Blogs 4 Brownback

July 27, 2007

I’m Afraid Michelle Malkin Has Lost It

Filed under: Sadness — Psycheout @ 3:13 am

Michelle MalkinIt is with heavy heart, and in the wee hours of the morning, I must sadly report that Michelle Malkin has perhaps lost her objectivity. Perhaps “perhaps” is not the word. Perhaps.

I humbly wish she would keep her eyes on the prize, a good honest non-RINO in the White House, but sadly she continues to use the racial epithet “Switchback” to refer to Sam Brownback. She calls him nearly everything but “Mad, Bad and Dangerous To Know.” And this makes me sad.

For whatever reason she cannot get past her hatred of those who come to our country from places such as Mexico, Central America and the Philippines. This makes me very despondent. I can’t help but feel sorry for her. As a Christian, I hold no hatred in my heart for anyone, ever. Those reading this blog for any length of time know this to be true. But none of us are perfect in the eyes of the Lord. Those without sin are free to cast the first stone. Go ahead. We’ll wait.

I find myself unable to quote from her most recent tirade against the principled, conservative Republican, Sam Brownback. Let’s just say I cannot bear to see fine Republicans engage in cannibalism. Let us not eat our own. As a wonderful and loving mother, she should understand this. And she is the greatest of writers and the most gifted of journalists. But she holds some strange grudge against Sam Brownback. Why?

I continue to read you everyday, Michelle. But it’s sad to see you violating Reagan’s 11th Commandment. Ronald Reagan, the Saint of this Grand Old Party. I hope you have asked forgiveness from G-d Himself for your ugly words. I shall pray for you, my dear. I forgive you, as if it matters, for the searing words you have sown against one of your own.

I hope we can remain friends. And friends do not sling mud. Never. Ever. I don’t know you, but I know you. You are so much better than this. You are above this. You know this to be true. As do we all.

I cannot go on. I shall end here. Right here.

Update: It’s worse than I had at first thought. Michelle uses MSNBC and CBS as if they were objective sources! Ever heard of RatherGate, Michelle? Of course you have. Please don’t use discredited sources to make your point, Michelle. It debases yourself and us, your readers. So sad.

With great sadness,
— Psycheout


  1. Dear Psycheout,

    In my humble opinion, you should have removed that little RINO from your Blogroll long ago and replaced her with true American and Republican, Ann Coulter. Michelle Maulkin is living proof that the RINOs are not nearly as intelligent as they claim to be.

    It was bad enough when she released this smut, but she has nailed her own casket shut from the inside when she started spreading these ridiculous lies about Sam Brownback. Sam Brownback in 2008. Pro-America, Pro-Family, Pro-Jesus.

    Comment by Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett — July 27, 2007 @ 5:26 am | Reply

  2. “But none of us are perfect in the eyes of the Lord. Those without sin are free to cast the first stone.”

    Actually, since I accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord and became a TRUE CHRISTIAN, all my sin has been washed away. I am ready and eager to start throwing stones, as the Lord commands.

    “Acts 5:1-11

    This story of Ananias and Saphira is unique in its character. It is the first and only time in the New Testament that there is such a clear description of a sort of “death penalty” within the framework of the church. God sentenced the two church members Ananias and Saphira to death because they had knowingly lied to God and to the people. Behind the lie there was greed

    GREED. Maklin is a greedy foul-mouthed ingrate. Why do you think she was working as a stripper. Because she hates all Godly men and is working for their downfall.

    Comment by Happy Clam — July 27, 2007 @ 7:55 am | Reply

  3. She never covers her face, that’s proof enough, but Ann Coulter doesn’t either…
    I guess both of them are vile temptresses of Satan.

    Comment by Skeptic — July 27, 2007 @ 8:01 am | Reply

  4. Et tu, Michelle? Et tu?

    Comment by Sisyphus — July 27, 2007 @ 9:05 am | Reply

  5. “Let’s just say I cannot bear to see fine Republicans engage in cannibalism. Let us not eat our own.”

