Blogs 4 Brownback

June 11, 2007

Fred Thompson, Shameless Fraud

Courtesy of World Net Daily, we learn that Fred Thompson is an immoral, irreligious charlatan:

Doubts continue to swirl over Fred Thompson’s faith even among members of his own church.

First, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson was reported to have said the Republican presidential hopeful is not a real Christian. Thompson shot back that he’s not only a Christian, but a member of the fundamentalist Churches of Christ.

Now a political science professor at a Church of Christ-affiliated college charges Thompson is a “lapsed member.” And he has issued a challenge on the Internet to anyone who can come up with evidence that Thompson, now an actor, is active in the Church of Christ.

Is the Hollywood star-turned-politician a true believer?

Thompson’s chances at capturing the GOP primary may rest on the answer, thanks to the growing electoral clout of Christian conservatives.

Professor Mark Elrod of Harding University said he doubts Thompson is “filling out an attendance card at a Church of Christ on Sundays.”

Pretty bad, huh? Well, it gets worse:

While Dobson has expressed a willingness to take the Thompson claim at face value, Elrod’s challenge indicates the question has not been answered satisfactorily within his denomination.

Thompson and his first wife, Sara Lindsey, divorced in 1985. The Church of Christ frowns on divorce, and believes only “fornication,” or sexual infidelity, can be grounds for divorce and remarriage.

In 2002, Thompson and second wife, Jeri Kehn, were married in the liberal United Church of Christ, not the ultra-conservative Churches of Christ to which Thompson claims to belong.

So, now the truth finally trickles out: Thompson is a lapsed Christian who divorced his first wife, then married a temptress in a liberal church because his own religious organization wouldn’t countenance such sinful behavior.

And this is the man who thinks he should be America’s President. The very thought that one of these immoral libertines -Giuliani, Thompson- should lead this nation fills me with rage. If the Republican Party nominated such a man, Republicans would do well to vote Democrat in 2008. They might as well, since the RINO adulterers are functionally identical to Hillary Clinton anyway.


  1. Sysiphus, surely you’ve got this wrong. Infidelity is grounds for execution as it says in the Bible.

    Also why place immoral and irreligious in the same context when they have radically different meanings. Do I need to define them for you as I have defined so many other words that you’ve got wrong?

    Immoral: deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong.
    Irreligious: Irreligion is the absence of religious following. Although people classified as irreligious do not follow a religion, it does not necessarily imply a lack of belief in God or gods; such a person may be a non-religious or non-practicing theist, rather than an atheist or agnostic, although most people who declare themselves irreligious are not theists.

    I hope that helps.

    As an aside were you aware of the Pew Research Centre survey of this year: A revealing 63 percent of those surveyed said they would be “less likely” to support a presidential candidate who did not believe in God.

    Clearly the American public has been brainwashed into associating atheism with immorality. This is not the case.

    Comment by hoverfrog — June 11, 2007 @ 6:21 am | Reply

  2. Why not? We’ve been electing liars for years.

    Comment by S.T. Kelly — June 11, 2007 @ 8:53 am | Reply

  3. Turns out that Fred “As Seen On TV” Thompson “used to be” pro-infanticide, in addition. Looks like we have a Rudy McRomneyson on our hands.


    It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

    Comment by DPS — June 11, 2007 @ 8:59 am | Reply

  4. I’m hardly an oxen and I cede absolutely no authority to a make believe higher power. If you want to talk about infanticide then look no further than the bible.

    Comment by hoverfrog — June 11, 2007 @ 9:07 am | Reply

  5. “As an aside were you aware of the Pew Research Centre survey of this year: A revealing 63 percent of those surveyed said they would be “less likely” to support a presidential candidate who did not believe in God.”


    “I’m hardly an oxen and I cede absolutely no authority to a make believe higher power. If you want to talk about infanticide then look no further than the bible.”

    Herod was an evil man. Yet, compared to today’s abortionists, he was a rank amateur.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 9:53 am | Reply

  6. It wasn’t Herod who murdered all of Egypt’s first born sons though was it?

    Comment by hoverfrog — June 11, 2007 @ 9:58 am | Reply

  7. “It wasn’t Herod who murdered all of Egypt’s first born sons though was it?”

    No, it was the Pharaoh. If he hadn’t been a slave driver to the Hebrews, God wouldn’t have had to punish his people. They paid the price for their fealty to a shameless monster.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 10:10 am | Reply

  8. “They paid the price for their fealty to a shameless monster.”
    And which shameless monster do you give fealty to?

    Comment by hoverfrog — June 11, 2007 @ 10:20 am | Reply

  9. This article was better medicine to take but all the more necessary. We do not need a repeat of Bill Klinton in the Whitehouse with non stop sex acts and that’s what we would get with Thompson. I don’t not want to be watching one day the President of the United States delivering a speech while in bed with a pair of prostitutes. Thompson might like that, but not us real Conservatives.

    What ever happen to traditional values Republicans like Ronald Regan? Now there was a man who had a proper Christian family values and set a good example for the nation.

    Comment by BJ Tabor — June 11, 2007 @ 10:21 am | Reply

  10. I think this is an excellent time to point out that our favorite candidate ain’t no Herod. Check out this article:

    Sen. Brownback’s brave stand to protect the rights of all fathers, rapists or otherwise, should be celebrated!

