Blogs 4 Brownback

September 4, 2007

Buddhists Die a Thousand Deaths- a Christian Dies But Once

BuddhaWhen reviewing anti-American religions, few are more perniciously accepted amongst secularist Darwinist extremists as the evil dogma of Buddhism. Buddhism, a religion which Satan founded in anticipation of the coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is the predominant religion enslaving and bedamning the huddled masses of East Asia.

That this religion is fundamentally pagan should not be in dispute:

Buddhist scriptures acknowledge that gods exist, but does not consider that knowledge crucial to an individual’s practice of Buddhist teachings. The Buddha taught that we should not speculate about what we cannot know, and that speculation about God is pointless. Buddhists’ priorities are release from suffering and direct experience of the true nature of reality. Many modern strains of Buddhism are atheistic in nature, thus creating a paradox as to why they are called a religion. They can be considered to be philosophies of life. Certain denominations, such as the Mahayana tradition, believe in Bodhisattvas, or quasi-divine cosmic beings that seek to benefit others by remaining in a state of Samsara, or eternal rebirth. These are prayed to, for advice and spiritual guidance, and often venerated.

Somehow, it manages to combine the worst aspects of polytheism with the worst aspects of atheism. Moreover, it successfully proselytizes to treefrog America-haters, many of whom are the children of decent, patriotic Christian Republican Americans. Its reach is as pernicious as an octopus’, and its tentacles as deadly for American culture:

According to a 1990 Census, over 800,000 Americans point to Japan as their nation of origin. The vast majority of these people are professing Buddhists. At the same time thousands of non-Asian North Americans have adopted Buddhism as their religion. Due in part to their inclusiveness and support of the interfaith movement, Buddhism has become very popular. Yet, many Christians are woefully uninformed as to what the Buddhists actually believe. Christian leaders, instead of boldly proclaiming the gospel of Christ, have joined the ranks of the “enlightened”, and are teaching their congregations that there should be harmony and cooperation between Buddhist doctrine and the Christian faith. If you study what Buddhism teaches, however, you must conclude that there can be no harmony between the two. They are opposite in almost every way and one would have to deny Christ and the Bible in order to embrace Buddhism as a religion that also leads to God and salvation.

Satan used the weakness of the Indians’ souls to create this awful belief system, which turns its back on salvation and views Rebirth as the ultimate downfall. Its Nirvana, a form of Oblivion, is the secret aspiration of all Hellbound demons. Buddhism is the religion of Satan himself.

India caused the problem, but Jesus provides the solution. (emphasis mine)

Certain religious terms or phrases that you might use while witnessing to a Buddhist may have a completely different meaning to a person of a different heritage, culture, or belief system. For example, you wouldn’t want to suggest to a Buddhist without much explanation that they should accept Christ and be ‘born again’. To the buddhist, being born again equals a failure. Buddhism teaches that through a cycle of rebirths you can reach Nirvana, therefore being born again may confuse them and give them a negative view of what accepting Christ means. You might use the term ‘new birth’. Explain to them that by accepting Christ we are born as a new person spiritually and are saved eternally. It isn’t a physical rebirth, but a spiritual one.

Also, be careful when explaining that we are saved through grace. The Buddhist has been taught that you must work for anything good. They feel to attain something as desired as nirvana, one must practice meditation, observe the required rituals, live a life free from wrong desires and actions, and perform many other traditions and works. The idea that salvation is a free gift will seem very foreign to them and perhaps too simplistic and illogical. It will take time for them to understand God’s love and forgiveness, and to accept their own inability to resist sin. Explain that salvation is not a gift handed out to anyone, there is an action on the part of the seeker, but the value of the gift is found in God’s love for us. Spend a lot of time reading the Bible with them to help them understand this concept.

When explaining Christ’s crucifixion and the role it plays in salvation, don’t be surprised if Buddhists find this idea abhorrent. They may ask “How can an all-powerful God allow himself to be killed in such a humiliating way?” There may also be a cultural barrier if the person you’re speaking with is of Japanese descent. To them, Jesus’ death on the cross possesses none of the qualities they admire in their society, such as serenity, strength, and honor. Point out to them that Christ is a living God and He conquered death. His death paid the price for our sins. Christ died for us because He loves and cares for us. Only a God who has suffered as He had can identify with our inner torments; only a God who really cares for us would allow himself to be so cruelly afflicted; and only a God who truly is God could rise from the dead and give eternal life to those who follow Him. Paul prophesied that some would stumble over the cross in Galatians 5:11. We are also instructed not to be ashamed of it.

Buddhists do not believe in heaven or in an eternity anywhere for that matter. They believe that by following the teaching of Buddhism strictly and leading a perfect life they will escape a cycle of rebirths and cease to exist. This end to the soul is called Nirvana. It might seem hard to believe that anyone would look forward to a gift of nothing, but it’s important to understand that family traditions, an attachment to earthly pursuits and worldly pleasures, and a strong disbelief in God can blind them to how much better the hope Christ gives us is. Use your personal experiences and your own life as an example of the hope they can have. But, also keep in mind many Buddhists will look at Christians who are wrapped up in worldly things as an example of Christianity and they may not understand how people so focused on their earthly lives could really believe in a better place. Explain to them that some people have fallen short, while others are true to God’s calling, but all who repent and seek God are forgiven. We have a loving God.

When witnessing to a Buddhist, be prepared for spiritual warfare! We can always expect to be attacked when we’re sharing our faith. Satan never wants to see us succeed. But, spiritual warfare may be especially intense in this case because Buddhists participate in idol worship, the veneration of the spirits of deceased ancestors, and ceremonial rituals for the purpose of appeasing evil spirits. If they are actively interacting with evil spirits, we can expect to be attacked. As Christians, we need not fear evil. Explain to the Buddhist that we don’t need to appease evil spirits because we have power over them through Christ. Jesus already won that battle, and we can resist them, and cast them out as Christ did. Use examples from the Gospels of Jesus and His disciples doing just this. I John 4:4 “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them (evil spirits), because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

Most importantly, love them. You have an opportunity to share with them the greatest gift they could ever receive, a relationship with Jesus Christ. Share the love of Christ with them in what you say and how you treat them. They have been deceived and they need your help. In Deuteronomy 10:19 God instructed the Jews saying, “And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt.” We should also love those who are different from us while not being afraid or ashamed to share the hope that is within us.

One hopes that President Brownback will use the spiritual and moral mandate the American people provide him with when they sweep him into office alongside a new Republican Congressional majority in 2008 to pass legislation hindering the spread of this heinous, devious, sickening cult. Furthermore, children must be taught in our schools about the evils of Buddhism in general, and of Christian converts to Buddhism in particular. After all, we’ve been fighting against Buddhism for even longer than we have against Islamism. The struggle against Buddhism goes back to the time of Attila the Hun’s Buddhism-influenced heathenry, when Islam’s heresies and blasphemies hadn’t even been conceived in Satan’s malicious black bosom yet.

May God continue to bless these United States, and cast Satan and all his works into Hell along with the heathens and miscreants who ascribe to them. President Brownback, the instrument of Jesus, will make it so.


  1. >The struggle against Buddhism goes >back to the time of Attila the Hun’s >Buddhism-influenced heathenry

    The Huns weren’t Buddhists nor were they even influenced by Buddhism. The Huns actually followed Tengriism –which was, in fact, a monotheistic religion which centers around a sky deity named Tengri. The area where the Huns came from was a hodgepodge of different religions including Zoroastrians, Hindus, Nestorian Christians, Jews, Manichaeans, and followers of shamanism, to name only a few.

