Blogs 4 Brownback

June 28, 2007

Darwinism is Punishable by Hellfire

Filed under: Blogging,Democratic Idiocy,Science — Sisyphus @ 9:38 am

While looking through the dead blog Scrutator’s science posts, I uncovered this astonishing statement:

So there you have Darwinism, in all its glory. Some old bones happen to be near one another, and now we’re all supposed to burn the Bible and start fornicating with other men, or with dogs. We’re only monkeys, you see, so we can’t be held morally culpable for any of our actions. Plus, these bones are like frames from a movie. Each find represents one frame, and the movie’s 6 million years long. How convincing! Thanks, “science”!

Not that the implications of this idiotic “theory” (not unlike the theory of Atlantis, really, in that you can find anecdotal evidence supporting both theories without ever finding a shred of conclusive data) even matter. Evolution is invalid on its face. There is far sturdier evidence supporting the idea of intelligent design. As usual, the liberals will try to refute it, but that’s liberals for you…

The jury is still out on whether Scrutator was a spoof or not; WordPress errors prevent me from reading its comments. But its posts are spot-on, and that quote is no exception.

For all their pride in their intelligence, scientists are remarkably stupid when it comes to looking at evidence and reaching the proper conclusions. For centuries, they’ve ignored the best evidence known to Man, Scripture; they also ignore common sense explanations, as when they recognize the existence of atoms but fail to realize the moral and metaphysical ramifications: that electrons are the corporeal manifestations of angels, and protons of demons.

The subject of evolution fits into the same category. Scientists find old bones, from this theorizing that modern animals used to have carnal relations with those creatures, resulting in “evolution”; scientists ignore Scripture, which could offer them an explanation for how DNA works, thereby settling this evolution debate once and for all.

DNA works by molecular processes. Molecules are comprised of atoms, which are comprised of protons and electrons (and neutrons, but they ignore God so we should ignore them). It’s clear that when a molecule moves around in DNA, it is God’s will. It is also clear that Satan frequently tries to subvert that will, but can’t, because protons are too lazy. This laziness is manifest in his efforts to undermine Christianity and make human DNA as similar to chimpanzee DNA as posssible, for example. But a close analysis of the genetic material quickly shows us how pseudoscientists and their Master, Satan, have led us all astray:

When studying the human genome and its similarity to that of the chimp, scientists have recently concluded that 96% of our genome is similar. However, most people are unaware that this percent pertains to the regions of our DNA that result in proteins. It seems logical that if a protein performs a certain function in one organism, then that same protein should perform the same function in a variety of organisms. This is evidence for a common designer as much as for a common ancestor. But most of the DNA sequence performs an unknown function and has been largely dismissed as “junk DNA.” However, increasing evidence supports the view that “junk” DNA performs an important role. For example, a recent report unexpectedly found specific sequence patterns in “junk” DNA which scientists have termed “pyknons.”1 It has been suggested that these pyknons may be important in determining when and where proteins are made.

Within this “junk DNA” there may be large differences between man and chimp. The areas of greatest difference appear to involve regions which are structurally different (commonly called “rearrangements”) and areas of heterochromatin (tightly packed DNA).

If scientists would understand that genetic mutations are usually awful, and are usually caused by unpleasant protein productions, which are often controlled by Satan creating a crisis in one part of the DNA that causes angels to flee from another part to go de-ionize the feint area, thereby giving Satan localized control of the protein production strands, creating mutations and mangling the perfection of God’s work.  It is tolerated, because God must allow for free will; but in the end of days, it shall be punished severely.  Our body is a temple of God’s will, and any attempt to befoul it or expose it to excessive genetic mutation is akin to scrawling obscene graffiti in the walls of a Church.  We must strive to limit our mutations as much as possible; insofar as it produces chaos and kills us from cancerous growths from within, mutation is the Marxism of the body. 

