Blogs 4 Brownback

December 18, 2007

Liberal Fascism

Filed under: Columnists,History,Republicans — Psycheout @ 5:53 am
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Liberal FascismIn three short weeks, on January 8th, 2008, the world will be changed forever. Jonah Goldberg’s epic will hit the liberal establishment in the face and expose to to all what the left really is: a vile pack of fascists, carrying on the proud tradition of Mussolini and Hitler. This bombshell will forever change how people think about liberalism and, indeed, the modern history of fascism, a uniquely leftist -ism.

Somehow the weirdos and hippies over at Sadly No obtained an advance copy and they have been leaking excerpts of this fascinating book a sentence or two at a time ever since. But, thankfully, they did release the table of contents in its entirety. Unless this is some elaborate joke, this appears to be the real thing. At nearly 500 pages, this will certainly be a fascinating and paradigm changing book.

Introduction: Everything You Know About Fascism Is Wrong

  1. Mussolini: The Father of Fascism
  2. Adolph Hitler: Man of the Left
  3. Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of Liberal Fascism
  4. Franklin Roosevelt’s Fascist New Deal
  5. The 1960s: Fascism Takes to the Streets
  6. From Kennedy’s Myth to Johnson’s Dream: Liberal Fascism and the Cult of the State
  7. Liberal Racism: The Eugenic Ghost in the Fascist Machine
  8. Liberal Fascist Economics
  9. Brave New Village: Hillary Clinton and the Meaning of Liberal Fascism
  10. The New Age: We’re All Fascists Now

Afterword: The Tempting of Conservatism
Appendix: The Nazi Party Platform

B4B is working to get an advance review copy of our own, but I’m sure the line is quite long and, due to the explosive and revelatory content of the book, the publishers are being very selective who they grant access to Jonah’s masterpiece. Cross your fingers, friends, and hope for a Christmas miracle.  I think we might just have a chance.

You can order your very own copy at Amazon and other fine booksellers.

— Psycheout

October 22, 2007

Who’s That Wearing a B4B T-Shirt?

Filed under: Blogging,Friends of B4B — Psycheout @ 8:55 pm
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Jonah Hearts B4BA reader sent this in. Apparently Jonah Goldberg is a B4B fan. Welcome, Jonah!

If you want to look cool like Jonah, be sure to visit the B4B Store. Thousands of B4B’ers can’t be wrong!

— Psycheout