Blogs 4 Brownback

April 18, 2008

Carter Hearts Hamas

Filed under: Democratic Idiocy,Terrorism — Tiberius Queeg @ 5:53 pm
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Jimmah CahtahWho’s Your Jihaddi?

Nobel laureate and America’s Dodderer-In-Chief Jimmy Carter’s recent rush into the arms of the terrorist group Hamas does not bode well for the Democrat party this Fall. Carter’s whirlwind Terrorists Need Love Too tour next touches down in Cairo where he’ll meet with Hamas leaders from Gaza. After that, a meeting with Hamas top official, Khaled Mashaal, in sunny, terrorist-loving Syria. As part of the ceremonies, Mashaal will present Carter with an autographed suicide belt – something the Democrats may well need for a painless exit from their doomed lurch at the White House as one of the senior members of their party rushes repeatedly and publicly into the arms of America’s implacable enemies.

This isn’t the first time that Carter has shown questionable judgment. In 1977 he negotiated and signed the Panama Canal Treaties which turned over a strategic US asset to corrupt Panamanian military dictator Omar Torrijos.

The Nobel Peace Prize is not a license to meddle. Thinking people may well question why someone who was awarded a prize for peace chooses to spend his time with thugs who are committed to nihilistic destruction and mayhem.