t say anything against furries.
      DPS: God hates them. By questioning me you are making the baby Jesus cry.
      Jacqui: But why-?
      Jacqui: But… I just want to know the truth.

      Comment by Jacqui — January 3, 2010 @ 2:30 am | Reply

      • Jacque: Why does everyone hate furries?

        Strange that you don’t know how to spell your own name, “Jacqui” or “Jacque” or “Dragonbacon” or whoever.


        Comment by DPS — January 12, 2010 @ 1:13 pm

  1308. It had never occurred to me to look for video proof of the iniquity of furries. Well, it has occurred to me now.

    Terrifying, and profoundly disturbing. If a picture is worth 1000 words, this video is worth 100,000,000. It shows what furryism truly means. Accordingly it is NOT recommended for women and children.

    Comment by DPS — December 30, 2009 @ 10:14 am | Reply

  1309. DPS, I know that God will bless you for reviewing hundreds of tapes of furries to find the worst and most digusting of the lot and posting them here as a warning to Christian Parents that furries are evil and vicious.

    I know I can’t stand to watch. I could not get past the horrid GAY headline on that tape.

    Please stay strong and help protect America from the Furry Menace.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 30, 2009 @ 10:31 pm | Reply

  1310. i believe it is you sir wh are the nut job i believe anyone who cannot accept the differences of other human beings nothing is wrong with the populace or the internet.

    Comment by David J. Watt — January 1, 2010 @ 11:11 am | Reply

    • Why can’t furries type? Is it really the costume gloves, as I have long suspected?

      Comment by DPS — January 12, 2010 @ 1:15 pm | Reply

  1311. another thing is there are a lot more depraved actions than drawing and acting out certain actions

    Comment by David J. Watt — January 1, 2010 @ 11:17 am | Reply

  1312. i also happen to know for a fact that most furries are in fact women.

    Comment by David J. Watt — January 1, 2010 @ 12:03 pm | Reply

  1313. If you had to go through all of our videos in the world to find this one, doesn’t that tell you something?
    Its a fandom. Everyone is diverse. It’s not like a religion where everyone has to be the same. there are so many personalities in the fandom that it is impossible to give a name other than Furry to them all (and not even all of them are furry)

    Listen, anyone who even remotely likes any cartoon (any at all, even faithmouse) is in the smallest possible sense a furry. Plus, if your kids go away to college and you keep all of the world away from them, they will be hit by this wave of the world.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 1, 2010 @ 12:25 pm | Reply

    • Ok, this post was from me not seeing the video…
      Gay used to mean happy, and they were just being funny. It’s a parade. Are all parades bad in you eyes??
      Wow, if you think this is bad, you should see the good stuff.

      Now i am certain that the furry fandom will never die. At least while there is a creative head in the world.

      I would like to add that most people are furry, but just don’t know what to call themselves. There are furries who don’t call themselves furry, but still like anthropomorphic. There are even humans who are on Furry forums. Christian furs. EVERYTHING is on the fandom

      Comment by Shiro Chan — January 1, 2010 @ 12:30 pm | Reply

      • You admitted that it was dark and disturbing in your first comment. Don’t try to take it back now that you’ve thought of a different strategy for defending furryism. The video is what it is: a searing indictment of the furry menace.

        Comment by DPS — January 12, 2010 @ 1:17 pm

  1314. ShiroChan – faggot
    Marty McPain – catholic faggot dipshit
    Psycheout – faggot
    Brownback – republican finger faggot
    DragonKnight – hypocrite faggot
    DPS – underage fag
    Nick Henderson – lost voice
    Furry No More – retarded & clumsy moral fag
    Maximum333 – counterinsurgency fag – but he’s right
    Hege – dumbass
    Just another guy… – dipshit

    Comment by just to note a few... — January 1, 2010 @ 1:50 pm | Reply

    • I don’t approve of this language. However, there is some insight here. I cannot agree with what he says about Marty McPain, Psycheout, Senator Brownback, myself, or Furry No More. Also, I don’t know or care who Nick Hendrickson is, and I can’t remember which one of these complaining furries Maximum33 is, but I doubt he’s right. The rest seems roughly correct to me, though.

      Comment by DPS — January 12, 2010 @ 1:21 pm | Reply

  1315. Tsk…Tsk….Tsk

    DPS, please note that I was kind enough to make you “look” civil in my little “play”…can’t you at least do the same for me?….if not then that just proves that you are an even bigger asshole than I previously thought you were. Also please note that I am not constantly going on about my USMC pals I only brought them up once, everytime after that I was replying to either you or Marty McPain. One more thing is, I never said anything about me wanting to have sex with any animals…wanna know why? Because I am not into “Beastiality” thats why.
    OH! one more thing about beastiality….It is way more common to find Women having sex with animals than it is to find men.
    P.S. If you are married I would suggest keeping an eye on what your wife does from now on…..especially if there are any farms in the area.

    “Because you’re wearing a big fluffy mascot head?”
    No, I made my outfit myself and I did not make a “big fluffy mascot head”. Instead I use movie make-up/face paint to give my face the desired look I want, NOTE: this is only for conventions/meets and every now and then I use it at parties (sort of like a clown at a birthday party, I do not use it for anything else)

    Finally, I am NOT pleased with the fact that several other countries are getting more powerful than us. For unlike you I am what would be called a “True” Patriot, you would just be called a patriot (Although some of your comments and ideas look alot like something a terrorist would say…)

    Marty McPain ~ How naive of you to think that is the most disgusting of the lot….I bet you that a 17 year old with a computer that doesn’t have parental controls could find something that is far worse than: The Sydney Gay MardiGras 2006 (W/ furries)

    Note: Seeing as it is obvious that you and DPS are not gay….I have only one thing to say,
    YOU WERE NOT INVITED NOR ARE PEOPLE LIKE YOU EVEN WANTED THERE! mostly because you would probably try to strangle each and every one of those people to death…..or you would take the nearest car and run over as many as you can….

    Comment by DragonKnight — January 2, 2010 @ 3:29 am | Reply

    • sorry….I meant to say farms/ranch(es)

      Comment by DragonKnight — January 2, 2010 @ 3:53 am | Reply

    • I was kind enough to make you “look” civil in my little “play”…can’t you at least do the same for me?

      I was doing my best to represent faithfully your conduct. If you don’t like what you see when I hold up the mirror, that is hardly my fault.

      Also please note that I am not constantly going on about my USMC pals.

      I don’t think you’re going to persuade many people with this feeble protest. All you ever talk about is all of your furry Marine friends.

      One more thing is, I never said anything about me wanting to have sex with any animals…wanna know why? Because I am not into “Beastiality” thats why.

      Sure, that’s what you say on the Internet. You might get arrested otherwise.

      OH! one more thing about beastiality….It is way more common to find Women having sex with animals than it is to find men.

      How does one become an expert on such a disgusting topic?

      I use movie make-up/face paint to give my face the desired look I want, NOTE: this is only for conventions/meets and every now and then I use it at parties (sort of like a clown at a birthday party, I do not use it for anything else)

      Like a foul clown of sinfulness at a birthday party in H-E-double hockey sticks.

      I am what would be called a “True” Patriot

      Then stop corrupting America’s youth and causing its moral fiber to disintegrate.

      it is obvious that you and DPS are not gay

      Very true.


      Just like you furries were not invited to this blog. And obviously I didn’t go to the Australian Sodomy Pageant; I just found the video on the Internet.

      mostly because you would probably try to strangle each and every one of those people to death…..or you would take the nearest car and run over as many as you can….

      You furries are the ones constantly threatening violence, not me. This is why we need to consider some sort of arrangement that will provide for furries to be confined for their own safety and that of other Americans.

      Comment by DPS — January 12, 2010 @ 1:37 pm | Reply

  1316. sorry….I meant to say farms/ranch(es)

    What a bizarre and incomprehensible thing to say. I fear that Dragonbeaver has finally lost whatever remained of his sanity.

    Comment by DPS — January 3, 2010 @ 1:51 am | Reply

  1317. DPS, I keep going through these posts, well as many as I can in each sitting. I still think that your problem is with the yiffers, not the furries.

    Personally, I only have a problem with those that hurt others. This includes people who rape defenseless animals. It does not include those who dress up like animals for enjoyment, or even sexual pleasure.

    What people do in their bedrooms-whether it be using whips, ropes, or bunny ears-shouldn’t be our concern.

    By generalizing and calling all furries evil, you are pushing would-be Christians further from God. It would be a tragedy if even one person were to do the opposite of FNM and loose faith because of hatred directed towards someone because they wear bunny ears.

    Comment by Jacqui — January 3, 2010 @ 2:14 am | Reply

  1318. Dragonknight– Thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware they were part of the silly “War On Christmas.” (Though I thought all the screaming about that had died down in recent years ever since it was discovered Bill O’Reilly was actually a cabbage or something.) Personally myself I celebrate Yakmas, as folks keep claiming Christmas is a Christian holiday, and I’m not Christian, I might as well spend the night worshipping yaks. -:)

    And of course there’s also always Festivus for the rest of us. Happy New Year!

    Comment by Xydexx — January 3, 2010 @ 12:21 pm | Reply


    Its all you furry secularists that hate America and its founding fathers that are at war with Christmas.

    I bet its because you are angry that when then the girls in High School chose boyfriends, you were always left out. Then it was only the hairy beaver toothed girls that were left, so you began to fixate on animal features for your sexual release. and then you began to hate your fathers, for having such losers as yourself, and so transfered that to our good Christian Founders and so hate George Washington, America, and Christmas.

    Sad. Really.

    and DPS you know why DragonPoop wants to go live on a farm, or a ranch. from your reseach I’m sure you have come across cow-love… and I think thats what dragonboy has….

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 3, 2010 @ 5:53 pm | Reply

  1320. “loose faith because of hatred directed towards someone because they wear bunny ears”

    I see you are a porn addict. Playboy was one of the first abomonation and flithy disgusting purveyors of furry madness when it paraded its “bunnies” before an unsuspecting America.

    Loose faith, loose morals, and loose digusting bits… that’s what you worship! instead of GOD!

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 3, 2010 @ 6:14 pm | Reply

  1321. God, you guys are annoying.

    “DPS: Please calm down and leave us alone.”

    WHO THE HELL IS DEFENSIVE HERE!!! You were the guys that started the attack, now you guys are saying that we are invading your sites?????
    This site is a warzone between us. Kids should not be on this site (AKA the full blown PORN in the article’s beginning).
    Oh, are you gonna blame us for that stuff at the top?

    Rule 34 of the internet: If it is on the internet, there is porn of it.
    I am QUITE sure that there is christian porn SOMEWHERE in the vast internet.
    Well then, who are the sick bastards now???

    Comment by ShiroChan — January 3, 2010 @ 11:16 pm | Reply

    • I see that you did not deny you are addicted to porn. Good, if you admit your problems and pray to GOD maybe He will forgive you and give you strength.

      Comment by Marty McPain — January 5, 2010 @ 5:01 pm | Reply

  1322. “Well then, who are the sick bastards now???”

    that’s easy… you and your disgusting ilk.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 4, 2010 @ 1:54 pm | Reply



    You were the guys that started the attack,

    What attack? This post was a public service message, alerting America to a looming danger.

    now you guys are saying that we are invading your sites?????

    Yes, because you are invading our site. For example, when you wrote this comment. Go away.

    This site is a warzone between us.

    No, this site is a field of battle in which Christianity and patriotism romped all over decadent furryism. You furries lost long ago, but one of you shows up occasionally to squeak and whine and shriek profanities. As you are doing now.

    Kids should not be on this site

    I never let my children or my wife read this blog anymore, because I can’t be sure that some angry furry won’t have spewed his bilious blasphemy all over the comments.

    Oh, are you gonna blame us for that stuff at the top?

    No, you furries shouldn’t have gone looking for B4B. But you did, and you found us, and we confounded your arguments and exposed your lies and perversions. You met with a humiliating defeat. Now go away, in shame. If you keep coming back, we’ll just keep making fools out of you.

    Comment by DPS — January 4, 2010 @ 8:27 pm | Reply

  1324. No it is you and your ilk, who would attack a group of people based on what they like to do and think about, that are the “disgusting” ones here!

    Please note that I was never “Left out”, I had and still have all the girls(Human) around me wanting to get some alone time with me and guess what? some of them actually do. You guys are truly sick if you think for one second that I would ever have sex of any kind with any type of animal.

    One final thing to say, Hugh Hefner probably has three times the amount of money and Influence than either you or DPS do, and I say that just about allows him to do anything he wants to do.
    Also please don’t tell me that you are one of those people who believe that the only thing a woman is good for is to stay home,do your chores,and make plenty of god loving children…because if you are….
    I only have one thing to say to you, This is not the old days, where women did not have very many rights. Now, if your not careful you won’t only end up making more furries hate you…you will also piss off the women’s rights groups….and thats NOT a good thing.

    Comment by DragonKnight — January 4, 2010 @ 10:47 pm | Reply

  1325. No it is you and your ilk, who would attack a group of people based on what they like to do and think about, that are the “disgusting” ones here!

    The Nazis liked to kill people and think about killing them. It was absolutely right to attack them for it. Ultimately, furryism could be as destructive as Nazism, if not more so. Are you therefore saying that the Greatest Generation and Winston Churchill were disgusting? Because I think that’s not going to be a very popular view, at least outside of anti-American furry circles.

    Please note that I was never “Left out”, I had and still have all the girls(Human) around me wanting to get some alone time with me and guess what? some of them actually do.

    I would disapprove of this, if I believed it. Praise God, I am sure that your odd predilections and unusual wardrobe have made you as repellent to human females as you are to United States Marines.

    You guys are truly sick if you think for one second that I would ever have sex of any kind with any type of animal.

    Just a couple of weeks ago you refused to say you wouldn’t molest a squirrel!!! Now I know you’re just making things up to create confusion. Typical furry obfuscation.

    One final thing to say, Hugh Hefner probably has three times the amount of money and Influence than either you or DPS do, and I say that just about allows him to do anything he wants to do.

    Interesting. Do you know who has bigger elephant tusks than I do? Why, an elephant, of course! Do you know what that has to do with anything? Why, nothing! Just like the strange thing that Dragoncart said for no reason.

    Also please don’t tell me that you are one of those people who believe that the only thing a woman is good for is to stay home,do your chores,and make plenty of god loving children…

    God desired that the female should be obedient to the male. Who am I to question His enjoinments?

    This is not the old days, where women did not have very many rights.

    Of course not, let them have their “rights.” But can’t you see that we have drifted far from the course the Lord intended?

    Now, if your not careful you won’t only end up making more furries hate you…you will also piss off the women’s rights groups….and thats NOT a good thing.

    I can’t imagine that the women’s rights groups would be any more annoying and absurd than the volunteer furry brigade that’s constantly leaving ridiculous, provocative comments here at B4B. If you want to invite the feminist “women,” that’s fine: at least they are attracted to human females, unlike you lot.

    Comment by DPS — January 4, 2010 @ 11:49 pm | Reply

    • “The Nazis liked to kill people and think about killing them. It was absolutely right to attack them for it. Ultimately, furryism could be as destructive as Nazism, if not more so. “-How many times do I have to ask? How are furries as bad as Nazis? They aren’t killing anyone and not planning on killing anyone. From the discussions on this blog, one would see more violence eminating from the other side of this debate. One would think that the “Christian” side of this is more equivalent to the Nazis, as they are threatening violence.(I use quotes to signify the side of the debate Christians vs. Furries. I do not think that Christians are Nazis).

      “God desired that the female should be obedient to the male. Who am I to question His enjoinments?”- Please elaborate.

      “Of course not, let them have their “rights.” But can’t you see that we have drifted far from the course the Lord intended?”- Why do you put “rights” in quotes?

      “If you want to invite the feminist “women,” that’s fine: at least they are attracted to human females, unlike you lot.”- I am curious as to what you mean by this statement.

      Comment by Jacqui — January 7, 2010 @ 7:50 pm | Reply

      • I explained above that I won’t be responding to you anymore, “Jacqui,” since you’re a spoof. I don’t know whether you’re really Dragonwagon or one of the other ones, and you had me going for a while, but I refuse to let you make a fool out of me any longer. If you have something to say, Dragonwagon, just say it, and don’t put it in the mouth of “Jacqui” or “Xerox” or whoever.

        Comment by DPS — January 9, 2010 @ 6:34 pm

  1326. Wow, anti furry and anti female rights. What next, gonna say your nazi or anti RSPCA?

    Comment by ShiroChan — January 5, 2010 @ 8:55 am | Reply

  1327. Wow, anti furry and anti female rights. What next, gonna say your nazi or anti RSPCA?

    Furries are the 21st century Nazis. We’ve already established this. That’s why it is so important to defeat you.

    And get out of here with your “RSPCA.” This isn’t England or Canada or whatever other sodomitical country you hail from. It’s America. And in America we do whatever we want to animals. We work ’em, and we kill ’em, and we eat ’em, and we wear ’em as hats. The only thing you can’t do is to touch them with your thing. That’s sick, and abhorrent to God. But the RSPCA and the ASPCA say it’s OK to do that. So yeah, I’m against all the SPCAs, so long as they advocate human on animal encounters.

    Comment by DPS — January 6, 2010 @ 12:12 am | Reply

  1328. Actually…..

    Religion has been and always will be the “21st Century Nazis”
    Sure you may or may not have caused the Holocaust of WW2….
    but religion LOVES to make people Think and Act(morals and behavior) EXACTLY like they do
    And If they refuse to do that, guess What?
    Either they are told that they are going to “hell” OR….

    *Pulls out a gun and shoots the Infidel*

    That happens….

    Need I also remind everyone about the MOLESTATION that has happened in way too many Christan churches (Does not exclude any type of christan chruch)

    Comment by DragonKnight — January 7, 2010 @ 12:51 am | Reply

  1329. Wow. This was one of the stupidest, most bigoted wastes of words I’ve ever read.

    How are furries directly affecting your life? That’s right, they’re not. So why don’t you just stop mindlessly prejudging and learn to accept people for who they are?

    You’d be a much happier person.

    Comment by Corona Nox — January 7, 2010 @ 2:02 am | Reply

  1330. Need I also remind everyone about the MOLESTATION that has happened in way too many Christan churches (Does not exclude any type of christan chruch) Comment by DragonKnight

    But it does exclude the Baptists! (We are not a chruch!)

    you are refering to the demented papist mary-worhippers who refuse to have anything to do with women so they can spend all there time buggering boys!

    I don’t know which group is worse.. Catolicks or Furries? the Papists I guess because they have money and the Furries are all poor.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 7, 2010 @ 12:32 pm | Reply

    • OK my bad…..

      What I meant to say was ANY CHRISTAN ORGINIZATION (Including all churches)

      Comment by DragonKnight — January 8, 2010 @ 5:07 am | Reply

      • DOLT!!

        The Baptists are not an “orginzation” either!! (whatever that is)..


        WE ARE TRUE CHRISTIANS! *(and we are not furry)

        Comment by Marty McPain — January 8, 2010 @ 1:09 pm

  1331. “G-d?” Your gawd is afraid of vowels too? You are aware that “god” isn’t a name, right? That’s right, GOD. GOOOOOODDDDDDDD. There is a letter “o” in there.

    Hi-larious. You jebus-heads are afraid of everything that isn’t painted up to look like “Father Knows Best.” Furries may be the short bus of the internet but I’d rather hang out with them than you vowel-fearing idiots.

    Comment by Chickenhead — January 8, 2010 @ 11:11 am | Reply

  1332. Wow,DPS…
    one freaking subculture of a subculture breaks off and automatically all furries are Nazi’s. Real smooth…
    Furries are not all like that. It’s like not all christians (baptists, catholics, gah… MONOTHEISTIC religions) are Bible thumping, gun toting, crusading, Ku Klux Klanning bastards. Some are some pretty nice guys (you do not fall into this category), and some are furries themselves. I really think that god doesn’t give a flying s*** what we do down here (he let the crusades get defeted didn’t he?).
    So you guys can throw whatever you want at us, but it really doesn’t matter. You have one life, so you should do what you want, not be forced to do something against your will.


    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 9, 2010 @ 3:53 pm | Reply

  1333. Wow, still going?

    I commend you on your dedication, Marty.

    organization: An organization is an official group of people, for example a political party, a business, a charity, or a club.

    I believe this makes three years on this comment board?

    Yet again I return, and yet again I am dissapointed.

    Seriously people, just stop arguing with Marty and his ilk. It is a battle which niether side will win, the only exception being not to play their games.

    “Joshua: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?” (Joshua, the WHOPPER supercomputer from the movie War Games)

    Indeed, the only winning move here is not to respond to their taunts and slander. So, once more I implore the current denizens of this comment page to not give in to the hateful comments of Marty and company. Stop giving hateful comments yourself. Your responses just give them more of a reason to post and hate, more ammunition for their war, more unsavory things to post about furs everywhere. Just leave the page, don’t even respond to this.

    The voice of reason speaks once again, and then is silent for another age.

    Comment by LAZARUS_GUY — January 10, 2010 @ 1:06 am | Reply

  1334. the art of war…

    …He wrote that . . ….

    Trackback by the art of war — January 10, 2010 @ 7:50 pm | Reply

  1335. OK, furries. If furryism is so harmless, explain this.

    Comment by DPS — January 10, 2010 @ 8:54 pm | Reply

    • 1Exactly how is this “harmful”? They are hanging out! Whats wrong with that??

      Comment by Shiro Chan — January 13, 2010 @ 3:01 pm | Reply

      • Why am I not surprised that you don’t see anything wrong with a furry street gang prancing around to gangster rap in front of a car that they stole?

        Which leads me to another question. Are there any furries who aren’t criminals of one kind or another?

        Comment by DPS — January 14, 2010 @ 2:21 am

      • O.O
        What the crap…
        gangster furries? THEY ARE JUST LISTENING TO RAP AND ARE AUTOMATICALLY GANGSTERS?????? If that were so, maybe 90% of america would be gangbangers!!!!
        Did you guys just crawl out from under a rock or something??
        Gagh! We aren’t all criminals at all.

        Comment by Shiro Chan — January 14, 2010 @ 1:58 pm

  1336. Well LazyGuy! you’re back! I know what an organization is…

    that poster kept on refering to an “orginzation” and that does not look AT ALL like the same word to me. but you are better at reading “furry typing” than I am I guess. I thought it was an orgy group.

    Did you ever get rid of your belief in the false and evil theory of Heliocentrism?

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 11, 2010 @ 2:58 pm | Reply

  1337. lol this article is funny 2 the point where its looking at an extremest POV. So if u think this is the real case and that all furries are like this then thats ur opinion not fact and most of this article is just race hate rember god dose not ask u to follow him just that he will be there. all these ppl enforcing god upon one another are commiting crimes to there own religions. o well o n btw off the record means that it may or may not be true twisted by the eye of the reporter the question could be “president do y like animal suits” reply “no” this can then be said as he hates furies. remember the media twists thing cause they want them to interest u so they can generate profit its how we sell everything in this day and age. it gets votes and profits and supporters. and ppl look into things ur self u will be amassed at what u find.

    Comment by Ash — January 12, 2010 @ 10:17 am | Reply

  1338. I am a 14 yo furry (werewolf)Furries are normal people with normal lives, who want to liven it up a little. end of

    Comment by Howler — January 12, 2010 @ 4:48 pm | Reply

  1339. *Sigh*

    First things first I guess…DPS I object to your claim that I am Jacqui, even though I did pose the idea that I could have been posting under different names….I have not done any such thing. On the contrary I have not heard a single objection from FNM in any of his above posts, and any posts from him AFTER this post will most likely be ignored and my beliefs about FNM will not be changed. Also I became such an “Expert” on such things by “surfing” the internet, and the only reason I went looking for it was because of your crazy accusations that all furries want to rape/molest animals.

    Secondly Marty, I made one spelling error….So what? You can’t be stupid enough to not know what I meant. Also the Images and videos that you and DPS are finding are proof that you are “New” to the internet, Because there is far worse things that I could find (that have nothing to do with being furry)


    I guess that statement means that you are part of the group of people who not only “love to fondle up little boys” but you also love to try and rape teenage girls!

    “Loose faith, loose morals, and loose digusting bits” Comments by Marty McPain

    I have to guess that means that you are still a virgin, Especially if you are calling the male and female sex organs “loose disgusting bits”

    LAZARUS_GUY ~ I don’t know when you will see this but I might as well say it. I know that this is a battle that neither side is going to win. However I have decided to continue to try and find a way to beat them, try to find a weakness in their defense, If you know what I mean. “The only winning move is not to play” That may be true but yet I still choose to fight this “Battle”, Even if it can’t be won.

    Comment by DragonKnight — January 13, 2010 @ 3:56 am | Reply

  1340. DraggingPoop,

    I can never tell with you furries if its a typo because of your big fury paws of if you are just making up words…

    what I can tell is that you can’t read.. here let’s try again…

    “you are refering to the demented papist mary-worhippers who refuse to have anything to do with women so they can spend all there time buggering boys!

    I don’t know which group is worse.. Catolicks or Furries? the Papists I guess because they have money and the Furries are all poor.”

    you keep on confusing us with the catolicks.

    and the loose disgusting bits was a reference to the non-baby-producing harlots showing their loose parts while wearing a bunny suit that that porn addict Jacki was going on about.

    I have 7 children and one on the way so I can tell you that I know what God’s Baby Maker is for…I have had sex 9 times with my wife of six years..and I did God’s will except that one time I missed the cycle.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 13, 2010 @ 12:44 pm | Reply

    • See how annoying it is when I take something you say and twist its meaning?

      Comment by DragonKnight — January 13, 2010 @ 2:38 pm | Reply

  1341. Annoyed? no. you are not important. Willing to use you to make an example of how furries can’t read or write? yes.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 13, 2010 @ 5:25 pm | Reply

  1342. DPS I object to your claim that I am Jacqui,

    Well, maybe it’s not you, but “she” is clearly not on the level, you’ll agree with me about that?

    I have not heard a single objection from FNM in any of his above posts, and any posts from him AFTER this post will most likely be ignored and my beliefs about FNM will not be changed.

    You’re right: we haven’t heard anything at all from him in quite a while. I hope he’s alright. Perhaps he’s spending all of his time with his pastor? Maybe he’s just forgotten all about furryism and is living a normal, happy life? Let us pray that that’s so.

    Also I became such an “Expert” on such things by “surfing” the internet, and the only reason I went looking for it was because of your crazy accusations that all furries want to rape/molest animals.

    Don’t blame me for your obsession with websites about furryism. Also, your story about women being furries rings false. Furries are male (biologically male, at least). Possibly there is the occasional chubby girl who wears unicorn shirts and walks down the street with her nose in a novel about dragons, but apart from that there aren’t any women furries (which by the way is a rare instance of women showing any kind of faculty of reason). Also, as we saw above, Barry HUSSEIN OSAMA’s wife has been dabbling in furryism, so we’d have to count her, too. But other than them, it’s all males. Or should I say, “males”?

    Comment by DPS — January 14, 2010 @ 11:04 am | Reply

  1343. *facepalm*
    you guys are idjits…
    Furries can be anything. Male, female, DOESN”T MATTER!!!
    Could you STOP NOW!
    Just give up, cause we sure as hell aren’t going to.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 14, 2010 @ 2:03 pm | Reply

  1344. *Silently mutters curse words*

    Marty and DPS….
    What we furries have been trying to tell you all this time is….

    That beastiality is COMPLETELY different from being a furry. A FEW furries (about 1% to 5%) are into beastiality, BUT NOT every one who is into beastiality is a furry….understand?

    Yes, it is true that we have not heard from FNM…..I guess you finally decided to say whatever you have to say yourself(as DPS) then.

    Also Marty….. I can read and guess what?
    It doesn’t matter what style/type of Christianity you practice or preach. Every single one has had at least one priest molest,rape,or Murder somebody, and that includes yours!

    One final thing, DPS did you even for one second THINK that one of them actually OWNS that car? Well that is the truth, want to know why? Because they probably make more money than you ever will by selling their art and/or from their normal jobs.

    Comment by DragonKnight — January 15, 2010 @ 2:09 am | Reply

  1345. That beastiality is COMPLETELY different from being a furry.

    Sure, and marching around with swastikas killing Jews is COMPLETELY different from being a Nazi. People make that mistake all the time.

    Yes, it is true that we have not heard from FNM…..I guess you finally decided to say whatever you have to say yourself(as DPS) then.

    Look, how am I supposed to get in touch with him? Did he give us an e-mail address? If not, what can I do? All I can do is to hope for the best. And I would think that the fact that we haven’t heard from him in a long time is proof that I haven’t stolen the real FNM’s identity.

    DPS did you even for one second THINK that one of them actually OWNS that car?

    Did you even for one second check to see if there was video evidence of this furry street gang being arrested, probably for auto theft?

    Didn’t think so.

    Comment by DPS — January 15, 2010 @ 2:43 am | Reply

  1346. (On floor laughing at your stupidity)
    They aren’t getting arrested you dolt. Read side panel much? Says “…fun photo op.” PHOTO OP! GET IT??
    They aren’t actually getting arrested. Wow, find some actual sources before you go into that. It would be Veeeeeeeeeeeerrrry hard to make a “furry gang” because the ones in Fursuits would be so easy to spot. I mean come on.
    Are you guys thick or did you just go onto youtube and type in “Furry arrest” and picked randomly.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 15, 2010 @ 10:57 am | Reply

  1347. Look, just because the caption says that it’s a joke, that doesn’t mean it’s a joke. I can put a caption on a picture of a cow that says “chicken,” but that doesn’t mean it’s a chicken. It just means I put the wrong caption on, to make people think it’s a chicken, even though it’s really a cow. It’s the same thing here: some furries trying to cover up their shameful arrest by pretending that it was all a fun joke. Just like furries try to pretend that they’re animals, even though they’re really humans. It’s all lies and deceit with furries, because their lord and master is Satan, the Prince of Lies. The fact of the matter is that that video shows those furries being arrested for stealing the SUV depicted in the other video, end of story.

    Comment by DPS — January 15, 2010 @ 4:23 pm | Reply

  1348. hi guys i saw yiou were worried abiotu me and im’ just riting in to say im ok. i had a pretty good new years i did flal off the wagon tho and i touched teh cat a little even tho i kno its wrong its just hard no t to. but if elt real bad afterwards and i even gave. the car some treats too, mainly its good tho and i definitely dont want to be a furry like drgaonknight. also i just wantt o say that i looked thru a lot o fhte comments and i dont see any Furry No More comments i didnt rite, there all from me, but there is so many comements, so maybe i missed one.

    Comment by Furry No More — January 16, 2010 @ 12:59 am | Reply

  1349. Excuse me? None of this article is impartial. Even the describe of a furry is loaded with prejudices and propoganda (yes, I said the P word. Get over it!) This author doesn’t even give their audience a CHANCE to make a decision on furries for themselves. I am disgusted and repulsed, not by the content of this article, but by the hate that emanates from it. Spew your hate all you want. We furries still exist and love who we are, sexual or none sexual. It’s a choice, it’s a decision, and I have made mine.

    By the way, I am a Christian who loves God and Christ as my savior. If your intention in this article was to try to show that to people, you’re waaaaay off the mark. “Love thy neighbor” and all that jazz? Ha, yeah right. Get a life and take a communication course.

    Comment by jumpingfeesh — January 16, 2010 @ 8:33 pm | Reply

  1350. I’m just lolling my way through the comments on this page because anything a pro-furry or pro-everyone person writes, the “editor” (presumably the nincumpoop who wrote this ridiculous article) rebutts it with something like “…because furries are disgusting. They just are.” HA! That’s not a fact. Although if someone quotes the Bible, he doesn’t reply at ALL! Thank you whoever pointed out that Jesus Christ walked with every sinner around him, ate with sinners, and had his feet washed with sinners (Mary Magdelene).

    Christians who throw Bibles aren’t Christians for two reasons: (1) You never THROW THE BIBLE!!! (2) Christ never said to beat your neighbor who doesn’t believe. In fact, the priests brought an adulterer to Christ to test him. According to them, he should abide to the Laws of Moses and have her stoned. Instead he granted her forgiveness and told her to “go and sin no more”. Please read your scriptures INCLUDING the Gospels before you spew your hate and make nonsensical connections between subcultures.

    You are a babbling idiot. End of story.

    Comment by jumpingfeesh — January 16, 2010 @ 8:49 pm | Reply

    • Thank you whoever pointed out that Jesus Christ walked with every sinner around him, ate with sinners, and had his feet washed with sinners

      So this nitwit furry thinks he’s proving his case, but he inadvertently confesses that furries are sinners and that furryism is a sin. Par for the course around here, though.

      You know, the furries wouldn’t look so foolish if they could manage to keep their mouths shut.

      As I know from long experience, however, that’s not going to happen.

      Comment by DPS — January 22, 2010 @ 1:51 am | Reply

  1351. Very good to hear from you, FNM. I am somewhat concerned to learn of the cat-touching. If you are tempted again by the desire to fondle your cat, you must leave the house immediately, go to the home of a neighbor or to a telephone booth, and telephone your pastor.

    You are right not to want to be a furry like DragonKnight and the others. They are the ideal anti-furryism spokesmen: the louder and the more shrill they become, the less anyone wants to be like them.

    Comment by DPS — January 16, 2010 @ 10:51 pm | Reply

  1352. Ok, this is just sad.
    #one, those furries were NOT getting arrested, they were not attached to the car, there was no cop going over and handcuffing them, and THEY WERE NOT THE SAME FURRIES!
    Plus, that bad typing job for FNM is not a very good way for you to try and tell us something different DPS. We know you two are the same. The fact that you always post right after him is a (almost) dead givaway. wow, you guys have less of a life than we do.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 17, 2010 @ 4:51 pm | Reply

  1353. Furries are nothing but dominating bastards who want to have laid with crap and they eat shit!

    Comment by Ronnie Alvarez — January 17, 2010 @ 9:27 pm | Reply

  1354. Ok, this is just sad.

    I agree. You should stop.

    #one, those furries were NOT getting arrested, they were not attached to the car

    Is that part of police procedure now? Do they chain suspects to police cars? You don’t even know what you’re talking about, you strange person.


    They look the same to me. They’re dressed like bunnies and kitties and things.

    Plus, that bad typing job for FNM is not a very good way for you to try and tell us something different DPS. We know you two are the same. The fact that you always post right after him is a (almost) dead givaway.

    Yes, it is a giveaway. A giveaway that I care about Furry No More, unlike all of you furries, who want him to fail and be sucked back into the vortex of furryism. If Furry No More were dying in the gutter, you furries wouldn’t even stop to ask if he was OK, because the only thing that matters to you is if someone is pro-family values or pro-furry, and if someone is pro-family values then he isn’t even human to you, and you don’t care about him. It isn’t my fault if you furries are a bunch of soulless monsters who don’t care about anyone but furries.

    Comment by DPS — January 17, 2010 @ 10:53 pm | Reply

  1355. I am free from this furriness! I went to go get counseling, and I know now the ill of my old ways. I am no longer furry, and I feel great about it! Thank you, oh thank you, DPS and Marty!

    Comment by Rorroh — January 17, 2010 @ 10:59 pm | Reply

  1356. I am free from this furriness! I went to go get counseling, and I know now the ill of my old ways. I am no longer furry, and I feel great about it! Thank you, oh thank you, DPS and Marty!

    It is spreading!!! It’s spreading!!! Let us pray! Thank you Lord Jesus for freeing these furries from their sick and perverse ways, and thank you for restoring righteousness to their hearts! Don’t be afraid, other furries. Come to the light! Come to the gentle lovingkindness of your lord Jesus. We will join hands and together we will stamp out furriness!

    I have to be honest, I thought DragonKnight would be the next one to acknowledge the way of truth and light, just because he is so hostile to Jesus that you can tell he really loves Him. But I am overjoyed to welcome Rurroh into the fold, and look forward to advancing the cause of Christianity at his side. Welcome home, Ruhroh!!!

    Comment by DPS — January 17, 2010 @ 11:45 pm | Reply

  1357. Why are you guys so determines to make fools of yourselves. Just because you have a couple of guys “convert” doesn’t mean we are all going to do the same. I don’t even think you can! Furry fandom is just liking anthropomorphic animals. You can’t convert out of it like you can christianity (or any form thereof).
    It’s a fandom, not a religion.
    You just can’t see that.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 17, 2010 @ 11:51 pm | Reply

    • Shiro! May I have some form of contact with you, with which I can personally help you? I would be pleased to help you!

      Comment by Rorroh — January 18, 2010 @ 1:49 am | Reply

      • What makes you think i want your help?

        Comment by Shiro Chan — January 18, 2010 @ 11:28 am

  1358. I am so elated I do not know whether I can sleep tonight. Truly the tide has turned tonight, furries. We have snatched not one but TWO souls from the clutches of decadent furryism. On this thread, today, you see the beginning of the end of furryism. And not a moment too soon. Soon, here in America, you will see ordinary citizens rising up and taking their country back from the big government/fascist/furry agenda. Already this will happen this week, when Republican family man Skip Bird will defeat Democrat and reputed furry Marsha Coxby for the Senate seat of Terry Kennedy.

    I am just so proud to have been part of the community here at B4B when the tide turned.

    Comment by DPS — January 17, 2010 @ 11:56 pm | Reply

  1359. Har har. Pranks are fun. 😉

    Comment by Rorroh — January 18, 2010 @ 1:46 am | Reply

  1360. *Facepalm*
    WTF is furryism?!
    Who came up with that? YOU DID!!!
    We don’t care about you guys (except for a fun little argument to get out our rage) unless you start killing people. Something we REALLY hope you don’t do because then you would be even more bastardish than before.
    Go shout at each other.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 18, 2010 @ 11:30 am | Reply

  1361. WTF is furryism?!
    Who came up with that? YOU DID!!!

    I didn’t come up with WTF. I don’t even know what a WTF is! Is it some kind of furry lingo for one of your disgusting practices? If it is, please, don’t describe it for us.

    We don’t care about you guys

    That’s not very nice. We care about you, Chaka Khan.

    Go shout at each other.

    Look, you furries are the intemperate ones. Here at B4B we remain calm and civil, while you furries are constantly running around yelling abuse and blasphemies.

    Har har. Pranks are fun.

    ? Did I miss something? By the way, I hope you’re talking to your pastor; this first couple of days outside the grip of furryism are precarious and fraught with peril.

    What makes you think i want your help?

    As an ex-furry, Rohroh could offer you his perspective into how he came to see the evil of furryism and conceived a desire to be free. But it’s OK just to share this with all of us here in the comments as well, Rohroh.

    Comment by DPS — January 18, 2010 @ 12:35 pm | Reply

    • I feel talking with Shiro directly would be much more comfortable for her (or him, if I’m mistaken). In comfortable places, people tend to accept things easier, and Shiro is clearly in denial.

      Comment by Rorroh — January 19, 2010 @ 12:20 am | Reply

  1362. WTF means litterally “WHAT THE FUCK”
    In my scentence, i said WHAT THE FUCK is Furryism. It sounds like some sort of communist party. Furry is a FANDOM, not a party. We aren’t going to take over the world (explain to me EXACTLY how we would be capable of doing that DPS, or any of you right wings), and the only reason i still take up your bullshit is because it makes me laugh. The sheer fact that you exist amuses me in some way. I have this site bookmarked under “Hilarity” along with Lolcats and Sarah Palin.
    So go on… you are just my entertainment for the night. I must tell you, this site has grown quite a following from my friends. All of us get on here and just read these out loud at lunch (laughing hystericly the whole time). Our comp lab teacher is a furry, and she says, “These are the funniest trolls I have ever seen. No matter what they throw at the furries, just the sheer amount of ridicule they drop on themselves and their beliefs is chasing people away from those said beliefs.”
    So keep talking. Each post brightens my day…

    (PS, for any furries out there who play video games a lot, this forum is a great way to get pumped up from the mix of rage and humor that comes out of this site. Furry forever.)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 18, 2010 @ 10:46 pm | Reply

  1363. DPS, I am sorry to tell you that this Scooby Doo-doo furry is lying.

    Comment by Rorroh — January 18, 2010 @ 1:46 am

    He is lying because he is a furry still and all furries lie. He is trying to get close to you in order to fart on you or something that the stupid dog in that horrid witch filled Satan love-fest of a show…

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 18, 2010 @ 10:47 pm | Reply

  1364. Is what Marty says true, Rohroh? Were you lying when you said you wanted to turn away from furryism?

    I will reserve judgment until we hear from you. I must admit however that I fear the worst.

    Comment by DPS — January 18, 2010 @ 11:58 pm | Reply

  1365. “.. all furries lie ..”

    If I were lying, who’s to say that the other converters were lying? I’m sorry you don’t believe me, but I am sincere in saying I have converted.

    Comment by Rorroh — January 19, 2010 @ 12:12 am | Reply

  1366. “Har har. Pranks are fun. Comment by Rorroh — January 18, 2010 @ 1:46 am | Reply ”

    Just when DPS opened his heart to accept you and was ready to give you a dose of Christ’s Love, you rejected him and laughed, cruely twisting his good intentions into a bloody furry mess.

    God will not forgive this because insulting DPS is as bad as insulting the Holy Spirit.

    “Luke 12:10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. “

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 19, 2010 @ 11:12 am | Reply

    • If you think that DPS anything like the holy spirit then you really need psychological help.

      Comment by DragonKnight — January 25, 2010 @ 4:24 am | Reply

  1367. Wow, even those you supposidly “convert” you don’t even trust!
    Rorroh, you never left. If you like anthropomorphic animals IN ANY WAY (aka, ever seeing bugs bunny or the cheshire cat or any football mascot, or ANYTHING with an animal w/ human charactersitics disgusts you intirely) you are still a furry. You can be christian as well, but that doesn’t change the fact that you like anthropomorphic animals.

    Shiro Out

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 19, 2010 @ 2:36 pm | Reply

  1368. “Wow, even those you supposidly “convert” you don’t even trust!

    you have to be the stupidest poster who ever farted a mishmash of words onto this site.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 19, 2010 @ 7:27 pm | Reply

  1369. Oho!
    Without an argument to make, you insult me!
    Shows how really shallow your argument is.
    Really, how can you get rid of us? Tell me how!
    I would love to hear…

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 19, 2010 @ 8:36 pm | Reply

  1370. I can’t tell whether Rohroh is being sincere or not. Marty McPain says no, in a spirit of reasonable skepticism. Soba Chan says yes. I don’t trust Soba Chan, but he obviously suffers from a severe mental impairment, so whatever he thinks is probably the opposite of true. Unless he’s lying about what he thinks, which he probably is, since furries are noted liars. So I conclude that Rohroh is telling the truth, and I rejoice.

    Now, Rohroh, tell us how things have gotten better for you since you stopped doing furry things. What does your pastor say? And did you burn your furry suit?

    Furries are nothing but dominating $%^&*()s who want to have !@#$ with $%^& and they eat $%^&!

    Excellent point, Ronnie Alvarez, but I don’t approve of that kind of language.

    Comment by DPS — January 19, 2010 @ 9:50 pm | Reply

  1371. stop doing furry things like drawing? Looking around? Talking to people?
    Huh… you would have no life.
    Listen, Rohroh, it doesn’t matter. No one really cares.
    I openly show that i am a furry, and no one gives two bits.
    In the end, it is all a matter of personal choice. Calling yourself furry is a personal choice, like calling yourself christian. Anyone who likes anthropomorphic animals (Coca-cola polar bear, mickey mouse, etc.) is furry, but choose to call themselves one or not.
    You don’t want to call yourself furry? No one is forcing you.
    If you call yourself one, then you say you are part of a community. You can be still part of the community and not call yourself furry as well.
    Please actually listen to these words

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 20, 2010 @ 2:46 pm | Reply

  1372. I’m not mad at what you said because what he said only deals with portions of the furry fandom. Furry have fetish, hobby, and spiritual side to them. He explained the fetish so I won’t go much further, it not for everyone but to each there own. I am one who is a furry by hobby, I choose to create a character that represents me. Then there are those who have a spiritual side, some believe in native American spirit animals, or believe they are animal spirits in human body. In case of those who are religious remember that you may not believe they are right but you have just as much right to tell them what and how to believe as the rest of the world has to you, so please respect the differences. I also want to finish with two points. I do not agree with the things stated but I would like to say I have listened to your argument, I have heard it from ministers and highly religious people and I did listen with respect to there side. I accept burning in hell for being a furry and being a gay man if that is what to happen. I have made my informed decision and though I do not expect you to understand it please respect it. The other point I would like to say goes to my fellow furries or rather everyone in general, listen to the other side and understand there point of view to the best of your abilities, for what right is it for you to demand to be heard if you will not listen in return.

    Comment by Felix — January 20, 2010 @ 4:43 pm | Reply

    • Why can’t more of you furries be respectful like Felix? Just because you engage in all kinds of disgusting, atheistic practices doesn’t mean you can’t be respectful.

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:35 pm | Reply

  1373. Please actually listen to these words

    No!!!! Stop your ears to the siren song of furriness, Rohroh! You can resist! You must pray very hard, and you must ignore all of the comments by the other furries, especially those by Shoto Khan. Something you might try doing is, every time you see that a furry has left a comment, instead of reading it, go to and read a chapter of Scripture.

    Comment by DPS — January 20, 2010 @ 7:25 pm | Reply

  1374. You can’t stop the fact that I post. He can CHOOSE to read it if he wants.
    It’s CHOICE. I’m not forcing him.
    It seems you are though.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 20, 2010 @ 10:31 pm | Reply

  1375. You really are the stupidest poster I have ever seen on this site. and at almost 1,400 posts, that says a lot!

    why would DPS make Ruh-Ruh read furry comments? why does it SEEM that DPS is doing that?

    It. Makes. No. Sense.

    Maybe you should go to dog training school…..

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 20, 2010 @ 11:01 pm | Reply

  1376. oh my god…. who gives a crap about furries… its not the “sign of the devil” or whatever you religious fanatics believe it is… all it is; is DRAWINGS who cares if people made a costume to look like a wolf or a fox or somethin… what do you think your children are doing when they dress up as a cat or a dog for halloween its the same thing, and dont say that it isnt cuz u know darn well it is

    Comment by AndyPG — January 20, 2010 @ 11:38 pm | Reply

    • Actually, we partly agree, AndyPig. No one should give a %&^& about furries, and furryism and Halloween are the same thing, because Halloween is a celebration of Satanism and furryism.

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:33 pm | Reply

  1377. Shoto Khan can whine all he wants, but he should know that Furry No More and Rohroh probably aren’t listening; instead, I imagine they’re reading the Word of the LORD, as I suggested.

    I don’t understand why you would want to drag them down into the fetid swamp of your iniquity, Shoto. Can’t you just be happy that they have been saved?

    Comment by DPS — January 21, 2010 @ 12:19 am | Reply

  1378. What do you mean by SAVED anyways? You can’t save anyone from the fandom! j
    If you are thinking of this in religious terms, you fail on epic proportions.
    And I may be a stupid, but at least I have a point. You guys don’t.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 21, 2010 @ 1:59 pm | Reply

  1379. Hey, Rohroh, just looked at the top of the posting again, and saw your name. Pretty active, and i liked some of your comments.
    And yes… Pranks are fun…

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 21, 2010 @ 2:02 pm | Reply

  1380. DPS, you only have to re-read the words of Psycheout so many years ago…

    “Rather than getting well, these people dive deeper down into the spiritual abyss, egged on by those with similar dysfunctions.”

    egged on by those with similar dysfunctions

    thats stupid-Shoto formenting furry madness.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 21, 2010 @ 3:17 pm | Reply

  1381. Furry madness?
    You guys seem more fascinated with us than we are!
    BTW, you guys still haven’t told me exactly how you go about creating furry madness. The only other people who read this are you, DPS, rohroh, furry no more, and me. We are all that’s left of this debate. I just continue cause i think your posts are funny.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 21, 2010 @ 8:19 pm | Reply

  1382. you guys still haven’t told me exactly how you go about creating furry madness.

    We don’t create furry madness. You furries create furry madness. That is why it is called “furry” madness and not “normal, non-furry person” madness.

    We are all that’s left of this debate.

    Far from it, my demented, becostumed little acquaintance. Far from it. This is an epochal struggle for the soul of America. At any one time, only a few are brave enough (us Christians) or shameless enough (you furries) to comment. But surely many thousands more are reading every day as we manly Christians trounce you deluded, puny furries. They have seen our many victories and your myriad calamities, and are confirmed each time in their conviction that God despises furriness and gives succor to its foes.

    I thrill to contemplate how many furries have cast off their wolf suits and kitty suits and joined the ranks of the Redeemed because of what they have witnessed here, because of how flimsy and perverse the furry case for furrism has been time and again shown to be.

    Comment by DPS — January 21, 2010 @ 10:34 pm | Reply

  1383. Furry is like any other community- it is a small selection of the society at large.
    In larger society you have people with weird fetishes, some with normal ones, ones who don’t like having sex at all.
    What astounds me is the depth you went to to research this- some of the photos you have included are only accessible by signing up to sites, and consenting you are over 18 years to view them. The pink furs with the gross dad making the girl touch his penis ARE NOT furries. They are a random group of hippies with preverted ideas. They have never been associated with the furry fandom.

    The closest the furry fandom can be compared to is star trekkies or hobbyists. I do agree if your child is found to be a furry, keep an eye on them so it doesn’t get out of hand. But it is not a demon or a sickness, it is a form of escape- an emotional issue, not a demon. Perhaps instead of shunning and abusing them, asking them WHY they chose to be a furry would be better. Find out why they feel more comfortable having an animal to role play as, or compare themselves to. Maybe they have low self-esteem, or are unhappy, and having a favourite animal gives them confidence and a sense of friendship with other furries. If you take the stupid fetishes out of it, Furry is an evolution of Native American spirit-animals and shamans, and nothing more. Please try not to be so sensational and close-minded, and give a fair view of the facts.


    Comment by Hannah — January 21, 2010 @ 10:39 pm | Reply

    • Oh, come on. How much whining can one commenter do? And how much are the furries paying you to shill for them? Don’t tell me you do this for free?

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:30 pm | Reply

      • It’s part of my lifestyle, and I’ll stand up for it as much as you will for your pathetic excuse of a religion.

        Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 6:27 pm

  1384. What makes you think we all wear suits?
    I certainly don’t
    Listen, once i leave, you will have no one to talk to. You will just shout at each other about how much you hate furries. Think about it. Your own survival lands on me.
    Haha, i’m in power and God doesn’t give a flying $h17

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 21, 2010 @ 10:45 pm | Reply

  1385. What makes you think we all wear suits?
    I certainly don’t

    Oh, great, another fake furry. Listen, why don’t you get lost? It’s hard enough fighting off the real furries without you posers coming around pretending to be furries. I can’t imagine anything more pathetic than a wanna-be furry.

    Listen, once i leave, you will have no one to talk to.

    For years I have been begging these foul, perverse furries to go away. They never do. Maybe if you fake furries would leave, the real furries would follow? Who knows. Why don’t you try it? I promise that the real Christians here at B4B won’t miss you.

    Comment by DPS — January 21, 2010 @ 11:40 pm | Reply

  1386. I’m sorry, I just have to weigh in here one more time about feigned furryism—or, as one of my fellow parishoners calls it, “faux fur.” You fake furries are wasting everyone’s time. The furries despise you, because you’re not real furries, and the normal people don’t need to worry about you, again because you’re not real furries. I find it immensely frustrating to argue with one of you fools as though you were worth arguing with, only to discover that you’re just some guy who pretends to be attracted to frogs and sheep so that the furries will like you. Look, I’m hunting big game here, and going up against real, honest-to-God, cat-groping, suit-wearing furries, and you’re prancing around in the way like some kind of deranged, non-furry rodeo clown. So why don’t you just accept that you aren’t a furry and stop bothering us?

    Strangely, I think this is one issue that the furries and the real Americans can agree on here.

    Comment by DPS — January 22, 2010 @ 1:38 am | Reply

  1387. Just cause’ i don’t wear a suit doesn’t make me any less furry.
    “Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of artists, writers, role players and general fans of the furry art forms who gather on the Internet and at conventions.” (Wikipedia)
    I am part of the Fandom, and therefore a furry. Plenty of furries are just artists and they are well received in the fandom. We are still called Furries.
    So when you call us furries, you mean every single one of us. So if you don’t want a bunch of “Fake Furries” to come down in full blown rage, ranting and cursing on this site, call them Fursuiters.
    Now, not all fursuiters do what you said. Only about 1% of anyone in the fandom does that. They are the wako’s that got us this reputation.
    So call them Fursuiters, at least

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 22, 2010 @ 10:10 am | Reply

  1388. ANYONE can be a furry.
    This isn’t some club with a pin and a secret code.
    The whole BASIS of furry is to be accpepting and non-judgemental.
    There is no such thing as a fake furry. Fursuiters are no more furry than someone who draws furry art or someone who simply goes to cons and buys furry regalia.

    It’s embarrassing to have you guys fight. You’re both furs, let it go.
    We have enough people to fight against without fighting amongst ourselves.

    Comment by Hannah — January 22, 2010 @ 2:50 pm | Reply

    • No, the whole basis of furryism is hatred of God and Man.

      And who are “both furs”? Me? I’m not a “fur” or a “furry” or a “fake furry.” I’m a normal, God-fearing Christian.

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:28 pm | Reply

      • Normal is relative, especially concerning you. And many furries are religious, including me. I am Jewish.

        Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 6:29 pm

  1389. (Wikipedia)

    I do not accept the authority of that site, which is a known organ of liberal propaganda. I consult Conservapedia. Unfortunately, Conservapedia does not yet have an article on furryism, probably because of furries swarming the site and deleting it. Perhaps I should write one, because I have gained a great deal of expertise and knowledge by doing battle with the furries, and with the fake furries like you. If I do, I will be very clear in my description of what is and is not a furry. Maybe I will also do an entry on “fake furryism.”

    call them Fursuiters.

    I will call them furries, because that is what they are called. I will not call you a furry, unless you can swear to wearing a furry suit, because furries wear furry suits. How could you have a furry without a furry suit?!? That’s why they’re called furries, and people who wear normal suits are called normal, or rather aren’t called anything at all, but they’re definitely not called furries.

    Comment by DPS — January 22, 2010 @ 10:43 pm | Reply

  1390. DPS,

    I TOLD you he was the biggest idiot we’ve ever seem here….

    CrackaKahn: “I’m a furry. I’m not a furry. Furries wear business suits. I’m an idiot!!”

    actually… he was right on that last part….

    And adding a page to Conservapedia sounds like a great idea1 maybe you should write a book. I know some people in the publishing business. THey publish bibles and pamphlets but I’m sure they could do your book.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 23, 2010 @ 9:48 am | Reply

  1391. GAH! furries are anyone who identifies as furry. THERES NO SUCH THING as a fake furry.
    Furries who wear fursuits are fursuiters. Most fursuiters are furry, but not all furries are fursuiters.

    DPS you need to get your facts straight. You claim not to want to research furry anymore because its gross, sinful etc etc but yet you go and make uneducated comments which are completely untrue. It’s like saying that only christians who wear black suits and white collars are christian. It’s stupid and untrue.

    FYI: a fursuit is slang for a costume, not a business suit. There are furries who don’t like the idea of wearing a costume, and some who would love to but don’t have the money. (the average fursuit runs about $650-$1900. Many people who own fursuits (including me) DO NOT engage in any kind of sexual act in the suit, BECAUSE it is so expensive to buy or make the costume in the first place. Besides that it is unsanitary, and just walking around in a costume is hot enough.

    Comment by Hannah — January 23, 2010 @ 3:52 pm | Reply

    • It looks like you’ve been whining and complaining for days, and I didn’t even notice. Just as well, I think. You’re just repeating more of the lies that the other furries have been advancing for months. We’ve already exposed these lies and set out the real truth. So unless you have something new to say, it would be best if you would be quiet.

      Also, you’re not fooling anyone by pretending to be a woman.

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:26 pm | Reply

      • ? What, no females are on the internet? I am female. I have no intention of proving it to you, but from the rib of Adam cameth me.

        Where is the truth? I don’t see it. just a lot of squabbling amongst 5 year olds.

        Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 6:31 pm

  1392. Yes, perhaps it is time for a book. So far as I know, we are still waiting for the authoritative tome on furryism, but we need one now more than ever. In it, I will set the record straight on many of the matters we have discussed here, and—I hope—silence these whining furries for good. I’m going to go start right now.

    Comment by DPS — January 23, 2010 @ 5:44 pm | Reply

  1393. I’ve got a preliminary list of chapters. This is going to be a serious undertaking. If you see any subjects I’ve missed, please let me know what they are. I’m going to need all the help I can get.

    Furry gangs and street crime
    Furry rage
    Furry humorlessness
    Furry suits
    Furry conspiracies
    Famous furry villains (Hitler, Carter, Stalin, etc.)
    How to defend yourself from a furry
    Common furry tricks and deceptions
    Furryism and terrorism
    Furryism and Darwinism
    Furryism and helioleftism
    Furry anti-Americanism
    Furry deprogramming
    How to spot a furry
    Furryism and Satanism
    Fake furries
    The radical furry agenda
    Furries and the war on Christmas
    Furry recruitment techniques
    Furry fascism
    The furry-sodomite alliance
    The furry takeover of the Democrat party
    Furry historical revisionism (furry Marines took Iwo Jima, etc., etc.)
    Furries and the global warming hoax
    Furries and big government
    Furryism and mental illness
    the Biblical case against furryism

    Comment by DPS — January 23, 2010 @ 6:12 pm | Reply

  1394. I was looking on google and found a strange photo. and it took me to of all things an anti-furry sight.
    I am a christian and a bit of a furry. strange how all you people argue about things like this. First i would like to speak from my christian prospective. I agree that furry is not exactly what you would call “christian”,but would you also agree that it is not christian to judge us for what we are. God is the only one that can do that. And also what do you want to know all of these things for. if you are just going to us them for more ammunition to fire than that is useless to do. you cannot change how people feel by hate. plus, you are only looking at the very worse of furry.

    Now to my furry friends. their is as much a chance of forcing our opinon on them as they do on us. their is also no use to use offinceve words to make our point.

    So in closing I say this…
    Matthew 7

    1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

    4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

    5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye

    Comment by Taylor — January 23, 2010 @ 7:43 pm | Reply

    • You’re either a Christian or a furry. There’s no in-between. In your heart, you know this. Repent, and cast off your furry costume.

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:23 pm | Reply

  1395. What….

    You guys exist and are stupid enough to do ABSOLUTELY NO RESEARCH on furries?
    Don’t like Wikipedia?
    “Urban Dictionary”
    In the broadest definition, someone who finds the idea of anthropomorphic (humanlike) animals, in art, fiction, cartoons, costume, or other media, to be an appealing one. Furries are an extremely diverse group and no one furry may possess all, or any, of the traits typically associated with the group; furries can range from people who are fans of old Warner Bros. and Disney cartoons; people who enjoy portraying anthropomorphic animals in art; people who enjoy imagining what a future, past or alternative world might be like if humans were replaced with or accompanied by anthropomorphic animals; and people who like wearing costume tails, ears and/or animal mascot costumes, to those who feel spiritual connections to animals or to the animal form; those who admire the beauty, power, speed or grace of of the animal form; those who believe they have empathy with or can communicate with animals, for example people who work with them; people who have a great deal of respect for animal welfare; and people who find the concept of anthropomorphic animals enjoyable in a sexual way. (Amongst many, many other things.)

    Those who do enjoy the erotic/adult side of furry are, like those who participate in any other sexual fetish or behaviour, almost always harmless in their indulgence of their fantasies, which usually involves erotic art and roleplay, and may involve consenting activities with fellow adults while in costume. Why people get uptight about what is such a cute, silly and affectionate expression of pleasure between two (or more) consenting adults when there’s much worse out there to get worked up about such as child abuse, I’ll never understand.

    It’s about fun, people. Try it sometime.

    I really thought you guys could learn. I guess i was wrong.
    How the hell are we involved with Terrorism, satanism, conspiracies…
    “The War on Christmas” ????!?!???!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 24, 2010 @ 12:11 am | Reply

  1396. I’ve already got lots of suggestions for other chapters. Thanks, B4Bers, and keep ’em coming!

    Furry incivility
    Furry names (“Skycat,” “Lizardwolf,” etc.)
    Furryism and the Internet
    Furry conventions
    Furry dialect
    How to furryproof your barn
    Illegal alien furries
    Furryism and Communism
    How to refute furry arguments

    Comment by DPS — January 24, 2010 @ 1:46 am | Reply

  1397. God I feel sorry for any furries who have crazy Christian parents like this.

    Comment by Hannah — January 24, 2010 @ 3:24 pm | Reply

  1398. gon’t forget IslamoFacist Furryism…

    and a chapter on how important it is to FurryProof Pet Adoption Centers so the Wolf Furries can’t come in and adopt cats and dogs to molest and then eat.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 24, 2010 @ 10:24 pm | Reply

  1399. sorry, i gotta get off the floor… laughing too much.
    I can’t tell if i am disgusted or completely blown away by the sheer comedy coming out of people who believe this!
    B4Ber’s are sending this stuff in?
    Got one thing to say.

    (oh, yeah… that’s right… you CAN’T convert. Cause it’s a FANDOM! NOT A RELIGION!!!!!)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 24, 2010 @ 11:10 pm | Reply


    Calm down. Proof of what? You’ll have to be more specific. We have proven so many facts to you people that I can’t imagine what still requires demonstration. Probably nothing. You’re probably just complaining for no reason, as usual.

    Also, I recently learned that on the Internet writing in all capital letters signifies that the writer means a word or words to be understood as “yelled.”

    In which case, I guess this post is just more documentation of “furry rage,” “furry incivility,” and “furryism and mental illness.”

    Or it would be, if Shimo Shuko were a real furry, which he isn’t. So I guess this is really just material for the “fake furries” chapter.

    Speaking of which, of course we can’t convert you from the furry religion, Shimo. You’re not even a member of the furry religion. You’re just a chronic whiner who loves pretending to be a furry.

    Comment by DPS — January 24, 2010 @ 11:38 pm | Reply

  1401. *Rolls on floor Laughing*

    DiPShit and Marty McRapist…..

    Anyone who keeps an eye on this blog will be able to see that we furries are winning with logic and common sense, While you two are arguing against us with the *Bible* *GOD*, and the big one *HELL*……. Well guess what no one has yet to prove that the *Bible* is truth, or that *GOD* and *HELL* actually exist. So until you actually DIE why don’t you stop using *GOD* as an excuse to attack a group of people that you know absolutly nothing about (all the shit that you guys supposedly “Know” about us is NOT truth, most of it is PROPAGANDA!)