    Please learn to open a history book next time.

    Looking forward to reading the responses to this article–it should prove……..enlightening.

    Comment by D.W. — September 4, 2007 @ 2:36 pm | Reply

  2. Why would they name their heaven after a lousy rock band?

    Comment by Ann O'Maly — September 4, 2007 @ 3:17 pm | Reply

  3. President Brownback, the instrument of Jesus,

    What kind of instrument is he? A skinflute, a tuba? What?

    Comment by Jack — September 4, 2007 @ 9:38 pm | Reply

  4. “The Huns weren’t Buddhists nor were they even influenced by Buddhism. The Huns actually followed Tengriism –which was, in fact, a monotheistic religion which centers around a sky deity named Tengri. The area where the Huns came from was a hodgepodge of different religions including Zoroastrians, Hindus, Nestorian Christians, Jews, Manichaeans, and followers of shamanism, to name only a few.”

    Sinners all, and precisely the kind of beliefs you’d expect Buddhism to spawn.

    “Why would they name their heaven after a lousy rock band”

    Because deviant music has corrupted their souls.

    “What kind of instrument is he? A skinflute, a tuba? What?”

    A sword.

    Comment by Sisyphus — September 5, 2007 @ 9:12 am | Reply

  5. What’s up with the statue in that Buddhist temple? Don’t the Buddhists know The Bible prohibits graven images.

    Comment by BJ Tabor — September 5, 2007 @ 9:21 am | Reply

  6. What’s up with the statue in that Buddhist temple? Don’t the Buddhists know The Bible prohibits graven images.”

    They’re too evil to care. Satan is their master.

    Comment by Sisyphus — September 5, 2007 @ 9:29 am | Reply

  7. “The Buddha taught that we should not speculate about what we cannot know, and that speculation about God is pointless.”

    Ah, the whole point of creating an image of God entails the idea that you cannot even come close to knowing God.

    “It might seem hard to believe that anyone would look forward to a gift of nothing”.
    Ah, in the past the ancient Arabians, Hebrews, among others have all saw death final –not to mention present day Jehovah Witnesses. So it’s nothing new or strange in as far as being alien.

    “Deuteronomy 10:19 God instructed the Jews”
    Ah, get your facts straight or learn history, Jews are a relatively modern day invention. There were no Jews in the “Old Testament”, just Hebrews.

    “Most importantly, love them.”
    Ah, how is this any different from what the article previously shoots down,
    “Christian leaders, instead of boldly proclaiming the gospel of Christ, have joined the ranks of the “enlightened”, and are teaching their congregations that there should be harmony and cooperation between Buddhist doctrine and the Christian faith. If you study what Buddhism teaches, however, you must conclude that there can be no harmony between the two.”

    I personally find these sorts of articles highly offencive. I don’t know how these are allowed. They are so patronizing and yet full of ignorances. It’s the sort of antagonism that this article and mindset raises that encouraged me to go to university, to learn.

    I agree, crack a book and don’t be so discriminatory, for lack of a better word. I’d use the term “racist” if the term race wasn’t so narrow.

    Comment by Mauro Andres — September 5, 2007 @ 9:35 am | Reply

  8. By the way, haven’t you people sinned by putting an __image__ of the Buddha up above at the start of this article?

    Something to think about.

    Comment by Mauro Andres — September 5, 2007 @ 9:38 am | Reply

  9. I agree, crack a book and don’t be so discriminatory, for lack of a better word. I’d use the term “racist” if the term race wasn’t so narrow.”

    The only race at issue here is the Christian race, the race of the God-fearing. Buddhists are just one of many heathen cults. They’re the real racists here, for oppressing Christians.

    “By the way, haven’t you people sinned by putting an __image__ of the Buddha up above at the start of this article?”

    No, we intend to destroy your idols publicly. As such, we must first display them publicly prior to their destruction.

    Comment by Sisyphus — September 5, 2007 @ 9:45 am | Reply

  10. Mauro: Let me clarify,
    “The Buddha taught that we should not speculate about what we cannot know, and that speculation about God is pointless.”

    Mauro: Ah, the whole point of NOT creating an image of God entails the idea that you cannot even come close to knowing God. Biblically, it’s a sin to think you can know God.

    Mauro: I agree, crack a book and don’t be so discriminatory, for lack of a better word. I’d use the term “racist” if the term race wasn’t so narrow.”

    Sisyphus: The only race at issue here is the Christian race, the race of the God-fearing. Buddhists are just one of many heathen cults. They’re the real racists here, for oppressing Christians.

    Mauro: So you admit that you are bigot? Good, admitting you have a problem is the first step to improving. This sounds like a good topic for a masters or PhD thesis, proving that your discrimination such as yours is really nothing more than racism.

    Comment by Mauro Andres — September 5, 2007 @ 8:57 pm | Reply

  11. “The Huns weren’t Buddhists nor were they even influenced by Buddhism. The Huns actually followed Tengriism –which was, in fact, a monotheistic religion which centers around a sky deity named Tengri. The area where the Huns came from was a hodgepodge of different religions including Zoroastrians, Hindus, Nestorian Christians, Jews, Manichaeans, and followers of shamanism, to name only a few.”

    Sinners all, and precisely the kind of beliefs you’d expect Buddhism to spawn.

    So now Jews are sinners as well? And the Jewish religion was spawned by Buddhism?

    Comment by D.W. — September 6, 2007 @ 4:48 am | Reply

  12. buddhism has done more for me and provided me with more real happiness that my “faith in jesus” ever did.
    buddhism provides me with understanding of the suffering that is reality, and a rational way to escape that suffering through compassion and understanding.
    the dharma says that you are not separate from reality and thus there really is no need for “god”. by needed god, you’re saying reality is not perfect how it is, and that is where your dissatisfaction comes from
    christianity provides understanding though “faith in jesus”
    the guy on the pulpet says “trust in jesus” and everthing will be ok, I’ll go to heaven when i do.
    by having faith in dogma and superstision, you’re doomed to have a santa clause moment when you die.
    only though observation and understanding of the reality around you can you escape the endless cycle of reincarnation.
    for holding false views you will no doubt just be reborn till you figure shit out for yourself.
    by claiming that you’ll get a resolution to your dissatisfaction by faith in dogma and “going to heaven” negates your actions in this life.
    you just live a hollow life, saying “i belive in something i cannot see or prove” and refusing to question those beliefs for fear of what you might find.
    You’ll die a thousand deaths, just as you have before.
    good day to you, sir, and keep praying, waiting to die and go to heaven, it’s all it seems you can do.

    Comment by PFC — September 6, 2007 @ 10:16 am | Reply

  13. Burn in Hell, PFC. It’s the Nirvana you’ve always been waiting for. You might even find Kurt Cobain there. Buddha, too.

    Comment by Sisyphus — September 6, 2007 @ 11:47 am | Reply

  14. “Burn in Hell, PFC.” Ah, the gentle tinkle of Christian compassion.

    Comment by Adam Nelson — September 7, 2007 @ 6:23 am | Reply

  15. “Burn in Hell, PFC.” Ah, the gentle tinkle of Christian compassion.”

    It’s what he wants, anyway. God will be happy to oblige him.