Marxism is a genetic mutation in the body politic, a cancerous growth made possible by the teaching of Heliocentrism and Darwinism.  (One might go so far as to say that the evolution of this cancerous cluster of lies from the muck of depravity and idleness and pseudo-empiricism preceding it- Chartism, Ludditism, Levellerism, Liberalism, to name a few- is the only evidence of “evolution” yet offered by Darwin worshippers.)  It’s much easier to convince everyone to sacrifice all their hard-earned goods once you’ve convinced them their grandparents had carnal relations with monkeys.  It’s much easier for Stalin to get ahead if he convinces the citizenry that their ancestors were pond scum on a rock orbiting a gaseous ball.  It’s much easier for secular humanist liberalism to gain sway if paleontology and phrenology are not discussed in the same tones of laughter and derision.

 No society or body can long endure the growth of cancerous elements within it.  Treat your body as if it were a state, and respect it accordingly.  To knowingly court cancerous mutation is akin to a nation releasing all of its dangerous felons from prison with $50, a shave, a new suit, a handgun, and the addresses and telephone numbers of everyone who’d testified against them at trial.  Smoking, sunbathing, and consuming drugs and alcohol are every bit as sinful as Marxism or Church arson. 

 The God who knows every deed and every word and every thought of this world will recognize and punish such flaws.  Everyone needs to  be careful of what they do, be careful of what they say.  Hellfire awaits the evolutionist and the Sodomite alike, and unless you renounce Satan and all his works, it shall engulf you as well.

 Peace be with you, brothers and sisters.


  1. For the newcomers who may not be fully versed in how scripture relates to subatomic particles, I recommend some background reading:

    Angels and Atoms

    Praise Sam Brownback, who shall keep our electrons ever so divine.

    Comment by Fascinated and Confused — June 28, 2007 @ 10:24 am | Reply

  2. The tale of Atlantis is a LEGEND, not a THEORY – please learn the difference!
    Historians/Archeologists believe that the LEGEND of Atlantis most likely grew out of the collapse of the Minoan (Cretean) civilization around 1500 B.C., caused by the aftershocks of the volcanic eruption of the nearby island of Santorini.

    Comment by indyandy — June 28, 2007 @ 10:48 am | Reply

  3. Thank you, F&C, but I still say this entire blog is satire.

    It pains me when I see people reading this all the wrong way. Sisyphus will ask me why I hate America now; that response, after reading it, oh, I don’t know, 50 times, finally drove this into my head, as inevitably a hammer eventually drives a nail into a board. Took quite a few whacks, but the nail’s nice and flush now.

    Don’t get overly caught in this web, people. I have no idea what Sisy’s real politics are, but I do know he loves it when sincere liberals and conservatives start going at each other. I like it too. It’s great. This is unique theatre.

    I’m going to compare you with Limbaugh and Coulter now, Sisy: I wasn’t sure if those two were sincere or not at first, and I went back and forth on it for quite a while. Now I am convinced, those two are 100% sincere. I think you’re 100% sincere, too, but I’m not exactly sure WHAT you’re sincere about. Sincere about satire, or the flat earth, or Darwin? Hmmm. I’m pretty sure you’re sincere about one of these things.

    I’ve even been able to figure out which people are posting insincere thoughts. Heh. Am I one of them? Chances are, you’ll never really know.

    In Jesus’s name, MikeM.

    Comment by MikeM — June 28, 2007 @ 10:53 am | Reply

  4. “Sisyphus will ask me why I hate America now”


    Why do you constantly kill future soldiers for our Christian wars by doing the “m” thing?


    you know, maybe you shouldn’t procreate. Maybe you should have your balls cut off so we don’t have any more traitors growing up to HATE America.

    Comment by Happy Clam — June 28, 2007 @ 11:27 am | Reply

  5. “In Greek mythology, Sisyphus (Σίσυφος) (IPA: [‘sɪsɪfəs]) was a king punished in the underworld by being set to roll a huge boulder up a hill throughout eternity.”

    Don’t you think its kind of weird that someone who was so against paganism would use a name of someone who was supposedly one of the most wicked Greek figures?