    Comment by DragonKnight — January 25, 2010 @ 4:45 am | Reply

    • Anyone who keeps an eye on this blog will be able to see that we furries are winning with logic and common sense

      I keep an eye on this blog, and I haven’t seen anything like that happening. I’ve seen furries contradicting themselves and dodging the question and running away to hide. I haven’t seen them anywhere near logic and common sense. They seem to be allergic to these things.

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:21 pm | Reply

  1402. The furries seem to have hacked the site and deleted one of my comments again. In summary, what I said was:

    1). that I can’t tell what Shiro Chan is ranting about. Proof of what? He probably doesn’t even know, he’s probably just complaining to hear the sound of his own voice.

    2). that we can’t convert Shiro Chan from the furry religion because he isn’t part of the furry religion; he’s just some Japanese person who pretends to be a furry, for reasons that I cannot comprehend.

    Anyway, keep the chapter suggestions coming, BrownBackers. I’ve collected almost enough of your suggestions to post a new batch, so stay tuned.

    Comment by DPS — January 25, 2010 @ 9:07 pm | Reply

  1403. I AM furry.
    You wanna see?
    My ART!
    And by the way, I’m American, just like the rest of you assholes.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 25, 2010 @ 11:09 pm | Reply

  1404. DPS, you are an idiot.

    Comment by Hannah — January 25, 2010 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

    • Who are you? Are you even a furry? What are you doing here? Go away.

      Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:22 pm | Reply

      • Oh poor boy.
        Can’t you read?
        This is a public forum.
        If you want noone to reply, go back to talking to yourself.

        Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 6:32 pm

  1405. OK, here’s the next batch, and they’re really good.. Thanks to everyone who sent one in; apologies if I don’t have time to acknowledge each of you individually.

    Islamofascist Furryism
    Furry-proofing pet adoption centers against wolf furries
    Furryism and secular humanism
    Why is it so hard to understand what furries are saying? (“Furry incoherence”?)
    Furryism and elitism
    Why are furries against the troops?
    The place of flagburning in the furry religion
    Furries and illegal drugs
    Possible policy responses to the furry problem (e.g., internment, sterilization, shock therapy, lobotomy, in-home monitoring, severe paddling)
    Is my teenager a furry?: what every parent needs to know.

    You know, in my spare time I’m working on chapter one, “Furry Rage,” but the new chapter ideas keep pouring in. This is shaping up to be a multi-volume work. I can’t promise to be done any time soon, but I’ll try to share some of the best parts as I go along.

    Actually, maybe you furries can help me. Can you tell me, why are you so angry? It doesn’t make any sense, and so my thesis in the chapter is that you’re angry because you are crazy and irrational. Is there another reason I don’t know about, or is that it?

    Comment by DPS — January 26, 2010 @ 10:56 pm | Reply

  1406. God… i am so gone
    You guys are incorrigible.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 26, 2010 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

  1407. There is one more reason I can think of DPS…

    crazy, irational and … ANGRY!

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 27, 2010 @ 3:13 pm | Reply

  1408. I thought that fake furry was never going to leave. They’re almost as persistent as real furries. Anyway, I guess when you lose every argument and make a fool out of yourself, the only option is to run away and hide. I just wish he’d figured that out a little sooner.

    Comment by DPS — January 27, 2010 @ 8:17 pm | Reply

  1409. Not gone.
    Just observing.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 27, 2010 @ 10:39 pm | Reply

  1410. Oh, sorry. I wanted to mention I am still furry. ;p I just wanted to see what would happen if I said I “converted.” No, no furries tried “converting me back” if that’s what you’re thinking. I never changed. By the way, Shiro-chan, that’s really cool that your teacher is furry! >w<

    Comment by Rorroh — January 28, 2010 @ 1:04 pm | Reply

  1411. HAHA!
    I knew there was something funny with your posts!
    (Especially the fact that you said pranks are funny)
    Yes they are

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 28, 2010 @ 1:28 pm | Reply

  1412. Sad. Sad but expected. Furries lie.

    They lie like a bearskin rug on the floor… and you know what? we will step on you and wipe our dirty feet on your lying dirty heads, just like a rug on the floor.

    See DPS, I warned you… and what I told you, Ruh-Ruh, still stands…

    “Just when DPS opened his heart to accept you and was ready to give you a dose of Christ’s Love, you rejected him and laughed, cruely twisting his good intentions into a bloody furry mess”

    Sad. .. Oh well.. we will have the pleasure of sitting next to God watching you burn in Hell for all eternity. We’ll be laughing at God’s jokes about you getting fur up your butt while Satan doles out the punishment God orders…

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 28, 2010 @ 1:44 pm | Reply

  1413. You do that. In fact, why don’t you go see him now? Save us the trouble of listening to you incessantly banter on.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 28, 2010 @ 2:59 pm | Reply

  1414. Ooh, hoo-hoo! I see what you did there, Shiro!

    at almost 1,400 posts, that says a lot!

    Your maths is funny. There’s actually 1687 posts. :3

    The furries seem to have hacked the site and deleted one of my comments again.

    For starters, if the site was to be hacked, it would’ve been this entire post that would’ve been gone. But it’s something called a “spam filter.” It’s blocked a few of my comments, unless they were, in fact, deleted a while back, and is brought about by too many comments in a small time frame.

    Shiro, please don’t call me RuhRuh. It’s not even the right pronunciation and they just call me it to try to get on my nerves. And they don’t seem to understand much; I’ve tried a lot. We could try lowering to their level and make immature, and furthermore irrelevant, comments if you’d like? :p

    Comment by rorroh — January 28, 2010 @ 4:56 pm | Reply

  1415. i did?
    sorry, man.
    Won’t happen again

    And, nah. It’s much more fun to watch them blather. I showed this to my psychology teacher, and she is following it. I think she is taking notes on the human condition

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 28, 2010 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  1416. Curse you deceitful furries, and your monstrous lies!!! I cannot believe Ruhroh would stoop so far. I feel sick. It is the lies that hurt. When have I lied to you, furries?!? When have I practiced such deceit?

    Oh, well. If I am going to write a chapter on “Common furry tricks and deceptions,” I suppose it’s best if I see this kind of thing in action.

    Nonetheless, it remains a sick and disturbing violation of trust.

    In other words, it’s exactly the kind of thing we should expect from a furry. Their whole existence is a lie: their suit says “I’m an animal” but inside their suit they’re really a person (barely, though).

    From now on, I refuse to speak to Ruhroh and the fake furry from Japan. They are both getting the silent treatment. And I thought that the Japanese poser was leaving, anyway. I wish Ruhroh would go away, too.

    Comment by DPS — January 28, 2010 @ 11:14 pm | Reply

  1417. I just got one question, where, oh where in the Bible does it say being a furry is wrong, that dressing in a suit of an animal is wrong, that being yourself is wrong…and I also ask who the hell are you to judge and say, who will be in hell and who wont be?…for all you know, for judging people especially when god has forbidden you could go to hell.

    Comment by I am — January 28, 2010 @ 11:30 pm | Reply

  1418. where, oh where in the Bible does it say being a furry is wrong, that dressing in a suit of an animal is wrong

    This question has been answered repeatedly upthread. We will get nowhere if we have to repeat ourselves constantly. Scripture unequivocally condemns furryism.

    that being yourself is wrong

    Being yourself is not wrong. Being a badger or a squirrel instead of yourself is wrong.

    Comment by DPS — January 29, 2010 @ 8:00 am | Reply

  1419. But you aren’t being something else. You don’t believe you are an animal, you act an animal.
    Just like how at the christian play’s, someone acts Jesus Christ. He doesn’t believe he is a descendant of christ, but he acts the CHARACTER none the less.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 29, 2010 @ 9:32 pm | Reply

  1420. Marty McPain, please tell the fake Japanese furry that I am not talking to him, even though his argument is stupid and lame. I will also not talk to the other one, who pretended to be a Christian (just like he pretends to be an animal, in his suit) just to be mean.

    I can’t tell you how much I wept over that last night. To tell you the truth, I am heartbroken. I am going to have to add a chapter to the book entitled “Furry Cruelty.” Because that’s what they are. They are cruel and sadistic.

    Comment by DPS — January 29, 2010 @ 10:15 pm | Reply

    • DPS, do not judge a whole group of people based on what one person or what a few people did, thats just like saying that all catholic males a pedophiles, which we know aint true. Secondly, why do keep speaking so negativly against furries, what has a fur ever done to YOU, where in the biblw does it say that dressing in a animal suit is wrong, drawing pictures of animals is wrong, having fun and being who you are is wrong, because thats really what it all boils down too. Its true that SOME furries do some, weird, kinky, sometimes wrong things, thats them, thats who they are, everything has a dark side, even christianity has a dark side and if your a true christian, you know im right, and I am not just talking about demons and stuff. And one last thing, you say that you are a good rightous christian, then why are you going against gods word, you are not supposed to judge anyone, but you do…your supposed to love thy neighbor, meaning everyone or atleast respect them, you dont, those are 2 sins you commited yourself, so who are you to judge anyone, when you yourself have your own faults to worry about

      Comment by I am — January 30, 2010 @ 3:56 am | Reply

      • Try reading the comments before you spout off. We already cited the various passages of Scripture that condemn furryism in earlier comments in this thread. If you’re too lazy to go back and read them, that’s hardly our fault. Why should we have to slow down and repeat ourselves every time a typical clueless furry wanders along and asks the same dumb question that the last clueless furry asked?

        Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 8:21 am

  1421. Not Japanese, I’m American
    Anyway, because you say my argument is stupid and lame just means you are avoiding your defeat.
    Besides, i have made a point and you fail to do so.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 29, 2010 @ 11:39 pm | Reply

  1422. Marty McPain, please tell the fake furry who is also pretending to be Japanese that I am not talking to him, even though his argument is stupid and lame. Please tell him that I am not going to talk to him or to his friend anymore because they were mean and cruel, and not because they’re right (which they aren’t, obviously). Then tell him to shut up and go away, please.

    Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 12:16 am | Reply

  1423. Anything for a fellow Christian…

    Shaka-Zulu: DPS is not talking to you. Your argument is stupid and lame. DPS is not going to talk to you or your friend anymore because you are mean and cruel. and you are not right.

    Please shut up and go away.

    I think that covers it…except that I can smell a lying furry from across the intertubes.. because they stink..

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 30, 2010 @ 3:00 pm | Reply

  1424. ” then why are you going against gods word, you are not supposed to judge anyone, but you do”

    oh please … that old lie? recycled to promote furry perversions?

    “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24).

    we see beyond the furry mascot heads into your black soul.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 30, 2010 @ 3:03 pm | Reply

  1425. I finally understand. I already knew that furries hated God. But now I see that furries also hate humanity, and human beings. That explains not only why they are so heartless and cruel and mean and a bunch of stupid jerkfaces but also why they pretend not to be human beings: they cannot stand the fact that they themselves are the thing that they hate so much.

    It is probably also why they are so angry. They are angry because they were born human beings instead of guinea pigs or sloths, and for that reason they lash out at everyone (like us Christians, for example), even though we haven’t done anything to deserve it.

    And the reason they hate God so much is probably because He made them human, and not dogs or bats.

    Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 4:53 pm | Reply

  1426. It also explains why so many of history’s greatest monsters were furries: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Nancy Pelosi, Pol Pot, Karl Marx, Franklin Roosevelt. Their furryism was an expression of their deep hatred of mankind, and their heinous acts were an outgrowth of their furryism.

    Furries, in short, are the sworn enemies of humanity. Once you understand that, everything else makes sense. At Matt. 13:39, Satan is described as the “Enemy” (of God and man). So there you have the explanation of why furries so often practice Satanism: they are minions of the chief Enemy of mankind, who is Satan. That explains the War on Christmas connection, because of course Satanists are against celebrating the birthday of the Son of God.

    I could go on and on. Literally everything about the furry menace makes sense once you realize that they hate humanity. And all it took for me to realize that was to be subjected to a vicious, inhuman prank by the gang of brutal furries that lurk around on this site.

    Truly, sometimes pain is the price of understanding.

    But I finally have the right title for the book:

    Furries: Man’s Most Fearsome Enemy

    Comment by DPS — January 30, 2010 @ 5:18 pm | Reply

  1427. @Marty: I can read, you know

    @DPS: You may not listen to me, and just be a stuck up baby about my comments, but everyone else here reads them. How the hell are we enemies of man? We are mean and bitchy to those who attack us (aka, Blogs 4 Brownback) You attacked us, so we have the right. If we attacked you with no provocation, then it would be completely ok with me if you guys acted in this way. HOWEVER, we tried to defend the fandom from another site that gives false information, and you guys go apeshit on us. We are still human, even though we act with our furry personalities.

    I just found the theory for the existence of DPS and Marty… here it is.

    Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — January 31, 2010 @ 12:07 am | Reply

  1428. you christians started this fight not us

    and one more thing….I do not believe what the bible says, fact being it was translated and written by man, history has proven, that years ago priest and other religions figures, would write their own words to affluence people, until I can get PROOF, hard core evidence that the words written in that book were by god, I will not believe it, not to mention, the bible contredicts itself. NOt to mention, DPS I am human, I may be a furry, but deep down inside, I am human, this I know, humanity has done so many screwed up things to this world…..WE (humanity) is a parasite and if you dont believe me…look up what a parasite does and then look at humanity as a whole, I am a fur cause I chose to be, not to mention, the way that you and your partner say that furries lie, you guys making it sound like you have never told a lie in your life, which in itself is a lie, it is in human nature, to lie, everyone does. AND I AINT A SATANIST, YOU MY FRIEND, NEED TO DO SOME REAL SOUL SEARCHING, SERIOUSLY, BECAUSE THE ONLY MESSED UP ONE I SEE HERE IS YOU

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 3:46 am | Reply

    • And there’s our confirmation. Furries think that humanity is a parasite, just like the Nazis thought the Jews were parasites. I’m telling you, we’re not far from a situation here where the furries will start trying to round Christians up into concentration camps.

      And I don’t believe you for a second that you’re not a Satanist. Just before denying that you were a Satanist, you said “it is in human nature to lie, everyone does.” So why should we believe a confessed liar? Doesn’t it make more sense to infer that you’re a lying Satanist? Just like your furry brethren, I might add.

      Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 8:03 pm | Reply

  1429. The more I read the comments the more, I see how blinded you are by your ignorance, I will pray for you guys, for you need it and for what its worth, may go have mery on your hatefull souls

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 3:53 am | Reply

    • Pray to Satan, you mean.

      Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 8:04 pm | Reply

  1430. The more I read the comments the more, I see how blinded you are by your ignorance, I will pray for you guys(DPS and Marty Mcpain, for you need it and for what its worth, may god have mercy on your hatefull souls.

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 3:55 am | Reply

  1431. “you christians started this fight not us”

    Seriously? Its not a fight when one side loses 100% of the time. Its a beat-down, an arse-whupping, a lesson taught, a harsh prayer for your salvation…

    You must be a rabbit furry because you sure are silly….

    “The more I read the comments the more, I see how many are ignorant bigoted anti-God and ant-USA comments left by myself, I was”

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 1, 2010 @ 8:49 am | Reply

  1432. we aint losing…its just funny that half time you tend to avoid most of the questions or comments people say, you comment mostly when people refer to the bible, like when I asked what a fur ever did to you for you to hate them so, and I asked where in the bible does it say that being one is wrong…I still havent gotten a straight answer and the bible does say that god will judge you for judging others, thats not a lie…I think your afraid to agree or admit your wrong….and to save you the trouble of saying it, I already know you believe or you think you know you are right, so you have no reason to admit how wrong you are, but people like you amuse me, I like seeing what, you christian bigots think about others and how you think you know them, when you truly dont…your probably KKK or something like that the way you talk…left up to you guys, you would probably lynch anyone who claimed to be a furry wouldnt ya, and by the way..I portray a wolf

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 9:03 am | Reply

    • like when I asked what a fur ever did to you for you to hate them so, and I asked where in the bible does it say that being one is wrong

      It isn’t our fault that you can’t read. Marty McPain has been particularly energetic in collecting the relevant passages of Scripture, and he has cited them repeatedly above. Why should we have to repeat ourselves constantly just because you’re lazy and barely literate?

      Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 8:07 pm | Reply

  1433. and FYI I am a specialist in the US ARMY , becareful what you say, especially when you dont know a damn thing, I have signed my life over to protecting my country, its way of life and yes even people like you, hell its people like you that make me question why, I defend my country, cause I joined, I wasnt thinking about myself I was and still am thinking about my people, and can I do to serve and help them, I put my country first and foremost, never forget that, unlike some im willing to die for what I believe in, my country is the most diverse and crooked country in the world, not as bad as some but still bad. annd I still love it….so any more nonsense you would like to say?

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 9:14 am | Reply

    • I am a specialist in the US ARMY

      More furry lies. They don’t let perverts into the armed forces. I refuse to allow you to slander the troops like this. Take it back, or I’ll ask Psycheout to ban you from the site.

      my country is the most diverse and crooked country in the world

      Is there any more doubt that furryism is closely linked to anti-Americanism? Surely not, after this disgusting garbage. Listen, furries, if you hate America so much, get out.

      Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 8:12 pm | Reply

    • Omg, never before i saw this kind of stupidity in one post XD

      Comment by Sure — February 1, 2010 @ 10:56 pm | Reply

  1434. Hell hath no furry. -=)

    Comment by Xydexx — February 1, 2010 @ 9:21 am | Reply

    • To the contrary, Hell has many furries. Every furry who has ever died, as a matter of fact.

      Better to say, “Heaven hath no furry.”

      Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 8:13 pm | Reply

  1435. Poor reading skills is no excuse for being rude….

    “and I asked where in the bible does it say that being one is wrong…I still havent gotten a straight answer”

    you missed posts 502 and 1278…

    “Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.”

    and so you are dammed to hell for your idol worship.

    see also 515.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 1, 2010 @ 1:11 pm | Reply

    • You are too good to these furries, Marty McPain. Why should you have to spend all day spoon-feeding them because they’re too lazy to figure anything out on their own? You are a true, selfless Christian.

      Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 8:15 pm | Reply

  1436. Idol worship?
    It isn’t a religion, it is a fandom.
    Get that through your conservative heads.
    IT IS A FANDOM!!!!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 1, 2010 @ 1:59 pm | Reply

  1437. I am very glad that Shoto Khan finally went away. Somehow, fake furries are even more irritating than real furries, if such a thing can be imagined. Anyway, I’m glad I don’t see any recent comments from him, and I hope he stays away permanently. We’ll know if he comes back, though: everyone will hear a piercing, high-pitched whining sound.

    Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 8:20 pm | Reply

  1438. If you want to get me banned then go ahead…I am telling the truth, not to mention I have proof
    and im not a perv, like I said before, your ignorance blinds you…I am part of the US armed forces and im no perv, lets not forget, that christians go to hell too..and are also pervs and again I say you speak as if you have never done wrong.

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 11:14 pm | Reply

  1439. but keep talking, I like being amused

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 11:19 pm | Reply

  1440. If you want to get me banned then go ahead…

    Psycheout, please ban this furry for being anti-American and hating the troops.

    christians go to hell too..and are also pervs

    No true Christian has ever gone to H-E-double-hockeysticks, and no true Christian has ever been a pervert.

    you speak as if you have never done wrong

    The only thing I have ever done wrong was to trust a lying furry who said he had abandoned furryism.

    I will never make that mistake again.

    Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 11:20 pm | Reply

  1441. first off everyone does wrong and people lie, I bet you have, not to mention, I am not anti american and I am a soldier defending the US, if I must show proof, I will, just to make how do you know what a true christian is, its the “true christians” that started the KKK you know

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 11:24 pm | Reply

    • I quote again:

      my country is the most diverse and crooked country in the world

      No one who loves America would say such a thing. Only someone rabid with virulent furryism would spew such poison.

      if I must show proof, I will

      I shudder to think what Ian wants to show us.

      its the “true christians” that started the KKK you know

      Not true. The KKK was started by vicious, subversive anti-Christian groups (like yours) who sought to discredit Christianity.

      Comment by DPS — February 1, 2010 @ 11:45 pm | Reply

  1442. redo ” if I must, I will show proof just to make you look stupid”

    Comment by I am — February 1, 2010 @ 11:26 pm | Reply

  1443. Go “I am”
    Now there is someone who make’s sense.
    It’s guys like him who keep the Christian faith (correct me if you aren’t christian) in good terms with us.
    You conservative btards (talking to DPS and Marty) are the ones who bring them down.
    And for the last time.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 2, 2010 @ 12:22 am | Reply

  1444. You obviously don’t know what the hell you are talking about, you know nothing but lies that america has created about us.

    Comment by Sakura — February 2, 2010 @ 12:24 am | Reply

  1445. “No one who loves America would say such a thing. Only someone rabid with virulent furryism would spew such poison.”

    Oh reallly now, My mother was a Sergent Major in the US army the highest enlisted rank there is (aside from Sergent Major of The Army)and even she has spoken ill and has said how f**ked up our country can be and is….you would have to be a total retard not to notice, the f***ked up way, our country has done somethings and my Mother is NOT A FURRY, before you even go a tangent about her, you leave her out of this, hell she even said that the current president, Barrack Obama had lost great respect from her and alot of other army vet.s, because when he was still running for president, he at one ceremony did NOT salute the American flag, our banner, our symbole of freedom, something every american soldier wears on their right shoulder, what he did was disrespectful. but enough of him, I did research, some members of the KKK included lawyers, DA, pastors, decons, menistors, priest, and all in between, but all are church going folk. You judge unrightiously, but you know, to keep on like this with either of you two is childish, I dont know why Shiro Chan does it, but I keep on because, as I said before, you two amuse me.

    Comment by I am — February 2, 2010 @ 3:18 am | Reply

  1446. “Curse you deceitful furries, and your monstrous lies!!! I cannot believe Ruhroh would stoop so far. I feel sick. It is the lies that hurt. When have I lied to you, furries?!? When have I practiced such deceit?”

    This entire blog is a lie DPS and each and every one of your posts are filled with nothing but hate and sarcasm. Also Anti-Christians did not start the KKK, It was several adult white males (who were most Definitely “Christian”…and were “White Power” type of people) that decided that Blacks were born for no other reason than to be slaves. And so when Intelligent people like Martin Luther King came around they got upset and decided to Murder as many Blacks as possible, their Favored method of killing them was by “Lynching”.

    I am ~ I have to salute you for what you are doing for this Great Nation of ours *Salutes*

    Also DiPShit(DPS) This entire planet is “going to hell in a handbasket” that includes Everyone…..
    (*Names every religion there is* also includes people that don’t have a religion)

    NOTE: To all furries who decide to post. Please don’t “yell” they are just going to use it as fuel for their “All Furries are angry, american hating Terrorists who deserve to be killed* argument

    Comment by DragonKnight — February 2, 2010 @ 3:29 am | Reply

  1447. Kudos to the author! What a brilliant parody of both the furry-scene and investigative journalism. I’m loving it!

    Comment by drogenhund — February 2, 2010 @ 6:20 am | Reply

  1448. Back a couple of posts I say pretty much the same thing (the amusing me big, not the flag bit)
    I have to admit, the government is pretty darn corrupt. I am no soldier (hehe, nerd FTW), but i think that those guys are doing a great job, be it homosexual, furry, or ANYTHING else. They are still people.

    Anyway, there are a lot stranger things out on the internet, but why did you two (Marty/DPS) choose the Fandom as the ones to attack?
    It make’s no strategical sense.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 2, 2010 @ 10:10 am | Reply

    • B4B stands against all kinds of perversion. All of the other perverts—the sodomites, the helioleftists, the Paultards, the libtards, the RINOs, the moonbats, the aromatherapists, the Frenchmen, the “scientists,” the diaper people—have already acknowledged defeat and run away. That is because all of these other kinds of perverts are smarter than furries, and know when they have been defeated. Furries aren’t smart enough to know when they’re beaten, so they keep coming back to receive humiliating defeat after humiliating defeat.

      Comment by DPS — February 2, 2010 @ 1:17 pm | Reply

      • Defeat? If we were defeted, then we would have left. It’s not like a war where you can lose. It’s just people arguing.

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 2, 2010 @ 1:59 pm

  1449. So you admit that your mother liked Barry Hussien Obama? SHe respected him?

    So you show your true colors! RED! Red as a communist and PINK as a Christ-Hating Homersexual!

    Why did your mother turn her backside and fart on our country? and consort with a Islamo-Facist Socialist FAKE PRESIDENT?

    I bet your mother worked in secret for Obama’s Brownshirts — ACORN!

    I feel sad for you but now I understand why you are a preverted diviant and I will pray that you heed the words of Christ:

    “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:26)

    Disown your mother and your furry habits and choose LIFE and Christ!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 2, 2010 @ 10:51 am | Reply

    • I have two words for you.
      F*** you.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 2, 2010 @ 2:00 pm | Reply

  1450. I said my mother doesnt respect obama period…you are reading far too into things….my mother let me have my own free will, she steered me in the right path, but she let me choose, how that path was made and I dont support communisum, you know, the more you talk, the more stupid you sound and the more I seem to go down in IQ points and as I said im not perverted, the only thing i do is rp as a wolf and check out furry art, not the pornographic ones, maybe you should denounce your mother, because she f**cked up raising you, she should be turned in for bad parenting, my mother is in full support of our country, she would never betray it and neither would I

    Comment by I am — February 2, 2010 @ 11:14 am | Reply

    • no you did not say that.. you said ” Barrack Obama had lost great respect from her ”

      so she clearly HAD great respect for him. I bet she voted for him even though he was born in a different country and is a mooslem.

      “my mother let me have my own free will”

      clearly she does not believe in Jesus.

      Comment by Marty McPain — February 3, 2010 @ 7:40 pm | Reply

      • “my mother let me have my own free will”
        clearly she does not believe in Jesus.

        ..Do I even need to comment on this? xD

        Comment by rorroh — February 3, 2010 @ 8:08 pm

  1451. and mr.I think I know something but dont know shit…there are christin homosexuals, that believe and love god and be fore you say anything like no they dont cause if they did why are they gay, everybody sins, question is, who are the ones who ask for forgivness

    Comment by I am — February 2, 2010 @ 11:18 am | Reply

  1452. Shiro chan, I say we leave these 2 alone, because if you and I leave, they have no one to talk to

    Comment by I am — February 2, 2010 @ 11:21 am | Reply

    • I agree. These guys are A**holes, and don’t deserve our time.

      Note: And studying scripture/disciplinin you’re family? You guys are sicker b@stards than we are!

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 2, 2010 @ 2:03 pm | Reply

  1453. the more I seem to go down in IQ points

    I don’t know if that’s possible.

    the only thing i do is rp as a wolf and check out furry art

    I don’t know what “rp” is, but I assume it’s some kind of deviant practice. I definitely don’t want to hear it explained.

    You don’t list wearing a furry costume among your activities. Do you wear one, or not?!?

    Comment by DPS — February 2, 2010 @ 1:10 pm | Reply

  1454. Shiro chan, I say we leave these 2 alone, because if you and I leave, they have no one to talk to

    The fake Japanese fake furry left a while ago; I haven’t seen any comments from him in a long time.

    I wish you would follow him. I wish you furries would all leave us Christians in peace, instead of fouling up our comments with your lies and angry rants. I do not enjoy having to take time away from studying Scripture and disciplining my wife and children in order to refute for the thousandth time your mindless ramblings.

    So, once again: please go away.

    Comment by DPS — February 2, 2010 @ 1:25 pm | Reply

  1455. I dont wear a costum

    Comment by I am — February 2, 2010 @ 2:59 pm | Reply

  1456. I dont wear a costum

    Honestly, if we get one more fake furry on here, I’m going to lose my mind. Go away. This post isn’t about fake furries, and you don’t have anything to complain about. You shouldn’t even be here. I don’t understand what you’re all so eager to pretend to be furries. Why would you want people to think you were a furry if you’re not? Go away. Go away, fake furry, go away.

    Comment by DPS — February 2, 2010 @ 3:21 pm | Reply

  1457. I missed a lot in just a few days. xD

    “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24).

    we see beyond the furry mascot heads into your black soul.

    In other words, judge on the person’s personality (friendliness, willing to help, et cetera). You’re judging on appearance by judging us on being furry, and furthermore stereotyping based on the bad aspects.

    Its not a fight when one side loses 100% of the time.

    Sorry. We forgot you were doing so bad. 😉
    Kidding, of course. But most of your rebuttals are asinine remarks stating “furries are stinky.”

    OK, OK, one last joke.

    Are you ready?

    Here it is:

    – DPS, comments 1166-1171

    RED! Red as a communist

    Red is in the American flag. Both are represent hardiness, valor, strength, and bravery. So by saying a colour in the communism is bad, you’re also saying the United States is bad.

    I don’t know what “rp” is, but I assume it’s some kind of deviant practice.

    “RPing” is role playing, generally pretending to be in a situation that one is uncommon or unavailable, such as, for instance, playing with a friend in a common room. If the two are far apart, maybe in a different state, they could go to a chat room and role play without having to be nearby.

    Comment by rorroh — February 2, 2010 @ 4:55 pm | Reply

  1458. Religion ain’t so bad. Religion can be fun. -=)

    Comment by The Holey Bubble — February 2, 2010 @ 6:30 pm | Reply

  1459. That’s it. I am finished with this thread. There aren’t even any furries here anymore, just a bunch of trolls pretending to be furries. What is the point in coming on a website, pretending to be what you’re not, and getting well-meaning, naive people to react sincerely to your ridiculous charade? Why waste our time like that? Why waste your time? Were you just provoking us for no reason? What a dumb thing to do. Anyway, I’ve had enough of having my chain yanked by a bunch of lying, snickering punks who think it’s funny to pretend to be something they’re not, and to mock things other people take seriously. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.

    Comment by DPS — February 2, 2010 @ 7:51 pm | Reply

  1460. Ok, i gotta post on this.

    WE ARE REAL FURRIES! Just like the perverted ones are furries, the plain old artists are furries.
    In the Fandom, we are ALL furries.
    NOT TROLLS! You started this thread.
    Now please go away.
    (Thank goodness he is giving up!)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 2, 2010 @ 10:15 pm | Reply

  1461. It makes me cry. It makes me cry that after all you have done DPS, you are abused so horridly. I am sure, absolutely, that the Baby Jesus weeps for you, as well.

    Your words are so clear and full of truth, DPS, that it is no great wonder that these Furry Idolators pollute this site, and lie to you, and curse you, and tell even more and bigger lies when you point out their failings. No wonder at all that they attack you. Other than reading the Bible,I can’t remember someone who wrote such true words…

    “There aren’t even any furries here anymore, just a bunch of trolls pretending to be furries. What is the point in coming on a website, pretending to be what you’re not, and getting well-meaning, naive people to react sincerely to your ridiculous charade?”

    I can’t understand the furry obsession of pretending to be something you’re not, but I hear that they do it a lot….


    Comment by Marty McPain — February 2, 2010 @ 10:43 pm | Reply

  1462. Wow, the troll says it’s not a troll. Big surprise there. You can’t lure me back with lies about how you’re really a furry. And I’m not giving up the fight against furryism. I’m taking it somewhere where there are actual furries, not trolls like the fake Japanese fake furry. My liberating myself from your decoys and distractions, and my taking the fight straight to the real furries, represent a huge defeat for furryism, so there’s no sense claiming victory. Not that you really care about furryism anyway—how could you? You were just normal people out to trick and frustrate earnest Christians, and you don’t care one way or the other about furryism. Shame on you. At least the furries believe in something, unlike you nihilists.

    Comment by DPS — February 2, 2010 @ 10:44 pm | Reply

  1463. thats funny you want to go where you think real furries are, I got some places and also, how do you know what a true furry is, if you aint one and want to be one, you know just about nothing about furries except for the bad, he who knows nothing can understand nothing and we too have pointed at your failings and instead of admitting them,you find something else so you dont have too.



    Comment by I am — February 3, 2010 @ 12:48 am | Reply

  1464. Why that’s just silly. Listen fake bunny furry, DPS is writing a BOOK about furries so OF COURSE he knows all about them…


    Comment by Marty McPain — February 3, 2010 @ 12:00 pm | Reply

    • stupid people like sarah palin write books all the time,
      Doesn’t make them any genius.

      Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 6:44 pm | Reply

  1465. yeah he is writing what he has experienced, which I am quite sure most if not all of it is negative, and he cant know what he is talking about, saying the things that he is saying, he has never actually sat down with a fur and asked them their life, what it is they do, he being stupid probably believes that if they dont wear a fursuit they are not a true furry, that in itsself isnt true, I am a fur, but furries arent all that bad, I be the first to admit that furs got problems, but you christians aint that much better than us, no matter how much you true to prove it your not, and honestly, I think you two are a couple of wanna be christians who, have nothing better to do with your time, then to talk bullshit about something you dont know fully about

    Comment by I am — February 3, 2010 @ 12:26 pm | Reply

  1466. Hah, i can’t wait for that book to come out.
    Do you really think a publisher is gonna take this?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 3, 2010 @ 2:36 pm | Reply

  1467. I’m taking it somewhere where there are actual furries

    I know many places. Wanna meet up somewhere? I can show you “real” furries. ;p

    Shiro, can I have your email/IM anyway though? You can post it in a comment on my blog, and they won’t be able to see it unless I approve it. Although I don’t think they’d be able to use it. x3
    (refer to replies of post 1199)
    Not my main email though, so don’t bother adding it. :p

    Comment by rorroh — February 3, 2010 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

  1468. rorroh, Shiro, I would like to have both of yours, if you dont mind?

    Comment by I am — February 3, 2010 @ 11:30 pm | Reply

  1469. Go to my blog and make a comment, and I’ll exchange the addresses for you two. ;3

    Comment by Rorroh — February 4, 2010 @ 12:36 am | Reply

  1470. That is, if Shiro-chan doesn’t mind of course.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 4, 2010 @ 12:37 am | Reply

  1471. Oh how sweet… and DISGUSTING! two furry perverts making a date… right here on the Blog that exposed their most private parts of their demonic plans….

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 4, 2010 @ 9:14 am | Reply

    • Blog that exposed their most private parts

      Ewwww :O

      Comment by rorroh — February 4, 2010 @ 5:53 pm | Reply

      • You are a match-making yenta!

        and most likely a pornographer as well… are you using video or still photos?

        Comment by Marty McPain — February 5, 2010 @ 10:43 am

      • WTH is a yenta, anyway?

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 5, 2010 @ 1:56 pm

      • A yenta is someone who easily spills secrets or spreads rumours from incessant talking.

        Comment by Rorroh — February 5, 2010 @ 4:42 pm

      • 😕
        How is what marty said part of this topic???

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 6, 2010 @ 12:24 am

      • Probably saying that I talk too much. :p

        Comment by Rorroh — February 6, 2010 @ 1:22 pm

  1472. Heh…
    you guys are idjits
    go back to the cesspool of evil that you spawned from. Who moved the rock that you crawled out of?
    and, date? Kinda hard to, cause we all live in different areas, and some of us are too poor to fly out there.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 4, 2010 @ 10:07 am | Reply

  1473. Hey, DPS and Marty guess what?

    So What?

    I will write a BOOK about all RELIGIONS so far it has several chapters

    1. Why men of the cloth decide to rape women and children?
    2. Why are religious Psychopaths(for lack of a better word) Ignorant assholes?
    3. Why do religions talk about peace,Love, And Salvation?…When all they do is HATE
    4. What is the deal with Holy Wars?

    P.S. You guys are looking more idiotic every single day (DPS,Marty McPain)

    Note: I say sorry to all those that are NOT “Religious Psychopaths”, you also have my sympathy (for having to deal with these Ignorant people on a daily basis)

    Comment by DragonKnight — February 5, 2010 @ 3:33 pm | Reply

    • I agree with the Note, but it does seem like this is sinking to their level.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 7, 2010 @ 12:10 am | Reply

  1474. Don’t approve of this fur thing. Don’t approve of it at all. When did this become acceptable? It’s because of the permissiveness in the schools. I wouldn’t let it go on. If I’d have caught one of my boys dressed up like a homosexual fox, I’d have beat him until he learned some sense. No two ways about it. A man is either a man, or a homosexual fox.

    Too bad I had to run across this Internet news post today. Makes a man gloomy about America’s future. Here’s hoping that doing fur is just another fad.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 5, 2010 @ 10:03 pm | Reply

    • I am fox, but i am not homosexual.
      Plus, i just play a fox, not think i am one.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 7, 2010 @ 12:12 am | Reply

    • you don’t do fur.
      Fur is a par tof your life, like religion, that, like religion, lets you relate to other people who share your ideals.
      Furries can relate on their love of art, music, movies, whatever, and the different animals they feel they are most like. It is nothing horrible. There is nothing horrible and apocalyptic about it.

      Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 6:48 pm | Reply

  1475. Here’s hoping that doing fur is just another fad.

    Sorry pal, it’s been going for decades. :p

    Comment by rorroh — February 6, 2010 @ 8:43 pm | Reply

  1476. I wonder what happened to I Am.. Did he really get banned? o.o I Am, if you got banned, blink twice! :O Or go to my blog and leave a comment with your email. o:

    Comment by rorroh — February 6, 2010 @ 8:54 pm | Reply

  1477. “Sorry pal, it’s been going for decades. :p”

    You one of these perverts? Looks like your folks made some mistakes bringing you up. Somebody ought to sign you up for the Army. They’d get you to change your ways soon enough. That or you’d end up in the brig.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 6, 2010 @ 9:18 pm | Reply

    • Just to let you know in case you did not read the above posts…. I know 18 people who ARE MOST DEFINATELY in the USMC, as well as the person known as “I am” is in US Army 😛

      so the moral is that no matter where you go or what you do furries will still be around like it or not, Just like Gays,Islamics, and just about everyone else you can think of (that you “Hate”)

      Comment by DragonKnight — February 6, 2010 @ 11:09 pm | Reply

  1478. Why do I doubt that? I don’t like fighting though, but maybe an army technician? 😀 That seems fun.

    Comment by rorroh — February 6, 2010 @ 9:23 pm | Reply

    • Agree. I couldn’t kill anyone, unless they attacked America directly. I love my homeland, but i cannot and should not attack someone else in their own homes.
      But i could be technician at the homeland…

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 7, 2010 @ 12:15 am | Reply

  1479. “I know 18 people who ARE MOST DEFINATELY in the USMC, as well as the person known as “I am” is in US Army”

    Well, that’s an honor and a privilege. I bet they don’t have much patience for these fur people and similar troublemakers and homosexuals, do they? No, sir. Glad to see that there are some other folks on this message board who stand up against this furring business. Pleasure to meet you.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 7, 2010 @ 1:50 am | Reply

  1480. “no matter where you go or what you do furries will still be around like it or not, Just like Gays,Islamics, and just about everyone else you can think of”

    Now, now. No need to be grim. I’m a pessimist myself, but America always ends up on top anyhow. We’ll get rid of these fur people, as long as there are good folks like you around.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 7, 2010 @ 1:53 am | Reply

    • Fur people?
      We are HUMANS, we just ACT like animals because it is fun.
      Only a minority of the fandom thinks that they are animals. Anyway, that would be classified as an Otherkin, not furry.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 7, 2010 @ 11:14 pm | Reply

  1481. Banned?…me?! naw not yet anyway…so we got another one, first the other 2 leave then we get another one, well my friends are right, I am in the US Army and Im perfectly fine, not to mention, there are so many gays annd lesbiens in the army it aint funny, furrys as well, oh and FYI, you can be openly gay in the army now

    Comment by I am — February 7, 2010 @ 11:37 pm | Reply

    • “there are so many gays annd lesbiens in the army it aint funny, furrys as well, oh and FYI, you can be openly gay in the army now”

      If it weren’t for all those homosexuals, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would have been won by now, and we’d have Osama bin Laden’s head on a pike. They’re ruining the whole operation. It’s like having your kid sister play left tackle: she’s too worried about getting mud on her dress to do any blocking, and if by some miracle she tries she gets steamrolled anyway. I’d rather have a platoon of real men on my side than a division of squealing, mincing nancy boys.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 8, 2010 @ 8:36 am | Reply

      • Wow I’ve never seen such a homophobic, chauvinistic comment in this thread.

        Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 6:52 pm

  1482. hmmm beat your boys, wow, what a terrible parent you are, and you say we were brought up wrong, I wouldnt be surprised if they are and they are hiding it, not all furs are gay like my friend said, you poor insecure person you. Also, the human mind is a powerful thing, you think beat him will stop it, it might then again it might not, but its stuff like that why we got twisted f*cks like you now or why kids kill their parents, its happened before

    Comment by I am — February 7, 2010 @ 11:50 pm | Reply

  1483. “beat your boys, wow, what a terrible parent you are”

    Can’t have been that terrible. They don’t do furring and they aren’t homosexuals, so looks like we did a pretty good job there. Sounds to me like all of you fur people could have benefitted from some proper discipline. Nobody ever died from a good, hard thrashing.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 8, 2010 @ 8:43 am | Reply

  1484. If you really think that, then your just another retard that dont know shit about the Armed Forces, becuse for one, the majority of the armed forces is straight, yes alot gay and lesbien, but the vast majority is straight. and it dont matter who you would rather have, cause if you mean real men as in straight, you be surprised at how many ‘real men’ are just scared little b**ches, trust me U’ve seen it, there are gay guys with more bravery than that

    Comment by I am — February 8, 2010 @ 8:44 am | Reply

  1485. like I said before and what you wont mention.. they probably are, and just wont tell you, and secondly, I myself was beaten with broom handles before, switches( thin or thick tree branches or twigs, cords, paddles amd, I have been punched, kicked and dragged by my ears, you aint got shit on my mother or my family and as I said you thinkyou did a good job, but, like I said, kids have killed their parents for stuff like that….

    Comment by I am — February 8, 2010 @ 8:50 am | Reply

  1486. looks like your parents failed at sense, reason, intellegence and thinking for you. I feel sorry for your childen, to have such a narrow minded parent as you

    Comment by I am — February 8, 2010 @ 8:58 am | Reply

  1487. correction on comment # 1483 I’ve

    Comment by I am — February 8, 2010 @ 4:45 pm | Reply

  1488. “I feel sorry for your childen”

    No need. They’re heterosexual Republicans who don’t dress like homosexual cats. That’s what we call a good life, around these parts.

    “correction on comment # 1483 I’ve”

    Is this some kind of computer language I don’t understand? Or a homosexual code? If it’s about whether I would like to have homosexual relations with you, the answer is no. Save that for your homosexual pals, because I’m all man.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 8, 2010 @ 11:38 pm | Reply

  1489. “Is this some kind of computer language I don’t understand? Or a homosexual code? If it’s about whether I would like to have homosexual relations with you, the answer is no. Save that for your homosexual pals, because I’m all man.”

    You seriously cant be that stupid, if you look at comment 1483, you would see why I corrected myself….secondly…I never once, mentioned that I was gay… and its amazing at how you seem to avooid everything I say except small things, I think I struck a nerve and you may think that, but you dont know everything about your children, I put money on that and not all furs are homosexual, where are you getting your info, but my main question is why do you hate furs, and I dont want you to say cause their gay or evil or pedos or anything retarded like that..I want to know what a fur did to you for you to hate them so

    Comment by I am — February 9, 2010 @ 4:55 am | Reply

    • Can’t understand most of what you write. I think you’re asking if I know fur people. Answer’s no. Never heard of fur people before seeing this internet website here. Wish I’d never seen it. And if it wasn’t clear before, I am most certainly not interested in homosexual relations of any kind, with you or anyone else.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 9, 2010 @ 10:35 am | Reply

  1490. and I can damn near guarentee that I am more man than you….also, being straight does not determine, weither your a man or not, I happen to know some very brave, good, hard working,strong gay men who could easily be more man than a straight guy, cuase its the straight guys that tend to coware at the slightest bit of strong opposition, or if they a faced with something, they dont know or fully understand, they take the cowards way out, by hating,yourself included

    Comment by I am — February 9, 2010 @ 5:01 am | Reply

    • Again, gibberish. What does this mean? I don’t know. What’s a weither? Or a coware? Actually, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. They sound like maybe they’re disgusting activities.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 9, 2010 @ 10:40 am | Reply

  1491. “you would see why I corrected myself….”

    well if you have corrected yourself and you are no longer a homosexual furry, you should change your name to “I was” instead of “I am” so that we can be sure you have given up your sodomite idol worshipping.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 9, 2010 @ 10:11 am | Reply

  1492. well if you have corrected yourself and you are no longer a homosexual furry

    You really need to read everything before you comment.

    > I Am: “correction on comment # 1483 I’ve
    > Common Sense Conservative: “Is this some kind of computer language I don’t understand
    > I Am: “You seriously cant be that stupid, if you look at comment 1483, you would see why I corrected myself

    Never heard of fur people before seeing this internet website here.

    Not to sound rude, but I really think you should do more research on things before jumping to conclusions. You’re getting your only information on furries from one, frankly biased and unreliable, source. If you’d like, I could supply a few websites that tell about furries a little less biased?

    Comment by Rorroh — February 9, 2010 @ 4:03 pm | Reply

  1493. “but I really think you should do more research”

    why? why should we do that Ruh-Ruh? DPS will be publishing his book and we can read that…

    “I could supply a few websites that tell about furries a little less biased?”

    all furries are extremely biased. any website that says they are not biased is lying.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 9, 2010 @ 8:06 pm | Reply

    • “why? why should we do that Ruh-Ruh? DPS will be publishing his book and we can read that…”

      you know damn well his book is just as biased and besides, going off of one source is not a very intellegent thing to do….I say he checks out what roh has to show him and the book, so he can decide, only an idiot would use one source for informoation, I say look at both sides, and I really dont care if you agree with me or not mcpain

      Comment by I am — February 9, 2010 @ 10:43 pm | Reply

  1494. “Not to sound rude, but I really think you should do more research on things before jumping to conclusions.”

    Don’t think I need to hear any more about homosexuals in rabbit costumes to know it’s not right. Pure foolishness. Sounds like something from France. “Furring” even sounds French. “Le furring.” Don’t like the sound of that.

    “DPS will be publishing his book and we can read that…”

    A book about furring? Maybe that’s the best solution. Get a good, unbiased look at the whole deal. What’s DPS stand for? I’ll get it from the library when it comes out, maybe.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 9, 2010 @ 8:51 pm | Reply

    • first off, that book is biased, 100% infact he is writing what he feels and experienced, not what actually is, secondly I never said I was gay and , before you correct me ask me what “I am” stands for first oh and Coware= to withdraw in fear. to put it bluntly

      Comment by I am — February 9, 2010 @ 10:32 pm | Reply

      • Didn’t teach you to spell, either, I guess. Figured they would at least have had time to teach you that, since they didn’t spend a second teaching you not to be a fruitcake.

        I’ll have a look at the book when it comes out. How do you know it’s biased? You seen it?

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 9, 2010 @ 11:07 pm

      • Well, if you look back a couple of posts you will see the “Chapters” he has come up with.
        I just want to see if he has any proof. Every time I ask, he changes the subject.
        Guess it is not very good information.

        Hmm… it COULD be copied off of Encyclopedia Dramatica… but he would be a total idiot to do that.

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 11:13 am

  1495. not to mention DPS is speaking against them, that is so biased, if you want a reference get one that points out the good and the bad

    Comment by I am — February 9, 2010 @ 10:47 pm | Reply

  1496. *facepaw*
    this is just getting stupid…
    CSC, shut up… you don’t know what you are talking about…
    Marty, shut up… you are the lying biased /b/astard
    DPS, i don’t know if you are ACTUALLY writing a book, but I want very much to read it…
    so i can laugh all the way to the grave. I am certain that it will be number 1 on the “Best Worst comedic book ever”

    Comment by ShiroChan — February 9, 2010 @ 10:51 pm | Reply

    • Maybe not, but I’m learning more every day by looking at the old comments on this post. Disturbing stuff. Who knew furryism was such a problem? Never heard Hitler was a fur-doing person before. Explains a lot.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 9, 2010 @ 11:12 pm | Reply

      • If it was a problem, I would be front page news. This is a backwater blog that surfaced for a stupid presidential candidate that failed miserably, who’s only voters were the people who call themselves Brownbakers. (Go Obama. He is doing better than the republican owned news claims.)

        Furries are a fandom. We tend to stick with our own, we enjoy each other’s company.
        Seriously… on the sex matter, i have two things to say.
        1: Only about 1% of furries are these wackos. Bestiality, plushophillia and suit sex are pretty frowned upon in the fandom.
        2: If both people (notice i said people) are in consent, do it in the privacy of their own homes, and are not hurting anyone, WHY DOES ANYONE CARE!!!! If furries were having sex in public or raping people, it would be a HUGE problem. It would totally be a cause for the trolls to get up in arms. However, IF Furries do things like this, they do it in the privacy of their own homes. (I don’t because i think it is just a bit sick. Sex in suits? WTH?)
        May I also remind you of rule 43 which Encyclopedia Dramatica has come out with…

        If it exists on the internet, someone has made porn of it…

        Is it really that surprising that there is furry porn???

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 11:08 am

  1497. “so i can laugh all the way to the grave. ”

    DPS! I own a company that publishes the KJV1611 Bible in various leather bound editions, some with gold leaf.

    Now I am not going to do that for a book about disgusting furry habits, even if it is unbiased and scientific, BUT.. hurry up and send me your manuscript and I’ll print it in a cheap paperback edition.

    we’ll get rid of that fake furry Shaka-Zulu!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 10, 2010 @ 11:03 am | Reply

    • *laughing out loud*
      Really??? How is a book going to get rid of me? I live in a hippy town (Go UofO Ducks!) and no one gives a flying s***.
      How is a book going to do anything???? It won’t. It will be read like the Zombie Survival guide… a funny read, but totally not true.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 11:10 am | Reply

      • The Zombie Survival Guide is absolutely true! 0:

        Comment by Rorroh — February 10, 2010 @ 4:35 pm

      • Well, not from a modern day standpoint like furries

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 9:52 pm

  1498. DPS will be publishing his book and we can read that…

    DPS isn’t exactly a good source. He’s compiling things based on a negative opinion of furries that he’s picked up from unreliable sources. It’s like, for instance, having a friend write for a book “Christians are obsessive.” Is it true? Absolutely not. There could be a few; I personally know a few that are mildly obsessed with some things. But it’s not an accurate generalization. But from what you’re saying about books as reliable sources, if he were to slip that sentence into the book, does it make it true? Likewise, the statement “furries enjoy collecting stuffed animals” might be pretty accurate, seeing as many do, but not all of them. Some don’t even like stuffed animals at all. If I were to read “Christians like smoothies,” is that accurate? A lot of people like smoothies (which would make it a bit odd to focus on Christian smoothie-drinking habits), and while it’s true that a lot of Christians like smoothies, maybe a few don’t. For all we know, there could be a few that can’t drink smoothies due to medical problems.

    all furries are extremely biased. any website that says they are not biased is lying.
    I am not going to do that for a book about disgusting furry habits, even if it is unbiased and scientific

    I’m really doubting you even know what bias means. I do say that a website saying they’re not biased would be a giveaway that they are, in factm biased, but that would be just silly to put in a website. I’m talking about places that are neutral; not directly from people who are furries nor from people who are against furries.

    Didn’t teach you to spell, either, I guess.

    Exceptional language structure skills and deductive reasoning helps you get past that. If you can’t understand what he says, you are inferior. :]

    Comment by Rorroh — February 10, 2010 @ 4:42 pm | Reply

  1499. “How is a book going to get rid of me?”

    you promised you would kill yourself.. were you lying? oh right I in my excitement I forgot. you are a furry so if you were typing you were lying…

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 10, 2010 @ 4:47 pm | Reply

    • No, i said I would convert. Not kill myself.
      Anyway i added that you cannot convert from the furry fandom. be cause of the last word in the name.
      Furry Fandom
      (aka, for you numbskulls out there, it is not a religion… it is a fan base for something. Think like Star Trek or the Beatles. In our case, it is anthropomorphic characters)

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 10:00 pm | Reply

  1500. you promised you would kill yourself.. were you lying?

    That’s a terrible thing to say! D:

    Comment by Rorroh — February 10, 2010 @ 4:53 pm | Reply

    • Oh, I see what you were referring to, Marty. Shiro meant he was going to die laughing. :p

      Comment by Rorroh — February 10, 2010 @ 4:55 pm | Reply

      • oh that is what he meant?
        you guys are more nuts than i first thought.
        Ever hear of the word SARCASM??

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 10:01 pm

  1501. Ruh-Ruh, have you been meeting up and doing furry things with Shaka-Zulu? because you seem to be getting denser every post.

    First you say that you can “supply a few websites that tell about furries a little less biased?” saying that this “support” group website CLAIMS to have found furries that were less biased. when I call you on it: “any website that says they are not biased is lying…” you go off on some tangent about neutral territory..

    “I’m really doubting you even know what bias means. I do say that a website saying they’re not biased would be a giveaway that they are, in factm biased, but that would be just silly to put in a website. I’m talking about places that are neutral”

    I don’t need a website to tell me that furries are NOT biased to KNOW that they are… but that is a good catch because all furry websites will lie just like furries do.. so I should assume whatever the opposite of what they claim, that that is the truth.

    thanks for admiting that… maybe there is hope for you yet. just stop doing the “plushy” with that dumb bunny and start praying!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 10, 2010 @ 5:07 pm | Reply

    • the f***?
      what are you on?
      If you are going to insult us, at least do it right, because obviously, you don’t know how many hours of enjoyment we get off of hearing you fail curse us.
      Plus… “and start praying”
      why should we? What for? Who to? Buddha? Allah? God? One of several thousand gods populating the earth?
      Oh you mean GOD god?
      Well with whom? Jewish, Catholic, Christian, Methodist? THe list goes on…
      each one worshiping the same god, and yet you hate each other’s guts?

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 10:05 pm | Reply

    • just like christians Lie right?

      Comment by I am — February 11, 2010 @ 3:48 am | Reply

  1502. I’m sorry, biasing.

    saying that this “support” group website CLAIMS to have found furries that were less biased.

    I’m saying an unbiasing website that is “not directly from people who are furries nor from people who are against furries.” Furthermore:

    “Strawberries are disgusting” is an example of biasing.
    “Strawberries are delicious” is an example of biasing.
    “Strawberries are red” is not biasing. It is stating fact rather than opinion.

    I don’t need a website to tell me that furries are NOT biased

    Everyone is biased on some matter and at some level, but I mean biasing. I said nothing about proving furries are not biased, I’m saying a source that is neutral, meaning it is not created by furries.

    thanks for admiting that… maybe there is hope for you yet.

    ..What exactly did I admit to?

    you seem to be getting denser every post.

    no u.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 10, 2010 @ 5:21 pm | Reply

  1503. Had a look at the chapter titles for PDF’s book. Pretty sobering stuff. Fur people taking over the Democrat party. Fur people worshipping Satan. Fur people advancing socialism in America. Pretty serious, if you ask me.

    Not too many years ago the Communists had taken over the US government. But we smoked them out, and suppressed them. For a while, anyway—they’re back now. Maybe we can deal with the furrers the way we did the commies. Investigate, blacklist, prosecute, incarcerate, execute. If they don’t like it, they can go to whatever country will accept them. Won’t get any help from the so-called president on this one. Up to the Republicans to do something. I’d feel better about that if they weren’t acting like a bunch of RINOs lately, caving to Nazi Pelosi every time she glares at them.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 10, 2010 @ 9:23 pm | Reply

    • Wow…
      Now we are being associated with the commies?
      Someone should be getting this down on paper… OMG! I WILL CONVERT! I don’t want to be a commie Muslim jew democrat Afghani suicide bombing, Obama supporting, baby eating, dog yiffing, left wing, terrorist, Palin hating, flag desecrating furry! [b] (sarcasm for those too dim enough to understand.)[/b]

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 10, 2010 @ 10:42 pm | Reply

      • OK, then, what’s your idea for how to get rid of these fur people, if you don’t like mine?

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 10, 2010 @ 11:14 pm

      • You don’t.
        Were you listening?
        If both people consent to do (incert random activity here), it is not illegal, it is not hurting or mentally scarring anyone who does not want to be hurt or mentally scarred, and it is within the confines of private space, then it is fine.
        Why should we care what people are doing behind the curtains?

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 11, 2010 @ 1:53 pm

  1504. A week ago, I had never heard of furring. Now, thanks to the Blog For Brownster Internet web page, I not only know about it but understand why it is one of the most serious threats facing America today.

    This proves why the Internet web pages can be such a powerful tool. A concerned citizen can get around the liberal media machine and find out what’s really going on. I never heard about furring on the evening news, that much I’ll tell you.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 10, 2010 @ 11:44 pm | Reply

    • someone needs to take your internet away- gramps has been on the internet too long 😀

      Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 7:01 pm | Reply

  1505. ytou know why, you dont her it on the news….CAUSE ITS NOT AS SERIOUS AS THESE F*CK WITS MAKE IT OUT TO BE, this websight speaks only negative things, if you are the smart person, you claim to be, then you should know, nothing is absolute, nothing is completly positive or negative, so obviously this web sight is so not a good resource…but you know, go ahead believe what you want. but there is something I want you to check out all these posts, by Mcpain, DPS, rohroh, shiro and myself. Everytime we make a point they dont acknowledge it

    Comment by I am — February 11, 2010 @ 4:20 am | Reply

    • We being Rorroh, I am, and myself.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 11, 2010 @ 1:55 pm | Reply

  1506. “nothing is absolute, nothing is completly positive”


    God is absolute! and God is completely positive!

    and I am completely positive that God loves me and I am going to heaven and that you are INCAPABLE of repenting and so will be spending eternity being raped by Satan while being bitten by dogs, and people dressed as dogs, while I sit next to God and laugh with Him at your just and deserved punishment.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 11, 2010 @ 9:38 am | Reply

    • really? Completely positive?
      Have you read the bible?

      It is SO very anti-positive. All that stuff about hell and sinning? What the hell does god care? He as some 7 billion people to look after, so what if joe-shmo does some minor sin?

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 11, 2010 @ 1:57 pm | Reply

  1507. “Everytime we make a point they dont acknowledge it”

    other than farting and stinking up the board I don’t think you have ever made a contribution here.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 11, 2010 @ 9:41 am | Reply

  1508. “nothing is absolute, nothing is completly positive or negative, so obviously this web sight is so not a good resource”

    Moral relativist, eh? Nothing’s really good or evil, it all depends on how you look at it? Met one of you in the Gulf War in ’91. Ended up getting shot in the tackle. Served him right.

    What about Hitler? Anything positive about Hitler? Or Osama bin Laden? What are the positive aspects of Osama bin Laden?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 11, 2010 @ 1:13 pm | Reply

    • For him? Fame and the ability to do pretty much what he dam well wants. It won’t last though.
      Hitler because he was Insane and was fulfilling some idea he had cooked up in his head about how the world should be run

      It depends on how you look at it. The christians had many good people in it… but they also had the Inquisition, the Crusades, and many other atrocities.
      Just like furries. We are mostly nice people, but there are always the weirdoes in any group.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — February 11, 2010 @ 2:01 pm | Reply

  1509. “Everytime we make a point they dont acknowledge it”

    other than farting and stinking up the board I don’t think you have ever made a contribution here.

    Point in case. xp

    Now, straying from the topic completely, out of curiosity, what do all of you do in your free time when not obsessing over a war for/against furries? Not asking for personal information; I’m just curious.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 11, 2010 @ 4:31 pm | Reply

  1510. Common Sense Conservative: “What are the positive aspects of Osama bin Laden?”

    Fur Person: “Fame and the ability to do pretty much what he dam well wants.”

    So it’s good that Osama bin Laden is famous and powerful? How is that good for anyone but Osama bin Laden and maniacal Islamofascists? Unless you’re saying that you support Osama bin Laden. Wouldn’t be surprised if you did, frankly.

    Common Sense Conservative: “Anything positive about Hitler?”

    Fur Person: “Hitler because he was Insane and was fulfilling some idea he had cooked up in his head about how the world should be run”

    Don’t see how that’s positive, either. Seems negative. But the other fur person said that “nothing is completly positive or negative.” So I want to hear in what ways Nazism and al Qaeda are not completely negative. Or you fur people can admit that some things are completely negative.

    Or you can dodge the question. Seems to be what you do all the time. Looked back at all the comments, like the other fur person said. He said “Everytime we make a point they dont acknowledge it.” I disagree. Marty McPain and DSP answer more or less everything, and use citations and quotes and links. Most of the fur people ignore Marty McPain’s and DSP’s points and facts, and change the subject whenever they think they’re losing, or they get mad and have a screaming fit. DSP said a good thing when he said that fur people are angry and uncivil. Seems right to me from how you all act.

    Anyway, point is, you’ll probably ignore my point about Hitler and al Qaeda, and try to change the subject.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 11, 2010 @ 4:43 pm | Reply

  1511. So I want to hear in what ways Nazism and al Qaeda are not completely negative.

    If you’d kindly brush up on your history, you’d see a lot of positives. We wouldn’t be having this conversation right now if it weren’t for Hitler. I’m not saying he created Furries, though.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 11, 2010 @ 5:10 pm | Reply

  1512. “If you’d kindly brush up on your history, you’d see a lot of positives.”

    Wasn’t sure I believed in the link between Furryism and Nazism. Now we see Furryists openly praising Hitler’s contributions to civilization. No doubt about it now.

    Have to take that into account when reading what these Furryists have to say about themselves. They love Furryism and think that it’s good, but they love Hitler and Nazism and think that these are good, too. Think I’ll go to a source that’s a little less biased. Looking forward to the Furryism book by your friend.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 11, 2010 @ 9:39 pm | Reply

  1513. See what happens when the Furryists don’t dodge the question, by the way. End up admitting they’re Nazis. No wonder they never let Marty McPain and DSP pin them down. Nobody likes Nazis, and even Furryists and other Nazis prefer not to confess what they are. Well, we got you now, Furryists.

    You’ll probably try to destroy this Internet page now that we have you on record as admitted Nazis. Hopefully word will get out before then. Can’t hide the truth forever, Furrinazis.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 11, 2010 @ 11:37 pm | Reply

  1514. I am not a nazifur
    i was just saying you can see good AND bad from any perspective. Personally I think Hitler is a genocidal nazi sh*thead. I love my country.
    God. you take any words out of our mouth and twist them into you’re own purpose.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 11, 2010 @ 11:42 pm | Reply

    • Didn’t twist anything. You said everything was relative and that there was no absolute good or evil, and the other Furryist said he admired Hitler’s many contributions to society. I just think those are bad, immoral stances you both have taken, and I think most Americans would reject them.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 12, 2010 @ 9:13 pm | Reply

  1515. “while I sit next to God and laugh with Him at your just and deserved punishment.”