    Comment by Sisyphus — September 7, 2007 @ 8:58 am | Reply

  16. I don’t think you’re qualified to say what God will and will not do.

    Comment by Adam Nelson — September 7, 2007 @ 11:57 am | Reply

  17. Sisyphus–you never answered my question. Do you honestly belive that Zoroastrians, Hindus, Nestorian Christians, Jews, and Manichaeans are all sinners and were spawned by Buddhism?

    Comment by D.W. — September 8, 2007 @ 11:46 pm | Reply

  18. Ah, get your facts straight or learn history, Jews are a relatively modern day invention. There were no Jews in the “Old Testament”, just Hebrews.

    That would be inaccurate.

    Comment by Ozymandias — September 9, 2007 @ 9:07 pm | Reply

  19. I want to ask some questions.

    Why are you so eager to prove you are correct.
    Why are you hate so much on other religion.
    Why are you thing human being only have gods.
    Why you thing earth is the only place where life is exist.

    Please give me an answer?

    Comment by Madhu — September 14, 2007 @ 2:50 am | Reply

  20. “Why are you so eager to prove you are correct.”

    I don’t have to- the Bible proves me correct.

    “Why are you hate so much on other religion.”

    The Bible shows that they are idolatrous lies.

    “Why are you thing human being only have gods.”

    There is only one God, heathen.

    “Why you thing earth is the only place where life is exist.”

    It exists forever in Heaven.

    Comment by Sisyphus — September 14, 2007 @ 10:59 am | Reply

  21. […] That’s because most Asians do not believe in G-d, but rather in primitive religions such as Buddhism or Shintoism […]

    Pingback by Anime Encourages Murder « Blogs 4 Brownback — September 28, 2007 @ 7:16 pm | Reply

  22. Oh man…. the sheer ignorance here, prejudice and discrimination leave me beyond words. Good going on showing what Christians really seem to think about everything else.

    Comment by Schiljo — September 30, 2007 @ 1:42 pm | Reply

  23. Jesus wasn’t white.

    Comment by Ignorance — September 30, 2007 @ 1:56 pm | Reply

  24. That’s odd, I thought that the Bible taught compassion and respect and tolerance for others, even of different religions. How nice to see that there will always be ignorant bigots who will refuse to follow the teachings of Jesus – that is, love and respect – in favour of supporting their own biased agenda.

    Comment by Rena — September 30, 2007 @ 3:40 pm | Reply


    I thought I’d get that out of the way, seeing to as you folks don’t even have the balls to fully type out the actual name of your diety.
    You are American, correct? Well, is the mantra of America not to be the “land of the free”? “Free” as in freedom of religion? In condemning Buddhism, you are committing an act that is inherently un-American.
    There are many inconsistencies and inaccuracies in your post about Buddhism, but I will only focus on one: this nonsense of Buddhists oppressing Christians.
    If I’m not mistaken, during the Vietnam conflict, when Vietnam was taken over by the puppet government installed by the US, the leader of said government was a man named Ngo Dinh Diem, a Christian. However, he refused to hold free elections, elections that were mandated by the UN, and forced the primarily Buddhist population to convert to Christianity, driving many Buddhist monks to self-immolation to protest the oppression being inflicted upon them by the CHRISTIANS. Not the other way around.
    Christianity is a beautiful religion way of life. At least it is when its followers aren’t brainwashed conservatives who were intolerant of anything that’s not white, male, or American.

    Comment by gheysekz4christ — September 30, 2007 @ 3:54 pm | Reply

  26. For the Lord’s sake accept the authority of every human institution – (1 Peter 2:11-17)

    Comment by Weero — September 30, 2007 @ 4:05 pm | Reply

  27. I am disgusted that someone could be so blatantly ignorant, self-absorbed and deluded. This has got to be the most arrogant, misunderstood, tragically skewed synopsis of any religion I have ever seen my entire life. I am in school majoring in Theology and religious studies, and I consider them all beautiful. No less, I understand that there can often be some squabbling between religions, which are 99% poorly expressed. But this has got to take the cake as the most feeble-minded attempt at making any sort of relevant and objective insight into the teachings of the Dharma its sad, I actually feel bad for you to be so completely self-deceived and ignorant. And I feel even worse that someone may read this and think that your self-absorbed rants bear any weight in any realm of reality. I hope you wake up from your deep and hateful slumber soon, for your sake and others. I could point out at least 30 things that are blatantly flawed in your pathetic arguments just in the first few paragraphs. But, what good will it do? Your ears are closed and you live in the land of self-centered delusions. In order for you to hear me you have to tear down those walls of fabricated perceptions of self-righteousness, but I’ll leave that to your Karma. The Karma that Buddha and Jesus both taught us about, the same way.

    A rose by any other name smells just as sweet, right? Why dont you step back form your self centered delusions for just a minute and open your bible up to Luke Chapter 6, verses 37 through 41.

    Comment by Charlie H — September 30, 2007 @ 11:08 pm | Reply

  28. Come on, guys. A good Buddhist should have a sense of humor.


    Comment by Shii — September 30, 2007 @ 11:51 pm | Reply

  29. “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule”- The Buddha

    Comment by engelfluglen — October 1, 2007 @ 10:37 am | Reply

  30. “Come on, guys. A good Buddhist should have a sense of humor.”

    This has nothing to do with a sense of humor. Yes, I did laugh at the article as I read it, but once the humor ran out, I realized that a person actually wrote this, and they actually believe it, and may influence other idiots into buying this crap. Its sad, this article is pathetic.

    Comment by Charlie H — October 1, 2007 @ 2:21 pm | Reply

  31. “This has nothing to do with a sense of humor. Yes, I did laugh at the article as I read it, but once the humor ran out, I realized that a person actually wrote this, and they actually believe it, and may influence other idiots into buying this crap. Its sad, this article is pathetic.”

    It’s the Truth. If you read the Bible, and believe it, it will make you free.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 2, 2007 @ 5:06 am | Reply

  32. I’ve read the bible thoroughly, and I would likely bet that I am more familiar with it than either YOU or the writer of this article is. The key difference is, I’m not an egomaniac and I dont project my ego into the things I read like you guys apparently do. Moreover – if the bible even DID say such things, then thats fine, then the Bible is full of pickles. Fortunately for the Christian people, its not the Bible thats full of hamburgers, but idiots like you. When a pickpocket sees a saint all he can see are the saints pockets. When an egomaniac reads the bible all he can see is his ego.

    [Ed Note: Please watch your language. The Buddhists are reading!]

    Comment by Charlie H — October 2, 2007 @ 1:18 pm | Reply

  33. Oh, you are the writer of this. Well, I hope for your sake and others this is a hoax site. You know, one of those thats just so extremely dim-witted and ignorant that it has to be fake. Maybe you get some laughs out of impersonating Christian Fundamentalist idiots. Who knows.

    One thing is certain though, Sisyphus, either YOU are a complete and total bonehead, or you do a fantastic job impersonating a complete and total bonehead.

    Comment by Charlie H — October 2, 2007 @ 1:27 pm | Reply

  34. […] That’s because most Asians do not believe in G-d, but rather in primitive religions such as Buddhism or Shintoism […]

    [Ed Note: Thanks for stealing our ENTIRE post without permission or attribution. And thanks for hotlinking to our images. Jerk.]