    Comment by Sisyphus Exposed — June 28, 2007 @ 11:51 am | Reply

  6. Hey it’s the oyster! Okiedah, Happy Clam…I must ask how you know of this “m” thing that is supposedly going on? Were you there? And what is this killing of future soldiers? Forgive me if I do not follow down your twisted path…. And perhaps you shouldn’t procreate either. *shrugs* And who your parents are does NOT dictate what you will be. Parents influence. There’s a difference.
    MikeM. I really don’t understand how they got that out of your name…Really, last name is the first thing I would think of. I’m sorry. You would think they would be able to come up with something better than that. Honestly, it makes you think about what floats around between their ears, does it not? Dirty minds scare me.
    Oh, and to F&C…I forgot to put my two cents in there. I have words for this “mote” and the elctrons. That verse that was used over there…the plank in the other peoples’ eye deal. Know what I’m talking about? I can give you the Hebrew (original) meaning for that. But I don’t know that I have time right now…be expecting it sometime though. 🙂 It doesn’t have to do with electrons….
    As far as what that blog intro says….I’ll come back for it as well. It seems I am out of time for now.

    Comment by La Mona — June 28, 2007 @ 12:08 pm | Reply

  7. Sis, you’re trying too hard now. Take a couple weeks off and work on some new stuff.

    Comment by Salmo — June 28, 2007 @ 3:04 pm | Reply

  8. Hey, what’s with Brownback switching his vote and voting for this damned amnesty bill? I thought he was a good Republican – he joined sides with Ted Kennedy for crying out loud.

    Comment by Ahab — June 28, 2007 @ 3:58 pm | Reply

  9. Sisiphus’s angel and demon stuff is a little much for me, but his ideas have just as much backing as Darwins, and he didn’t claim a trip to the tropics was “scientific research” either. Weren’t scientists the ones who were all over the “radiation and chemicals will solve everything” boat fifty years ago only to go “oops that causes Death” now?

    And Brownback voted against the immigration bill.

    Comment by Patricia — June 28, 2007 @ 7:32 pm | Reply

  10. Oops that causes death? Wtf?

    You do know that pennicillin is a “chemical”, and that has saved quite a few lives.

    Also, the idea that “doing the M thing” is killing future soldiers is not only ridiculous, but is entirely fallacious. Your argument came long before you and has been known as “The Great Beethoven Fallacy”. Basically, it states a dialogue between two people:

    scientist 1: So if a mother had siphyllis (sic?) and a father had TB, and they had two siphyllic kids, two deaf kids and one mentally handicapped kid, would you abort the next child?

    scientist 2: absolutely

    scientist 1: then you just murdered Beethoven

    Obviously this is a ridiculous argument. For example, masturbation (every sperm is sacred, anyone??) is NOT killing future soldiers any more than letting them pass their normal life cycle in your testes is (yes, sperm only live for a week or so in your sack, then they die). By your logic, ANY refusal of even the most remote possibility of procreation is murder, as shooting EVERY sperm you ever had into a vagina is the only way to avoid “murder”.

    Oh and by the way, the electron = good and proton = bad analogy is retarded, plain and simple. If you didn’t have protons, matter could not exist. Therefore, both are equally good, as an imbalance in one destroys the other. Oh, and even saying atoms exist in the first place is sacrificing your soul to the Godless, atheistic, paganistic, sodomistic, Socialist, Marxist, Fascist, Taoist, club-sandwich-loving program of demon-influenced science-empiricism. By even acknowledging their existence you are burning the Bible and aborting millions of babies, as well as being an Evolutionist. Fools…

    Comment by adamnelson — June 28, 2007 @ 9:07 pm | Reply

  11. “I’m going to compare you with Limbaugh and Coulter now, Sisy: I wasn’t sure if those two were sincere or not at first, and I went back and forth on it for quite a while. Now I am convinced, those two are 100% sincere. I think you’re 100% sincere, too, but I’m not exactly sure WHAT you’re sincere about. Sincere about satire, or the flat earth, or Darwin? Hmmm. I’m pretty sure you’re sincere about one of these things.”

    Why are you talking to yourself about it? You could just ask me. I’m a very sincere person. I’m a very sincere Christian, and a very sincere American.

    “I’ve even been able to figure out which people are posting insincere thoughts. Heh. Am I one of them? Chances are, you’ll never really know.”