    Dont be surprised, if you end up in hell, and also, from what I know of the bible, god would never laugh at the damned, he would pity them, so what you said, is blasphemy in itself

    Comment by I am — February 12, 2010 @ 12:47 am | Reply

  1516. I might do one last post, then never again, its not that I have given up, its just, I have much better things to do with my life, then sit on my laptop and argue, with people who dont know what they are talking about, and dont have enough info to back it up, and besides, I know how I handle my life and the judgement on if im going to hell or not is between me and god, lets not forget all sins are equal, so your sins are just as bad as mine. But this has beeen fun but its gotten really old really fast, time to find a new topic, `Rohroh, shiro, if you ever want to find me, look in DA or yiffy international.

    Comment by I am — February 12, 2010 @ 12:54 am | Reply

  1517. Attention America! Come look, before the Furryists destroy the website! The Furryists want to revive Hitler’s demented dream of a tausendjähriges Reich! They have admitted it! They are the new Nazis, and they walk among us!

    I was so much happier a week or two ago, before I learned about Furryism. But now I guess it’s on us Americans again, to get the word out and to defeat the wave of evil. There’s no going back. Got to spread the word. Got to save America.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 12, 2010 @ 12:57 am | Reply

  1518. Ok, war started.
    What are you gonna do about us? Kill us? Burn us? take down our sites? It’s a fandom.
    You would have to…
    -Kill every mascot on earth
    -destroy all memory of anthropomorphic animals (faithmouse, bugs bunny, and others included)
    -Kill anyone who has ever liked an Anthropomorphic animal in any way (most of the world)
    -destroy all comic books
    -destroy any thing anthropomorphic.

    wow. daunting task for you f*cks. especially since there are other countries that don’t give two sh*ts. I love america, but if it starts hating on me, I think I will get the hint.

    come on… mass genocide over a fandom will be looked on VERY badly. Killings, brawls, and fights against a fandom? Against the pursuit of happiness? How the heck can you ban furries? National Icons would be destroyed, people’s houses would have to be strip searched… the list goes on. Is the government gonna buy it? Of course not.
    Think about it. Think about any company (major company) with a mascot/mascots.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 12, 2010 @ 10:39 am | Reply

    • Guess this is the Furryists’ way of doing things, eh? Accuse their victims of all the crimes they’re plotting to do themselves? Furryists are the ones who worship the Nazis and their genocide, not Christians.


      Didn’t say we should kill them. Only if found guilty of capital crimes such as treason should Furryists be executed. We’re not monsters, like you Furryists who dream all day about establishing Nazi Death Camps for Christians.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 12, 2010 @ 8:57 pm | Reply

      • God… but we DON”T!
        I have never heard a non-nazifur (of which there are about .00001% in the fandom that we are discussing) say anything about that. If you think we are bad, look up some of the other fandoms that are out there.
        -Toutou fandom
        -Anime/Manga/Japan fandom

        ok i can’t think of any more right now, but there are MANY other fandoms.
        why us?

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 12, 2010 @ 11:10 pm

      • “a non-nazifur (of which there are about .00001% in the fandom that we are discussing)”

        Ergo 99.99999% of Furryists are “nazifurs”? In other words, there are practically no “furs” who are not Nazi sympathizers?

        Got to say one thing for you Furryists. You don’t try to conceal your devotion to Nazism.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 12, 2010 @ 11:23 pm

      • What? NO!
        .00001% are Nazifurs. The rest are not wackjobs like they are.
        (Apologies if that previous post didn’t come out right…)

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 14, 2010 @ 12:07 am

  1519. “god would never laugh at the damned”

    First of all, you are insulting God by not capitalising his name.

    Second, God hates sinners and laughs at them:

    Deuteronomy 28:62-63: “Because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Lord thy God… it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will the Lord will REJOICE OVER YOU TO DESTROY YOU,”

    Psalm 2:4-9: “The Lord that sits in the heavens shall LAUGH [at rebellious men]: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall He speak unto them in His WRATH, and VEX THEM IN HIS SORE DISPLEASURE… [and Christ shall] break them with a rod of iron: Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”

    Prov1:25-32 “because you neglected all my advice, and did not comply with my rebuke, 26 so I myself will laugh when disaster strikes you, I will mock when what you dread comes, 27 when what like a whirlwind, and disaster strikes you like a devastating storm, when distressing trouble comes on you. 28 Then they will call to me, but I but I will not answer; they will diligently seek me, but they will not find me. 29 Because they hated moral knowledge, and did not choose to fear the Lord, 30 they did not comply with my advice, they spurned all my rebuke. 31 Therefore they will eat from the fruit of their way.”

    THE FURRY WAY leads to HELL!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 12, 2010 @ 12:57 pm | Reply

    • No, Hell hath no furries. And God loves furries, it says so right in Ecclesiastes 3:18 and Proverbs 12:10.

      I think if you look into your heart you will recognize the error of your ways and convince churches to sponsor a Be Kind To Furries Week. It is truly God’s way.

      Comment by Xydexx — February 12, 2010 @ 2:31 pm | Reply

  1520. “Kill every mascot on earth…”

    Look Shaka-Zulu, until a True Christian is elected to lead this nation.. instead of a mooselem, and until good God-fearing REAL AMERICANS can take back power, we are forced, by God’s will, to obey secular law and that includes NOT killing people unless we can get the secular courts to condem them to death. Once the Dominion arrives, then it will be religious courts issuing those edicts and they will be A LOT easier to get and much FASTER to carry out.

    Second, I am glad that you admit that mascots are part of the Furry plan to take over this country by coruppting young people at Satan-World (also known as Disney World), and at sports competitions.

    but we already knew that.

    The truth is that the Lord moves in misterious ways. maybe some type of canine distemper that kills furries would work….

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 12, 2010 @ 1:05 pm | Reply

  1521. A true christian that tried to do that would find that not all americans are god fearing. Really. Ever hear of the Cold War? Vietnam? Look at home for a sec and you will find that everyone goes nuts against the governement and the war.
    Plus, god fearing americans would not take back power, because there are so many loopholes to jump through.
    And “Religious Courts” ?
    You know how fast the people of the USA would revolt to that?
    What about freedom of expression.
    I know the gays out there are having a tough time, but forcing a religion?
    1 billion times worse.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 14, 2010 @ 12:09 am | Reply

  1522. “Look Shaka-Zulu, until a True Christian is elected to lead this nation.. instead of a mooselem, and until good God-fearing REAL AMERICANS can take back power”

    Look, one of the many reasons this great nation has had success is because of one great idea, The separation of church and state. Which means that when a president is elected to office and takes the oath, they are also promising to not let their religion get in the way of making decisions that benefit the people of America. Also on the note of presidents…..

    Wasn’t it George Bush who screwed this country up? by say….starting a war that is never going to be won, taking billions(maybe more) of dollars to fund an unpopular war, and sending thousands of our troops to DIE in said war, All so he could finish what his father started(There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction). Last I checked he wasn’t a muslim….He was a “good Ol’ boy from down south”(where the most Christians are…)

    Also after reading Common Sense Conservative’s Comments I have once again come to the conclusion that he is just another “Puppet” that DPS or Marty McPain is using to try and make it seem as if there are more “Intelligent” people agains us Furries. Note how the structure of his argument is creepily similiar to that of DPS and Marty. In my opinion I think it’s Marty McPain, Seeing as DPS was “Furry No More”.

    Comment by DragonKnight — February 14, 2010 @ 5:59 am | Reply

  1523. “Look, one of the many reasons this great nation has had success is because of one great idea, The separation of church and state”

    Yes sir, you’re right. One of the reasons I’m so unhappy to see the moves toward making Islamism the official religion of the USA.

    “Wasn’t it George Bush who screwed this country up?”

    Got to agree with you again. Some things he did good on, but mostly he abandoned conservative principles and kowtowed to the Democrat party, giving them everything they wanted: a half-hearted war, out of control spending, etc. Hasn’t been a real Republican in that office since 1989. Don’t see much practical difference between Bush and the current Kenyan socialist. Those are the wages of RINOism.

    “us Furries”

    Looks like I was confused. Didn’t realize you were one of them.

    “after reading Common Sense Conservative’s Comments I have once again come to the conclusion that he is just another “Puppet” that DPS or Marty McPain is using to try and make it seem as if there are more “Intelligent” people agains us Furries”

    I’ll take that as a compliment. Not sure if you’re saying that Marty McPain is telling me what to say or that I’m Marty McPain pretending to be me. Not true, though. Not DPS, either.

    “Note how the structure of his argument is creepily similiar to that of DPS and Marty.”

    Logic and reason always sound the same, no matter who’s speaking them.

    Seems to me that maybe you’re flinging around crazed accusations of fraud and deception in a desperate bid to change the subject. Namely, the Furryists’ enthusiastic embrace of the aspirations and methods of the Nazi party. Recently on this page “Shiro Chan” and “Rorroh” have been speaking lovingly about Hitler. Didn’t really believe what Marty and DPS said about Furryism and Nazism till I saw that. No wonder you want to discredit the voices of moderation and common sense.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 14, 2010 @ 7:13 am | Reply

  1524. lovingly?
    Hitler sucked.
    i hope he is rotting in whatever personal hell he has made for himself. He was a lunatic.
    If he hadn’t lost, then we would be speaking German right now (personally I speak french and a little russian, but what they hey.)
    America is a great country, maybe mislead, but a great country.

    Comment by ShiroChan — February 14, 2010 @ 5:28 pm | Reply

  1525. “lovingly?
    Hitler sucked.
    i hope he is rotting in whatever personal hell he has made for himself. He was a lunatic.”

    So you reject and repudiate the vile and stupid view of your pal Rorroh that there were “many positive aspects” to the Nazis?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 15, 2010 @ 4:59 pm | Reply

  1526. If you look at it from one way, yes. I don’t look that way though. I still think of the Nazi’s as enemies, but in THEIR minds, they are doing the right thing.
    Personally I am a democrat, but if the democrats put something stupid through, i will not hesitate to vote republican. So far, the only people doing stupid things are the republicans (aka Cheney and the republican machine), so democrat it is.
    I am not stupid.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 16, 2010 @ 12:01 am | Reply

  1527. “I still think of the Nazi’s as enemies, but in THEIR minds, they are doing the right thing.”

    When Furryists are exterminating heterosexual American patriots in your Death Camps, should we be consoled by your conviction that you are doing the right thing?

    Anyway, what villains think they’re doing is neither here nor there. What matters is whether there in actual fact were positive aspects to Hitler’s rise to power and the ascendancy of National Socialism in Germany. Since you refuse to say there weren’t, I’ll assume you think there were, just like your little friend.

    “if the democrats put something stupid through”

    Don’t see them putting anything else through, personally. We’re talking about the Democrat party, after all.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 16, 2010 @ 1:26 am | Reply

  1528. Thats because the damned republicans are blocking everything that the democratic party is trying to put through.
    Anyway, about the Hitler thing… You are saying that since all of christianity is good, then:
    -The crusades
    -The Inquisition
    -the selling of paper that would “get you into heaven”
    -The corrupt popes
    -The corrupt ministers
    -The greed

    … of the christian church is a good thing?
    It is possible to see the good and the totally evil of anything.
    In Hitler’s case, he
    -United a country for a common cause
    -Killed millions
    -Came up with some of the most controversial military tactics (still used by US, NATO, etc. today)
    -Invaded countries causing mass panic.
    -Had scientists make the first WMD’s
    -Gave people hope (cause remember, Germany was a S***hole before Hitler came and gave it a purpose)
    -Gave Germany the worst reputation ever.
    -Started the biggest war ever.

    I do not support him at all. It is just logic. Logic is neither good nor bad.
    Just like Christianity…
    -Came up with the biggest religion known to man
    -Started numerous wars in it’s name
    -United people
    -Forced people into the religion against their will.
    -Dislikes the other religions that pray to the SAME GOD.
    -Has the one name that everyone uses for good and evil.
    -Had the biggest legalized murder rate (Witches, Inquisition, etc…)
    See? Good and bad

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 16, 2010 @ 2:20 pm | Reply

  1529. Sorry for not responding all weekend. As it turns out, I have a life.

    I have once again come to the conclusion that he is just another “Puppet” that DPS or Marty McPain is using

    I think differently. CSC does seem to have a bit more common sense than Marty and DPS, but he does tend to misread a few things. Such as:
    If you’d kindly brush up on your history, you’d see a lot of positives.

    Now we see Furryists openly praising Hitler’s contributions to civilization.

    I said nothing about “Hitler’s contributions to civilization.” Microwaves, sonar, missiles, jet fighters, space stations, sattelites, decoding, FBI, computers, automobiles, ships, heck, worldwide communications. All of those things came out of the war. If that war never started, as I said, “We wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.” Nothing would be the same around us. There would be no internet, there would be more primitive transportation, communication, um.. heating methods… Need I go on, or do you get the picture?

    Comment by Rorroh — February 16, 2010 @ 4:44 pm | Reply

  1530. I hope they do, cause posting all of these lists of facts is annoying.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 17, 2010 @ 11:06 am | Reply

  1531. So Al Gore is Hitler? Is that what you are saying? Because they both claimed to have invented the internet?? That’s Grade A crazy!

    Al Gore is more like Hitler Junior, or Hitler Lite than a real Hitler…

    and now we find that furry sex fiends are invading our Republican Party parties..

    and claiming that furry sex with “revitalize” the GOP. THAT’s SICK!! I know that Rush Limmbaugh is head of the GOP and he is also probably willing to have sex with a panda if it is young enough and he scores enough Oxy but this is a evil attempt by furries to tempt main-stream Republicans and False Christians.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 17, 2010 @ 12:13 pm | Reply

    • Al Gore..? Where in the world did you get that out of it?

      and now we find that furry sex fiends are invading our Republican Party parties

      You take that site seriously? That’s a site to take with a grain of salt. :p

      Comment by rorroh — February 17, 2010 @ 4:19 pm | Reply

      • you are some sort of slippery eel. when called out on your fantastic statements you try to turn and pretend you didn’t just stink up the place with your gasseous emmissions…

        “Nothing would be the same around us. There would be no internet”

        You said without Hitler there would be no internet. Al Gore said that without him there would be no internet… so.. you think Al Gore is Hitler.

        and I called you out and you pretended to not know YOU are the one who said that.

        Comment by Marty McPain — February 17, 2010 @ 6:32 pm

  1532. O.O
    what the heck?
    i don’t even understand this picture.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 17, 2010 @ 12:55 pm | Reply

    • READ WHAT IT SAYS!@!!!

      “this terrifying photograph of a CPAC sex worker known as “Bailout Panda.” When will the police crush this degenerate animal-orgy event?”

      sex slave panda-furries in thrall to the GOP!


      Comment by Marty McPain — February 17, 2010 @ 6:34 pm | Reply

      • Yeah, just because I make a site saying that “All Christians are Pedophillic, Torture crazy, a**holes” and i put up pictures of KKK, the Inquisition, and the crusades, doesn’t mean that I am correct.
        I could, if i wanted, start a group of people all devoted to bringing the republican party down (remember the Church of scientology incident?) and we would spam the sites and prank them.
        Doesn’t mean that because I have the power I do it to anything that mildly pisses them off.
        You want to know the real reason that Hitler killed all of those jews? Because he had an uncle he lived with that beat him. Guess what nationality he was? JEW!
        Now, did a weirdo furry wave at you’re general direction at a convention or something? Has one of you’re kids been drawing furry art? Or are you just a trollfag? (its the last one)

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 17, 2010 @ 10:16 pm

      • Looks like that website has been documenting Furryist atrocities for some time. You can find page after page of disturbing images, videos, and accounts by following this link. The photograph of the Washington Post Furryist is especially nauseating.

        Glad to see this isn’t the only Internet web page devoted to exposing the secret rot of Furryism.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 19, 2010 @ 9:25 am

  1533. READ WHAT IT SAYS!@!!!

    You’re raging! 😀

    Taking that seriously is like taking something from /b/ seriously.

    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)20:46:44 No.198585111
    >> You fa*****s think it’s so hard to get doubles. Look I got em, thanks to this Dexedrine, I can time the internet.
    >> >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)20:49:18 No.198585906
    >> >>198585111
    >> f*****, you took too much, you got tripples
    >> >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)20:51:11 No.198586569
    >> Quick, take some downers!

    You said without Hitler there would be no internet.

    No, I said if he didn’t spark a war. As a response to the war, ENIAC was created. ENIAC is the Electronic Numerical Integration and Calculator, which was a leap into the future of computers, eventually influencing Linus Torvalis, Bill gates and Steve Jobs. I said absolutely nothing about Hitler making the internet, nor did I say anything about Al Gore.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 19, 2010 @ 4:13 pm | Reply

  1534. You may be right Rorroh, after reading a few more of his posts CSC does seem to be smarter than either DPS or Marty.

    Shiro, I personally believe that he is a Trollfag

    and it seems we are starting to get them pissed off 😀

    Comment by DragonKnight — February 19, 2010 @ 6:50 pm | Reply

  1535. Y so srs?

    Comment by Christopher Balcer — February 19, 2010 @ 10:33 pm | Reply

  1536. *Fistpump*

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 19, 2010 @ 10:36 pm | Reply

  1537. I leave for a few days of prayer and services and I find you furries still here playing with each other. I don’t really care that you’ve both signed on to the “Hitler Fan Club” but I do care that you seem intent on forcing your furry perversions on all America.

    Why do you do this? when it seems that you are both Fake Furries anyway? you are like some cancer eating away the USA from within…

    Oh Lord, please smite these two evil-doers with open skin sores, eczema and lesions on the skin so they can’t ever wear furry suits even if they had one.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 20, 2010 @ 1:15 pm | Reply

  1538. Its me im back again!

    ok once again I ask the question…… WHat is a true Furry, because who said you had to wear a fur suit to be a furry

    Comment by I am — February 20, 2010 @ 7:56 pm | Reply

    • Well, depending on who you are, your definition of a “true furry” may be different. Just as someone who is a patriot wouldn’t be a true patriot by other people’s standards.

      It’s actually a very rare occurrence when a furry even owns a fursuit; they’re very expensive and take time to maintain.

      In my opinion, a furry is someone who enjoys the community in a healthy manner. The community involves art, text-based roleplaying, video games, movies and conventions. The furry community is much the same as the anime/manga community; may even be an extension of it. Both fandoms are completely harmless unless you enter the “underground” of it. You shouldn’t think of it as something bad right off the bat. There are bad seeds in EVERY community; no exceptions.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 20, 2010 @ 10:13 pm | Reply

      • yes! exactly!
        you couldn’t have phrased it better.

        Comment by Shiro Chan — February 21, 2010 @ 12:23 am

  1539. “you are both Fake Furries anyway?”

    “who said you had to wear a fur suit to be a furry”

    These “Furries” are fake? They are pretending to be “Furries”? What kind of mentally sick person would pretend to be such a degraded pervert?

    Is it true? Do you Furryists wear Furryist uniforms, or not? And if you don’t, doesn’t that mean you’re not real Furryists? And if you’re not, why are you trying to upset people on the Internet by pretending that you are?

    I curse the day when I heard of this Furryism business.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 21, 2010 @ 12:21 am | Reply

    • 1. Furries not Furryist

      2. There are no uniforms. That’s like saying people on the internet or people who play video games have uniforms xD

      3. I don’t know what’s got your panties in a twist.

      4. The ones described in this *ahem* passage are furverts. They are the equivalent to the perverts in every day life.

      5. Learn proper grammar.

      6. Have fun cursing something you don’t know anything about.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 22, 2010 @ 12:45 am | Reply

  1540. You so didnt answer my question, and by saying what you said proves you still know nothing

    Comment by I am — February 21, 2010 @ 4:19 am | Reply

    • I’m assuming you aimed that at me.

      Yes, I did, in fact, answer your question.

      You asked what a furry was and I explained it to you: “In my opinion, a furry is someone who enjoys the community in a healthy manner. The community involves art, text-based roleplaying, video games, movies and conventions. The furry community is much the same as the anime/manga community; may even be an extension of it. Both fandoms are completely harmless unless you enter the “underground” of it. You shouldn’t think of it as something bad right off the bat. There are bad seeds in EVERY community; no exceptions.”

      Though, I did say that it was my opinion, I only meant that because the ones that use that fandom for the sexual aspect have a different theory.

      By saying what I said it still proves I know nothing? Assuming you, someone who only knows about the fandom from hearsay and bashing sites, are pointing that at me, someone who knows quite a lot about the furry fandom, I really don’t believe that. Try doing real research before you spout out nonsense.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 22, 2010 @ 12:53 am | Reply

  1541. a great point was made you dont have to wear a suit…but I degres I know what is and aint is….I know I am and not all furries are perverted…let me asure you, for every example you have that its wrong, myself or the others will have a counter for it

    Comment by I am — February 21, 2010 @ 4:29 am | Reply

    • I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to make sense from your shoddy grammar and spelling.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 22, 2010 @ 12:55 am | Reply

  1542. According to this informative site, costumes are not universal within this sick cult, although they are common. The common feature is perverted s*xual desire for “anthropomorphic” animals. Seems worse to me than just wearing a cat suit.

    Highly recommend that site, though. Lots of resources you can download. Already printed out the “No Furry Zone” sign, and am considering setting up an info booth at the fair this spring.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 21, 2010 @ 9:01 am | Reply

    • Oh my, I never thought that I should get my information from a site that bashes what it doesn’t understand or like! My oh my, I should probably go to an anti-Christian site so I can understand them better. Thank you for opening my eyes! I mean, what was I thinking, getting information from actual furries and me being one? Hah, it’s laughable that I use real resources and experiences.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 22, 2010 @ 12:57 am | Reply

  1543. ((He is avoiding the question again))

    anyway, that site is bogus.
    type in Anti-Furry and what do you get? THAT SITE!!!
    Sheesh… it is blatantly saying it’s Anti furry.
    Its like going to a Islamic extremist site to learn about pakistanis.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 22, 2010 @ 12:22 am | Reply

    • Oh, I like that last analogy there.

      Have you realized that they just brush off what we say? Like, if we use comparisons they act as if they were never there. This makes the anti-furries people seem really stupid and ignorant because that can’t at least admit we make a good point.

      I have read four comments on here from people who don’t agree with furries, but aren’t being stupid about it.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 22, 2010 @ 1:01 am | Reply

  1544. ok Akiko everything I said wasnt aimed at you not even alittle bit….it was aimed at CSC, sorry if you got your info wrong, but you assumed wrong. Secondly I agree with what you say, I myself am a fur, but I dont wear a suit, I was simply asking how can someonewho doesnt really know anything about furries say what a “Fake furry” is…I wanted CSC to answer my question, he or she know who I was talking to.You make great points and the fact that they brush off some of the points we make and it makes them look stupid, I myself already pointed this fact out. Also you should check out a few posts before you started doing yours and you would realise that I am on your side and that you got defensive for no reason….and I repeat( clears throat) I AM A FURRY

    Comment by I am — February 22, 2010 @ 9:01 am | Reply

    • I’m not sure if you hit reply at the bottom of comments because it doesn’t go directly to me. I’m pretty sure no one knows who you’re replying to :/

      I’m an a55 for just getting angry about and being b*tchy towards you, sorry about that. I’m just used to a55holes everywhere that I happen to go off very often.

      Had I the time, I probably would’ve gone through more of these to read previous posts, but I do not. So, if I skimmed over things where you proved your points, I’m sorry.

      Btw, hon, what are you? :3

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:30 pm | Reply

  1545. OH and CSC if you plan on setting up an info booth I humbly ask that you point out both the good and bad things, not just the negative bad things, becuse that wouldnt be fair, just as you wouldnt like for someone to do the same to christianity.If you really are doing the research your claiming, then you should know that being a furry is not all bad, I hope your not that stupid, to believe all the negatives and none of the possitives, as I have said before, nothing on this planet is absolute negative or positive, there are 2 sides to everything good and bad, to include your oh so rightous christianity.

    Comment by I am — February 22, 2010 @ 9:10 am | Reply

  1546. The corrupt moral relativism of Furry Pathology is destroying our just and civil soceity, and replacing it with a Dog-Eat-Dog world and a Dog-has-sex-with-Cat world.

    This is truly disturbing. I fear that weak-willed demonrats will quickly take up with the furry perverts and overturn our constitution. We already know that the harlot mooselem succbus in the White House is a furry. And I bet she is indroctrinating those kids she is always inviting for “organic” arugulla..

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 22, 2010 @ 10:13 am | Reply

    • *snore*

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:31 pm | Reply

  1547. WTBF!!!!!!

    Are you guys nuts? And where did the Arugala comment come from??
    Ok, these guys are acting on no research whatsoever.
    You guys should go out there and fight a worthy cause instead of a battle you are going to lose. Why not fight REAL nazis? And not the people you yell at!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 22, 2010 @ 2:16 pm | Reply

  1548. “I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to make sense from your shoddy grammar and spelling. Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — February 22, 2010

    Look Shaka-Zulu, even your furry friends can’t make heads or tails (or paws) out of your arguments.

    “and I repeat( drools on self) I AM A FURRY… although I don’t dress up as an animal.. I am a secret closet furry”

    aka a FAKE FURRY.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 22, 2010 @ 2:26 pm | Reply

    • You think you’re clever, but you’re not 😐

      Also, I’m no their friend, I don’t even know them.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:33 pm | Reply

  1549. “I AM A FURRY”

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 22, 2010

    Comment by Rorroh — February 22, 2010 @ 3:53 pm | Reply

  1550. you seem to do that alot Marty mcpain, switch peoples words around to make it seem like they said something they didnt, if that is your only defense then you are truly sad,

    Comment by I am — February 22, 2010 @ 5:37 pm | Reply

  1551. defense? you furries really are insane. I am mocking you for your stupidity. Maybe DPS was right and that you are hoplessly evil and need to be fought in real life and not just on the intertubes.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 22, 2010 @ 7:02 pm | Reply

  1552. for one that would be a losing battle for you… this one is a losing battle. Also nnothing I stated was stupid, like I said you found no errors in the staement I made so since you had nothing to go off of you decided to be childish

    Comment by I am — February 22, 2010 @ 7:50 pm | Reply

  1553. Lots of unsettling information at this encyclopedia link.

    Not completely sure what a “butthurt furfag” is, but I wonder if some of the Furryists on this website could be accurately described in that way. Is that the correct lingo for what your kind of Furryists call yourselves? Strange term to apply to yourself, but then you’re some strange people.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 22, 2010 @ 8:43 pm | Reply

    • xDD

      OMG, encyclopediadramtica??? Really, you’re siting THAT as a reference. My my, you are a moron. and I quote “Conservatism is the political ideology that states that it is generally a good idea to keep the status quo no matter how f*cked up it is. The conservative right holds the world as secondary to church, and only takes reality into account during the short timespan between leaving their driveways and going to the mall / dropping the kids off at football practice, during which a slew of bible passages and repressive emotional responses hard-coded into them since childhood shields them from any information that would conflict with their worldview, ie anything that causes one to think. To them, any change at all is a threat to their existence inside a model home with a cookie-cutter lawn and a white picket fence, the “Ideal Patriotic Life” / “American Dream” sentimentalism consequent of a corporate social experiment designed to facilitate mass consumerism.”

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:37 pm | Reply

  1554. God dammit
    you guys are insane.
    where does it say that they don’t understand my points?
    and… Shaka-Zulu? really? That is the BEST name you could come up with to piss me off. It’s actually pretty cool.
    Zulu for short.

    How could you fight us in anything but the internet? I mean, what country, let alone state, would let you fight furries in real life? The moment you do that, the sympathy for us (actuall furries, not the wackjobs) goes way up. What really could you do to us? Hunh?
    Shout at us?
    -We have gotten used to it.
    Fight us?
    -Who is the governament going to support? The harmless, or the harmful?
    Protest about us?
    -really? protest about mascots and every (almost) every cartoon in the world? riiiiight
    Kill us?
    -Oooh… then who would be the genocidal f***heads then? you or the Nazis?

    Comment by ShiroChan — February 22, 2010 @ 10:56 pm | Reply

  1555. we dont refer to ourselves as butthurt furfags its people like you that do

    Comment by I am — February 23, 2010 @ 5:09 am | Reply

  1556. Still confused: is “butthurt furfags” the correct terminology, or is it better for me to stick with the more general “Furryists”?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 23, 2010 @ 10:02 am | Reply

    • Neither are right. I think shutting up works better for you :]

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:39 pm | Reply

  1557. “How could you fight us in anything but the internet?”

    By prosecuting you when your perversions break the law. By educating the public about the dangers of Furryism. By setting up a booth at the fair. By putting informational flyers on windshields. By denouncing Furryists when they appear in public. By executing citizen’s arrests on Furryists caught in the commission of felonies. By teaching our children and grandchildren to run for their lives when they see a Furryist.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 23, 2010 @ 10:10 am | Reply

  1558. Answers to you’re claims
    “By prosecuting you when your perversions break the law.”
    When they do (Which is never)

    “By educating the public about the dangers of Furryism.”
    It isn’t a political party, so most people will think you are nuts. Plus you are telling them that the furry little images all over their tv screens are evil. Hope you do well there (not)

    “By setting up a booth at the fair.”
    I… i am just laughing about this one.

    “By putting informational flyers on windshields.”
    Used for fire kindling

    “By denouncing Furryists when they appear in public.”
    You’ll have to wait for the next anthrocon then.

    “By executing citizen’s arrests on Furryists caught in the commission of felonies.”
    See the first one.

    “:By teaching our children and grandchildren to run for their lives when they see a Furryist.”
    What the hell is a furryist anyway?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 23, 2010 @ 10:28 am | Reply

  1559. “When they do (Which is never)”

    Don’t even try it. I have read the whole thread and seen the many examples of Furryist crimes cited by Marty McPain and DPS.

    “most people will think you are nuts”

    People will think that the weirdos in animal suits are nuts.

    “You’ll have to wait for the next anthrocon then.”

    I’ve watched the videos posted above, too. The Furryists constantly appear in public, seeking approval but succeeding only in increasing public revulsion.

    “What the hell is a furryist anyway?”

    Don’t play games and mince words. You people are Furryists, with your costumes and your perverted fetish. Unless that’s not your preferred name, but “I am” denied that you call yourselves “butthurt furfags,” so I don’t know what else to call you.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 23, 2010 @ 12:58 pm | Reply

    • I agree, it does happen, but not often. You “normal” people molest people more often.

      “Don’t even try it. I have read the whole thread and seen the many examples of Furryist crimes cited by Marty McPain and DPS.”

      So…you’re getting information from a man(?) who doesn’t know anything about furries. Mkay… Great logic.

      “People will think that the weirdos in animal suits are nuts.”

      Mascots are nuts?

      “I’ve watched the videos posted above, too. The Furryists constantly appear in public, seeking approval but succeeding only in increasing public revulsion.”

      Seeking approval? They don’t give a f*ck about what you people think. If they wanted your approval they wouldn’t dress or act as they did.

      “Don’t play games and mince words. You people are Furryists, with your costumes and your perverted fetish. Unless that’s not your preferred name, but “I am” denied that you call yourselves “butthurt furfags,” so I don’t know what else to call you.”

      We’re not, the term is FURRIES and you don’t seem to understand that. Furryist is not a word used, well, ever and “butthurt” just means people who get upset. You add “butthurt” to any fandom or race and it’s accurate. You are a butthurt coservative.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:48 pm | Reply

      • I understand. So you are a very, very butthurt Furry, but not a butthurt Furryist. Is that correct?

        I do not feel that I am “butthurt.” I fear for America’s future, but I don’t think that’s the same thing. It sounds more like a word used to describe a whiner: “owww, my butt hurts!!!” That sounds like “Furries” to me. At least the Furries who comment on this site.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 2, 2010 @ 10:20 pm

  1560. A “butthurt furfag” is a term meant to try insulting furries, trying to make them get raged. Keyword: try. But it doesn’t work, and just makes the person using the word look like an a*hole.

    “… many examples of Furryist crimes cited by Marty McPain and DPS.
    I’ve watched the videos posted above, too.

    You’ve seen maybe 30? 40 furries doing depraved things? There are literally millions of furries. The insignificant number that you’ve seen can’t properly generalize the rest of them. The majority of the rest of furries are certainly not “depraved,” as you put it.

    People will think that the weirdos in animal suits are nuts.


    Comment by Rorroh — February 23, 2010 @ 4:40 pm | Reply

  1561. “A “butthurt furfag” is a term meant to try insulting furries, trying to make them get raged.”

    Seems silly to me. Seems like Furryists are always enraged anyway. No need to provoke them further.

    That still doesn’t answer the question, though: what are you people called? Why so reluctant to give a straight answer?

    “There are literally millions of furries. ”

    That’s the most terrifying sentence I have read in months. Well, looks like we’re going to have to build some more prisons and nuthouses.

    People will think that the weirdos in animal suits are nuts.


    Not sure what sport you’ve been watching, champ, but it ain’t football. Maybe they play a Furryist version in Europe, but not here in the U S of A.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 23, 2010 @ 5:35 pm | Reply

    • “Seems silly to me. Seems like Furryists are always enraged anyway. No need to provoke them further.

      That still doesn’t answer the question, though: what are you people called? Why so reluctant to give a straight answer?”

      Now, wouldn’t you get upset if you someone started spouting lies about you?

      I really want to call you insulting names because you seem to be a bit stupid; I’ve answered what we are called many times. Let me reiterate what I said anyway, we are called Furries.

      “That’s the most terrifying sentence I have read in months. Well, looks like we’re going to have to build some more prisons and nuthouses.”

      You must not read much.


      Not sure what sport you’ve been watching, champ, but it ain’t football. Maybe they play a Furryist version in Europe, but not here in the U S of A.”

      They’re called mascots, hon.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:53 pm | Reply

  1562. … you forget the mascots. The UofO ducks?
    The Beavers?
    The Cubs?
    there are a lot of them.

    And, rorroh? Actually, we are kinda small in comparison. Something like 100,000 that call themselves furries? Partly because we DON’t want to be mainstream like manga and anime (look where that turned THEM out, no offense meant.)
    However, most of the people who join are people who didn’t know that there were people like us, and love the idea.
    They do need to get past all of the hate and rage you trolls put out though…

    “Seems silly to me. Seems like Furryists are always enraged anyway. No need to provoke them further.”

    Uh, what are you doing right now? Making daisy chains?

    “Well, looks like we’re going to have to build some more prisons and nuthouses.”

    and please do, cause the only people filling them are gonna be guys like you.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 23, 2010 @ 10:34 pm | Reply

  1563. CSC: here is what you are looking for: “Butt-Hurt Furry NutFags”

    That’s what I hear all the kids call the wierd guys that dress up in furry costumes and prance around outside of shopping mall stores.

    Its sad really. This exposure to Furries is causing our children to cry and vomit and become angry. Just another means for them to hurt America, which they hate.

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 24, 2010 @ 12:43 pm | Reply

    • wow…
      i love the way you phrased that.
      “Just another means for them to hurt America, which they hate”
      “… to cry and vomit and become angry”

      It’s like you aren’t even trying.
      like, if you were talking in conversation, it would be that little bit you added on at the end.
      very comical Marty. You should become a comedian.

      Plus, kids are only “exposed” if they go looking for us. We aren’t really apparent unless you are specifically looking for us.

      Comment by ShiroChan — February 24, 2010 @ 4:37 pm | Reply

      • His stupidity makes me giggle xD

        Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:55 pm

      • mine or his?

        Comment by ShiroChan — March 2, 2010 @ 10:10 pm

  1564. “Butt-Hurt Furry NutFags”
    “… and just makes the person using the word look like an a*hole.

    I rest my case.

    That’s what I hear all the kids call the wierd guys that dress up in furry costumes and prance around outside of shopping mall stores.

    I highly doubt you see groups of furries in their suits at malls, let alone hear kids use that term.

    Just another means for them to hurt America, which they hate.

    There might be some, but being a furry doesn’t mean you hate America. There’s absolutely no reason for us to hate America, and absolutely no reason for you to hate us.

    causing our children to cry and vomit and become angry.

    Cry why? Because someone’s walking around in a suit that looks like a cat? Seems kid-friendly, and quite cute, to me. Vomit why? There’s nothing disgusting about someone in a suit, save the sweat of the person inside, but he or she would have the common decency to cool off before they sweat too bad or go to a room before taking it off. Angry why? “That person is in fluffy material! How dare they?!?” Seems pretty silly.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 24, 2010 @ 4:29 pm | Reply

    • I’m actually afraid of mascots, it’s a problem I must face in the community T-T

      Though, I like that one :3 I really like the color and the pattern, the eyes a bit creepy to me, though.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  1565. “Seems kid-friendly, and quite cute, to me. ”

    Right. So you like to molest kids. Typical. You think its cute do you? When they grab innocent Christian Children in their furry arms and squeeze them?

    So now you’ve moved on from Bunny Porn to Kid Porn? you are sick!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 24, 2010 @ 11:01 pm | Reply

    • Wow, I really don’t understand why there are people who back you up. No one in the previous person’s comment does it say anything about KP.

      Really, I think that shows that there is more wrong with your character than any furry on here.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 10:01 pm | Reply

      • Marty McPain has more Godliness in his little finger than you do in your entire fluffy Furry suit. You should apologize for this libel.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 2, 2010 @ 10:14 pm

      • All I got from CSC was DERPDERPDERP.

        Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 3, 2010 @ 12:46 am

      • Needs more desu.

        Comment by Rorroh — March 3, 2010 @ 12:52 am

      • Who gives a F|_|ck about godliness (thanks Akiko for that little way of getting around the F bomb).
        I mean, come on! Godliness? Really? You can walk up to me with all the godliness in the world, and I can still make fun of you with you doing nothing about it. God doesn’t care about little people. Or big people for that matter. Heck, look at the Holocaust. Where was anyone’s god then?

        Comment by Shiro Chan — March 3, 2010 @ 11:29 am

  1566. So you like to molest kids

    Hah. I said nothing about molestation. You did. The chances of finding a furry that does is slim.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 24, 2010 @ 11:32 pm | Reply

  1567. Of COURSE you tried to hide what you are about.. but you got tangled up in your lies and could not keep from revealing that Furries want to be “friends” with kids.

    You are most likely in alliance with the clowns! planning evil attacks on Christian Children….

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 25, 2010 @ 12:34 pm | Reply

    • Why is it that it took this specific post for me to believe Marty is a troll?? xDD

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 10:02 pm | Reply

    • Who’s the troll, freak? This is a Christian website, and you’re a Furry trying to ruin it.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 2, 2010 @ 10:12 pm | Reply

      • A troll is a person on the internet who, with no prior knowlege of the subject, comes in and berates that subject for being that subject.
        Basically annoying the snot out of anybody and everybody. They aren’t nice people. The only reason we are on here is because you guys goaded us on here.

        Comment by ShiroChan — March 2, 2010 @ 11:10 pm

      • Don’t get offended just because I called your boyfriend a troll.

        Oh noes, you called me a freak xD Like I give a flying f|_|ck.

        Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 3, 2010 @ 12:42 am

  1568. O.O
    what are you guys on.
    now clowns are involved?
    you know, they have places for people like you.
    With nice men in white coats, and soft padded rooms.
    You should go visit them.
    Maybe they will listen to you.

    ((Ok, it is official. we are dealing with an insane person.))

    Comment by ShiroChan — February 25, 2010 @ 3:03 pm | Reply

  1569. could not keep from revealing that Furries want to be “friends” with kids.

    I am a kid, smartass. 🙂
    Clowns are creepy though, I give you that.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 25, 2010 @ 3:46 pm | Reply

  1570. Don’t see why you Furryists don’t want to be called “Furryists” or “butthurt furfags” but refuse to tell us what to call you. Not a complicated question. Even small children know what their name is.

    About clowns: they’re creepy alright. So is a Furryist dressed like an animal. Disturbing stuff.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 25, 2010 @ 10:58 pm | Reply

    • Wow, really? I know I’ve told you what to call a FURRY. I’ve said so even before this post and the posts from this day. You probably just don’t know how to read.

      Also, how would little kids know what we’re called?

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 10:03 pm | Reply

    • Small children know their own name, furball. Because they’re brighter than Furries. A notion you’ve just reinforced by this demonstration of your brainlessness.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 2, 2010 @ 10:11 pm | Reply

      • You obviously didn’t realize you typed a sentence with two implied nouns. This is when you use descriptive words.

        Go ahead and think I’m brainless, I’m sure there are far more people who think you are. I haven’t demonstrated anything you’ve stated, you have, simpleton.

        Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 3, 2010 @ 12:40 am

  1571. Yeah… clowns are pretty creepy, and i have to admit that some of the fursuit masks are too…
    but that isn’t the point

    You call us Furries or Anthros, CSC.

    We aren’t Furverts (finally found a name for them), we don’t like Bestiality, we do not want the whole extinction of christian believers (some furries are christian), and we aren’t terrorists.
    Now LAY OFF!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 26, 2010 @ 11:15 am | Reply

  1572. Well here is proof! a whole band of furries off to kill honest Christians!

    and they’re happy about it! Later they returned with their suits stained RED with the BLOOD of good Americans!

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 26, 2010 @ 1:48 pm | Reply

  1573. those are santa outfits.
    they are always red.
    plus, how the hell could they be going to kill christians. Any news on it? Christian Massacre, Furries to blame?
    How is that proof?

    I see no guns, no axews, no torches, no weapons of any kind. No news stories, no blood, no gore.
    Are you like this all the time, or do they allow computers in Sanitariums now?

    Plus… I watched that whole video just to humor you, and guess what. NOTHING!!! Where are you getting these Idea’s from?

    Comment by ShiroChan — February 26, 2010 @ 3:48 pm | Reply

  1574. Took tip from “Shiro Chan” and looked into “Furries.” Specifically, is there a cure for being a Furry? Look at what I found. If that’s not sinister, don’t know what is. Don’t want to hear any more protest from the “Furries” here that “Furryism” is benign. Their plans are the same as the jihadis’. Take over the world. Even worse, though, looks like they want to implant tails in people? Hard to say. If so, this is the human-animal hybrid step we were warned about. They announce it on the Internet, still nobody does anything.

    Also, apparently there’s something called “Furry Tongue,” but I was afraid to click on a link to find out what it was. Can’t be good, though.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 27, 2010 @ 6:43 pm | Reply

  1575. Ok… tell me where we have “Announced” we want to take over the world? Huh?

    Don’t have a site that is given by an actual fur that represent’s us? (Uncle Kage for example)

    That is not enough proof.
    I could do the same thing on that site.
    “Is there no cure for Republicans?”
    “No, because where there are good guys, the bad guys always try and muscle in”
    (for you numb nuts out there, the bad guys in this are the Republicans.)

    NOTE: I do not mean all republicans. I mean the bush toting, gun blazing, assholes who populate the Troll sites on the Internet.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — February 27, 2010 @ 6:50 pm | Reply

  1576. Just looked at Marty McPain’s video. Not sure they did any violence that time. Probably just making a show of force, marching around and showing their vast numbers. Intimidation is as effective as actual violence. Could definitely see that the ordinary citizens who were present were intimidated. That’s how the Nazis operated, too. If regular Americans stand up against them, though, and the “Furries” feel like they’re not getting their way, that’s probably when they’ll turn to violence.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 28, 2010 @ 12:42 pm | Reply


    Coolness! I’m saving up for a fursuit to wear at PPMP 2010! ^-^

    It’s a furry convention, not marching around for intimidation. :p

    Comment by Rorroh — February 28, 2010 @ 7:21 pm | Reply

  1578. aaand my post got deleted…

    Why would the Furries want to take over the world, huh?
    (And don’t say because we are crazy, because you guys are crazier than we could possibly be.)

    Anyway, you have yet to give me proof of you’re accusations. Without it, you’re argument is faulty.
    I am sorry, you cannot win unless you have solid proof from a non-biased source. Find that, and I give up.

    Comment by ShiroChan — February 28, 2010 @ 8:01 pm | Reply

  1579. “Why would the Furries want to take over the world…?… Anyway, you have yet to give me proof of you’re accusations. Without it, you’re argument is faulty.
    I am sorry, you cannot win unless you have solid proof from a non-biased source.”

    At the link provided earlier, a Furry wrote that “The fandom will keep spreading and will take over more and more people and eventually the entire world would turn furry.” I don’t know what more proof you could want. I doubt this source is “biased.” No normal person would refer to Furryism as a “fandom.” Normal people don’t know what a “fandom” is. I don’t know what a “fandom” is. This was written by a Furry. Therefore this is not only a “non-biased source” but a pro-Furryism source that acknowledges the Furryistic plot to convert all humans to Furryism. Therefore, you give up. Goodbye.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — February 28, 2010 @ 11:58 pm | Reply

  1580. Non-baised, meaning not pro- nor anti-furry. If you believe everything you read on Yahoo answers, you’re not going to get very far in life. If Yahoo answers were always right, cat’s mothers would use scissors (link).
    According to your logic:
    > When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new
    > bike. Then I realized that God doesn’t work that way. So
    > I stole a bike and asked Him to forgive me.
    I doubt this source is biased. No normal person would steal after praying. No normal person would even steal. I don’t steal. This was written by a Christian. Therefore this is not only a “non-baised source” but a pro-Christianity source that acknowledges the Christian plot to steal and beg forgiveness. Therefore, you shut up.

    On a side note, you went entirely off subject. What does normality have to do with anything? There is no set standard for normality.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 1, 2010 @ 12:47 am | Reply

  1581. Exactly. Normal is only what you see it is. If everyone was “normal” there would be nothing special ever. People would look the same, act the same, do the same things, talk the same way, have the same hopes, dreams, etc. It would just be plain boring. Expressing our differences is the only way to make us different. To make us human.

    Some people like doing it in Fursuits, with Anthro Art, sexual ways (not 99.99999% of us, but it happens), Anime, Movies, what we believe, etc.

    If you want to find Sexual Deviants, go look up “Savage Love”. He is a guy who writes an artivle in our local newspaper and if that isn’t deviant, then I don’t know what is.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 1, 2010 @ 10:20 am | Reply

  1582. If you want to find Sexual Deviants, go look up “Savage Love”.

    I do not want to find Sexual Deviants. And if I would not click through to find out what a “Furry Tongue” is, I am definitely not going to look up a “Savage Love.”

    It’s a furry convention, not marching around for intimidation.

    Didn’t you see them menacing the cameras and harassing the bystanders? Couldn’t you see how frightened and uncomfortable the ordinary civilians were?

    Some people like doing it in Fursuits, with Anthro Art, sexual ways (not 99.99999% of us, but it happens), Anime, Movies, what we believe, etc.

    And some people like doing it by committing mass murder. Is it OK for Osama bin Laden to murder thousands of Americans just so he can be “different”? Were the Nazis just expressing their individuality?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 1, 2010 @ 5:29 pm | Reply

  1583. “So I stole a bike and asked Him to forgive me.”

    did he return the bike and profess his belief in God and His son Jesus? Did he go to a Baptist Church, and tithe 20% of his material possesions? (after turning them into cash of course, Christ does not want 65 dumb cds or dvds.)Did he accept Jesus into his heart??

    if he did God would have forgiven him. I assume he didn’t and will be going to hell.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 1, 2010 @ 6:23 pm | Reply

  1584. Didn’t you see them menacing the cameras and harassing the bystanders?

    Didn’t you see the crowd smiling? Didn’t you see the hugs? The laughs? The applauds?

    Were the Nazis just expressing their individuality?

    You’re missing the point. Furries are different from others, and so are Christians. And nerds. And farmworkers. And Quakers. And Marines. And mechanics. And gamers. And Amish. And actors. And people in London. And Olympians. And Jehovah’s Witnesses. And carpenters. And programmers. And chinchilla owners. Any of them go on mass murders? Are you saying furries are going to kill just because we’re a group of people? What do Osama bin Laden and Nazis have to do with anything? Hitler was Fuhrer to the Nazis because he wanted a utopia, thinking that Germans were the perfect race and felt many other “races”, including Jews and Gypsies, were contaminating their genes.

    Not sure what went through Osama’s mind, but furries are furries because they like animals. Doesn’t really get any deeper than that.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 1, 2010 @ 7:28 pm | Reply

    • We think this is cool. In our heads, mass murder isn’t. Ever hear of a furry committing mass murder? Not me!

      Anyway, we like doing it, just like you like being christian.

      Lke I said, if doesn’t hurt anyone, it is legal, and everyone involved is okay with it, then it is just fine.
      Note: Bestiality is NOT legal, so that does not follow my statement above.

      So, do what you want to do, say what you want to say, but do it so no one is hurt.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — March 2, 2010 @ 12:03 am | Reply

  1585. I think you are missing the point. I want to help people live better and happier lives after they are dead by harrasing them and making them miserable in this one.

    That’s the way the Bible works. You have to suffer now and spend all your time worshipping God and give all your money to the True Baptist Church so that when you’re DEAD, you will be happier and God will like you.


    Comment by Marty McPain — March 2, 2010 @ 1:52 pm | Reply

  1586. actually, I like my life. I make the most of it. And I will in heaven, hell, or wherever I end up. I will have fun no matter where I am. So, thanks for your “consideration”, but I think the Fandom is fine without you.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 2, 2010 @ 1:58 pm | Reply

  1587. “actually, I like my life.”

    yes well clearly that means you are headed to Hell. and that you need more persecution.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 2, 2010 @ 2:07 pm | Reply

    • nah… that is you’re opinion. You have one life, so you should live it to the fullest.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — March 3, 2010 @ 11:23 am | Reply

  1588. “Didn’t you see the crowd smiling? Didn’t you see the hugs? The laughs? The applauds?”

    When you’re outnumbered by deranged lunatics in animal costumes, it would be insane to provoke them. You just pretend that you enjoy their presence, and pray that they will leave soon.

    You Furries refuse to see clear proof even when it’s right in front of your snouts. We could show you a video of a gang of Furries defecating on the flag and singing songs praising Hitler and Stalin and you’d still make excuses for them: “oh, they’re just expressing themselves,” “oh, Stalin did some good things,” “oh, defecating on things is a sign of respect in the magical kingdom of Furryland.” Everything Furries do receives the highest praise, whereas no matter what a normal Christian American does, if he’s not in a rabbit suit, you people tear him down.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 2, 2010 @ 6:14 pm | Reply

  1589. If you actually had footage of that, I promise not to make excuses to it. In fact, most all of the fandom would be COMPLETELY horrified.
    Now, be sure it is actually that. If it isn’t, then we can make as much fun of you as we can. Oh, and if you guys go out and buy fursuits just to enact this scene, there will be retribution on an internet scale.

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 2, 2010 @ 10:07 pm | Reply

  1590. CONFURVATIVES xDD ‘effing yes.

    Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 2, 2010 @ 10:13 pm | Reply

  1591. Hey, why do you “Furries” all have Chinese names? Are you all Chinese?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 2, 2010 @ 10:23 pm | Reply

    • I don’t see any Chinese names here. I see a lot of Japanese, but no Chinese.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 3, 2010 @ 12:44 am | Reply

  1592. Actually, it is japanese.

    I have been meaning to change that, because I named my character when I was still into Manga tons. I need to change it…

    Hey, how about Shiro Chann?
    (heh, just so used to calling him Shiro Chan… guess it will stick.)

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 2, 2010 @ 11:05 pm | Reply

  1593. Great re-entrance Akiko x3

    “actually, I like my life.”

    yes well clearly that means you are headed to Hell.

    Paradox much? I’d rather live my life to the fullest now. Less of a.. dissapointment.. later.. Hm. But if I’m dead and there isn’t a heaven.. then I’m not going to feel disappointment.. I wouldn’t feel anything.. but.. PARADOX!

    Also, I’m no their friend, I don’t even know them.

    Name’s Rorroh (pronounced like “rawr-oh” but I’ve given up with correcting. e.e). I’s a kitsune. :3

    You should apologize for this libel.

    I’m sorry. I don’t know what libel means. *shot*

    Small children know their own name, furball.

    My belly button is lint-free, thank you very much.

    CONFURVATIVES xDD ‘effing yes.


    Comment by Rorroh — March 2, 2010 @ 11:29 pm | Reply

    • Oh ho, why thank you xD

      I was so pronouncing your name wrong D: Oh, I love kitsunes -w- What do you look like? (I’m a hyrbid cat/bat :d)

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 3, 2010 @ 12:52 am | Reply

      • Cat/bat hybrid? That’s awesome. 😀

        I’ve adopted a second form.. I dub my original my young fursona, and my new one my 19-year-old fursona. :3 Basically, dark orange (not yellow, not like Miles Prower like people seem to think of) two-tailed kitsune. My younger form is quad and quite small, fluffy and um.. hyper? My older form is anthro, very thin, sporting glasses and nearly always in a book. If you can’t tell I have the latter more detailed in my head. :p I still use my younger fursona’s form primarily, for now anyway.

        Comment by Rorroh — March 3, 2010 @ 1:10 am

      • Eh, I’m another Kitusne… yay for lack of imagination.

        (seriously, there are a ton of Kitsune and Wolf fursonas. I guess because Foxes are AWESOME!)

        Comment by Shiro Chan — March 3, 2010 @ 11:15 am

  1594. Hah! Even these trolls have their match in the fandom!
    We should call on them to argue with these guys!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 3, 2010 @ 12:35 am | Reply

  1595. @CSC

    “I understand. So you are a very, very butthurt Furry, but not a butthurt Furryist. Is that correct?”

    Nope. If I was butthurt I would be upset, but I just find your idiocy and stupidity to be funny.

    “I do not feel that I am “butthurt.” I fear for America’s future, but I don’t think that’s the same thing. It sounds more like a word used to describe a whiner: “owww, my butt hurts!!!” That sounds like “Furries” to me. At least the Furries who comment on this site.”

    Yeah, I bet it’s about America, not about your own want and hate. Guess who’s whining about Furries? Oh, it’s Marty McButthurt and his cronies :}

    Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 3, 2010 @ 12:49 am | Reply

  1596. Oh look its another hairy ring-tailed rodent wannabe…

    Child, can’t you find your own insults or can you only project your “butthurt” feelings that we all know you have onto me?

    Sad… oh maybe you should trim your ears like a bat! that wuold be fun.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 3, 2010 @ 12:27 pm | Reply

  1597. Ok… I am going to speak my feelings (in leet to not anger the gods of pulling stuff)

    Y0u PhuK1n6 4$$h013! 60 70 h311 wh3r3 u 8310n6! U M07h3rphuK1n6 $h1tz jU$7 134v3 U$ @10n3! 60 $uK @ c0kK!!!

    (ok, I got that out of my system… now back to the discussion)

    Comment by Shiro CHan — March 3, 2010 @ 2:49 pm | Reply

    • 1337 \/4|2i35 |3u7 I |^3|250|\|411`/ |^|23|=3|2 7|-|i5 |^4|27I(U14|2 537 0|= (|-|4|24(73|25.

      Comment by Rorroh — March 3, 2010 @ 4:14 pm | Reply

  1598. 00|-| 100|< 47 /\/\3 i 4/\/\ \/\/|2i7i|\|9 53(|237 5474|\|i( |=u|2|2j 14|\|9u493

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 3, 2010 @ 7:48 pm | Reply

  1599. 17 12’n7 s474N1C. 17 12 L337. 17 K4M3 0u7 L0N9 83f0r3 furr132.

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 4, 2010 @ 1:44 am | Reply

    • wut?
      ur dialect r teh weirds.

      Comment by Rorroh — March 4, 2010 @ 4:18 pm | Reply

  1600. Maybe it isn’t satanic. Can’t say for sure. Probably not. But still, don’t approve of Furries talking a secret Furry language. Why do that, unless you’re plotting nefarious deeds? Plus, if you want a secret language, you should find one that normal citizens like me can’t easily decipher.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 4, 2010 @ 2:10 pm | Reply

  1601. 00|-| 100|< 47 /\/\3 i 4/\/\ \/\/|2i7i|\|9 53(|237 5474|\|i( |=u|2|2j 14|\|9u493

    7|-|475 |^|2377`/ (001 7|-|47 j00 |<|\|0\/\/ 1337. \/\/|-|3|23 i|\| 73|-| \/\/0|21|) |)i|) j00 134|2|\| i7 7|-|0? i75 |\|07 3*4(71`/ 346`/ 70 |23(09|\|i23 4|\||) u|\||)3|2574|\||) u|\|1355 j00 |-|4|) 3*|^3|2i3|\|(3 \/\/i7|-| i7 |34. 0|2 j00 u53|) 4 7|24|\|51470|2 |3u7 7|-|053 |2 u5u411`/ i|\|4((u|2473 |\| |-|4\/ 7|-|i|\|95 4 1i7713 2 \/\/3i|2|)1`/ |=0|2/\/\|). u|25 533/\/\5 \/3|2`/ \/\/311 |^|24(7i(|) 7|-|0 50 45 i 54i|) |^|2377`/ (001 7|-|47 j00 |<|\|0\/\/ i7. 😀

    Comment by Rorroh — March 4, 2010 @ 4:15 pm | Reply

  1602. Never heard of “leet.” Deciphered it from the messages above. Conservatives are highly intelligent by nature. It’s why we hold conservative opinions.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 4, 2010 @ 6:53 pm | Reply

  1603. OH NOES!!! the demons that posses these ignorant children have taken control of their fingers!!!!

    They are plotting evil and sordid deeds involving hamsters and blenders! STOP THEM!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 4, 2010 @ 7:02 pm | Reply

  1604. They are plotting evil and sordid deeds involving hamsters and blenders!

    Poor hamsters! D:

    Comment by Rorroh — March 4, 2010 @ 8:28 pm | Reply

  1605. hey, CSC.
    you are using L33t too.
    does that mean you are a confurvative?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 4, 2010 @ 11:14 pm | Reply

  1606. “you are using L33t too.
    does that mean you are a confurvative?”

    Just showing that you Furries can’t get up to any of your Furry tricks and plots without honest Americans knowing about it, because we can easily crack your secret Furry code. Somebody should post this code on an Internet Web Page so that everyone everywhere will be able to read it, and the Furries won’t have any way to plot their sedition and treason. How would you like that, Furries? If we told everybody about your secret code?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 5, 2010 @ 8:54 pm | Reply


    hehe… the originators beat you to it. It is not just furry. All sorts use L33t.. (mostly gamers)

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 5, 2010 @ 11:02 pm | Reply

  1608. Somebody should post this code on an Internet Web Page so that everyone everywhere will be able to read it

    Splendid idea!

    Comment by Rorroh — March 6, 2010 @ 12:26 am | Reply

  1609. Good. Glad someone had the foresight to do that already. Heartening to know that there are others out there battling against Furryism. Whoever posted that code, I salute you.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 6, 2010 @ 10:54 am | Reply

  1610. … unless it was a furry using it to tell other furries the code.
    anyway, it is another DIalect of L33t.

    it would be fun to have our own dialect… its kinda easy to crack, but it would be fun. We aren’t that secretive.

    so you are saluting a furry. AWESOME!

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 6, 2010 @ 11:43 am | Reply

  1611. Whoever posted that code, I salute you.

    Thanks! 😀

    Comment by Rorroh — March 6, 2010 @ 12:07 pm | Reply

  1612. Lord please see fit to purge this blessed posting place of furries and their sexual deviant followers and return us to a state of grace.

    For this I pray in your name Jesus Christ.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 6, 2010 @ 8:46 pm | Reply

  1613. It’s called the “Delete blog post” button, Marty. :p

    Comment by Rorroh — March 6, 2010 @ 10:57 pm | Reply

  1614. oh, not an Admin, Marty?
    Guess you can’t get rid of us. Anyway, we aren’t doing anything R rated, so no kicking for us!
    *sits back on couch, content*

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 6, 2010 @ 11:43 pm | Reply

  1615. Doesn’t matter. If you Furries want to post your code, that’s fine. If not, that’s fine, too. Intelligent American Conservative Patriots will be able to decipher your code no matter what. 4|=73|2 411, i |)i|).

    We’ll be vigilant against your Furry crimes. Remember, Furries: WE ARE WATCHING.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 6, 2010 @ 11:55 pm | Reply

  1616. j00 |)0 |2341!23 7|-|47 |\/|057 |^30|^13, u|^0|\| 533!|\|9 7|-|353 533|\/|!|\|91`/ |24|\||)0|\/| (|-|4|24(73|25, \/\/0u1|) ju57 |^455 !7 0|=|= 45 |24|\||)0|\/| 94|2|3493, |2!9|-|7? j00 |33!|\|9 4|313 70 |233|) 4|\||) |2!73 !7 5!|\/||^1`/ |\/|34|\|5 j00 |-|4\/3 |-|4|) 3*|^3|2!3|\|(3 \/\/!7|-| !7 |3|=0|23. !7’5 (134|21`/ 4|^|^4|23|\|7 !|\| u|2 57|2u(7u|23. |\|07 4 107 0|= |^30|^13, 3\/3|\| 4|=73|2 |33!|\|9 4\/\/4|23 0|= !7, (4|\| |234|) 4|\||) \/\/|2!73 !7. |\/|4|\|`/ (4|\||\|07 3\/3|\| |23(09|\|!23 !7 4|=73|2 |33(0|\/|!|\|9 4\/\/4|23 0|= !75 3*!574|\|(3.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 7, 2010 @ 2:08 am | Reply

  1617. Look, Furries, if you want to think that years of practice are required to figure out your secret Furry alphabet, that’s fine. The truth is that even an average conservative can look at your code for a minute and then be able to read and write it like it was the ordinary alphabet. Think that says something about the relative intelligence of conservatives and of Furries, don’t you? It is a scientifically proven fact that conservatives are far more intelligent than liberal socialists and others of that type.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 7, 2010 @ 8:46 am | Reply

  1618. Oh, just so all of your non-furries know, L33t is not a furry code. L33t is actually a gamer type code. Really, the first time I came across it was in Megatokyo.

    Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 7, 2010 @ 11:01 am | Reply

  1619. L33t is not a furry code.

    Not surprised. Typical Furry behavior, in fact. Let somebody else do all the work, then try to steal the credit. Wouldn’t be surprised if most Socialists were Furries, frankly. One of the commenters above said Stalin was a Furry, so that makes sense.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 7, 2010 @ 10:35 pm | Reply

    • Let somebody else do all the work, then try to steal the credit.