    Pingback by It’s Over Nine Thousand » Anime Encourages Murder — October 2, 2007 @ 10:51 pm | Reply

  35. Yes, pernicious Buddhist believing one has to live a life of right action and right intention, while you Christians can sin to your hearts’ content so long as sometime before you die you say, “Ooop, i accept jesus Christ, now I’m saved and magically delicious.” I suppose you’re fortunate, though, for somewhere out there is abodhisattva who will, in one of your future incarnation, open your eyes to the True Light.

    And I do hope the Senator realizes that the only religion that is American is Native Shamanism; I think the political unit he may want to be running for leadership of is Christendom… though, i doubt the orthodox religious leadership would take too kindly to his protestant heresies, though fortunately, I’m willing to gamble they would introduce him to the proper form of Christ’s love, courtesy of the rack.

    Judge not, lest ye be judged. Aum shanti shanti

    Comment by Phooey — October 3, 2007 @ 3:02 pm | Reply

  36. “One hopes that President Brownback will use the spiritual and moral mandate the American people provide him with when they sweep him into office alongside a new Republican Congressional majority in 2008 to pass legislation hindering the spread of this heinous, devious, sickening cult.”

    So the Senator is a traitor to traditional American Enlightenment ideology set down by our Deist Founding Fathers?

    Comment by Phooey — October 3, 2007 @ 3:08 pm | Reply

  37. Oh, Zoroastrianism, yeah Christianity lifted devils, angels, and its whole messianic eschatology directly from Zoroastrian sources…. so, by the logic of whoever was positing that crazy line of thought, I guess Buddhism spawned Christianity too…. oh, and Buddha was the product of a virgin birth to a lady named Maya in a garden a handful of centuries before old J.C. was popped out in a barn to virgin named Mary.

    Comment by Phooey — October 3, 2007 @ 3:21 pm | Reply

  38. “Ah, get your facts straight or learn history, Jews are a relatively modern day invention. There were no Jews in the “Old Testament”, just Hebrews.”

    Comment by Ozymandias: That would be inaccurate.

    True, the Jews –as told by biblical tradition– did not come about till after the Babylonian captivity.

    I still stand by my original stance, Jews are a relative modern invention. Do the first five books of __your__ bible refer to Jews? Did the Jews leave Egypt or where these Hebrews? Latter on, is there a people called Israelites? The final of which are Jews, which haggiographical –remember this is not history as we understand the word– supposedly come back from Babylonian captivity. If so, I’d like to know what version it is.

    I’ll tell you about something my religion prof taught (a Jew himself), that at about the time of Roman Empire people around the Eastern Mediterranean “started” to identify themselves as Jews, probably after lots of prosetylization (yes, this was practised at one point contrary to common belief). That’s not to say that there wasn’t people allocated as Jews earlier on, just that this is primarily a modern day convention. Of course, this depends on what you mean by modern. And I’m not talking about haggiographical narratives (such as bible stories) that your Rabbi has taught you, I’m talking about verifiable public history.

    As for my comment, it was in response to someone’s posting,
    “In Deuteronomy 10:19 God instructed the Jews saying, “And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt.” We should also love those who are different from us while not being afraid or ashamed to share the hope that is within us.”

    I’m sure God did not speak to Jews, but to the Hebrews or the people of Israel because Jews refers to the people of Judah. So unless, Gd was speaking directly to that clan, the above is absolutely wrong.

    But this sort of thing is expected by Jews because they put themselves in central seat of this narrative. It was the Jews that Gd took out of Egypt, wandered through the desert for 40 years, etc, rather than the Hebrews. That is to say they integrate themselves into the plot as demonstrated in passover and the eating of the bitter herbs where one participates in the time spent in Egypt by –for all intents and purposes– “another” people, if that did happen in the first place. Not to say that Christians don’t do this either in their own way called replacement theology.

    Heck, to Jews even the patriarchs were Jews and they were monotheist at that, something that modern scholarship has put to rest.

    Comment by Mauro Andres — October 4, 2007 @ 5:26 pm | Reply

  39. I’m beginning to think this whole site is just some big giant hoax, I dont think anybody could be this unintentionally stupid – it has to be intentional.

    Comment by Charlie H — October 11, 2007 @ 2:48 pm | Reply

  40. Ummm… where to begin?

    The “weakness of Indians’ souls”? That’s just a little racist… frankly, this post has no warrants for why your claim is true whatsoever. I think this just betrays your total lack of knowledge regarding buddhism… I guarantee, christianity has killed more people than buddhism.

    Comment by bannedinDC — October 12, 2007 @ 7:34 am | Reply

  41. “The “weakness of Indians’ souls”? That’s just a little racist…”

    Buddhism is a sin developed in India. There’s nothing racist about pointing that out. Plenty of good Indians are Christian. Plenty of evil Americans are Buddhist.

    “frankly, this post has no warrants for why your claim is true whatsoever. I think this just betrays your total lack of knowledge regarding buddhism… I guarantee, christianity has killed more people than buddhism.”

    Rubbish. Buddhism kills more people in a month than Christianity has killed in 2,000 years. Don’t believe me? Study population information on China.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 12, 2007 @ 7:41 am | Reply

  42. China is the most secular country in the world, genuis, the governmental motto is there is no religion higher than the state. The Buddhists are the most persecuted people in China, read up on the Tibetan Chinese conflict and who exactly does the persecuting. Secondly, Christianity has the most shameful history of any religion as far as violence and murder goes, in 100 years of the period of the Crusades they have successfully killed more people then any other religion on the planet has in its lifetime.

    Is this a problem with Christian doctrine? No, its a problem when primitive idiots get a hold of a book and claim dominion over it, and lord it over everybody else as if they, by extension, then continue to hold that dominion over others. Much in the same sense you, Sisyphus the idiot, are doing right now. Your ideas are so tragically flawed that there is no way to begin or in any way summarize the depths of your fabrications and ignorance, my only reasonable conclusion to draw is that you are an ignorant American that hates Sam Brownback so much that you would slander his name by associating it with this vile nonsense. Get a life you pathetic little worm, or just go kill your self…. Do the world a favor and get out of it.

    Buddhism kills more in a month? You got your facts entirely skewed, where you attained such rubbish statistics is a great question indeed. You really are pathetic. Oh yeah, and curl up and die like the scared little child you are, drown in your feces, literally, just as you are doing right now, figuratively.

    Comment by Charlie H — October 14, 2007 @ 1:49 am | Reply

  43. errr . . . I don’t think Sisyphus will listen to any of you, from my experience, if he is indeed a total boonhead, then he must hv been brainwashed totally, and now a complete fanatic to his religion. To begin with . . . he begins the article by calling all religion except christian comes from satan, and most importantly, he tries to debate ONLY from his point of view (the bible)
    And if we call u (Sisyphus) rascist, it is only because u think ur religion as the highest and looking down at other religion, what’s the difference in that with white think themselves the highest (no offence here to those white who do not think so) and look down at other race?

    To Ann —> Nirvana in Buddhism come first before the rock band group with the same name, and for your info, nirvana doesn’t mean emptiness only. Kinda hard to explain, why don’t u google it urself?

    Comment by JustPassing — October 15, 2007 @ 5:47 pm | Reply

  44. The Buddhist religion is SOOOO Non-violent that, in the monastaries, the monks practice watching out for stepping on insects. In Christianity, they send their kids off to summer camp in Iraq to go kill the evil bad guys.

    Sisyphus you are a fools fool.