    Or care.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 29, 2007 @ 5:48 am | Reply

  12. This is a very important post. Thank you, Sisyphus!

    It seems to me that America has a cancer, and that cancer is science. We need to kill that cancer, and if that means cutting off parts of our body or killing them with chemotherapy, so be it. I’d rather a New Yorker or two lose their lives than have my children exposed to Darwin in their schools. Maybe that New Yorker’s parents had sex with monkeys, but mine didn’t.

    Comment by Marcia P. — June 29, 2007 @ 9:06 am | Reply

  13. adamnelson — if you were trying to defend the chemical revolution, penicillin was possibly the dumbest way to do it. It was a mistake and had less to do with science than poor housekeeping. DDT, PCBs, asbestos, and the use of radium for tonsilectomies — now those are scientific achievements you can embrace with pride. Go, Science!

    Comment by US4ever — June 29, 2007 @ 10:12 am | Reply

  14. You do realize that if it weren’t for science, we wouldn’t even know what cancer IS, or be able to combat it with treatments like chemotherapy. Seems to me like you’re just lacking compassion and intelligence.

    Comment by adamnelson — June 29, 2007 @ 10:50 am | Reply

  15. Chemotherapy??\ Are you serious?

    Yeah, nothing says “compassion” like nuking someone’s immune system and poisoning them slowly over a period of months in the often vain hope of killing their cancer before you kill the rest of them.

    Give it up, adamnelson. You’re embarassing yourself.

    Comment by US4ever — June 29, 2007 @ 2:00 pm | Reply

  16. US4ever, since you seem to be one of those anti-empiricism types that peruse this site, I’ll excuse your ignorance. I’d go into detail about the positive (and negative) results of chemotherapy, but you’d just tell me that we should all give up learning since those faithful to God don’t need to learn, apparently.

    Comment by adamnelson — June 29, 2007 @ 2:53 pm | Reply

  17. “I’d go into detail about the positive (and negative) results of chemotherapy, but you’d just tell me that we should all give up learning since those faithful to God don’t need to learn, apparently.”

    Learning the Bible takes a lifetime, adam.

    Comment by Sisyphus — June 29, 2007 @ 3:40 pm | Reply

  18. Oh and by the way, people don’t need immune systems. God protects them from diseases. Also, immune systems don’t exist, as they are a product of the neo-fascist Darwinist Sodomist Bank-Controlling-Jewish pinko hippie communazi empirical scientists, and we all know that everything they say is either a lie or they have been paid to say by the UN.

    Comment by adamnelson — June 29, 2007 @ 3:40 pm | Reply

  19. Uh… wrong post. Stupid browser. Apologies!

    Comment by adamnelson — June 29, 2007 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

  20. God needs to release the next Internet Explorer 7 patch soon!

    Comment by adamnelson — June 29, 2007 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

  21. Taking scripture as evidence is like giving a stranger your wallet while you have to pack your bag. I´m not that naive.

    “they also ignore common sense explanations, as when they recognize the existence of atoms but fail to realize the moral and metaphysical ramifications: that electrons are the corporeal manifestations of angels, and protons of demons.”

    That´s your common sense. It´s shared by about 0.000001% of the worlds population. Everyone else knows the real truth. Have a nice life with your delusion.

    Otherwise, Sisi, you´re showing again an astonishing amount of ignorance when it comes to evolution. Even 3rd graders here in Germany have a better grasp at biology than that.

    “Marxism is a genetic mutation in the body politic, a cancerous growth made possible by the teaching of Heliocentrism and Darwinism. ”

    Oh my god, that had me laughing on the floor. Marxism was only made possible because someone was willing to let capitalism run rampant. This angered the normal workers, as they were treated like shit, having them and the people supporting them search for an alternative.

    “It’s much easier to convince everyone to sacrifice all their hard-earned goods once you’ve convinced them their grandparents had carnal relations with monkeys. It’s much easier for Stalin to get ahead if he convinces the citizenry that their ancestors were pond scum on a rock orbiting a gaseous ball. It’s much easier for secular humanist liberalism to gain sway if paleontology and phrenology are not discussed in the same tones of laughter and derision.”