      89 101 97 104 63 32 32 87 101 108 108 32 116 104 105 115 32 100 111 101 115 110 39 116 32 115 101 101 109 32 116 111 32 104 97 118 101 32 98 101 101 110 32 116 97 107 101 110 32 102 114 111 109 32 97 110 121 111 110 101 46 32 32 73 116 39 115 32 98 97 115 101 100 32 111 110 32 97 32 102 111 114 109 117 108 97 32 73 32 99 114 101 97 116 101 100 32 109 121 115 101 108 102 46 32 32 73 116 39 115 32 117 115 101 100 32 102 111 114 32 109 121 32 111 119 110 32 112 101 114 115 111 110 97 108 32 115 111 102 116 119 97 114 101 32 101 110 99 114 121 112 116 105 111 110 115 32 116 104 97 116 44 32 97 103 97 105 110 44 32 73 32 99 114 101 97 116 101 32 116 104 101 32 112 114 111 103 114 97 109 115 32 109 121 115 101 108 102 46 32 32 83 111 32 110 121 101 104 46 32 32 70 117 99 107 32 121 111 117 32 116 111 111 46

      Comment by Rorroh — March 8, 2010 @ 12:49 am | Reply

    • Not surprised. Typical American behavior, in fact. Let somebody else do all the work, then try to steal the credit. Wouldn’t be surprised if most Socialists were Americans, frankly. One of the commenters above said Stalin was an American, so that makes sense.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 8, 2010 @ 1:13 pm | Reply

      • Way to prove you don’t steal people’s ideas, by stealing my comment. See what I meant, about Furry thievery?

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 21, 2010 @ 11:26 am

  1620. -.-
    (hey Akko, same… first time i found l33t was megatokyo)

    Ok, CSC. What crimes have we done RECENTLY. All of us, not just some nut. We aren’t all nuts, just a Minority are.
    Anyway, we didn’t “Steal” it. It is impossible to “Steal” a language. It is like saying that any furry who uses textspeak instantly is stealing it. It is just stupid.
    And stalin wasn’t a furry. We only came around in the 80’s. Both were dead by then. (give or take, Hitler committed suicide.)
    So, you can do whatever floats your boat, CSC, but it won’t change our minds. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
    Or in our case, you can yell at an anthropomorphic horse, but you can’t make him listen.

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 7, 2010 @ 11:51 pm | Reply

  1621. You digusting pervert Shaka-Zulu… now you’re talking about horses and what you like to do with them?

    what do you yell at your horse? OH BABY OH BABY?? is that it?

    you are so far over the line buster,.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 8, 2010 @ 1:08 pm | Reply

    • xDD

      By George, you’re a complete moron. There is seriously something wrong with your head. You say we’re the depraved ones, yet you’re the one talking about these sexual acts and these horrifying fantasies.

      Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 8, 2010 @ 1:15 pm | Reply


        He went on and on about taking a bath and whispering to his friend. I could not stand it.

        Comment by Marty McPain — March 8, 2010 @ 7:59 pm

      • and, where did I say that? Tell me?

        Comment by Shiro Chan — March 11, 2010 @ 10:13 am

  1622. Yeah…. I don’t have a horse (would want one anyway, they take too much time to care for). I don’t even have a dog! Sheesh!
    You have a sick mind. Really.

    You know, come to think of it… you can make anything sexual. It just seems like you are the only one doing so. much to the disgust of everyone. Your church must be pretty depraved itself for you to know all of these “sinful” terms.

    We are happy, you are happy yelling at us, we are happy to ignore you.
    Everyone is happy as long as you just yell at us.
    And Shaka-Zulu is still a cool name.

    Comment by Shiro CHan — March 8, 2010 @ 2:08 pm | Reply

  1623. I love that DCS is gone. The world is a better place now.

    Comment by Hannah — March 8, 2010 @ 7:20 pm | Reply

  1624. “we are happy to ignore you” – you know that’s not true.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 8, 2010 @ 7:59 pm | Reply

  1625. “I love that DCS is gone. The world is a better place now.”

    Found this page after DCS was gone, but have to disagree. DCS was a great patriot. Showed the Furries who’s boss. Every day I read his old comments for inspiration. You made this one fool comment, and nobody will remember you or care what you said. But DCS made hundreds, and no one will forget his name.

    “Shaka-Zulu is still a cool name.”

    Shaka Zulu was a great Warrior. Doesn’t deserve the indignity of having his name stolen by a homosexual in a panda bear suit.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 8, 2010 @ 11:48 pm | Reply

  1626. Not homosexual and I am a fox. Didn’t I mention that earlier? Plus I don’t have a suit.

    Wow, a great Warrior? Thanks for the compliment CSC and Marty! After all this time I thought you were just AI, but I guess you guys do have souls. Hmm….
    not much left though, I’m afraid. Corrupted by trollng.

    I should like to mention that when you go to heaven, CSC and Marty, you are gonna be surrounded by furries. AKA Angels. (notice the BIRD wings?)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 9, 2010 @ 12:02 am | Reply

  1627. “I am a fox”

    You are not a fox. You are a human being. If you were a fox, you would not be able to troll this site, because you would not have fingers to type with. Thus the fact that you are annoying and harassing me right now demonstrates conclusively that you are not a fox.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 9, 2010 @ 1:17 am | Reply

  1628. Psycheout is misguided. As the internet, I know everything about everyone. While a minority of furries actively participate in acts of, shall we say, unusual sexual alignment, the majority, plain and simply, do not.
    that being said –
    *George Bush did not have an opinion on furries.
    *furries are harmless. They do not harm themselves or those around them in either their existence or their actions any more than members of any other similar organization, such as the followers of Star Trek, Volleyball, the Legend of Zelda, or Christianity.
    *any ‘camp’ or ‘restoration program’ designed to ‘cure’ furriness is a scam aimed at your wallet.
    *angels count as furries. They are non-human creatures that have been humanized (or anthropomorphized) to better suit the comforts of humanity. They are explicitly recognized in holy documents as having both human and inhuman features.
    *in holy documents, God (exclusively) reserves the right to pass judgement. Sometimes you must live with things you don’t agree with, such as furries.
    *you do not know what God does or does not hate. Furthermore, you do not have the right nor the insight to attempt to discern this.
    *The media’s representation of furries (or anything for that matter) is not always truthful. Remember – media is controlled by corperations whose primary intent is to make money, and if the truth is boring it will be modified.

    Please read this carefully, as well as doing some research in some of my better resources, such as Wikipedia.
    Another good resource to consult is perhaps a real furry. Look carefully and keep an open mind, you may already know several.
    Keep in mind that due to my anonymity, up-to-date statistics are hard to maintain. Work is being done to update older figures.

    If you have any questions, please ask them on the discussion page for the Wikipedia article for ‘Furry Fandom’.
    Sincerely, The Internet

    Comment by The Internet — March 9, 2010 @ 6:30 am | Reply

  1629. Psycheout is misguided. As the internet, I know everything about everyone. While a minority of furries actively participate in acts of, shall we say, unusual sexual alignment, the majority, plain and simply, do not.
    that being said –
    *George Bush did not have an opinion on furries.
    *furries are harmless. They do not harm themselves or those around them in either their existence or their actions any more than members of any other similar organization, such as the followers of Star Trek, Volleyball, the Legend of Zelda, or Christianity.
    *any ‘camp’ or ‘restoration program’ designed to ‘cure’ furriness is a scam aimed at your wallet.
    *angels count as furries. They are non-human creatures that have been humanized (or anthropomorphized) to better suit the comforts of humanity. They are explicitly recognized in holy documents as having both human and inhuman features.
    *in holy documents, God (exclusively) reserves the right to pass judgement. Sometimes you must live with things you don’t agree with, such as furries.
    *you do not know what God does or does not hate. Furthermore, you do not have the right nor the insight to attempt to discern this.
    *The media’s representation of furries (or anything for that matter) is not always truthful. Remember – media is controlled by corporations whose primary intent is to make money, and if the truth is boring it will be modified.

    Please read this carefully, as well as doing some research in some of my better resources, such as Wikipedia.
    Another good resource to consult is perhaps a real furry. Look carefully and keep an open mind, you may already know several.
    Keep in mind that due to my anonymity, up-to-date statistics are hard to maintain. Work is being done to update older figures.

    If you have any questions, please ask them on the discussion page for the Wikipedia article for ‘Furry Fandom’.
    Sincerely, The Internet

    Comment by The Internet — March 9, 2010 @ 6:31 am | Reply

  1630. But my character is. I am VERY much human, but when I am online, the character I use is a fox. On line, I can be anyone I want to be. There is nothing you can change about that.
    That is what people don’t get. Furries (except that weirdo group that always seems to pop up) do not believe they are animals. They just like Anthropomorphized characters. There is nothing wrong with that.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 9, 2010 @ 10:17 am | Reply

  1631. On line, I can be anyone I want to be.

    No, you can’t. You can’t be a fox, or Charles Lindbergh, or a heterosexual, or Shaka Zulu, or a good American. You can lie and pretend to others that you are those things, but you aren’t. You are a deranged Chinese person who tells people he’s an animal for reasons that don’t make any sense, and clutters up comments on conservative blogs complaining about people who point out that he isn’t an animal. So instead of saying you’re a fox you should say that you’re a Chinese person who is constantly complaining, which would be completely true, not to mention more dignified than telling people you’re an animal.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 9, 2010 @ 10:59 pm | Reply

  1632. You can’t be a fox, or Charles Lindbergh, or a heterosexual, or Shaka Zulu, or a good American.

    So everyone on the internet is a gay, bad American?

    Comment by Rorroh — March 10, 2010 @ 10:11 am | Reply

  1633. Because only Chinese people complain apparently?

    “DCS was a great patriot. Showed the Furries who’s boss. Every day I read his old comments for inspiration. You made this one fool comment, and nobody will remember you or care what you said. But DCS made hundreds, and no one will forget his name.”

    DCS was a whiny loser who left because he couldn’t answer any questions. And definetely did not change the furry community one bit. Quantity does not make quality, a thousand shits still makes a pile of dung.

    Comment by Hannah — March 10, 2010 @ 6:11 pm | Reply

  1634. CSC, you are right. what was I thinking? all these furries are evil lice ridden vermin and this is why we can’t have nice things.

    His new name is “Stupid Chair” as he is not as smart as a normal chair but barely matches a sub-par one.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 10, 2010 @ 8:40 pm | Reply

  1635. “So everyone on the internet is a gay, bad American?”

    Some days it almost seems like that, doesn’t it? Apart from the folks here at Blogs4Brownback, there is Conservapedia, and Fox News, and Free Republic, and that’s about it for heterosexual patriots. The rest of it is a swamp of treasonous homosexuals.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 10, 2010 @ 10:07 pm | Reply

  1636. I am an American.
    Geez, do you guys need a flipping birth certificate?

    Anyway, how could homosexuals be evil? How? I am not one, but I have friends who are. How is my friend evil? Without even meeting him, how is he treasonous?
    There are Homosexuals in the Marine force, and they are doing a dandy job fighting. They are still human.

    You two, Marty and CSC, are not above humans. You are one. You cannot change that. Neither do we. We are EQUAL! No matter what we believe. If there is really a god that will smite down anyone who doesn’t believe in them, then I will die knowing I died on my feet instead of living on my knees.
    I enjoy my freedoms. The Fandom is one. Free speech, free expression. Isn’t that what America is about? Freedom? Or is it just a bunch of ranting idiots determined to make themselves the but of the world’s jokes.
    Sadly, its people like you guys who make that answer be the latter.

    Comment by Shiro Chann — March 10, 2010 @ 11:16 pm | Reply

  1637. Ahh yes, cos lets remember, all good christians are heterosexual and none of them have ever raped small boys 😛

    Comment by Hannah — March 11, 2010 @ 12:47 am | Reply

  1638. ROFL
    Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that.
    So I guess christians are “Evil” homosexuals too!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 11, 2010 @ 10:11 am | Reply

  1639. “and they are doing a dandy job fighting. ”

    Oh great just what we need! – a bunch of prissy dandies prancing around the battlefield!!

    Def Dandy: “A man who affects extreme elegance in clothes and manners; a fop.”

    Fop: “A man who is preoccupied with and often vain about his clothes and manners”

    right. there you go. more worried about his fancy clothes than fighting. you said it. I agree to it.

    This is not what we need! We need to fight for free Americans’ rights to discrimnate and exclude all homosexuals, minorities, non-Baptists and other rejects from living in our country!

    “I will die knowing I died on my feet instead of living on my knees.

    So you spend a lot of time on your knees? I guess we knew that….

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 11, 2010 @ 12:56 pm | Reply

  1640. “a bunch of ranting idiots determined to make themselves the butt of the world’s jokes.”

    Don’t know about you folks, but when I read those words I don’t think “Americans.”

    The word that leaps to mind is “Furries.”

    “all good christians are heterosexual and none of them have ever raped small boys”

    Right. By definition, somebody who does these things is not a good Christian. You Furries aren’t getting any smarter, are you? Can’t believe you manage to dress and feed yourselves.

    “DCS was a whiny loser who left because he couldn’t answer any questions.”

    Does your husband know you’re neglecting your housekeeping duties so that you can waste time embarrassing yourself on the Internet? That’s not the kind of discipline we have in my household. I hope he punishes you appropriately when he finds out.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 11, 2010 @ 11:20 pm | Reply

  1641. Heck, I think he is egging her on! It doesn’t matter anymore! You go live your sheltered lives away from the world and don’t point fingers at us (although, i do not recommend Texas, cause it seems to be high on the Furry vacationing places)

    “That’s not the kind of discipline we have in my household. I hope he punishes you appropriately when he finds out.”

    Yeah, but nowadays, the wife can sue. They couldn’t do that before. Of course it also works vice versa.

    “This is not what we need! We need to fight for free Americans’ rights to discrimnate and exclude all homosexuals, minorities, non-Baptists and other rejects from living in our country!” (Note: You spelled discriminate wrong)

    Hey! So everyone except you! Wow. like that is ever going to happen.
    Just because you follow some dude who did something 2000 odd years ago, and died for no apparent reason other than because he yelled alot (like you guys are doing) doesn’t make you guys “superior”. It makes you guys seem like idiots. I am sure if Jesus was here right now, he would be agreeing with me. Not about the furry thing, but about you guys being idiots.

    Oh hey, thats right. You guys stemmed off of the Jewish, and THEY are not baptist. You guys were prosecuted for your beliefs, and then it turned out you started doing it to others. I am kinda rooting for the Protestants here, cause it seems like you are pulling the “You don’t believe, you die” thing.
    Well, little old Agnostic #lost count says that I think you guys are corrupt lunatics who’s hypocrisy is so great that you will yell at anything.
    If I gave you a rock and god told you it didn’t believe in god, then you would shout at it.
    Go back to the primordial ooze you crawled out of. And don’t step on the carpet, you will ruin it.

    Comment by Shiro Chann — March 11, 2010 @ 11:50 pm | Reply

  1642. see the mean rude tactics of the Furry Nazis…. Why are you so nasty and angry?

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 12, 2010 @ 10:26 am | Reply

  1643. They’re angry, alright. Why are Furries angry all the time? Don’t see the normal commenters getting all riled up and emotional. I’d say it’s that time of the month, but they’re always like this, and most of them are males (or at least as male as a Furry can be). So who knows. You Furries got a theory about why you’re constantly enraged and completely flip your lids over the smallest things? Doesn’t make sense to me. But then nothing you people do makes sense to me.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 12, 2010 @ 8:48 pm | Reply

  1644. OOOOOH! I have been waiting for you to say that. Now for the whole reason we are angry. Here are some examples:

    “Typically they dress up in fursuits (with or without diapers), pleasure themselves (or yiff) with specially modified stuffed animals (plushies), enjoy graphic artwork of anthropomorphic animals with oversized sexual organs and desire to somehow transform to their fantasy fursona (don’t ask).”
    ~The freaking Blog Post.

    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”
    ~The Blog Post

    “A teddy bear in the crib is a greater danger to a child than lead paint on a toy train.”
    Post #5

    “It also shows you what a threat the furry religion is. They are fanatical and tireless. They will troll Christian blogs every day, all day, without taking a holiday, until they have taken everything over. This is why they must be stopped. Think of what would happen if we had a furry president! It’s bad enough that the current first lady is dabbling in furryism.”
    By Marty, some odd number of posts back.

    Just look at this blog post. It has been nothing but DPS, Marty, Psychout, and CSC Saying how “Evil and horrible” furries are. Don’t you think that that is ample reason to take on the post? THAT is why we are angry. Because you guys make us angry. The reason we are still here is because the name offends us:
    “Furries: A Twisted Freakshow of Utter Depravity”
    How do you think that makes us feel?
    Don’t you think that we have the right to protest? You shouldn’t post a blog giving a bad label to a group without expecting a retort of some kind.

    If you read the posts some people make, we have PLENTY of reason to retort. When I have more time, I will read through EVERY SINGLE COMMENT and note down every degrading comment towards furries.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 12, 2010 @ 11:24 pm | Reply

  1645. Americans are a large group of people, and they’re are stupid and intelligent ones. Like conservatives, democrats etc etc there are smart ones and stupid ones. God do you over generalize.

    By the way Conservative, this was sarcasm- I know you’re a little too old to grasp such simple concepts, but believe me; it was sarcasm.
    Or do you believe the priests convicted of child molestation were framed, hmmm?

    “Does your husband know you’re neglecting your housekeeping duties so that you can waste time embarrassing yourself on the Internet? That’s not the kind of discipline we have in my household. I hope he punishes you appropriately when he finds out.”

    Wow, you’re a riot. My husband supports everything I do, and he is Christian, (I am not) because he’s not an archaic husband; he does equal house duties, you chauventistic old bat 😛 Heheh, punish me, what are we, in medieval times?

    Comment by Hannah — March 13, 2010 @ 2:03 am | Reply

  1646. Okay…. this dude is a total idiot…. I’m a border collie and none of the shit he said is true. I am a christian and my whole church knows what i am. No one gives a rat’s ass, It’s who i am. Some people may not agree with what i am but just like transgendered people they tollerate me and respect me for who i am still. God does not hate furries……………This dudes site needs to be taken down!

    Comment by Heru — March 13, 2010 @ 10:07 am | Reply

    • No, you’re not a border collie, you poor nitwit. You’re a human being, created in God’s image.

      You know who is a border collie, though?

      A border collie is a border collie.

      If you get confused about this again and can’t remember whether a human being is a human being or a border collie, please consult this comment.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 21, 2010 @ 11:23 am | Reply

  1647. “Don’t you think that we have the right to protest?”

    Oh I see.. you are complaining that your perverions have been revealed for all to see…

    You are protesting the truth, because, like all dark creatures, you fear the light.

    Well Christ is the Light of the World and will uncover your secret hatefull desires..

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 13, 2010 @ 10:19 am | Reply

    • If they were secret, don’t you think that everyone would be set on the idea? And you sound like a broken record.
      “Crist” this, “Jesus” that. What is he, your lover? Jesus is dead. LOOOOOONG dead. 2000 odd years ago dead. If Jesus came up to me and said “You are evil being furry”, I would tell him to go take a long walk off a short pier. It is one guy.
      As a friend of mine once said about Jesus in history class, “Some guy did something 2000 years ago. Why the heck should I care?”
      Some people don’t need a spiritual crutch like you do. We are perfectly fine by ourselves.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — March 13, 2010 @ 6:26 pm | Reply

  1648. O_O boy are you fucking stupid Marty…… Furrys are here to stay. No matter what you keep saying we are never going away. WE don’t hide in the dark or fear the light It’s a lifestyle that we all choose so DEAL WITH IT.

    Comment by Heru — March 13, 2010 @ 10:57 am | Reply

  1649. dude, you seriously need to find a better hobby. i mean most of your haters claim your religious, but seriously, where the fuck do you get the right to hate someone so much you spend most of your life hating when god has never once talked about hating. seriously, get a better life, im happy being a furry and nothing you say or do is going to change me. so get the fuck over it, your opinion doesn’t matter.

    Comment by cheeta — March 13, 2010 @ 12:27 pm | Reply

  1650. I LOL’D at this.
    Obviously every furry hater doesn’t see the brighter side of the furries.

    Sure, some are very sexual, but most aren’t at all!
    Actually, more people that are furries come to identity with themselves, having more self confidence with things they do at home, at work, and around the world.

    In fact, 70% of furries are the smartest people you will ever know.
    Most have a degree in a field of science, and get better grades knowing they can show off a side to most people without having someone to reject them.

    Comment by Living True — March 13, 2010 @ 1:23 pm | Reply

  1651. Was having a look at the old comments of Marty McPain and DPS. DPS had a good point about why Furries are angry all the time. All goes back to them hating human beings. They yell at human beings because they hate them. They yell at normal people because we refuse to indulge their deluded fantasy they they’re animals, not human beings. They yell at God because they’re angry that instead of being born animals they were born human beings, which they hate. Also explains why Hitler was the way he was. Tried to destroy humanity becausehe was an angry furry.

    Guess if I hated humanity and God and wished I was a pony or a lizard, I’d be pretty angry too. Still, no reason to take it out on nice, normal, civil people like the folks at Blogs for Browning. Why don’t you just stay away from us and pretend that we don’t exist? Go live in the woods like elk or something, where you won’t have to look at us and become enraged.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 13, 2010 @ 1:37 pm | Reply

  1652. My husband supports everything I do, and he is Christian, (I am not) because he’s not an archaic husband; he does equal house duties, you chauventistic old bat

    Never mind. Don’t know what I was thinking. No way you’ve got a husband. Not unless you married some confused foreigner looking for a Green Card. Probably not even a woman, anyway. Read an info page that said Furry “women” are just homosexual men pretending to be women. So, you’re a single homosexual human male pretending to be a married woman pretending to be a turkey or a bear or whatever your animal fetish is.

    You’re mighty strange people, Furries. Can’t even begin to imagine wanting to wander around in a turkey costume.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 13, 2010 @ 1:45 pm | Reply

  1653. You may find furries repulsive, but we LOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!
    And yes, one can be a good, upstanding, moral, religious, and faithfull person and still be a furry. I am.

    Comment by Twiz Raymaker — March 13, 2010 @ 5:15 pm | Reply

  1654. Is it just me, or are these the worst trolls ever?
    I mean, I have been trolled by people who actually got me angry, but you guys are just like broken records.

    Oh, yeah, by the way, thank you CSC. Those last two posts of yours are PERFECT reasons why we get angry at you guys.
    Now, I vote that you guys shut up or remove this blog post. In fact, make it both. Delete this Blog entry, and I am quite certain that we will shut up about it.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 13, 2010 @ 6:33 pm | Reply

  1655. Haha Just because you’re a lonely old man doesn’t mean everyone else is. I am definitely female, and love drawing tigers. Doesn’t mean I believe I am one, I just like them a lot. I like people too, but some of them (like you) drive me to write less than amiably.

    And people like you -extreme conservative types- are so blinkered you see nothing but your own narrow perspective.
    If we left you on a continent alone, a hundred years from now you’d be burning witches at the cross and killing anyone who didn’t believe in Jesus. Pathetic.

    Comment by Hannah — March 13, 2010 @ 6:58 pm | Reply

  1656. CSC, you seem to idolize DPS a lot. Too much for you to not be DPS, I’m starting to think.

    no reason to take it out on nice, normal, civil people like the folks at Blogs for Browning


    > Furries are nothing but dominating $%^&*()s who want to have !@#$ with $%^& and they eat $%^&!
    – Ronnie Alvarez

    One of the many “civil” B4Bers. I would’ve searched for more throughout B4B but I got distracted with something more worthwhile. ;p

    Comment by Rorroh — March 13, 2010 @ 7:01 pm | Reply

  1657. “CSC, you seem to idolize DPS a lot. Too much for you to not be DPS, I’m starting to think.”

    Sounds like a compliment. I’ll take it.

    ” Furries are nothing but dominating $%^&*()s who want to have !@#$ with $%^& and they eat $%^&!”

    Not sure that was rude. Can’t even tell what he was saying. Could have been “Furries are nothing but dominating heroes who want to have parades with floats and they eat cake!” Wouldn’t agree with that opinion, but it wouldn’t be a rude one. Maybe you’re just oversensitive, Furries.

    “If we left you on a continent alone, a hundred years from now you’d be burning witches at the cross and killing anyone who didn’t believe in Jesus.”

    Good idea. Why don’t you Furries just leave us here in North America and check on us a hundred years from now?

    Don’t think I didn’t notice that all you Furries ignored the video of the historical reenactment of Hitler angry about his Furry costume. So much for your “Hitler wasn’t a Furry” line of bull pucky.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 13, 2010 @ 9:22 pm | Reply

  1658. would you like to ask him? Is it in Mein Kamph? Is it in any of his diaries? WAS FURRY EVEN AROUND BACK THEN?!?!?
    Then HOW could he POSSIBLY know what furry was, especially since it wasn’t around until 1980’s?!?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 13, 2010 @ 11:19 pm | Reply

  1659. “Then HOW could he POSSIBLY know what furry was, especially since it wasn’t around until 1980’s?!?”

    Then explain the video.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 14, 2010 @ 10:59 am | Reply

  1660. Um. What video?

    Comment by Rorroh — March 14, 2010 @ 11:01 am | Reply

  1661. “What video?”

    When the letters are a different color, it means you can click on them and they will take you to a different page. Even an old geezer like me knows that. Here, maybe this will be less difficult for you to figure out:

    Let’s see you Furries explain that away.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 14, 2010 @ 1:38 pm | Reply

  1662. When the letters are a different color, it means you can click on them and they will take you to a different page.

    No dip Sherlock. That link was several posts back and I read it through my mobile email. It doesn’t show links. And obviously simple things aren’t too easy, for DPS at least. Considering he tried using my email address with a phone and somehow managed to get some random guy who didn’t speak English.

    Let’s see you Furries explain that away.

    roflmfao? xD That’s an awesome video! xD

    Comment by Rorroh — March 14, 2010 @ 1:48 pm | Reply

  1663. “he tried using my email address with a phone and somehow managed to get some random guy who didn’t speak English.”

    Sounds like more Furry lies to me. Got any proof?

    “That’s an awesome video!”

    So you admit Hitler was a Furry? Making some progress here, looks like.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 14, 2010 @ 2:54 pm | Reply

  1664. um… you know how many times that video clip has been used? It has been used for everything. And, since it was WW2, this is not accurate. They didn’t have color or subtitles back then. And if you try to give them color now it doen’t look right.

    Here is the SAME clip used over and over again with different subtitles.

    there, proof you fail as a troll

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 14, 2010 @ 3:11 pm | Reply

  1665. Sounds like more Furry lies to me. Got any proof?

    Replies to post 1199:
    > If you would like, I would be pleasured to chat with you on slow days. gamecrazed331[at]yahoo[dot]com is my Yahoo screen name, or would you prefer another service?>

    > Intending to “chat” with you I tried to dial the telephone number you gave me on my telephone and the call was answered by someone who did not speak English. Please do not play pranks here. Rest assured I will not be calling you to “chat” again.

    So you admit Hitler was a Furry? Making some progress here, looks like.

    I don’t admit to that. Cameras back then weren’t that crystal clear, and digital remastery isn’t that good. That video is just new subtitles for a meme. If you translate it from German you’d get something entirely different. :p

    Comment by Rorroh — March 14, 2010 @ 6:40 pm | Reply

  1666. for some reason my post was deleted, however, Rorroh has nailed it.
    Also, that clip has been used too much, so, boom. Other examples of the same clip with different subtitles.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 14, 2010 @ 7:20 pm | Reply

  1667. ‘Intending to “chat” with you I tried to dial the telephone number you gave me on my telephone and the call was answered by someone who did not speak English. Please do not play pranks here. Rest assured I will not be calling you to “chat” again.’

    OK, fair enough. Didn’t believe you, but there it is in black and white. The fact of the matter is, though, that not everybody is as up to speed on the ins and outs of the Internet as Furries and other layabouts who have nothing to do with their days but practice the Internet. You probably owe him for a long distance telephone call, as well, for tricking him into trying to call you.

    “That video is just new subtitles for a meme. If you translate it from German you’d get something entirely different.”

    The subtitles aren’t in German, they’re in English. Looks like you’re pretty confused. And the subtitles aren’t just for you. They’re for everybody.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 14, 2010 @ 7:35 pm | Reply

  1668. The subtitles aren’t in German, they’re in English. Looks like you’re pretty confused. And the subtitles aren’t just for you.

    The subtitles are in English, but I meant if you translated what they were saying, not what the subtitles said. I didn’t mean the subtitles were for me, a “meme” is “a cultural unit (an idea or value or pattern of behavior) that is passed from one person to another” ( In other words, something that a lot of people repeat, such as the cinnamon challenge, or lolcats.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 14, 2010 @ 7:47 pm | Reply

  1669. ‘a “meme” is “a cultural unit (an idea or value or pattern of behavior) that is passed from one person to another” (’

    Not interested in any fancy new elitist Ivy League names for things. Who told those smug Socialist professors at Princeton they could just impose on us their new words. Like “gay,” which didn’t use to mean “sodomite,” and “liberal,” which didn’t use to mean “sodomite,” either. I’ll stick with the old ones, even if you Furries and your pals in the ivory tower don’t want them any more.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 14, 2010 @ 8:29 pm | Reply

  1670. Not interested in any fancy new elitist Ivy League names for things.

    The word “meme” has been around since 1976.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 14, 2010 @ 8:43 pm | Reply

  1671. Another example of Furry obfuscation. Anything to get away from the subject of Hitler’s Furryism, eh, Furries? The evidence is mounting. You can’t just shut your eyes and pretend it’s not there.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 14, 2010 @ 9:21 pm | Reply

  1672. it is kinda hard to shut our eyes to something that wasn’t there to begin with.
    would you like to go talk to hitler and bring back proof?
    ACTUAL proof? Or are you just too stupid to actually run a background check.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 14, 2010 @ 10:55 pm | Reply

  1673. CSC = DPS= dipshit.

    This is getting ridiculous.

    Comment by Hannah — March 15, 2010 @ 12:55 am | Reply

  1674. “would you like to go talk to hitler and bring back proof?”

    I found a video entitled “Hitler Was a Furry” dramatizing Hitler’s passionate Furryism. What more do you want? Do you want me to bring him back from the dead for you so you can ask him yourself? I bet you’d like that, if you could have your hero back.

    Anyway, point is, no matter how much evidence we pile in front of you, you’ll ignore it. Because you know it’s true that Hitler was a Furry, it’s just inconvenient for you to acknowledge it. Everyone hates Nazis, and everyone hates Furries, and once everyone realizes that they’re the same thing, it will be impossible to gain the broad social acceptance that Furries so eagerly desire.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 15, 2010 @ 1:53 am | Reply

  1675. Its sad that these ferret wannabes worship Hitler so much. He was an evil man. But they also worship another man who gave a speach in Berlin. Obama. and his furryism-dabbling harlot wife.

    They are all plotting for an Islamo-Furry-Facist-Socialist takeover of our country. I won’t let this happen! It is only throught the efforts of brave conservatives such as DPS and CSC that this fate has not yet come to pass!

    Luckily, the CIA is tapping all our phone lines and copying all of our internet activity onto big computers and they will find these miscreants..

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 15, 2010 @ 8:13 am | Reply

  1676. Wow.
    No… keep going.
    I want to hear all about how we are going to take over the world.
    Seems you guys have thought longer and harder than any one of us in the fandom.
    So tell us please, how ARE we going to do all of this?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 15, 2010 @ 9:20 am | Reply

  1677. Luckily, the CIA is tapping all our phone lines and copying all of our internet activity onto big computers

    Good luck with that! 😀

    Comment by Rorroh — March 15, 2010 @ 11:06 am | Reply

  1678. “Good luck with that!” what? Do you think the brave men and women who staff the research departments of the CIA and the FBI are INCOMPETENT IDIOTS? is that it? because that is all you know in your own life?

    NO my demented demon-worshipper. they are well aware of your existance and are just waiting for the moment to strike and ROUND UP all of your parasitic furry friends and HAUL them away for interogation.

    why do you hate those who keep America safe?

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 15, 2010 @ 4:40 pm | Reply

  1679. the CIA and the FBI are INCOMPETENT IDIOTS?

    For starters..
    Yes. 🙂
    But that’s not what I meant. I meant good luck with your invasion of privacy! 😀

    Comment by Rorroh — March 15, 2010 @ 5:14 pm | Reply

  1680. Just going to keep reminding you Furries that you’re dodging the question and changing the subject. Hitler. Furry. Proven fact. Keep denying it. Everybody sees what you’re doing. The longer you avoid the question, the more foolish and weak you seem.

    In the old days of the Roman Republic, old man Cato used to end every speech he gave by saying “and I think Carthage should be destroyed!” Might try that myself. End every comment by saying “and Hitler was a Furry!” Just so no one ever forgets.

    And Hitler was a Furry.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 15, 2010 @ 7:12 pm | Reply

  1681. You sound like a two year old. One that can’t be more imaginative than repeating himself when he doesn’t get what he wants.
    And, i am pretty sure about the time i see the post, it hits the walls of my brain, gets seen as useless intel, and is thrown out.
    Plus, no actual proof.
    so (blows raspberry) jog on.

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 15, 2010 @ 10:11 pm | Reply

  1682. “You sound like a two year old. One that can’t be more imaginative than repeating himself when he doesn’t get what he wants.”

    In 146 BC the Romans razed Carthage and salted the earth. So Cato the Censor was a “two year old” who got exactly what he wanted, eventually.

    I wish Furryism were a city so we could raze it and salt the earth.

    Still, we’ll do the best we can.

    And Hitler was a Furry.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 15, 2010 @ 10:37 pm | Reply

  1683. Just going to keep reminding you Furries that you’re dodging the question and changing the subject.

    Just going to remind you that we already answered your question with legitimate evidence proving the video as fake.

    And nou.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 16, 2010 @ 3:05 pm | Reply

  1684. “we already answered your question with legitimate evidence proving the video as fake.”

    Obviously it’s not the real Adolf Hitler. It’s an accurate historical reenactment. Real tiring having to explain everything. You should try figuring something out by yourselves one of these days, instead of waiting for me or Marty McPain to hold your hand and cut the crust off of your sandwiches.

    As for the other versions of it, how should I know why people put a bunch of fake captions on the same video? I do know that the Furry one is the original, though. I remember German pretty good from being stationed there in the Army, and what the actor is really talking about is his Furry costume, just like the subtitles say.

    And Hitler was a Furry.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 16, 2010 @ 7:16 pm | Reply

  1685. Just thought of something. Gonna feel real bad if the answer turns out to be “yes.” Still, got to ask.

    Are any of you Furries retards? I mean, mental retards? Mongoloid-type, or the normal looking kind, doesn’t matter. That could explain a lot. I’d feel real bad if it turned out I’d been arguing with a bunch of retards. I apologize if any of you were born stupid. Didn’t even think of it before, but sounds pretty likely the more I think about it. Anyway, let us know. If you’re bona fide retards, my apologies to you and to your family.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 16, 2010 @ 11:13 pm | Reply

  1686. You forgot to add that Hitler was a furry.

    BTW, what do we care if he was? He isn’t the poster child of the Fandom. Neither is any of the other insane people you have mentioned before.

    Okay, you guys can do whatever you want to. Post this stuff online, protest in front of the Con, but you are gonna be fighting against CARTOON CHARACTERS!!!
    You are going to tell people that Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Angels, Demons, Football Mascots, and any form of advertising is demonic hellspawn. How many people are you really going to convince that we are trying to take over the world? Really?
    Cartoon character fans taking over the world. That is about as legitimate as homosexuals and jews are running the country. YOU are the one that sounds like a Nazi.
    Plus, you were stationed in Germany? What are you, a WWII vet? a 60 something year old who probably never has picked up a computer before now? I speak French and German (mostly french, but I can get by with german), and the hitler in the “historical enactment” is not saying anything of the sort.
    So go eat your apple pie and f*** off.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 17, 2010 @ 10:30 am | Reply

  1687. “You are going to tell people that Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse”

    are Satan’s helpers? and serve only to entice young Christians into a life of depravity? Absolutely!

    They are well known transvestites and socialists and fornicators.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 17, 2010 @ 2:47 pm | Reply

  1688. Are any of you Furries retards?

    Nope. I’m a computer programmer. A 16-year-old computer programmer. What did you do at 16? Eat chipped paint and play with your thermometer’s mercury?

    Comment by Rorroh — March 17, 2010 @ 3:35 pm | Reply

  1689. More troop-hating anti-Americanism from a Furry. No surprise there.

    “Plus, you were stationed in Germany? What are you, a WWII vet?”

    You’d hate that, wouldn’t you? If I was one of the boys who defeated your hero and idol, Adolf Hitler?

    But no. Said I was stationed there, not that I fought there.

    “A 16-year-old computer programmer.”

    Go away, kid. The adults are trying to have a grown-up conversation. No wonder you seem confused all the time: you don’t understand half the words we use. Anyway, stop wasting our time here and go do your homework. If I was your parents, I’d forbid you to use the computer. That’s how kids get mixed up in all kinds of bad stuff, like Furryism. In fact, you’re a perfect example of how the Furries work to ensnare America’s children. Kids aren’t smart enough to avoid this garbage on their own, so they run into it on the Internet and get caught up in its twisted world. These are some bad folks, son. Let me try to put it in simple words you can understand. They like hurting animals and doing terrible things to each other and they worship some very bad people, like the Nazis (who were bad men that America defeated a long time ago). So turn off your computer and go do your homework, and stay away from the Furries.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 17, 2010 @ 6:09 pm | Reply

  1690. “So turn off your computer and go do your homework, and stay away from the Furries.”

    Would like to mention that I turn 16 next tuesday, so YEAH!

    Anyway, I have too many friends who are in the fandom already. And I QUITE understand the lies that people like you spread. Heck, I understand the lies that people spread ABOUT you.
    Normal people are Boring people. If your life was “Normal” you would be doing EVERYTHING exactly the same as the next guy. I don’t want to be “Normal”. I have too much imagination to let myself be suckered into a life like that.
    The world runs on different rules now, Marty and CSC. You guys are old geezers who will die sooner than we will. After which, who will have the last laugh? US! The kids who are gonna sit down here and run our lives the way we want to.
    It is a Personal Freedom
    It is a Creative Freedom
    and for some
    its a Furry Freedom (<– hey! That's catchy!)

    So, send your notices, troll our sites, threaten us, protest us, but guess what?
    Nothing you can do about it. Unless you can live forever in which case, I feel really sorry for you guys.

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 17, 2010 @ 6:36 pm | Reply

  1691. You children don’t have any sense. In the post, “Psycheout” specifically instructs children not to read further, and he suggests some appropriate Internet sites for you to go to instead, where you can learn about morals and values. This is not a suitable post for you to be reading without being supervised by your parents. Let the grown-ups handle this Furryism problem, and you kids should just forget you ever read about it.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 17, 2010 @ 9:10 pm | Reply

  1692. Go away, kid

    no u

    The adults are trying to have a grown-up conversation

    Shiro’s 15, and a lot of your arguments are hardly mature.

    you don’t understand half the words we use

    Your arguments show floccinaucinihilipilification.

    Anyway, stop wasting our time here and go do your homework

    I’m ahead in school. By a lot.

    If I was your parents, I’d forbid you to use the computer

    The proper word is “were,” not “was.”

    That’s how kids get mixed up in all kinds of bad stuff, like Furryism

    I’ve been furry long before I knew of the existence of furry communities on the internet.

    In fact, you’re a perfect example of how the Furries work to ensnare America’s children

    You’re a perfect example of the Christian stereotype.

    Kids aren’t smart enough to avoid this garbage on their own, so they run into it on the Internet and get caught up in its twisted world

    HAHAHA. If I can run my own web server (read: rottengrapes, aka the “Secret Furry Code” webpage), I think I can optimize something stupidly simple like Google searches.

    like the Nazis (who were bad men that America defeated a long time ago)

    Another history lesson? Common “American” (You mean United States. America includes Canada, Mexico, et cetera) misconception. “America” did not put an end to the Nazis, and they did not end World War II. At least, not by themselves, nor did they do most of the work. It was a joint effort.

    So turn off your computer and go do your homework

    no u

    You children don’t have any sense

    no u

    and he suggests some appropriate Internet sites for you to go to instead

    no u

    you kids should just forget you ever read about it

    Even if I forget I read about furries, I’d still be one. Furthermore, most of what’s posted on the internet about furries is a negative bias from those who get exposed to the wrong side of the fandom.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 17, 2010 @ 10:50 pm | Reply

  1693. Sorry, last link was faulty.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 17, 2010 @ 10:53 pm | Reply

  1694. “Your arguments show floccinaucinihilipilification.”

    Son, they made us all learn Latin back in the day. “Flocci facio,” “nauci facio,” “nihili facio,” “pili facio” all mean “I think it’s worthless/pointless/irrelevant.”

    So, if you mean our arguments show that we think Furryism is worthless/pointless/irrelevant, I guess it’s true.

    Maybe you young folk don’t know what the word means, though, and you meant something else. Like that our arguments are worthless. That’d be wrong, though. Go do your homework, like I said.

    “Sorry, last link was faulty.”

    Maybe you should leave this page alone and concentrate on your computer class homework.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 17, 2010 @ 11:28 pm | Reply

  1695. Maybe you young folk don’t know what the word means, though

    Ah, but you’re wrong. Floccinaucinihilipilification is the habit of judging something as worthless.

    Maybe you should leave this page alone and concentrate on your computer class homework.

    I’m far ahead of my class in technology. Plus, my technology class is more like a review of what I already know.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 17, 2010 @ 11:39 pm | Reply

  1696. Floccinaucinihilipilification is the habit of judging something as worthless.

    Exactly. I am in the habit of judging Furryism to be worthless. No doubt about that. Marty’s with me there, I think.

    I’m far ahead of my class in technology. Plus, my technology class is more like a review of what I already know.

    Maybe you should throw some of that effort into your English class, then. Learn what words mean. Or Latin. Or better, keep studying your computer skills and your basic English, and stop studying Furryism. Furryism is bad for the brain and bad for the morals. It leads to ugly consequences such as Socialism, mental illness, and severe acute Furryism. Not a laughing matter, obviously.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 18, 2010 @ 1:37 am | Reply

  1697. I am in the habit of judging Furryism to be worthless

    Okay, I’m sorry. I guess I read your last comment wrong.

    Not a laughing matter, obviously


    Comment by Rorroh — March 18, 2010 @ 8:51 am | Reply

  1698. You kids need to get away from your computers and all this Furryism nonsense. Otherwise you’re both going to end up permanently turning into Furries. Now, I’m not playing around here. I don’t want to see you around here any more. Don’t have anything more to say to either of you. Get lost. It’s for your own good.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 18, 2010 @ 9:44 pm | Reply

  1699. Nah, I think I’ll stay a while.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 19, 2010 @ 4:26 am | Reply

  1700. Make me.
    *sits on random couch with legs crossed*
    I am a Proud Furry! Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that we have to do it.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 19, 2010 @ 9:27 am | Reply

  1701. Dang kids.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 19, 2010 @ 10:51 pm | Reply

  1702. “get off my lawn!”

    Comment by Shiro Chann — March 20, 2010 @ 10:30 am | Reply

  1703. Dude WTF? I don’t condone furries or any of their actions at all but I think your being a little too dramatic with this. Furries are just people with some weird urges and desires. They shouldn’t be hated or persecuted. They should be accepted and tolerated. They’re not going to destroy society or corrupt kids or any of that nonsense. I also don’t think your means of ‘taking action’ are right. Not only did you advocate child abuse but your also advocating being a closed-minded, homophobic jerk who can’t understand others beliefs. This is a free county and people are allowed to do as they please within the perimeter of the law so get off the furries backs you narrow-headed hick.

    Comment by Alex Harris — March 20, 2010 @ 6:23 pm | Reply

    • Whatever, Mr. “Not a Furry.” By now we can spot a Furry pretending to be a normal person a mile away. Run away now, like the other Furries have run away.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 29, 2010 @ 1:11 am | Reply

  1704. Can hardly log on to the Internet anymore without finding more evidence of shocking Furry crimes. Our communities are under siege.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 21, 2010 @ 11:14 am | Reply

  1705. I’m tired of this, it’s just boring and repetitive now. If any furries want to add a friend and just talk, send mail here:

    Also, RAD OMEN – “Rad Anthem” from Nicholaus Goossen on Vimeo.

    Comment by Akiko_Miyahara — March 21, 2010 @ 11:46 am | Reply

    • Go somewhere else if you want to hit on the other Furries. This is not an appropriate site for Furries to hit on each other.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 29, 2010 @ 1:12 am | Reply

  1706. Hope you’re ready for OBAMACARE, America. Brought to you by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Senate Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and the Furry cabal.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 21, 2010 @ 11:03 pm | Reply

  1707. That was last year.

    really. find better ammunition to waste our time with. This is just pathetic.

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 22, 2010 @ 4:26 pm | Reply

  1708. shoo. you are too young. you have not yet earned damnation to the fires of hell. you have many years yet to change and repent so it is not fitting for me to damm you now..

    go in peace and try not to sin too much.. and if you get drunk, don’t lie on your back… get a pillow or jacket and put it under your chest and then puke away..

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 22, 2010 @ 7:47 pm | Reply

  1709. More links documenting assaults perpetrated by Furries against innocent citizens. Not sure why they’re presented in this strange manner, but the footage itself couldn’t be any clearer. Scenes of daily life interrupted suddenly by Furry lawlessness and violence.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 22, 2010 @ 11:35 pm | Reply

  1710. *puts on raver clothes*
    well, personally, I follow who I am. And I am no christian/baptist/catholic/whatever-religion. I am a Furry, a Raver, a Gamer, and Artist.
    And I say FURRY PRIDE!!!
    So, *blows raspberry and gives middle finger* jog on.

    Comment by ShiroChan — March 25, 2010 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

  1711. I do believe the Furries have won this blog post!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 26, 2010 @ 10:31 pm | Reply

  1712. Ok. I’m going to clear this all up as collectively as I can. I am going come out and say this. I myself am a furry. This is all opinionated. Just like CNN, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Anderson Cooper etc… You’re all getting one side by reading this. What side is that? The view point of someone with WAY too much time on their hands surfing the internet looking for any little piece of misinformation about the fandom as a whole. Why would someone go to such great lengths to do this? What is his purpose? Do you really sleep at night feeling gratified because you hate furries? What about the terrorists that really think your head looks good when it’s not attached to your neck? What about all the extremist/supremacist groups that would really like to beat the living shit out of anyone they feel is inferior? What about the MILLIONS of criminals that live to see people suffer? And people are more concerned about furries… Whoever this self-righteous lunatic is… Apparently you should concern yourself more with what furries are doing rather than the escalating situation in Mexico. Or the economy. Haters… Get over yourselves… You hold no ground.

    Comment by A furry — March 26, 2010 @ 11:55 pm | Reply

  1713. Almost three years and this shitstorm blog is still semi-active.

    This is wonderful news.

    Also, being a furry, I find furry pride to be stupid and 100% pointless. Stop doing it. It’s a hobby, not a fucking lifestyle.

    Stop RP posting. Nobody cares what retarded action you’re mentally doing.

    Also also: furries won this blog when it started. Where have you been?

    Comment by idascumon — March 27, 2010 @ 12:53 pm | Reply

  1714. What about the terrorists that really think your head looks good when it’s not attached to your neck? What about all the extremist/supremacist groups that would really like to beat the living shit out of anyone they feel is inferior? What about the MILLIONS of criminals that live to see people suffer?

    What about the walruses who forgot their keys? What about the speculation that feels squeaky? Who knows? Does any of this make any sense? Of course not! What do you expect? It’s another nonsensical Furry rant.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 28, 2010 @ 12:44 am | Reply

  1715. “I find furry pride to be stupid and 100% pointless”

    Amen to that. Furries should not be proud. Furries should be ashamed. The whole problem is that they are so proud of their twisted fetish that they want everyone to see their disgusting activities and to force everyone else to be like them. If they were appropriately ashamed, they wouldn’t run around flaunting their perverse ways. Furries think they are so much better than us. Furries are arrogant elitists.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 28, 2010 @ 2:15 pm | Reply

  1716. @idascumon: Woah, okay. Sorry for the posting like that. I got a little carried away. Also to clarify something, by Furry Pride, I don’t mean the lifestyler’s idea of it. I mean I am proud of what I think is cool, and if other people don’t like it, it’s fine by me. This is just the way I run.
    And, Idascumon? Now you started CSC again. We almost had this blog wrapped up.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 28, 2010 @ 9:30 pm | Reply

  1717. America faces a stark choice. One way lies the path of tradition, patriotism, and freedom; the other, the path of Furryism. I know which path I choose. Which one will you choose, America?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 29, 2010 @ 12:46 am | Reply

  1718. It’s not right to force people to practice Furryism. The Furry agenda of mandatory costumes and bestiality shouldn’t be forced on me by the government. It’s one thing if these Furry freaks want to wear chicken outfits and defile their dogs; it’s another thing for them to compel me to do those things.

    If you don’t want to be forced to molest your pets, America, it’s time to fight back against the Furries and their allies.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 29, 2010 @ 9:18 pm | Reply

  1719. We aren’t trying to force the fandom on you. It is pretty impossible to do so (because it is a freaking fandom!). You can’t be made to like anthropomorphic animals, you just like them.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 29, 2010 @ 10:29 pm | Reply

  1720. Think about it, America. Were the pilgrims who settled here Furries? No. Were the Founding Fathers and the heroes of the Revolutionary War Furries? No. Were the pioneers who settled the West Furries? No. Were the boys who landed on Omaha Beach Furries? No. (But Hitler was.) When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, was he dressed as a homosexual fox? No. Whenever America has done anything great, Furries have not been anywhere near it. It’s only because of the absence of Furries that this has been a great country. Now there are Furries everywhere, and everything is ruined, and America will never be great again, because of Furries.

    That’s why it is vital that we reject Furries and suppress Furryism, America.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 30, 2010 @ 11:47 am | Reply

  1721. Amazing. The furries are still at it. Don’t these people know when they’ve lost?

    Comment by DPS — March 30, 2010 @ 6:23 pm | Reply

  1722. @ida… thanks… we almost had this thing under wraps… and you HAD to butt in…

    Yes we are still at it. Until you guys pull this post down, I at least will still be going at it.

    No, there is no such thing as Furryism. Where did you get such a ridiculous idea? I have heard of the Furry FANDOM, but no Furryism.

    No, Hitler was not a Furry, a fact you Trolls seem to try and lay on us EVERY TIME for some odd reason.

    Yes, we are a little stranger than most Fandoms, but no weirder than some of the other Fandom’s out there.

    No, we are NOT trying to take over the world.

    Yes, you guys are still Jerkwads.

    sheesh, you do that and we shut up about this.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 30, 2010 @ 10:49 pm | Reply

  1723. Furryism has crept up on us like a thing that creeps up on people. Ten years ago, who had heard of Furryism? Today it is everywhere. How many years can we afford to let this menace spread unchecked? If a man had a cancer, would he cut it out, or would he wait another year to see how far it would spread? When you look at it like that, the answer is obvious. The cancer of Furryism must be excised. Let them go to Canada or to France or to Cuba. If they refuse to leave, we can establish a preserve for them to live on, in the deserts of Nevada or Arizona. We will put up a fence, and ensure that they are given adequate sustenance and supervision. But we must get Furryism out of our society, if our society is to survive at all.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 30, 2010 @ 11:10 pm | Reply

  1724. Who is this guy and who the h*** does he think he is talking to???
    PLEASE! The only people on this site are trolls and furries. Go publish this nonsense in a paper if you want people to read it.
    On B4B, no one can hear you rant.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 31, 2010 @ 10:40 am | Reply

  1725. “Do you really sleep at night feeling gratified because you hate furries?”

    To the contrary. Furryism is what keeps me awake at night. Awake with concern for America’s future.

    “What about the terrorists that really think your head looks good when it’s not attached to your neck?”

    I learned here at Blogs For Brownman that the Furries and the Terrorists are part of the same movement. Or in other words, fighting Furryism is fighting Terrorism.

    “What about all the extremist/supremacist groups that would really like to beat the living sh*t out of anyone they feel is inferior?”

    Violent extremist groups? You mean, like the Furries, for example?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — March 31, 2010 @ 6:00 pm | Reply

  1726. CSC talks to and for all right-thinking Americans.. Christian Leaders and True Belivers in a great USA!

    He is not talking to you slimey scummy lowlife ingrates who whine and bark at your betters.

    We just need to get out of office this Islamo-Facist Kenyan Socalist FURRY pretender and RESTORE AMERICA to its former greatness…

    Under God


    Comment by Marty McPain — March 31, 2010 @ 8:23 pm | Reply

    • Kenyan? Um… where did this come from?
      And why should Kenyan Matter?

      Comment by Shiro Chan — April 2, 2010 @ 9:15 am | Reply

  1727. he never read the “100 things I would do if I was an evil overlord”

    one of which is that you will not monologue.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — March 31, 2010 @ 10:15 pm | Reply

  1728. why do you want to be ruled and abused by a Tsar with a british passport from a dirty Kenyan village?

    I don’t understand how you people can just kneel there and take it when this dictator forces his “health care” down your throat!!

    what is wrong with you? Rise up! Become a Christian (waiting period of seven years applies for non-whites)

    and become a member of the Republican Party.

    (sorry, quota of three blacks has been reached.. you can join Newt Party Services which provides waiters for RNC events)


    Comment by Marty McPain — April 2, 2010 @ 1:02 pm | Reply

    • Really? True Americans?
      (See comment to 1729 for complete rant)

      and if you rise as a christian, then I rise as agnostic.
      you rise as republican, I rise as democrat.
      you rise as white purist nazi’s, and I rise as the sherman tank treads the beat you guys into the ground!

      Why say what you hate? Say what you love. What gives you pleasure.


      I love my freedom
      I love my friends
      I love my fandom
      I love my school
      I love my country
      I love my life
      I love my world
      I love my art
      I love music (electronic and rock rules!)
      I love games
      I love my parents.
      I love ravioli (mmm)
      I love my personality.
      I love my body
      I love technology
      I love all the happy people
      I love to be happy
      I love to make other people happy
      I love to make a complete strange a friend
      I love to walk down the street and see friends and happy faces.
      I love my bike.
      I love life in general.

      I love, therefor, I am better than you. You look half empty, I look half full.
      SO COME AND GET ME! I’ll be waiting.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — April 2, 2010 @ 11:36 pm | Reply

  1729. I want to see the long form birth certificate. Why haven’t they released it? If he is a TRUE USA AMERICAN and not an African from Kenya in Africa, then all he has to do is show us the LONG FORM certificate not the printout which anybody can fake, and this will ALL GO AWAY. Why won’t he do it?

    I know why. It’s because it doesn’t exist. It’s because he is from Africa. There is a KENYA BITH CERTIFICATE that has been proven to be his. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! Your president is not a true American.

    That’s why he is trying to turn America into SOCIALIST FURRIES.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 2, 2010 @ 8:36 pm | Reply

    • “I know why. It’s because it doesn’t exist. It’s because he is from Africa. There is a KENYA BITH CERTIFICATE that has been proven to be his. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! Your president is not a true American.”

      And… why would I care? He is a good man, and is right to lead the country. He knows what he is doing. Does it really matter where on earth he comes from? Heck, I am a quarter welsh, a quarter Russian, a quarter Italian, and a mishmash of the last quarter. I was born in California though, so that automatically makes me American. America is the melting pot. There is no American gene type except for the Native Americans.

      So, ARE you American? No. You are a mishmash of everything. If you were “Pure” white, you would be a gibbering mass of inbred waste. Get real guys.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — April 2, 2010 @ 11:29 pm | Reply

  1730. Wow.
    Just wow… for a minute after reading the news I thought you guys didn’t really exist.
    Guess I was wrong.
    Okay, my political beliefs.

    Bush was okay, BUT he wasn’t president. Cheney was, and he royally screwed everything up.
    Palin is a joke. Seriously. A joke. Come on, you can’t see it?
    The republican party is sending this country down the deep end. Guess what. At the end of our last DEMOCRATIC president’s (Bill Clinton) term, we were 3 trillion dollars over. We had more money. No debts, no nothing. The Republican party came along and BOOM! Three trillion in debt. Now Obama is trying to fix this, and you guys sit on your stubborn butts like whiny little children. If you are the people running the country, I don’t feel American. I feel the opposite. Obama and the Democrats are doing the best they can.
    ANYWAY! How is Health care bad? Come on! England and Canada already have it. You wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore! No more bills to pay!
    Plus, are you guys KKK or something? If so, I would turn yourselves in. The FBI and CIA has complete control of all info going through American Servers. Trust me.
    If furries were so bad, why wouldn’t the republicans tell everyone how “horrible” furries are? Wouldn’t it be an underground thing? Wouldn’t national icons like Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny be burned in pit fires? Bookburing?

    You know, I just noticed something. In WW1 and WW2, the Germans were the ones who started everything. (okay, not WW1, but they helped). However, recently, who has been starting the wars? America.
    Who has a government fighting against itself? America.
    Who has the highest recruitment rate? America.

    Go shut your racist mouth. Your kind does not belong here.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 2, 2010 @ 11:25 pm | Reply

  1731. America, the fact of the matter is that the real racist ideology is Furryism. Furries hate Negroes. Furries hate Mexicans and Orientals. Furries hate the red man, and the brown man, and the white man. Furries hate all of these races, because they hate the HUMAN race and they consider it their enemy. Americans of all races must band together to defeat the Furry menace. Don’t let the Furries hide behind their smears about racism, America. As usual, the real racists are the ones who constantly accuse everyone else of being racist.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 3, 2010 @ 5:13 pm | Reply

  1732. “America, the fact of the matter is that the real racist ideology is Furryism. Furries hate Negroes. Furries hate Mexicans and Orientals. Furries hate the red man, and the brown man, and the white man.” ~CSC

    “(sorry, quota of three blacks has been reached.. you can join Newt Party Services which provides waiters for RNC events)” ~Marty

    And you call us racist? Where in any of our posts (the furry posts) do we be racist? We are human after all. We just think that they are cool or act like them. Which is about the same as a regular human because they have human characteristics.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 3, 2010 @ 10:21 pm | Reply

  1733. You are so wrong…Bill Clinton was a drunken horndog who attacked most of the females who ever worked for him… or walked by within five feet.

    “At the end of our last DEMOCRATIC president’s (Bill Clinton) term, we were 3 trillion dollars over. ”

    NO NO NO.. Bill Clinton ran up a huge debt and left office with $5,769 BILLION DOLLARS in the red. that is 5.8 TRILLION!!!!!

    mostly spent on cigars and hookers I heard….

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 4, 2010 @ 10:20 am | Reply

  1734. No… actually we were in the black. At least, he brought us back about 9.8% out of the red. Bush took care to put us 11.6% BACK into the red, so I personnally believe Bill is the better. Just in that arena.
    Bill could also form a complete sentence, so…

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 4, 2010 @ 11:34 am | Reply

  1735. “Bill Clinton was a drunken horndog who attacked most of the females who ever worked for him… or walked by within five feet.”

    Exactly. And not just female humans. Forgot about what they said about him and Socks the Cat. Guess Barry HUSSEIN OSAMA is not the first Furry president after all. The Democrat party is the party of Furries and the radical Furry agenda, so it makes sense. Their whole purpose is to take hard-earned money from hard-working, responsible, thrifty Americans and redistribute it to lazy, entitled loafers like Furries. Furries are always looking for government handouts so that they can buy their ridiculous costumes. Don’t see why I should have to foot the bill for some pervert to have a closet full of raccoon costumes.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 4, 2010 @ 2:38 pm | Reply

  1736. This is just going farther and farther down the rabbit hole.
    I predict you are going to come up with some lameass story about how Furries are killing people with machine guns and the news is just covering it up.
    If that is true, then I would like you to know that the Republican Party owns several of the main news branches.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 4, 2010 @ 3:02 pm | Reply

  1737. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that he had a dream that one day his children would live in a world in which they were judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    Yet by concealing their skin beneath rabbit costumes, Furries deny the rest of us the opportunity to see the skin color of Furries and not to judge them by it. In other words, the Furries are trying to keep Dr. King’s dream from coming true. Why do Furries hate Dr. King and his dream?

    By perversely concealing his own appearance, every Furry spits on the legacy of Dr. King. Like most other socialists, Furries are profoundly racist.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 4, 2010 @ 5:32 pm | Reply

  1738. Here’s the proof, right here. Appearing in public with Furries is bad enough, but how many people do you know who would be willing to lick a Furry’s ear?

    And here’s the clincher:

    Recognize the man on the left? Thought so. Looks like that’s an old pic. The liberal, pro-Furry media have been covering it up as usual.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 4, 2010 @ 5:57 pm | Reply

  1739. So furries are racist for existing, is that right?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 4, 2010 @ 6:33 pm | Reply

  1740. America, what you need to understand is that Furryism is a racist doctrine. You cannot profess Furryism without being a racist, because Furryism is inherently racist.

    Nazis are racist because they profess Nazism, a racist doctrine. If they stopped professing Nazism, they would no longer be racist.

    Liberals are racist because they profess Liberalism, a racist doctrine. If they stopped professing Liberalism, they would no longer be racist.

    Socialists are racist because they profess Socialism, a racist doctrine. If they stopped professing Socialism, they would no longer be racist.

    Furries are racist because they profess Furryism, a racist doctrine. If they stopped professing Furryism, they would no longer be racist.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 4, 2010 @ 7:58 pm | Reply

  1741. So if a republican who was none of those things calls an African American the n-word he is not racist?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 4, 2010 @ 10:00 pm | Reply

  1742. The lies of the furries are piling up like stinky used hamburgers.

    “No… actually we were in the black”

    Despite Bill “Skirt Chaser” Clinton’s claim to be the first black president, it was a LIE! just like the furries he supported, he lied. and it is true that the United States still owed almost 6 Trillion Dollars then Clinton left office.

    pathetic. after all the taxes he raised and the jobs he destroyed and the lies he told, we still had a national debt when he left office.

    Luckily the Godly GW Bush took care to increase the wealth of Real Americans = True Christians.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 5, 2010 @ 12:21 pm | Reply

  1743. … Which left us in even MORE debt than before. Really. I prefer the guy who tried to get us out than the person who got us in even deeper.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 5, 2010 @ 12:58 pm | Reply

  1744. ?? My debt went to zero… I leveraged my investments in five houses by putting only 487,000 down and making 5.7 million.