    [Ed Note: What a bunch of loons. What’s wrong with killing bugs? Primitive, indeed. God gave us dominion over the earth. Therefore my shoe on a cockroach is my right as well as my duty.]

    Comment by Charlie — October 21, 2007 @ 3:57 pm | Reply

  45. its called cultivating compassion, you know, something Jesus did as well. You may want to try it some time sisyphus – for practical purposes, I will help you gain familiarity with the word “compassion”, since its apparently a very foreign concept to you.

    Compassion – “Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.”

    I still think that you are just a joke site, but, in case anybody is stupid enough to take your mindless dribble seriously, I’ll play along as if it were real.

    Comment by Charlie H — October 26, 2007 @ 3:47 pm | Reply

  46. I will pray for your sinful Buddhist-Satanist soul, Charlie.

    Comment by Sisyphus — October 26, 2007 @ 4:02 pm | Reply

  47. I don’t believe that my own followers could stoop to such idiocy

    I am truly ashamed…

    Comment by Godhimself — October 26, 2007 @ 5:11 pm | Reply

  48. Now I’m going to the Anime causes murders blog so I can shed enlightenment amoungst the masses

    Cue hymns

    Comment by Godhimself — October 26, 2007 @ 5:14 pm | Reply

  49. Come Juses,

    Comment by Godhimself — October 26, 2007 @ 5:15 pm | Reply

  50. [Ed Note: What a bunch of loons. What’s wrong with killing bugs? Primitive, indeed. God gave us dominion over the earth. Therefore my shoe on a cockroach is my right as well as my duty.]

    bah, you barely seem to have dominion over yourself, when you post rants like this, let alone over the earth. And yet you seem a decent guy when I read you post about some neutral issue, gives the impression you’re faking this whole christian-against-anything-that-moves attitude. Anyway, I hope you live in a dense urban area, because in the event you encounter, say, a cougar(that is if you still have cougars down there), he’d show you a couple of things about dominion. Bah.

    Comment by Kyle Rayner — October 26, 2007 @ 5:18 pm | Reply

  51. As a Christian, I hate Christian extremists.

    I’m in the Army and you morons are the freaking same as Islamic extremists.

    Comment by Chris — October 29, 2007 @ 5:59 pm | Reply

  52. I agree, organized religeon sucks

    the other day I saw a billboard outside a church that said:
    “Our Pastor Is The Best”

    Comment by Alpha — November 1, 2007 @ 8:22 pm | Reply

  53. “Judge not lest ye be judged” – Christ

    I might also add that Buddhism one of the few religions today not condoning war. Go figure.

    Comment by WTF — November 7, 2007 @ 4:00 am | Reply

  54. There is just so much hatred in your Christian love you would have to be blind not to see it. Therefore you are surely blind. Buddhists don’t preach at you or send you to hell. What is it about that that provokes you so much? You’re mainly a danger to yourself. Having said that, I’m going away from your ugly hell of a blogsite and never coming back.

    Comment by Dava — December 10, 2007 @ 1:24 pm | Reply

  55. I am utterly and totally amazed at the outright lies and deceitful garbage you have posted on this pathetic site. I WAS a Christian against both my will and better judgement..using people such as the author as this piece of garbage as the measure I would use to determine it’s value…This type of person was the sneak and snake I found hidden in the bosom of Christianity, and is the living example why I would GLADLY endure any hell that may or may not exist to avoid contact with the spiritual slime and disease of hypocracy that covers liars such as this. I am both a buddhist and a buddhologist with 35 years of practice and study…and barely could contain my laughter as i read through your adolescent fecal outpourings. Your kind poisons life…..

    Comment by P.D.Poole — January 20, 2008 @ 2:12 pm | Reply

  56. I hope you enjoy the fires of Hell, Poole.

    Comment by Psycheout — January 20, 2008 @ 10:58 pm | Reply

  57. Psycheout, I am getting the impression that P.D. Poole is a parody of himself. No one smart enough to breathe can be that stupid.

    Comment by Bob_Corker — January 20, 2008 @ 11:43 pm | Reply

  58. Well Bob…you are probably one of those undereducated redneck child molestors who screw your little boys behind the doors of your pastoral office…..Apparently your christardation has completely burned out any semblance of intellectual ability and this allows YOU to make judgements based on a paragraph.I needed only a single line to identify your illness….welcome yourself to firwes of hell for being a religious bigot…i pity your parents and the shame they must endure for having the misfortune to birth such a laughable vapid moron as yourself. You must be on the same intellectual level as the moron who writes this fecal nonsense….and that idiot Psycheout……I’m sure satan will be getting plenty of oral action from the 3 of you assclowns…..

    Comment by P.D.Poole — January 23, 2008 @ 5:46 am | Reply

  59. And Christians want to whine they are persecuted…Christians are single handedly responsible for the deaths of MILLIONS throughout it’s vile and bloody history……If anyone give christianity a [cruddy] name…it would be the idiots who spew this vomit and call it free speech. The next time you hear of christians being killed…say a prayer of thanks and be glad you aren’t them…

    Comment by P.D.Poole — January 23, 2008 @ 5:53 am | Reply

  60. [Ed Note: What a bunch of loons. What’s wrong with killing bugs? Primitive, indeed. God gave us dominion over the earth. Therefore my shoe on a cockroach is my right as well as my duty.]
    Kings have dominion over their kingdoms. Does that mean it is their right and duty to crush their subjects? Insects are just as much a creation of God as humans. And while I’m at it, Indians are also as much a creation of God as, say, white US of Americans. Unless you believe that God discriminated in his distribution of soul quality, Indian souls must be just as good as American.
    On Nirvana: I got the impression that it wasn’t so much obliteration as absorption into greater god-being-substance-thing (though I may be getting mixed up with Hinduism… but then, the former came from the latter and has many of the same ideas, anyway).
    I’m curious… How do your reconcile your own hate-filled misinformation with God’s own command to “Judge not lest ye be judged”?

    Comment by Serpentine — March 31, 2008 @ 7:39 am | Reply

  61. Are you serious? Firstly, should I point out the hatred in this? What did Jesus say about hating people? Go out and do it? Tell me, how is this different then a Muslim saying the same stuff about your religion? People like you do more to kill/enslave people then you do to help but you don’t see that, you simply don’t see that.

    You have 0 understanding what Jesus even taught – you look, nay, focus solely on going to hell and how anything that isn’t Christian makes people worse then Hitler, automatically, yet, not once have you ever focused and felt the teaching of Jesus. I actually pity people like you – you have my utmost pity.

    I can see the karma from such an (terribly piss poor) article being written by someone with a closed mind (I’m sure you think it’s disgustingly open but really, your mind is closed tighter then someone squeezing their ass preventing the crap from coming out)

    Comment by Noel — April 7, 2008 @ 9:19 pm | Reply

  62. Sisyphus: “I don’t have to- the Bible proves me correct.”

    Then who proves the Bible correct? The same could be said about all the religious scripts, they’re all equally true/false because there are not solid evidence to prove them correct. Instead of absolute truths, one should consider religions as ways to understand the world and everyone ought to have the right to believe in his or her own truth. Not accepting what others believe is narrow-minded and pointless since you can’t prove yourself right or prove them wrong.