    No. It isn´t. That´s because we have something called instinct. And that tells us to slap people trying such stunts without our approval. But I guess, you´re so much a sheep, you´re unable to do that.

    “The God who knows every deed and every word and every thought of this world will recognize and punish such flaws.”

    Seems like he has other plans:
    Genesis 8:21
    “Never again will I punish the earth for the sinful things its people do. All of them have evil thoughts from the time they are young, but I will never destroy everything that breathes, as I did this time.”

    Comment by PG — June 29, 2007 @ 3:50 pm | Reply

  22. I must say, I laughed out loud upon reading this post. I thought to myself “Aha! This blog IS a parody afterall! For surely nobody, not even an american, could write this kind of bollocks and believe it?”. I think it may have been the bit about electrons being angels that actually caused me to start giggling.

    But now I’m not so sure. And it scares me. And what scares me more is people like Marcia P who are *obviously* deadly serious in their idiocy. Marcia P, you appear to be both uneducated and mildly retarded, as well as a deeply unpleasant person. I pity your offspring.

    There is clearly something very wrong with the american education system when people manage to routinely leave school with such an astonishing lack of scientific knowledge, or even any idea what science is.

    Sisyphus, you make me truly thankful that I was born in the UK. The rest of the world is laughing at you.

    Comment by OxfordPhysicsStudent — June 29, 2007 @ 4:09 pm | Reply

  23. adamnelson, babydoll, chemotherapy is the medical equivalent of killing ants with hand grenades. Even oncologists realize that, there’s just no medical equivalent of a shoe yet. But chemotherapy is an ugly, humiliating form of medical treatment that is as far removed from compassion as cancer itself is. Moreover, check some stats on how likely you are to have to deal with the whole thing again due to your cancer recurring. By flailing around screaming that chemotherapy of all things is some sort of paean to the wonder and compassion of Science, all you’ve proven is that you’re as slavishly devoted to your own religion as you accuse Sisyphus of being.

    Comment by US4ever — June 30, 2007 @ 1:38 pm | Reply

  24. US4ever, what?

    I agree that chemo is a terrible, horrible process (I am very close to two people who had it and are now cancer-free), but the majority of the time it works. Many will say that the cure is worse than the disease, and many may be right, but the few I know who had it done are very thankful for its existence in the end.

    Comment by adamnelson — June 30, 2007 @ 7:54 pm | Reply

  25. An unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time. Unsuspecting victims, no warning, no signs. Judgement Day: The second coming arrives. Before you see the light… you must die. Forgotten children, conform a new faith… avidity and lust controlled by hate… a never ending search for your shattered sanity,
    Souls of Damnation in their own reality… Chaos rampant, an age of distruct… confrontations!! Impulsive habitat.

    Bastard sons begat your cunting daughters, promiscuous mothers with incestuous fathers… engreat souls condemned for eternity… sustained by immortal odservance a domineering deity… impulsive sabbath. The root of all evil is the heart of a black soul… a force that has lived all eternity… a never ending search for a truth never told… The loss of all hope and your dignity!!

    Comment by Colonel Walter E. Kurtz — July 2, 2007 @ 10:08 am | Reply

  26. For the attention of Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett:

    Existing on damnation’s edge, my mind had never known to witness such a violent show of power overthrown and vile rantings as you… as angels fighting aimlessly, still dying by the sword, legions kill all in sight… to get the one called Lord… The Gates of Hell lie waiting as you’ll soon see, there is no price to pay just follow me and I can take your lost soul from the grave!! Jesus knows your soul can not be saved Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett, so crucify the so-called Lord, he soon shall fall to me!! Your soul is damned, your God has fell to slave for me eternally. Hell awaits Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett.

    The Reaper guard’s the darkened gates that Satan calls his home and Demons feed the furnace where… The Dead are free to roam… lonely children of the night, there’s seven ways to go… each leading to the burning hole that Lucifer controls… priests of Hades seek the sacred star… Satan sees the answer lies not far. Zombies screaming souls cry out to you Satanic laws prevail your life is through. Pray to the moon Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett… when it is round… death with you shall then abound… What you seek… for can’t be found… in sea or sky or underground. Now I have you deep inside my everlasting grasp… The seven bloody Gates of Hell is where you’ll live your last days Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett.