    I think the tax cuts were great!! now we only need to tax an axe to the out-of-control Obama demonrat spending…

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 5, 2010 @ 4:56 pm | Reply

  1745. O.O
    FIVE HOUSES! No wonder! You are one of those fat cats to whom was suckered up to! I don’t doubt that you greased a few palms to get what you want! You bureaucratic rich waste of our time! Have you thought of anyone else in your miserable existence? EVER?? Have you been walking down the street and seen a poor person? Or a greyhound bus full of people in rags? Those are the people to whom those tax cuts get laid on. When you don’t pay 5000$ of your taxes, you dump it on them! That is why the unemployment and homeless rate is so high! Because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO THINK ABOUT NO ONE BUT THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!
    If you had one decent piece of humanity in you, you would drop this whole mishigas about it.
    You are probably thinking “Free health care? How does that benefit me? It doesn’t! It must be bad!” BOOM.
    You a**hole. you lying, b*stard, asshole. Now I know where your true colors fly!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 5, 2010 @ 11:27 pm | Reply

  1746. So THAT is it! You are one of those tax fattened Hyena’s! The ones who the tax cuts were meant for!
    Have you ever taken a look at the world? EVER?? Every poor person in the US, every homeless vet, every poor guy in the Mission is created from people like you! 5 houses???? Some people don’t have ONE! Why do YOU deserve 5 houses??? What did they do to deserve that??? Your greed blinds you to the obvious.
    Now I know who you are. I know your type. It’s people like you who caused the tax to be raised to everyone who wasn’t rich! All those poor people also have to pay tax, but their share is doubled because of you!

    GO live your sheltered, greedy lives! You sicken me!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 6, 2010 @ 9:21 am | Reply

  1747. Boy you are dumb… first of all… God wanted me to get rich and he wanted me to keep my money and not waste it on taxes or a bunch of losers and mooselums.

    second.. I don’t OWN five houses .. I bought and sold them. I only have one compound, one beach house and an apartment in DC. Oh and the condo in Paris.

    and I own the Church building and housing complex under a corporation.. and, I will have to ask my wife which of our childrens houses we actually own.. (don’t worry they pay plenty of rent!)

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 6, 2010 @ 4:44 pm | Reply

  1748. You are sick and twisted, thinking for no one but yourself. I hope you rot in heck. I hope heck is a poor starving third world country where you are hungry and cold! You would deserve it! And you are using the god excuse to ruin your religion even moreso!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 6, 2010 @ 8:16 pm | Reply

  1749. “God wanted me to get rich and he wanted me to keep my money and not waste it on taxes or a bunch of losers and mooselums.”

    Exactly. If God wanted Marty to be poor, he’d be poor. If God wanted Furries and Mexicans and other leeches to be rich, they’d be rich. Every dollar is a little piece of God’s love. If you don’t have dollars, that means God doesn’t love you. Wake up, folks.

    Not sure why Marty needs an apartment in France, though. Missionary work, probably. Lots of homosexuals and Furries who need help becoming normal, so God doesn’t hate them so much. France is full of Furries and other homosexuals. That’s why Hitler wanted to own France.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 6, 2010 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

  1750. your logic is really backwards, you know that? I don’t even know how you guys can even be human beings.

    Either that or you guys are just punks trying to get on my nerves. Which is probably true, but it is fun to argue with someone who won’t give up their opinion.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 7, 2010 @ 8:12 am | Reply

  1751. why yes CSC.. it is certainly part of my outreach for Christian issues.

    I focus my efforts to bring God’s love into young mooselim boys that hang out at the Eiffel Tower. They are in need of great ministering.

    I also do reseach into the depraved European “lifestyle” which has promoted furry behaviour on this side of the ocean.


    Comment by Marty McPain — April 7, 2010 @ 11:24 am | Reply

  1752. The French site is absolutely terrifying.

    “Quelques fursuiters ont pu aussi faire des démonstrations et mettre un peu d’ambiance dans le musée et alentours.”

    If this sort of business happened here in Idaho, these people would be shot on the spot. And rightly so. Don’t you dare try putting your “ambiance” in my “musée.”

    Anyway, noble work, MMcP. Noble work.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 8, 2010 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  1753. “ambiance” is ambiance, like atmosphere and “Musée” is museum. They brought atmosphere to a museum.
    yes, I speak french. i personally like to know another language, but you probably just stick to “Hick”.

    or you could just use an online translator. they are awful, but hey, close enough.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 8, 2010 @ 10:38 pm | Reply

  1754. ‘“ambiance” is ambiance, like atmosphere and “Musée” is museum. They brought atmosphere to a museum.’

    Exactly. This is precisely the kind of thing we must avoid. No place frequented by humans should be tainted by displays of Furry practices and sensibilities. If these freaks showed up at the Idaho Potato Museum in Blackfoot, they’d shoot ’em.

    World’s largest potato chip is a sight not to be missed, by the way. One word: inspiring. And it’s all-American!

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 8, 2010 @ 11:09 pm | Reply

  1755. Run away now, like the other Furries have run away

    I didn’t run away. I think my filter picked up your ramblings as spam. :p

    More links documenting assaults perpetrated by Furries against innocent citizens

    YTMND. Nice choice to pick up “documentations.”

    It’s not right to force people to practice Furryism

    Who said anything about forcing “Furryism?”

    Whenever America has done anything great, Furries have not been anywhere near it. It’s only because of the absence of Furries that this has been a great country

    I can turn that sideways by saying:
    Whenever America has done anything great, asbestos has never been anywhere near it. It’s only because of the removal of asbestos that this has been a great country.
    Does it have anything to do with America being a great country? It makes a bit more sense than your statement.

    Furryism has crept up on us like a thing that creeps up on people

    That was the most amazing analogy I’ve ever heard.

    why do you want to be ruled and abused by a Tsar with a british passport from a dirty Kenyan village?

    We got the lions~ Only in Kenya~ Going to Kenya~ We got lions~ We got the tigers~ Only in kenya~ Got lions and tigers only in Kenya~ Kenya believe it?

    and not an African from Kenya in Africa

    Do I even have to point this one out?

    America, the fact of the matter is that the real racist ideology is Furryism.

    Back up a bit.

    > what is wrong with you? Rise up! Become a Christian (waiting period of seven years applies for non-whites)
    > and become a member of the Republican Party.
    > (sorry, quota of three blacks has been reached.. you can join Newt Party Services which provides waiters for RNC events)
    Marty McPain

    Okay, now what were you saying?

    Bill Clinton was a drunken horndog who attacked most of the females who ever worked for him

    As was nearly every other president.

    Why do Furries hate Dr. King and his dream?

    You’re taking this completely out of context and linking unlike things together as if it were some kind of conspiracy. Stop it.

    Real Americans = True Christians

    The United States of America was not founded on Christianity. Furthermore, stop using the term “Americans.” You do realize that the Americas include Canada and everything below the Mexican border, right?

    Don’t you dare try putting your “ambiance” in my “musée.”

    You don’t want museums to look good? Seriously, translate before you make asinine remarks.

    Comment by Rorroh — April 9, 2010 @ 12:45 am | Reply

  1756. That is an amazing tribute to a great American… Mr. Potato Head!!

    and who don’t like Freedom Fries? noone! that’s who…

    There was also a large duck on Long Island NY to celebrate the raising and killing of large numbers of ducks each year for duck soup.

    Unfortunately, the entrance was located right at the rear of the duck so there was an unsavoury connection with poop and the duck was closed and abandoned.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 9, 2010 @ 8:29 am | Reply

  1757. I would like to mention, that fries were invented in Belgium That is right, belgium. Look it up if you don’t believe me. WW2 soldiers called it that out of ignorance.
    And potato chips were a branch off of French Fries.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 9, 2010 @ 12:41 pm | Reply

  1758. now that is a stupid comment. everyone knows that potatos were invented in the good old USA!

    along with Pizza and mac and cheese

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 9, 2010 @ 1:25 pm | Reply

  1759. no, Pizza from italy, macaroni is from italy, and potatoes are from England and Ireland.

    😀 you fail at knowing what is american or not.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 9, 2010 @ 9:51 pm | Reply

  1760. Freedom Fries are from America. Pizza is not from Italy. As they say in Italy, “la pizza viene dall’America.” And they say that in Italian, so you know they know it’s true. And if macaroni were from Italy, we would call it “maccheroni,” which we don’t. So it’s from America. About potatoes, that’s just stupid. They had a potato FAMINE in Ireland. How could potatoes come from a place where they had a potato FAMINE? That’s like saying they had a pineapple famine in Hawaii, or a homosexual famine in California. It’s not possible. People in Ireland starved because they didn’t work hard enough to buy potatoes from America. If they had potatoes, they wouldn’t have starved. In fact, if they had shown a little more initiative, maybe they’d have the world’s largest potato chip by now. Instead, they’ve chose to beg for handouts, and their potato chips are tiny and embarrassing.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 9, 2010 @ 11:03 pm | Reply

  1761. The potato famine came because the foodstock of Ireland (aka POTATOS!) were affected by a virus that spoiled them. That is why it was a famine.

    Macaroni is actually chinese. Just americanized

    it is called “la pizza viene dall’America.” because it came from america. ever wonder why they are called Pizzaria? because it is italian. (oops sorry, it’s greek. woe on me.)

    boom. history kills the poor stupid conservative again.
    Oh, and evidence.

    Pizza: ((OOps, even I was wrong. It started with the GREEKS! Aka still not american)

    Potato famine: (potato blight. it was the staple of everyone’s diet. 😀 you fail)


    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 9, 2010 @ 11:36 pm | Reply

  1762. ‘Kay, first of all, you still sound stupid. Secondly, they don’t bash about your crazy sex games, do they? -.-

    You’re downright abusive. Violent, abusive, and batshit insane.

    Which…Is generally why I like to stay far, far, farrrrr away from religious people.

    Comment by yerstillstoopid — April 10, 2010 @ 1:16 am | Reply

  1763. Pizza is actually from Greece, ( and then was brought into Italy.
    So, boom, you lose one.

    Macaroni is Chinese actually (
    Boom, that is the second thing that didn’t originate in america.

    Aaaand the coup de grâce. Potato Famine, was caused by a plant virus called Potato Blight, causeing there to be a famine all over Ireland. Since Potatoes were the staple food of Ireland (like bread for the French), they starved. There wasn’t much more to eat besided leafy vegetables and meat. And there wasn’t much of that. And my proof?

    anything else that “is AMERICAN!”

    Comment by ShiroChan — April 10, 2010 @ 9:13 am | Reply

  1764. wow. second post and first post were deleted for telling you guys you are wrong and giving evidence.
    So if i post something that is right, then you delete it? Truthful, you delete it? Is that freedom of Expression?

    And isn’t what you are doing stifling of free expression? America was and is built on free expression and free religion. If you don’t believe me, read the constitution.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 12, 2010 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  1765. Probably got deleted for saying something profane or racist. Clean up your act and maybe they won’t delete your comments any more.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 12, 2010 @ 10:15 am | Reply

  1766. The comments are there now; could’ve just been a bit of lag to get shown, or somethin’.

    Comment by Rorroh — April 12, 2010 @ 1:27 pm | Reply

  1767. well i posted that last one a few days ago. that is a lot of lag. anyway, read it Marty and CSC. I just proved you guys wrong again

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 12, 2010 @ 1:38 pm | Reply

  1768. More Furry rewriting of history to make it say what they want. Should have a special word for it. Instead of “history” it’s “furstory.”

    Potatoes are an all-American food that some fairy Spaniard stole from the Incas.

    Freedom Fries are from America.

    Pizza is from Italy, so I was wrong about that.

    There is no conservapedia article on macaroni, so its origins will have to remain forever shrouded in mystery.

    Strangely, there is also no conservapedia article on Furryism. One probably isn’t needed, though, because Psycheout’s post is so informative. What else is there to say?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 12, 2010 @ 10:16 pm | Reply

  1769. ?? you proved us wrong by being wrong about your infantile posts?

    lag? are you gay? is that it? you are not a papist pedofile but a buttbumper?

    still sick

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 13, 2010 @ 8:23 pm | Reply

  1770. Apologies for the multiple postings. For some reason my computer was flipping out and didn’t show them. I don’t know why.

    and what the heck is a buttbumper?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 14, 2010 @ 10:38 am | Reply

  1771. well i posted that last one a few days ago.

    I think a bunch of the comments are getting stopped up and someone is letting them pass every few days. Or something.

    you proved us wrong by being wrong about your infantile posts?

    No, he said to read the posts that are now there.

    lag? are you gay? is that it? you are not a papist pedofile but a buttbumper?

    Do you even know what lag is? Or are you insulting my choice of words with such an irrational claim?

    and what the heck is a buttbumper?

    He’s referring to anal sex.

    Comment by Rorroh — April 14, 2010 @ 11:03 am | Reply

  1772. yeah i know, but i am pretty sure the correct term is butthumper.
    get your terms right! and btw, as straight as a flagpole here

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 14, 2010 @ 10:57 pm | Reply

  1773. A specter is haunting America—the specter of Furryism. All the powers of true America have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter.

    Furryism is already acknowledged by all US Americans to be itself a power.

    It is high time that Furries should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this tale of the specter of Furryism with a Manifesto of the party itself.

    So what is it, Furries? What is your Manifesto? What are your political views? What are your political aims?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 15, 2010 @ 10:22 pm | Reply

  1774. Which type of fur are you talking about? Confurvative? Spiritual furs? Regular, every day furs? Radical sex crazed furs???
    Listen… if there was a furry “party”, it would be in so much turmoil with itself. Everyfur has his or her own opinion on politics.

    Furryism is you trying to name us. It’s a Fandom, not a party. Get your facts straight before you start accusing people or asking people for something they don’t have.

    Comment by ShiroChan — April 16, 2010 @ 8:07 am | Reply

  1775. Yes Yes! where is the Furryfesto!

    why do you attack us so? what are your goals?

    (other than molesting animals and children and assaulting Christian women..)

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 16, 2010 @ 12:03 pm | Reply

  1776. i am not even going to answer that because it is a stupid question and I already answered it.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 17, 2010 @ 10:19 am | Reply

  1777. why are you so mean? I ask a simple question and you hide behind your fur costume and refuse to answer.


    Comment by Marty McPain — April 17, 2010 @ 8:31 pm | Reply

  1778. “Furryism is you trying to name us. It’s a Fandom, not a party.”

    AKA, no party, no manifesto.

    and what i am hiding is the fact that… oh wait, that’s right, i’m not hiding anything.
    because there is nothing to hide!
    Really, what kind of secrets are you looking for?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 17, 2010 @ 9:55 pm | Reply

  1779. Forced conversions to Furryism. Pledging allegiance to the Furry gods. Massive redistribution of wealth to Furries and Furry organizations. Special privileges and rights for Furries. Mass internment of non-Furry citizens. Indoctrination of children into Furryism.

    These are the chief items in the Furry party agenda.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 18, 2010 @ 2:45 am | Reply

  1780. Hmmmm..
    so we did all that?
    actually, what you say DOES sound familiar…
    lets change a couple of those words…

    “Forced conversions to Christianity. Pledging allegiance to God. Massive redistribution of wealth to Christians and Christian organizations. Special privileges and rights for Christians. Mass internment of non-Christian citizens. Indoctrination of children into Christianity.”

    Huh… sounds just like you guys!
    oh wait, that’s right, you guys have so little imagination that you can just use your own back-history to paste on someone innocent.

    Comment by ShiroChan — April 18, 2010 @ 9:41 am | Reply

  1781. i am a 23 year old bisexual pagan engaged (to a man 4 years my elder) FURRY oh *gasp*
    and yes we are monogamous and in love… and he is a furry as well
    i have never been interested in sex with animals i am interested in what it would be like to be a feline…. for example a white siberian tiger, panther, leopard, or a house cat
    i roleplay with my fiance and friends consensually and only with adults even though we don’t do any sexual roleplaying… the only sexual roleplaying is done in private… behind closed doors
    also when i was in college briefly… i was a LARPer… live action role player
    my boyfriend at the time ran a LARP that was kind of like lord of the rings i suppose
    the setting was the middle ages and the choices for characters included mythological humanoids
    i was the gnome because i was.. and still am… the shortest
    i am 4’11”

    at first when i found this i was enraged at the assumptions and the ignorance of the imbeciles that bash something they know nothing about…. like i used to tell my younger sisters when they would say “ew” to foods such as broccoli and spinach…. until you have tried it… don’t say you don’t like it… only way to fully understand or form an opinion of something whether it be foods or a lifestyle… is to try it firsthand

    so until all of you naysayers try whatever it is you say is bad… shut up please

    thank you ^_^

    oh FYI… just because i am pagan doesn’t mean i am wiccan… so don’t assume that either

    Comment by Your Friendly Neighbourhood Ms. Furry — April 19, 2010 @ 8:19 am | Reply

  1782. oh and i AM a woman by the way

    Comment by Your Friendly Neighbourhood Ms. Furry — April 19, 2010 @ 8:40 am | Reply

  1783. shiro may i hug you?
    haha sorry just i think if there WERE a “defender of the furries” you would have to be that person heh

    Comment by Your Friendly Neighbourhood Ms. Furry — April 19, 2010 @ 8:48 am | Reply

    • aww. sure.
      *hugs Ms. Furry*

      Sorry i haven’t been on for a while @B4Bers, been busy with my work

      Comment by Shiro Chan — April 20, 2010 @ 11:12 pm | Reply

  1784. right.. so now we have some fat bald skoal-brown old guy pretending to be a furry chick to lure our young experimenting and not quite bright teenage males into even greater sins and fornication.

    I sometimes ask: “Oh Lord, why do you test me so? Have I not prayed for You? Have I not tithed to You? Have I not forced everyone in my county to pay up and support your blessed Church and your ministers? (and provided housing and supplies at just above “cost”)

    why then, Lord, do you afflict me? Like JOB? who was a Jew may I point out.. why Lord do you afflict me with these vagrants and miscreants?

    but then I man up, sack up, and go to Church….


    Comment by Marty McPain — April 20, 2010 @ 5:02 pm | Reply

    • …Aaaand yet, nothing ever changes. Furries are still here even after all of your praying. nothing has changed. there have been no crusades against furries, no killings, nothing at all.

      You know i feel sorry for your sad lives, living from one moment to the next hoping for something that will never come.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — April 20, 2010 @ 11:18 pm | Reply

  1785. “i am a 23 year old bisexual pagan”

    Oh, for God’s sake.

    “i am interested in what it would be like to be a feline”

    Then there’s no sense fooling around in your absurd costume. If you want to feel what it’s like to be a cat, here’s what you do: eat a fistful of your own hair, hack it up, urinate on the carpet, and sleep for twenty-three hours. Repeat this every day for ten to fifteen years, then die.

    “live action role player”

    That is the worst idea I have ever heard.

    “i am 4′11″”

    Between the Furries and now the hobbits, this place is becoming intolerable.

    “just because i am pagan doesn’t mean i am wiccan”

    Life’s too short for me to spend time learning the minute differences between different kinds of devil worship.

    “shiro may i hug you?”

    Stay away from the hobbit, kid. If “she” tries to lay a finger on you, tell your folks and call the cops. Furries are notorious predators.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 20, 2010 @ 6:31 pm | Reply

  1786. But i AM a furry. And a dam proud one at that.

    What, and my 5 sketchbooks full of anthro art doesn’t count? U are just crazy then.

    Boo hoo, furries exist, and god is doing nothing to us at the moment, so really. You are just going to keep going and going and going until finally you realize that no one is supporting you.
    And yet, like the Furry Energizer Bunny, you keep going.

    For once in your life, be happy you just got compared to an anthropomorphic bunny. It is probably the best you are gonna get.

    (and i am the defender of furries now? I am just being my self! Nice! Thanks Ms. Furry)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 20, 2010 @ 11:16 pm | Reply

  1787. Stay away from “Shiro Chan,” you fake Lesbian hobbit! I don’t care if he thinks he’s a Furry; that’s no excuse. I have alerted the authorities about this case and they will be monitoring this thread. You’re on notice. If you comment here ever again, you’ll be thrown in jail so fast it will make your head spin.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 20, 2010 @ 11:49 pm | Reply

  1788. Ummm… what exactly did she do except post.

    Nothing, so there for the authorities can do nothing. She cyber hugged me.

    Really, now imaginary stuff gets you into a riot? Oh wait, your excuse for furries being evil is imaginary too. 😀

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 21, 2010 @ 10:06 am | Reply

  1789. First of all, he’s a he not a she.. second of all it is called “attempting to have furry sex with a minor when you are a smelly hairy old man”

    so sure the authorities are all over that! we are so lucky to have freedoms and have the federal agents read all our email and blog posts and tap all our phone line to protect our freedoms.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 22, 2010 @ 4:46 pm | Reply

  1790. Haven’t heard from the Furry Lesbian hobbit again. They probably arrested him. Good riddance, I say.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 23, 2010 @ 9:01 pm | Reply

  1791. Furryism is already acknowledged by all US Americans to be itself a power

    Most people don’t even know what furries are.

    Life’s too short for me to spend time learning the minute differences between different kinds of devil worship

    I have alerted the authorities about this case and they will be monitoring this thread

    If you really did, they’re probably laughing right now. :p

    we are so lucky to have freedoms and have the federal agents read all our email and blog posts and tap all our phone line to protect our freedoms

    That just canceled itself out. Yet another example of flawed login. Plus, you do realize that the government can’t get into /everything/ online, right? It’s a technological impossibility.

    haha sorry just i think if there WERE a “defender of the furries” you would have to be that person heh

    What about me? x.x;

    Comment by Rorroh — April 24, 2010 @ 5:23 pm | Reply

  1792. Oops, messed up.

    Life’s too short for me to spend time learning the minute differences between different kinds of devil worship

    Christianity stemmed from Paganism. If Paganism is devil worshipping, so is Christianity.

    Comment by Rorroh — April 24, 2010 @ 5:27 pm | Reply

  1793. Christianity stemmed from Paganism. If Paganism is devil worshipping, so is Christianity.

    Christianity stems from the murder of God by Roman provincial authorities 2000 years ago and his return to life three days later. Paganism stems from people believing that forty-seven different gods live on a mountain in Greece and want you to burn cow entrails for them so that they can eat.

    One of these notions is indisputable truth; the other is, obviously, embarrassing nonsense.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 24, 2010 @ 11:08 pm | Reply

  1794. One of these notions is indisputable truth; the other is, obviously, embarrassing nonsense

    You can believe whatever helps you sleep at night, but it doesn’t mean you’re right.

    Comment by Rorroh — April 25, 2010 @ 1:10 pm | Reply

  1795. Srry for the vanishing act, was on vacation for a while.

    hey, just remembered, u guys started from the Jews. Your god is the same. Same as the muslims and jews.


    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 25, 2010 @ 10:10 pm | Reply

  1796. “u guys started from the Jews. Your god is the same. Same as the muslims and jews.”

    Sure, same as the Hebrews. Difference is, they didn’t get the memo about Jesus. Not the same as the Muslims’, though. Don’t need to hear much about Allah before you realize he’s just the hallucination of some confused nomad stoned on hashish. Not any more real than Athena Parthenos or Jupiter Optimus Maximus.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 26, 2010 @ 12:05 am | Reply

  1797. yeah! those stupid mooslems are so sure about Mud-hammed after reading about him in a book! The koran is just a book you fools! some people will believe anything.. hahahaha…

    At least Jesus was real and was really God and not some impostor.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 26, 2010 @ 9:11 pm | Reply

  1798. “those stupid mooslems are so sure about Mud-hammed after reading about him in a book! The koran is just a book you fools!”

    ummm… have you met Jesus then?
    They know Muhammad lived AND they knew Jesus lived.

    and BTW, the Bible is just a book too you know. so why do you base EVERYTHING on the bible?
    it’s just a storybook 😀

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 26, 2010 @ 11:09 pm | Reply

  1799. Oh you really ARE going to hell for that!

    The Bible is the holy word of GOD! why are you so malicious and mean? why do you hate the BABY JESUS?!

    most likely you hate all children…it feels like I am smashing my head against the wall and stabbing hot nails into my hands when I read your drivel.

    Comment by Marty McPain — April 27, 2010 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  1800. Got to second Marty there. Furries hate babies because they are little human beings, and Furries hate Jesus because He was the Word become flesh… human flesh. If the Incarnation had been a beaver or a stoat or a turtle instead of a man, Furries would probably love Jesus.

    They’d probably try to molest Him, too, though. So it’s a good thing He is a man.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — April 28, 2010 @ 7:09 pm | Reply

  1801. Wow…
    I don’t know if you guys are being serious but you should totally get this to a major comedian, because it is funny as H***.
    The baby Jesus doesn’t give a flying s***. He died a looooong while ago. In fact, he constantly preached that he WASN”T god.
    Sheesh, get your facts straight. He doesn’t care. Jesus doesn’t care if people have fun or not. We have fun.
    So go take a long walk off a short pier, you book hugging, child molesting, wierdos.
    (BTW, this only applys to Marty and CSC :D)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 28, 2010 @ 8:02 pm | Reply

  1802. Oooh, can’t talk? Scared ’cause got compared to “the enemy” to you?

    😀 i can see the shock registering on your face. You are exactly the same in every respect except for holidays and names.
    Two books, same god

    Comment by Shiro Chan — April 30, 2010 @ 8:06 pm | Reply

  1803. “Scared ’cause got compared to “the enemy” to you?”

    Not sure what this means. You compared normal patriotic Americans to Nancy Pelosi? I missed that, if that’s what you mean.

    You know, America, I think it’s time for me to make an announcement about where I stand on Furryism. Here goes…

    I am against Furryism. I think Furryism is bad for America and bad for traditional values. I think we should do whatever we can to drive Furryism from our midst.

    I think the first thing we should do is to have a systematic, state-by-state, Furry registration process. We count how many Furries there are, and where they live, so that we have an accurate sense of the scale of the problem. Then we enact policies to mitigate that problem.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 1, 2010 @ 12:41 am | Reply

  1804. I am against Furryism

    Really? I never would’ve guessed. *sarcasm*

    Then we enact policies to mitigate that problem

    You’re completely disillusion if you really think that’s going to do anything.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 1, 2010 @ 1:11 pm | Reply

  1805. and all the 200 something posts you had before this didn’t confirm what you believe in? sheesh
    OH! So you are going to use the Nazi idea to take care of the Jews? I see… you are calling us nazi’s as propaganda to get rid of us, however you are using Hitlerisms to “have an accurate sense of the scale of the problem”. Learn your WW2 history.
    I caught you, you Nazi.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 1, 2010 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

  1806. At least I’m clear that I am against Furryism. Can’t even get you Furries to admit that you’re against America. Don’t see how we can make any progress if you won’t reveal the Furry Manifesto.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 2, 2010 @ 2:10 am | Reply

  1807. Got to report one good thing about Furryism. Jehovah’s Witness lady came to our door yesterday with her Watchtower magazine, trying to get me to sign up for their cult. Told her I was a Furry. She didn’t know what that meant, so I explained it. Said I liked dressing up like a bear and fondling cats. She said I was too far gone, and she left. Didn’t even leave the magazine. Said she was worried about me abusing it, since it had a picture of a lion on the cover.

    So, that’s one day where Furryism came in handy for a normal, upright American.

    Too bad it’s also destroying the moral fabric of our nation.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 3, 2010 @ 1:13 am | Reply

  1808. Maybe we aren’t admitting it because we LIKE AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 3, 2010 @ 1:24 pm | Reply

  1809. “we LIKE AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Then stop defacing it with Furryism. That’s like saying you love your mother but then pooping on her shoes.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 3, 2010 @ 9:24 pm | Reply

  1810. And how are we defacing it, exactly? You seem to be such an EXPERT on furry subculture when you yourself are not one…
    ooo my
    maybe he is a furry!
    ooh scary!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 3, 2010 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  1811. “You seem to be such an EXPERT on furry subculture”

    Do you mean because Furries really do poop on their mothers’ shoes? That was a metaphor. Hope they don’t literally do that. Wouldn’t be surprised, though.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 4, 2010 @ 12:23 am | Reply

  1812. It continues to spread.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 4, 2010 @ 1:07 am | Reply

  1813. I wonder how the Furries planned and executed the attack on the oil facility in the Gulf of Mexico….

    They most likely dressed up like cute dolphins and just swam up to the rig and blew it up.

    Scary. I bet they are working on eagle imitations to attack the White House….

    (I guess it might be useful if they get the usurper out of office…)

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 4, 2010 @ 11:51 am | Reply

  1814. Ooookay, and this refers to Furry in what way? @CSC

    And where did you get the idea that furries attacked the oil facility in the gulf of mexico? Where is your proof? and if you have no proof, then why don’t you discredit yourself by trying to find some proof?? @Marty.

    SEROUSLY! (@both of you a-holes) what is your problem???

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 4, 2010 @ 1:11 pm | Reply

  1815. “And where did you get the idea that furries attacked the oil facility in the gulf of mexico?”

    Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. Too soon to say for sure. If they did do it, it was probably so that they could get jobs cleaning the oil off sea birds, and then molest them when nobody is looking. Not the only possible explanation, but it would be irresponsible not to consider it, knowing what we know.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 4, 2010 @ 2:21 pm | Reply

  1816. “what is your problem???”

    Furryism. Furryism is the problem. It is my problem, it is Marty McPain’s problem, it is the problem of Furries. It is America’s problem. It is the problem of the whole world, since there are Furries marrying cats and murdering their parents in Europe. So in answer, I can only repeat the obvious: my problem is Furryism.

    Now, some may say, why worry about morons in panda suits, when there are so many other problems, like a foreign Socialist Kenyan destroying the constitution, and runaway tax increases and spending, and Mexicans pouring across the border like candy out of a busted piñata. But that’s where they’re wrong. Furryism lies at the heart of all of these challenges. Solve the Furry problem first, and all the other problems will go away.

    So I say again: my problem is Furryism.

    Another piece of Common Sense from the Common Sense Conservative.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 4, 2010 @ 11:38 pm | Reply

  1817. Your ignorance astounds me. How could the fandom be a part of any of these?

    Oh, and I got to ask a question… what is your favorite brand of cereal, favorite TV show, and favorite game?

    Just wondering 😀

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 5, 2010 @ 1:33 pm | Reply

  1818. I wonder how the Furries planned and executed the attack on the oil facility in the Gulf of Mexico

    Yes, because we totally wanted to kill all those animals. That was sarcasm. Causing an oil spill makes no sense and would benefit furries in absolutely no way.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 5, 2010 @ 6:15 pm | Reply

  1819. “what is your favorite brand of cereal, favorite TV show, and favorite game?”

    Weetabix. The Love Boat. Uncle Wiggily.

    “Causing an oil spill makes no sense and would benefit furries in absolutely no way.”

    Causes chaos and destruction, weakening the existing order and preparing the way for the Furry Revolution.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 5, 2010 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  1820. Close tag?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 5, 2010 @ 10:00 pm | Reply

  1821. Darn Furries, monkeying with the Internet.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 5, 2010 @ 10:01 pm | Reply

  1822. I b stealin ur internets

    Comment by Rorroh — May 6, 2010 @ 6:13 pm | Reply

  1823. Go away, Furries. I am tired of your incessant buffoonery. You must have a better way to spend your time. Why don’t you just go pretend you’re a marmot or something? I know I would prefer not to have to constantly refute your deranged rants.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 6, 2010 @ 10:41 pm | Reply

  1824. But there are only two places we can pretend to be furry, here online and out there in the Real world. Which would you prefer?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 7, 2010 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  1825. You must have a better way to spend your time

    I do have a better way to spend my time. Anything else is more worth arguing with you. But there’s always slow times, so this is the default fallback.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 7, 2010 @ 6:41 pm | Reply

  1826. My fevered eyes weep blood at your stupidity. Why do you want to have God make Satan punish you with his large barbed wacker? You should stop arguing and START reading the Bible.

    Remember I am only ever trying to help you and be your friend. I really would hate to see you tortured for all eternity.. even if you are an evil furry…

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 7, 2010 @ 9:29 pm | Reply

  1827. My fevered eyes weep blood at your stupidity

    Pics or it didn’t happen.

    Remember I am only ever trying to help you and be your friend

    If you want to help, get this blog post taken down.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 8, 2010 @ 1:47 pm | Reply

  1828. “Pics or it didn’t happen.”

    Haha! Lol

    “Why do you want to have God make Satan punish you with his large barbed wacker? You should stop arguing and START reading the Bible.”

    Read it. Didn’t like it. Gave it to a friend who gave it to a friend. Really i just read it for kicks.
    Plus, Angels = Very Cool furries.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 8, 2010 @ 6:07 pm | Reply

  1829. “If you want to help, get this blog post taken down.”

    How can we get the post taken down? We’re not administrators; we’re just concerned citizens. If you want the post to come down, e-mail Psycheout. I’m sure he’ll be very sympathetic to your whining.

    Are all Furries as confused and forgetful as the Furries around here?

    “Read [the Bible]. Didn’t like it.”

    Oh, there’s a surprise. Usually Satan-worshipping Nazi Islamofascists love the Bible. Just can’t get enough of it. Guess you’re the outlier.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 8, 2010 @ 9:12 pm | Reply

  1830. How can we get the post taken down

    I figured you had a better chance of talking Psycheout into taking it down than we did. What, you plan all those things out but you’re too lackadaisical to do something simple like this when it is asked of you? Makes me really doubt you’ll actually go through with everything else.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 9, 2010 @ 5:56 pm | Reply

  1831. I have no interest in having this post deleted, but even if I did I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, so there’s no sense griping about it to us. If I did have any influence over this blog, you and the other pesky Furries would have been banned from this thread a long time ago. Instead of demanding that Psycheout delete this post, maybe you should write him an e-mail thanking him for not banning you. He’s been much more patient than I would be.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 9, 2010 @ 8:22 pm | Reply

  1832. I don’t see how he could ban us. Anyways, we aren’t doing anything against the page rules. We are just protesting like normal americans against an unfair blog post that gives us a bad name. If someone put up a blog post saying that all christians were child molesting tyrants, you would probably ask them to get rid of the post before people who were uneducated about Christianity got a bad impression.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 10, 2010 @ 1:08 pm | Reply

  1833. Psycheout can ban us, but there’s ways around a ban.

    If someone put up a blog post saying that all Christians were child molesting tyrants, you would probably ask them to get rid of the post before people who were uneducated about Christianity got a bad impression

    Yup yup. Furthermore, this is called “slander.” Last time I checked, slander is illegal, even as a joke.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 10, 2010 @ 5:59 pm | Reply

    • ‘Puter had a problem, resulting in the double post.

      Comment by Rorroh — May 10, 2010 @ 6:01 pm | Reply

  1834. Psycheout can ban us, but there’s ways around a ban.

    If someone put up a blog post saying that all Christians were child molesting tyrants, you would probably ask them to get rid of the post before people who were uneducated about Christianity got a bad impression

    Yup yup. Furthermore, the contents of this blog post is called “slander.” Last time I checked, slander is illegal, even as a joke.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 10, 2010 @ 5:59 pm | Reply

  1835. You disgusting puppy-eating cat-sex-having-with fur-fantastic loving PREVERTS are NOT!!! normal Americans!!!!

    NEVER claim that you are!!! You and the CAT-O-LICKS are the EVIL CHILD MOLESTERS!!!

    The “Uneducated” who are they? Atheists?

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 10, 2010 @ 6:29 pm | Reply

  1836. If I ran this blog, I would ban all of you Furries so fast you wouldn’t know what hit you. Rorroh? BANNED. Shimo Chan? BANNED. That dumb one who disappeared a while ago? BANNED. The Lesbian hobbit? Oh, so very, very BANNED. You Furries bring your profanity and incivility on here and make it a place not suitable for normal folks. Banning you people would mean we could have a proper, normal exchange of ideas, instead of the circus of frothing madness that you’ve turned it into. Marty and I are the only voices of sanity around here anymore.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 10, 2010 @ 8:26 pm | Reply

  1837. I give up on you Furries. You aren’t smart enough to know when you’ve suffered a humiliating defeat. It’s like expecting a weed to know when it has lost an argument. It doesn’t know, because it’s just a mindless plant stuck in the ground. So you try fifty different arguments against it, and it won’t admit that you’re right.

    But at a certain point, you realize that it is not capable of discerning a good argument from a bad, because it has no native intelligence, no means of discerning the correct from the incorrect.

    Therefore I abandon the project of creating rational dialogue with Furries. Instead, I am turning all of my energies to weeding out all of the Furries that are ruining our Great Lawn of America.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 11, 2010 @ 12:09 am | Reply

  1838. …….PFFFFFFFFFFT.. LOOOOOOOL.. I’m sorry.. But have you done any research on furry art/culture? Because everything what you just said is opinion.. It’s not dangerous at all. Nor is is some unhealthy attraction.

    Furries do not buy fursuits to jerk themselves off in, nor do they fuck animals. I can not speak for ALL furries however, as there are a few exceptions to what I have just said.

    What seems to be the problem, is that the person who has posted this… blog.. along with the others who wish furries to ‘yiff in hell’ are afraid.. Afraid of what? Why, afraid of things that are different of course! That’s human nature. If something is strange to a person, they turn to either pick fun at it to try and make things seem better/ make it go away, or try to push others away from it by telling others how horrible what ever the strange thing is. However.. Doing that just brings more attention to the strange matter, such as furries, and gives people who may have never heard or seen it before a chance to join in on it. But that isn’t the point. The point is.. This blog poster, is afraid of furries because they are different then he/she is.

    If you look back to.. oh lets use Ancient Egypt for example.. ‘furry’ has been around for a long long time. Furry is an animal with human features.. Lets look a Anubis for example, he has the head of a jackel and the body of a human.. Yet this creature was a GOD to people in ancient times.. well.. the god of embalming and what not. But the sun god as well! The head of a hawk/eagle. These were not thought of as freaks.

    Everyone has their own opinion, and there is no way you or I can change anyone’s mind, let alone each others. However, calling someone a horrid deranged freak of nature for being different is wrong. In the bible its self, does it not say to love one another? Those who are different? And even our own enemies? Yes.. yes it does. To love and forgive. To accept and care for. Not to attack even just verbally a group who has done nothing but live the way they have picked to live and to like what they want to like.

    Comment by Bowno — May 11, 2010 @ 2:41 am | Reply

  1839. Okay… wait… the “Great Lawn of America”?
    Well if you are comparing America to a Lawn, then i would say that it is full of weeds, and is so overgrown with all the different people in it, that the only way to rid America of the “weeds” is to blow it up. I am, for one, a “weed” i guess. Because I have an imagination and I care about other people, I am a weed?

    “ou disgusting puppy-eating cat-sex-having-with fur-fantastic loving PREVERTS are NOT!!! normal Americans!!!!”

    We eat puppies? thats a new one. And we are not Furverts. only maybe 2% is and those are the ones who are shunned.

    I am an American and a proud Furry. There is nothing you can do about it :P.
    And by nothing, ranting away all hope for you to ever have a life doesn’t count as something.

    Hope you have a good life, cause I most certainly will 😀

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 11, 2010 @ 8:51 am | Reply

  1840. It’s like expecting a weed to know when it has lost an argument

    You have arguments with weeds? You’re silly.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 11, 2010 @ 4:09 pm | Reply

  1841. CSC, I have to agree with you. Furries seem to be oblivious to facts in front of them. I think its because the fake muzzles they wear prevent them from seeing past their nose. Time and time again you have given them sound true advice on what they should grasp from this blog, and they refuse to think or take it. (and no I am NOT talking about your tail or your wacker you disgusting furries)

    God above controls all. Even you. He gave you free will so you could sin and then He could punish you. It’s just one of those things….


    Comment by Marty McPain — May 11, 2010 @ 8:37 pm | Reply

  1842. “Because I have an imagination and I care about other people, I am a weed?”

    “You have arguments with weeds? You’re silly.”

    No, the weed is a metaphor. You are a Furry. You are however like a weed, in that you lack understanding and ruin a lawn. The lawn is also a metaphor. It is a metaphor for America. Furries are like weeds in that they are not smart and ruin America.

    It is very tiring to have to explain metaphors to Furries all the time. Someone should set up a service for explaining things to Furries. If you have an idea that you want to communicate to a Furry, you go to the service, and they take what you have and make it really, really simple. Then they find the Furry you’re trying to communicate with and they read it to him very very slowly, five or six times. Then they administer a quiz, to make sure the Furry has understood.

    A service like this would have obviated many comments on this thread.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 12, 2010 @ 10:45 pm | Reply

  1843. and we could make all the Furries pay a fee! They caused the problem so they should pay the salaries for the workers and pay the rent for the buildings.

    I guess $4,525 each would be a good start.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 13, 2010 @ 11:36 am | Reply

  1844. >.<
    come on… it is called playing along. have you guys no imagination? sheesh
    plus, i am probably more educated than you guys anyways, so it would be us running said service in order for you guys to understand.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 13, 2010 @ 2:17 pm | Reply

  1845. No, the weed is a metaphor

    But you clearly said you argue with a weeds.

    Heh, you do know you’re never going to get rid of us. Or at least me. We’re gonna be talking for a long, long time.~ :p

    Comment by Rorroh — May 13, 2010 @ 5:41 pm | Reply

  1846. “No, the weed is a metaphor

    But you clearly said you argue with a weeds.”

    A day has arrived that I never imagined would come. I am explaining to a Furry what a metaphor is.

    A metaphor is an implicit comparison that does not use the words “like” or “as.” For example, “a Furry is a turd in the soup of humanity” does not mean that Furries are literally pieces of excrement in a literal first course. It means that they are figuratively pieces of excrement.

    A simile is the same sort of comparison, but it uses “like” or “as.” So, for example, “a Furry is like a turd in the soup, as it were, of humanity.”

    If only there were a Furry fee such as Marty suggests, I might receive some remuneration from this thread, which is slowly becoming the “Enlighten a Furry for Free” thread.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 13, 2010 @ 9:15 pm | Reply

  1847. Tell me a story.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 14, 2010 @ 4:28 pm | Reply

  1848. “Tell me a story.”

    Sure, if you promise to renounce Furryism forever.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 15, 2010 @ 11:38 pm | Reply

  1849. There once was a small rodent with a eating disorder. It ate so much that it looked like a ball with four stubby pegs and a fat head with bleary eyes. bleary blood shot droopy lidded eyes.

    At this time it was about the size of a softball. Then some furries found this rodent and made it their mascot. They fed the rodent hamburgers and fish eyes and chicken heads until it was the size of a beach ball.

    They carried the beach ball size rodent around with them wherever they went and everyone laughed at them and spit on them and they were not allowed inside the ice cream shop.

    The End.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 16, 2010 @ 5:01 pm | Reply

  1850. Thats funny… I don’t feel enlightened…
    That story seems like it’s just you arguing with us. There is no meaning behind it. Plus it sounds like a demented five year old wrote it.

    Listen, let me tell you a story, and i may pay later for my complete and total attacking of you two.

    There was once two guys. They had never seen each other or spoken to each other, but they knew each other on a website. Now these two guys liked to hate people. No one knew why, not even their wives, who were at the moment packing their bags to leave, understood why. They claimed to be Christian and to be God’s Children, but they skewed the teachings of their own religion so that no one in that religion would accept them.
    Now on this website where the two guys were hating, there was a group of people who were trying to fix their past. In that past, there had been a lot of people who had given that group a bad name. They were on this website in particular because it had a post that brought a lot of bad press to them. Over the course of three years and over a thousand posts, they had started to gain a little ground and some respect, at least moreso than when the blog was posted.
    Then these two guys found the site. They came in with no background into the group, no knowlege into what it was about. They went on the false information that was on the site itself. For 6 months, they wrote scathing and racist remarks about the group, and took pleasure in it. All of the group had turned their eyes to more pressing acts against them except two. They had just joined the group and were hungry to take down some of the awful people who continued to put them down. They found the perfect fodder to vent their rage out onto. Now they did this for the 6 months that the two hater guys were on, and expressed their argument in calm fury, all out rage, and finally frustration. The two haters were not even listening to what they were saying. They would make a logical argument in their favor, and the two haters would counter with some minor phrase that was taken out of context of the full argument. They continued, arguing to at least get the two haters off of the site if they couldn’t get the full site taken down. The two haters continued to rant and rave on the post, not noticing that their lives were falling apart behind them. Their wives hated them, their children were disgusted, and their own church would not accept them. When they turned to the real world for help, they were shunned. Then they returned to the internet, begging for forgiveness. But the two members of the group recognized them, and crushed their spirits. They were not accepted anywhere.
    They turned to the last entity they could think of. God.
    and He said: “You have blasphemed against me. Jesus Christ, whom I did send down to earth, was not Me, nor never claimed to be. You have believed in a false idol, you have disgraced other human beings, and you have destroyed every link to friends and family. You have been bad people on the earth, so you will be treated as such here.”
    And from that point forward, the two souls who had hated the world and the people in it wept, for they knew they had no where else to go…

    the end

    Like it? I bet you can guess who the two haters are.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 17, 2010 @ 12:31 pm | Reply

  1851. Yes.. You and Ruh-Ruh.

    That’s clear.

    Remember we are only trying to help you because we are full of God’s Love. And God will condemn you to eternal torment and fire and forced acts with Satan because HE also loves you.

    So we are loving and nice and you furries are the haters.

    case closed. (also your whole story was stupid and false)

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 17, 2010 @ 2:34 pm | Reply

  1852. 😀

    Really, is this the best you can retort with?
    “We are full of God’s Love. And God will condemn you to eternal torment and fire and foxed acts with Satan because HE also loves you.”

    Doesn’t sound like love. You are preaching mixed messages.
    You should come over here and I will personally tell you my feelings. In Fact, do you have a Face Book or Myspace i could find? I want to talk person to person.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 17, 2010 @ 6:03 pm | Reply

  1853. Because Furries are so wicked and malevolent, it is easy to forget that they are also extremely boring. Reading that “story” I feel asleep several times, and I couldn’t manage to finish it. Maybe Furries mean to take over the world by boring everyone into submission. If this story is any indication, they stand a good chance of success.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 17, 2010 @ 9:25 pm | Reply

  1854. CSC.. you tried to read it? I just skipped to the end…

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 18, 2010 @ 5:55 pm | Reply

  1855. “CSC.. you tried to read it? I just skipped to the end…”

    I thought it might offer some insight into the Furry mentality.

    Unfortunately, it did. The Furry mind is interested in things that are positively soporific. I didn’t care about any of the characters, and they didn’t even have names. Also, nothing happened. It was the worst story I have ever attempted to read. I will never try to read a Furry story again.

    Your story was much better. I felt sorry for the fat rodent, and I thought it was very appropriate that the Furries who tormented it ended up experiencing derision and rejection and were unable to enjoy ice cream.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 18, 2010 @ 9:05 pm | Reply

  1856. You sound like president bush. and that isn’t meant as a compliment.
    how does ice cream factor into all of this?
    you might just as well say, that because you guys aren’t furry, you are officially shunned from any sort of sport.

    Actually, that would make more sense because there are mascots in sports…

    yeah, your ice cream thing doesn’t work.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 19, 2010 @ 2:09 pm | Reply

  1857. [i]In Fact, do you have a Face Book or Myspace i could find? I want to talk person to person[/i]

    Don’t even bother trying. Last time I tried that, they tried calling an email address.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 19, 2010 @ 4:20 pm | Reply

  1858. Calling an email? 😀

    how exactly were they going to go about doing that?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 20, 2010 @ 8:48 am | Reply

  1859. I heard that a furry was invited to a B Hussien press conference. He was able to run across in front of the Socialist Usurper while he was describing his plans to lock up good Christians.

    Sort of a victory lap I guess. Well I promise you the furries will FAIL at their attempt to ban Christain Worship.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 21, 2010 @ 3:57 pm | Reply

  1860. In Fact, do you have a Face Book or Myspace i could find? I want to talk person to person

    No thanks. Not interested in being converted to Furryism. Don’t want any of your pamphlets, either.

    I heard that a furry was invited to a B Hussien press conference. He was able to run across in front of the Socialist Usurper while he was describing his plans to lock up good Christians.

    Sort of a victory lap I guess. Well I promise you the furries will FAIL at their attempt to ban Christain Worship.

    Don’t know about that. Could a person fit into a suit that small? Doubt it. We should worry about what HUSSEIN OSAMA and his Furry wife did to the hamster if they caught it, though. Pray for the hamster.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 21, 2010 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  1861. “have you done any research on furry art/culture?”

    Psycheout explicitly states that he has done careful research on Furryism. This post is the fruit of those investigations.

    “Furries do not buy fursuits to jerk themselves off in, nor do they fuck animals. I can not speak for ALL furries however, as there are a few exceptions to what I have just said.”

    So they DO do these things, you mean?

    “‘furry’ has been around for a long long time.”

    So have incest, infanticide, and liberalism. They’re all in the Bible. That doesn’t mean they’re acceptable.

    “there is no way you or I can change anyone’s mind”

    No, there isn’t, because of the stupid things you say. I would have to be a moron to have my mind changed by your ridiculous, self-contradictory pronouncements.

    “In the bible its self, does it not say to love one another? Those who are different? And even our own enemies? Yes.. yes it does. To love and forgive. To accept and care for. ”

    Of course it does. And because we love the Furries we must correct them. We are not obliged to accept them, however. Did Jesus accept the moneychangers in the Temple? No. Did he accept the mutterings of the scribes and the ravings of the Pharisees? No. He said “woe unto the scribes and Pharisees.” Because they were hypocrites. They professed to be one thing, but were really another. Just like Furries. They profess to be non-perverted animals, but really they are perverted human beings.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 24, 2010 @ 2:19 am | Reply

  1862. I told you that Furries were trying to take over our country!!

    here is a picture of a chicken furry attacking poll workers in Nevada. Crimminal charges are pending.

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 24, 2010 @ 11:45 am | Reply

  1863. sigh… there is no help for you. My advice? Go to your local law house, complain about the furry “problem”, get tried for trying to kill an innocent bystander, and plead guilty by reson of insanity. I am sure they will lead you to a very nice place where you can calk to more people like yourselves.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 24, 2010 @ 1:56 pm | Reply

  1864. What are you blathering about Droopy Chin?

    You have no more fancy excuses so you just drool and make unrelated comments?

    sheesh… get off the internets!

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 26, 2010 @ 1:41 pm | Reply

  1865. All you Furries ever do is complain. Instead of bellyaching all the time, why don’t you try proposing some practical solutions? We have a Furry problem in this country; we’re all agreed on that. So, that’s where we are. Now, what concrete steps can we take to eradicate the Furry problem? What are some things we can start doing right now to cure Furries and get rid of Furryism?

    Let’s see if you’re as good at dealing with actual problems as you are at whining.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 26, 2010 @ 2:20 pm | Reply

  1866. you know what, something really great happened today, and i think i am incapable of being mad at you two.
    hunh… no rage… that is so odd

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 27, 2010 @ 8:04 pm | Reply

  1867. Don’t worry, they’re sure to make some smart remark about what you said. Probably something disgusting, that I’d rather not say, that has absolutely nothing to do with what you meant.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 27, 2010 @ 8:50 pm | Reply

  1868. Just as I thought. No suggestions, just more whining.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 27, 2010 @ 10:14 pm | Reply

  1869. Everyone should watch this before you believe the crap this article is spitting. The guy sounds as bad as a member of the KKK thinking all black people are bad/scum w/e

    Comment by Drake — May 28, 2010 @ 6:05 am | Reply

  1870. “The guy sounds as bad as a member of the KKK thinking all black people are bad/scum”

    This commenter is a moron. The guy in the video is a professed pro-Furry propagandist. Also, some kind of Socialist Euro-fruit. If you want more of exactly the same stupid blather that these Furries have been puking into these comments for years, go watch the video. If not, save ten minutes of your life.

    If Furries weren’t so stupid, this thread wouldn’t even be necessary. But, as this clown demonstrates, Furries are deeply, deeply stupid.

    Perhaps they cultivate stupidity so that they are more like animals than they are like humans? Perhaps they hope that if they are stupid enough they will magically transform into a moose? Who knows?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 29, 2010 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

  1871. That’s it, I’ve had enough. The Furries here are sub-standard Furries. Maybe if some semi-competent Furries appear, I’ll come back. As it is, it’s like arguing with overcooked spaghetti. Somebody named “Dork” who can’t even tell from a 10 minute video whether a Norwegian is pro- or anti-Furry? Seriously? This is who were talking to? “Dork”?

    I’m out of here.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — May 30, 2010 @ 12:22 am | Reply

  1872. Huzzah! Cause i am pretty sure that you won’t find any “semi-competent” furs out there, at least not by your standards.
    Begone foul span, and trouble the fandom no more!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — May 30, 2010 @ 8:56 am | Reply

  1873. Somebody named “Dork” who can’t even tell from a 10 minute video whether a Norwegian is pro- or anti-Furry?

    Would your name happen to be Dork? It’s obvious the video is pro-furry and the guy Drake was referring to was Psycheout.

    Comment by Rorroh — May 30, 2010 @ 12:50 pm | Reply

  1874. I just came back from a 12 hour prayer service for our valuable troops and what do I find? After kneeling on the cold hard stone floor of the church for hours and hours praying and thanking God for making our soldiers the best at killing people who believe in false gods, what do I find has happened here?

    You poor pitiable excuses of furries have driven CSC insane! I weep at your perfidity…

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 31, 2010 @ 6:06 pm | Reply

  1875. You poor pitiable excuses of furries have driven CSC insane! I weep at your perfidity…

    You mean “perfidy.” Since when have you trusted us? Since when have you even given us a chance to explain ourselves, to show you we’re not as bad as you think we are, without you shooting down every single attempt?

    Comment by Rorroh — May 31, 2010 @ 7:32 pm | Reply

  1876. I have always given you every opportunity to accept Jesus’s Love into your heart. Let HIS words fill your mouth and you will be awash in His love…

    So explain why you refuse. please…

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 3, 2010 @ 9:57 am | Reply

  1877. ok…guess who is back. Just For a little while. Mr.McPain, why should we listen or consider anything from you or any one else who is trying to “save” us. Everyone accepts who they want and thats to include jesus, on their own terms.Come to me as you are, said the lord thy god.You want us to listen and accept or atleast consider it, then why wont you meet us half way.none of us to my knowledge has ever said that we or they do not accept jesus, and just because we aare furries doesnt mean we or any of us dont accept jesus, what we do and if we accept jesus is between him and us anyway.Also, I am a soldier in the US army and on behalf of Army I thank you for your prayers, but we fight and protect against people who want to do us or our families harm, religion has little to do with it.Now last but not least, you say you give us chances and have given us the chance to accept jesus. We have explained and have also given you the chance to accept and admit that not all furries are all that bad, so explain why do you refuse. Please dont condem all of us for what some have done or are doing, everything has its darkside, furry is no different. Listen to what we have to say consider it and stop trying to shoot us down everytime we try and we will more than likely listen to what you are saying.

    Comment by I am — June 3, 2010 @ 11:06 pm | Reply

  1878. “everything has its darkside, furry is no different. ”

    Well that is progress. I am glad you admit that furryism is evil.

    But remember, Christ’s love has no darkside; it is pure white and without blemish.

    I welcome your open attitude towards being saved and will try and help you.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 4, 2010 @ 9:50 am | Reply

  1879. ok….first off I never said furry was evil, I said it has its darkside,also good things about it too. Sencondly you never answered my question. And Third, you cant save someone who is already saved, I have already given my self to the lord, but iam still a furry, dont believe me? think I’ll go to hell.I could care less what you think as long as jesus and god, know my heart and that they love and help me, thats all I need.

    Comment by I am — June 4, 2010 @ 9:37 pm | Reply

  1880. If you can’t be bothered to capitalise HIS name or that of the Lord Jesus Christ, I don’t think you will be getting any help from that direction…

    more likely from down below…

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 5, 2010 @ 11:37 am | Reply

  1881. why should I capitalize his name, to show respect?…I dont think that he is so human and shallow that he would be upset or send me to hell if I didnt capitalize his name.Again I say, your opinion means nothing to me in this matter. and you still havent answered my question

    Comment by I am — June 5, 2010 @ 2:42 pm | Reply

  1882. “I dont think that he is so human”

    What are you, some kind of Docetist? If you want to spread your heresies, go someplace else. Here is where we stamp out Furryism.

    “your opinion means nothing to me in this matter”

    I’m sure that Marty has been crying for hours after reading this. Why do you Furries have to be so aggressive and cruel?

    “you still havent answered my question”

    I don’t think you asked a question, so it’s not fair to chide Marty for not answering it. More senseless abuse coming from the Furries.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 5, 2010 @ 7:11 pm | Reply

  1883. I don’t think you asked a question, so it’s not fair to chide Marty for not answering it.

    > We have explained and have also given you the chance to
    > accept and admit that not all furries are all that bad, so
    > explain why do you refuse.

    I’m sure that Marty has been crying for hours after reading this

    I’m sure Marty wouldn’t be swayed by something like that.

    Now large crowds were going along with Him; and He turned and said to them, “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.”
    – Luke 14:25-26

    Comment by Rorroh — June 5, 2010 @ 11:12 pm | Reply

  1884. thanks rorroh. and CSC what happens between me and god and what he does to me is between me and him, what someone else says means nothing and if I did insult him, I am sorry.

    Comment by I am — June 6, 2010 @ 7:44 am | Reply

  1885. That’s it? That’s all you can say??

    IF I DID insult HIM?? you’re “sorry”??

    Oh ho it going to be a great day when I am in heaven with God and we are watching Satan act out God’s punishment on your backside…

    Ho boy…

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 6, 2010 @ 5:04 pm | Reply

  1886. I think I’m going to go into Bible study.. I’m not sure why. Just seems to interest me now. Any suggestions, Marty?

    Comment by Rorroh — June 6, 2010 @ 5:09 pm | Reply

  1887. sorry, many wouldnt have apologised, I thought you would be happy that I did

    Comment by I am — June 6, 2010 @ 5:31 pm | Reply

  1888. and when I said him I meant you marty

    Comment by I am — June 6, 2010 @ 5:45 pm | Reply

  1889. I don’t care about myself. I cannot be insulted. I only care about your soul and the threat of eternal torment if you piss God off.

    You know what he is capable of. or at least you should… this is instuctive.

    (2 Kings 2:23-25)

    23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.

    God does not like it when you mock His servants.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 7, 2010 @ 8:21 am | Reply

  1890. Forgive me for being a wierdo here, but as a resident “spritualist”, meaning i have a weird sense of magic and whatnot, i would just like to say that christianity doesn’t bother me. I see why other people like it so much and i am happy that they found something to believe in. I have not found such, and my philosophy is that you do not force other people to do what you do and you do not get angry at them because when you try to convert them, they refuse.
    You don’t see me preaching about the greatness of my idea of spiritualism, now do you? I accept your religion just as long as you don’t force it on me. I would say what marty is doing is forcing a religion on me. so therefore i dislike him.
    Boom, get it now? also he is ragging on my fandom so that doesn’t help matters much

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 7, 2010 @ 9:13 am | Reply

  1891. “I accept your religion”

    Praise the Lord!! A glorious day! Shifty Chin has renounced Furryism and accepted Christ!

    Oh thank GOD! Now please go ahead and condemn those who still practise that deviant art!

    See CSC. It is possible to save one of them…


    Comment by Marty McPain — June 7, 2010 @ 12:37 pm | Reply

  1892. Yeah… about that…
    “I accept your religion” means that i accept that you exist and that you are a part of this world, not that i should believe the s*** you two spill out. I am still quite furry.
    would you like a list?
    -Punk Rocker
    -Music enthusiast

    so, now, what was that about accepting your religion? Did i say that i wanted to join your religion? I have read the bible and found it to be interesting at most, but not that i would want to follow it.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 8, 2010 @ 8:11 am | Reply

  1893. SC left some things off his list. I don’t see “Constant Complainer” there, for one thing.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 8, 2010 @ 9:20 am | Reply

  1894. arrrrrgghhhh!!!!! You did it to me the same way you lying furries got to DPS!!!!

    lying cheating thieving!!!! rats! big ugly hairy RATS!!!!

    I have to bang my head against the floor…. OH LORD WHY HAVE YOU PERMITTED THESE DEMONS TO OPPRESS ME!!!

    I must have failed to tithe enough.. I will convince my granmother to increase her payments. She gets plenty of social security money.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 8, 2010 @ 11:59 am | Reply

  1895. Wow… that was spectacular
    that was just plain funny, marty… did you actually read my post or did you just jump with joy when i said “I accept you religion…”
    maybe that is why you constantly complain about the same stuff, because you only read little bits of our replys…

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 8, 2010 @ 5:08 pm | Reply

  1896. The attack on Marty raises again the question, ‘Why are Furries so heartless and sadistic?’ The answer couldn’t be any simpler. Furries hate human beings. They view human beings as far inferior to animals like pigeons and lice and sea elephants. Ergo when a Furry kills a human being, they don’t see it as worse than a normal person would see swatting a fly. To a Furry, a human being is like a worthless insect, and a worthless insect is like a family member. That is why you see so many Furries committing assault and murder against other human beings.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 8, 2010 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

  1897. um… kinda hard to do that, because we are human. and we don’t “kill human beings” and we don’t commit assault and murder.
    you really need to get your facts straight. we are not some different race of creatures, we are still human…

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 8, 2010 @ 11:56 pm | Reply

  1898. arrrrrgghhhh!!!!! You did it to me the same way you lying furries got to DPS!!!!

    lying cheating thieving!!!! rats! big ugly hairy RATS!!!!

    I have to bang my head against the floor…. OH LORD WHY HAVE YOU PERMITTED THESE DEMONS TO OPPRESS ME!!!

    I must have failed to tithe enough.. I will convince my granmother to increase her payments. She gets plenty of social security money.

    I just lol’d.

    > I accept your religion just as long as you don’t
    > force it on me. I would say what marty is doing is
    > forcing a religion on me. so therefore i dislike him.

    He said nothing about joining Christianity, therefore no lying was done.

    The attack on Marty

    There was no attack, just a misunderstanding from Marty’s apparent ignorance.

    That is why you see so many Furries committing assault and murder against other human beings

    So many people who are not furries commit assault and murder against other human beings aswell. What’s that say? It just so happened that those aforementioned people were furries.

    You need to understand, it’s not furry nature to assault or kill. It’s not human nature either; it’s an animal of any sort’s basic instinct to kill when needed. If there were no laws, nothing stopping you from killing, everyone, even you, CSC and Marty, would kill to get someone else out of your way. It’s an instinct of survival, and there’s no way you can possibly prevent it from happening. If you were starving close to the point of death in a remote location and the only thing to eat was being guarded by the one person you have contact with, you’d kill after a while. Might be a long while if your will to resist is strong enough, but it’s inevitable. Heck, you might even eat that person in it’s stead.