    Comment by Kunimura — April 30, 2008 @ 8:12 am | Reply

  63. This article makes me want to cry. One of my friends is a Buddhist, and so dar, I have seen no Satanic worshipping, nor sacrifices to these “primitive” gods, and she is the sweetest kid I will ever see. And as for a Christian kid I met…she was the reincarnation of Hitler…and she sounds a LOT like you. As a Catholic, I have been insulted by the way you say that everything in this post is justifiable by the Bible. I believe Our Savior Jesus Christ taught us to love our neighbors, and I believe He was talking about EVERONE in this world, wether they be Christian or Buddhist. I think that if He was to read this blog, he would shake his head in shame because of it’s blatant rascism against another religion and for it’s simple minded “facts” that may or may not be correct. So please, as a fellow Christian, I think it wise to make sure you do not break any of Jesus’ teachings.Judge not, lest thee be judged!

    Comment by Ms.Itzy Derat — June 4, 2008 @ 9:47 pm | Reply

  64. I really hate the way so many rascist scum can write such radical trash and still call themselves Christian… it makes me angry! Your anime reviews already got me mad, but this! You make the KKK seem like the world’s most liberal multi-racial group in the world! Just for this, I’m voting for Obama!!! Oh, and by the way, when you die, and you happen to meet a Buddhist in heaven, the rest of us we’ll be laughing our butts off at the small irony!!! Have a wonderful Shinigami blessed day!!!

    Comment by Riya Bliss — June 4, 2008 @ 9:51 pm | Reply

  65. My first reaction to this article spawned hatred for the person who wrote it for spreading the disease of ignorance. But once I read the comments from everyone, those who are reasonable and are truly compassionate would attack it with logic and facts not with hate remarks proving that the same people who feel strongly against injustice becomes corrupt with their own ego [ahem poole] “I am both a buddhist and a buddhologist with 35 years of practice and study…and barely could contain my laughter as i read through your adolescent fecal outpourings… I’m sure satan will be getting plenty of oral action from the 3 of you assclowns…..”

    Look, Sisyphus wrote this article with his best intentions with pride of what he believes in. Once you surrender yourself to emotions of self-righteousness and dominion over other’s beliefs, then you yourself are giving up your faith in love [which is what all major religion teaches].

    I really enjoyed reading this article and the comments against it because its a merely a discussion to seek truth in our opinions. Because this is what religion is; proving something exists out of something we do not know. This was a great experience and should not be taken down for the sake of learning about any person with extreme beliefs can be corrupt regardless of their religion. You missed the whole point of what religion teaches which is compassion and love, the main difference is where we end up when we die. Until I meet my maker [or cease to exist], I can only spread the cure through truth in the art of human nature and praise science for making my life easier through technology.

    Comment by dom — June 20, 2008 @ 12:39 pm | Reply

  66. Religions are an institution of society and naturaly seeks to “institutionalize” society in its own image.

    Religions with God at their center tend to be the most agressive but all religions seek to remake society in the image. So to hate this person, Christianity is to like wise hate Islam, Hinduism, and so forth.

    Did the Buddha teach people to be Buddhist? “No” of course not he just taught “principles.” Buddhism is an evolution of humanities traditions, cutural identifications, power structures and such.

    Buddhist principles lead the mind to feed itself via the qualuities of the heart instead of the un-certanties of the world. For the mind to turn inward upon its own power instead of selling that power for “impermanent candies” that advertisments promise will lead to greater full fillment.

    “Buddhism” as with Islam, Christianity and any institution is just another agent try to get you to sell your personal power away happinesses only they can give.

    Honering the Buddha is to honer your own heart and mind. To honor the Buddha is to honor your own personal power, and ability to find true happiness.

    Comment by Justin — July 8, 2008 @ 2:41 am | Reply

  67. The writer of citation was sympathetic. He/she is a very polite, civilized and intelligent parson, who want to do good with the non-christians. Why don’t you want to be like him? You are full with hostility. Please, promiss me that, you won’t annoy Buddists. Please…

    Comment by StrayGhost — August 16, 2008 @ 5:42 pm | Reply

  68. Eh, You really funny, I only teach people to kill and i never teach people to have love, peace and kindness. Yet those people who have those attribute, you said they are worshipping me.

    But i glad there is a such a person like you exist in the world, Thanks for believing on my teaching 🙂

    Comment by IamSatan — September 8, 2008 @ 10:50 am | Reply

  69. As a former christian and now buddhist. I just wanted to remind you that to judge is a sin. It is not your place to point a finger. Buddhism has done more for me than words can express. Please get your facts straight before you post on this philosophy again.

    Comment by Jodi — January 21, 2009 @ 1:51 pm | Reply

  70. hehhehe, being a lapsed devil worshipping roman catholic…who converted to buddhism…
    let me just say two things:

    God requires you to love your enemy as your friend.
    buddha requires you to love everyone as your family.

    may you find happiness, and enlightenment..

    – yours truly brainwashed…

    Comment by Velvet — February 25, 2009 @ 5:27 am | Reply

  71. There’s a theory that jesus went to India and studied with Buddhist masters. Because of his jewish background, he interpreted it as God.

    Maybe Jesus was really Buddhist.


    Comment by Paul — March 6, 2009 @ 9:02 am | Reply

  72. ahhh christianity. its a hatemonger religion. love god – hate everything besides. Buddhism is a peaceful religion. No one has ever started a war in the name of Buddha, only in the name of God.

    Then there are christians who do the right thing – they are great people.

    but alas its pointless to try and convince hard right wing christians that there is more in life and death than God and Satan

    Comment by Ben — April 14, 2009 @ 7:54 am | Reply

  73. Der Buddhismus wie wir ihn gehört haben existiert nicht, denn Gewalt in Geistiger Hinsicht ist die größte Menschenrechtsverletzung,die es jemals in Europa gegeben hat. Die Öffentlichkeit wird mit romantischen Gedanken über Buddhitische Mönche und Nonnen verbreitet, aber dahinter stecken ganz andere Ideale.Du darfst kein Wesen quällen,kontrollieren,du musst den anderen Glauben respektieren,aber dass genau tun diese Asiatischen Mönche und Nonnen.
    Ihre sogenannte Lebenshilfe beruht keineswegs auf gegenseitigkeit sondern dahinter steckt ein ausgeklügeltes System. Denn Menschen die einsam sind fallen diesem System schnell ins Netz. Krankenbegleitung nennen diese Buddhisten diese Überfälle auf ahnungslose Pasanten.Sie werden zuerst in einen Zustand von völliger Zufriedenheit gebracht und bemerken garnicht die Umwandlung von einen selbstständig Denkenden zu einen Abzulut Abhängigen, der solche schweren Hirnschädigungen hinnehmen muss,erst dann wann zeremonielle beendet scheinen stellt sich herraus, das man von diesen angeblich so arglosen Mitmenschen aus Asien in eine Art, wie es die Insekten tun, sie legen Wirte für ihre Fehlenden Eindrücke, die ihnen schon im Kindesalter genommen wurden, aber bei uns im Westen niemanden interessieren, weil man einen völlig falschen Eidruck von Mönchen und Nonnen aus Asien hat.
    Tantra ist eindeutig ein sexueller Hintergrund, nur wir wollen ihn nicht sehen. Seit 1970 sind diese falschen Eindrücke von Buddhisten im Umlauf und mit erfolg, denn der Schirmherr dieser Religions Fernatiker kommt ganz ungeniert in unser Land und verbreitet ganz andere Dinge wie still und heimlich seine Anhänger in den Klöstern, denn da wird nicht über Mitgefühl gesprochen, sondern über Krieg gegen China und dort bereitet man Menschen, die nicht den Ideal des Buddhismus entsprechen gegen den Willen des Entsprechenden auf dem Tot vor. Keiner in unsere Gesllschaft glaubt an tetphatie, dass machen sich diese Rassisten zu Eigen.Wer nicht für uns ist, ist gegen uns. Das hört sich ganicht arglos an oder. Der Dalai Lama sagte zu mir, wir brauchen dich nicht, aber du brauchst uns. Ein ganz Symphatischer Mönch nicht war.