    I guess this is totally different from all the Romney/other candidate bashing you folks have been up to on this blog, huh?

    Comment by Brandon Explosion — July 27, 2007 @ 9:40 am | Reply

  6. “Sam Brownback in 2008. Pro-America, Pro-Family, Pro-Jesus.”

    What are you, Gaines-Crockett, some kind of bumper sticker generator?

    Happy Clam, I guess that you are saying that you’re totally sinless?

    “Actually, since I accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord and became a TRUE CHRISTIAN, all my sin has been washed away.”

    Comment by Brandon Explosion — July 27, 2007 @ 9:44 am | Reply

  7. There actually is a bit of a difference, Brandon. For the most part (I can’t look back at every post and see for sure), any criticism we’ve been leveling at other Republican candidates has been due to either their past policy decisions, or actions that have called their character into question (Thompson’s funding recipients, Romney’s disdain for the average voter…and of the average dog.) As far as what we can see, Michelle Malkin’s dislike of Senator Brownback appears to be completely arbitrary, vitriolic, and based on nothing tangible. If she does indeed dislike him due to something about his character or his policy record, then that is most certainly her prerogative. I have yet to see her offer any sort of justification for her dislike, however.

    Comment by Lyssie — July 27, 2007 @ 9:59 am | Reply

  8. I used to support Brownback for president. He gets it right on most issues. However, he gets it wrong on some of the big ones. On top of that, he seems less genuine after the whole immigration last minute switch.

    I find it funny how you distort Michelle’s views on immigrants and immigration. She doesn’t hate immigrants. She hates the fact that illegal immigrants can get by without being punished for their crimes. She hates that illegal immigrants receive welfare and other government handouts when they’ve bypassed the legal process to qualify for them. She hates that our borders are so poorly protected that we have no idea who is in this country including terrorists who intend to do us harm. She has no problem with legal immigrants. On this I stand with her as does most of the country.

    Most people like me would support large increases in LEGAL immigration if we could just fix our borders and ensure proper enforcement of our immigration laws. I believe immigrants are generally good people but they should be subject to our laws just like everyone else.

    Comment by Jason Cecil — July 27, 2007 @ 10:56 am | Reply

  9. “Most people like me would support large increases in LEGAL immigration if we could just fix our borders and ensure proper enforcement of our immigration laws. I believe immigrants are generally good people but they should be subject to our laws just like everyone else.”

    I agree.

    Comment by Brandon Explosion — July 27, 2007 @ 1:14 pm | Reply

  10. […] Media — Psycheout @ 7:52 pm I hate to be critical of conservative commentators like Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh. And I hate being critical of the Brownback campaign. But honesty dictates that I […]

    Pingback by Nice Try, Rush, But No Sale « Blogs 4 Brownback — July 30, 2007 @ 7:53 pm | Reply

  11. Brownback is the RINO. His support of illegal aliens doomed his presidential hopes. Border security is THE most issue to the conservative base. And stop attacking Michelle Malkin–you’re acting like liberals.

    Comment by Louise — August 3, 2007 @ 10:10 am | Reply

  12. That was an attack? You don’t know me very well, do you?

    Comment by Psycheout — August 3, 2007 @ 1:12 pm | Reply

  13. You’re all a-holes… Why can’t you make an argument without calling someone names? That’s sad. I respect you guys’ opinions (however much it may seem like I don’t :)), but it’s hard to do so when you call people RINOs and moonbats. We don’t call you repuglicans or wing-nuts, so why can’t you so the same? I’m not just talking about the religious conservatives here, BTW…

    [Ed Note: OK, idiot. You’re banned. Enjoy hell, nate. G’day!]

    Comment by neutronnate — August 19, 2007 @ 7:17 pm | Reply

  14. […] Here’s Nate’s last comment ever: You’re all […]

    Pingback by A Word of Warning « Blogs 4 Brownback — August 19, 2007 @ 9:22 pm | Reply

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