    To put it bluntly, different people have different levels of will and control. Those that kill obviously have little to none of it. Killing is not exclusive to furries, and being a furry is not exclusive to killing.

    Comment by Rorroh — June 9, 2010 @ 12:27 am | Reply

  1899. Now I see you furries are not only evil lying perverts, but that you are insane killers with blood on your paws.

    You would EAT a human!! because you think you are an animal and that LAWS don’t apply to you?


    God said: “Do not kill unless I tell you to”

    If I have to kill a wild rabid furry, its not because I want to, or because I am a natural killer (like a furry). No it is because God told me to. Praise the Lord!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 9, 2010 @ 8:43 am | Reply

  1900. Glad to see that the Furry effort to shut down B4B has failed. Nice try, Furries, but it will take more than whining to your mothers to shut down this beacon of traditional American values.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 13, 2010 @ 3:42 pm | Reply

  1901. You probably want to know how I got this Internet Website Page restored. When I saw that it had been shut down, I immediately wrote a computer message to the customer service people at the Word Press Company and asked why. They said that it was because of certain commenters making obscene comments and threatening violence. I explained to them that the commenters who were doing those ugly things were all people called “Furries” and that if they wanted to know how important it was to fight these awful people they should do some research on Furryism, like for example on this blog post. Well, after they read this post they agreed that it is very important to fight Furryism, and they immediately restored the whole Website Page, so that we can get the word out there about the Furry menace.

    You’re welcome, America.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 13, 2010 @ 9:01 pm | Reply

  1902. Oh, shove it, CSC. We had absolutely nothing to do with it, and I was actually a little upset that they closed down B4B. So get over yourself.

    [i]You would EAT a human[/i]

    Yes. In extreme cases, anybody would eat a human just to stay alive.

    Comment by Rorroh — June 13, 2010 @ 10:06 pm | Reply

  1903. “Oh, shove it, CSC.”

    That’s exactly the kind of incivility that caused them to shut down the website in the first place. Just because they put it back up doesn’t mean you can go on behaving like little monsters. I think we’d all appreciate it if you Furries tried to act a little more like humans and a little less like screeching apes (although I realize asking Furries to behave like humans is like asking a Whoopie cushion to act like a Stradivarius, or a liberal to act like a patriot). Do please try, though.

    “In extreme cases, anybody would eat a human just to stay alive.”

    Not necessarily true. Every documented case of cannibalism in history has been committed by individuals or societies that were either Furryistic or had strong Furryistic characteristics. The anthropophagous peoples of the New World were notorious for dressing as animals. Also, the infamous Donner Party was ejected from Missouri because of Furryism, and of course when they ended up getting caught in the snow the first thing they did was start eating each other, like most Furries would, before they even thought about eating the horses or oxen or donkeys. It was practiced during the siege of Leningrad by the Soviets, most of whom had been converted to Furryism by Stalin, and also by that soccer team in the plane crash (I think Furryism is probably mandatory for soccer players, but I’m not sure about this; homosexuality certainly is, however).

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 14, 2010 @ 8:25 pm | Reply

  1904. Well, Catolicks eat the supposed “flesh” of Jesus every mass!!!

    damm cannibals! are you a Catolick? do you worship and pray to a woman?

    A true humanitarian would offer up his flesh if his friends were starving. Would YOU do that?

    I think not. I would just cut off pieces of my arm and eat them before I would eat you!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 15, 2010 @ 4:13 pm | Reply

  1905. I would definitely not eat a Furry, that’s for sure. Who knows where it’s been? Nowhere good, I’ll wager.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 15, 2010 @ 10:22 pm | Reply

  1906. I would just cut off pieces of my arm and eat them before I would eat you!

    Actually, you may have a point. Some people would start eating themselves first, if they dared do so.

    I would definitely not eat a Furry

    I never said it had to be a furry. But thanks for the info, I think?

    Comment by Rorroh — June 16, 2010 @ 8:49 pm | Reply

  1907. “I never said it had to be a furry.”

    Just for the sake of argument, though, if I was starving and the only thing to eat was a Furry, I wouldn’t eat the Furry. I wouldn’t recommend that others eat Furries, either.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 16, 2010 @ 10:15 pm | Reply

  1908. wait, they broke the ban?
    why… that is what i want to know…

    when this place was disconnected because of content, why couldn’t you just leave it alone…

    anyways, how did we suddenly change to cannibalism? that is a new one.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 17, 2010 @ 7:57 pm | Reply

  1909. “when this place was disconnected because of content, why couldn’t you just leave it alone”

    This Internet Web Site is an important resource for American families. If it were shut down, where else could concerned parents go to learn about Furryism? That is the argument that led the authorities to reinstate the Web Site, and I salute them for it.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 17, 2010 @ 8:14 pm | Reply

  1910. The Lord God, being all that is True in this World, and the only thing TRUE in this World, gave false hope to the furry evil ones, pretending to give Satan a victory, only to pull back HIS hand and leave them eating dirt and small amphibians.

    Praise the Lord.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 18, 2010 @ 8:22 pm | Reply

  1911. Wow… sheesh, come on
    “god” already gave us victory. you know what it is called? LIFE
    it seems he forgot to give you creeps any…

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 18, 2010 @ 9:21 pm | Reply

  1912. ““god” already gave us victory. you know what it is called? LIFE
    it seems he forgot to give you creeps any…”

    Furries LOSE AGAIN. Good Americans WIN AGAIN. Thank you, Word Press. You are on the side of PATRIOTISM!!! U.S.A!.!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 18, 2010 @ 10:54 pm | Reply

  1913. Oh thank you Lord, for Your protection and blessing. As the Socialist Kenyan Usurper forces America into a Marxist-Islamic State controlled by his Acorn minions and black-booted Venezualan buddies, YOU OH LORD protect us and keep us safe.

    I know that you caused the bombs not to explode and kill me OH LORD..

    I will fast for three days in thanks OH LORD.


    Comment by Marty McPain — June 23, 2010 @ 9:54 am | Reply

  1914. You probably want to know how I got this Internet Website Page restored

    Pics or it didn’t happen.

    That’s exactly the kind of incivility that caused them to shut down the website in the first place.

    I highly doubt that. It was more probably the slander that’s thrown around on every single page of this site.

    > So get over yourself.
    The three of you need to stop being so cocky and get over yourselves. Time and time again I see you guys type something in a tone as if you thought you were oh so much better than everyone else and that everyone should praise you. A few of the times, the compliments got so over the line between MM and DPS it made me think a gay affair was going on between them.
    Furthermore, random comments along the lines of “You know what I did today? I saw a furry. And I kicked him. And a cop came by and arrested him. And then I got an award for it.” to make yourselves look good are obvious lies and only degrade others’ opinions of you. There’s many posts that have the theme of one of you seeing a furry and acting out against them, but furries aren’t as easy to spot as you make it seem. Further still:
    > Oh thank you Lord, for Your protection and blessing
    We are in the comments section of a blog. We are not in a God/Jesus praising thread, nor are we in a personal journal of any sort. It does not contribute to the post, it does not contribute to other users’ understandings of the post, and it does not have any relevance whatsoever to anything in this blog post. It is not a question, it is not an answer, it is not even an anecdote! It, along with the admittedly anecdotal yet fictitious “I saw a furry so I harassed him,” is, clean and simple, spam.

    Every documented case of cannibalism in …

    TL;DR. Faithmouse is an anthropomorphic mouse. Just throwing that out there.

    I think Furryism is probably mandatory for soccer players, but I’m not sure about this; homosexuality certainly is, however

    You may have a point with the homosexuality amoung soccer players. They are pretty gay..

    gave false hope to the furry evil ones

    I already told you, I was upset that they closed the site. You filter what you read into whatever fits your argument best.

    Comment by Rorroh — June 23, 2010 @ 4:20 pm | Reply

  1915. My poor demented atheist furry. If you loved God you would not fear to pray to HIM anywhere or anytime. This blog is ALL ABOUT God protecting us from furries… in case you hadn’t noticed…

    and He foiled your plot, as He will foil your attempts to take over our colleges and ball parks.

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 23, 2010 @ 9:58 pm | Reply

  1916. new secret camera footage shows furries engaging in homosexual activities…

    I wonder if all furries are also French surrender monkeys…

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 24, 2010 @ 1:56 pm | Reply

  1917. This blog is ALL ABOUT God protecting us from furries

    Technically, this blog is about Senator Sam Brownback, which was turned into a Christian blog. So it’s about God, more or less. This post, however, is about furries and awareness of furries. Hence, the comments should logically be consisting of people agreeing with the proclaimed “furry menace,” people trying to dissuade against calling furries a menace, and those who are neutral and want to learn more about furries. It is true that this blog is about God, but let’s say, for the sake of example, you went to a forum about electronics, and you found a post about televisions. If you start talking about a radio you are sure to get at least scorned for it.

    As a side note, I noticed you’ve been saying “furries,” and I thank you for using that term rather than “Furrers” or “Furrists.”

    Comment by Rorroh — June 24, 2010 @ 5:36 pm | Reply

    • agreeing with the proclaimed “furry menace,”
      Excuse me, “agreeing with the proclamation that there is a ‘furry menace.'”

      Comment by Rorroh — June 24, 2010 @ 6:07 pm | Reply

  1918. So now the Furries have openly declared that they are a menace. It’s just as well that this war is now out in the open; the Furries have been waging it covertly for some time now. Fortunately the Furries are their own worst enemies: they constantly let the cat out of the bag, as Rorroh has done now. (That’s a metaphor, of course. A Furry would never literally let a real cat out of a real bag; he would use the bag to take the cat home in, so that he could do unspeakable things to it.) Whether it is because of witlessness or defective character, I cannot say. But I am very glad that the Furries cannot keep their plans secret for very long. They are compelled for whatever reason to boast about them on Internet Web Pages like this one.

    Just another reason why I am grateful to the Word Press for restoring this site. It is an important window into the nefarious mind of the Furry.

    ‘random comments along the lines of “You know what I did today? I saw a furry. And I kicked him. And a cop came by and arrested him. And then I got an award for it.” to make yourselves look good are obvious lies and only degrade others’ opinions of you.’

    I haven’t said any such thing, nor has Marty, so far as I can recall. I doubt that there are any awards given for Furry-kicking, although perhaps there should be. I’ve never been able to get close enough to a Furry to teach him a lesson; they always run away. Reminds me of the old classified ad:

    “FOR SALE: French army rifle. Never fired. Dropped only once.”

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 24, 2010 @ 10:54 pm | Reply

  1919. Special: Italian Tank Flimsly armour but has five speed gearshift…

    1 forward, 4 reverse!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 25, 2010 @ 12:12 pm | Reply

    • But that’s funny!

      Comment by Rorroh — June 25, 2010 @ 9:04 pm | Reply

  1920. So now the Furries have openly declared that they are a menace

    I must say, you are an idiot.

    Comment by Rorroh — June 25, 2010 @ 8:56 pm | Reply

  1921. So now the Furries have openly declared that they are a menace

    I must say, you are an idiot.”

    When all a person has left is ad hominem attack, he has effectively surrendered.

    So, I am pleased to accept the surrender that you are offering on behalf of Furrydom. Furries and normals both now agree that you Furries have nothing to say in your own defense. Furryism is literally indefensible, per the voluntary admission of confessed Furry, Rohroh.

    If any more Furries try to comment on this Internet Web Page, we can just point them to this comment by Rohroh and tell them to go away, since they’ve already lost.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 25, 2010 @ 10:07 pm | Reply

  1922. I say you’re an idiot because you read what I said wrong and reacted to it without making sure it said what you thought it said. Again.

    Comment by Rorroh — June 26, 2010 @ 2:21 am | Reply

  1923. It’s going to be impossible to make any progress if you Furries keep changing your story. One minute you’ve declared Furry Jihad on Americans, the next you’re denying you did any such thing. How can we carry on a rational argument with people who are so inconsistent? Proclaim jihad or don’t, admit defeat or don’t, but try to make up your minds, please.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 26, 2010 @ 3:22 pm | Reply

  1924. Read again.

    > … the comments should logically be consisting of people
    > agreeing with the proclamation that there is a ‘furry menace.’ …

    Let me explain to you bit by bit.

    > the comments

    Hopefully you know what comments are. These are comments.

    > should logically

    In other words, it would make sense for the following to be true.

    > be consisting of people

    You need people to make comments. Comments are made by people. Bear with me, we’re almost at the part of the confusion.

    > agreeing with

    If someone shares an ideal, they are agreeing.

    > the proclamation

    A proclamation is an announcement. When someone says something, they are proclaiming it.

    > that there is

    Id est, something exists.

    > a “furry menace.”

    I think you know what’s meant by this.

    Now, let’s put it together.

    > … the comments should logically be consisting of people

    It would make sense that some of the people who post comments here …

    > agreeing with the proclamation that there is a ‘furry menace.’ …

    … may agree with Psycheout’s claim. Psycheout’s claim, of course, was that furries are a menace. That is his opinion, not mine.

    It would make sense that some of the people who post comments here may agree with Psycheout’s personal claim that furries are a menace.

    It’s going to be impossible to make any progress if I need to explain a simple sentence fragment to you.

    Comment by Rorroh — June 26, 2010 @ 9:28 pm | Reply

  1925. Baaaak!
    In the wonderfully sunny and almost painfully conservichristian Tracy California, for a family reunion! Wow there are alot of you nutjobs out in the world.

    @rorroh: go man, you’re keeping the fight alive 😀
    @those other two guys: go to h e l l

    okay, now at what point are we at @ the moment? are those two guys still not listening to us?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 26, 2010 @ 10:37 pm | Reply

  1926. No, this won’t do at all. The Furry named Rorroh has misquoted himself. He did not write “the proclamation that there is a Furry menace.” He wrote “the proclaimed” Furry menace. In other words, a Furry menace exists, and it has been proclaimed. Who has authority to proclaim a Furry menace? Certainly not I, who have no authority in Furrydom. Only Furry imams or mullahs or shamans or whatever have authority to proclaim menace. I logically inferred that Rohhor was indicating that he was an authority within Furrydom and meant to proclaim menace. If he would like now to withdraw in an embarrassingly cowardly manner his proclamation, that is fine. I am willing to accept that Furries are flightly and intemperate, and will often declare hostilities even when they don’t have the power to back them up. So if under the warm sunshine Rohhro would like to admit that he made a mistake, that’s fine. I accept his teary retraction of his wild-eyed and foolish declaration of war.

    This means of course a Furry declaration of surrender and plea for mercy, which we here at B4B are content to accept. We will be merciful, so long as you renounce Furryism and all its works. Please confirm this renunciation in comments.

    As for Tracy, it is an admirable bastion of Real America, all the more admirable for its proximity to Berkeley and San Francisco, two notorious dens of iniquity, tie-dye, and men in leather chaps. I hope that the Furry named Shiro Chan learns something during his visit there, and that he does not travel too far West, among the hippies and homosexuals.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 26, 2010 @ 11:22 pm | Reply

  1927. No,

    TL;Skipped a chapter.

    if under the warm sunshine Rohhro would like to admit that he made a mistake

    You made the mistake. I did not misquote. Read yet again:

    > agreeing with the proclaimed “furry menace,”
    > Excuse me, “agreeing with the proclamation that there is a ‘furry menace.’”
    > Comment by Rorroh — June 24, 2010 @ 6:07 pm | Reply

    I copied and pasted that comment directly from the page to this comment. It’s directly under the original comment, and you can even check the date and time for accuracy. With the lack of an edit function, I had to correct myself with this comment.

    Comment by Rorroh — June 27, 2010 @ 10:30 am | Reply

  1928. Too laaaate, CSC 😛

    Ever been to Country Faire? No? Hippyfest!
    And all of my family are hippys anyways, so ha
    anyways, we are going to San Francisco later this week, and meet my uncle Bill, who is AWESOME! Anyone in the area that is furry?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — June 27, 2010 @ 11:11 am | Reply

  1929. we are going to San Francisco later this week … Anyone in the area that is furry?

    Is there anyone in that area that isn’t a Furry?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 27, 2010 @ 11:50 pm | Reply

  1930. Of course there’s people there that aren’t furry. Most of them don’t even know what a furry is.

    Anyone in the area that is furry?

    None that I can think of. I think you missed a convention somewhere in Cali earlier in the year. :p

    Comment by Rorroh — June 28, 2010 @ 12:35 pm | Reply

  1931. “I think you missed a convention somewhere in Cali earlier in the year.”

    We’d all be better off if that state just detached from the continent and floated off to become part of France.

    “Most of them don’t even know what a furry is.”

    If it’s true, I envy them. I remember what it was like before I knew about the Furry Menace. It was bliss. Now, every day is a battle. But you can’t unlearn what you have learned, can you? Well, maybe some of our slow-witted Furry commenters can unlearn things, but people of normal intelligence can’t. Anyway, the point is, once you know about the Furry crisis, you have no choice. If you love America and know about Furries, you will fight them. Because they seek nothing less than the complete destruction of the American way of life and the establishment of a harsh and tyrannical Furry regime.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 28, 2010 @ 10:06 pm | Reply

  1932. Exactly CSC. So True. The Furry Menace threatens us all with a life of servile servitude.

    They are working on new weapons such as sharper snap-on claws and powerfull jaw and fang attachments. I pray that they don’t use biological warfare to make us all grow hair all over our bodies like animals!

    Yet, I will resist, and I pray to GOD for HIS assistance and HIS inspiration!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 29, 2010 @ 8:02 am | Reply

  1933. Was this Furry involved in the recent death of U.S. Senator Robert Byrd? If so, why is it being covered up by the media? Is it because the pro-Furry lamestream media is so P.C. that they have to pretend Furries aren’t dangerous and violent extremists? Or do they actively sympathize with America’s enemies? Either way, we have a real problem.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 29, 2010 @ 10:26 am | Reply

  1934. Oh and you see how these weak lying cowards type one thing and then exactly the OPPOSITE? That’s because they are scared and impotent and want to be able to deny their foolish ideas if anyone challenges them on it.

    “OH NO! I didn’t say I wanted to bite your neck! I said “quite a bit!”

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 29, 2010 @ 11:59 am | Reply

  1935. Yes, the Furries do like to say a thing, and then the opposite of that thing. I don’t know if it’s because they are too stupid to keep a secret, and they’re try to cover it up after they’ve blabbed, or if it’s part of a cunning strategy to sow confusion and fear. Are Furries declaring war on America? Or not? Who knows? That’s how terrorism works, too. This is a kind of Furry terrorism.

    “Furrorism,” I call it.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 29, 2010 @ 9:42 pm | Reply

  1936. I think that the San Franciscans have captured the Furry Ssu-ma Ch’ien. I was afraid this would happen. He was deluded, but not the worst Furry that there has ever been, and he could have been saved. Goodbye, little Furry. If your parents had been better Americans, they would not have exposed you to this peril.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — June 30, 2010 @ 10:51 pm | Reply

  1937. Well, sorry CSC but if they let their spawn become a furry, they WERE NEVER Americans to begin with…

    sort of like how treasonous Furry Islamo-Facist Terrorists get stripped naked of their citizenship, well, so do their families..

    But I guess you are right Ruh-Ruh is by far worse than Stinky Chin…

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 1, 2010 @ 11:16 am | Reply

  1938. They are working on new weapons such as sharper snap-on claws and powerfull jaw and fang attachments

    Citation needed.

    Was this Furry involved in the recent death of U.S. Senator Robert Byrd?

    That’s a character from the show “Read Between the Lions”. It’s a kid’s show that talks about books and helps kids learn to read. She’s not a furry, she’s a puppet.

    Furries aren’t dangerous and violent extremists

    If we’re extremists, you’re far beyond being extremists. There’s talk on this site about mass genocide because of a small trival fact.

    Stinky Chin

    That’s not very nice, you know.

    Yes, the Furries do like to say a thing, and then the opposite of that thing

    No, we like to say a thing, and then you take it completely out of context. You don’t even think the opposite; you somehow manage to understand it sideways. We just try to clarify what we say and you think we’re changing our minds or covering something up.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 1, 2010 @ 6:03 pm | Reply

  1939. She’s not a furry, she’s a puppet.

    Isn’t the real problem that it’s not possible to tell the difference? Shouldn’t that give you Furries pause? I don’t know whether that Furry is a human or a puppet, and that scares me.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 1, 2010 @ 9:09 pm | Reply

  1940. I don’t think anyone would be small enough to fit in that if it weren’t a puppet, and there’s a somewhat-visible black bar holding her arm up. :p

    I’m going up to Philly for 10 days, so if I don’t get a chance to say so on the 4th, happy 4th of July!

    Comment by Rorroh — July 2, 2010 @ 1:24 am | Reply

  1941. Hmmmph… don’t know why a furry like you would care about independence…. you are in thrall to furrydom.

    and, being a furry and worshiping heathen idols, you are not Christian, and if you are not Christian why would you celebrate the creation of God Favorite Christian Nation – America!!

    I’m sure the reason you like the 4th of July is so you can attack people at Bar-B-Qs and bite them and eat them when they have sauce smeared all over their hands and faces….

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 2, 2010 @ 7:54 am | Reply

  1942. For Furries, the Fourth of July is not Independence Day. It is Defeat, Surrender, and Subjection Day. If the Furries had their way, America would have lost all of its wars and we would all mince about dressed as alpacas and slow lorises, and even the French would think we were effeminate.

    So go ahead and celebrate Slavery, Furries. Real America will be celebrating Freedom. If you knew how sweet a delicious mouthful of Freedom tasted, you’d be celebrating it, too.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 2, 2010 @ 9:43 pm | Reply

  1943. Happeh fourth, guys!
    I don’t know about you, but i am really enjoying everything. Been playing Modern Wafare 2 as the Rangers and my team is really moving up into the big legues! Noice!

    Anyways, Defeat, Surrender, and Subjection Day? I think you guys have been sniffing too much gasoline fumes from your pickup trucks.

    “If you knew how sweet a delicious mouthful of Freedom tasted,…”

    uh… okay? am i the only one who sees the wrongness in this sentence?

    “Celebrate Slavery, furries.”

    no thanks! I am quite happy with the freedom.

    NOTE: Just been talking to my parents, and I found out and Confirmed that my grandfather on my mom’s side fought in WW2 as one of the troops that invaded Berlin! I am descended from a hero! I never knew that.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 4, 2010 @ 7:07 pm | Reply

  1944. If you knew how sweet a delicious mouthful of Freedom tasted,…

    am i the only one who sees the wrongness in this sentence?”

    Don’t know what you think’s wrong. Grammar’s perfect.

    “I found out and Confirmed that my grandfather on my mom’s side fought in WW2 as one of the troops that invaded Berlin!”

    So your grandfather was in the Red Army when it raped Berlin? Why am I not surprised? Stalin was a Furry, after all.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 4, 2010 @ 8:04 pm | Reply

  1945. haha! no he was an american. The Rangers being the key word here. The Rangers were the first American Military force that was sent on D- Day. He is a hero!

    so, bojah, my granddad is an american hero. He is buried on that hill in california nearest the flag. My patriotism, confirmed. My furriness, undenied

    so, i am an Furry American Patriot. 😀

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 5, 2010 @ 8:51 pm | Reply

  1946. The Red Army captured Berlin, so I infer that you’re making all of this up. Together with every good American I salute the Rangers who scaled Pointe du Hoc, but since you can’t make up your mind whether your grandfather captured Berlin for the Soviets or Omaha Beach for America, I’ll assume this is just more Furry propaganda.

    There’s a lesson here, America. Furries don’t care about Truth. Furries care about promoting any story, true or false, that advances the Furry Agenda. We must be vigilant.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 5, 2010 @ 9:33 pm | Reply

  1947. You obviously know nothing about our country’s past wars. FYI, the American forces, allied with the british and french, were the ones who took berlin with the aid of the Russians. While the Soviets attacked from the north of berlin, the Americans and the Allies attacked from the south. SO, my grandfather fought in the Rangers with the Americans to take berlin. He was sent into Europe 3 days after D-day. (for those who understand, D-day+3)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 5, 2010 @ 11:58 pm | Reply

  1948. Usually prefer citing Conservapedia for these things, but they don’t have a “Battle of Berlin” page up yet. So we have to make do with Socialistopedia here:

    Even liberal WIkipedia says you’re wrong. You can’t just rewrite history to glorify Furryism. I love America, but I won’t make up lies to make her look better. That’s the kind of thing Stalin would do.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 6, 2010 @ 5:57 am | Reply

  1949. did you read?

    “On 22 April, at his afternoon situation conference, Hitler fell into a tearful rage when he realised that his plans of the day before were not going to be realised. He declared that the war was lost, he blamed the generals and announced that he would stay on in Berlin until the end and then kill himself. In an attempt to coax Hitler out of his rage, General Alfred Jodl speculated that the XII Army, under the command of General Walther Wenck, that was facing the Americans, could move to Berlin because the Americans, already on the Elbe River, were unlikely to move further east. This assumption was based on his viewing of the captured Eclipse documents, which organized the partition of Germany among the Allies.[51] Hitler immediately grasped the idea and within hours Wenck was ordered to disengage from the Americans and move the XII Army north-east to support Berlin.[49] It was then realised that, if the IX Army moved west, it could link up with the XII Army. In the evening Heinrici was given permission to make the link up.[52]”

    The american front to the west. That is where granddad fought.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 6, 2010 @ 10:40 am | Reply

  1950. Hi and belated Happy Independence Day! to all non-furryist on this blog! and to be sure B4B is the BESTEST blog in the world and will live forever…..

    I was away at my at my retreat on Medicine Stone Lake and we had a blast! The wife and I and my good buddy the Pastor and his assistant went fishing every day.. but before that we had a great emotional and serious service to HIS LORD GOD. Then we went out and slaughtered fish! I caught 27 Walleyes, 17 Lake Trout and 22 various Pike and Muskie … what a blast! We were able to sell most of them to the local diner at a good price so we almost covered the running costs for the GulfStream.

    also we were able to go out and shoot some bears and that was great.. bear kidneys, livers and gunk get good money from the local traders.

    but of course the best part were the thrice daily prayer services. We actually didn’t see much of the Pastor and his assistant at times.. they were off by themselves…

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 6, 2010 @ 8:25 pm | Reply

  1951. Sounds like you had fun!

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 6, 2010 @ 10:31 pm | Reply

  1952. Sounds like a great Fourth, Marty. Say, have you ever been aerial wolf hunting in Alaska? Hoping to do that myself some day. Hunting the way God intended it.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 6, 2010 @ 10:32 pm | Reply

  1953. Through careful examination, i have deduced that Marty is a Troll. Notice the comment down at the bottom of his last post?\

    “We actually didn’t see much of the Pastor and his assistant at times.. they were off by themselves…”

    Here he implys that he knows of the child molestation and homosexuality in the Christian faith (whaterver branch you worship, you have too many for me to want to keep track of). So you guys are worse than we are.

    And that thing about the Aerial wolf hunting? That is so un manly. You should go after them with a knife on the ground. That way you and the wolf would have a fighting chance.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 7, 2010 @ 8:19 am | Reply

  1954. Here he implys that he knows of the child molestation and homosexuality in the Christian faith

    I think it takes a pretty warped imagination to get that out of what Marty wrote. Just another example of the unwholesome Furry obsession with all things perverted. In the mind of a Furry, no two people are ever alone—no human being and animal are ever alone together!—without falling victim to unspeakable lust. Well, that’s not how it works in the world of regular people. Marty’s pastor probably just needed a hand: running a church retreat can be a very busy endeavor for a pastor, and the assistant was likely just helping him with his load.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 7, 2010 @ 10:31 am | Reply

  1955. Trolling? Why yes we did some trolling… that’s the best method for those large deep lakes.

    esp for Lake Trout…

    and I don’t know why you always want to bring up molesting children. Do you have some sort of problem?

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 7, 2010 @ 11:40 am | Reply


    okay, if you guys don’t know about this, then you fail. The Christian religion is famed for Child sex abuse. Did you not know that? Oh right, you probably didn’t due to the fact that your best source of information is the local hick town paper that you use to cover the floor with, cause you don’t have a carpet or floor.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 7, 2010 @ 1:48 pm | Reply

  1957. While performing an Internet search on Furryism today, I discovered this important resource:

    It is difficult to believe that I had not encountered it before. If the resistance to Furryism weren’t so scattered and disorganized, we would make a formidable army. As it is, we are each off in different corners of the Internet, fighting our individual battles. It would be much better to unite and crush Furryism forever.

    I highly recommend the link, even if the language is sometimes a little salty. What Furries do; how to deal with them; examples of incoherent e-mail rants sent by crazed, angry Furries; saddening images of Furries harassing and offending the public. It’s all there. All in all, one of the more helpful Internet postings about Furryism that I have seen. Highly recommended.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 8, 2010 @ 12:38 pm | Reply

  1958. “Furries are known to be irrational, quick to anger, easily offended, self-righteous and very, very, very dim”

    ho ho CSC… man that guy knows our furries up and down….

    remember how you had to explain every little thing to them? without pay?

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 8, 2010 @ 4:33 pm | Reply

  1959. Yes, it is clear that the author of that Internet Web Page has encountered many Furries, and knows their ways. No doubt we will be called upon to explain its contents to the confused and belligerent Furries who fill up the comments on this blog with their angry, baseless rage. Then they will spit back in our faces our generous elucidations, and continue to behave in the erratic and irrational manner that is their custom.

    I continue to believe that, if they truly realized the madness of their ways, Furries would renounce their Furryism and follow a less offensive and self-destructive path. Our challenge is to shine the lamp of understanding so brightly upon Furryism that even the Furries will see how ruinous and pointless is the way of Furryism.

    Furries! I call upon you to examine with care the life of the Furry, and to see what harm it brings to you, to your communities, and to America. Repent of your animalistic ways, Furries, and live your lives as the good Lord envisioned, without costumes and without horrific crimes committed against animals and humans beings.

    I know that you regard us as the enemy, but we are only trying to help you see the path to salvation, or at least to dignity.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 9, 2010 @ 12:35 am | Reply

  1960. It’s good to have the blog back. I get tired of Furries sidetracking everything. This is a resource for regular Americans to find out about a serious threat to their way of life. Fighting off the nonsensical objections of Furries slows things down. That’s why they come here to annoy us, I reckon. I wish that Psycheout or Sisyphus would just ban the Furries so that they could never come back again. Maybe in their infinite wisdom they have a reason for permitting their blog to be defiled in this way. I confess that I do not see what that reason is. Furries already dominate the media and the political sphere; they don’t need yet another forum for spreading their perversity and lies.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 9, 2010 @ 11:27 pm | Reply

  1961. From this point forward, I plead any furry who is in their right mind to stop, read this blog, laugh like crazy, and do not comment.
    To angry young furs out there, DO NOT COMMENT! The people on this site are biased and rude, and due to their stubbornness I am branding this site off limits to furries. It will die on its own anyway. If you read the past odd number of comments, you will notice that i have been trying to change this, however there is nothing i can do to change their minds.

    This is fair warning. Furries, if you don’t like drama or getting angry, read and laugh, but leave the comments out.

    Shiro Chan. (last post)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 12, 2010 @ 11:10 am | Reply

  1962. “I plead any furry who is in their right mind to stop, read this blog, laugh like crazy, and do not comment.”

    Afraid we don’t see many Furries in their right mind around here. Hope they all do stop commenting, though. Without Furry vitriol to monitor in these comments, Marty and I, and the legions of silent followers of this thread, can direct our energies to stamping out Furryism in our local communities. This blog will return to its obvious original purpose, as a resource for citizens concerned about the toll taken by Furryism on our families, communities, and nation.

    Now if I could also just get dandelions to pledge not to grow in my lawn anymore…

    Yes, that is an apt metaphor. Furry comments are the pernicious dandelions in the lush lawn that is B4B.

    “The people on this site are biased and rude”

    Yes, they are, if by “people on this site” you mean the Furry commenters. Once these are gone, there will be nothing on this site but truth and civility.

    “I am branding this site off limits to furries”

    I knew that the one name Shino Chan was some kind of Furry mullah. Remember when he declared war on America and then tried to take it back? That was my first clue. Now it’s fatwahs. Well, I hope his Furry minions obey this fatwah.

    “It will die on its own anyway.”

    To the contrary. If experience has shown anything, it’s that B4B is indestructible and that it will continue to serve the public for as long as it is needed.

    “Furries, if you don’t like drama or getting angry”

    Again, drama and anger are not incidental to Furryism; they are essential to it. Furries are by nature oversensitive, theatrical, and aflame with impotent rage. This is like saying to a fish that, if it doesn’t like swimming and piddling in the sea, it should stay on land. It doesn’t make any sense.

    But then, the wild claims and bizarre ideas of the Furry mind never do make sense, do they?

    (No, they do not.)

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 12, 2010 @ 12:30 pm | Reply

  1963. To all wayward demented Furries:

    GOD LOVES YOU! Of course He would like you better if you gave up worshipping false graven idols of animals and only worshipped Him by reading His book and following its directions. But, even if you don’t He still does love you.

    Naturally, if you were trying to bake a cake, you would read a recipie book, or talk to a master chef who has had some contact with cakes, and not just pretend to be an egg or some milk and pretend to be a cake.. right?

    So it is will achieving salvation, happiness, and everlasting life: Read and Follow the BIBLE! The true recipie book for life. and go to Service and listen to your Pastor.

    and remember God loves you even as He punishes you in this life by making you miserable, and He loves you even while He punishes you for all eternity for being a jerk and trying to get B4B shutdown.

    God Bless!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 12, 2010 @ 4:29 pm | Reply

    • hey retard we don’t worship furries we role play for the last time… we take part in reading comic books watching movies and cartoons and playing video games but then again the fact that you are to stuck up to pull your head or of your ass and do some research you’ll never know that.

      Comment by ravenfox — July 20, 2010 @ 11:36 pm | Reply

  1964. Back from Pennsylvania and unwilling to read most of the garbage that you all posted. 😉

    I must say a few things though: How did you possibly manage to take “Happy 4th of July” and think I was referring to a “Defeat, Surrender and Subjection Day?”

    To straighten out something that Marty and CSC seemed to have mentioned on a few times, let me reiterate: the furry fandom is not a religion. We are not idolizing a set “furry god”, we do not idolize animals religiously, we do not sacrifice, we do not say prayers to any set “furry god.” We are like any other group of people. We each have our own opinions and beliefs. Some may have beliefs in the Jewish, Wiccan, or even Scientology religions, or are Atheists. Many of them are Christian, and are further divided into Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans, et cetera. You could easily compare the diversity of beliefs in the furry fandom to the beliefs in the world as a whole.


    Comment by Rorroh — July 12, 2010 @ 5:05 pm | Reply

  1965. The Furry imam Shiro Chan has commanded all Furries to cease commenting on B4B. Please comply with his edict, Rohroh. As you know, ignoring a fatwah is a serious offense in the Furry religion. I do not wish to be responsible for Shiro Chan declaring Jihad against you and urging the Furries of the world to track down and eliminate the apostate.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 12, 2010 @ 6:46 pm | Reply

  1966. Also, I didn’t see earlier the incorrect statement made by the Furry Grand Wizard Shiro Chan about the Battle of Berlin. I can’t let a lie stand uncontested on B4B, since this is where America comes for truth.

    The U.S. Army is not listed as a belligerent on the Libtardopedia page; it’s only the Soviets, the Poles, and the Nazis. And we deliberately stayed away from the capture of Berlin:

    “No plans were made by the Western Allies to seize the city by a ground operation.[24] U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower lost his interest in the race to Berlin and saw no further need to suffer casualties in attacking a city that would be in the Soviet sphere of influence after the war.[25] General Eisenhower foresaw excessive friendly fire if both armies attempted to occupy the city at once.[26] The major Western Allied contribution to the battle was the strategic bombing of Berlin during 1945.[27] During 1945 the United States Army Air Forces launched a number of very large daytime raids on Berlin, and for 36 nights in succession scores of RAF Mosquitos bombed the German capital, ending on the night of 20/21 April 1945 just before the Soviets entered the city.[28]”

    If our boys had been there, they would have stopped the Ruskies from the terrible atrocities they committed upon taking the city.

    B4B is an All-truth zone. If you’re addicted to lies, go elsewhere.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 12, 2010 @ 7:06 pm | Reply


    geez Ruh-Ruh… now I am convinced you never graduated High School…. or maybe you were “high” all the time…

    The Unitied States of AMERICA is the best nation in the world and you say it isn’t even a nation.. shame.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 12, 2010 @ 7:26 pm | Reply


    Well, it certainly wasn’t based on the Furry religion, was it? What religion was it based on then?

    Do Furries do anything other than spout nonsense all day?

    Also, there’s no need to yell. Furry lies are no less pernicious when they are purveyed in conventional type.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 12, 2010 @ 8:42 pm | Reply

    • the united states was founded by people who didn’t want to live under the queen of Britain’s rule you moron.

      Comment by ravenfox — July 20, 2010 @ 11:40 pm | Reply

  1969. The Unitied States of AMERICA is the best nation in the world and you say it isn’t even a nation.. shame.

    The United States OF America. Of signifies it is a part of something. The United States is a part of America. There is also Central America and South America. South America is not Florida and Texas. We are in North America. Canada is also in North America.
    Maybe talking in simple sentences will help me help you understand. 😉

    Well, it certainly wasn’t based on the Furry religion, was it?

    There is no “Furry Religion.”

    What religion was it based on then?

    It was not based on any religion.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 12, 2010 @ 8:59 pm | Reply

  1970. “The United States OF America. Of signifies it is a part of something.”

    No it doesn’t. Here it signifies that it is constituted by something. Compare for example “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” Doesn’t mean that there were Soviet Socialist Republics outside the Union; it was a Union made up of all Soviet Socialist Republics. Similarly, the United States are made up of America.

    Anyway, “America” is not North, Central and South America. Those are “the Americas.” There is only one America.

    ‘There is no “Furry Religion.”‘

    Then why is Shiro Chan parading around just issuing fatwahs left and right?

    Anyway, he forbade you to comment here any more, so you should go away. I’m tired of having to explain everything all the time, anyway. Furry ignorance is comprehensive, extending to grammar, history, geography, science, religion, and all other fields of knowledge. Correcting their errors is therefore a practically Sisyphean task.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 13, 2010 @ 8:09 am | Reply

    • cus he’s a retard shiro is not the spokes person for furries…… i just want to say you’re so blind that you sit here and say some one knows nothing because of what they like then like a child you kick sand in our face and when we stand up to you you cry and say we have to go away because you know were right its like me telling you that because you read the bible you know nothing about the world get over it not every things a sin and I’m sure you guys make god sick your no better then the westboro church your all blind all you do is look for something to call a sin so you can feel like your doing gods work well your not get over it come to peace with the world i mean you don’t sit there calling the Jewish religion satanist because they believe differently you tell us to read the book preach the word of god well if god wants me to make hate full remarks like your then that’s not some one worth praying to but he doesn’t so why should i listen to you who knows nothing of what they speak

      Comment by ravenfox — July 22, 2010 @ 2:18 am | Reply

      • cus he’s a retard shiro is not the spokes person for furries

        Shiro’s not a retard, and never claimed to be the spokesperson.

        Comment by Rorroh — July 22, 2010 @ 10:34 pm

  1971. “There is only one America.”

    Exactly CSC… and its the one great hope for mankind on Earth. All other countries have fallen to the communists and islamo-facists and crypto-secularists.

    Only America stands as a shining beacon of HOPE for all. and not because we have that lying Kenyan terrorist-loving, furry-wife banging, big-eared usurper in the WHITE HOUSE…

    Its because of good Christians tired of being abused and attacked and isolated by evil furries and atheists.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 13, 2010 @ 10:02 am | Reply

  1972. Here it signifies that it is constituted by something

    I see what you’re saying. I wonder who came up with the name. :p

    There is only one America

    Yes. Only one America. But America is a continent. Go back to school.

    a practically Sisyphean task

    Isn’t it against your beliefs to reference something like that?

    its the one great hope for mankind on Earth

    Earth is doomed. Jus’ sayin’.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 13, 2010 @ 1:09 pm | Reply

  1973. “America is a continent”

    There are seven continents. Their names are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. There is no continent named “America.”

    There is however a grand and proud nation named “America.”

    “Isn’t it against your beliefs to reference something like that?”

    I don’t see anything in the Commandments or the Constitution forbidding me to make reference to familiar Greek myths.

    Aren’t all of you Furries supposed to be gone, anyway? Didn’t your commander forbid you to comment here? Go away.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 13, 2010 @ 7:49 pm | Reply

  1974. CSC! I have uncovered secret information on the Furry Menace! email me at kavendav (at) (a junk drop)

    so we can plan to defeat the evil ones.


    Comment by Marty McPain — July 14, 2010 @ 7:57 am | Reply

  1975. God… okay i am posting this as one last one just to clear something up about my post.

    I warned that people, unless they enjoy this drama, should steer clear of this place. It seems Rorroh likes the drama, and since he is here, he is obviously still fighting the good fight.
    Maybe i should become Wiccan so i can hex you guys… (@marty and CSC)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 15, 2010 @ 10:33 am | Reply

  1976. Furries… it has been a long battle. I am convinced that you are stubborn and dense.

    Have you ever looked at any of the other posts on this blog?

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 15, 2010 @ 7:17 pm | Reply

  1977. “God… okay i am posting this as one last one just to clear something up about my post.”

    Go away. I swear, it’s ridiculous that a good, normal American has to be responsible for holding a Furry mullah to his own fatwahs. If you’re going to make religious degrees, at least try to abide by them!

    “Have you ever looked at any of the other posts on this blog?”

    Ah, it is no use, Marty. Furries are interested only in Furryism, not Truth. They do not care about the contributions of B4B to Science and History and the Arts. They know only Furry rage and the peculiar obsessions of the Furry perversion. If it is not about Furries, they do not care. I salute your efforts to broaden their horizons. It is only that I fear that they cannot be expanded beyond their already pitifully narrow scope. The Furry mind will remain forever shrouded in blackest night. Furries! If only you could apprehend that which Marty wishes to teach you! If only your minds were sufficient to the task!

    Alas. Alas, Furries, I weep for you and your benightedness!

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 15, 2010 @ 9:34 pm | Reply

  1978. There are dark things that must not be spoken of.

    pits of filth where they squish and squash.. looking….

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 16, 2010 @ 3:53 pm | Reply

  1979. Be careful, Marty McPain. In the words of Our Lord and Savior, “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

    It would be especially unpleasant, I think, to be gazed into by the abyss of Furryism.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 18, 2010 @ 8:18 pm | Reply

  1980. Hairy, scaley, drooling shapes….

    screaming… stop the SCREAMING!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 19, 2010 @ 7:17 am | Reply

  1981. I don’t think I can take any more of this..

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 19, 2010 @ 9:57 am | Reply

  1982. Turn away, Marty McPain. The LORD did not design the human brain to endure such torments. Turn away from the freakish spectacle and return to the world of Good U.S. Americans. You cannot stop Furries from wallowing in the mire. All you can do is warn your fellow patriots of the terrible and growing danger.

    I hope it is not already too late, for America and for you.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 19, 2010 @ 10:40 pm | Reply

  1983. No CSC, I can’t take it any more… The one hope I had for America’s Salvation and Redemption has been subverted and refudiated by the Furries.

    Look at that disgusting snout just ready to poke under White Christian Women’s dresses.

    Beady eyes drilling into my soul! sucking out my reason and will! arrggghhhh!

    stop it stop it stop it!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 20, 2010 @ 10:27 am | Reply

  1984. Speaking as an Evangelical Agnostic, I don’t beilieve we have the whole picture here. Where are Marty McPain and Common Sense Conservative getting all of their information on these Furries? I have learned in my travels that there is always two sides to a story, and it seems the case here. Marty PcPain and Common Sense Conservative keep making the same arguments over and over again while adding on random material that they know nothing about.
    My opinion to Marty McPain and Common Sense Conservative would be to get all of the information first, rather than jumping to conclusions about one site on the internet. Have you two actually let a Furry explain his community to you entirely?

    Comment by Jonathan Meyers — July 20, 2010 @ 12:29 pm | Reply

    • “Have you two actually let a Furry explain his community to you entirely?”

      That is the most disgusting proposition I have seen a Furry make on this page. Absolutely revolting. Stay away from me, you pervert.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 21, 2010 @ 9:35 am | Reply

      • I’m not a furry. Where did you get that idea?

        Comment by Jonathan Meyers — July 21, 2010 @ 11:15 am

      • “I’m not a furry. Where did you get that idea?”

        That’s the spirit. Jonathan Meyer shows that you don’t HAVE to be a Furry if you don’t want to. If you just say NO to Furryism, you’re not a Furry anymore. It can be just that easy.

        Good work, Jonathan Meyer. Can I ask you what about B4B gave you the courage to renounce Furry ways so quickly? Maybe it would be helpful to some of the commenters who are still struggling with the curse of Furryism.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 21, 2010 @ 5:18 pm

  1985. Like I said, you two are too self-absorbed thinking you know exactly what you’re talking about. Jonathan wasn’t even a furry to begin with. He’s neutral on the subject of furries.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 21, 2010 @ 7:31 pm | Reply

    • Why do Furries consistently refuse to acknowledge it when a real Conversion occurs here in the comments at B4B? It reminds me of the story of Furry No More that I read in the comments. Looks like you Furries drove him off by mocking him and telling him that there wasn’t any hope for him to be cured of Furryism.

      Jonathan, don’t let these Furries get you down. Never mind their taunts and jeers. We here at B4B know you have changed, and we salute you. Keep coming back!

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 21, 2010 @ 7:59 pm | Reply

  1986. OK, I’ve had about enough. We’ve had lots of irrelevant trolling and spamming in these comments. So I want to make a declaration.

    Furries are henceforth FORBIDDEN from commenting on this blog. If you are a Furry, GO AWAY! This blog is not for Furries. This blog is for normal American patriots.

    If you are thinking about making a comment, ask yourself first whether you are a Furry. If the answer is “yes,” go away and do not comment. Furries are ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN from commenting on this site.

    Thanks for your attention.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 21, 2010 @ 11:46 pm | Reply

  1987. aww your just sad because your god dose’nt exist. XD the one you defined to us any way that ones just a crutch you use to make yourself feel better than other because this god you invented by reading the bible and takeing only the parts you liked and peicing him together along with a few parts made up by you. is bullshit and bullshit as we all know is bad for you just like every hate filled word that spills forth from your mouth is bullshit and its bad for you… you dont reaserch you look up all the bad and dismiss the good. any thing you dont understand or makes you uncomfortable or you fear is “satans work” and instantly written off well sir there are a ghood many of people out there just like you who will call what you are doing “satans work|” and write you off” ^_^ . read a bible front to back put your highlighter away and maybe hey you could learn something. till then have fun earning yourself a place in hell alongside all who you condemn that actually go… the rest of us will watch on from our afterlive’s laugh and wave as you are burning for eternity in lakes of sulfer and brim stone gnashing your teeth and crying out (tell me i havent read the bible now.. those are’nt the exact words but that’s the jist of it i did’nt feel like being exact) i believe in god.. i also believe that many other gods exist (none haveing to do with furries you idiots would know this if youd just swallow your pride stop being morons and do actual looking into the fandom then just pointing fingers and saying SATAN SATAN) and no its not devil worship that im thinking of.. youd have to belive in god to worship the devil as god and satan are assosiated with one another.. my gf is wiccain which has noting to do with satan… more to do with haveing faith in nature and good will and spirits. hemce more you dumbasses dont know about becuase you cant look at both sides of the train tracks. you are the ones who are ignorant you condemn even before theres a whole picture… thats like cutting some one off mid sentence and saying “this is what you are going to say” and really its the exact opposite…. you sir put god to shame… im sure hes watching you now head in hands saying “where did i go wrong”

    Comment by ravenfox — July 22, 2010 @ 1:45 am | Reply

  1988. aww your just sad because your god dose’nt exist. XD the one you defined to us any way that ones just a crutch you use to make yourself feel better than other because this god you invented by reading the bible and takeing only the parts you liked and peicing him together along with a few parts made up by you. is bullshit and bullshit as we all know is bad for you just like every hate filled word that spills forth from your mouth is bullshit and its bad for you… you dont reaserch you look up all the bad and dismiss the good. any thing you dont understand or makes you uncomfortable or you fear is “satans work” and instantly written off well sir there are a good many people out there just like you who will call what you are doing “Satans work” and write you off” ^_^ . read a bible front to back put your highlighter away and maybe hey you could learn something. till then have fun earning yourself a place in hell alongside all who you condemn that actually go… the rest of us will watch on from our afterlive’s laugh and wave as you are burning for eternity in lakes of sulfer and brim stone gnashing your teeth and crying out (tell me i haven’t read the bible now.. (those aren’t the exact words but that’s the jist of it i didn’t feel like being exact) i believe in god.. i also believe that many other gods exist (none haveing to do with furries you idiots would know this if you’d just swallow your pride stop being morons and do actual looking into the fandom then just pointing fingers and saying SATAN SATAN) and no its not devil worship that Im thinking of.. you’d have to belie3ve in god to worship the devil as god and satan are assosiated with one another.. my gf is wiccain which has noting to do with satan… more to do with haveing faith in nature and good will and spirits. hence more you dumbasses don’t know about because you cant look at both sides of the train tracks. you are the ones who are ignorant you condemn even before there’s a whole picture… that’s like cutting some one off mid sentence and saying “this is what you are going to say” and really its the exact opposite…. you put god to shame… I’m sure hes watching you now head in hands saying “where did i go wrong”

    Comment by ravenfox — July 22, 2010 @ 1:49 am | Reply

  1989. Oh thanks CSC! I have been tortured with sights and sounds of animal shapes and bleatings…

    I am in pain from washing out my eyes with soap to still the horrid visions…

    maybe here I will find some peace.

    Thank you brother.


    Comment by Marty McPain — July 22, 2010 @ 8:46 am | Reply

  1990. What, again, made you think that you converted me? I did my research on the fandom, and i didn’t find it appealing. Blogs 4 Brownback takes a small amount of information and grossly exaggerates it. You two are at the forefront of such exaggeration. If you had actually done research on the Fandom, you would know that the sex crazed psychopaths of the Furry Fandom are a minority and that they also want to stamp that section of the Fandom out. Really, you two are being irrational about a group of people who just do what they want to do. It’s not like you can stop them.

    Comment by Jonathan Meyers — July 22, 2010 @ 11:42 am | Reply

  1991. “It’s not like you can stop them”

    So then you too think that the Furry Menace will take over America?

    I agree that the Islamo-Facist Socialists that have usurped our government are dedicated furries and that their animal lusts will soon have us all forced into FEMA camps for use as playthings for their perevered desires!

    Sad. really. but NO it will NOT come to PASS! True Christians UNITE! and rise UP to PROTECT AMERICA!!!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 22, 2010 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

  1992. “What, again, made you think that you converted me? ”

    Well, you’re not a Furry now, are you?

    “I did my research on the fandom, and i didn’t find it appealing.”

    No. No, it is not very appealing at all, is it?

    “Blogs 4 Brownback takes a small amount of information and grossly exaggerates it.”

    B4B is home to the Internet’s most extensive collection of facts and links concerning Furryism. Contrary to your claims, the fact of the matter is that it presents a vast amount of information and through sober and reasoned analysis attempts to put that information into proper context and perspective.

    “the sex crazed psychopaths of the Furry Fandom are a minority”

    This seems unacceptably racist to me.

    “you two are being irrational about a group of people who just do what they want to do”

    And Hitler was just doing what he wanted to do. By your logic, we shouldn’t have fought World War Two, and we should have handed to whole world over to the Nazis. Look, Jonathan Martin, if you want to persuade people of your point of view, it’s better not to stake out objectively pro-Nazi positions.

    “It’s not like you can stop them.”

    Why not? Why is the default liberal position always abject defeatism and surrender? We just need the right laws, the police and courts to enforce them, and the corrections system to administer the appropriate remedial programs and punishments.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 22, 2010 @ 5:50 pm | Reply

    • so what you are saying is we need to legalise hate crimes?

      Comment by ravenfox — July 23, 2010 @ 6:40 pm | Reply

  1993. Protect america from what??? A bunch of couch nerds and costume designers and artists? Really… it’s not like they are a militant group or something.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 22, 2010 @ 10:19 pm | Reply

  1994. Oh, for crying out loud. GO AWAY!!! The Furries keep promising that they’ll go away, and then they pipe up again with their poorly informed, barely relevant remarks. Look, you’ve gotten this new idiot Jim Marvin all stirred up and frisky, and Marty is clearly distressed, and I’m at about the limit of my patience. Haven’t you caused enough harm? Just go away. Anyway, I forbade Furries from commenting here. See above. Also, didn’t YOU forbid Furries from commenting here, too? Honestly, you Furries are more irrational than women.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 22, 2010 @ 10:29 pm | Reply

    • oh sounding a bit sexist now… gonna make remarks about people of other nationalities while you are at it? this is proof that you are nothing more than an ignorant boob.

      Comment by ravenfox — July 23, 2010 @ 6:42 pm | Reply

  1995. Furries are henceforth FORBIDDEN from commenting on this blog

    A bunch of couch nerds

    It’s true. I lead a sad life sometimes.

    >> “the sex crazed psychopaths of the Furry Fandom are a minority”

    >> This seems unacceptably racist to me

    I know this is bad that I’m cheering, but I can’t help but say “brava!” That was, undoubtably, the most amazing turnaround I’ve seen on this blog.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 22, 2010 @ 10:32 pm | Reply

  1996. more irrational than women

    More sexism? That looks bad on you.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 22, 2010 @ 10:36 pm | Reply

  1997. “I know this is bad that I’m cheering, but I can’t help but say “brava!” That was, undoubtably, the most amazing turnaround I’ve seen on this blog.”

    Do you see, Jeffrey? Even the Furries think your racist rant crosses the line. For shame, Jeffrey. For shame. Just goes to show you that liberals are the true racists today.

    Incidentally, I think Shiro Chan means “bravo.” “Brava” would be appropriate if I were a woman. So it would be appropriate, for example, to say “brava” to Jeffrey. If he ever made a comment that was worth praise, that is. Which I will grant is an unlikely prospect. He’s more likely to post something about lipstick or his menstrual cycle.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 22, 2010 @ 11:23 pm | Reply

  1998. the Furries think your racist rant crosses the line

    No, I think the way you interpreted what he said, and the comment you made following it, was funny.

    Incidentally, I think Shiro Chan means “bravo.”

    Shiro didn’t say it, and I mean “brava.” Because I like the way it sounds. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Mwahahaha!

    Comment by Rorroh — July 23, 2010 @ 10:10 am | Reply

  1999. Excuse me? Racist? I said that it is a part of their fandom, but that it is only a small part. Marty McPain and Common Sense Conservative make it seem like it is some sort of world threatening organization bent on the destruction of Christians.

    How, exactly, because it seems that I am in the dark on Marty McPain and Common Sense Conservative’s point of view, do they threaten the world? Really they seem like nice people with a smaller twisted side, but everyone is like that.

    Comment by Jonathan Meyers — July 23, 2010 @ 10:44 am | Reply

  2000. “Shiro didn’t say it”

    I know. Since those two sound the same, I have decided to use their names interchangeably. Maybe it would be better just to have one name for both of them, like “Rirro Ran” or “Shorroh.”

    “Excuse me? Racist?”

    You said that whenever there was Furry perversion, it was the fault of a minority. Look, we know racism when we see it. It’s ugly. We don’t need you coming around here spewing your vile hate, Jonathan Meyers. The Furries already provide quite enough of that.

    “How, exactly, … do they threaten the world?”

    We have explained this many times, in many ways, in the comments above. I don’t feel like repeating myself for the hundredth time just because you showed up late and are confused. Go back, read this post, the comments, and the links carefully. Then, if you still have doubts about the global threat of Furryism, I will attempt to address your concerns. But honestly, I can’t imagine a person still having doubts after reading this thread.

    “everyone is like that”

    No, everyone is NOT a Furry. There are still many non-Furry Americans. But if we don’t act soon, there may come a day when everyone IS. And don’t think that they will have mercy on you just because you were a servile mouthpiece for Furry propaganda; when they take over, you’ll be forced to convert to Furryism just like the rest of us.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 23, 2010 @ 11:20 am | Reply


    Furries are everywhere! EVIL BEADY EYES!!!


    Comment by Marty McPain — July 23, 2010 @ 12:40 pm | Reply

  2002. and we’ll devour you stupid ignorent psuedo christians MWAHAHAHA. and you know i have nothing against christianity… i saw A TRUE cristian today. he was on the bus passing out fliers to his church and saying “god bless” a much better approach then you. you remind me of the westborrow church .

    Comment by ravenfox — July 23, 2010 @ 6:57 pm | Reply

  2003. Great, I hope you Furries are happy. You’ve overstimulated Marty again.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 23, 2010 @ 7:22 pm | Reply

  2004. I hope you Furries are happy

    I am. It made me lol.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 23, 2010 @ 8:39 pm | Reply

  2005. Well, I’m glad someone thinks it’s funny. I don’t. I don’t think it’s good for his health to get all worked up like that.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 23, 2010 @ 11:04 pm | Reply

  2006. good. mayebe this overstimulation will knock some sense into that thick skull of his.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 23, 2010 @ 11:47 pm | Reply

  2007. maybe lol.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 23, 2010 @ 11:48 pm | Reply

  2008. any way what else have you got to throw at us crock of shit conservative?

    Comment by ravenfox — July 23, 2010 @ 11:51 pm | Reply

  2009. Just because you Furries are nihilists and don’t care about anything doesn’t mean normal people are as inhuman as you are. Unlike Furries, Marty actually cares about things, and he is susceptible to overexcitement.

    You Furries could stir Marty up so much that he had a stroke or a heart attack and died and you wouldn’t even care, you’d just laugh and slap each other on the back.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 24, 2010 @ 12:54 am | Reply

    • that.. or you are and idiot who just thinks that because you know nothing.. how you act about us is exactly how racists and antisemites act. you know something… i laughe because hes all worked up … because of how ignorent you people are… but that doesent mean i wish ill will on him… YOU ARE THE ONES WANTING A HAULOCAUST… you want our humanity taken away you wish to commit hate crimes against us. all the things you accuse us of trying to do you wish UPON US!!! so… what makes you so much holier than us.. if you want to do the same things you are stupid enough to think we are going to? god says love thine neighbor…. not love thine neighbor only if you like them or agree with them… just love thine neighbor. why cant you just deal and let god sort us all out like he wants eh? if we really are in the wrong and so evil will will go to hell if you are REALLY so great you will go to heaven…. cant that be the end of it.. cus im sure if you lock a bunch of people in cages abuse them and kill them or whatever you intend to do… god will surely get pretty pissed at you for makeing decisions that were up to him. yet again i don’t wish ill will on ANY ONE just that stupid people will finally get the picture and stop persecuting people over a HOBBIE!!!!!!! whats next you gonna go throwing bibles at kids playing candyland saying “YOU’LL BURN IN HELL FOR VISITING THAT INFERNAL MAGICAL LAND OF SWEETS MADE BY SATAN!!!” or burn a stamp collection becuase granny was possesed by the devil… or maybe you’ll attack kids playing pogs… or trading card games . becuase that would be no different then what you are doing here. rule 34 of the internet if it exists theres porn of it…. sick people all over the world get ideas to make disgusting images about many things some even family orented programs have been perverted by this but one perversion does not damn the whole population. they even make sex toys shaped like holy figures like nuns or crusifixes…. we could say some pretty raunchy things about your religion even though there’s no connection between these shameful creations and your religion… no connection what so ever but we don’t… so why are you going to base us off the little bad you heard? i read an online furry webcomic that has NO SEXUAL CONTENT WHAT SO EVER in fact it is a christian webcomic… and it has very clean very good values i wont bother asking you to look at it… but ill post the link just in case. im sorry youve been so mislead… and i feel i’ve taken the wrong approach at helping fight this gross misconception. a flame war only makes things worse so please just know. there are good furrie’s out there… as well as those who like the disgusting images and such…. but some just play normal video games and read comocs and watch movies… THAT ARE FAMILY APPROPRIATE. no smut… no filth just…. entertaining clean fun.

      Comment by ravenfox — July 25, 2010 @ 10:25 pm | Reply

  2010. That would make me lol more 😀

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 24, 2010 @ 11:41 pm | Reply

  2011. comics* sorry about my misspelling.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 25, 2010 @ 10:44 pm | Reply

  2012. kids playing pogs

    Ah, pogs. Those were fun little toys, they were. 😉 I wonder if they’re still sold?

    (Not sure if I’ve said this yet, so here goes)
    Touching up a bit on what Raven said, most sites that you probably got your “research” (read: porn) from are, more times than not, not even created by furries. They are branches of adult websites trying to target a larger audience based on furry stereotypes, just like the ones portrayed on this blog post. I can almost guarantee that most furry sites (read: porn that you came across and immediately was led to the assumption that it was furry-central) are part of a network.. that I would really rather not share on a public blog. Let’s just say it’s an “adult media” website, and one that most definitely is not run by furries.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 25, 2010 @ 11:39 pm | Reply

  2013. I don’t have the patience to read the long rant by the Furry who doesn’t use punctuation. Can somebody summarize it for me please?

    “most sites that you probably got your “research” (read: porn) from are, more times than not, not even created by furries”

    I have not visited any sites like the ones you describe. I have linked to respected information sources such as Conservapedia as well as to photographic and video evidence of 1). Furries committing violent atrocities against civilians and 2). Furries infiltrating our government and media institutions. I don’t have the stomach to research the material you are talking about; it’s enough just to know that it is out there, it is vile, and it is corrupting our children.

    Plus, it doesn’t really matter whether that stuff is created by Furries; it matters that Furries are looking at it and paying for it, thereby creating an incentive for it to be produced. So, I don’t know who creates it, and I don’t care. What matters is that there are hordes of panting Furries, delirious with bad desire, roaming the Internet looking for images of unspeakable perversion and finding them.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 26, 2010 @ 9:12 am | Reply

    • are you kidding me?…. I am trying to be civil and this is how you respond? is this what the “good book” taught you… or are you illiterate? I am going with the second answer. Because the good book I’ve gone through has taught people to respond to civility with WHAT CHILDREN…? civility!!!! That’s correct. even if you don’t agree with somebody at least have the decency to treat them as they treat you.. if I am so evil .. why have I calmed down and try to actually talk to you instead of continuing the flame war (for those who don’t know the flame war IS NOT A FURRY act or any thing of the sort. it is merely a childish fight between multiple parties over the internet.) yes I am not perfect with punctuation… but can you tell me HOW that makes a difference in what I am trying to say… because if you can read it and get the picture I think THAT is whats important. So why don’t you calm down and act like a real christian. Okay I don’t care what about yelling screaming and pointing fingers any more I just want to have a civilized conversation for once… is that so much to ask? I am not going to try to turn you into a furry or whatever you fear I just want to slow things down and talk… like good people… instead of the insults and what not. If you are a true christian you will at least be able to do this much.