    Comment by Everett Volk — June 11, 2007 @ 10:26 am | Reply

  11. “And which shameless monster do you give fealty to?”

    None. I give my soul to God and my electoral vote to His earthly adherents, the Republican Party.

    “What ever happen to traditional values Republicans like Ronald Regan? Now there was a man who had a proper Christian family values and set a good example for the nation.”

    I know. I miss him too.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 10:26 am | Reply

  12. “Sen. Brownback’s brave stand to protect the rights of all fathers, rapists or otherwise, should be celebrated!”

    Amen. This issue is about the lives of the children, not the sins of the parents. When treefrogs get that through their thick skulls, maybe they’ll march with us instead of against us.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 10:38 am | Reply

  13. Fauxservatives like Fred Thompson make me want to find someplace quiet to go and vomit. He doesn’t care about anything but his “stardom” and impressing that trashy young trophy wife of his. When his name fades in HELLYwood his wallet will get thin and she will leave him high and dry. That is the only reason he is acting as a Republican, so he can stay in her good graces and other places best kept unmentioned.

    I pray that he will be exposed as the dirty old man pretending to be a Christian that he is.

    Sam Brownback in 2008 and again in 2012!

    Comment by Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett — June 11, 2007 @ 11:09 am | Reply

  14. “Sam Brownback in 2008 and again in 2012!”

    Amen! Vote Brownback, everybody!

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 12:14 pm | Reply

  15. Where’s the problem? The Church of Christ may only accept divorce where there’s infidelity, but Fred is a Hollywood liberal? Does anybody seriously believe such an idolator would have been faithful?

    Comment by Onan — June 11, 2007 @ 12:28 pm | Reply

  16. “Where’s the problem? The Church of Christ may only accept divorce where there’s infidelity, but Fred is a Hollywood liberal? Does anybody seriously believe such an idolator would have been faithful?”

    Not I, for one. Kudos to WND for pulling the cover off this moonbat!

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 12:32 pm | Reply

  17. Sisyphus! This post:

    demands your attention!

    Comment by HTML Mencken — June 11, 2007 @ 2:14 pm | Reply

  18. “…demands your attention!”

    Just posted it. Thanks.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 3:52 pm | Reply

  19. And yet, Fred Thompson who hasn’t even officially declared already has more supporters than Brownback.

    Unless you count all the imaginary supporters that the author of this blog talks about.

    Comment by Ahab — June 11, 2007 @ 4:56 pm | Reply

  20. You’re a shameless moonbat, Ahab, as was your Biblical forebear.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 11, 2007 @ 5:42 pm | Reply

  21. Despite his steller carear as N.Y.C. District Attorney, I fear that Fred Thompson has gone Hollywood. The Hollywood elite must swear to be an athiest, hate America, and promote sodomy in order to get a S.A.G. card. The things one must do to support their lovely wife in the style they are accustomed to. The baby Jesus cries when he thinks what might have been.

    Comment by ec1009 — June 11, 2007 @ 7:07 pm | Reply

  22. I agree with you about Fred Thompson. But so many Republicans are star-struck at the prospect of having another prominent Republican from Hollyweird that they are supporting Thompson for the flimsiest reasons: He speaks “well”, his 2nd wife is sexy, he looks leader-ish on TV, he was a Senator with a respectable attendence record, etc..

    What I fear more than anything is that instead of traditional political commercials, Fred Thompson will buy 30 minute blocks each week (Fox will probably give him a discount), and each week there will be a new mini-drama featuring Fred Thompson, acting like a leader. He might even get Jack Bauer to join him. They could have “Law and Order: Gitmo” where Thompson condemns a hapless Islamofascist goat herder to death. They might devise another story that would allow him to “kill” large numbers of illegal border crossers with the assistance of his sexy 2nd wife.

    I’m really afraid that Thompson’s sexy 2nd wife will feature prominently in the Thompson campaign because she causes men, even good Christian men, to have impure thoughts. Especially because she is so young and such a harlot. It figures that they attend a liberal church. Only a liberal church would condone their Hollywood lifestyle.

    Comment by Jeb — June 12, 2007 @ 12:09 am | Reply

  23. “What I fear more than anything is that instead of traditional political commercials, Fred Thompson will buy 30 minute blocks each week (Fox will probably give him a discount), and each week there will be a new mini-drama featuring Fred Thompson, acting like a leader. He might even get Jack Bauer to join him. They could have “Law and Order: Gitmo” where Thompson condemns a hapless Islamofascist goat herder to death. They might devise another story that would allow him to “kill” large numbers of illegal border crossers with the assistance of his sexy 2nd wife.”

    The man fancies himself the next Reagan. He’s not even the next Rudy McRomney.

    “I’m really afraid that Thompson’s sexy 2nd wife will feature prominently in the Thompson campaign because she causes men, even good Christian men, to have impure thoughts. Especially because she is so young and such a harlot. It figures that they attend a liberal church. Only a liberal church would condone their Hollywood lifestyle.”

    If we passed a law requiring women to strap their chests, this would never again be a problem.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 12, 2007 @ 4:51 am | Reply

  24. Sys @ 20

    Point of order – I’m named after the Captain, not the king. Both of whom did die rather ignominiously, but at least one of them had a boat.

    Comment by Ahab — June 12, 2007 @ 8:51 am | Reply



    Comment by Jack Fremont — June 12, 2007 @ 2:04 pm | Reply

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