    Warriors from Hell’s Domain will bring you to your death with the flames of Hades burning strong and your soul shall never rest Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett. The Gates of Hell lie waiting as you see… there’s no price to pay just follow me, as I can take your lost soul from the grave… Jesus knows your soul can not be saved you harlot of Satan!! Sacrifice the lives of all I know they soon shall die… their souls are damned to rot in Hell and keep the fire growing deep inside… Hell awaits Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett, Hell awaits…

    Comment by Colonel Walter E. Kurtz — July 2, 2007 @ 11:03 am | Reply

  27. Father, in JESUS name, I ask your forgiveness on the bbehalf of Colonel Walter E. Kurtz behalf and on the behalf his ancestors going back 10 generations for the iniquity of ignorance and arrogance. I break and loose myself from all witchcraft curses and demons being sent against me. Jeremiah 51:20. As your war club, I break in pieces the walls of protection that I break and loose myself from all witchcraft curses and demons being sent against me. Jeremiah 51:20.

    As your war club, I break in pieces the walls of protection that Colonel Walter E. Kurtz and ilk may have put up for his protection and I send all demons and curses back to him sevenfold and bind it to him by the Blood of JESUS. I break and loose myself from all psychic prayers, thoughts, warfare, all imprecatory prayers being prayed for and against me, all ungodly intercessory prayers, all words spoken in hurt, anger, sorrow or bitterness in JESUS’ Name. Amen.

    Comment by Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett — July 2, 2007 @ 11:39 am | Reply

  28. Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett: you go to church, you kiss that cross, you think you will be saved at any cost? You have your own reality, called Christianity. So, you spend your life just kissing ass, a trait that’s grown as your time on this planet has passed. You think the world will end today, so you praise the lord, it’s all you ever seem to say. The Dead are free to roam… lonely children of the night, there’s seven ways to go… each leading to the burning hole that Satan controls!!

    Jesus “saves” – ha! listen to you pray. You think you’ll see the pearly gates, when death takes you away Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett? Far away, deep below to the pits of Hades. For all respect you cannot lust, in an invisible man you place your trust. Indirect dependency. Eternal attempt at amnesty. He will decide who lives and dies. Depopulate Satan’s rise. You will be an accessory. No need to pray, the gates of pearl have turned to gold. It seems you’ve lost your way. No words of praise, no promised land to take you to… there is no other way.

    Yet you claim “God” speaks to you Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett, your restless mouth full of this that gains you popularity. You care not for the old that suffer, when empty pockets cry from hunger. Penniless from their generosity, sharing their money to quench your greed. Searching for the answer to their prayers, they cry their last wish of need. You say find salvation in the lord, tell me liar, how do you know.

    Send your donations, contribute to the cause. Luxuries. Your righteous reward? Praise the lord, praise god, is what you wish to believe: Remember, there is no heaven without a hell… and in your mind’s eye could you truely believe, that by giving you can save your soul, could you be so naive?? You think he heals the sick, or even raises the dead; Religious blackmail is a deceit of trust, that death will come and all will be lost… Jesus knows your soul can not be saved you harlot of Satan, telling lies…

    Can you hear the serpents call Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett, look deep in those deceiving eyes. Ignore the writing on the wall, you should read between the lies. When doubt subsides his honesty an inquiry, is it blasphemy? Impure the soul, that’s made no suffer, no sermons left to hide or cover, an empty promise, lie unfulfilled, to steal a dream or get it killed… they claim your trip to heaven is nearby, you may believe it Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett, but Satan wouldn’t lie.

    Tell the truth, Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett, save your soul.

    Comment by Colonel Walter E. Kurtz — July 3, 2007 @ 7:30 am | Reply

  29. The only writing on the wall, dear, says in big, bold letters, “Colonel Walter E. Kurtz is a CERTIFIED NUT!”

    Comment by Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett — July 3, 2007 @ 7:33 am | Reply

  30. Please excuse my previous post criticising Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, I was drunk at the time.

    Comment by Mrs. T.D. Gaines-Crockett — July 4, 2007 @ 7:31 am | Reply

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