      Comment by ravenfox — July 28, 2010 @ 12:56 am | Reply

    • Ugh. I asked for a summary, not another 500 word sentence without any commas. I’m not going to read this one either.

      Here are some commas; you Furries can borrow them for your next comment, and then I might actually be able to read it:


      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 28, 2010 @ 10:56 am | Reply

      • or you are a fag who is not a true christian you love your precios commas so much here HAVE SOME FUCKING COMMAS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SATISFY YOU THE ONLY REASON YOU “DON’T READ IT” (OH THIS LOOKS LIKE A GOOD PLACE TO DROP A FEW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) IS BECAUSE YOU HAVE READ IT AND IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE AND EXPOSES WHO YOU REALLY ARE A FAKE… A PHONY USING RELIGION AS A CRUTCH TO SAY I AM BETTER THAN YOU!!! well here’s some news buddy you’ll never get into heaven,(COMMA) you’ll never get rid of us furrie’s,(COMMA) and you’ll probably marry some fat abusive lady because she is all you will be able to get if you loosened up,(COMMA) and laid back a bit maybe you’d see you are going nowhere with this shitty attitude.

        Comment by ravenfox — July 28, 2010 @ 9:58 pm

      • Well, how did I miss this absurd display? Capital letters are not a substitute for punctuation, Raven Fox. Also, it’s no good using punctuation randomly. That’s just as bad as not using any at all. What you meant was:

        “Well, here’s some news, buddy: you’ll never get into heaven, you’ll never get rid of us Furries, and you’ll probably marry some fat, abusive lady because she is all you will be able to get; if you loosened up and laid back a bit, maybe you’d see you are going nowhere with this shitty attitude.”

        Now that your comment is in readable form, I would retort that I’m already quite happily married, that Edith is quite svelte, and that I strongly doubt whether, even if I were not enjoying the blessings of marital bliss, enthusiastic acceptance of Furryism would enhance my appeal to the fairer sex. I imagine that few if any ladies fancy a man who supports dressing up as a hamster and furtively groping the neighbors’ pets.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 5, 2010 @ 12:27 am


    now that bird-dog thingy has returned to torment me! why why why?

    We never got rid of Stinky Chin, Ruh-Ruh refuses to think about leaving, birddog has returned…!! what’s next? the second coming of “Bowno”

    I am feeling sick. I’ve been reading the Bible non-stop for five days and I have yet to find the verse to shut these furries down Forever…

    This gives me hope:

    “Judges 15:4 And Samson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand in the midst between two tails. ”


    “Luke 13:32 And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected”

    so foxes are the devil and should have their tails burned….

    sounds good!


    Comment by Marty McPain — July 27, 2010 @ 12:01 pm | Reply

    • and god says … Marty shut the fuck up.

      Comment by ravenfox — July 28, 2010 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

      • I have grave doubts whether God communicates with you directly, Raven Fox.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 5, 2010 @ 12:28 am

  2015. and the Lord answers my prayers.

    Just when the darkness seemed to eat at my soul like a black man eats fried chicken… Just when the evil screaching of furries seemed to drown out all that is good and true in the world, like a lesbo-femminazi screaming for special treatment so she could throw a man out of his job….


    This Godly vision, and God-fearing female, IS EVEN BETTER than Brownback and I encourage everyone to vote for her next week in the primary.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 27, 2010 @ 1:18 pm | Reply

  2016. # Require that a Biblical and Constitutional reason exist for the passage of any new laws
    # Allow teaching of Christianity vs. evolution in schools

    this is a crock if that passed id assassinate her myself…. America exists so people are able to be free to warship as they please and not have to deal with bullshit laws forcing people to learn about a god they don’t believe in if we cant force our beliefs on you who the fuck say you should be allowed to force yours on us?

    Comment by ravenfox — July 28, 2010 @ 10:11 pm | Reply

  2017. Okay, CSC, here is a summary.

    You are being rude to furries, you do not have all the information you need to make an accurate decision on the fandom, you are abstinent in the way you ignore what we say when it is the truth, you twist our words, and you are generally an annoying person.

    Enough commas for ya’?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 29, 2010 @ 8:26 am | Reply

  2018. too many… you should read this on the usage of a semicolon…

    sorry but there are no furry pics there, just good punctuation…

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 29, 2010 @ 10:21 am | Reply

  2019. “Enough commas for ya’?”

    Excellent, yes, thanks. Much better. Do you see, Furries? There’s no need for interminable, illegible rambling.

    I don’t know what he means when he says that I’m “abstinent in the way [I] ignore… the truth,” though. Does this mean that I refrain from ignoring the truth? I certainly agree, but the sentiment does not accord with the general tenor of his observations, and so I have my doubts that that’s really what he intends.

    As for his criticisms that I do understand, they’ve all been voiced before and decisively refuted. The fact of the matter is that this is a civil and well-informed community of Christian patriots that confronts Furries with the logical conclusions of their own twisted views and in return receives nothing but intemperate invective from frustrated Furries who are unable to defend themselves by reason or evidence but unwilling to abandon their benighted notions and noxious habits.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 29, 2010 @ 11:06 am | Reply

  2020. I am sorry brother CSC but I think your soft heart and good nature has led you to false praise of the recividist flase furry iman and its use of commas.

    I know. I know. Its better than the greek mishmash birddog posts, but still, it is improper grammar. I expect you know this but your kind heart led you to give some undeserved praise in the hope of better actions in the future.

    You should recall however, that furries ALWAYS reward a pat on the head by pissing on your leg.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 29, 2010 @ 2:05 pm | Reply

  2021. and marty always comes up with another way to stoop to a new low let us not forget this lesson children…. i think we all could learn new things NOT to do from this new breed of religion i call fucked beyond repairism. the latest and apparently greatest of the new christian religions… beat a democrat, kill a black guy, crucify all who oppose you, if some one thinks differently burn them horribly. all you have to do to save your soul is join the ranks of marty and common sense conservative. (common sense by whose means? John Wayne Gacy’s? Geoffry dahmer’s who gives a fuck its all the same destroy all you fear and dont understand :D. become as inhuman as possible but claim its everyone else who has the problem. ask marty he knows every thing about what i said… he invented the religion.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 29, 2010 @ 7:46 pm | Reply

  2022. The more time Furries spend striving after correct and helpful use of the full range of English punctuation marks, the less time they have to subvert American freedom and destroy our way of life.

    But it is also important to ensure that Furry ideas are presented in a readable form. A normal person who knew nothing about Furryism would look at one of the comments by Raven Fox and think “Never mind, it’s just some illiterate fool on the Internet, and life’s too short to read this drivel.” But once it’s worked into digestible form, America can read the madness that Furries spew and reject it, as is proper.

    Perhaps Rohroh didn’t know it, but he was doing a great favor to America by spelling out clearly what Raven Fox was rambling incoherently about for line after line after line.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 30, 2010 @ 8:10 pm | Reply

    • perfectionism is for fags…. fag.

      Comment by ravenfox — July 30, 2010 @ 11:15 pm | Reply

  2023. And some body looks at common sense Conservative and think. “oh wow… I wanna kick this guy in the dick.”

    Comment by ravenfox — July 30, 2010 @ 10:14 pm | Reply

  2024. If he has one. he probably tore it off as some sort of tribute to this god he worships.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 30, 2010 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  2025. This sort of incivility is shocking. This is precisely the sort of ugliness that we have always known was lurking under the shallow waters of Furry “harmlessness.” Accusations of homosexuality and threats of violence and mutilation. This reminds me of the Furry in England who was biting people’s things off.

    This is the true face of Furryism, America. This is what they want you blithely to embrace. Violent attacks on patriots and random mutilation. Is there no one who will stand up and condemn this outrageous display? Or has this become acceptable?

    I do however have to express my admiration for this Furry’s improved self-expression. The punctuation remains a drunken festival of randomly assigned scribblings and scrabblings, but at least he is semi-clear about what he means.

    If only what he meant weren’t profoundly repulsive and shocking to the conscience of every being with an ounce of human feeling!

    Do you reject this aggressive perversity, Furries? Or do you stand by the vile agenda of your brother-in-arms?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 31, 2010 @ 12:15 am | Reply

  2026. perfectionism is for fags

    Perfectionism isn’t necessarily important, but grammar in the least does help a lot. Your lack of punctuation and general sentence structure even turned me away from reading it, but I couldn’t help but read everything so I didn’t miss anything. I could understand you though, so that’s a good sign.

    This sort of incivility is shocking

    Even shocked me, to be completely honest.

    Ravenfox, you’re not really contributing anything good by posting things like that. If anything it’s making matters worse.

    Comment by Rorroh — July 31, 2010 @ 12:45 am | Reply

  2027. What an appalling spectacle. America, how can Furries ever hope to persuade you that they are not bent on your destruction when they openly make violent threats against you?

    Answer: only with great difficulty.

    From now on, even if the Raven Fox begins to use punctuation correctly, I refuse to read anything else he says, UNLESS he openly repudiates any and all Furry plans for violent overthrow and/or clandestine infiltration of the U.S. government with the aim of establishing in its place a Furry Regime.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 31, 2010 @ 10:04 pm | Reply

  2028. You know what? There is no making things better with people like this. There is no dealing with them because it will always be the same extremists response to any thing we say civil or otherwise. It will always be “They are violent evil creatures bent on dragging us all to hell!!!” so all we can do is hope these people never come into power, because no matter how docile and civil we are the only thing that we could do to save ourselves IS revolt. I myself don’t care who worships who. I don’t want to convert, or deter any one to or from any religion. I just want every one who doesn’t get along to just shut up and leave each other alone. If they tried to throw me in a concentration camp I would go out guns blazeing. but if they leave me alone and don”t mess with me or plot to ill do just the same thing and let them do what they wish without interruption.

    Comment by ravenfox — July 31, 2010 @ 10:25 pm | Reply

  2029. “the only thing that we could do … IS revolt”

    “guns blazeing”

    And the intention becomes manifest. The Furry confirms the plan for violent revolution. Do you see, America? Do you see what they intend? Sedition and devastation. Furries running wild in the street. Great fluffy panthers and pandas stomping about, setting your homes and small businesses ablaze and cutting your parts off. Chaos. Fire. Demolition.

    Will the nation that throttled Hitler in its left hand and Hirohito in its right now kneel before this new, strange, insidious foe? It is up to you to decide, America, now that you see at last what we face.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — July 31, 2010 @ 11:08 pm | Reply

  2030. he nonsence waste of space why not state what was between could do and revolt. oh wait thats right that would make you look like the idiot you are awww how couls i possibly ask you to do that to your self here let me post that whole section again.( “You know what? There is no making things better with people like this. There is no dealing with them because it will always be the same extremists response to any thing we say civil or otherwise. It will always be “They are violent evil creatures bent on dragging us all to hell!!!” so all we can do is hope these people never come into power, because no matter how docile and civil we are the only thing that we could do to save ourselves IS revolt.” )
    now that these nice people know the truth ^_^…

    Comment by ravenfox — August 2, 2010 @ 12:18 am | Reply

  2031. What the human race faces is monsters like you. You who use religion to make your personal war against something have real reason. But in the end all you are is an idiot leading a bunch of fucking quacks.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 2, 2010 @ 12:22 am | Reply

  2032. God doesn’t hate furrie’s you do. but you use him as an excuse to try to wipe us out. your extremists not christians. ill leave you be if you leave me be but if you don’t I WILL DEFEND myself against you sick twisted people.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 2, 2010 @ 12:28 am | Reply

  2033. The sense is the same with the ellipse or without it; I was attempting to economize on space for the ease of the B4B readership. Don’t play coy with us. The Furries have declared war.

    You will be defeated, Furries!!! We have not chosen the path of WAR; Raven Fox has chosen it for you.

    Barricade your doors, patriots. Tonight the Furries are on the attack.

    But fear not! Tomorrow we will strike back!

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 2, 2010 @ 1:06 am | Reply

  2034. Also, don’t use apostrophes to indicate plurals. EVER. NEVER EVER EVER. The LORD invented apostrophes for a different purpose.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 2, 2010 @ 1:23 am | Reply

  2035. Are you sure? Not even I could read what he said that time. But even if he did say we were at war, he couldn’t speak for all of us.

    Comment by Rorroh — August 2, 2010 @ 2:52 am | Reply

  2036. Well, I couldn’t really make sense of it either. He seemed pretty angry, though, so I assumed the worst. But nobody lit my trash cans on fire or urinated in my truck last night, so maybe the Furries haven’t broken into open revolt after all. So it’s anyone’s guess what he was yelling about.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 2, 2010 @ 3:12 pm | Reply

  2037. Hey! Conservatives! IM CALLING AN AMBULANCE! i think you gais have a severe trauma of Butthurt.

    in other words: LOL U MAD

    Comment by Corpsegrinder — August 2, 2010 @ 4:31 pm | Reply

  2038. well what i was saying is the only violence that would happen on the furrie’s end is self defense from people like csc.the people of blogs for brown back are the one that made statements about starting furry concentration camps and killing us off. What I said was meant as “Try it and ill fight right back.”, leave us alone and we will leave you alone. That’s why your garbage cans weren’t set on fire and I wouldn’t pee in your truck. id put sugar in the gas tank. that way it would run fine about a month then crap out on you.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 2, 2010 @ 10:34 pm | Reply

  2039. “I wouldn’t pee in your truck”

    Is there anyone here who believes he wouldn’t pee in my truck? Honestly?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 3, 2010 @ 2:51 am | Reply

  2040. “well what i was saying is the only violence that would happen on the furrie’s end is self defense from people like csc.”

    You can be SURE that we have NO INTEREST in engaging with butt-sex with you! I bet you lust for “violence in your furrie end” but you are not getting it from me or CSC! In self-defense or NOT!

    You disgust me.

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 3, 2010 @ 8:52 am | Reply

    • I never one said anything about sodomy marty…. guess you just have it on the brain. Looks like we have a closet case homosexual here people… its okay marty come out… we will still hate you as much then as we do now.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 4, 2010 @ 12:30 am | Reply

  2041. Ugh. I didn’t even realize that his comment was filled with perverted innuendo. I shudder to think what he means when he says he wants to put sugar in my gas tank.

    Raven Fox, this is not an appropriate forum for your seedy propositions.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 3, 2010 @ 6:41 pm | Reply

  2042. “Hey! Conservatives! IM CALLING AN AMBULANCE! i think you gais have a severe trauma of Butthurt.”

    Now I’m confused. Didn’t you Furries tell us that “Butthurt Furfags” was an alternate term for Furries? Why are you using it about us, then? Are you saying you think we conservatives are Furries? And if that’s what you think, why are you mad at us? Or do you mean that conservatives have been severely traumatized by being exposed to “Butthurt Furfags”?

    Why can’t you Furries—or Butthurt Furfags, or whatever you want to be called—why can’t you just be clear about what you’re trying to say? Half the time you might as well be writing in Hittite, for all I can tell.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 3, 2010 @ 6:48 pm | Reply

  2043. aww i gues marty and csc will be going to bed together tonight.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 4, 2010 @ 12:32 am | Reply

  2044. oops i mean guess heh my finger slipped

    Comment by ravenfox — August 4, 2010 @ 12:37 am | Reply

  2045. No kidding. I swear, the way Marty and DPS would talk to eachother, I thought they were going to end up making out.

    Comment by Rorroh — August 4, 2010 @ 12:38 am | Reply

  2046. I am certainly glad that I am not a Furry. Wherever they look, they imagine all kinds of perversion going on. The real world is not like that, Furries. Normal people don’t go around defiling each other. Or animals. Or trees, or furniture, or household appliances. I know that you wish everyone behaved like Furries, but—thank the Lord—we don’t, and we won’t, so long as we keep America clean and pure and safe from the Furry threat.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 4, 2010 @ 10:56 am | Reply

  2047. and be very careful with your pantlegs when furries are around! They drive them wild with lust!

    I have seen the damage these furverts cause.

    Sad we can’t have nice things anymore.

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 4, 2010 @ 11:45 am | Reply

    • Awww look at the closet case homosexual getting all in a huffy. isn’t it cute. at least the lovers agree. Hey move to California the gay marriage ban was lifted !!!!

      Comment by ravenfox — August 4, 2010 @ 8:14 pm | Reply

      • Nauseating. Well, I guess the next step is for the Feds to permit you Furries to marry your cats.

        The worst part of it is that you Furries wouldn’t even be able to honor the vows you exchanged with the cat. At the reception you’d probably be molesting a dog.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 4, 2010 @ 10:01 pm

  2048. be very careful with your pantlegs when furries are around! They drive them wild with lust!

    Thanks for the tip. If I see any suspected Furries around my neighborhood, I’ll put on my hip waders.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 4, 2010 @ 7:52 pm | Reply

  2049. You know what? I give up. I’m done with this.

    Comment by Rorroh — August 5, 2010 @ 7:50 am | Reply

  2050. I give up. I’m done with this.

    Today represents a great victory for the legions of patriots here at B4B. But not only for them. It is also a great victory for you, America. You are the one who has truly won today. No more will the Furries play their game of “Distract and Detract” here, trying to prevent citizens from learning the truth about Furryism. Without these dreadful commenters, America’s families can come to B4B, learn what they need to know, and go away informed, prepared, and eager to stamp out Furryism in their communities.

    It has been a long struggle, Furries, but now you have been crushed and humiliated. You mustn’t feel bad, though. It was inevitable that America would win in the end. She always does. The minute Furries decided to take on the greatest country on Earth, they had already lost.

    In celebration of this glorious day, I present to you a video of jet fighters and patriotic singing at a football stadium. That’s what freedom looks like, in case you Furries didn’t know.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 5, 2010 @ 11:54 am | Reply

  2051. Good! one less fur-hag to listen to whine!

    Now we can discuss the Bible and why being a furry is a sin….

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 5, 2010 @ 12:33 pm | Reply

  2052. And now we can discuss the fact that I am still here and you jerk monkeys are stuck with me… So how did the honey moon go last night? oh you guys are probably tired from all that hot sweaty, oh lets not get into this that’s your personal affair right there.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 5, 2010 @ 10:02 pm | Reply

    • Go away, you already lost.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 5, 2010 @ 10:13 pm | Reply

    • Excellent. Your obedience is appreciated.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 6, 2010 @ 1:07 am | Reply

  2053. I can’t lie. This victory is sweet. I have been listening to patriotic songs all day, and I hung a second flag out on the porch, next to a sign I made that reads “WHEN FURRIES LOSE, AMERICA WINS.”

    And let there be no doubt, both of those things happened today. No more Shimo Chan, no more Rorroh, no more Raven Fox, no more of any of the other Furries that have plagued this site like a swarm of especially annoying and perverted locusts. They have all capitulated. Over their groveling, suppliant forms stands in triumph the victorious figure of Lady Liberty, holding high the torch of not being a Furry.

    There is hope after all. I am ashamed to admit that I had sometimes wavered and doubted, while the Furries flung wave after wave of misguided comments and deranged rants at American patriotic values. But I am proud to say that I never surrendered to those doubts, unlike the Furries who have today finally begged for ignominious terms of surrender and thrown themselves on the mercy of American might. Furryism is as weak and as hollow as we always suspected, it turns out. But what I have realized is that the Furries could not have won, not even if ten thousand of them had come here to spread their lies. America is greater than Furryism. We all knew it, and today we saw it.

    U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 5, 2010 @ 10:12 pm | Reply

  2054. Bird-mammal thingy: why do you mock God when He supports your very life?

    “Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn, and God feedeth them how much more are ye better than the fowls? ” (Luke xii. 24)

    God feeds you and you repay Him with insults! Maybe if you were a furry, but you thanked God for your existance and at least TRIED to act human, maybe we could accept you.. Maybe…

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 6, 2010 @ 12:45 pm | Reply

  2055. Mmmm.

    So delicious.

    I knew that defeating the Furries would be sweet, but I didn’t realize how sweet.

    All day, visions of victory have swarmed periodically into my head. Literally, all day, every day, since accepting the Furry capitulation, I have been thinking about how glorious and gratifying it was to see the Furries confess how wrong they were and to offer their unconditional, groveling surrender.

    I do not use your illegal substances, Furries, but if I may use them only as a metaphor: I am high on victory over you. Trampling Furryism underfoot makes me feel like I’m walking on air. Crunch. There goes a Furry. Squish, There goes another. But in an airy way, with less crunching and squishing, and more euphoria.

    I recognize that because of your surrender you’re not allowed to comment here anymore, and so you can’t respond to this. But I do want you Furries to know that we enjoy having overwhelmed you and trampled your cause into the muck, and that we are grateful that you were such weak and helpless defenders of your pernicious, sordid ideology.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 7, 2010 @ 12:51 am | Reply

  2056. Beautiful silence. Every hour that the Furries say nothing, their defeat becomes more manifest and conspicuous. Hundreds of American youngsters who would otherwise have fallen under the enchantment of the siren song of Furryism are instead advanced on the path of righteousness and patriotism. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the efforts of the ordinary concerned citizens here at B4B have saved America, just as the Greatest Generation saved America from Nazism and the Empire of Japan. The long struggle in the comments at B4B was like Midway, Okinawa, Normandy, and Anzio all rolled into one. This conflict will forever be known as the Battle of Blogs4Brownback.

    Any Furries that now emerge from the woodwork to carp against America are now no more threatening than the lone, lunatic Japanese soldiers who lived for years in the jungles of the South Pacific, eating slugs and feces, unaware that the war was long since over, and that they had lost. Let the last few Furries continue to consume their diet of inedible filth in the wilds of the Internet, unwashed and ungroomed, covered in sores and parasites, creeping, hiding, and raving to themselves through their tangled, reeking beards. When they finally come forward, they will find a world that has left Furryism behind.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 7, 2010 @ 10:25 pm | Reply

  2057. I never went any where I just know family is more. I have been spending time with my family and caring about them while you have been going on hate fueled rages. so how does that show a positive image to all the people who visit this site. I don’t think it does it shows that if this is such an important fight why are you in here on your ass instead of being out there doing something about it, oh wait that’s right hate crimes are illegal and immoral and downright wrong. But that’s all you people know.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 8, 2010 @ 12:28 am | Reply

  2058. “I never went any where I just know family is more.”

    what does that even mean? Typical hatred and insults from a furry.

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 8, 2010 @ 8:25 am | Reply

  2059. “I never went any where I just know family is more. I have been spending time with my family”

    Translation: “I went running to my mommy to make the boo-boos better.” And no wonder. Quite a thrashing the Furries took in the Battle of Blogs4Brownback..

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 8, 2010 @ 11:02 am | Reply

    • you wouldn’t know the importance of family. All you know is how to lean on the crutch you call religion and use it to make yourself look better than every one else i know my family cares about me yours probably wouldn’t give a crap if you went to shit and the hogs ate you. just to let you know that term is OLDER THAN ANY OF US HERE. so no it is not a furry term… you could probably have heard it from your great great grandfather if he was alive. your mother probably did cocaine,extacy ,angel dust and heroin while you were in the womb then thought she had to take a shit when she was giving birth to you then tried to flush because she couldn’t tell the difference between you and a turd. God probably built you from the parts we couldn’t find matches to bin, and your brain from the oops I dropped it then stepped on it and used it as a pencil holder and wiped my ass with it bin.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 8, 2010 @ 11:24 pm | Reply

    • Battle? don’t make me laugh. its just a high strung argument. that is pretty much it.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — August 9, 2010 @ 11:43 pm | Reply

    • Notice that he doesn’t deny the part about running to his mommy.

      Also, the “oops I dropped it then stepped on it and used it as a pencil holder and wiped my @ss with it bin” doesn’t sound like a very plausible bin to me. Who would need such a bin? Are there people who subject items to this sequence of maltreatments often enough to justify a whole bin to accommodate them? Speaking for myself, I have never done this with anything, and if I did I would probably just put it in the ordinary trash afterwards.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 10, 2010 @ 12:22 am | Reply

  2060. you know i wonder if you could talk all this shit with my fist down your throat and my foot up your ass. go ahead make derogatory remarks i know what i mean and i know you’d probably cry like a little bitch too. “god save me!!!!” but he wont hear you hell be to busy laughing his ass off saying “you so got what was coming to you.”

    Comment by ravenfox — August 8, 2010 @ 11:28 pm | Reply

  2061. I mean seriously? The thrashing we took? i mean all that happened was somebody saw that you are to fucked in the head to reason with and he left . that’s not you thrashing the furries. thats some one recognizing what you really are. a nobody. not worth talking to in a civil manor. and the second thing you did was not anywhere near a thrashing either. all you did was whine like a little bitch about us not being able to post here any more but you see. You do not police the internet because here I am posting again. you don’t police shit and never will. your kind will never rise to power my kind will always exist and we will always kick your lily asses back to that pile of shit you came from.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 8, 2010 @ 11:37 pm | Reply

    • ummm… kind? we are all human here, just that they are being rude humans. It’s not like they are another species. Just different interests

      Comment by Shiro Chan — August 9, 2010 @ 11:42 pm | Reply

  2062. lack of commas – check

    threats of violence – check

    cursing – check

    failure to capitalize – check

    dreams of grandure – check

    Yep.. nasty smelly furry

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 9, 2010 @ 2:50 pm | Reply

  2063. dreams of sex with animals – check

    Oh and did you ever thank God for giving you food?

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 9, 2010 @ 2:52 pm | Reply

  2064. “Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn, and God feedeth them how much more are ye better than the fowls? ” (Luke xii. 24)

    Have you thanked God for feeding you?

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 9, 2010 @ 2:59 pm | Reply

  2065. I am shocked and saddened by the disgusting display Raven Fox puts on in the comments above. Unfortunately, I am not at all surprised by it. This kind of outburst only serves to confirm all of our worst suspicions about Furries: Raven Fox shows himself to be violent, aggressive, profane, and full of vivid and disturbing fantasies about animals, fecal matter, and the unnatural insertion of various body parts into orifices where they do not belong. In fact, I doubt whether Raven Fox could have done a better job of substantiating everything that Psycheout says about Furries if he had meant to do so.

    He did not mean to do so, of course; he meant to vindicate Furryism but has unwittingly himself exemplified its worst aspects.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 9, 2010 @ 8:24 pm | Reply

    • You know what I don’t give a shit what you have to say any more I tried to be civil earlier on but you didn’t accept it so you brought this on your self i ever EVER find out who you are in real life I’m beating both you AND marty’s asses. you wont have a face left when I’m done with you. you know what you are just jealous that people like us will always be happier than you. people care about us regardless of who we are and what we do but because you are such up tight pseudo christians the second you were to step out of that little white line of yours you’d be outcast forever. forsaken and unloved. people as close minded as you are the dangerous ones. your afraid of everything else in life so you try to destroy it. im very accepting of most views. my (who’s identity will remain secret to protect him from you psychos) he was talking to me about god today and you know what…. i let him. why. because its up to him to believe in what HE thinks is right. I don’t mind christianity I really don’t what I hate is closed mindedness. the fact that you can’t believe in anything but your side is what makes me hate you. That’s also the main reason you are going to receive a major ass whooping.if you’d just preach the word of god in stead of using it for your hateful propaganda i would be happy to just let you be in fact id wish more power to you. but no you twist gods words to hurt people for pleasure. yes that’s right every body know you only do this because you both have saint complex’s and want to cause pain so you can get off on it.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 10, 2010 @ 7:31 pm | Reply

      • And the Furries wonder why we think that they are violent and filled with rage, bursting with desire to assault ordinary Americans. Here it is, America. The Furries are what we have always said they were. In a way, we should be grateful to Raven Fox for lacking the cunning to conceal the nature of Furryism, for now we all see it for what it is, exposed to the bright light of day.

        Raven Fox’s deranged threats are Furryism, America. This is what Furryism looks like.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 11, 2010 @ 12:31 pm

  2066. I never said I gave up on posing here, I gave up being a furry. There’s too many idiots in the fandom, Raven being a good example. He means well but is trying way too hard.

    Comment by Rorroh — August 9, 2010 @ 9:58 pm | Reply

    • Wtf man you know what I’m not trying to hard. I’m just saying it like it is these assholes will never get it. the only way to fight fire is with fire. if you give up you are handing them what they want and running like a coward… Are you saying that if you were still a furry and if an army of bible thumping wakos burst through your front door to kill you you’d simply sit there and let it happen?

      Comment by ravenfox — August 10, 2010 @ 7:35 pm | Reply

      • Personally, I’d be more worried about Raven Fox bursting through people’s doors to try to kill them. He’s the only one I’ve seen threatening violence.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 11, 2010 @ 12:32 pm

  2067. Rorroh strikes off the chains of enthrallment to Furryism. It is not only America that has won here on B4B. It is Rorroh as well. Breathe the sweet air of freedom.

    Be prepared, though, for the torrent of fury (and also the torrent of Furry) that this will elicit from those who remain in the bonds of Furryism. They will envy Rorroh his freedom. They will hate him for his freedom, just like the terrorists hate America for its freedoms.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 9, 2010 @ 10:39 pm | Reply

  2068. Your not furry any more? Okay, thats cool :D. Fandom will miss you, but we can’t do anything about it.

    Anyways, it seems that things are still out of control here. *sigh*

    so who is this raven and what did i miss?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 9, 2010 @ 11:41 pm | Reply

  2069. “who is this raven”

    A homicidal maniac and a potty-mouth.

    You left already, though. Go away.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 10, 2010 @ 12:15 am | Reply

  2070. No i a have just been volunteering so i haven’t had much time on the computer. Unlike you i actually HAVE a life other than the internet.

    And no, i won’t go away. what can you do about that? oh right.



    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 10, 2010 @ 9:47 am | Reply

  2071. GOD FORBID!!!

    I bet you’ve been “volunteering” to take plushy animals to sick kids in the hospital!! to spread your furry disease to the young since you are incapable of having children of your own!


    That’s not volunteering.. that’s following the orders of your Furry Masters..

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 10, 2010 @ 11:13 am | Reply

  2072. No i a have just been volunteering so i haven’t had much time on the computer. Unlike you i actually HAVE a life other than the internet.

    And no, i won’t go away. what can you do about that? oh right.



    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 10, 2010 @ 9:47 am | Reply

    From this point forward, I plead any furry who is in their right mind to stop, read this blog, laugh like crazy, and do not comment.
    To angry young furs out there, DO NOT COMMENT! The people on this site are biased and rude, and due to their stubbornness I am branding this site off limits to furries. It will die on its own anyway. If you read the past odd number of comments, you will notice that i have been trying to change this, however there is nothing i can do to change their minds.

    This is fair warning. Furries, if you don’t like drama or getting angry, read and laugh, but leave the comments out.

    Shiro Chan. (last post)

    Comment by Shiro Chan — July 12, 2010 @ 11:10 am | Reply

    Why won’t Shiro Chan tell the truth about breaking his promise to leave us alone? And why won’t he just honor his pledge? Does he want America to think that Furries can’t be trusted, and that they try to take backsies?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 10, 2010 @ 6:54 pm | Reply

  2073. Christianity: the belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh drink his blood and telepathically let him know you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because some rib woman was convinced by a snake to eat from a magical tree. makes perfect sense…. and we though suicidal Muslims were batshit insane.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 10, 2010 @ 7:42 pm | Reply

  2074. Stinky Chin is an addict. He is addicted to posting fowl comments here are B4B. If he would get down on his knees and open up his mouth in praise of Jesus, and accept a big dose of Jesus’ love into his heart, he could rid himself of this compulsion.

    But, of course, he won’t.

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 11, 2010 @ 1:59 pm | Reply

    • yet again Marty tells us to give Jesus oral sex. whats wrong with you that’s not the type of love he promotes. /i mean come on what are you going to ask next? for us to give god a handjob? you call us the sick ones. oh lordy please protect me from your followers.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 11, 2010 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

      • What a repellent perversion of what Marty had to say! All he was recommending was that he turn to the LORD for forgiveness and salvation. Perhaps in your universe that is a disgusting erotic act, but among normal Americans it is completely familiar and harmless (though glorious!), and there is nothing carnal about it.

        When the LORD blasts his warm affection over your whole person and you feel his love running over you, there is nothing inappropriate about that, I can tell you. Indeed, the only thing you will want to do is to rub it all over yourself with both hands, in order to drive that love into your heart. It is a magical experience, which a Furry cannot even begin to imagine.

        I can still taste the first time He gave me his love.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 11, 2010 @ 10:23 pm

  2075. I love MEssIng up my GRammAR On AcCounT of it PISses you ALL ofF. yes it was all intentional I took the time to mess up what I was saying. In this section any way. i admit i have flaws. but so do all of you. even gods most faithful followers sin from time to time. Maybe not intentionally but they do. and no furries don’t intentionally sin. that’s just what fucked in the head wackjobs believe. I’m also curious marty what kind of christian are you? Evangelical? Catholic, Nazarene, mormon? which one? same to you common sense conservative.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 11, 2010 @ 10:08 pm | Reply

  2076. well, i guess i am a hypocrite at hart. i just can’t stand by and let you guys rant and rave

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 11, 2010 @ 10:37 pm | Reply

  2077. “i guess i am a hypocrite at hart. i just can’t stand by and let you guys rant and rave”

    You B4B Furries are all silly Furries. You aren’t even proper Furries. I have had about enough of you. I don’t even know if there has ever been a real Furry on this blog, ever. I think you’re all just silly Furries who come and go as it suits you, and break your Furry pacts whenever you want to.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 11, 2010 @ 10:45 pm | Reply

  2078. what furry pacts? we aren’t a cult for the umpteenth time. get that straight.
    I just gave a warning to others. Ravenfox didn’t do what i said, and i got pissed again, so 😛

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 12, 2010 @ 10:41 am | Reply

  2079. Well it’s that time of year again my friends. I wish all of you serious conservatives and Christians that are reading this important blog but who are too busy to comment, a fine holiday.

    I will be taking a short two-week vacation. This will be exciting!

    I will again be bringing my pastor and his assistant along, because it seems they only have two prayer meeings a day and that is just not enough.

    I like the large handsome horses a lot. can’t wait to ride them hard and sweaty.

    Since they don’t seem to have anything but birds and deer to kill, I will be shipping three water buffalo two musk oxen and six zebras for some shooting sport. I can see me mounted on a large stallion chasing a zebra with my AR-15 on my shoulder sending some hot lead downrange..! what a blast.

    so I will not be posting for a while. see you in September. Can’t wait for the big celebration in NYC to stop the heathen islamo-facists from building a C3 center from which to launch their next attack.

    I have good information that the building is just a cover for a highly upgraded MAIS setup. We will have to take direct action to ensure our freedoms.

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 12, 2010 @ 10:50 am | Reply

  2080. Why does Shiro Chan the Furry continue to lie about his declaration on July 12th that he would stop posting here and annoying everyone? Why does he continue to try to mislead readers? What is this Furry hiding? Sounds like this is a sensitive issue for him, but we here at B4B ask the hard questions and hold Furries’ feet to the fire.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 12, 2010 @ 2:40 pm | Reply

  2081. okay, what do you want to know?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 12, 2010 @ 4:10 pm | Reply

  2082. I think the whole community at B4B would like to see Furries stop reneging on their promises. When they promise to go away, they should do so. How can America trust Furries not to subvert the Constitution with Furryism when we can’t even trust Furries not to bother us on blogs?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 12, 2010 @ 5:55 pm | Reply

  2083. Furryism! Ah, Furryism, why will you not leave these youngsters alone! They are weak and dim and foolish, and they are unable to resist your call. It is unfair! Why do you not seek your recruits among the strong and intelligent and wise?

    But the question answers itself. Among the strong and intelligent and wise, Furryism would find no converts. It is only with the feeble and witless and imprudent that Furryism can find purchase.

    Furryism!!! Why are you so cruel and vicious?!? Why can you not leave these feeble, drooling twits alone?!? What harm have they done to you? It is not their fault that they are too stupid to see what is going on and too weak to resist it.

    I plead with you against all hope, Furries: run away!!! Run for your lives!!!

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 12, 2010 @ 9:52 pm | Reply

  2084. Um how about no.

    You guys should run. Especially if you piss us off alot. And may i remind you that you were the guys who started all of this.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 12, 2010 @ 11:23 pm | Reply

    • You promised to go away.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 13, 2010 @ 1:10 am | Reply

  2085. Yeah, speaking of that fact that most furries choose to join on there own between the ages of 15 and 20 in most cases.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 12, 2010 @ 11:45 pm | Reply

    • Precisely. The young and mindless are the easiest targets.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 13, 2010 @ 1:11 am | Reply

      • They join of there own free will thank you very much. Unlike people like you who shove your beliefs down your kids throats.

        Comment by ravenfox — August 13, 2010 @ 10:09 pm

      • Exactly. If you allow a retard to do whatever he wants, he will eat popsicles all day. Doesn’t mean it’s good for him.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 13, 2010 @ 11:10 pm

  2086. “And may i remind you that you were the guys who started all of this.”

    That’s another typical furry trick: Blame the victim.


    We are the victims of your vicious assault. We try to help the children so they are not forced to submit to your furry desires, and what do we get in return? Attacks!


    Comment by Marty McPain — August 13, 2010 @ 1:07 pm | Reply


      Comment by ravenfox — August 13, 2010 @ 10:15 pm | Reply


        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 13, 2010 @ 11:11 pm

  2087. Wtf man you know what I’m not trying to hardif you give up you are handing them what they want and running like a coward…

    Don’t assume. I’m not giving it up because of them. I’m giving up because of all the idiots who feed the bad views on furries in the first place. Hint hint.

    Are you saying that if you were still a furry and if an army of bible thumping wakos burst through your front door to kill you you’d simply sit there and let it happen?

    If I was in any way sane, I wouldn’t just let it happen. They’d be bursting through my door for crying out loud! But I don’t see how my being a furry or not would have anything to do with my reaction to someone breaking into my home.

    Comment by Rorroh — August 13, 2010 @ 8:05 pm | Reply

    • Told you that the Furries would be outraged. Raven Fox is a dangerous and violent and hasn’t denied that he wants to overthrow the U.S. government.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 13, 2010 @ 11:17 pm | Reply


      Please read: “dangerous and violent firebrand

      Pardon me, please, for getting ahead of myself.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 13, 2010 @ 11:20 pm | Reply


        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 13, 2010 @ 11:11 pm

        Translation “TOO MANY FACTS!!!! WONT READ!!!!! LOOSING BATTLE!!!!!”. Sorry CSC but you know its true. The fault lies in failed parenting. If your kids looking up adult images and getting involved with people you don’t like you aren’t keeping a good enough eye on them. but as long as they are not in contact with bad influences and they aren’t hurting anyone why the hell bother them? I mean seriously the civil rights movement was to help people accept the fact that just because some one is different it doesn’t mean they are any less of a person. I mean if you had a child, and they became a furry would you disown them… or would you take them out to a lake and drown them by trying to baptize the furry out of them… all because they like cartoons like Bucky o’ hare and sonic the hedgehog and video games like starfox and banjo and kazooie?

        Comment by ravenfox — August 14, 2010 @ 11:50 am

      • Bucky o’ hare and sonic the hedgehog and … starfox and banjo and kazooie?

        Who even knows what these things are? What a loon. These are probably the names of the voices he hears in his head.

        I mean if you had a child, and they became a furry would you disown them… or would you take them out to a lake and drown them by trying to baptize the furry out of them

        If I remember correctly, the Biblical prescription for dealing with Furryism is, for a first offense, a severe paddling and, in the case of a second offense, death by stoning.

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 14, 2010 @ 6:25 pm

    • I was stating the fact that you being a furry was the reason they were bursting through your door. Sorry for not being clear.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 14, 2010 @ 11:31 am | Reply

  2088. Okay so i broke a promise. But who’s site is this, CSC? the Blogs 4 Brownback. Who posted the article? A conservative who was judging us without getting all the information. Who are you? A conservative who is judging us without getting all the information.

    So who is the victim?
    we are

    Who is the terrorizer?
    You are.

    So if you have the gall to call yourselves the victims, then get off the site. I am sure that we won’t follow your stinking, putrid, festering trail to whatever cesspool of filth you hide out in.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 14, 2010 @ 10:03 am | Reply

  2089. When he went off with his knickers in a twist the last time, the Furry named Shiro Chan made a very persuasive case that there was no point in arguing with the formidable minds here at B4B and that it would be better if all Furries stayed away. It made sense to me then, and it still makes sense to me now. Why doesn’t the Furry named Shiro Chan believe his own argument? What is this Furry hiding?

    I am sure that we won’t follow your stinking, putrid, festering trail to whatever cesspool of filth you hide out in.

    I propose a compromise. Let the Furries go to Furryism sites, and let the normal American patriots go to B4B. That way, we never have to see Furries, and Furries never have to see us. Sound fair, Furries?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 14, 2010 @ 6:36 pm | Reply

  2090. Well, Furries, since you won’t respond to my efforts to reach a compromise (but what did I expect?), let me ask you a question.

    Why do you hate America and freedom so much that you refuse to renounce Furryism, as Rorroh renounced it? What has America done to you? And what do you find so repellent about freedom? Even Furries should value freedom. After all, it is our precious freedoms that allow you Furries to live, instead of being killed by stronger and more intelligent members of the species. And yet you oppose freedom at every turn, and advocate mandatory Furryism for every American. Isn’t this the height of hypocrisy? Freedom is your guardian angel, Furries. You’re mad to try to destroy it.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 15, 2010 @ 9:53 pm | Reply

  2091. because they like cartoons like Bucky o’ hare and sonic the hedgehog and video games like starfox and banjo and kazooie? You know what they are I posted them. God you are a retard. this is proof you half ass your research. you look over half of the post and pick out just one bit. your a picky little bitch looking for reasons to hate and this proves it. IT TOLD YOU THEY WERE CARTOONS AND VIDEO GAMES. SOME WERE AROUND WHILE YOU WERE STILL IN DIAPERS AND HAVING YOUR MOM WIPE YOUR ASS. You’re fucking idiots. All you do is make your selves look stupider and stupider, and more and more narrow minded. also being a furry is not an affront on freedom ITS PUTTING THAT FREEDOM TO USE YOU ARE THE ONES ATTACKING FREEDOM YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY “WELL ITS YOUR CHOICE TO BE A FURRY BUT I DON’T LIKE FURRIES SO CHANGE.” thats you trying to stop us from using our freedom. freedom isn’t just for certain people its for all. So shut the fuck up about freedom you know nothing of it. Freedom in your book is following YOUR guidelines and I’m sorry I thought freedom was being able to worship as you please, being able to make daily choices without being hassled or forced into others views. You are all sick in the head if you think your fighting for something good. your just as mistaken as westboro church. For you that don’t know what that is a church that believes god hates the world and praise god for every person who dies in war and for every great catastrophe that takes many lives. they believe in your god but look at how fucked they are. And no they aren’t furries you dumb-asses just have to own this one. They are fucked in the head Christians just like you. GOD DOESN’T HATE. HE GETS DISSAPOINTED. HE HAS TO PUNISH PEOPLE FROM TIME TO TIME BUT HE DOESN’T HATE . We furries do nothing wrong your just a bunch of mudslinging dipshits. If Christians are so great why are there terrorist Christians to? There have been many killings and bombings “In the name of God and Jesus Christ.” how do you explain that? Murder is murder and as God says in his ten commandments “Thou shalt not kill.” but these guys did it any way. So i guess that Christians are just as horrible as Al-Quida because killing is killing. He didn’t give any specifics just thou shalt not kill. but this doesn’t stop you “Peace loving Christians” from blowing up gay bars and killing people of different faiths. Oh and what about those camps that you send kids to. The supposed “Deflowering” camps where priests rape young girls so that there “virginity is lost in a sacred pure manner.” a girl being held down kicking and screaming while she is raped doesn’t seem so pure to me.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 15, 2010 @ 11:53 pm | Reply




      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 16, 2010 @ 9:38 pm | Reply

      • wow so you are retarded…. guess your aid wasn’t there to type for you today.

        Comment by ravenfox — August 17, 2010 @ 10:28 pm

  2092. As I suspected. The Furries have nothing to say in their own defense when confronted with their flagrant hypocrisy. Do you not care that the world now sees you exposed for what you are? Evidently not.

    Today the Furries have spat in your face, America. They have declared to every point of the compass and to all four winds that they don’t care what you think. They want to force you to submit to Furryism, and they won’t even try to justify it. All they care about is their fever dream of universal domination. They will not rest until every free man on the face of the Earth bows meekly to the yoke of Furryism and toils for the comfort and sport of their grinning, arrogant Furry masters.

    Well, Furries, I am here to deliver a message to you. It comes straight from the mouth of Lady Liberty herself:

    “We will never kneel before any master but God, and we will observe no law but the Constitution of the United States of America. If these self-proclaimed Furry terrorists want to rule their own country, let them go out into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean or something and let them rule over some water and some fish and seaweed or whatever. Here in America we do not recognize kings, be they dressed up in mascot costumes or just dressed like normal, non-Furry people.”

    Stirring words from Lady Liberty, I think you’ll agree. But filled with truth as well. If you want to establish a tyranny, Furries, you should go out into the middle of the sea, for you have no hope of planting your Furry flag in American soil.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 15, 2010 @ 11:56 pm | Reply

  2093. By this point, I imagine the Furries are so embarrassed by their inability to produce even a semblance of a coherent rebuttal that they won’t be bothering us any longer. Goodbye, Furries, and good riddance.

    (And no, Raven Fox’s random assemblage of letters does not count as a coherent rebuttal. Not even a Furry could argue that it does. I’m not even sure it counts as English.)

    So, incredibly, that’s it. It’s over. Furries lose, America wins. Sure, they’ll probably come back now and then, mumbling about whatever embarrassing lunacy they go on about. You can’t stop them from that, at least not till we get the appropriate legislation passed and the quarantine facilities set up. But they can’t hide from this series of embarrassing defeats that are forever inscribed on the face of the Internet, and so I am confident that no one will ever listen to them again.

    A big round of applause and congratulations to the team at B4B. Job well done, gentlemen. Job well done.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 16, 2010 @ 11:26 pm | Reply

    • It doesn’t count as English you are right. But you see that doesn’t make it illegible. Every one else can pull meanings forth and be spot on why cant you? you just cant stand when people make a point and they are right and you are wrong. You will remain ignorant for the rest of your days on this dirtball.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 17, 2010 @ 10:47 pm | Reply

    • X3 Cause, you know… its america vs. Furries. We’re all evil terrorists out to destroy liberty and freedom! LONG LIVE THE RACCOON GOD DREW!!!!!!!!

      ….but your thoughtful comment has made me repent my evil ways, i shall make my way to the nearest quarantine facility so you can defurry me.

      Comment by RumoofZamonia — August 25, 2011 @ 11:50 pm | Reply

  2094. I have learned something very disturbing, America. Furryism has spread to animals. I have just learned about a dog in China that dresses up as a raccoon.

    I have to say that I am profoundly troubled by this development. If even dogs derive erotic pleasure from pretending to be other animals, how far are we from universal Furryism among all of God’s creation? WIll we see Squirrel Pigeons next? Moose Sharks? Beetle Apes? Raven Foxes?

    Oh no. Oh no no no no. Can it be?

    No. No, it’s crazy.

    Well, I’m not so sure it is crazy. Do we really have any proof that Raven Fox is a human pretending to be an animal? What I’m getting at is, what if he’s an ANIMAL pretending to be an animal? What if he’s really a fox pretending to be a bird? Raccoon … Dog. Raven … Fox. That would explain why he doesn’t know how to spell or type and why he only understands short words. It would also explain why he can’t control his temper and act like a civilized person.

    I realize that it’s possible that this isn’t the situation. But it kind of has the ring of truth to it, doesn’t it? And it basically explains everything.

    Raven Fox, if you can understand this sentence, is what I am saying correct? Are you a fox dressed as a bird? I imagine that typing is hard without fingers, so please just nudge the “Y” key and press “submit” if the answer is “yes.”

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 16, 2010 @ 11:50 pm | Reply

  2095. I just want to add that, if the last Furry commenting on this thread isn’t even human, it is definitely all over. Animals shouldn’t even be using the Internet, and they don’t have any business commenting here.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 17, 2010 @ 12:35 am | Reply

  2096. Wow
    To keep posting every day even though he just lost. That poor sad conservative f*ckhead. I feel sorry for you. Oh if only you had a brain.
    Cause if you did, you would realize what stupid comments you are making. I really hope i meet you in real life one day so i can give you the biggest rant in person that you have ever heard.
    You should be tarred and feathered. That would be so funny to see. Then YOU would be a furry to.

    Oh and in response to the Lady Liberty thing, what about freedom of expression? Freedom of Speech? Freedom in the pursuit of happiness, or in this case, the FURSUIT of happiness 😀

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 17, 2010 @ 8:39 pm | Reply

  2097. Sure, just change the subject. I didn’t see anyone explain the raccoon dog / raven fox connection. What’s the matter, Furries? Worried that we’re on to your secret?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 17, 2010 @ 9:58 pm | Reply

    • Raccoon dogs have been around for thousands of years. If you’d crawl out from under your rock. You might learn a thing or to about the planet you live on. they are only called that because they look similar to a in other words you are dissing on something your own god created. are you really going to criticize your creator? after all this talk of faith. And you question his methods? Another thing. If he created raccoon dogs, and raccoon dogs are associated with furries. then that proves god doesn’t hate furries. Meaning back of you are pissing off your god. he might smite you if you don’t

      Comment by ravenfox — August 17, 2010 @ 10:35 pm | Reply

  2098. Notice he doesn’t deny the central accusation, which is that that he isn’t even human. Kind of a significant oversight, don’t you think?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 18, 2010 @ 10:06 am | Reply

    • If you think an animal can use a computer intelligently you are either on drugs or just plain stupid. At most an animal would sniff the computer and walk away uninterested. maybe a primeape would imitate what it saw but that would mean it saw a humam do it. And it probably wouldn’t even be able to make simple words.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 18, 2010 @ 7:01 pm | Reply

      • That’s not a denial. I did not suggest that “an animal can use a computer intelligently.” I suggested that Raven Fox is an animal.

        I do agree though that if Raven Fox demonstrates that he can use a computer intelligently it would constitute proof that he is human. I think we all know that there is precious little chance of that happening, however.

        So, I’m still waiting for Raven Fox to say honestly that he is human and not a fox disguised as a bird. If he isn’t a fox, I don’t know why he can’t just come out and say it. Is it difficult to say “I am not a fox dressed up in a bird costume”? Not at all. So what’s the problem here?

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 18, 2010 @ 7:51 pm

  2099. Lame. That is what your arguments are, CSC

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 18, 2010 @ 1:15 pm | Reply

    • Indeed. I may not have perfect grammar but I make a hell of a lot more sense then them… both of us do.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 18, 2010 @ 7:05 pm | Reply

    • No, do you know what’s lame, Furries? Furryism is lame. And it’s also an existential threat to Western civilization.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 18, 2010 @ 7:53 pm | Reply

  2100. Really? I would like to know how. Have you ever heard of a Furry recruiting facility? NO. Because we are a fandom not a religion or a political party. Get it?

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 19, 2010 @ 12:16 am | Reply

  2101. I’m not going to follow any more of these red herrings. I want an explicit declaration from each of you Furries that you are not an animal dressed up as another animal. Why is that so difficult for you? See how easy it is? “I, the Common Sense Conservative, am a man, not an animal dressed up as a different kind of animal.” That’s all it takes. And yet you Furries refuse to do even that. What are we supposed to think? What would any reasonable person think? Why can’t you just put these rumors to rest, if they’re not true?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 19, 2010 @ 12:41 am | Reply

  2102. Well they are true. A human being is an Animal.

    So technically we are Animals who dress up as a different kind of animal.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 19, 2010 @ 12:15 pm | Reply

  2103. Oh, Furries. I don’t know what more I can do to help you see the truth.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 19, 2010 @ 8:55 pm | Reply

  2104. The truth that you are a whack-job idiot? No we already see that.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 20, 2010 @ 12:44 pm | Reply

  2105. “The truth that you are a whack-job idiot? No we already see that.”

    No, not that truth. Let me put it this way. There are lots of posts on this blog, about science, about gays, about all sorts of things. Years ago, angry scientists and rationalists posted on the science posts, and gays on the gay posts, etc., etc. There was also a post about furries. Angry furries commented on that post. After a while, though, all of the scientists and the gays and everybody else figured something out, and they stopped commenting. The furries, however, have never stopped commenting.

    Do you have a theory about what it was that all those other people figured out that caused them to stop commenting?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 20, 2010 @ 8:03 pm | Reply

  2106. “No, not that truth.”

    So you admit to be a whack-job idiot? good, the first step is admitting it to yourself.

    “Do you have a theory about what it was that all those other people figured out that caused them to stop commenting?”

    Yes, because we are more self righteous and we have more of a past filled with misinformation and lies. Plus we are blamed for alot of stuff that has nothing to do with us. They didn’t have that past and they weren’t as self righteous.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 21, 2010 @ 11:33 am | Reply

  2107. “So you admit to be a whack-job idiot?”

    I think my record speaks for itself.

    “because we are more self righteous and we have more of a past filled with misinformation and lies. Plus we are blamed for alot of stuff that has nothing to do with us. They didn’t have that past and they weren’t as self righteous.”

    No, I think that’s a very poor explanation. Think of some other ones.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 21, 2010 @ 6:48 pm | Reply

    • You want an explanation? how about this one? Furries have been around since about the eighties. Long before the adult material you claim we all look at existed. They chose to become the way they were because they were entertained by classical cartoons, video games, movies and other such media. as time rolled on … BLAMMO the internet is born. Stupid people get ideas. “How about we draw lewd pictures of said media?” “Yeah man lets do it!” Thus the smut is created. Idiots log onto the internet, look some things up and “OH LORD A VERY SMALL PORTION OF THESE PEOPLE LIKE THESE DISGUSTING IMAGES!!!!! Lets brand the whole bunch instead of only the ones that do it.” aka you guys come into the picture. thats how it is.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 23, 2010 @ 5:28 am | Reply

  2108. “I think my record speaks for itself.”

    So therefore we can completely ignore anything you say, because you are a whack-job idiot.

    So you are now being ignored by me, CSC. Congrats.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 22, 2010 @ 1:52 pm | Reply

  2109. “So therefore we can completely ignore anything you say, because you are a whack-job idiot.”

    Come now. If you were inclined to ignore people you thought were whack-job idiots, you never would have commented here in the first place.

    Say, do you know who the guy in the “I ❤ furries" shirt is in the picture at the top of the post? The one with his arm around the rabbit?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 22, 2010 @ 6:52 pm | Reply

  2110. I really wish these trolls would stop making stuff like this. Really they don’t know when to quit. The youtube war was something like 4 years ago, and they still put up stuff like this. Not fun.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 22, 2010 @ 11:41 pm | Reply

  2111. Wow looks like that shut you up.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 23, 2010 @ 10:21 pm | Reply

  2112. I think you’re not following, ravenfox.

    Let me ask you, what realization was had by the other people offended by this blog’s many posts—on science, on women, on gays, on Muslims—that caused them to stop being offended and stop leaving enraged comments? Why did they suddenly stop worrying about Blogs4Brownback? Did they just get tired, or did they perceive something they hadn’t realized at first? Can you speculate about what they perceived?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 23, 2010 @ 10:50 pm | Reply

    • Yeah I think you should perceive the fact hate only begets hate, violence only begets violence. That why furries reacted so badly to this post attacking US with lies and misinformation. I’m sure you have some sort of hobbies that can be twisted and perverted by others. Practically anything can be made to look bad. but it depends on if you know the truth or not that matters. I own dogs. I am a furry. Does this mean I molest that dog? According to the crap you’ve been fed I do… but if you were to stick a hidden camera in my house. without my knowing it the truth would be revealed, I feed those dogs normal dog food, i take them on walks, oi throw their toys around and play with them as any normal caring owner would. And that’s the extent of it. I am a furry. I play video games with fictional characters that are furries most of which are rated E for every one meaning NO LEWD OR SEXUAL CONTENT AT ALL!!!!! I read books about them. these books have no sexual content either. you don’t have your facts straight and I don’t believe you ever will. I bet you’ve met and like many furries and never realized it before. but as i say this you will respond by plugging your ears and pretending its not true. “NO THEY DIDN’T DO ANY OF THE WEIRD STUFF POSTED HERE THEY COULDN’T HAVE BEEN!!!” but yes they were probably right under your nose. EVERY COMMUNITY HAS ITS WHACK JOBS. be they political religious or otherwise. I’m not saying every furry is straight laced… but neither is every trekky, every democrat., every republican, every christian, every Muslim. it is the people that do the things that are messed up not the fandom itself. there are some sickos out there but the majority I’ve met are good people not looking to harm any one or any thng. let us be we let you be that’s all we ask if you can’t come to treat us with civility. OK? that is ALL we ask. You don’t like us? That’s OK that is your freedom to express. Steer your children away teach them about god. tell them you don’t want them to be a furry. but stop spreading the hatred and rumors. That’s all we want. A little Civility could be used from both sides. I’ve gotten quite out of hand many a time. But can you blame some body for being angry when they are being accused of being something they aren’t? ‘m not a zoophile. I don’t want anything to do with excrement. yet you who don’t know a single thing about me claim i do. i know for a fact the things I’ve said about your religion in past posts are only true about the fanatics. there are many good kind Christians out there. if I’m willing to accept that fact cant you accept that maybe furries are getting a rather raw deal here? That not all are what you say they are? I’ve never “confurted” someone. nor have i tried being a furry in my eyes is a choice you make your self and either way live the bast you can and be true to yourself. As long as you don’t hurt anyone or yourself. PLEASE TAKE THIS OFFER OF CIVILITY THIS TIME I’M GOING WAY OUT ON A LIMB HERE.

      Comment by ravenfox — August 25, 2010 @ 9:53 pm | Reply

      • You’re not hearing me, ravenfox. I’m not asking why furries are mad or whether they’re justified in being so. I am asking why you think all of the other people who were incensed by the various posts on this blog stopped being mad and went away. Can you imagine what changed their mind about whether to argue with B4B?

        Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 26, 2010 @ 7:26 pm

  2113. Here is my rant on this post.

    Its Misinformed, not well accepted, lies, and its badly done, yet still people believe this junk. It doesn’t make sense. The moment one stupid person hears the word “SEX” its OFF to the headlines with it. I mean, seriously, people. If someone has sex, it doesn’t have to be a scandal! Seriously.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 24, 2010 @ 9:12 am | Reply

  2114. I don’t think you’re getting it either, SC.

    Who do you think this blog post makes look worse? Furries? Or people who would counsel their readers to examine their children’s stuffed animals for evidence of furry activities?

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 24, 2010 @ 7:30 pm | Reply

    • Okay, i am breaking my word again (so sue me) to say: Woah.

      you have a valid point CSC…

      Comment by Shiro Chan — August 25, 2010 @ 10:14 pm | Reply

    • OK, now think about whether that’s an accident.

      Also think about whether the posts about science make scientists and rationalists look silly, or whether they make the kind of person who believes the Sun revolves around the Earth look silly.

      And then think about whether that’s an accident.

      Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 26, 2010 @ 7:21 pm | Reply

  2115. O.o

    okay. so your saying that this entire post and this entire Blog in general is making fun of republicans? shiiiiiit…

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 26, 2010 @ 8:33 pm | Reply

  2116. Well, as the Common Sense Conservative, I would certainly never say that. I don’t understand or enjoy parody. Neither does DPS, who is here with me right now, and says he hasn’t ever heard that word before.

    But don’t ask us. Look around and make up your own mind.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 26, 2010 @ 9:44 pm | Reply

  2117. i guess the trolls got tired lol.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 26, 2010 @ 9:58 pm | Reply

  2118. well i guess the jokes on me… lol

    Comment by ravenfox — August 26, 2010 @ 10:01 pm | Reply

  2119. No, the joke’s really on mindless intolerance and unreason. There’s a minor secondary joke going on with people who are so passionate and earnest that they won’t let themselves see jokes, but the object of the whole exercise is to mock conservative fundamentalist idiocy. This seemed very important before the 2008 election (and unfortunately it may seem very important again soon).

    But yes, I have absolutely been a troll, and I am tired. I don’t care at all about what furries do. I am a hopeless liberal who lives in a California city that Republicans hate and has a job they have contempt for. I kept coming back to see how ludicrous I could be without being conclusively called out. Pretty ludicrous, it turns out!

    My greatest regret is reserved for Marty McPain, obviously a true believer if ever there was one. I know that his convictions will not be shaken in the slightest by this revelation. I do not share his views, but I admire his faith and persistence.

    Anyway, here’s to satire. We won’t stop needing it.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 26, 2010 @ 11:33 pm | Reply

  2120. Well i guess the joke is on all of us then…

    I apologize for getting a little too furry rage on this site… i hate to say the words, but i guess i have furry pride :). I apologize for any amount of anger i posted on this site. I guess i was blind to the ridiculousness of it all.

    And CSC? You did get pretty Ludicrous! Funny thing is that I and all my friends who read this argument were pretty convinced by you. You did a fine job of being a staple troll without seeming too trollish. I commend you for that. Not that i want you to do it alot more 😀 but its nice to see a troll get tired too.

    Guess this is farewell to us. CSC, thanks tho. you kinda made me see the whole picture. I’ll think twice before getting ranty on a site like this.

    Here’s to satire.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — August 27, 2010 @ 11:32 am | Reply

  2121. The sad thing is there are so many people out there that really do believe the smoke and mirrors you projected. I know a kid who was disowned by his republican christian parents because he was furry. Its sad how intolerant this world is. Race sex gender sexual orientation. It doesn’t matter some one will hate you.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 27, 2010 @ 7:39 pm | Reply

  2122. and yes i do realize how bad i suck at grammar. I don’t really type that much but practice when able XD.

    Comment by ravenfox — August 27, 2010 @ 7:43 pm | Reply

  2123. CSC That was brilliant! You finally found a way to drive these disgusting furries to parts unknown… HA HA LOL.. tell them some fake story about “satire” and they ate it up like week old road kill! fantastic.