    Comment by Ehrlichkeit Betrofenheit — August 3, 2009 @ 2:40 am | Reply

  74. Perhaps if Christians didn’t run around asking for war they would get none in return. Everywhere Christians go, chaos ensues. Then again, they are following Jesus’ words to the letter: “If anyone does not wish to have me reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence.” Luke, Chapter 19 Note that this is from the Parable of the Ten Pounds, and some people may take it differently from the norm. It is about a king who distributes money among a few slaves and tells them to make investments. Most of the slaves manage to make great returns, that is, save one. This one decided to hide his money someplace for safe keeping. The king decides to jail this particular slave and take everything from him and then says “To those who have more, more will be given, and those who have little will have it taken away from them.” He then orders followers to go out and slay dissenters, hence the quote in the beginning. Some may take this as taking a risk and finding themselves with a huge pay off. Others see it as no more than a war between the haves and the have-nots, and there’s still others who see it as nothing more than a subliminal message commanding followers to kill dissenters. The truth is, all of the above are correct. It confuses many, no doubt. But what makes it worse, is that it is MEANT TO confuse the masses. That is why the entire Bible is so vague. You can tell me I am taking this out of context if you wish, but there is no way for you or anyone else to know that. Good day.

    Comment by Mike — September 14, 2009 @ 8:41 pm | Reply

  75. Well this Brownback thing, certainly lets the world know his level of ignorance. Buddhists call people with ideas like this…”the dust of the world.”

    Such a sad spectacle. He is probably armed and can’t wait to start killing something.

    Comment by Telebob — December 9, 2009 @ 6:40 pm | Reply

  76. this comment is in regards to the first paragraph because thats as far as i could read of this crap.

    to the author of this – FUCK YOU.

    Comment by Chase Hammond — December 11, 2009 @ 11:35 am | Reply

  77. Hey America. your country SUCKS

    Comment by Ben — March 24, 2010 @ 6:06 pm | Reply

  78. Wow this is.. Very hateful.

    Buddhism is about peace, and letting go. Not about.. Whatever hateful thing you’ve managed to conjure up.

    Try some religious tolerance once in a while.

    Comment by Ali — May 14, 2010 @ 3:45 pm | Reply

  79. it’s funny how you are so ignorant. also you seem to ignore the comments/questions that have a valid point, you sir fail in life. you should go get a life before trying to hump your god or something.

    Comment by i loled — July 25, 2010 @ 10:39 pm | Reply

  80. I would like to take some time to explain some things about Buddhism to you. I write this for people who want to know about Buddhism from a Buddhists view. I have only just begun my quest for truth and wisdom so if anyone disagrees with me in their studies of the Dharma please give me your thoughts. Also, my knowledge stems from Mahayana, but my views are not that of Pure Land Buddhism. My knowledge of the many other paths are very limited, and I apologise if I don’t bring forth the views of all paths.


    “Buddhist scriptures acknowledge that gods exist, but does not consider that knowledge crucial to an individual’s practice of Buddhist teachings.”

    Buddhism does not acknowledge an all powerful God. We believe that we all have the Buddha Nature within us, we can cultivate that and become enlightened. There is no all powerful creator and we all have the compassion and wisdom within us to relieve suffering. Nothing is external from “yourself”. In fact, there is no independent self, everything stands together like a symphony to create beautiful music. Therefore, harming other sentient beings is like harming yourself. Bodhisattvas have chosen not to become fully enlightened in order to help relieve the suffering of samsara. They cannot make miracles happen and they don’t “do things for us” but the guide and teach us through the Dharma. It is everyone’s personal responsibility to become wise and compassionate in order to relieve suffering of ourselves and suffering of others. There are no free gifts, only the gift of compassion and love.

    We are not compelled to meditate by some outside agent, by other people, or by God.
    Rather, just as we are responsible for our own suffering, so are we solely responsible for our own cure.
    We have created the situation in which we find ourselves, and it is up to us to create the circumstances for our release. – Lama Yeshe

    “Buddhists do not believe in heaven or in an eternity anywhere for that matter. They believe that by following the teaching of Buddhism strictly and leading a perfect life they will escape a cycle of rebirths and cease to exist.”

    Buddhism do not believe in heaven – as in a place beyond ourselves that offers peace. We believe that “heaven” is within us, it is not a place you go to, but a place you find within yourself. Furthermore, it is not only about “living strictly” or “leading a perfect life” it is about realizing the truth of all things. Also when you reach enlightenment is not that you cease to exist, but that you move beyond existence into a place that is beyond good or evil, beyond existence and non-existence, beyond suffering and samsara, beyond the black and the white. Non-existence can still be observed and perceived, we can comprehend non-existence and this is definitely not the state of Nirvana. However, understanding this state is exactly what we try to achieve. To understand the truth of all things.

    Let your love flow outward through the universe,
    To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
    A limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
    Then as you stand or walk,
    Sit or lie down,
    As long as you are awake,
    Strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
    Your life will bring heaven to earth.
    Sutta Nipata

    “Buddhists participate in idol worship”

    Buddhists do not worship anything, we respect. Just as you wouldn’t burn a photo of your mother or children, we respect images of Buddha and Bodhisattvas. And just as a photo of your mother would remind you of her kindness, we reflect on the images of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to remind us of the Dharma and Compassion. Also know that prostrations (“bowing”) is not worshipping but a sign of respect and modesty. Interestingly enough, in Zen Buddhism there is a saying that if you are cold and you need warmth and the Buddha statue is made out of wood, use it to make a fire. I treat images of my Teachers with great respect, but attachment to these images goes against the principle teachings in Buddhism. Attachment to anything, even the teachings, enlightenment, the Sangha and the Buddha goes against one of the most important teachings.

    A brahmin once asked The Blessed One:
    “Are you a God?”
    “No, brahmin” said The Blessed One.
    “Are you a saint?”
    “No, brahmin” said The Blessed One.
    “Are you a magician?”
    “No, brahmin” said The Blessed One.
    “What are you then?”
    “I am awake.”

    “The veneration of the spirits of deceased ancestors”

    You might be confusing Buddhism with a different religion here. There are no “spirits” or any eternal part of a human being, everything is impermanent. Instead of thinking of re-birth like a string of pearls. Think of it more as a stack of blocks. The one cannot be where it is without the previous one, they are interdependent of one another, not connected by a string or a spirit.

    “And ceremonial rituals for the purpose of appeasing evil spirits.”

    I have never come across anything like this on my Buddhist path. There is no evil, only different levels of suffering, and by no means do we appease great suffering. Suffering is everywhere (birth, sickness, old age and death), we cannot avoid it, and we shouldn’t fear it, but we should find a way of relieving the suffering of this world. All sentient beings want happiness, nobody wants to suffer and no Buddhist would “appease” suffering.