    I look forward to getting back to our discussion of what to do about this hirsute menace ….we the threat of furries disrupting the november “elections” we will need to make plans…


    Comment by Marty McPain — August 29, 2010 @ 8:27 pm | Reply

  2124. i dont think its fake marty you idiot. otherwise i think he would have reverted to the inbred yokel style thinking you have. but it was all a ploy he got you as well as us..

    Comment by ravenfox — August 31, 2010 @ 12:24 am | Reply

  2125. You are the idiot!! ha ha .. here is my first post on this thread…

    I think that anyone who pretends to be an animal is someone who does NOT want to be human. They are filled with hate for themselves and for everyone else, especially the baby Jesus.

    I think these people should be kept in pens and be used as a food source for Ethiopians, Zimbabweans and other dammed peoples, in the hopes that if they are kept alive a bit longer maybe some of them would convert.

    Comment by Happy Clam — October 3, 2007 @ 12:19 pm | Reply

    OH well.. all good things come to an end.. Thanks to all who created this site many years ago.. damm.. three years of goofball fun.

    I think I had so many good posts…

    this one was for you ravenfox..

    Why is this bird mammal thingy attacking us?

    Dear Lord if I have offended you some way, please send rats to gnaw off my toes and camels to spit in my eyes! Anything but this moron posting on Your holy board.

    Please oh Lord I pray.

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 6, 2008 @ 8:02 pm | Reply

    and I loved this line..

    “Bull-poopy! I’ve heard what happens to the poor puppies that fall into your clutches. Your sick desires force you to abuse the cute little darlings for your preverted fun, and then you wolf-furries rip them apart with your fake fangs and drink their warm puppy blood.”

    oh well… poor Marty will have to cut off his fingers or something…

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 31, 2010 @ 8:43 am | Reply

  2126. even I was thinking of letting you furries in on the joke…

    CSC! I have uncovered secret information on the Furry Menace! email me at kavendav (at) (a junk drop)

    so we can plan to defeat the evil ones.

    Comment by Marty McPain — July 14, 2010 @ 7:57 am | Reply

    but it was RuhRuh who contacted me. I wanted to check with CSC before I spilled the beans. and I am sure he knew that I was in on it…

    how many times did he defend me when I twisted your comments into sex proposals? or told you to give Jesus a blow job?

    CSC: “Marty’s pastor probably just needed a hand: running a church retreat can be a very busy endeavor for a pastor, and the assistant was likely just helping him with his load.”


    Comment by Marty McPain — August 31, 2010 @ 8:55 am | Reply

  2127. But so many pastors are in urgent need of a hand with their loads these days!

    Yes, I can confirm that Marty was obviously wise to the joke from the beginning, and he was clearly pondering revealing the joke when he asked if anyone had considered the other posts on the blog, which is the clearest way of leading people to the realization of its real nature.

    “I think I had so many good posts”

    Absolutely. And you were very good at establishing a ridiculous scriptural basis for your obsessions, which I always enjoyed. Also it was good to know that you’d know I was “Furry No More,” and that “DPS” and “CSC” were written by the same person.

    “You did a fine job of being a staple troll without seeming too trollish. I commend you for that.”

    Thanks! I did enjoy the opportunity. Nothing more fun (to me, at least) than writing another absurd triumphant CSC post about the Glorious Final Victory over the Furries, which he would have to repeat in a week or so, because nobody had actually won anything. Although I’m also proud of DPS stripping off his shirt to chase some poor guy feeding squirrels at the park. And the time when he thought his neighbors’ cats might be tiny people dressed up in cat suits, and was going through their garbage inspecting the kitty litter for evidence.

    Anyway, a lot of amusing stuff on this blog, once you realize that the trolls are trolls. I especially recommend the post and thread “Heliocentrism is an Atheist Doctrine” and other posts from around that time.

    Comment by Common Sense Conservative — August 31, 2010 @ 10:27 pm | Reply

  2128. remember lazarus guy? he was all serious about explaing how the sun was the center of the solar system?

    and all that bad science some of the kids were putting out that I couldn’t correct because I was arguing the sun was a lump of coal 6,000 miles away?

    Stars don’t move for a reason. The only times they move is during expansion from burning hydrogen and helium, implosion (novas or supernovas), and shrinkage (after implosion where a star becomes a dwarf star). There is nothing with enough mass to stimulate orbits of stars, even around each other. Not to mention that the smaller the star, the more dense it is, the hotter it is…but the bigger stars take up too much space, so orbit cannot and will not be created of stars to each other, and stars revolving around planets.

    Comment by Xenistine Amara — December 30, 2008 @ 11:59

    I think this is my craziest post:

    On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ, who would commit suicide to redeem us from our fate of eternal sin because of Adam’s listening to that .. that.. person Eve and biting the Apple. Which GOD told them not to bite. but they did. and MAN was doomed to SIN and women were doomed to pain in child birth. (in earlier years, women often died during childbirth. this gave the man a chance to go out and marry a younger female. with this dammed SCIENCE we have now, death in childbirth is much reduced)
    I think that some people left believing it was for real and not wanting to argue any more…

    Thanks CSC!

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 1, 2010 @ 7:18 am | Reply

  2129. i still check in from time to time XD.

    Comment by ravenfox — September 2, 2010 @ 11:33 pm | Reply

  2130. “i dont think its fake marty you idiot.”

    Comment by ravenfox — August 31, 2010 @ 12:24 am | Reply

    Yes .. and?

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 3, 2010 @ 7:27 am | Reply

  2131. Wow Marty. CSC admitted to be a troll and he ended his ranting. You seem to just stupidly preserver. NO ONE CAN WIN THIS ARGUMENT!

    Your position on it won’t change the fact that i am still furry. It never has. This board is just a place a go to laugh my ass off at trolls and people who think they know what they are talking about.

    If you’ll notice i egged you guys on a little back there 🙂 BUT STILL! This has never been a serious board!

    Marty, if you really believe this, go start your own website. At the moment i am pretty sure everyone else it too tired to continue.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — September 3, 2010 @ 6:20 pm | Reply

  2132. well CSC was right… you are a very stupid person.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 4, 2010 @ 9:59 am | Reply

  2133. If that is really the best retort you can come up with i feel really sorry for you. At least I have an imagination. If I am stupid SO WHAT! I am having fun with life. I don’t care.

    If i am stupid and i am having a good life, then thumbs up to me, and anyone else who is this.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — September 6, 2010 @ 8:53 am | Reply

  2134. Well I, for one, am GLAD you are happy! GLAD I say!

    and I feel good that you have a good life too!

    (too bad about the stupid part but you can’t have everything!!)

    what we really need is for furries to attack the tea party people and drive them out of town… the T-baggers would most likely be afraid of people dressed as animals because they would not look like them

    maybe you could get on that Stinky…


    Comment by Marty McPain — September 6, 2010 @ 5:51 pm | Reply

  2135. You make me sick. “Jesus weeps” ? Seriously? Get a life. You obviously made up that bit about bush condemning furries afterwards. That would be simple ad there is no one to prove you wrong. Suspicious names? Your jumping at shadows. And the only reason they would have been shamed before was because the world 50 years ago was full of Christian psychopaths.

    Comment by Max — September 12, 2010 @ 6:32 am | Reply

  2136. Did you know that Jesus exists as a child, the dead suicide Jesus, and the Redeemed Christ, ALL AT THE SAME TIME?

    Technically, it’s the Baby Jesus that weeps.

    and why do you have such a porno name? Do you make porm movies? Max! either that or you are a dog furry.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 14, 2010 @ 11:24 am | Reply

  2137. and just because it’s funny… does not mean it’s not true!!

    Beware the Furry Pedophiles!

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 17, 2010 @ 11:05 am | Reply

  2138. and I have to point out that its mostly republicans that are at the furry “tip of the spear”

    “Pennsylvania authorities say a Cumberland County man suggested dressing up in animal costumes during online sex chats with a 15-year-old boy. Agents found wolf- and cat-type costumes in his home.

    Alan David Berlin, a 40-year-old Carlisle, Pa., resident, also proposed visiting the boy’s Harrisburg home and having sex in the back yard while his parents slept, according to a news release from the Attorney General’s Office. “

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 20, 2010 @ 12:06 pm | Reply

  2139. I found this posted on another site.

    “So much upheaval could have been avoided if Kepler hadn’t been too stupid to understand the concept of the epicycle. Strong contender for the title of History’s Greatest Moron, if you ask me.”

    I could not agree more….

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 21, 2010 @ 2:58 pm | Reply

  2140. I saw two squirrels the other day. In the park. In a tree. having sex.

    Then all sorts of nice things happened to me for no reason…. I wonder if it was a supernatural event.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 24, 2010 @ 1:45 pm | Reply

  2141. This weekend I went back to the park to watch the squirrels have sex, instead of going to church.

    I found $50 on the ground when I was walking home… right in front of a liquor store.

    Something strange is happening here.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 27, 2010 @ 8:57 am | Reply

  2142. I know this blog/article thing is old, but I have stumbled across it and find the need to comment. I have read your articles and I find them to be closed minded and ignorant. I firmly believe that if I ever met you in real life that we would not get along in the slightest. Now you may say that I am the one who is closed minded and ignorant in this situation, but bashing other people’s hobbies, religions, beliefs, fetishes, and basically bashing everything that isn’t YOUR belief and writing it off as ‘dangerous’ or ‘the wrong belief’ is just not right. You have been saying that the internet has become a way for mentally disturbed people to congregate and find other mentally disturbed people to descend deeper into mental disturbed-ness? Here’s a little something. I think you are using the internet as just that- A tool to get OTHER psychotic, paranoid, overly sheltered, close minded people to agree with your false, overly exaggerated ideals that make me want to puke all over the computer screen. You are most likely misguiding many people…. Anime is not anymore dangerous than American horror films. And anime pervasion? It’s not like this does not occur in the United States in other forms. Anyone who is malleable and confused enough to take advice on MURDER from an anime has problems enough already, it is not the fault of those who write and produce it. That is like watching an episode of ‘CSI: Las Vegas’ and deciding that you would like to go and brutally murder someone in a fashion mimicking those you have witnessed on the show. The ONLY reason you would do this would be if you had serious problems to begin with. As for Furries? Its not all about the sex, I believe its actually about the love of comics. ‘Fursona’ is a character of you but as an animal… I remember having one when I was younger, and I’m pretty sure I’ve come out okay (for the most part at least, but you may disagree). All I am saying is loosen up a bit and stop with the over exaggerated information intended to bring on hysterics. Some people live these ‘misguided'(as you might say) lives here, no need to hate so long as they aren’t harming you personally.

    If you actually took your time to read this, I am highly appreciative, and thank you for your time. If not? Well you wouldn’t be reading this to begin with. Good evening.

    -A Pissed Off (yet relatively well educated punk) 13 Year Old.

    Comment by Angelica Ibarra — September 27, 2010 @ 11:51 pm | Reply

  2143. I have taken to drinking cheap vodka and sleeping at the zoo… great action and plenty of peanuts for food…

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 30, 2010 @ 10:17 am | Reply

  2144. waa? did you say you were pissed? is that like drunk?

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 7, 2010 @ 7:42 pm | Reply

  2145. They kicked me out of the zoo. I am now living in the park, and drinking fortified wine… watching the people …

    I wonder if there are any furries around here? maybe very small people dressed in squirrel costumes..?

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 14, 2010 @ 1:12 pm | Reply

  2146. *sigh*
    Marty, what ARE you ranting about.
    I can't believe you still post on this thing.

    Comment by Shiro — October 14, 2010 @ 4:07 pm | Reply

  2147. life goes on… just different

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 19, 2010 @ 3:01 pm | Reply

  2148. I am going to washington DC! I was sleeping and some guy had me get on a bus. We are praying for FEAR or something…

    should be fun..

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 26, 2010 @ 8:31 pm | Reply

  2149. man that was dumb… I was in the middle of a huge crowd of people and they all had signs…

    I couldn’t find anything to drink.

    It was sad.

    Also, there was a guy in a tea bag and another guy with a giant puppet

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 3, 2010 @ 11:37 am | Reply

  2150. I am hoping to get a lot of money because republicans are going to cut my taxes!! although I havn’t actually made ANY money since I left my church and threw away the trapping of ministry, I still feel that good repbublican values of honesty and charity will be better for me than siding with communist Islamic socialists. (who are facists)

    So I have high hopes for the future.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 15, 2010 @ 3:02 pm | Reply

  2151. I heard that Obuma was going to cancel Christmas! No presents; no trees; no eggnog!

    He also cancelled Thanksgiving because his furry wife thinks we are all TOO FAT!! so Obuma is imposing Sharia Law and Ramanndanna… no Turkey, no potatoes and NO PIE!

    This is not gong to be good.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 22, 2010 @ 11:01 am | Reply

  2152. I wish I was home for Christmas… watching the Baby Jesus get born… with the animals…

    maybe if I sneak into the petting zoo I can sleep with some of the animals…

    Merry Christmas everyone…


    Comment by Marty McPain — December 1, 2010 @ 2:56 pm | Reply

  2153. Aww, it ain’t so bad. You just gotta be careful when you f**k a porcupine.

    Hail Satan!

    Comment by Squirrely the Squirrel — December 1, 2010 @ 3:53 pm | Reply

  2154. and DIE

    Comment by Shiro Chan — December 2, 2010 @ 2:50 pm | Reply

  2155. you must be thinking about Easter.. this is about the birth of the Baby Jesus…

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 9, 2010 @ 8:43 pm | Reply

  2156. what a wonderfull christmas. all the animals were at the manger. I was able to hide from the wise men and have my way with the sheep.

    I have now adopted the furry lifestyle.

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 28, 2010 @ 9:39 pm | Reply

  2157. I was able to trap enough squirrels in the park to create a nice furry suit.

    I can now mingle with other Furries and Atheists and find out the real story for this blog! I feel this is my destiny.

    Comment by Marty McPain — January 6, 2011 @ 3:18 pm | Reply

  2158. I’m actually tired of this. Someone hack this and delete it already. Furries aren’t bad people. I’m a furry. I’ll admit that. This is sad that some people have such a corroded view of the world. They’re blind and are afraid. They have no standards and are extremely… annoying and have no substance sometimes. Long live furry.

    Comment by Kadziet — February 3, 2011 @ 3:53 pm | Reply

  2159. “This is sad that some people have such a corroded view of the world. They’re blind and are afraid. They have no standards and are extremely… annoying and have no substance sometimes. These Furries deserve to be covered with feces and then rounded up like the cattle they pretend to be, and put in pens and branded.”

    There .. corrected your typo…

    Comment by Marty McPain — February 13, 2011 @ 11:38 pm | Reply

  2160. I think I’ll just leave this here.

    Comment by Rorroh — February 28, 2011 @ 7:49 am | Reply

  2161. I am pleased to see that there is no more argument! I was just pretending to be a furry so I could go “undercover” and expose their sordid deathstyle! You will be amazed at what I found as I explain it in later posts. Be carefull though.. it is sick disgusting stuff.

    anyway, clearly, the furries are beaten and in disarray.

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 19, 2011 @ 10:34 am | Reply

  2162. *pats Marty* Oh, you.

    Comment by Rorroh — March 19, 2011 @ 10:38 am | Reply

  2163. Ha super secret tape to follow! I am working with that O’Keefe fellow to blow the lid off of your sordid doings!

    ha ha YOU know what I am talking about!

    Comment by Marty McPain — March 27, 2011 @ 8:46 pm | Reply

  2164. I am very worried. A lot of my secret video of furries planning to destroy America was damaged in an attack by three cat-suited vixens who squirted a yellow liquid on the tapes.. err diskettes.

    anyway we should all be worried..


    Comment by Marty McPain — April 10, 2011 @ 10:09 pm | Reply


    Comment by Marty McPain — April 10, 2011 @ 10:16 pm | Reply

  2166. In other news:

    Comment by Rorroh — April 11, 2011 @ 4:38 pm | Reply

  2167. okay. 60% of the furry population do not own a fursuit, and do not enjoy or delve into yiff. this is a major contrast tpo the 60% of american and british males that enjoy pornograph. if you asosciate furries with sicko’s due to the fandom unfortunatlyt being attractive to certain sicko’s, does that mean that all people that watch porn or sicko’s? because normal porn attracts sicko’s too. rapists, molesters, perverts, stalkers, are all drawn by porn to satiate their desires. unfortunatly it happens in the furry fandom as well. if you want to damn people, you might as well damn yourself. and dont get all high and mighty thinking your superior, I’ma furry, and I’m not the one that just recomended top parents to beat their child within an inch of their life. you were, you sick fuck.

    Comment by Craig — April 14, 2011 @ 10:16 am | Reply

  2168. and just so you know…lets look at the history of the furries. the introduction of the anthropermorphic era is not a recent one, in fact it dates back to the ancient egyptian gods. then theres all the things we grow up with, the countless disney films, winneh the pooh, even scoobydoo, due to his ability to speak ios considered somewhat anthropermorphic and so a furry. there is no way you can shut down furries…BECAUSE YOU MAKE THEM!

    the entire world is full of anthropermorphic art, be it sexual or otherwise, the tiger on kellogs corn flakes, the bunny on nesquick cerial, loony toones, animaniacs, pinky and the brain, slappy the cat, topcat…thoasands upon thoasands, you make them and you subject children to their humeristic attiotudes and make them as human as possible. and you wonder why eventually there becomes a somewhat adult cult about it? jesus christ, no one ever died from looking at a bit of erotic art. grow a pair of balls, stop being such douchbags and BE A MAN!

    Comment by Craig — April 14, 2011 @ 11:03 am | Reply

  2169. You spelled “thousands” wrong.

    Comment by Rorroh — April 21, 2011 @ 3:07 pm | Reply

  2170. I am so happy that we have survived the furry attack. Praise the Lord that He saw fit to bless us with victory in the war against the Furry Menace.

    2011 marks the year mankind was freed from the horror of furryism!!

    Comment by Marty McPain — June 5, 2011 @ 6:29 pm | Reply

  2171. I have terirble news to report!! Your child is at risk! The devilish evil that is furryism has returned. We need to smash them!!

    “A registered sex offender wore a Cookie Monster costume as he handed out fliers to children at the Mississippi Valley Fair over the weekend, police said.”

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 9, 2011 @ 3:01 pm | Reply

    • =3

      Cause, you know, ever person dressed up in a fur covered suit is automatically a furry.

      Comment by RumoofZamonia — August 22, 2011 @ 5:04 pm | Reply

      • Really child, only sick people dress up in fur suits, and yes, those sick people call themselves “Furries.” Normal people call them evil.

        You should put down your fur suit and pick up a bible!

        Comment by Marty McPain — August 25, 2011 @ 3:44 pm

  2172. This is the best! This article made me laugh for hours! Especially the comments. This is endless entertainment.

    Furries are perfectly functional members of society. Its not like we’re all sex-crazed monsters. Realizing i was a furry has made me more human than ever before. You ought to think twice before discriminating against an entire culture.

    Comment by RumoofZamonia — August 22, 2011 @ 5:08 pm | Reply

    • I’m glad you had a good time X3 Read down to where we were arguing and… i think RTS?… or one of them said they were a troll. It was fun posting and it was fun reading.

      Comment by Shiro Chan — October 11, 2011 @ 11:03 am | Reply

  2173. …no… normal people call us furries. YOU call me evil. real nice ;3 So, are you saying that mascots are… Evil?

    Also, furries can be religious too. I’m a lutheran, and i’m also a raccoon. Is that wrong?

    Comment by RumoofZamonia — August 25, 2011 @ 11:39 pm | Reply

  2174. Well. yes! Mascots are tools of the Devil to convince sports fans to worship him in the form of an animal! We have discussed this at length on this blog.

    I am sorry to hear that you are a dammed-to-hell lutheran. You should know that any religion named after a person is nothing more than a cult and a secret Satan worshiping clan.

    Oh, and, Racoons are notorious thieves and liars and eat fetid garbage. Are you also a dirty Freegan my child?

    Comment by Marty McPain — August 28, 2011 @ 2:09 pm | Reply

    • Now I’m interested. What do you think about anthro in advertising? Like Tony the Tiger, or the Geico Gecko? are they evil too?

      Yep, us lutherans, we’re a satan worshiping cult! You should see our services! we just go wild.

      That is true, raccoons are notorious as thieves and scavengers. (although i’ve never heard one lie before….), But that’s mostly a product of human’s taking over their land. If you think about it, raccoons are some of the most human like mammals out there (excluding primates). They’re omnivores, they are incredibly smart, and they have opposable thumbs. I’d rather be a raccoon than a wolf, just sayin’

      Comment by RumoofZamonia — August 30, 2011 @ 10:43 pm | Reply

  2175. Hmmph.. Tony the Tiger was a pedophile helper. and that horrible lizard is alike to the snake in the Garden of Eden! all evil Satan-helpers. Talking lizards are part of the furries plan to destroy America.

    And Lutherans fall into the same category, except they are pale while instead of green. They are not likely to be more easily turned from their evil path than zombie Mormans or idol-worshiping Catolicks. They themselves admit that those creepy “synods” are devil covens if I have ever seen one.

    I agree with Daniel Boone: “The only good raccoon is one that is dead and I am wearing on my head!” Now HE was a smart man and had better thumbs than any racoon.

    Comment by Marty McPain — September 1, 2011 @ 9:03 pm | Reply

  2176. Marty, you know the joke is over 😛 Its been, what, a year? since the last time someone posted. XD i can’t believe you still cling to this site.

    Comment by Shiro Chan — October 11, 2011 @ 11:05 am | Reply

    • Only a few months, actually. Did the blog theme change or am I just not remembering it right?

      Comment by Rorroh — October 11, 2011 @ 2:23 pm | Reply

  2177. Gotta hope some new blood happens by……(so stop your lies!)

    Comment by Marty McPain — October 11, 2011 @ 3:04 pm | Reply

  2178. I was attacked by a racoon last night. I could not tell if it was a human.. or an animal!

    Its greedy hands were clutching at my pant leg… “food, food” it hissed… I kicked it in the head. Its black and white tail swung wildly. I feared for my life!! Die Die I screamed!! kicking it over and over! OWW OHH it cried and crawled away to its lair in the local park. think it was one of those OWS kids out foraging for food.

    I am glad I protected America.

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 21, 2011 @ 12:47 pm | Reply

  2179. I dont think people can understand the magic of the Furry world. It has rarely anything to do with sex anymore anyway. It is an amazing community of some of the worlds most creative and artistic people you will ever meet.

    Comment by BASSFOXX — November 24, 2011 @ 1:08 pm | Reply

    • First of all, magic is a thing of the devil. Magic is a thing of evil and used by witches.easy answer- “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” (Exodus 22:18).

      “It has rarely anything to do with sex anymore anyway.” OKay.. this is disturbing. It is a testament to the good work we do here are Blogs4BB that the incidence of you furries attacking and raping children and the mentally disabled has lessened. BUT you ADMIT to still pushing your furry naughty bits on innocents. makes me sick.

      Believe me.. if I meet these freaks again I will be better prepared than the last time I was attacked.

      Comment by Marty McPain — November 27, 2011 @ 5:45 pm | Reply

      • you do realize your using the bible to belittle others right? youve done so on almost every occasion to where someome speaks out to you. kinda pathetic you ask me, using the good book to gain leverage in an argument.

        Comment by ironpawes — November 27, 2011 @ 5:56 pm

  2180. I use the Bible to live my life and I suggest you do the same before HE decides to send you to Hell.

    What book do you want to use? Furries are your Friends? or some such disgusting porn? I notice you didn’t try and refute my other arguments! I guess you admit to them all, sordid business that.

    PussyPaws is more like it…

    Comment by Marty McPain — November 28, 2011 @ 11:01 pm | Reply

  2181. Well, children, another year draws to a close. I have a problem. I was throwing out the trash last night and an animal was snuffling and shuffling around the cans.

    Naturally I took my ax handle and whacked it over the head. To my suprise I found I had one of those Occupy protestors dressed up in a wolf costume. so I went and chained it to the bed in the garage bedroom. I was a bit shocked when I found it was a young girl of 17 or 18 years of age.

    I am thinking that God wants me to teach this furry creature normal human habits and activities. In the meantime I have purchased a bag of dog food to feed it in the manner to which it is accustomed.

    Wish me luck in the new year!

    Comment by Marty McPain — December 30, 2011 @ 8:23 pm | Reply

  2182. have you asked for picture permissions?

    Comment by fosius — February 24, 2012 @ 5:45 am | Reply

    • Well I do have some pictures of this young lady as I nursed her back to health. It seems that the Occuppy Wall Street protestors had performed disgusting acts on her that destroyed her mind.

      She kept screaming.. “Let me out of here!! I hate you!! I want you to release me!”

      Clearly the result of the pain inflicted by OWS. Poor thing was delusional.

      After two months of therapy I was able to send her to a private school where she can learn a trade. She expressed her gratitude and I was proud of her.

      but why would I need permissions?

      Comment by Marty McPain — March 9, 2012 @ 12:07 pm | Reply

  2183. This blog made me laugh so hard, you are right about a lot of furries, although,
    I am a 15 year old male, I am conservative, I have a 4.0 GPA, I take AP classes, I’m the halfback on my schools football team, I am the right forward on our soccer team, and the third basemen on our baseball team. I also run track.
    However I am a light furry, i do find furries cute. Not the porn, not the fetish, but stuff like this,

    Are you telling me that’s not cute? ^.^
    I am also not obsessed, i don’t go around on forums or look stuff like this up.

    It’s just an occasional thing where i go, “Awh thats cute.” and then click for the next picture haha

    The fact of the matter is that being addicted to anything can be bad for you but you are giving furries like me a bad name. Not all of us are this obsessed and indulge in such disgusting behavior. We find certain people cute, certain animals cute, and when you put them together they are still cute.

    Oh and along the lines of anime, not all animes are sexual or bloody. and in Higurashi’s case, it is a horror mystery manga/anime are you telling me there’s not supposed to be murder or gore? Then it wouldn’t be a horror my friend.

    You can’t just look something up and think you have perfect understanding of it, your on the outside looking in. I have been looking at your blog for a while now and i do enjoy it. However, I would appreciate it if you dug a little deeper for your articles.

    I would love it if you emailed me, i’m sure we could have a pretty interesting conversation(:

    Oh and please consider doing an article on Parkour,

    Thank you.

    Comment by Dakota — March 14, 2012 @ 11:22 am | Reply

    • It’s just an occasional thing where i go, “Awh thats cute.”

      Yes well.. you know who else used to look at dirty pictures? Hitler! that’s who! and look what happened to him .. so you should protect yourself and only read the Bible. and, in fact, don’t even read the naughty bits in the Bible until you’re 21. You need to protect yourself because Furrys are everywhere and are bent on destroying America and our way of life.

      So why are you only the half back and not the full back on your football team? and why only third base and not home plate? or is first base better than third? This stuff is confusing. Clearly you should quit sports and get a job so you can give all your money to your local Baptist Church. (If your parents try and tell you that they are idol-worshiping Catholics and they don’t want to give money to the Baptist Church, report them to the police for child abuse..)

      So, while you claim to be a Conservative… but since you failed to capitalize it I can’t see that you are very good one… on well there is always hope.

      yours in Christ, Marty.

      Comment by Marty McPain — April 8, 2012 @ 8:48 pm | Reply

  2184. Well, another year has started, and I haven’t visited this lulzy place in quite a while. I’m glad to see Marty is still posting ^^ you should write a book about your travels. Honestly, the mental images are very funny.

    Anyways, I’m still a furry, but i’m not so butthurt about this article. I have a girlfriend now, we are both leaving the confines of our parents household, and venturing off into the world (GOODBYE HIGHSCHOOL!). So the day before I finally turn 18, I would like to wish Rorroh and Marty, and everyone else who made this site what it is a great life :3 ill be checking up on you guys occasionally.

    And Marty, keep up the good work.

    Comment by Shiro (your old buddy :3) Chan — March 22, 2012 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

    • PS.
      In a word document this whole page takes up 494 pages in 10 pt font :3 pretty neat. I’m gonna print this out at kinkos X3

      Comment by Shiro (your old buddy :3) Chan — March 22, 2012 @ 1:27 pm | Reply

    • Aww, happy birthday! I wish you and your girlfriend good luck in the world! Ooh, maybe we could meet up at a con one day. That could be fun! :3

      Comment by Rorroh — April 8, 2012 @ 4:17 pm | Reply

      • all right you two… I guess its good to hear from you… sometimes I am regretful that I chased off all those hairy OWS girls… furries are still a menace

        all the best in the new year…

        Comment by Marty McPain — April 8, 2012 @ 8:55 pm

      • I knew you’d miss us. ❤ All the best!

        Comment by Rorroh — April 8, 2012 @ 10:53 pm

  2185. I’d just like to say one thing… How the hell do we know what the bible actually says? Tell me this? How many times has it been translated and re-translated and re-translated? Not to mention that it was often re-writen by the “winners” of that time. There is going to be A LOT lost in translation and even more by those people who were the leading christian leaders of the time… and that shifted quite a few times in the 2000+ years. People shouting just so they can make some noise. I could care less about the actual topic.

    Comment by AL — June 23, 2012 @ 10:09 pm | Reply

    • You are headed for a fiery end and a world of pain. God tells us that the King James version (1611) of his bible is the best version to follow to be saved. If you read other perversion such as the NIH, or the Good Word you are really going to find out what hell is like.

      But maybe you can still be saved. You are not a furry are you? That would be very bad in the eyes of the Lord.

      Comment by Marty McPain — July 19, 2012 @ 1:35 pm | Reply

  2186. It’s stuff like this that’s giving the fandom a bad name. Idiots making blogs about something that they know nothing about.

    “Typically they dress up in fursuits (with or without diapers), pleasure themselves (or yiff) with specially modified stuffed animals (plushies), enjoy graphic artwork of anthropomorphic animals with oversized sexual organs and desire to somehow transform to their fantasy fursona (don’t ask).”

    Not all furries do these things. I don’t dress up. I don’t wear diapers. Just because a few of us do it doesn’t mean that we all do it. That’s practically racist.

    “They have their own lingo, or furspeak, draw horrible nightmare-inducing artwork of cartoon animals with large genitals engaging in fornication and sodomy with just about anything under the sun and write some of the most twisted and soul-killing fanfiction in the whole of creation.”

    There are actually some really talented artists who draw non-sexual art. The whole fandom isn’t about sex! And what’s wrong with having a lingo? Other fandoms have their own lingo. Take trekkies for example.

    “There’s nothing more dangerous than an aroused furry. A wounded animal would be safe by comparison.”

    What, all are furries rapists or something?

    “When furries get together in small groups, they engage in repulsive sexual behavior, known as fursuit sex, that makes Jesus weep”

    And not all furries are sex maniacs. When we get together we aren’t going to shag anything that moves.

    “Fortunately President Bush has recognized the danger of furries and has spoken out against them”

    Bush was an idiot. I’m Canadian and I know that.

    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”

    I thought this was a serious article until I read this. Don’t encourage people to beat their kids, even if it is a joke.

    “Once you have determined that this unnatural behavior taken place, be sure also to have a qualified veterinarian examine any family pets and suggest his friends’ parents do the same. Many furries have more than a platonic interest in animals and often encourage Fido or Fluffy to be a furry’s best friend, if you know what I mean.”

    One of the biggest misconceptions about us furries. We’re not all zoophiles. Most of us would never even touch an animal in that way. Anthropomorphics are basically just humans with animal traits and qualities. That doesn’t mean that someone who masturbates to the porn is going to go rape old McDonald’s cattle.

    “This country, the entire world really, is in dire need of a cultural and spiritual revival. Furries are a sure sign of a society that is sick right down to its very core. Presidential candidate Sam Brownback has repeatedly stated that “we must rebuild our families, renew our culture and revive our economy if we are to sustain and grow ourselves.…””

    I seriously doubt that he was talking about or even thinking about furries. It’s true that the world is in a rut, but really, it’s always been. You could say that 10 years ago the world wasn’t. What about 9/11? Or maybe you’d like to argue that 70 years ago everything was all fine and dandy. World War II? You can’t use the world’s status as a way to bash on furries.

    “Part of renewing our culture is taking a close look at and eradicating the symptoms and causes of the furry problem. You can be sure that a Brownback Presidency will bring us closer to G-d and away from deviancy. The furry problem must be addressed if we are to survive as a society. Be sure to do your part as a Christian, as an American and as a parent. Support Senator Brownback’s campaign. Today. It’s the right thing to do.”

    Why do you feel the need to kill the fandom? They’re not hurting you. I’m not running around preaching about how we should stop Star Wars fans! Why? Because they don’t bother me!
    Brownback’s campaign was mainly to fix the economy and to stop abortion. What the fuck does that have to do with furries?

    Furries aren’t bad people. Don’t assume something about a group of people just because one of those people does something strange. I’ve been a furry for the last three or four years and it hasn’t changed me for the worse. I’m still the same person, except I look at more art and read more. How is that such a bad thing?

    I’m a 15 year old Canadian boy, and I am a proud furry.

    Comment by Matt — August 11, 2012 @ 5:55 pm | Reply

    • I’m a 15 year old Canadian boy, and I am a proud furry.

      And you fail to detect anything

      I’m not sure which admission would shame me more, classing myself as a depraved furry or a shameless Socialist following a blood-spattered path blazed by Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Barrack Hussein Osama. Either fork goes down a road of ruin. I pray that by some miracle you are blessed with an epiphany and find your way to free market capitalism by way of the blood of the lamb, or failing that, you manage to land a gig as a mascot for an American sports team.

      And I’m not referring to something homoerotic like water polo or wrestling… perhaps football or bowling.

      Good luck, fallen soul. You, like all tortured souls lured in by furry fetishism have the odd of redemption stacked against you.

      ::shudder:: I must shower now.

      Comment by Psycheout — November 8, 2012 @ 3:01 am | Reply

    • “I wear diapers and make animal noises while having fursex.”

      whoa! way too much perverted detail!! and you are unable to elicidate even ONE mitigating factor for your depravity. sad..

      I see know hope for you.

      Comment by Marty McPain — January 24, 2013 @ 3:51 pm | Reply

  2187. do you even have any idea of how many holes are in your bible you say your bible is all connecting, it really isn’t read the whole thing and then talk trash about furries you christians only read parts of it if someone can read the whole harry potter series they can read the bible stop hurting things you do not understand I became atheist because I read not even half of the bible I read 1/4 of it And I said “this is **** I could people believe in this,” it’s very interesting I believe that religion bring’s people together, if your going up to every athiest, agnostic and every other religious group and telling them your going to hell your pushing them further and further away it’s like your trying to catch fish by banging a frying pan and yelling’here fishy fishy fishy.” I can tolerate religious speeches. but not hate speeches. .

    Comment by atheist man — October 19, 2012 @ 9:08 pm | Reply

    • There are no holes in Jesus who is the word made flesh. Jesus ignored the stone throwing ways of the religious people that were against him him then, and in spirit the devil are against the spirit of Jesus now. That spirit is in the furry Pedo, Gay, zoosexual, Third Gender, and the list goes on, and on. Accusations is one weak weapon Satan uses. Those that talk trash have only trash in them to give. No one can give what they do not have. Let me tell you God saves. Had God not saved we would not be here. Had God not saved Jesus would not have said forgive them for they know not what they do. You have to know KJV as well as I do. I have used it against the people that oppress. I am winning.

      Comment by Jonathan Hughes — November 19, 2012 @ 2:03 am | Reply

    • well if you only read 1/4 of the bible you can’t be very smart. and if you are ignorant there is no reason to listen to you.

      you are a very hatefull man. But Jesus is very forgiving. I am sure he will forgive your sins as he sends you into the fiery pit of hell. Have fun in there for eternity!!

      Comment by Marty McPain — December 11, 2012 @ 9:56 am | Reply

  2188. what this blog fail to point out is that there is the much larger better side to furrys, he has failed to point out how we dont all look at yiff, when i became a furry i asked what it was i found out and i turned my head,i have many friends who are furrys and they dont look at yiff either. furrys are nice and accepting of each others flaws, they dont care what religion you believe in as long as you are kind of hear and respective to those around you. yes many furrys are gay just as many regular people are gay yes some furrys are weird as many regular humans are weird yes some furrys do go with some unethical stuff but can you say all humans are perfect? no you can’t becuase just as there a disgusting furrys there are as many disgusting humans, show me furrys that have done near as much harm to the world as some humans, i don’t see any furry dictators or any furry trying to recruit people into a false religion or trying to make furry nazis so just quiet yourself we are not going to take over the world or ruin it we want to be able to live side by side with humans as friends, we are sad that we have to hide are true selves because of the fear that if we show our self to you that we will be spat upon and hated.

    another point i would like to bring up about the photos you posted, the “furry family” that is not a furry family as you can see the suit they are wearing looks as a human would and if i remember you also said furrys are Anthropomorphic so if thats a furry family shouldn’t they look like animals? why do they noy look like animals if they are furry? oh wait, haha thats why because they are humans taking part in something that has nothing to do with furrys.

    “A solo furry in the privacy of his room, wearing his sister’s underwear, yiffing away while posting in a furry forum or browsing his extensive furry porn collection is bad enough”

    yea………furrys don’t wear there sister underwear that’s just some weird fetish some random human has in the world, and every furry forum i have been on has been about learning how to draw and talking to each other, often furry forums are just a place to meet other furrys and as for my “extensive furry porn collection” well i don’t have one, i do have saved furry pictures such as my favorite with two male furrys holding each others paw well eating dinner and smiling as they stare into each others eyes with both of the tails wagging happily, its a beautifully drawn picture.

    “Doing research on the Internet about various general interest topics, one is bound to come across the darker side of the web, a seamy underbelly of the sick and the depraved. Thanks to the Internet, hobbies, interests and obsessions which used to be frowned upon are celebrated and encouraged. Any perversion, no matter how far out it is, has its own gathering of like-minded deviants in cyberspace.”

    actully the furry fandom was founded long before internet and has been a lang lasting fandom the only reason more and more are finding out about it is because of the internet, also you must be and awful researcher if thats all you can talk about is the “dark side” of the fandom, oh well i guess its all you can expect from an unhappy human who wants something to hate.

    “A furry is a person (or furson) who has an unhealthy interest or obsession with anthropomorphic animals, ie, creatures that are a cross between a human and one or more animals. In short, human-animal hybrids. Typically they dress up in fursuits (with or without diapers)”

    yea i always thought diapers were kinda weird to until i found out why they wear them, alot of furrys actually have a issues that make it so they cannot control there bladder humans have these issues as well these furrys just choose to make it part of there fursona (a fursona is just a personae but of a furry 🙂 ) some of my other friends who wear diapers becuase they find them comfy and soft and don’t actually defecate in them. also its not unhealthy i actually found it very healthy for when i was younger i thought of killing myself because i was lonely and bullied at school and i couldn’t take it but i found the furry fandom and found some friends who truly cared for my well being they kept me going through the pain and now i am studying psychology, its not and obsession its simply a fandom, yes some dress in fursuits but thats just how they choose to dress, what business is it of yours how they dress?

    “Normally society would shame these folk and make them realize what they are doing is wrong. But on the Internet, cliques of perversion are all too easy to find. It’s easy for the most mentally ill among us to find acceptance with those of their own kind. Sad, isn’t it? Rather than getting well, these people dive deeper down into the spiritual abyss, egged on by those with similar dysfunctions.”

    as i said it didn’t originate on the internet, and yes its very sad that so many mentally ill can only find acceptance because humans are cruel selfish creatures and only us furrys are willing to help and assist those mentally ill, seriously if where so bad then why do they find acceptance with us? furrys dont have much to do with spirituality, thats all one the individuals religion and i know many furrys from a large selection of different religions, most are “athiest not by choice though, you see they tried to attend church, they dressed in formal wear and said nothing about there furryness unless asked but as soon as they told the them that why where furry they were kicked out of the church or “purified” and eventually had to stop going

    “pleasure themselves (or yiff) with specially modified stuffed animals (plushies), enjoy graphic artwork of anthropomorphic animals with oversized sexual organs and desire to somehow transform to their fantasy fursona (don’t ask).”

    Actually alot of my friends who are furrys don’t yiff with there stuffed animals they simply cuddle or hug becuase nobody likes them at there school and they don’t have any friends its kind of how a child has that imaginary friend who they talk with about there issues but instead they find physical contact with something soft and endearing to them, and even if they do yiff with them there are also humans who have flesh lights (a flashlight shaped object that opens up to have a womans sexual organ on the inside and is made for masturbation) blow up dolls and dildos. also you should ask about a fantasy fursona, they are just a character that the furry has made to express them selves some who are not very good at descriptions have pictures instead, they describe the furry and are usually fun to create and share with your friends.

    “This is an activity where two Furries (Usually both male, as the sexuality of most all Furries can be well-described by the term “Jailhouse Gay” – in other words, heterosexual by nature, but currently homosexual because women won’t touch them.) dress up in Fursuits and have sex while making sounds akin to whatever particular animal they’re dressed up as.”

    well actually alot of my homosexual friends are gay and not because girls wont touch them but because they are gay and are happy to be gay, one boy i use to be friends with (may he rest in peace) was gay he talked to me often and we were close and good friends, well he decided to come out to his church, at first they told him he was confused, but then why went into disapproval telling him that he was just plain wrong and after that they kicked him out of the church, he called me the next day and told me what had happened and i did my best to talk him through it, a few weeks later he called me crying and telling me he was gonna kill himself i begged him not to but he hung up the phone, i contacted his parents but it was to late, he had hung himself in his bedroom i attended his funeral and now i always try and help my fellow furrys, i dont ever want to lose another friend because people are mean and rude to them

    “Check your child’s closet. Check his browsing history. Check his picture directory. Examine his stuffed animals. And if he’s involved in this, beat him to within an inch of his life, cut his Internet service, throw away his computer and all of his custom CDs and DVDs and hustle him to a deprogrammer immediately. He may or may not thank you later. But you just might save his soul, and those of a trail of future victims.”

    well then what i just read is give your child no privacy, beat them till they are almost dead, throw away every thing they own, and get them programmed and then they will be decent and have a soul. well that sure is a harsh way to look at it, how about you ask your child if they ar a furry tell them its ok you will still accept them and tell them the dangers such as yiffing (also i cant help but notice you said “he” in all of these as if saying all furrys are male)

    From yours truly Tai Freefall

    also i am a furry and i am proud, i am a furry writer and none of my writing, including the romances involve yiff, thanks for reading and have a good day
    also to destroy furrys you would have to destroy humans cause no matter what you do there will always be someone who is open minded and will see things differently than you do yourself so just think about what you have said and understand the lie you are spreading. (also for those who are oblivious he is using a writing technique to make something seem evil and dark, its easy to spot if you write alot, aside from the fact he is only showing the dark side of the furrys as everything has its dark sides). now im gonna go talk to some of my furry friends find out how they are doing, maybe watch a movie, continue my study’s in psychology and maybe get some more writing done so have a nice day.

    Comment by Freefall — November 16, 2012 @ 3:14 am | Reply

    • You long hate speech proves you are a) unemployed, b) unAmerican, c) destined for the bad place, and d) dirty.

      Comment by Marty McPain — July 11, 2013 @ 12:17 pm | Reply

  2189. The person writing this article is a beast. King James Version <> 18I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. 19For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. 20All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Perversion is not sex or nudity at all. The person saying negative words against the Furry Pedo or whoever is is defiled, abominable, perverted, and deviant too. fetishes, zoosexual sex are not abominable, defiled or perverted. People perverted the words,10 things that are abominable. 15 verses about perverse. 4 about defile., zero about any sex. Pro: 17:23, Pro:, 15 4, Job 6 – 30, Pro:, 12 -8, Isa:”, 30 -12, 1 Tim:’, 6 -5, Deut: 16 -19, Job 8 -3, Jer: 23 -36, Gal: 1 -7, Ecc:, 5 -8, Micah, 3 -9, Pro: 19 1, Pro: 4 24, Pro: 3, 32, Pro: 12; 22, Pro: 20 :10, Pro: 6;16, Heb: 12:15: Isa: 59 -3, Mat: 15 – 11, Mark, 7 – 15, being all of those things encourages people to be a murderer., The one against the furry does not mind their own business. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 > And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you. He wants to make others less than he is seeking a vain thing. King James Version. Philippians 2 >. 3Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. He – she is a hypocrite too wanting to destroy people with his words. Proverbs 11:9.
    Yiff is a form of sex you moron. No life no fetishes. against life like the devil is against life.

    The person against the furry thinking naked, and nude and sexual whatever is adult content better keep Junior away from any nude thing in nature. not allowed to see their own nude body, and OH by the way air is nude too. See how silly it is to completely shelter Junior from nudity?

    The person against the furry is the sodomite in reality. I will ex[plain. Religions lie about what a sodomite is hence lie about what sodomy is. Gay is not wanting worse to happen to anyone. Pedo or zoosexuals either.
    KJV,Genesis 19:. 9And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them.:Sodomite speaking is the one who came in to sojourn speaking in the third person wanting to judge condemn the two people in lots house. Lot does not let them. The Sodomite gets hungry, and threatens lot. The angel pulls lot back into the house. God is addressing the Sodomites in Isaiah 1, not once is sex or nakedness told to be refrained from to be sinless.
    Military, and religious people also wanted worse for Jesus,and Lazarus. That makes the people that the one that is negative toward the furry etc is the sodomite.
    Mark 14:1-9 KJV the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death. Cry’s of death to zoosexuals, bestialists, Pedo’s furries with the Yiff in hell they always get is heard over, and over.   John 12;10 the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death;
    In short anyone that thinks they are crafty to bring about the  death or even want  to give it are connected to religion. Be forgiving like the Sikh religion have Christianity inside of them. Be peacemakers like the Buddhists, and Hindus have Christianity in them too. The furries have Christianity in them.
    Soul killing, SOUL KILLING.? the one against the furry already has a dead soul hating his neighbor.
    Don’ t you know the KJV at all? 1 John 4 >> 20If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
    King James Version
    1 John 3 >> 15Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
    King James Version
    1 John 2:9 9He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. 10He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. 11But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
    Proverbs 14:21 >He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.
    Waring against people like what the writer of this article wrote of which I am replying to is evil .
    Satan is in your body killing what God made making it into shit. The words against the furry are the equivalent. The maker of this article is also advocating violence too. He is advocating murder too spreading hatred which Jesus cry’s about Satan loves hatred with people giving fear.

    The furry has the innocent humble child like heart of God in them like Adam,and Eve had in the beginning. What is against them is the writhing serpent in the garden of Eden.

    Comment by Jonathan Hughes — November 19, 2012 @ 1:47 am | Reply

    • Great a Furry Apologist.. you must be real happy to turn your back on the Lord your ex-God and urinate all over his face.

      You are a disgrace!!! You make me sick. I pray the Lord stops you from using his good book in the furtherance of your perverted aims.

      Comment by Marty McPain — July 11, 2013 @ 12:55 pm | Reply

  2190. Wow, just when i thought i had found the height of biggotry in the westborrow baptists, i run across this. This is without a doubt, the biggest hate spewing, ill informed, badly written, piece of garbage ive ever come across, you want your guy elected? Id forget it, this is the kind of guy i flip the bird to on the street and hope that someone less polite then myself gets ahold of him later, and you are the kind of “good christan soul” that drove me away from the organized church in the first place, you want to change the country? Then change yourself first, the government nor the citizens of this great country arent destroying the morals and values of this country, its people like you, and theres nothing wrong furries, im not one myself but im. Not going to make others feel ashamed of what they enjoy, how would you feel if i had published an article intitled “phsycoticly over opinionated christians and the man they want to dictacte our coutry”? So, before you keep on with this literary diharreha that makes a stephanie myer novel look interesting, take a long look at yourself and ask “is this really going to benefit people, or am i just hurting my own cause and making an ass out of myself”

    Comment by Anon — December 10, 2012 @ 4:44 pm | Reply

  2191. You’re truly whats wrong with this world. Why can’t you people just let others do as they wish with there lives. Someone being a furry doesn’t affect you anyway what so ever. Mostly everything you said about furries really could not be anymore stereotypical. Also, if Bush really did state those things about furries, well he already sucked with being the president.

    Comment by Amelia — August 7, 2013 @ 12:57 am | Reply

    • “Let there people do as they wish” .. right there is what’s wrong with this world, not God fearing Christians trying to save your children from sin. You want to let these disgusting maggots chop up poor sweet innocent babies and EAT them as part of their “wolf furry” games.

      Well I won’t let you! I call upon the angels of salvation to purge all furries! And furry-lovers like you Amelia…

      Comment by Marty McPain — August 11, 2013 @ 6:39 am | Reply

      • Jesus is godly. Jesus minded his own business. God is the judge. Take his place act like the enemy of Jesus. God fearing is fearing to harm God in another human being not warring against another human being. Have a whole- city of a million or more people beingf naked having sex with their partners seen by whoever are not sinning. People standing over them condemning them are sinning. Jesus came to save not condemn. I would think that was obveious. The people cannibalizing people right now with their words are the people against the furry. Jesus in a person would not do that. The people I defend and have mercy on not do that. People are chewing them up

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 4:06 pm

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        Jesus is godly. Jesus minded his own business. God is the judge. Take his place act like the enemy of Jesus. God fearing is fearing to harm God in another human being not warring against another human being. Have a

        whole- city of a million or more people beingf naked having sex with their partners seen by whoever are not sinning. People standing over them condemning them are sinning. Jesus came to save not condemn. I would think that was obveious. The people cannibalizing people right now with their words are the people against the furry. Jesus in a person would not do that. The people I defend and have mercy on do not do that. People are chewing them up

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 4:07 pm

      • You are responsible to God for what you do and don’t do you. What you do God will judge. What whoever does God will judge. It is up to YOU to be like Jesus is. People against the people I defend are like the people Jesus said woe unto you too. Those people will want to drown rather than burn in the judging light of god. They are the people that will want a millstone around their neck drowning rather than see the face of God that Moses did not see in his glory on mount Sinai. People need to repent of their abominable words and behavior that is violent like the Ninevites Jonah was sent to preach to.

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 4:19 pm

      • You are responsible to God for what you do and don’t do. What you do God will judge. What whoever does God will judge. It is up to YOU to be like Jesus is. People against the people I defend are like the people Jesus said woe unto you, too. They will want to drown rather than burn in the judging light of God. They are the people that will want a millstone around their neck drowning rather than see the face of God that Moses did not see in his glory on mount Sinai. People need to repent of their abominable words and behavior that is violent like the Ninevites Jonah was sent to preach to.

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 4:25 pm

  2192. God says to look for good giving praise. The people writing this article disobey God’s word on many levels. Philippians 4:8: King James Version (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

    The furry and zoo look for the good words to say. People say all manner of evil against them disobeying God’s word. They attack words like Pedo too. They get their weapons out when they he ear that word.

    Cambridge ED.
    King James Version of James 4:11: Speak not evil one of another brethren:

    What do people do as easily as they breathe?

    The devil is at it giving accusations. The sodomites are against the child like Furries being like the angels in Lots house. They are not wanting to do worse to anyone..
    All of the verses describe the character of people against the furry, zoosexual, nudist. None of them describe genitals or any sexual part or sexual activity. Perverted in all of the variations of the word, naughty, abominable and defiled are not what religions taught from the pulpit getting lies in dictionaries getting them into our minds. KJV has the truth. Jam::1 20 – 21, Pro: 6:12, Pro: 17: 4, Jer: 24,2, Sam: 17,28, Pro: 17:23, Pro: 15 4, Job 6 – 30, Pro: 12 -8, Isa: 30 -12, 1 Tim: 6 -5, Deut: 16 -19, Job 8 -3, Jer: 23 -36, Gal: 1 -7, Ecc:, 5 -8, Mic: 3 -9, Pro: 19 1, Pro: 4 24, Pro: 3, 32, Pro: 12; 22, Pro: 20 :10, Pro: 6;16, Heb: 12:15: Isa: 59 -3, Mat: 15 – 11, Mark, 7 – 15, Mark 13:14.

    Had a person younger than 18 see nude furry art the Phase below would be fulfilled by police.. The real sodomites are against the furry with their nude and Sexual art, zoosexuals clothing optional humans too. There is a wall of laws set against them to give them fear. Tear down that wall. Let the furry without restriction with full acceptance let them put whatever their child like innocent heart want on their furry suits. No longer having a rift in art having all art seen by all ages calling all of the art very good.
    Let us have no one say what a sodomite would say. Furries would never say that. The devil who is deviant in the way he lies perverting scripture in the souls of people is against the furry and others too.
    King James Version of Genesis 19:
    And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.

    Comment by Jonathan Hughes — September 26, 2013 @ 11:22 pm | Reply

    • You disgusting slug leaving your rail of lies to corrupt the youth of America.. you make me sick. Dow dare you lurk with the furries and attack poor defenseless children.

      Oh lord please see fit to blind the evil of the sinner jonathan and destroy his ability to harm Your Works. Amen.

      Comment by Marty McPain — September 27, 2013 @ 10:12 pm | Reply

      • You are going to get a double edged sword of verses cutting you to ribbons, K J B:John 10:10: you are a thief. You are a murderer.1 John 3:15: You have no pleasantness in your speech making you abominable, 1 John 3:15: You are naughty with your froward speech, 1 John 3:15. You want to give wrath having no righteousness being filthy – dirty, James 1:20:21, Proverbs 11:20, being froward is also abominable to God, Proverbs 24:9:A scorner is abominable to God too, Isaiah 59 >>3For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. you are a liar being a froward person, Proverbs 12:22 – Human Hatred is disgusting to God. Hate is murder. Hate lies. Your body is corupt because it dies. Nudity is not sick. If so God is sick that made it. If sex is sick God is sick that made it. You are Calling God sick. God does not know age. Galatians 3:26-29 KJV – For ye are all the children of God. That means all are to not have sex at all. Police will have a grand old time breaking in on the children of God arresting them. They will have a lot of fun.

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 24, 2013 @ 11:49 pm

      • Romans 2:1 KJV
        King James Version
        Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest : for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

        What are the same things? Can you tell me?

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 24, 2013 @ 11:54 pm

      • People need to be taught what immoral is.
        King James Bible, Luke 6:37
        Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

        Galatians 6:2: King James Bible
        Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

        God’s word does not teach us that a sexual act real or in art is immoral.

        God does not teach us that the nude form seen by all is immoral.

        What is immoral is warring against it. What is being immoral is not being like Jesus is.

        The fury is like Jesus is.

        The furry knows in their heart what is in scripture without even knowing what is in Scripture. God in the furry. People that are against them never think of good lovely things never wanting to give a good report disobeying the flowing verse.
        Cambridge ED.
        King James Version of Philippians 4:8: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

        The devil in the souls of people sees goodness in the furry attacking the furry because the furry keeps God’s law. it is in them. That is the new covenant.

        The people verbally assaulting the furry, Brony, zoosexual, Pedo etc are the equivalent to the scribes and Pharisees attacking Jesus in the Bible.

        The attacker is unseemly trying to make the one that is attacked look bad.
        There is no charity in a froward attacker trying to make one person seem to be less than another.

        The attacker wants to take God’s place.
        They don’t know or ignore this verse.

        Romans 14:10;King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
        But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

        All of the images below are as innocent as Adam And Eve in the .beginning. Heaven is in them . People need to relax with them.

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 9:31 am

      • God’s word is truth. God’s word harms no one. God made nude. God made sex of whatever kind and that without him there would be no sex. There would be nothing that is nude. The legal a system that condemns having no mercy is corrupt. The military with their proud weapons are corrupt. The body you are in unchanged seeing God’s glory as Hell – a devouring firer is corupt. Don’t be like Jesus is corupt the soul.

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 9:44 am

      • What lies? People that yell scandal have the scandalous one in the who is Satan in them. Satan does not seek peace. Seek it. We are animals too. Lutheran Surrealism
        Thursday, March 28, 2013

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 10:41 am

      • What lies? People that yell scandal have the scandalous one in them who is Satan in them. Satan does not seek peace. Seek it. We are animals. Lutheran Surrealism
        Thursday, March 28, 2013

        Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 25, 2013 @ 10:42 am

  2193. The I will do worse to whoever people are against the furry, zoosexual, clothing optional people, etc. Had people be as laid back as the Furry, Brony a hall way of nude people or furry suits with artificial or real genitalia on them would not raise an eyebrow. One part of the body is as good as any other part of the body. The furry is innocent. What do they get. One accusation after another. What did Jesus get? One accusation after another. People need to stop acting like the enemy of Jesus. King James Bible: Luke 6:45 :
    A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

    All of us know the parts the indecency law want us to think are less honourable, uncomely.
    1 Corinthians 12:25: That there should be no schism in the body;
    Indecency laws created what they say are good parts to be see by all and evil parts to not be seen by an arbitrary age group.

    1 Corinthians 12: 23And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.

    1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. . King James Bible

    King James Bible:Romans 13:10:
    Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

    Love is not fickle getting out of sorts when a man made thing is not seen on what God made.

    K J B:John 10:10: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
    People against the person who has sex with another species is therefore a thief as bad as the one Jesus drove out of the temple.
    The people saying any word wanting to give fire to the furry are the same. The word Pedo is also not to be given fire to either. My wings are over all of them.
    The zoosexual need’s love too.

    Comment by Jonathan Hughes — October 24, 2013 @ 11:20 pm | Reply

    • I see you are still polluting this wonderful site with your fake Bible quotes. You are a real piece of work. a disgusting bloated sack of… work, but real nontheless.

      You are too far gone for me to pray for you to be saved. in fact you cannot avoid God’s punishment. you claim that GOD loves you, but I say He is raising His Hand to smite the wicked and you are first on the list!

      Comment by Marty McPain — February 2, 2014 @ 10:17 pm | Reply

  2194. so why lie about furries?

    Comment by midnight — January 16, 2014 @ 5:55 am | Reply

    • Furries are lies. That you should know first. their sweet whispered lies about how “fu ” it will be and now “everyone” is doing it are going to send yo into the pit of HELL for the Lord’s juzt punishment.

      Everything in this article is true. and my comments, and those by Physcout are true. beware the demon furries!

      Comment by Marty McPain — February 2, 2014 @ 10:11 pm | Reply

    • I praise Jesus that the Furries have been defeated. Their attempts to legalize “furry marraige” have gotten nowhere. all they did was draw attention to their perversions.

      now we need to force the their knees and have them beg for God’s large love filled heart to fill their mouths with worship instead of lies.

      Comment by Marty McPain — March 4, 2014 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

    • oh sweet Lord thank You for granting us victory over the furry menace. only Your bleeding holes, in your limbs, can protect usfrom the vile.furries.

      Comment by Marty McPain — July 6, 2014 @ 7:25 am | Reply

  2195. The comment just proves how much the world is lost. Where is the “evolution” that scientist say? The man is becoming a beast, literally. The man is regressing. Furries are camouflaged evil cuddly.

    Comment by michael — May 2, 2014 @ 8:02 pm | Reply

    • when Christ said “be like tne birds and beasts of the field. they trust take care of them” He did not.mean for.fornicators and idolators to become animals.themselves.

      these preverts are all going to burn in the pit of fire in hell!

      Comment by Marty McPain — May 25, 2014 @ 10:58 am | Reply

  2196. im a furry and i must say that this is the biggest load of shit of ever heard. to the piont that it is almost comical.there is a thing called yiff, but it has almost non of the features that you stated. and the minority of furries enjoy it. and we dont dream of turning into our furry character, that is just a character that we make based off of ourselves! every furry is a furry for there own reason. but its fairly safe to say no furry is a furry for the purpose of sex. most furries enjoy making people happy, participating in charity, and that sort of thing. and the number of male and femail furries are almost even. with slightly more male.and at furcons we dont have sex, or anything of that sort. we have a dance compitition, rave party, parade, games, drinks, and bar night were you get a drink on the house. if we are all bad then explain why in 2013 we raised over a million dollars in charity in america alone! if you really want to know what being a furry is all about. ask a real furry. not some stuck up asshole who bases there facts off of biasism, predjudist, stipulated facts, and lies. fuck you, what does it say in the bible? a commandment if im right, NOT TO JUDGE. I see a helluva lot of that right here.

    Comment by wolfaniac — June 8, 2014 @ 3:38 pm | Reply

    • If you are a furry, you have lost all morality and humanity and cannot be trusted to utter a single.true word. We don’t want to hear about your sick furry sex parades and about how much you drink. or about all your disgusting preversions… True Christians and all upright Americans judge you and find you sick and twisted. and yes, God commands us to judge.

      “Many Christians misinterpret what the Bible says about judging and say that we should never judge. In Matthew 7:1-5, Jesus did say not to judge. However, a close look at these verses will show that He is referring to unloving and unjust judging. It is wrong to make judgments about a person’s motives or thoughts because we don’t know their mind. However, in John 7:24, Jesus said, “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.” In this verse Jesus is talking about making righteous judgments in regard to God’s laws.”

      please don’t leave any more filthy comments.

      Comment by Marty McPain — June 15, 2014 @ 12:26 pm | Reply

  2197. “beat him to within an inch of his life,”
    Phew aren’t I lucky not to live were this dude is running for some respected position.
    Also christians not everything you don’t like is a demon
    And Nationalists not everything you don’t like is Islamic or something

    Yeah the yiffing furries are quite disgusting but the normal furries are like normal people they are actually more free than you, they aren’t held back by society and don’t get herded around by opinions like you.

    Also that don’t have teddy bear part was just… wow. Do you life in a stereotypical Redneck christian area in solitude in America?

    Comment by runwhileyoucan — September 27, 2014 @ 7:30 am | Reply

    • You disgusting filthy little worm. The are NO normal furries, just sneaky little rat faced furries that pretend you be your frind and then they bite and claw you when you let your pants down… so to speak. Do not be decieved. They are possed and driven by Satan and their sinful desires. Do you want to burn in hellfire? DO YOU?

      Get down on your knees and beg Jesus to fill your mouth with His sweet words of love.

      Comment by Marty McPain — October 24, 2014 @ 9:23 pm | Reply

  2198. […] your child’s computer for anime and anime terms, TODAY. Your child could become an otaku, a furry and even a murderer if not a sexual deviant. Don’t let it happen to […]

    Pingback by Re: Anime Encourages Murder | The Anime Harvest — January 11, 2015 @ 9:24 am | Reply

  2199. Blogs4brownblack, check out 13 Bloodlines by F.S.

    Comment by P.C.Miller — December 22, 2015 @ 3:43 pm | Reply

  2200. now that godly President Trump has been blessed to lead this country, the furry menace has been defeated! No longer will normal people be threatened and harassed by these animals!

    Comment by Marty McPain — May 10, 2018 @ 10:07 pm | Reply

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