    “Most importantly, love them.” Then later… “spread of this heinous, devious, sickening cult.”

    When it is impossible for anger to arise within you, you find no outside enemies anywhere.
    An outside enemy exists only if there is anger inside. – Lama Zopa Rinpoche

    I understand why you are attacking Buddhism and Buddhist practice in the bid to defend your beliefs and the beliefs that Christianity is a means to happiness for all humans who believe in Christ. However, please understand that Buddhist do not wish any harm unto Christianity or Christians, and we do not wish to “convert” Christians to Buddhists.

    I know that it is difficult to understand what the Buddhist path truly means and encompasses seeing as though the Teachings are so different to western concepts, but Buddhism has changed my life. I find myself being mindful of all things. My mind, my speech, my body and my heart. I wish to purify the way I live not only for myself but for all sentient beings. I understand that Christianity and Buddhism are very different, but we share one important thing. The fact that pure love can heal sorrow.

    I wish you all the best.

    Remember always that you are just a visitor here, a traveler passing through. your stay is but short and the moment of your departure unknown.
    None can live without toil and a craft that provides your needs is a blessing indeed. But if you toil without rest, fatigue and wearness will overtake you, and you will denied the joy that comes from labour’s end.
    Speak quietly and kindly and be not forward with either opinions or advice. If you talk much, this will make you deaf to what others say, and you should know that there are few so wise that they cannot learn from others.
    Be near when help is needed, but far when praise and thanks are being offered.
    Take small account of might, wealth and fame, for they soon pass and are forgotten. Instead, nurture love within you and strive to be a friend to all. Truly, compassion is a balm for many wounds.
    Treasure silence when you find it, and while being mindful of your duties, set time aside, to be alone with yourself.
    Cast off pretense and self-deception and see yourself as you really are.
    Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation.
    You, no less than all beings have Buddha Nature within. Your essential Mind is pure. Therefore, when defilements cause you to stumble and fall, let not remose nor dark foreboding cast you down. Be of good cheer and with this understanding, summon strength and walk on.
    Faith is like a lamp and wisdom makes the flame burn bright. Carry this lamp always and in good time the darkness will yield and you will abide in the Light. – Dhammavadaka

    Comment by Malaise — August 27, 2010 @ 7:55 am | Reply

  81. Lots of people don’t realize that Buddhism is spritually more destructive than Islam does. Most people see the evil of Islam but they don’t see the evils of Buddhism. Because Buddhism appears as a “friendly”, “inclusive” and “peaceful” religion. The tool Buddhism uses is temptation, such as kung fu, meditation, tantra (which is besically witchcraft spells), etc. People are lust after those things. And Christians must realize the methods that the devil uses to corrupt people.

    Comment by Pierre — January 30, 2011 @ 12:51 am | Reply

  82. To whom it may concern,

    I’m a Christian (Apostle’s Creed and all) and I’m thinking of all the people killed in the name of Christ (as well as those killed in the name of Allah) and then I try to think of all those killed in the name of the Buddha and guess which one is the short list? I believe the only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ but that doesn’t inspire me to tell hateful, deceitful and convoluted web of lies about other faiths in order to bolster my own. I also find it hilarious that one of the first things you can learn from other Christians is just who really is or isn’t a Christian. My criteria is simple. Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? If the answer is yes then you’re in so I can’t question your claim of being Christian but I can tell you that you’re an an ignorant, hateful SOB with shit for brains. I don’t expect to change your mind or that of your readers but it sure felt good to call you like I see you and it sure isn’t a very pretty sight. Now grow up, stop injuring other’s sensibilities and start setting a truly Christian example. “Anti-American religions”? Oh sir, you’re a paranoid nationalist ideolog too! I have no doubt you are a Christian. Just not one I’d care to associate with.

    Yours in Christ, D. Badgley

    Comment by D. Badgley — March 8, 2011 @ 11:12 am | Reply

  83. retarded

    Comment by Plain Joe — September 19, 2011 @ 2:11 pm | Reply

  84. oh. Wow. I never know that christianity is a teaching of hatred. I never hate christians though. All of u sounded “jealous” because buddhism give more freedom of faith. Well, if this is your respond i think it is too offensive. Because i personally never say bad words to other religions. U should be ashame of yourselves as u show to the whole world the approch of christianity towards other religions. I have many christian friends. And we are close. Now i am so shock to see this. Never know that christian people can be rude lik this. Hope u can behave urself. I believe that good people is still good and bad people will remain bad according to their actions not according to the religion they practice. Peace!

    Comment by Chal — July 24, 2012 @ 12:31 pm | Reply

  85. Shall you be remembered by none and shall none ever know of your legacy for it, more than anything, is a shame. And you shall be forgiven, for in the depth of your soul, you’re still a human who’s loved and cherished by the unknown creator. I forgive you and your one-way idiocy and idiotic “conservativeness”. May those who you believe in remember you and forgive you before the so-called “judgement day” come.

    Enough of forgiveness, now I get to the point. Whoever starts this article is a complete idiot who knows nothing – COMPLETELY NOTHING – let me put it another way — is a complete idiot who don’t know shit about Buddhism and just goes ahead crying all day about how Satan creates this and that to charm human. One word, and may the most merciful deity forgive me, FUCK YOU, period. I forgive you. And even God doesn’t force those who don’t believe to believe in him. Base on what ground you sir think that you have the right to use your idiocy and mediocrity on other religions? You’re God? sorry again, fuck you.

    Comment by John Nguyen — September 24, 2012 @ 8:10 pm | Reply

  86. Any Christian who belittles any other belief system as of pagan origin, has absolutely no knowledge of their own religion. Laughable ignorance.

    Comment by Barry — February 6, 2013 @ 8:02 am | Reply

  87. The authour is an angry person! ” the meek will inherit the earth” You are not meek.

    Comment by Kelly — March 16, 2013 @ 8:37 am | Reply

  88. “The tool Buddhism uses is temptation, such as kung fu, meditation, tantra (which is besically witchcraft spells), etc.”

    Is your religion christanity or television now, Pierre? I know, let’s make a blockbuster movie showing Buddha kicking ass! I LOVE KUNG FUUUUUUUU!

    Embarrassing. Really, just stop. Either you, or your friends, or even that Sissyphus guy, who took this name from a “pagan” myth.

    Comment by Ai-yo-yo — March 18, 2013 @ 9:18 pm | Reply

  89. Man was created in God’s image. God is perfect and therefore cannot make mistakes. Something or someone that is perfect is complete in each and every way, hence has no more need for anything nor to create anything. If it created man than God wasn’t complete and cannot be perfect. If God created man, and man is imperfect, then a perfect being created an imperfect creation. This means that God, again, cannot be perfect.

    This concludes that the bible is wrong. Not surprising considering that it was written by 40 or so humans and humans are flawed. No man should interpret the bible nor follow it. Everyone should listen to that voice in their heart where God is truly speaking.

    Comment by Ray — May 26, 2014 @ 8:19 am | Reply

  90. People that believe that Satan created Buddhism should die, because that is the most absurd thing I’ve heard. You’re just a sad piece of white trash that needed to vent because of how stupid you are, so you went out and took bullshit information and made a retarded blog, almost like your retarded ass face. Learn to get a life. You need to learn the flaws of Catholicism and Christianity you fuckhead. Get a life.

    Comment by Anonymous — June 24, 2015 @ 1:20 pm | Reply

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